Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 12, 1963, p. 1

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ft hghtynlnth yeno ii acton ontario thursday september 12th 1943 twentytwo pages seven cents sectiea mmr special lamoklatae section use weeks free pi with tame metorfcel fasoriratsoe old aleiiim new and eon- nuuktory adr for be olden anni fair friday and saturday septem ber m arid 21 a very interest- ims account of the rain over t e biographies of all the peat presidents and secretaries have been written by lhl year fair mibhchy chairman energetic mac sproerl the merchant are pulling their spotlights on fair week pedal which are befog ad vertised a full week before the smim lair aegma a thousand extra copies of the special section have been printed and will be available m lbs fair three councils will hold meeting to consider high school addition jim peal helps its registration weak at the ymca and allhoagh mtinv f the membership cinls lire vulicl until october quite a ffw sinned up u far fur iimilhui years uulvl- tlen there to lift wcnunrv sid sail load the y board has enuaued jim pen i in help with the prourum in the uveniriiji and weekends he works luvs in i in- inb ill actun llmeirone oiinrrles while mr sailz is in the tannery of fice many want in be leud hul not ttiunv want to lead said mr sail ruefully in particular hes huntlnv someone to tenth indies gymnastics mo ulrendv knows ol qulle u few women who would retflster the prourum slarls next mon day on much the same lines as lust year the building has been repainted durlnu the summei and the ys mens club bus donated woo for snorts equipment which will ar irlve belore lunv this lmltides playroom eqtllpnicnl lor ihe lurye downstairs roum before acton council gives ap proval for a- new high school addition a meeting will be held wlthcouncllmembers fromnas saanweya and esquespno town ships to review school costs this action was agreed upon tuesday evening after a report from the school board had been reviewed finance chairman 1 bert wood outlined the boards most recent proposal for a fiveroom addi tion in place of the original ii- room plan presented earlier the new proposal followed a meet- ting with board members and council a lengthy discussion took place then and board mem bers were asked to give a full report in writing and consider an uliernatlve plan in view of the towns debenture debt in ihnnrw proposal ihn five- room addition would only take care of student enrolment up to the end of 1964 and is meant to locate students presently at tending the stone school at the main school on acton boulevard councillor j bert wood and clerk jack mcgcachlc visited the department of education follow ing the origin request verbal report later its u pretty sticky wicket wus the only reply made by coun trlllor j bert wood when asked for u report on the visit to the department he offered to give a verbal report at the next com- mlttee meeting in giving bis reasons for do ing tbl mr w stated he was afraid to report at a public meeting in case the report was misconstrued this is in oil fairness to everyone concerned he concluded budget report in giving his budget committee report mr wood remarked i am afraid this might be mis- construed-as- well he explained both high and public school boards request money for their budget each year as well as other boards and com mittees in town and it is the intention of no 2 committee to set out by bvlaw a standard method of requisition of money from council it was agreed to have the clerk draw up such a bylaw whereby all boards and committees will follow the same method for requesting muncy at budget time pound foolish during a discussion on the pro posed school addition mr wood warned council members if we are going to be penny wise and pound foolish we may be faced with another addition in two or three years in all fairness to ourselves and ratepayers we have to consider this we cant keep patting an addi lion off if the addition is to be ready by next term it will have to be started immediately the school board realizes the towns debenture debt mrwood went on and doesnt want to bur den taxpayers further therefore they reduced their original re quest from ii rooms to the mini- munrsfof five but realize anothci request for a further addition will follow almost immediately council learned that more stu dents are staying in school today because there arent jobs for them and they also realise an education is a necessity to obtain a job in conclusion mr wood said the committee realizes something must be done but which is most suitable und economical is hard to decide avkttjwi j garbage control discussion reveals coons alligators pesky coonv- and domesticated alligators lomchuw crept tnlo the no 1 committee report when it htrmai netlloi mill st off friday night said no man for ladies acton industry boosts permits a j 1 00000 permit fur mcnuir products ltd tor n mushnom tjihim on highway 25 south of ac ton buoitcd enqueuing town ships august huilding permit total to an impreisive 20 mm buildinu inspect i william hulls reports chic radio from brampton helped swell the total with i s7000 permit tot a radio equipment huildiny plus 30000 for steel towers the rest ol the permits were lor houses and garages mmvr a thorough crackdown by at on police on rowdyism on ac- i tons main business section was tinted bv councillor eric john ston alter he gave a pernonul ut count ol hvuring obscene langu age and watchlny a disturbance last i rid ay evening other men- tinned similar occurrences on suttndnys me was told the potke com mittee hud a i rend v spoken to coip ray mason ol the acton o p p detachment and tonsid eiahlc improvement had taken plate in the ft idav myht epi suites no place for laullei uteri isii l a cuuncilloi who would want to walk his wile down tlii street ula niyht with this sou of thiny going on stated mi johnston the polite should in told ayaln to cuitk down until this is cleared up it will take one oi two policemen on loot to patrol the urea not one ridlny or sittlny in u truisci it war ay reed to huvc the po lite committee investigate duriny enquiries hv members councillor bert wood voiced dis approval or the way the sandhuys ut the torner ol queen st e und vouny st are hciny damuyed we have the most destructive populate in ontario they have ripped the sundbays and i cant see any reason foi this it is iust pluin destructive and a disyrace lor anvone visitiny town to see the sandhuys have been de lihvrutck cut and the piles ot bays knocked over council ayrecd to investigate peal reported on yarbaye collec tion tuesday evening at council in yiviny the committee report the chairman outlined a meeting with george ram who is under contract with georgetown for gathering garbage mr peal re ported garbage collection in at ton would possibly tost in the neighborhood of 60 cent per month or 720 per year for eah household in the event mr ram was engaged on a similar basis to georgetown he also pointed out the present dump site would outsorve its usefulness within an other two years and stated back filling of garbage anct a steel fence surrounding the urea have been recommended as n source of control rurtnei tnvestigatiott is to take place regarding gar- huge collection mystery animal councillors took time out from their busy agenda to turn their heads to a humorous side of the meeting when councillor j bert wkki informed them of dogs registration up am t lion- hl-ilefhltvreeve- d e n knocking over his gaibage cans early in the morning perhaps its coons suggest thcv have stripped mv torn patch councillor alec juhnson said an oukville resident is keeping alligators at his home and won dered if one of the alhyators was causing council loi woods ton tern no apartment nltipal board in formed council the appeal from giuseppi git to against the towns decision against him erecting m apart mvnt house in glen lea subdivi slon had been turned down lar iter mr gltto had applied for a budding permit and when apph cation for a change in the zoning b law was made this wa- re fused during a public hearing ohec lion was raisedbv several glen lea residents on this basis the omb turned down the appeal deputy reeve dennv reported on recent no 2 committee meet ings and outlined a discussion re ga riling atc of land owned bv the town which had forinerlv been designated as park land on mill st p he stated three or the a ha alr pun l land from lonv sevnuek in or dci to have- their property ton foim with the building bv law befoic houses can be erected in the area a change must be made in the miiing hv law from con serial ion iff residential his committee recommended a b law be prepared bv the tlerk a letter from the ontuno mir lor tin zoning change aiul a re tum amounting to 2qq be made to prospective buvers a lucar clli s rocci sind v munsini on then hoo deposit mr dennv explained the 100 balance would be held as assur ance lot the pmposed hucrs to confirm their final purchase of the land when the vote to refund the 200 to eich pmposed buyer was piesented councillors peal and albert irwi the negative mr irwli the opinion ihe entire deposit of w0 should be returned and if the land was put up for saleag ain the people interested could hid again ii imivci sl s hamilton in lined jn in j was ol w-ei- tkzwx halton election roundup mullin charges the loiies arc concerned about ihts nding thcv know iluv aiv lunuing behind announced halton libeial candidate owen f paitd with w mullin tinlav as he noted the june he told tin principal smith and taie taker colin mtcoll had a busy sum me i refinishing desks tables shelving and doors principal mckcnn commended his staff loi interest shown in being on hand at ihe school a few duvs ik fore classes began attendante at the robert little i public school is down four pu pils from last year while the m 7 bennett school rvgistcred 21 j more than list veui this was larnctl bv the p sc hm il boaid dmmg therv hireling thurs la sepiembc s i dining the principals reports 1 f vv mckcnie ol the robert i i illle schhl noted enrolment this veai was s2ljs opposed to national president tl s men s2s last june he pointed out that tn b l lxwil new pupils had stalled in kin shcd him every success the deigarten and rherc had been 90 ihauman inlonned the principal tgkiduatt to high schthil h uthtevement would not onlv ik i benelit to lumselt but to tlu ptikpal iiiiki smith nl the tn i ol acton m bennett shoo stand 41v i i k it was leanicd with iigut thai pupin siat uil this term com atlenilmg lust hoard he didnt water pressure throughout the town has bven reduced to corres pond with a high ot v pounds at the main st s water tower this inloimation was given to council tuesday evening by tleik jack mtgcucluc when the churchill road n reservoir was turned on to allow water to flow through town mains reducing valves were in stalled to control ihe water pres sure gradually thcevlwi vcre opened until full pressure wus flowing through mums a few water breaks occurred throughout town these uk ne vei definitely determined caused by increased watei pressure and council agreed to cut bii k on water pressure following a report mm insurant e- underwriters who look pleasure tests through out town according to ilulerwnters commendations council set iwi tcr pressure at a maximum of t i so pounds at the fire hvdiunt on i 7 s j k had i- j ther ih highest level monday eve handed mr mckcnie verbal wvvum mduding phone nm t bouquet lor being thosen mm ltl b sessions vvilh contrac national president tit s mens s lllhlttus supphcis ami in tilths sind on behatl ol tl principal smith reports desks filled at school was roof repaired the properly committee pleased to repot t the m ben netl schixil had been re pan eft ivloic pupils returned to school committee chairman 1 ouis bonn tli and tnistee rov ttkklwin stated the rtuf pnhlem mothir and sister combination will direct acton ftll fair ihii year mrt irene swackhamr formerly irene aitken is teen with her brother calvin aitken acton agricultural so- cipjy pf3cjent at ihey review the fair proqram they are all ter for a large turnout of exhibitors and patrons friday and saturday september 2021 i reduce water pressure throughout town mains in oidc i in paiadc ol cabinet nunisteis hi opponent pc candidate geoigt keir has brought into the riding he cited ptvmiei john roburls and ministers mccaulev davis and aiemko who have visited the nding to suppoii the pc havx an einplv desk in anv class loom above gtailc two bttaitl incinhcis uanicd both i caretaker boh andt imhi o tin rohei l little school had uiuli i gone an opeiatiou recent i v and was home ixcuperating ii is e peeled a tempt iran icplki tiuni will bv obtained loi him npll 111 u ttlmi bclou lu pnxrit cuniiiittee will rx abh t re hi x on the mol piohhtns ilk rotntt i ittk mmii is vi i in in in idi walti tight itoaid iihinbeis agtttd to frnil the bill loi appiovunati iv w2 ol tlu jl 2t0 cost hr the root k pall atriums lutalling si647i 72 wele appiuved tut ptvilltllt ing council quest toned the ix dticed piessuie ami wondeittl il so pthinds would he ulequale lor ivoid legal j spnnkki svslems in certain in dusines it was agreed to have town supei intiiulenl all doh lake pern nil c tests at vital spoils in town to tn teniiint il tu quati wall i pivsstlli is available in these areas avoid winter breaks mioi les lobv inlonned coon cil he wis ot the opinion uduced piessoit loi the w inti r inoulhs was ideal to picvcnt itiaor walei loinpihy breaks rvpaus would be hind ered b ttoen giounrt the elctk also informed coun id street name signs aie already luie nnrtnwn woikmin aie wait ing lot stand ii is in order lo install the sins he reported the standaids an expci tcil within a couple ol weeks dog report atcording to the teporl icteived from the dog control otticer for the month ol august fuui animau had been either destiocd r a home found lot them lines im posed oo lout ownns and warn ings ismud to ii otlui dog owrj- eis loi animals tunning at large club mi pay for streetlights a bylaw authorizing thr in stallation of street lights along the iiielph line neat mohawk race wav was appiovtd monday bv nissigawi ga township coun eil tlu lights had ikcii request ed hv ihe jot kt v l tub i id opera tots ol the ran liauk and wdl cost an estimated 1000 1 1 mlit the aguement the jotkev t itih installs lighting at its own eix tives and town ship takes ovi r ihr maintenance the lights will sitetch from the highwav 4u clover ka i to ttic race wav council giootet giavel and epiarrv hit nee s to i orru hull and dominion far and chemical candidate i his campugu managct hoh blaki icpeiiis tluix au aniut i mw libeial signs decoiatiug icsi dents lawns arumd tit couutv and the goal is 2 000 bv election elav the liberals had huneel to have kidei john wmiermevvi visit cioigcteivvn luxt wcihus ia hut the tup was camelled ducto a heavv se hedule a campaign clinic loi poll wuik ers wcs held in oakvilk last night wednesdavt with a large attendance a special team lrom toruntti headguat ters showenl tdins and campaign gimuiuks ami mi mullin gayv a nuioi campaign spcesh bl ike dcscitb- etl ihe unkers rails as iik king hint lor the tinal otui m lh last two vvesks ot hh vatli puign charge minors recover loot within 15 hours of robbery within s houis altci a rob lute most ut tlw stolen goods ikiv at tlu a b supci market on with the exception ol a tew i tr mill si was reported tucsdiv tons candv stolen at the same police aiiesiid two vouths 14 tmu vas not recovered ami ii wiis ol age and revovet in tn interview with mi avin ed 2i caituns t three packages 0011 the free press was told ap- eiaivties which had been provimaiclv jso0 woith ol 1 ivai signs in signs are up on buns and trees announcing nd p candi elate william gillies dour to door can vising will begin soon sink at appinstinau iv 7 a m tucv dav m11 ninj uhiwiiu nl the sioie tleniv am mum discmcni tlu tluti and iipoilixl the nu 1 ik nl to ouistahk bnue me t thin ot the aetnn opp ix taehnuni iho inistigated at the sex m hr eonsiahle fomut 1oh pi tills ol kiiiui a sttklllgtd i hi 01 baietihit voiingsttt on tht iish in tlu huulut sluip aiea t tlu ston t was txhevrd at this tuih vnttv was inatle hv tpeiung a sin til wituloi ant iiawhng ttinmgh a semikkh opening be tween rsirs on tlu oulslcle of iik wi elites and candv hail been taken with most of the stolen armies being clgaiellis the coowikl state il he hist noticiil a lew packages ol jh a nuts and landv on tlu uwr 01 tin stoiv and tl n saw a it w cartons n cigarettes hi called police miniediitilv and tlu in u stiatiigi n jii peillev praise assisting eltlelis li then piumpl ai hon judge saturday stfavtoii rmiwiriid oquipnel wet cfeflonalrlad tuatdey o hte acton hydro comimisio by truck engineering ltd woodstock commistion members ere considering a new 1 ptaca o eens i equipment to replace the wortvout eariel led- ejar truck linesmen ken hodgson is seen operating the bucket whlla selesmen wihred collev directs him the teleleci me- tmnwy has e pott hot digger dtfnkk and aarltl boom and an infurmallun buulh will thl in hi a i be installed m acuin fall fair vn i jiinl pin tixv ll llljllll allci lun mitttct ili iiiitlr rir ri hrhtnd iih hiultiv tvini ai ttic park the kn urrv idiiitilhd by cm lllx cuntshlr bnkt kmtkr and unstable bru mcarthur kocai and mr ciiiki uill brprrcil un ihc saturuan lu ml err one on tuesday thr n d p tandi date toured milton and greeted merchants and businessmen and dunns the weekend purtv work ers conducted a work bee at i lhc xvm vwnasters some of which ime jhey made uwn he ujareties were found to the silins procjaimina their candidate lli p olher near the h vr k porter plant police belteve cpounued on pae five i uw recox3d ciaarauaa cnsu- of the hiss acton fair cosiest will be kept secret uadl friday alghl sep tember whan she will be ike fan fair evesv tbia samrday alleraoam m i parade before aetna district tse v- ys- j viwp v- 1l jj j tmjfv jffffih acton comtmtvattvf asteciahon playwl urge pert in me cavalcade wednesday evenmg when may totnad with o esquming nessagawvye and milton conservativee in ina cavelcade to oekville m from acton crrtmni aapct arpjean on tha back of tra trudt at they donned down outf h for tha pared 1 1 a

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