wwir- judging comfjition 32z competitors to oac httrtf nurse georgetown re- cafcsid me highest core nl the 1 hilton lhnrttock judging compe tition held hi the ontario agri cultural college ouelph on wed- maday july 24 high novice in the competit ion w murray warrla who in warded the cnfc shield con- teatants judged 10 clauses or live- tdck and gave reasons lor their placing on flvetht compcllllon la held jointly with peel went- worth and welllnulun counties 337 competitors from the loui counties took pun in the compe- tltlon jeffrey hume was also the- high contestant in dairy cattle judging high contestant in twef cattle wa charles mittln mil ton the lection for swine iulg- ing wti won by erncsi alcxun- der of norval prise wlnmira halton prle winners were us follows novice murray harrl a74 c- rolswuclthumer aj7 bruce hurt 41 murray well ssi nell rob ertson mz john nurse 62 linda grimvold 2 ben vun hoekelen 12 ken peer 10 boh everett ms paul bennett 4 junior john mcot 707 ar thur lnwson ms muryuret klnu mi lorne elln 6v hon brand ef 45 jeanne sherwood ml don sherwood 6711 wayne ailken 67s alex pjrlnle 672 verjnu thomp son 670 murray putt m6 lurry gnrdhnuse 669 larrv bennett 661 doreen curnry 656 flrvnn marshall m joan ojiiiv vm maureen sweoiman m rill jack son 44 mrry campbell 642 f i uuhelh nnrrlntfloii ow llruee pickering 63s pole swcclman 612 brian phillips ml nellie trvssenunr 604 leslie peacock 604 seniors jeffrcv nurse 711 norm wells 710 john wilson 707 margaret hunter 754 murllyn sherwood 704 ernes alcuindcr 702 dennis sinclair rvw pd vun hoekelen 607 miirniv wallace and delinnr ford lied 691 pus- om htmen write thanks oenewmiity dear sir it it out pleasure to express the thanks and appreciation nf salvation army lenders for the excellent support which your newspaper gave to the red shield appeaj and should also like to have the opportunity through the courtesy or your columns to soy to all donors and helpers how grateful we are tor their generosity and for services rendered with every good wish yours sincerely 1 bur9ey lieutcol natianul campalun dir the salvation army njjp views on education dcur sir ii is indeed dlshoarlenlnu in these days ii segregation pro blems unil troubled confcdcra lion to see yet another issue arising in our own hack yard i refer in ihe issue omiic scpnralc v a system of equalised assess merit will be established through- out the province so ihuf there will be it unllirm basis ol com- purlson lor all school hoards 2 a liirmuln will be dctermln- eil ituxtuuh which ii will be pos sible to establish lor all school hoards ihe level r- expenditure necessary to provide adequate slundards of ediicnlion for the pupils under their jurisdiction 3 a basic mill rale will be ar- rivetl at which alt school boards will be expected lo levy since ibis mill rule will be based on euuulicd assessment il will re present eiliulilv ol liuaucial sacrilicc for all rulepavers 4 in ull cifas where the money raised by i iv less ibiui th basic liiitl rulels amount needed to piovide adequate standards as determined under the turunda nivulioucd in point 2 above ihe goveinnunl will make up llu- dil- lerence out ol provincial re venues as will be seen all school hoards will thereby be enabled sell murray 69 bill sinclair 640 harold thompson 62 hill alex ander 681 marlon hunter 6d0 bob merry 667 charles martin 699 don brander 694 don har ris 62 janet- ailken 62 mildred martin 612 mwuisvi tracking down mystery shots two wceks ago the lre press run an article about glass nega- tlves discovered ai the vincland theatre at prtidhommes garden centre a mysterious phone call lold someone to come and gel llicni someone did and we have them but didni know whai ihevwere of or where thev came week and on the weekend felled from jquilc u few children who were now a reader suggests likely i actually sick heron- the cooler they belonged lo ihe rev draper returned ii former mthndistministey here july is over already there is am everincreasing number of splendid pa locu tions right near home for picnics this is whats known as a mack week but a lot of people nrcsiill wearing shorts the wading pool was packed on hot ufternoons fxlru supervi sion was provided by purk play- ground leaders there was a largccrowd ul the ircsliin million sale thurs day evening ol last week the couple are returning lo lingland harry mainprie is qui ol retirement again this week till ing in lor barber sum holmes who is on hoiidav the heal wave ihe end ol lasi several group from acton encountered each other this week ut the craigleith camping area on georgian bay the recent rains were oppar- ently loo late for the raspberry crop some commercial growers un- not even picking ihe berries lor sale v th acton pre press thursday august 1 it 1 965 allow weekend moving of heavy farm equipment special permits ore nuw- being inlnlmlw ihe dangers occasioned issued tor ihe movement ol farm equipment in excess ol vlghi leet in width on public mads during satunlavs arid holidays olficiul id halton federation of agriaullureimnchinced permits for transporting wide farm equipment on alj publu- roads have invn requlivtl t ihe hv slow moving equipment on highways especially during heavy uvekend truffle sulely and ihe pi weill ion of accidents is still nl paramount imporluiuc ihetv- lore ihe lull ciniperutlon ol farmer in prevmillng accidents and pmhihhiug any abuse ul these uhow pmvileyesis earnesliv uepuriment ol trunspoii lor- lequesleil there wjs an unusual num- some lime bui these regular escort i arte one bei of shoppers and strollers on j permits exclude use ol public he srects- friday evening at k lor this pmrjose during sut- h imdcs patnu on im muwalk u uiilavs unci holiiluvs unuhlfd im mldwnv ai hv vx l hln ilmiphtrr gerinuli- is now mrs priiilluimmi onr picture which whs tahctkil chnrlrc ger trude ii rid provided ihe import aril clue tor mr drap had iwu cliildrvm with ihose names the drapers lived in the house next drtnr lo ihe lte where mr and m afiendancp hn been ivrri- holidnvcn rvnillnu the five rv nt ihoir coiiinies will be pleasrtl to ktiow liek was a ter rific heat wave here iinjlie week end which ended morulav in a downpour must bv transp4it led on pioviiulal pttiiiils will find hiuhwavs pvuvimial police atv ie il netessarv to snppjemeni tin ivnulai pet mils with special per- mils intnl uhliiify pnhlit roatls inn salurdavs and holidivs rically hictti at miltons new swim- 1 mu mint pool thev have no at t iractive park such as acton and cant swim inline mill pond the oldest and most laithtul ol the free press correspondents press plant i ttichard harris who writes irom charlie mas rmkwood is on vacation this action pequraled relaxation ol the leiilaiions last weeks financial post uoveminu or prohihhiiiio the carrieil a snvial lenytln teatuie movement ol luriir etuipment on on canadas north its present public muds comes as a direct and iwturr proxjvrcts for develop f mult ol n rrqurm made bv the ment 1 1 was written hv john ontario federal ion nl ayr uulimv black former frw press news i to llie onlatio oepatimtnt ol p rnit br ihe utur whus now assistant inin transport on the 24th ilav ol n einiipment dilor o the post ciuesieil to escort the equipment n ajl secotnlarv txiads the own ers must pit tvit ie a ptivale esunl m addition to obtaintnir the pvi- m il i plus a spei ial pel mil lor saiuittavs mod holuli s i ami up escort theowner must mm dis plt a ted 1 1 i inoimtetl oil a ten toot mast attached to ihe left ivar ctirnei olsiub etuiv mini on are now and one ot the pholopiaphs mav be ot hoiistt siiav h9ic old 111 ii week but atninyed lor a substi tute to sent ihe news trttni rock- witod lo the paper tiansporilnij ul ol mrr elpht luiu- tlie nnmrlo and malton width m am oueeits federaiinns ot ajrlcitliuiv com biphwav must be obtained mm mended the aclidn the ouiitii school svstcnv which was raiseil j o provtile adequate hy the omnirumeii wowcvei as i without standards j imposinp an uneual i the imuc has been raised i would smriice on theii ralepave v tnkc this opportunitv to publiclv v ah hottl boards will be state the phlllon of the new free hutr discretion hvv democratic partv in halton rid mill niles in excess n the basic j rule in order to provide laeilities the new democratic partv rullvi i tweets r the udeqtialv stand- rccounlzesthnt tin- h to xe- 1 ds puanmteed bv ihe province nnralc cioin at the elenicnlirv j this svstem will w the level and the pavment ol tirantsl auloimmv all local school for such have been chiablished j btfanls while at the same lime in this province sinw before con- assiirum them ol- ihe linaneia fetleratltin ntitl that under ihe means necessan to provide full law elenienlarv schools can in- ihl educational ppi- i elude urades 4 and 10 we iklieve nltv r then pupils it will be thai all policies should ik- based led ihnt it auo nuvps the pr nl this litem bl the iuequitahte distribu linn ol corporation ti levies as vim atv aware ihe technical pro- i blenis involved in a division ol on a full acceptance historic right we have set as one ot out malor policv objectives in om uriu ueachievcmeiuoletiuidin ctirporaiion tax levn ol educational opnortunilv lor all eordance with the rehnious pupils and equality ol tinuncial ttetificeftrall rulepavers as be jireut twee filiation a i slock htihlers are so lo be insurmountable fruit and vegetable growers visit oac a iwiliiihl meet inn l the ont ario auhcultuml colleye guelph provitled the i mil and vcyelablc jmiweis in halton counlv in iippftriunitv to set- th arch there in ihe horticulture depai tment ivpu tmeiil ol ltauspoit as- ih i m in ihe interests ol onlu io farnierx and also commend the i oniti in d p n intent ot liaiispoit i tor taking such mom it n lion i j the onlatio i edeialion ot ayriciilture emphasied the tti i with that the alhive iciioiris taken i tit faiililale csstntial tan atii tsin was made of fruit growers in ttnc uroup and veye- ahle growers in another the lrniip interested in i run jjrowinn loured plots at the college cam pus to see varietv trials ol small tniii chemical weed control plot and cultural expeiunenls wh ive iroiis the veeelable eitiup weni to ihe hespeter re search farm to se varieiv trials basic research plots and chemi cal wcetl ct n i ml measures lor cevutamvv tillowinythe field lours re freshments were served in the horticulture building disciss iniis ot the earliei observa lions plus tin tent arm problems wvic held at this time with the men hers ol the departments of hot in ol in and fittomoofv waller johnson president ot i ik- burlington and district flint and vegetable irttwetv assuci lion expressed the appreciation ot the urowers to dr r j hil ion head department ol horli culture for their work anannerhnts for the tonr were niutle bv the extension branch id i ice ontario depart men o agriculture milton lions and tin ileees ut wtihdimal ibii mlv ihe o th lal i or a npeii then loesnl pollock and campbell manufacturers of high gradf aaf moriais memorial engraving 62 walar st north oalt whytk swiit picklid cottage rolls make leaf by the piece bologna lb 59c 3 lb for 100 acton now has three restau rant u in a row the ruyal cafe the nvw rainbow room and the tlnnsmann with watsons res- lain imt im across llu- slreel and ihe lal stand lunch count er liisii uround ihe eonier its actons lood dlslhcll s ihe oimirlo department of trait sport such permits must to iibinlned bv willing to ihe ont ario ocparlmcni of transport olielns park toronto in the im til niovemenl iin niiuilclpal roads such as ounrv or township applications for per mits are lo iv maih- in ihe clerk ol the municipality- mmimimurwy f 22 v j good ftmml and th kids will leva ul the feed ii tuparb th urvlc prampt the almaiphara plait ant modest pricatl and ntowi diucious pitta italian aliaaaja bsksd fretk to yaor rcw in enly 4 mlnutm daily delivery lovell bros modern meat market 77 mill e acton phone s33340 raoulor pepparenl mushrooms combination take a pizza homii watsons restaurant is mill st tssojoo cm a iveen uemrpuhlictchklsnd h p with qifs and b public schools and as these echnjat pioblen bm e at tne 16th an mong rural suhurhahthul urban acliiiyng tin obtitit o rj d u h dl i se schools lequalitv by ihe assunmce hai we believe that such equality provincial giants will supplement j con he achieved through llu- local levies ihv- extent noes foumllltion pnigram tor udli n lor pmvidmg cnualltv ol cntlonul finance which oiutiii ediicaiiunal siunlotls i vlncial leader donald macdonald i usi tins will make the pohc has been advocating lor smite the new ivinociaii suhstanlial time and which wasiegards l ediicaluin clear i adopted as wn ol ihe nllicial neopl program of the new democrat atari itwtn halton county dairy princess for 1963 adrienne nurse d her dairy prinems nual hornby base ball clubs goiden parly in hornby park the parly had been postponed one week because of rain but was still a success donna black peel county dairy princess is shown present ing miss nurse with her gifts halton county warden dr c a martin looks on parts of ontario the basu ele menls ol this foundation im gram art- as billows pan in llu- it halloo and siiuvivb luih- il iihes with viiur approval sinceivlx voitrs win l cilhes candidate new ivmocralic lirt tcatcrsjkursvr j zjui3aska1 clock peals midnight when trippers return having a storage problem f s moving i storage 8774106 for free estimate dust free and pallettized storage in sprinklersystem warehouses packing shipping 1 crating fortythree women and ne child comprised a bus liud or bannockburn womens lnsiitutr ladles and their friends tin thcir annual trip on job i the di was hoi but enioyable ttu- first slop tas at llrani- loni where the parts loured the lianiiny carpets laviorv out siv the intricacies ol carpet makinv from there the bus called at the alexander graham hell hoiih- steatl there a bshimitul picnic lunch was enjovvd uiutei the trees in the picnic area jiul la ter the vssimcri enioyect lihikiug over the old home with its im i nishings all so beauiitulu piy scrvru a drive thrtxuh the uttmsco i area led to the town of sunvucl where visits were nude lo a greenhouse and also to a new cnurch buiklirig a croikscuunirs i drive later broughr the btis to j the town of slamtord vjherc ihe i ladies of the local womens in slliute were waiting to serve ihe hungry bus load with a delicious hot turkey dinner which every 1 uneenioyad i i an hour or two of shopping at j the plan there was enjoved hv i natny baforc going to see the il irtistillnb ol the falls iw bbity returntd home just tha titon clock pealed the im hoar altstr having a wry adoba trip many thanks to my many customers and friends for their valued patronage during the past 19 years in acton and to my staff sincere appreciation for their loyal and conscientious service i hv told my drug sror and rutin- in acton fo mr harold g morris and rtmpocrfully solicit th sam courtoout patranag for thorn mrs e s cooper acton ont summer sports blouse and short sets reg to i 9fl summer dresses rrq to s i 98 now only 666 cool summer cottons si7ls io name brands ren to j19v0 now only fvio 00 colorpul summer blouses reg io h now rpq to 1 now 198 298 rrj to it h now 398 oay summer skirts s9 vh now only 5 oo clearance summer hats au going for vi price chargo bttdgot lay away accounts ramambar 3 dividand coupons on all purchasos at your cameo shoppe ca t ljlj jt