Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 1, 1963, p. 4

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ritkii lip iflfctjnrm tfwmv agyim l4 of m wnv wm a wl ww tk wur ktlh packs un and lakaa aff on hi annual vacalhtav a toavbir ut weekend he am h and chod of chit w hewing oil a eaiwplng trip in the vrtw l wuully hw eounirv seelruj he won jw eeadln the pmwr fur l least nnwhwrwx vw ean t81i the iruih ul hestorv mondav he itimeel un at cralalellh tin gennjibii rav ami from art report h imemu to tv thwv i meanwhile we will attempt i dishmil a llnu- coiilco siiiw for him ihls wvli am veep ihe divssuvii rich as pusslhle wiihau trwkllnii tut iiw mam too i ms cmtbturv ihis lime ul year w diiq out i he nvsia hall in ontor pew wvlhe lulurv ami pivslli r ihe riiinllsis in ihe iwvthall leam atier ihe hae cleaivd ihe perennial hamilton tliiers wcivoll tin m lup of ihe lulrm pule lcln for a chance in meet the westerner tw l n annual niyilkltun ami mav he refuted when thy regular acrlhe mwiu anvhuw nine jim tilmhlc loll ihe tift cau eatn for ihe rinth wakln tliv down east ralph sasin mr puuthall in hamlhun the ruiku- hoail coach has hail a manuiml thw in dr wave tsllruj uvvr ihf oh five tlcnlshiue retired since 10 ami the htg liih wa to till the naps hemic laliv vt the old tvcat rww is had in harness nuain an i i lecciilnii wr ounce ol vunmrt rwn a solid ilehjnslw and lust nmnlnu ul lg l w ii a talwah-wm-kftomrrt- writtlhplckrm accept three late entries 15 clubs join hornby tourney hamuli i a wlnuli m iii iii lielh 7 p in cwtrovwrsuu- wtvhodfh jim flrmsmx ui iuihi m ihf km 4v4 angok lam saiurtlav oiul hrlmv lh ink un llic iii l n lr he in a rhubarb wlih umoliv will klmunmn jv fntwax pail he hl k he ivtvulnetl h hi teammate a he mtel hi vhiv the ump he vahieovhmtni ihe name aiul 1 kirxtn hi vvvkiml iliei hinn upemleil 1 11 imii lav anl lei toil a m fine ack on the tocal stfnk the all mar iltrmll team i having a tuufh nine pet linn 111 pratkv ion cmivliolini i ini 3v alleil a ciin lt fnjui amt onl three nciiulir uinul tint hanlu onhtth to male thr mlpht dutle pel exclletl the taxes limw leatftie 1 atlraetini u leu sjniiuiurs each manla eveninn at the pari ilal an uppoi tunilv to uuuh a lew innlnir ihi mrek anil aitmintl ihe pluck il ihe managers and ihe ilolernlnatiin of ihe kililie it the uftholl kainie is to llnanec floudllpht for next venr ml ol almissinns to the pnmes were afrattl the catulle poxwr i yoihb in he low the trnmrs are exeitlnp and inleresl i kein hard li iimlerstanl why larper errnvil dont ml the heat is on the jockev onh a hnrvmrn are enlllnp for an increase it the pursi nionev in the hume racinu at green- woml rueewltv according to report tlu- horsemen have threatened inhoycoll the tonmto track for the rentainini live wivks of the summer meet if their take i not increased if the battle between the jockey club and the ontario harness horsemens association is not settled it is possible llic new mohawk racewav ma be allectel for their fall meel null il tlcvctl roablo winmmi proudlv rlitplav ibnii ulver dnluri 50 ennt anil 35 chiii piwnt they won in lha paik plavaround prooiam lail weuk lili to rioht ar miks coopr winnnr of lhi tanlor clat maiio barlow winnnr ol tlm iiiniiu i rill lanrubornuoli iiiiriiimliiti champion paul coopar aacnnd 111 hie tmimi hill friki nintifi up 111 ilin unior hoh an ctrhwt tecond in thi intrmmliatn nril aiuipimhi llnil in ihe niliinrlirtlrt lolin masin tliitf n tha iwnior anrl jwfl coopm tlirl jnjhuiuini ijisiivijiliri a k rv bffttmg averages h softball loop i wiih ihe first phase ol the suit hall leitiue luksl tiwav ntli iils i hale tallied balling lieiayes up tu and hi itidint jhe uiie plael iliilv listed are the top 211 batters in the leapiie name ol team ivii imtl aicrai and tiiries at hat name team its a ii b richmond llpwa mw 18 it archibald vs vtl 14 f tluinipun iejrtin 4is t t phillips upwa 1 casbinn lfia h townslcv v v r bruce ipwa f archibald ivii f dalev ff p maviva lcpion ii lawsniit llpwa w arbie legion t watei house i cpini a williams tda w spielvupel ii mallhv hi a j iner oh k shannon lfia ii leader i i 1 bullouith llpwa merchants crab came lead in best of seven playdown ul ul lao 41 n4 1 1 ni t so 40 ash 140 4 m 41 to ut ul n 41 il ii mr 104 114 21 the camphallvllle merchants cslrmled llirlr wlnnlnt wuvsi into pluyuffs last nluht rtveif nesttayl us lefthaniler iurv llclil shut hit the cirurlnwn glanli 30 on iwo hits the win gave the villagers u otic- game lead in ihe haalntsrven series the nest game is alutcil tor camphellvltlc on sunday wllh game time set for 2 to pm field aee of the merchant stuff was locked in a llulit pitchers duel with glanl rl haniler rerhle oore tmtlt the fifth inning when camplhll villa seored two runs idmer dredge slniileil was saertftced to second al wlngrove tlpw u iloivdstttvked t ihe k oain and ii ill ill milseun tier thi weekend the k psil is a popular tiiwini beat bits fitulie phillips ace noundsman for upwa tanners has been holier than u firecracker the last ivvc games and tuesday eveninti held flreflbhwrnrio four offerings fltvhnller frank dalev seemed l hove lost his touch for the flrvflghlers when llpwa nicked him for 21 safeties next week the final chapter in the soltball league gels underway before the playoffs beiiln softball standing the loliouinti is thr mirmtiiil nt i hi liini snlitiil in 1 lu- acts m siftbll limtiut in rlv to w i t howwww vttjwa rvlczukvyruttxixbtv cu rrrjam league leaders upwa trounce firefighters 164 upwa firiliihiirs iga ll dominion miitl siiitiun hotel t i 1 r o 4 tl i i 4 a l r stv 7h0 vss jlhl v- hi 0 1hm liuiitic leiullntr upwa tlmvn- cil firvflahtcn tuesday even inn 1m in a mcrryatmund which flrerighjemhmibletlwhrtll coniinumixlv thrtniljhiui the nine innlnus ftnhller eddie phillips jkcl ihe rmce tor the winners us he onlv uuve up tour hits dil walleis led nis teiini males in the hilling department when he mekeic up a homer and loin hinyles for five irips to- the plate j oil the offering tr opposing hurl- er frank di i second sacker ren bavliss ktartetl ihe titfht fliekerinn in the run department tot ipw a in the seeond inning whn he cross ed home plale on paul lawstms single after hiitine a iwosacker fire i iytitcrs- t in th thtn when datv wttoelteivfnr six hits and allowed sewn runs io inws home plate firvnphiers rallied in the third with thrrt runs with the help of thrih walks and two errors but their comeback was short lived t we heltl rrrrsimril the eighth inning when their list notch was marked on he score board ipwa scored one in lit lilth and sivlh three in the seenlh and three in the ninth be ton- their hats ctiuld be silencetl gary masales top hitter legion whomp iga 42 the vuiintt legion teum wound- up their firm phatc ul the tchet- jjjfcjfc m m ule with u 42 win uvcj the iga jwyt oflfvw rlftf team tuemdav evening as thev m a am played heudvup ball behind ihe ffwiclf whs m ww steadv pitching ol john salmon the imh unnual homh gar- who struck out nine hatters and den- pariv tuuk place at the corn- gave up onlv four hit giirv morales clicketi at bai with two for three trips to thi plale tor the winners while jim casburn maintained his batting awruye tor the josers as he rack ei up a dimihu and single the legion team led oil- with two rum in ihe tirm and tallied again in the seventh and eighth while the food liner hos scored their runs in the ihirtl and sex enth pkyh aeaaa tad uutoa lams wth daak fhla saltantay in the nrat of two out of thrac playoff aartaa tka flrat gnaw tul ba puv- i la mtltoa 8anamay-ltar- ana t s pjk aad nhm aem m ajtasav twsalur- tmm la munitv park on suturdas julv 27 about t000 people attended this iltuir spotisoreil hi the hornbv ball clubs opening at 7 pm with a soft ball game with homhv playing llillsburgh the hornbv girls nun with a score ul 12 immediately following the gallic jtm hamilton chairman welcomed the crowd and spoke briells on the activities ol the kornhv bull clubs vincr mount uinl was cincev tor the evening and had a new supptv ut iukes to entertain the visitors the vari ous artists delighted evervope with their music singing and dancing during intermission refresh ments werv served at the booth hv the ladies and all kinds ot homemade pies donated b the vioiikii in thi communitv wrtv enioveyl ptvfiv adricnne nunc ol ash who was chosen as hal a la dairv princess the pre vious wcl was present run- nersup were jeanetie finnic ol hornby and marion hunter of burlington dr carl martin pin ned the ribbon on adricnne and miss donna black peels dairv princess for lj presented her with llight bag perfect hand again for mrs h lambert when the wii ni sum met mim begins to shine most workers look forward lo then icilion i dne tanner worker flectot lain- ben a- wwlknown mitl plavcr laiihi his wife to pki crihhage i last war during the first phase tit the lessons she turned up i perfect hand me was disgusted i ist ek dining hi- xkatiou he got mil the viih bn aiid cards uul sat down with hi wife to plav r rricndk game i tub bage lu and behold she came up wuth anoihei pertec hand he iiui heer take atiothei summer acation al least n in doubtful il he will challenge ins wife to cribbage puhh und bolh ninitrrh nd viinetil a bane on u grouiitl mil wllh two mil and runner mr- mcond and ihlrd ih-tiuftfwor- ed oh a ulhl plleh umt win grove ailianced lo ihlrd uml own niole home in ihe uvenlh inning the merehiinu imued the gunt up reorlug three utieaiiieil rum on mlnglet hv king and win grove a flilderh choice and iwo error the dtiuih never threatened to ueure and tiuiiagtd to d- viinee onlv iwo men tin fur third ilrld allowed the dan in two hlu walked fuuit- and ittniek out hi iiu rival doer went ill i he way allowing five nini three iineurtuul eight hll five uidks uml hlruck mil ttu stan mriislerson hftd iwo hll for the winnei t while larl ctilrnh with ti double illll ii llol terry letter al wlngrove slu king and l liner dredge eolleeled the nlhrr milton iiafe- llen the limit pitcher hurled a hlrnng game for ihe loser und wu vsprelallv effective in i lie fourth inning after ullowlng three consecutive single dure ttt ruck out the ule utlhtuit let ling a single run cross the plale thivo lult vtinlih have heeilluiimd h al lliename lit tvtrivcd md admllletl and of 1 ufuiuin ol ihe i 4 i tn liciau o the hivomii tmmial horn will plav on ilininnil ii bv sollball louniaiueni auniiotu ami flu- uimini of i in ed i hit with thai s tlulu will i gtiiiiei will pliv on mamn hike pin i in the augoht 10 nun al iln oainr lime ticv i ihe winnei jif i lu i ihelali nil i lei hi the lotiina feis vv 1 1 1 plas al 7 pin uuuil muuhcin luliik of hiondh i hi final u111 hrautpfon ibc oikville lets and inujiiiis and will iim il h poll iiilil foln i in ii k imioi tornhv at ton milton ih n williams paliimo pullnt h olitihh nilmmill kil pal klnid paingot him llugton inli i tiaiion al lliiuilii ot hiullnifli ahum it the iitelph alt ouiii in iai hi ipaliug fm tin vimnif pne iimhmv all gamett ri epl ihe 1inil will i j be mvat inningh long it a leant j i losing u yuine bv uven tn i moie iiiiih al lit end of iln 1 htlh ilililiilf hey will lie toned i lu loillt ihe iiilllem t lucuti vlcc o jim will h tian been thai fed will ln- iilniiiliitj vuin lh fob amy- n tht i field al ioin- lim leini- moil soltinil a ila i v ii- i h ha if llllll i ii tillh- mill iii v w ill ii b iimvi f lt a n on die lc allii lliil lltlit- 1 he hosli lot lb- imiiuiallii nl fir lloiiibv med still 11 t nw1 h hi hi in i miit pmi i in vill a i- i ir on ihniiiiikl a al t i a in mil iii at mill pltv iihill ilhh i it al 4 is at liuiwtll lli nlji tlict n i hi on ihan d a al 2 ami tliii williams will f n mill it u flihiiiaid it at ill- i am llltlf lilt wlllll- ol i in- ivo i il jam oll pla at ihaliloinl h i 4 is hi- twit wmm i ol iii luo 1 i- iin will lav in ihi- miiii linal on diaiiloiul a ul 7 ik p in- in iii ifil hall ol hi- v ik ihll- pal lino will la- iuvliii h i ih1111 4s il oiuatdi i v sewmarkl- on da ikoihi h lie same iimm- iviiklalid io in t- mtls aotot oi 1 on i il mm 1 int i i tin nil llm si i li- tin iitpli lao jiivnv l ne uailieh at 1v 1 pin ml ii 0 kill on dia lie nine ul jllh n lh jain mh f fm jmlflwf hr skti lmm allhuiigh lotmalltmi ut u skat- ig iltili wemwl u lempilnglv null ihnitglil iitilv llllee llllniesl- ed puiriilviiinlutlcd ivcivallun iii si n jim cashiiin in express approval ol the idea he uondci- el ii piiiiils lioiiglti jliev might lie himiitid liniu aiieshtitlie ii iliei alld mid atwhurtitolhiis an i mill s this isni n i simply i ml tn imiiu ii ihiie rimmiih liiliiem in i imi the i luh aiiinuiii and mii i imiii ikhliiif iisss an i lijiiiiu 1 is al should lie unlel the l lln l a iiili lu aiiiiii ul enough nine n it in the i l mhi t iim i li mi m wiulil hhi om houan0 lti vii l lajlilt in i ft i iii 7 il mlll lt t milil mr v- nl nli- ln iff limuyt ml v oil ii ii i ii hlii jimji nnl la- i- v i i oi r ainlnln li fjifnflij il car wi u a- summer school liisui i i hi i iai il wlk ii v iv ll illll i iii iii kl ii s s in f a s- lii i m hool win h hii hit- k ihie ii i in wk in- in iniixi vpiiiiiine potlm mil 1 1 1 1 1 yf ltl mia iiii i llilil i i in i iiillil lesion- ml ilk i i 11 piinltii mivi iliili i at- pi ii in i il ll l i mi il miltil caroline nurseries canen centre and flower shop wil aito h 7 fo11 ui ffuftfv of i i wipr rpvirr ta y cengratuutian lo asprss ympslhy la say wall flowars ity h u baaufifullyl llvf il lt lli v i- r tfjr 1- telephone 8532980 anytime i open evening til derlt 7 deyt web fill deuvfly quoits winner heather ann dnmarsh proudlv hold- hr pnf iohoy dricf a tf nf qucnts huor shr clonerf ip n the sliointit playqroukf m- que at be part tht youc winner raet alt conipftitrs with confidonre anl c showed thr bo hrvs qflm should be piiyed a big differencesin printing th precision of fun prnttnrj sarly mf m i-h- f -iv- t oh l no mncuci ir our j jg4 t iff ne i vv t1n kv1 j v phi imples gtt our fit- sv n lls acton free press 59 willovilsi n s3j01f classy roberts pesky dredge lead villagers to 183 win jack rohcrts classv sin hit allison pitching and the hitting ol peski t1 elmer dixilge ed the cnplxll n l villi- meivhams to an id ilev- mrv n sum over the miigeliin liimt sniuln itteinsin ihe un- i plavel in liinpmkillcuj the l tinal contest ol the eenlo sea ni lor ihe mtchnils wh hltlg them li three home nin- hv llrl i livl i lev ml mi 111 11- ii ulillc imshel lnsl iitti inuk ot is wins lo iii 1 ilihitline id sinehi hl need a carpenter new floors new ceilings new kitchen cupboards or any other alterations tor free estimate heasc cau tenpr0 distributors ltd 53omo es pan craftsmanship all work guaraaitoml notice the office of the acton hydro electric commission will be closed from 1 pamato 2 pm daily until further notice we trust this arrangement wilt not incon venience any or our customibsi if abgj and one tn the eiern letthandei kuheit- mum tame i exeellent mnttol fanuhaii nat mtiil r s rti thninghinit striking out to aiu tton time is him minut ti i issuing nil walks the cianl- h txjinv f i isiis u 1 managed si hi is iik liuhm a md rnnx ththikti to iiui i tionie urn h opposing htn ler moiuta spi harvey laverty heating huattano ano lavtsttouohino repairs to all makes of furnaces custom heet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners saies and service main street n rockwood mmastlarvlm mom m mn oacwooo weekend specials round steak smcial ot round steak roast 89 make ieat sjb avc smoked c0hage rolls lb 59c variety of fresh fish w deliver daily ption u 8531 34q bradley s meat market selling out sale childrens shorts 14 p t cro 50c childrens thongs ladies thonos 37c 47c childrens swim suits 91 ladies swim suits 2 j 17 rr soes 50c 99c crg n st 9 chudrens coats 2 fall wegm over so mens suits 15 u- to 149 95 mens dress rants f to j i j ij 8 to 4r 5 mens oress shoes 5 rg io ii mens mm work trousers 9 if i- 44 bfq t4 9s mens work jeans beg 3 98 299 4888 befl to s79 50 nam ewanda mens suns national cash register for sale chrome clothing racks for sale lightmans dept store a mm

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