Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 12, 1963, p. 10

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4 tu acton fr fr a tnvrtouy hewmlxr tarn 163 wtuum am cmis tuitpo w democratic cawtwate speaking in milton said ha already become clear that the new democratic ratty u the only party which plan to fight the provincial election on the basis of issue he referred briefly to the watered down and half u plan version of medicare ami port able pensions which are being offered by the two old line part le and called on them to spcll oof in detail for the electorate exactly how their plan wuulif u ihey remain eligible for all normal benefit the new democratic party endorses federal action on pen sion thi i the only way pen sions can be made truly port able and meet the problem of person moving from province to province however there u room for an interim pension scheme in ontario and falling federal action the new demo crat vyould take action on this important issue they therefore suggest a universal contributory public pension plan which would be nnant navment on retirement o medicare f-llf- the peak said mr gillie the new democrats will campaign for the plan described in detail by bonald macdonald in the legt tlature last deeemhrr every one in ontario will he covered for hotpltal surgical and medical expense7 includlrig drug dental and optical care the premium will reach 60 cent per week maximum for a family w cents a week for a single person aiuii tkmal finance for the plan will come from a three er cent 3 corporation tax and a six per cent 6 lew against the amount of federal income tax paid hv individuals the plan will he administer ed through a medlcul care com mission responsible to the lgl thr the minister of pttfrcafrtrl health all the hinds collected will go into a medical care in surancc fund the operaton of uhith will be subject to annual nvicw bv the legislature and lis committees a financial report will thus be available tor public sc rutins as in saskatchewan the on tnrto plan will he built on lite principle that the medical pro fession will have complete ion trol over medical decisions the government will only be inlc rested in the financing il medi cal care dr e k ranney on cbc raduvjamiarv h 1963 said medicare will benefit the doctor in thai it will improve the doctor patient relationship hv removing the financial transaction which normally takes place between patient and doctor auto insurance the new dcmoerilii pails will operate a government auto irjsuianec plan which will euver all owners and dnvers and will mitonuiticiillv prnsuk nimpenst tion lor uccident victims and llielt dependents is well as publii liability insuiunie this plan his opcrnted sueeisslully in saskatchewan for miny year and one should noli that thi saskatchewan govunment in surancc offlci starting with a capital or onlv j 1 2 000 in 1443 hus built up assits out ol inn ings to over 117 000 000 iik1 is thi sicret ot this stieuss is slmpli administiator cost au low costs in saskatihi wan tu 17 nil icnt lompuid to tloubi ruiil triple this kist iikiiuiiiil prollls in piltate lompnilis any stiiplusovii tlu liuuls n mi mum iisnvi an letiumil id ilu motoiist in niliin puntnims limn lalis oi hutli ihi i ii to most moloiisth is 44 pii iir a toinls sysiim is used whuh aits is t illiitivi ilitiirmi to lontnuial ilimng otlimlirs tin pixinium is laisul lor thi si otlindits thin is om cxuptuin loi hiiullts ami ihis uppllis lo thi iliunkin or impunil diisn hut in tin iiini ol his vli iih tils dependents ilo not sultn awamt adf i work vjnil auafrwjl of earning years he ald mr gillie pointed out at the end or his address that the new democrats urc running candi dates representing people from all walk of ijfe there are three other beside myself from the labor union movement also teachers doctors farmers small business men economists and so ori and not just reprexehttt lives- from those at the top of the business world and the legal profession a appears to be the ease with the other parties 1 challenge the candidates for hal ion to spell out thcr program so that the people can decide who has their best interests at heart how do you get rid of the poison ivy lteh well a sure wav is lo slav uwuv from this weed or belter vet destroy it since poiscm ivv is present in the most popular vacation land areas of ontario it is wise thai vou knou what it louks like and how to control it poison ivy may carpet the ground s dwurfed shrubby plants a lew inches high or it mav become vinelike climbing upl trees shrubs and posts when you rx looking for poison iw re member thai it always has three icartcu per leaf another way in identify it is by looking for the dowers ur fruit shortly after the leases have forrrrcd in spring ilustirs of small erect greenish flowers develop where the ilovcs loin the stem during the sum mer these flowers desclop fruits when the leases hate droppcdi in the fall the plant can be tdintir ed hv the clusters jor gravish to whiti sav looking terries somi innls vary irom the tvpieil and mav- be quite halrv chemical weed killers have made ileusier lo control poison ivy say soils and crops special its ol the ontario department ol agriculture not only is there less danger of getting infected with ihc poison but more per mamnt lontml is usually obtain id ammxil amino trioiolc is hi si icu a one application treat imiu sihix is also highly iffee tisi on poison lsy brushkillcrs an ixiilkni but mav require a siiund e lean up application tin ihemiials i in he applied ins mm up to lad september 1 ulltiss ihixilions on thi label loi minx eomplele and ditail id intoiniation ask sour agii iiiltili il ripicscnlaluc for the illiisitaliil ontario department ol altuuihiix hiillilin on poison lsy null ian also obtain a nips hs ss riling to inlormutlon branch onl uio dcpulmcnt or agruiilluix pailiammt build ings tiiionlo 2 onluio aum tsw yrnfvtlpakom of r r 6 millon the only girl to compete in the halton county junior plowing match this year placed second in her class for those under 16 verna is shown chat ting with ray montague of jarvis ludge for the match who remarked that although the soil was very dryrtbevoonejjtersplowed their f well legion notes for branch 197 by george ware i ftitslizm sunday school begins hcw holdrmeettng an open mmskin ur ebenc7ir sunday school wai held last sunday when picture of thi story of the good samaritan and the prodigal son wire shown next sunday evening a meeting of the teachers and officers will be held at the home of mr nd mr earl ward rev w ucman plans to lead a discussion a number of would be woi ship per arrived for the church str vice which wan cancelled this week on account of eden mills anniversary next sunda sun dav school and church will be held ut the usual hours ebenelr anniversary scmcis will be held on september 22 at ii am and 7 30 pm the guest speaker wih b uev bill sher win of paisley church guelph the ypu met on sunday eve ning mission band members ate re j minded that their meeting will be held on the last sunday ot this month please return your gift boxes ebcnczer ucw met at the home of art and ian noriish s last wednesday evening seventeen ladies answered he roll li11 with a verse containing the word truth the prvsidtnt mis m hi ward ope mil the nutting uilh i notm taki what god guts 0 heart and build your house 01 happiness toda th program tonic nets mrs don joss and mrs lai i ward led an interesting dkmsion on christian education when ti was a persons lik to be a chris hun his iou il hail i run iiioiin stgnilliuntt mow olun a pro tension ol luith is a uoildlv id lantagi when ihc linux h is i casi uuh the world ihoueti lul uligmuh people bcionii deep lv troubled the chnsiian church is a gieat cdtiealiunal lorit once vou stut to be a christian unv thing can happe n mts haloid s tiage repol ltd on the contents ot the bale sent to indi in schools and also used elothine sent overseas mrs jack jeasdale mrs art di unoncl mis m ilmlin mot it and mrs sti i e assisted the hostesses in semug lunch miss thtivt noi i ish was in nuvieo1 mg on limikirr in the eai l p u tit iht elenine mis s tllle uis i he eoill li convene i are exhibitors wi at cue jersey show the annual cnc jersey show held recently wis hpivtmiv here we are back again after our hummer mijburti hopinu bring you some of the new of happening in the branch and the tturroundlng dutrlct our fimt regular meeting since the june rd muster drew the regular number of members lo take care of the business which had piled up during vacation hist lo be noted here u the discussion oc ihc u k fhgbl an lieipaied loi iutt summer a good list of names has started nnd it is hopetl vac can letch our quota of li persons so as to charier the might niii viishn in yo i a member of blanch 197 their wives and lamilv and mav in elude tile members paixnls pro viding thev live in the sime abtnle the pniposed cost ol tlu light will be approximately 200 the response has in en suilt dent enough l ha i a liavel agenei is o be contacted nid i dale set tor a ueiieial meeting to mm onl any thlf lenities ind in havs all our questions insweixd so t xtitt iuc llllelested 111 trip cir mir1ois relatives oi ust a wiinilerlul v icatron and siyhtsetjinjt loui be suix ou eon tacnhc seerelarv oi submit our name at the eanleeii now il vyas no decided alut yo jugebtand one of the best in recent ears with 250 head shown by 53 exhibitors two noixil ilea farms d h mccait out son and mae ak x ander and sons were among the pttc winning halton county exhibituis i ii metaig and son of noi val won the lust prie in the lwoearold in milk with hoik lood m c rcla and also he second pii7c in the aged coves in milk with honeyholm model minnie mae alexander and sons of noiil won the third piue hi the itmloi bull ealt eompetilion with roscgate milestone and also the second prie in the di two eaiold cow class with hope i paula i he setoiul tender for sale of schools tenders will be received by the township of esouesino school area board na i for the sale of the following schools bannockburn hornby quatre bras ligny tenders to be m the hands of the secy treas of the board bymondfly 12 30 noon sept 23 1963 envelopes must be marved tender highest or any tender not necessarily accepted a certi fied cheque m the amount of 10 of bid shall accompany tender balance due upon completion of sale mrs c a grant secretary treasurer school area no 1 township of esqucmrj r r no 3 georgetown ontar io suier ihle discussion to purchase at 21 rca coloctvsvl frm manning lleetne and rdlle same oil with the winning ticket to be drawn il ihc iteiil o s iliud i il nice jii noveinhei 1 each member u to receive eight tleketn lo veil and tlcketi will uim be void at manning luxtrlc the brunch canteen unci ut a booth tu be set up ut the tall lair the hrumlr iakes pkiisutx in uilltmilny unite parkvt ti tiur midst uflir ins inliliilon m mem tluv lilninu limiii kit wisl s pixdlilinn l iht rnylnninii uf ilu siifllinll it llulics vstix qulu true us in luis- whipped iht viiiinn iiam in i iiim nullil ninth is uiil ih haul li iwil in ihc plistilfs his n imn the i initm will iu progresses ask those tanners upsromliitf meeting slhedulnl for this monlh are the sonu rnl ing in erin on sept 21 and the district convention in delhi on sept 21 nnd 29 anyone washing to place news in this column may do so by contacting george war 1 isi- 277 any evening ihx team to sitih as iht stason robt r hamilton frd a hoffman optometrists formerly e f head phoni outlfh va 4m71 si u fjaihses f quality ba products save you money gatolnt motor oil diomi fuol fuol oils slovo oil oh turner finance plan s veers m fey smau carry lag charges dspswdiele itkpsoiiuhrurdr- fhonc m3j370 acton aftir hchirs sj3174 treat piles mm mecca y ilun ills ssta wm sshusllc f iimsi ms i altk mtntflmti mtt isi ikiwhmi sue kssaai teaas skt ssm m au snejiils 50th anniversary acton fair specials tontuu imokld ctyovac v 29e avo dinner hams 89 fresh pig tails 27 fresh porkhocks 2l2 quarters of kef cut and wraffed for home freezer variety of fresh fish wbfmwtir pally hym u 1 1531340 l meat market w i new store hours j for guelph furniture stores open mon tues thurs sat 9 am to 6 pm j and all day friday to 9 pm fa beginning week of september 9th the following 2 furniture store will remain 2 closed all day wednesday excepting weeks in which there is a statutory holiday we feel these new hours enable us to give our customers the best possible service and our steh one free day during the week acker furniture co ltd adams furniture co ltd home furniture co leons furniture pioneer furniture ltd j a ross furniture ltd i house of warren aaaaaapiiaaaaaaai 12 ft of thi many reasons why good government deserves your support 1 more join and rising incomrs in 1962 45000 new jobs were opened up in ontario personal incomes soared more than h a tiralthy rural economy your oernmcnt is using vital actum m developing the land hy draiiugc and rclojestalion schemes i- air markets for farm products cllorls to pi ice ull producers of larm pioducls on an equivalent basis improves niirkct conditions j275 million in new business hk iimiii til mint imuiiiinni v mk iisstul l 1 fin t in intluci 2ft ionian loinpauas o pitmlucs hits aid to municipalities low faxes sour c omcualim government j nc 4m nullum this car to likal authorities helps hold down tascs rrogrcss in public welfare iur loveinnknt is ctir nunillul ol the kss fortunate members ol socicls audaicb them many vsass 8 school hoards s ili t million grunts tb elementary and secondary schools have reached a record ligurs up over 31 million improved instruction in schools ontario teachers benefit from ono of the most extensive training pro grams in north america homes for ihc arjcd pronram our cioscinincnl has assisted in provid- ins new accominodiimon lor the aged in alit2250 new beds iortamc pensions for cerone llu plan means il 0u change tubs your pension will not u lotfcilcd it moves with you 1- uecisue plannine for jour vtclfsre i nur conservative internment s record has pluccd it amoni ihc most advanced juiitdictions in the win id mgorous leadership pood intern- mail lcidtislnpicls tilings ilmir lur the people john kobai l adminis tration is lo ou 10 12 vote progressive conservative in ontario vote george kerr in halton marrwil ihimrrn srrtetf mi bistrr ut management ol hi church lawsrr mrmtvr law vs rrfv if ipper canada and tlaltun countv law atsosiation ptomolrd agtkultural rrhahlllla hon drselopcncnt assoeiaucai legislation member burungtoa raurdaxi childrcos asacclation member buritaglob town council 4 year e chairman ftnanc committee and business d caaunltug your progressive conservattvi in acton meu st r v

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