Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 29, 1963, p. 3

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hf mmtiki f ic 4 nuill cnulu indian vtttaot on ditplay at the community centre friday night was the pride andioy of youngster taking pari in the summer playground program the village is being set up by playground program l dnnna landsborou and david barnaby i candidates use gimmicks to lure halton votes the provincial election cam paign continue along in high gear thia week aa the three hak ton candidates dig into their bag of tricks for gimmicks and fancy speeches to lure votes highlights of the campaign to date liberal candidate owen mul lln mayor of burlington has secured leave from his employer ford motor company of oak villountll after the c now he can devote his full time to votecatching hes using a large bus plastered with liberal slickers in his daily rounds around the county wife in charge george kerr of burlingtun progressive conservative candi date has also given up his law practice temporarily und let t it in the hands of his wife who is also a lawyer hes also cam paigning full time his litest gimmick was a ipccili in burl topof an old- ingsyplemhcr 7 in uurlinulua fashioned soap box liberul leaelex john winter william gillies of oakvillc inner who visited cverv town new democratic party tandl in halton two weeks jgu jimm with milton area n d p ladies attending his gimmick is u house trailer he drives around to shopping centres a portable field office for meeting voters in oakvillc returning of fleer manny kerr is busy this week with urban enumerators 232 of them who have been out gulhcring names for the vol crs lists since monday mr kerr is a retired bank manager aborts htvisir prime minister john robarts will visit oukyillc burlington und milton nest thursday ae compunied by conservative cartell dale kerr the hon wlllium g davis of peel education mini ster in lhc robarts government will also visit halton on septeni bcr ii when he speaks at a wiener and corn roust at coiona lion park hon- john yarcmko provincial secretary will be with mr kerr to uddress a polish association of burlington iikl halton served by fine roads mr kerr says supplied with an old fashion ed soap bos george kerr pro gressive conservative candidate lor halton county speaking be fore a group or citizens ut a home on richmond street in burlington urged his audience to take a common sense ap proach to a voice at queens park thcie is no doubt but that john kuban guwrnmejil will he returned to power on sept ember 21th to continue good government n ontario can an opposition member sneak better than a member of the government sneaking on the condition ol the highwavs und loads in hal ion coiinlv mr ken i in phatieillv said put vour linger anvwheie on the map ol the cuuntv and sou will luul i lirsi class highuav to take sou to roiir destination mr kirr explaining tin hear reports plan program as members meet outdoors dale has started to hold meet ings wlthiurty workers und intc treated citizens one was held near milton on monday evening ton areas panied by halton candidate mul lin paid u return visit on tues dav in the oakvillc- and burling mohawk communications fast thanks to phones nptnlin ji ilkl s tun ullul ami j other i b nwt n flu mmnuink iims n minis it mohawk rshcuiv ami thi itviiu itl mkii t uilitics it i thiihtiulv liai ks fxltiii si m wn ii thuc in am nun ililut tikl tlllll lhluktl tlhttv s lllilhlk si tit inn ydli mil itu mttinim lli t tl slsl in 11 huiu ns nuvtiinjn imumi uphnlshl from umibl ruu scrvtct magaslia pet sun hurncmi ruliny u minor upon twoway intercom uml cntcrluinnumit ccn nlv t in the piriimilikl ilvpulniimt itmntv talr a ytticiatlun auu hi ihi tntiujier s olliu iikulntiny ifttnc bin time in cnada an aimv room uio num t shuts and ol devotee loin oiit night anil uihn units kiip in lose toikh duv uurinb the uai in month to thimiuh a m iviiphoiit llwvi wutih stutulaiilbml at oml vtiut iniuomi uk i i i ti tin traik that ire will oiyutknl lsuiil tiitvc ums nunu i n mm uper weil and iauiphit tht q nuinuit tons utilities lis nu m parattls ut iihm tiuk iniluiti jx t hii puttapluuu norltmi ctimtihinualitiii uin iintpii j twvwi tulio to kit p in ion uhle to those ol la mi hunus oi januuiiom the latcm upil liaik to nuish room on thi lindsiipi is the mull million dollu mohawk rueeusix owtuil b tru iik k t inh i imilid ami sit in 400 sun k itie at i tmpk ll ilk within an bow s diu ol mm 000 ju i win it uui si a i 200 plus 750u htintix has siubks lot 20 hoi sic and pai kiny lot 1 000 iu s l lacllcs t itowlt sum open i ii u ton apnl 2 i mis ils 1 ft 000 and its pal limit in is hm hindud lof 000 in thivi hot is vuk 4011 htoi1 oxi tlldllt dl iii is wot k at thi ttuk ihiw ami vuh all i ilnti at mohisik is m ttu ri ny nt l usiom m ilu tinan lininy kioin a glassul ill twlton ol thi st uul san t is a first s liss law ol thi tiuk and uiiu at l h simc t mu n mini uonun ilusviti miuti like an ink siiewaiiusm s uul mmptvil will ukphin tu ul ms k i as nu s iwgvrv ui taki iv ts at t ihlo thc lktstl i whfll s w ithshil kavmu thv itimnsj iioin b puitf gtiltf intit smu 4 sivsvial tiupluuu kks tew lps of pnblk i till it tm nuiit xktxml niou on list ih ahk iimiumituahsii ihan hsusa rusinji ivkls and ivsiihs itx r pihtott up m thi nnnuti aiul ths hok shsiw nuis snuhuhtv rx t t hv sw ti t i s bane tit lntliitrinalkm ititntf a tan put ge in tb nith ocr th main ttul aiul stt saih i ml st the oat keep in tsnis b w ii b ea h sttu t umnjiih an shn ukphsnu in eutt news pbsttos tiom iik ti uk rc tiansuutud b u kphoiu ilikc to tuwspapvis and ikw aj cikki a swttib slits itt tbv iivh lute tnmi the tui- wv ci hanve s that ixi smk nuv mikknlk ihxti the iuk- dut tntnmwntxkm and mar the pc- fmtvs amu hct uuans ot pevdtiu qcratkms i a mle o 12 wxa t nroul tewnooiw nuhinie u 1un wruund the tnuk bekk- iht kioakm that vxmtits the bat jwlti ol ttghu afc noon as an tkrtrfctn tfmlr anv pari ol hfmibc mtcm he repiwt it pboms thu um him ihe diptrimtnl- ttl youth announced in i ik honouiahlc william davis mmistii of fduiatlun this utelt said 0111 oun pttiple are an invaluibk assit who nuim be cnnniiaynl to lomplcte their idtuation whethir it be suidcnn ial oi tichnkal tuiininn in onkr to be part ol ontario irnal work forin with the netei sai atuui and skill to make t him ut lul and productive utl ins this is the turn i urn ot the neu deparlnunt a sort of pre kit lot ounn rnopk ho need uidanii m ikmimmh then hies woik pai luiilaiu in this ni ol automation white the firefighter wielded brukhei and rollers painting the omjiuinlly centre the recreu tion commission held uteir reju lar monthly meetihu outdoors under the park pitiev thursday night eight memburs of the comniiv slon attended in the unusual t ting and heard ceportn from all the committees chairman john coy presided to tfadtock control a letter trum the canadian un derwrlters asmjciotion endorsed pjj lorking vpnnklrr v controls il no other suuuble me thod could be found to mop u auttiorieil person from shutting the system olf secictaiy jtt murst wasinstrucled to wnie the cua tor lurther particulars on the lite door the problem or circulating air in the arena was reviewed hrtefly and he meeting decideil to ac it pi the gill ol a circulating fan hum kccreahonal directoi jim cisbuin it was to be installed in a suitable location as aa ex pcrimcnt to see if it would solve mjmc ulthe urculaliun problem the chairman also directed the builihug eomnnttec lo make sure the louvres were installed in the aieni by september 1 it was feslt lourvres would solve some of the circulation problems as weh jim casbtitn summarized tlu role ol the ucie ilion director tindei a new sclunu proposed b he tli pai tinent to pcimiuk more commiuutus to hm m reit lonal duxttots- liu luded in the scheme was a plan to raise lie grunts on lentres employing a duccloi the commission accipted with rcgrvt a leltei ol i estimation front member doug wlddls who u moving to guelph the vacancy will be tilled in september from the miggestlons of member of the commission tender boothconclo wavs and means ol running uie cuminunnv centre relreh ineih booth lur the coming seu son were discussed and the prob lem wus dumped into the hip of committee members len lovcll and mrs h oticrbeln members fell the commlkhiun- could dis ptise of i he booth to a reputable member mr h otterbein mr keatcs dr frank oukcs j bullough wecrctury juei hurt and chairman john coy attended the meeting along with recrea n it in a i0aprofitmalirevt4rjtmcaiburn the gross take and still i rum control spine art as of the opera lion it was also decided lo tisk a flat icntal fee for the booth at the tall tur last war the commission icahcd 120 00 from i he booth tlw building commitlcc chair man reported painting in the an diloiuini was almost finished and lecoiniiunckd the lltor also bi painted provided the price is nuht thi lomniission gave hi commillii a yutn liyht to hivi the work dont an a dull pi uy rani iol the win ter months was kit to the pro gram committee to organize it was tcll additional ivcieation fa cihtiis would hi av ulabk to citiens as will is those lliai lake place in the cnmmutiitv untie a meeting js planned wiih the hiirh sihool hoard to ask ihi list nl sonu ot thi high school fanlitiis naskelhall aiul h nlminivin tti possihilitus i nquyjis about iu itmi lot ih loittic stason iluadv bt mu accted vcdl be handled b the piognm cnmrmrtct pay acenunti anoitnls totalhnu 1226 00 tor i ik month ol jnu and si42 46 for june were pauted for opay tnent motion were ouo pasved au thorising payment of 30 a week to playground imtruciun for un eight week period and iso a week tu the swimming instructor for u six week period the motion were- read by the light of match th acton fr prta thuftday auqott 29th 1963 3 ihatfon council briefsl atdjeat fmj pays 4200000 kirn toronto- a record of more ihun 4jo0 000 wus paid lo onl urio ixsldems daring the pasl vtar bv the new motor vehicle accident claims fund transport minister james auld reported to- dav the funds first vear of opera lion ended on june 30 und dining iliat time it made payments on 2417 tlaimsjoldnmuges arising frum iruifil accidents these were damages ihut could nm olh enstse hac been recocred most of the payments were t the innocent persuns in ucudcnk that were caused h driers without insurance tile others were to persons in lured in hit and run acculenk and fur dainug es catfsfcw bv stolen vehicles the accident claims fund 1 sell sustaining uninsured dejxers have to pav an cstra 20 fee an nualls lor which thev receive no protection to liclp support it when a non insured driver is at fault in un accident he must lepav the i unci the full amount ol the settlement mr auld reminded drivers the law requires that thev must car rv proof of insurance with them anv moloi 1st who cannot show police cither a liability insurance certificate or proor of huving paid the 20 uninsured tee is liuhlc lo a fine of 30 convict ions for this olfence during the sis month period ending ju 3 lutilkn almost 2 000 great grandmother didu i have nit those labor saving dc vices but then again she didn i have lo go out and get a job lo pay or them cither the cleric was asked to ob tain information on automatic court reporting machines for use in the courts nauuigasveya deputy reeve william coulter and georgetown deputyreeve william hunter were delegated tu attend a de partment of travel anil publicity meeting to vol up a regional tour ist council council considered u five- vear capital budget plan and prcliminurv figures submitted h the finance committee no defln he action wus taken as the health unit staff is changing its pension plun frum the government annuities plun to thcuvcu ontario munlclpulxm- plovees retirement system il uus elt the counts and manor board inighl also wunl lo i ike udtantagc of tlw new plan the mutlei was relerred to live heads ol depmtmenls the planning committee anil assessment department repre sentatives held a meeting with l wilton assessment commis sinner for lincoln couniv who outlined the svsiem or counts wide assessing used there a re puit on the meeting was turned into council council thwnrled n a h the hal ion conservation com iniiiee to disband the commil lee pontted 4ul lhat grunts on furm ponds had been ihelr main task and now that consennlion authorities were prepared lo pav similar grants un fuim ponds ihcie was no need fot the cum nnllee lo continue council askcsl lire committee remain in lurte until the september meeting to make sure the conservation au- ihuiiius are prepared tu take over lhc grant wstem the agneulluial coiuiuittcc- rcporlcel it was dlssutislied with lhc uav the department of l4inds anil f uresis was looking lifter rv tnreslaliun pruperllcs the com nnllee has wrillen the tlipirt men to ask loi a report on their management of reforesta tion areas in halton approyal was given fur 94 wortfi of renovations lo the jail and court house registry of fice and hugh st house thv renovations follow recent shifts of the childrens aid society jail and health unit staffs to differ ent quarters in the court house block in milton four new teachers nass twp schools four new teachers are juining the nassagaweva tounship area schools at hrookvillc and canip- bellvllle nexitueiidavrtls resumes for the fall term miss mnrv pus miss krtrjur wallls und miss judith wessen ger are new ut brooks hie while miss gludvs untitling is new to the camphclhllle stuff k f tixiwbrldge return us brookvllles princlpul with uiin dutlield assistant principal oth er teuchers returning ure mrs lee wood who was miss barrett last year miss wllina harris juuies 7ehr anil miss lindu cut ju campballvltl buck again at cumpbuiklllc are piimipal james wutson uud mrs james ehr who wus miss shirlev mason and taught last war ut bixiokx illc- pilniipnls relief teachers are mrs rumonn slurev at bnmik ills- und mis murgurel mitihell ut cumphcilville tin bouiil has made campbell ilre sihuol a funiui sihool this sear with onlv sluilints up iu giaili sis iiltemtinii giade seven and eiglii students innu the uhoh tnunship will aiiend tlnuikilllr this vcai a ncis chain link lellie has been cunslrucled lo em lost u property of alas rngmeers un oucen street cust acton band fourth delhi wins first v ton iiiins luuul and nuin bein at anioul wattng the at i i tl ol ih adiudualo x tv mat k- to my where ihi v u ii down i um wvek xvtoii plkitt toot tti in vonifjx lit am 7tt th nl asiitint lout othi t batuk ivtbi utio won thiul pot iot wit vame in tnt this tinu vv ottil plki uvtll tu hiii ji town lhnd to tuanimlu and tilth to lott lite ukii ichtsv sun tuis ikc n d it back to school i oniimisil ti uiit nun i m z binnitt reruns lui beiit niuu to tht kakt tool tt ihi 1 lumutt pumn svihki uid s lis uhh j windows uul disks sin nk tming while piiikipil llnui smith and si ill i ut the arrival ol an i rhetiil 410 pupils tmsda t si tit uumhois ihis ui in ihidi to idi 8 uaibiis i line i snnih uul mis t u m htuit i uli issisi tut prim intl wal lit 1ohiis iiukn uul lail huais i idis s uul r t ip ki i uli siu 1 ilw ttds null 4 miss ivuiiti kingshur i kivn uul 4 min till nd i hnitoii i ulis uul mts i un sm lit iuu miss i h i tu ih hm r i ii ti uls i miss svl in su hiih iiii nut mis xav vi i ii uli 1 aiul ktndi iijai un miss li minna knn hmks is ituimi sllx iv isol hi shots ii v iu iitiu to titk w h otii i tmiu ikk ttu iimmii isikin ui nil t v iimjnst in tlncni tlthohh thi m i sou is months tvii i t bur u in thi ih is ltl t ll oulllfl lk iuiv stall tllil us utsi to discuss uiiili ptotiiuon utlh oui docun now biaboto ttactot dtlvlt w r mceachern of r r 2 acton is ihown wheeling hu 1928 rumely through the grounds at the pioneer power reunion his red beard lent an old fash ioned touch to the reunion in keeping with the well preserv ed tractors steam engines and antique cars that were dis played 5ee q person doc williams star of wwva jamboree wheeling wva h s hoden orromirtm eyes examined glasses flfted 36 cork s ut guelph phone taylor 27im 1 having a storage problem 1 call p s moving storage dust mil and pauittizio stotaol in simiinklirfvstim warihouus packing shipping crating i y have your 5 1 ray j w j boat storeb this winter jmmussssssss1b oni of our call 8774106 today for free estimate miiton arena sat aug 31 pm lift hlchsy h hlitiwi v 3 va h i hi wn i ii morton urtli tn skrv plr r r vi ii i mu- 1 ink 1 ttit wrmrvmn etklitailkr roi i uwtii t njt a thhn 1 i hiltlm vv tu iris t u k r lhl at m m tnvr hrttkv milton l 1 n r k round ullotn wino portirhousi 95 lb 89c school starts soon that meant- you must drive with extra carei slow down a liva the life you save may be a childs s sckooi xf i3r boundi all steaks r0ued ri8 roast wt uu tmf ttst rid uano ulf i lovell bros modern meat market u33m0 77 m4 l afmn t v i s ixl h w tn i vj i i it i r rci m kji a tv ot re r a a v v oi i fo- is a 1 eftvirui fn ifi 0 f t ia f ft 9e l- r f r k filifrn f t- c yy vay vo v pe crc s ici if rmi si 1 t v h t ts ef rcir nitr t j vc i owvi- is j it r vso- l c itcucn thcjl iciivlxr o dr vc arcu v whithams garage the njifnoftstatton- 44 young st phon 8530260 rdy for uhasvit hlntsvnt sc fa f i 00 stsvra ysvur iwsusrlrs for ell sckmi nsvds- ccrrias a camolafa lina af sthael supplus ami raadyawaar far schaall see our large assortment of school supplies zipper laata laaf tutelar rafillt trial csa ukaal ts raurhln an hsfc ill paint pans and fills pancil traar crayan matkamatkal tats iutar scamh tapa au lunch pll vacuum tarha fustk sanstssrich taas and cup ttlhald curlars handharchiaf haw tarraoas httnsa pamsanant hair tpray taatkpjsta and trsnna sawing aids dra patlarn yard oaadi ah far hans fcamawnlcs tyaasasa -httrot- tupar valua loom laaf fllur 300 shocs smcial ss 89c ssaaasj isvpiki konomt mo 10 tall pan 4nl 10 rawfs ragulsr 11 40 tpkial 9tc saas torv tee shirts dresses sl 14 ligul i kl sptcuu 8tc a 177 297 ftcg i 9 io 14 98 tocuar tssssssssssssssssssss we cut extra keys for students for homepost officecars for boys driu pants and mans muss sw sport shrsts undswwtar socks tushscts mftattts back fo school features running shoes school suppers boys and girls oxforos for girls mo lomv socks pantms sups massams ttousts swiattas sktrrs hint0n s 5c to 100 store thi storf that otvu you a tatttt cmoto a itt ouautt a iowh pmct

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