Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 8, 1963, p. 8

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j t fjflifty personal n6fs of vmlsm tw mhwimmirf mr arad 14ol howard frtsets wm a saturday mr arad mr ravm la atwl mam mm wjx t waua i awfe al waa lokii kvr knlkuv ware mr ad mr vw i u canrjmm at crjrwih u mr suni waitwwrspmht datulhtw llhr gnrttn w vwilru villain in no ram vmua with mr and mm br- ttfe marks tida meet alra h ho kwon mr v of wbwkml mr hatw vvl- mr hrrt jivrsiati wt for metttrta hat tat saturday antr twoimin vwl in hm vvth hiiir lit t tir m iln yj jp yallupt- and yss ml im ouhv and mhat bitter tkw i and ml 1pitctv fnrh jr win ywdshv ivluhvrst ihht wco twin a nvsivi trip to thr wwk mm wkm lhe vtutod raivrf rnhhk- tuijwt owi nl hi nd ijtbr uvulw ah xhoi vwcul mr riswrti lhiiiir t nnme pmtrws vvt imoiwi inr turn mnnih tymm minwhlntnn camtr sttbnnl tuufthutrgh j v iamptrvs hvmu last wss i several rimufl mw ivw i wow mr rallies tnvtc utih tmtevitk thr mwtoni v marianne and tin cw sun inr sxifv rwtul sxwusnnlal i and imlrtsarl matrtrnvrhl tvs sulnratinn ihore juelv at ciictohh ctss stuvul mi rivntwi tvarh mi and mr nd whn rd vn georjian with- tatrhs iwihiw and ivntetc km qwiu iholt vmw m irttjk- cttlb ilrun morrto tt ml cmfcttniut k okvihiv nuir i wwiv with kk mini mui mule ml nl mrv sum cniqtw fvn ihr vwoul mi ami mrv j im mn wmiwd wllh ml awl mrv mat svmim al itwii rtllp al luhtir laic mi ami mtv j c manihix and taatlh arr ladutavint wiih mr m mnlhor m ltttiltani owrtwv tvaogtav allan kav nsfunwl tram a vr rilomr vacalinn al ilk cnitayr nt mi and mrv jack ti6 ivr uakr mmiotka i ad a s w mi ami mr ivlc mnk xva inmlh haw iviumuni thnv ww nip kiiinp mi hln nlrv wlauwv al lart opi saw fcatrnrwan iji mwir ihcv vir pml in vlu al iwvalr mni inha and hrwlmk oniaritv mi and mr i inn mr nmo rclunuvil aici moinr hip kn inr si ummwwt wa ivillnf fttd pi honr klnjvnin ipncr canadviluwr mrrl ouch cm otuwa andkaailh lai dutrv1 preiw lavl cthda atlmd ike tuneral ul ihew nev hot rc jamr ii camnmt craujlctth tn gimrptan h tin hultdav wcrr mi and mr will tlarhara and can murtortr hall mi and mi rimi bmala janri and daxid ami mi abd mrv adl duval jr caixdm and barrio htdtdaveid luyelhrr al slnra mukuka mi and mr i lit and sinrndinji suihuv alniimkui with mm m bcmvrii and mi tnu bouwil viv ihc rc georpr praiivc and miv pcarvr nd famih wiwdhk mrv mvv wumo unman wi imhuclad al ebanater unliad cliunh thundty avanlna auouil 1 whan rv william sharwin ol palilvy uimi1 cliuicli gunlpli aiul huti oorclon naitaoawaya mttducmd rtv laivlc piciurad lall to right are mi onion who lapraianlad the pratliylerv mrt lman and daughmr janel mr loaman mr sharwin nml huraca blylh wliu retelved iho mumiwm on bahalt ot ilvt conarollon m aiwiaaamii iiiium i i mma at4 avx iia rev wilfred leeman is inducted minister of church last thursday a dh1 crowd lumrd mil l mi he nciauun id un- indiulliin wvlconw rev and mr wiiihi oiiv lixmaa and their small duuyti hi william slu inln ul lei janel laxl thurda iwnuiu guolph und h otndun ul nas aubolirciaricnuvir leauakuartjiitraifa inw 1 osmhmtm over 40 neighbors friends honor bridetobe at school ron boul o fcoodhridcc mr ifccvvl ibntnam of vancgtr mr and mrv win mear kikhrn- 1 rr mr ron buwhim anun and mr aix mrv elmer tcrr ofj mi earhem branlloril lt v and miv rente xrc followed jtut hmi fnun a t ml jdbv ihelrli church vponvorrd tour of th mr and mr ward llnm and i on friday tvnlnu uui 0 neishbora and triuuw uluuil at the school and presented mar j kkxister with a misvillintous shouvr horn fur th cieninu were manes bullo- h and sandra mceuan who helpetl the bride tobe open her till ganus and h lunth mr and mrs thotnu husiun ol piteitxiitiuuh spent a ins dass last wick with tin ioimki s ncpluis anil lamiu koss and mrs mituin and tlirls a iiiiinhei ot ihildisii liiim this totality tin iittendinn vaca lion uihle sihool at the c hurtli ol chnsi diselpks imiioii this week mrs cnorye mcmillan ul toion lamih ui milhm ait hack alter sefliion vthkh he docn t tanl to sitatiiv n caliluinia uh lormer mist mr brown kit home juls atlunianv mi and mrv mike cow mr and mi c r soar of kdtmuid iviloi with mr and mrv fred wot on thurvda mr and mr g a tusker and un steven drummondi ilk out msi led with mr and mr janvct smith tan week slcsrn 4 on a lour vshivh took him to eirspl lebanon jordan israel green and ilals he sas espcsiil 1 imprvvcd b the garden of gclhamnanr anil the sea of gallic- whr he fell were stjm- aulhenlk while mush lo vll blblltal intercut ha hern spoil ed ihrouifh time and profit seek ing the crued the israel tlavd with hi aunt while his j bonkr throiuh a nap in hols land mr kerr brown wititmnrmr- and mrv binn llmceto ivas i weekend visitor with mr anil mis mind mccuttheon and muriel mi and mis stan tuller and three voting sons returned home on sunday following a thiee week motor tup to the wist eotist ed this wrck with hi orother mr r n brown mr hrvwnand rrutisr here hell he bask home tomorrovv in winnipeg manitoba in time to attend a druggists son the sandbag wall with rilk bar rets ttatned on them ths misirs in jordan was ovtrwhtlm parxnts loured sout onunu mr and mr jask coleman and von terrv and ailtn mslsaac jr have returned home ironi msiling the parenil home in haltlkld nb mr and mr kjttl xlirtinsvn and robert lut rv turned i nor io vhk y mjv1 wav alter litmg lor s vtars in phlottitt al ht end ol aston at the htne ol mr andj he iju mr bnw wcn sto mr peter binnk- und lu visit a liund and o rvt mr and mr cha limls frtim the sirut rxgun ol tht borough allcivded a mistfluneiais dnir uhtsh nmrvtl main thou xhwr al ptiniha lor their sand ol miks in a ivw wivks dalighlir rulh imi fritlav ssvuing i he found stotland espesialls ami spent saluulav at tht purk heaiitilul if i listtl in stollaml tvonu id he a painter hi detlaitil and famlls relumed honii last week following n two wtek holt dav visiting with relatives al ki noire lake louih ol while wood saik mr and mr muirav 1tkil triek upent a ftw dav- last wtek around north bus mr william sladt lutv and charles of huston bc are vis lting with her parents mr und mrs k klooaier mr and mr vernon stewart and family accompanied bv mr and mrs bert rolnrtsnn and family of alton spent tht lioli dav weekend at the tormer s ctt ttge at lake biiwoiki mr and mrs norman miken 7ie linda and billie motored to selkirk on sundav lmd i rnnain report shows nil hallon counlv snirtbirt tl potto ease has dropped to tent ihit summer with onlv dhou six wixks loll in the unnunl hot season unto considered the danuer pvrikl lor this disease the hullon hcilth ijntt lxptitltd that nol oik case ol polio hitl ban uptiriul in the countv so far this summer si i siyiiucwi repitsuntin llu hvlitv had lhaiye ol in vlic a htkciul lime vuii niovtil al tenvurdh in the suintav to nwim tht cvcnnii was loidud cd bv amlliliuhl tiwinu to a poun liihite band picnic 1 he mission bund numtuis enjoyed awcll urrhumt pilihl at the home ol mr und mis smut millci on he tilth hue ol niusi liuwiyu fourth gamt today in ball playoff lh playoff ganmi baawaaft itdan mm ha rail laaw and canlra inr an in full awmm now kdon winning luru ikii w lliitxi tlw timinh aanui will h in hilen milla un rluiriutav v iilny ml und mia will llllwrliun khiil llit wtkkuml al lluillrigliiii unema ol ml arid mm t mi hull mr und mrs nlanliv wilson spent llu ivii kiinl hi hiiiiiii lltulh mill owiii hound i vim mid loiii pnwill un i pull alinu gnisis ol mrs has kill fur ihr msl of ihi siltnmir mi mid mrs ki ninth splnki mill luiiillv id llilslli lowii win suniliiy gtu id mr hiiii mrs wiimiii mlsa dlune lluslo ii j liming loss is ii gtu si tills wnk ol ml und mrs 14 powell willi graiulparahla miss hmhmti lluniit ul mrikik ivn is spiriitlng siiini imliil wild her giunilpminls mi mid mrs win minn heulil vlkllmi of mr and mis ted llmikn wmiijur and mri lim ilinrlsoiiw i yi uiul flhio mis llonulil lunik kauri mnl sli pin it ol tii swaii r fhil vulloi s 111 llu utluul-ulil- linirii suiidiiv win mis an in bald mrs douglas mis ii lllilih anil mis j minify sunday gin sis nl mr mil mrs k wright ism mi and mr ii mm gin iph mis 1 wim i and son mltllai i loionlo mr kin lleiiititsnii an ipli mr- wm mitlilland and sou dirinlt wlhmlhlitlgl till sdav vlsilors isirt mi anil mis j a k ni n law anil daughlii imui wliitlis i dgtwimul amp is loll a- nvltv light noit ittih gnls njov ing a imtlav vaiatloll hoill palts ol ojlluliu bandsman practice for cne vji atltm tllln rand ititmibor ham haafl warming up ibolr lung for ilia pl fw wraka u they piaalka for tha c n ii tompeil llnm august ii f hay will rnmpele agalntl ilv rillinr bands in iluss i iii i llu list iiiinilur this vial whli ii l iinillid land nl cars is lolisliluliil a lliilv nnilllw r anil u iliullingi in miy imiisiuuii ask ontario hydro gve light agroomout nihhuljaueva count 1 1 lors tut i liida and teqiaxlcd that the oulai iojkdio pixpaiv m iiitii nu nt lor supplmiy slrxct liuhls uilhtn llu township ilonti tlu campheluille road fmm i ik 401 clumikil tmilh lo the entiaiuc ol the latiliack the icquesl uas in alinidaik with a ivqucsl i nun the ontii 10 juckcv c lub tmiikillois umuiil niatl mil ipianv iklusls lur milttin oimi i iv s assoc ti litl ouar his uki witeitronl llolilinys 1 id cuanls ol sio to the haltun count plowmen s association and ol ho to tlu at ton api i viilluial stiskln wciv appmxed pollock and campbell manufacturer of high grade memooiais memorial engraving 3 water u nerhs oait band member have using al the park wedneadiy nlghi and this sunday neat wad- imiulav and the following sunday willplay concert in the park when the band vllu the c ne only 3d member are allowed lo put llilputc other bands cimtpel- wv tvorni cunlon fort trie dtlhl and bemvmie alton ivnniilullon shiank iliasliiallv on i lie hulldav week ml tin- isixlus was prtllv gen rial rivera tifiujhi inlkio aotahuoh oc amd icmoth mondavi tp m mmvcr6mmomi bingo j in johnson optometrists tuesday a friday mornings thuruuy ivnmqt by appamtmtmtt mmtom n lj1 or t t471 184 main st milton in itoyd oavt janlary stop makes the phont ii lit ms ol news o in nlllls u iij rnss ol iitoin out holidu nips tul sue tin olum tllll uitk l ilkll iks 1lj j cmutctmi uut was mi church last sun a hot this stiruliv august ii i ik iniiik people aix in chuyi ol in mtti al v hu i hill ihuivh w hoh thllv lll k 1 l04k1 ll hndtixv tiund wu uuletl m to inar ol tlu dtaih ol mrs janus iianr il due iph but the in uw ot mi and mrs mckin mi ullihilih he sas biuictl last thuisdi iikikk hi mmi lo ik ii mi sul spcais uliu veas iilinj at his sui itmik sivk klliuknln and is in hai i ie huspiial i lupi loi a vxxit iilutn to vud health mi and mis william tbmp sott a ton retutimxl hnu alur sixthlmt two wtxkv at thir cvl taj in at biuiebmlye mi and mt i ru laxstuk ot loumto isiieel weitihsdav with mist satiiuurs also mi and mis ithtn sauiuleis i ml walilli- aihl kath smith u speikltntf a less wveks txm da at mt and mrx thum mi lallfihlins al itstowvl jon swaetvhumvr nent a wvek a helen christian out lamp at nuitunthcliite txlh swuekhamcr is in si catharine for ioiicusmth twr 4un ami unk mr ne mrx kmrr mml hub kw ikllh w mnm and uik it mr and un ltfalta sracuumrr b slorev haw at her parents w j m itvtf while the terrifi pmvneft in lid ipr a week at the camp opt i i israel was remarkable hiiattd bv the chunhis ol chiist espcetallv mcnrkmed the ast ir disciples ncrh niation sthmie liiiatucd h misses sandra ml cuokn uxeiseas donations ol mdlious ol meewan spent the uiuihi with thiir yiandtathii w ii mil wan at oranijeville and atliiutnl thi icntcnnial mr and mrs i en jim k uul lamtk rituinnl honn i n iiui da follouuiii a wnks nation in the north rey bulloch ot pi uihon uph was home for the wieknul miss nanev bulloch rituitud to guclph on mondav lollhimnu a two week vacation s t4h m i kt had a vet enoabli cvinine mr william dawson and mrs tordon dawson spent satuut i and sundav with mi ami mis fred muaihui miss nuk ijdcskv and c urol ann dawson rcturnid home with tlum afki spiiiilint hsiluliss hiii mi and mis clue mk itliitt ol willmd spent a weeks holt dav with then bmlhe i and iv term law mi and mrs tied macarthut a- i3 yumg ptapk comhct service visitors for free estimate on local and long distance moving f s movers and storage tr 74106 ocoroitown ont folly licensed and insured specially selected value chaekd branded round steak or roast 79 davarn bramt- wall streaked rindless bacon 69 mapla laaf 4 vanalia ei pkfl luncheon meats 4185 c davarn brand porli small link ere recorded son and mr and mr bud an iltrsun and thildren spent a stxk tamping nar dorset tht ladks fail bimii inln ainetl thtii hushinds and laim ins at a pit nit hi id at mi and mis w j mtdonilds last thins dav when about v gathered ami i jack ridley cartage concrttf brick clay brick stoni concrjtt biocks cwotr biocks band uvtstock and rlrtrjxr mlrm urvkt and turftlts dump trucks for hire i wvchmho acton pwombss47m un ma mr i amtlhkatuky i wtaayifm htallwr aid need a carpenter new floors ntw c ntw kitchen cuatoaros or any otmm altwatrons hrmh tenpro dist1wut0rs ltd summer clearance maternity wear sportswear dresses misses half sizes 14vi 24 25 50 off childrens short sets cotton dresses sums all drip dry- delrex fashions delrex market centre ow loblaws georgetown ont sausage 49 orng juicr 2 for 63c mmmmmm discount prices 4 for 85c uyr apirin 49c btinui buy ou savr le kam lunch meat cheese slices 2 for 55c i bonua buy tou save 10c jsiolorcd rose margarine riuln iv llu i v ii tin children atpirin 29c of 70 k i s l ror yc powdf 59c bui buy fto save s 3t imi task mapl laf s pag xm i m us tl ulctd rrtad lie suiipuo inil llili k ict criam tit bono buy tnu save 2ti jt imi paik k mmrnnteni in pet led lcu tim cintll wis 7u chum dog food 10 for 1 v k wfil vw i war aw w f limon iiau osmst cam 4s ikwiii bui 1 in sit lie tiinuiii ll boule h atkii rlllirii iwlin of rr mccoriaickvsnackirs 9c aylmer catsup 3 for 55c pk ronti ilus ii save iv solid uhllc mral tuna ush tm tin uftijtifitfmizfi 2 for 79c uts ano vumtarus have lc ihtsttr ran let i iw tin california oranges york pears 3 for 55c 3doz ioo clover leaf tuna mav ae old saal tans mkrrs- m ul si i so i 2lh hag tm rd sabd onions 33c red salmon 57c hoo a bci itr uglr saiacktl i sugar rt ku t nlrd lake i ca 2 ifl iwamb 2sc ktuoggs cereais 3 pkgs 97c i tun actonrelv whffl nildfuvtry pmqnt rs14ob0 0wnsaraa i ai n 1 lata tsur and mpaffct tilt w f

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