Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 1, 1963, p. 8

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u s i fh aden ira ptm thuraday augua im 1w3 sonal notes ol aemnlww vwflria ouww perfnfi and o vkhora in acton noma peter mark in north mi bunting and fishing trip mr and mr bin ramiden lnd family have been visiting relatives in philadelphia after vlajtlna a few dav in acton mils elile stewart relurn- ad home in toronto tuesday friends are sorry to learn mr albert van gil is a patient in toronto ctmoral hospital priend will be sorry to hear mr tom pountaln is a patient in guelph general hospital mrbobundiiborouah north bay upon the weekend at hi home in acton mr and mr roan swack- hamvr and brenda were holiday- inn ul suiiblu beach last week friend or mr john l moore spcrdettcirrertrnirlttrtihn pllallied in a toronto hospital mr unci mri h kinread of al union visited with friends in ac inn lam week mr and mr prank toth jr an on n motor trip to the wet count mr und mr ivan harris and family are back after a holiday in boston and cape cod area mr harvey young who has been a patient in toronto gen cral hoapital returned home on tuesduy mi unci mr i lands horouuh alllslon ont attended the lundnhoroughslnclalr wed ding on saturday mr und mm charles m da vidson sandra and mr n bride lire on a holiday trip to new yoik city mt und mrs waller linham jnd family llh line have been mr donald mclean who has been living the pat few yearn in vanxouvei bc arrived here a week ago and visited witti friend here and in the oapringe district he intend to nettle in thu neigh borhood in town with relative irmrr ern brown ol toronto he re turn this afternoon doing by way of malton airport to pick up hi hitter mis bertha brown and ml zella mccartney who have been in england scotland and ireland for several week on their way home from al gonquln park mr and mrs mac bowrnarrand fsrnrryof niagara- pall called in to visit mr and mr g w mckenxie and kalhy he i a former y men dftlritt governor and canadian preii dent mr and mr melville mcgo- wan kenny and gary of st- potenburg pla and mr and mr l mccowan of coo its vl lie vliited with mr and mr mur ray scoyne and family on wed nesday on thurday mr ondvmn price henderson left malton air port for a flight to england where they ii visit her relative for three weeks mrs henderson has not seen these members of the family formany years corporal cecil gibbon of the lindsay o p p detachment his wile thclma son john and daughter susan arc visiting in acton this week their other daughter carol is working in the bank of nova scotia at exeter where carporal gibbons was pre viously located yesterday international presi dent elect g w mckcnzic and mrs mckenzic left for buflalo for lust minute preparations lor the international y s men s con vention which begins at the slatler hotel there this sund mr mckenzic is being pccialls sinclair- landsborough wedding at baptist church on saturday choir leader assistant church organist and sunday school teacher at acton baptist church helen joyce landsboraugh wa married there saturday after noon july 27 to stanley roy macniven mac sinclair the rev stanley gammon officiated at the doublcjing ceremony and the church was decorated with pink carnations and white mums for the occasion the bride who wus on the slatt oniir robertlittlepublie school i the daughter of mr and mrs charles w l lands borough of 97 lake ave acton the groom is the son of mr iiinmawuujij lived in acton ministers- daughter wed in knox church oakville tvnox frcshvteiun churih thf will ivsiik in toronto oakville wi the set tiny for the marriage of ma run ret jean and phato by khhr tyuw matlled satutoay n acton baptist church were helen land thorough daughter of mr and mri charles lflndsbor ough of acton and mac sinclair son of mr and mrs stanley sinclair r r 4 guelph married in guelph couple will make home in acton i i a 111 iwi ivhvitiii i ijctmu vaii enjoying a trip to the western on monday jj m province in pailc united chunti guelph on j ul v 20 a luil tl keruie day and about l pioud dinit was milmmiml whin llita mr und mi h tlurlci brook ol rncmbtih of hit home tlub and micausland uaujihlirot mi iml plttuhuruh pu have been gutitu tluir wivt will be there lor the mrs waller masscv j1 uok nt mri murifurrtle taylor and event ol the dav which ton wood was nurrntl to donald mm m hymon thk week elude with tht president s h til tomlinson ul rinauhki son ol mo former member ol th acton mr and mrs harr tomlinson mr and mr fred anderson tuh hii attained nuch a tiitfh ol gait pent a drliuhtlul holiday with pillion in the international club the unmimv was pcttuihud relalivri in north weitcrn michi gun kulkabka and kcwadin brian srcbuk nd diion bai wlsovbrfqa lev ot toronto are viftjling with j j their ooufcui roy rognvaldujn jtjl 4 ac ion i iitjid ol f ed mcdonald mow bit- n puux ac tun v ill be hutrv to iumd lu u a pattrnt n sunm brook hokpital toronto un tin it ueattun mr and mr h ni x im tniu spttit pail ul the uim nuiix tout nymidltd dn itit v lit mi hi- julit ltkfiurwici vil prt twti kulrart imti mr and ttn ub- tfl pltm cit tutuihu juj wltfl h utthmf audi llu k m wads 1i iii ml sauci 11 dc vtmi i i i i i i uiul uhll- itik rt c tt5ortsjit p k fr- m11l ut ufmktfad isjiu l ut m pm pirfii mt ml mi tia- taiwiioonjuri liw4 aw hvjua u lit mr im mj ln alm jlw3 fauiult hit ml sc mr b- l i jf w l su ui aitj um ben iu1 sutwmii 0 ku mr ivd mi joitrtnv v4jkk jitnnii ik1 ui iwlti six tpjjut m lhi svtx k i rv aayi b vi m rvj uiw sin l i tf hvib and manlvn wn rwtluijx itig ut wsik wilh mi jiwj mt ron iitpp and paul ut vault su matu fhiiknu his 4tatiimt tu hi v a h mskfui ts tmiilifirt a totlaax rith him ul in lunch htvci neai noels ilk u his wilt und vtuldrvn i hi moilu i i iih ooulu t tlljs ltsl with j sutwjjt ot in i os huds mih wijn i m hi i von s mii i lali i tin i drrs wttli sshttt- m hi si i vl ji ol 1 1 it j 1 11 w lilli i test huils ilu louoli k it ii ip lu pnnti i ilwsiiit ni 1 u i m lu mil it hit hi uli woii i llim pit l mill willi hhmh ot lilt jiul whlll iom s ull lit ll lllfc j i mji si i hi 1 town helen landsborough ap minister honored at showers i r i inducted today a xiul mis- in iii 1 pull mi in il l 11 ii i ii i ii mi ii 1 ul h in i 1 hi i u i i s f mug pair wed in new brunswick making home in georgetown a dotmct ouple returned to irorn banytir m one pusqulu ilic bfidc s home in ne tiiuns mjiik i ktluklxti p istt i it k wuk lor their inaniagi or iulv jnd moii town mil disimt 1 y tlie bride ajinabelu mai briv i amdmittink i let k jt caroryetown ard lillict mem sfuil hopitl slu i ilu dufit tr ul mi ikj mr mn k brigs u puut vim sm 1 h jfuom hi fhct jatmrs jail van i triti piosttj h ttw town ol tjjt t tvu r ij is ik vi ul mr and mr ln wilvn i kk i 4viyitijwn siic i e lix k pritiulisi hoplnl huich pu ul k k wrft iliiiljliil willi firfsktt- tf pink ifd mint jjiij lajktt um ulth palws lltjftv i miih liljt ilu vtu diiii pink rm ikmjs lot ilu ssttidint rl 1 i bulklllalltflll ollllisll d ail trw dixibu i in it lemons mtiij hv fcrfsoc hiitfs vail hin ihxnpsn ias ityanivl utnl ulwi v4ii lh loi tlu utile i jiul i li mi liuls wwu mmn hit h til yutll iii iimiiugi h h t ijiiw i ilu j whit lull unlti fowii with a singu sitsiiul il kailamuj uiateuiii callings a eiown ot perils lu id lu i sill ol 11 i and slu tuiiitel ie0 uud whiu loses mis mai i lu kilisieati ol i iee vlkiihl sb u to u lid ol the hilde was maid l hotuu wi at ng mausr nslun and euiimnu a bouciurt at white and mauve mijae k ketd luihtxix m uarnalkmis the brulemoids sscit likcavv puvnial thi hndi miss emma brtggs a sister ot with a tousiti on joiu j thr bride and miss catlmiurull h baptist ihuivh pnnud et fltvkltslem who wsire ssluw n iiu tf uith i mimi tattsta with bouquets ul whin v see table dish n huu and vrksv sainaliuns v uiumiisman was nmilliam viil 41k x tp j hruthu ot ihs groom and h id a jsaits juk kjunnn whwh mi and mrs wm kmyhl aiwl fu u sxre reuuild brings xtvl kl1u uvumai wi iimil hsc bssn heihelavin at ulu igwni bnggs cousin ol ilu vai u i ami bsml mi ainl mis c s bitde y j m v matthews and m- ad mis 3 kawkm ill scteol mius a id i a robtivsem visaed xsith tbxm thi uunm iwpton was shemsi al ihi last sumuia hu in pumlerruvk hlgtj school bs rnnds and mts t a ntorss rovkwoenl auditoruun alletufcu bv guests bauinajad sind mr melvm sismvn t ami- bvllxtlw itunwal rvwmt irofn a ihivs wvsk simt ui norlhcrn 1 1 viand also a shun tour ol scotland aisd lnglaivd mi and min russell pattemoii and carol and mtu beluaaw roaavl enjosvd a motor trtp to i arthur and fort wtlham i h ri she w in tin hi uli wis liem in mii 1 1 ii b in i i it lu i uul uiu 1 lllllw lllii wlllli iliktl milt with whit uusmhiis and i cot sayc ol loses ilu hi uli sinaul veis miss shu on stikkc it huinhei sum nut i iinimii ol the hiuli she pink t itti ta dress with n ssoi it s ind coi s ijs ol whiii eu nations i hi ljooui w is iltimikil h his hi ol ik i i iv ul iomlinsoii ol ilt ilu in pi ion wis lu id it ttu honii ol thi htiili s piunts in kinkwimiil wluii thi hiulis im i 111 i hi ili i u i i i ih ii 1 s nsiii ll hill 1 h the jjolil mums sisti d h ttu tihini s pdt him silk i l ssoi ll s with ii ii i i th whitt mums i uli nut l 1 1 mi ii ii tl on v ii hill tup to moult ll nil i i 1 in v i hi i lovaii uli sis wi is ttu ki null tllu i i uk m issi e r r dls mil tilhus tioin ilk loiilo dl kit 111 mill sh ul i 1 ul i erson and richardtjienn tfiiilu l col j m antleimjn fattier off the bride officiated mud s ted by the bride s uncle rev douglus anderson perth ll col ander son is a former mlnuter of knox church acton the groom is the son or mr and mrs g t nulls toronto the bruk wis ytven in mn riattc by smith spent c 1 ondon she chose a moor length gown ul blush pink oryanza oxer while peau de sole with a bolero top the concentrated fullness at the i back of the skirt extended into la chapel train a softly draped cummerbund accented the wnist of the uown a matching irovn 1 embroidered with seed pearls held her waist length veil and she carried a small white bible crest cd with pink rosebuds and steph anotts t miss ruth inplis waterloo sister of the gioom was maid ol j honor and miss barbara ander j son sistei ol the bride was the btjdcsmaicl- they woiv ulenllta i owns ot pink peau de soic pain i etsi spcncc london was flower tul we units a pink cclct em immurcd truck i i it i ucc lontlon was best nisin mil guests ucie ushered bv ke nm t h si ie i and bruce da id son both ol listowel the wedding partv was pipe el in and out of the church andj the otganist plaed old scottish hmns j the reception was held at the oil iters mess oi lona barracks oakmlle and among the uuests weie ac tomans mr and mts run sill patterson and cuol and miss bella mae ruscll loi tiaelliny thi btule chost i imiteil yokl mimmei suit with init i hui ie i the i hat blown ae i e ssoi u s and i eorsatii ol alrt i m dilsiin ilu bride is attend i hi- it tin ii i title ye toiono md ilu i out tllo collide white ltk fullle lu bodice tiiul nhott njeevtirdf chunlilly luce the bell thuped skirt wnu ueeint ed with late applique a band of ul ik faille held her veil ol nllk illusion und she curried uihhi quel ul while mums red sweet heart loses ami ivy the malton of honor was mrs i lank ct miner and the billies inuid were miss donna lands horouiih alton the btiile s sis til and miss shetta suuratt tiuelph thcgroomiiinler -ihey- wete yownetl ulike in hell shaped diesses of i remli blue crystal had midc her wti with bateau necklines wedding gown ot theii headptctes ucrc ting hats ot matching labile thev eairied ii istadts of white carnations und i htue delphiniums peter veldam ol ouctph w s pioomsman and the ushers were boh uuuls ol north bay i hiolher ol the tide lit ill i rant tctmiper toronto reception in church darden downs decotated the sundi schihil toom of the i chinch lot lie tcceplton which und mr stanley sinclair of r r 4 guelph a graduate or the uni vcrslty of toronto he u doing pot graduate work at the in utltute of aerophyslcm downs view and the couple- will be liv ing at downsvlew george elliott was the guenl organist ns the retfulur church organist churlex landhnorough gave his daughter in murriage mrs don livingstone of geo rue town the brides cousin sang thelord pruyit und o peitect love bridal gown the brui full length followed the ceremony mr landkbofxhigh wore for her daughter marhage a gray and kink printed tllk iheaih with elge occeaftorle and a corsage if pink a motion mr slnclulr tlie mollvcr of i lie groom wore nuvv nhatlung with white ulccskvorlem and pink sweetheart rosen thp tuut leaving on the itonevnvhm motor trip cunt the br mr wore a two piece navy and while silk sheath wtlh ted und while ae tc ssoi ies and a tor sage of red sweetheart loses guests were present i mm guelph ilhnhmgh tonnito llamitlon georuetown pi india mhttm allulmi and nohhbav lis wi1 as acton to extend best wishes to the couple thcbiide lived in acton a a young girl with hei parents cn notice to motorists in recent months the canadian national railway milton georgetown line has been out of service owing to a re budding phaie of the toronto terminal proiect effective august 1 1963 work trains and other rail propolud equipment will be moving over the line motorists are asked jo exercise the usual caution when approaching level crossings over this line canadian national oni this sticker means a m day ur betlcr lots warranty iut parts and labour at plaza motors milton ptau tr see these examples 63 vw dalux si39s 63 vw custom 1195 alio a 59 and a st vw daluaa other used amerlian and imported cars are available miced rom 100 up shop at in in iiiiiulin tht i ait rronli ii i i ll clul iil i ni smi h i i ill ii iii i i lu always a good buy fearmans delicious hot ok cold smoked picnic ham 43 i imii r in in n ii i ii um k i lllllltl lu pii on ml mnftm district governor visits rotary club ihsllkl livilllttl rllthit h iv ill lottilltil 111 llll ills ii1ihi ll tmt ti i lu ihnt ritai tlub tins il i uniij mil iiiviissil the pi oi v is hu the i 11 oui m i loh ism mhl tin hi- 1 1 is i inn i mum tilienl iipsilts hill ulllllllll pi his llll till llull ill ll tllilllsll li lllil 1 pi lii ol hi i mm i is 111 i kl hi pii ii h this ni k red or rlut brand boneless club rib steaks 79 essex packers flavorful wieners 2 89 we feature toronto city v prices cash savers uic h la- c mazola oil 43c trend irand bologna ai vac pec 19 for snacks or sandwiches libbys brown beans 4 for 85c c svc 14s iunl mm liquid wax 73c k i i l ill i i i i ii i llh n slum lu ul lin i i jinu i m mis miis i hiu i il mi ml ivs s liinu iii iii ll hi kih il i ml shll pissrilll tl i sill ll 1 ills i i 1 iii tl i sllt u in juni t al a shissn 1 ill i in ti i 1 1 i sh i i 1ih iii ii vl i i llll ii h i i ll u ill i i ii i mi ml i h vi 1 i uu i 1 h 1 visitiny with itatisvs n lng laiul tin thrv ssils uri mr and mts lliiils ikkiiiii kr 4 its tlls 1111 ssxil ills illlllsss lhiv siiws hi sauu lt cinula as a ni ths tlsss twrssl i nun malton i i uli vll sill i mil lit t i ih l ll il 11 iii mis m i s i is ill i vh t robert r u t hamilton orromittkt otsargatawn 40 main n ii appl 1r7 w71 r mi ii iiii s nuis l s pi monties 1 1 eves ixamwtto ftscatttroms fuleo iikl m i 1 as ii1iv ii i i o ivimlls ill 1 willi ixlatis is truni oejrawa lo vis id mat m visit various passv uta albarl sctiupf have bacn tr rtl ism ol irmg riviera wxr admettlon soc bingo 9ini cardtiwlth isit dipomg jem drivein thi atm n tmlms fl sat auoutt i 1j mit au laff snow road to hong kong ftob moft bing cb068v dorothy iamour honeymoon machine tch stivi mcqueln paula print iss oray mounoeo mau ptt pttvts a uim rlots ftmmams rcawl im sm vmut u tk jaea la mt saw way dettcttons iim m f aaasa ha 7 kf bakery features fresh family size apple pie 39c wistoms save 4c cinnamon buns pkg 35c supreme yaw ctsatca a i veriatia fancy biscuits 3 pkg for 100 oarmn frssm tasty tomatoes 99 fresh produce arrives daily optm thursday ano fuoay moots tsl p m shop thursday night add hours to your wookond take advantage of our manov parkino area ayimer tomato soup 8 for 1 00 uf 4 i i rl saveall wax paper 37c fsesr is ih aunt mary ground coffee 59c auni ary whw coffee beans s9c lb 7 larlelles lo in allens fruit drinks 2 4soi tint 59c wacsshsll rasp jam sic rr at raacy red cohof salmon aforbsc keneaaja um corn piak1s2 tm ssc ii 1 ac r wh free delivery oman ttrmtt mm n t il

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