Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 12, 1963, p. 13

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10 1 th acton frtt pnm biographies of fair presidents secretaries coocumed from page sirte mol mtyj rctignrd in mid term ttatoermt enftand znd faim in beiutr 4 kirng acton hcu tittffm hi wln scjfund and etcxtcd pvetidcnt u actun fair northern if hand on lord nut field foundation sthourftip a junior farmer of long tund frif he icrttd a secretary nd fretidrnt of he acton iunwr farmers and a county prci dent of he halton lunior farm er in 152 from 156 to l5 be icned on he prut incut e tcuthv of the iwkr farmci t atwcutkin of onlarto he is fait prnidrnf of both l r the gr of v22 cr nd holds the record of uunjftvl preidenl trrr to be elected in m 50 rdr hitr n 1961 he mfrtid j little current lo accept the nupfi of bulk irrrmnjl jjrr l utth telco und this car he rrvrttrd to si fjirunne tyhile jiting in tittle current he look prt trj rn nrt pzfts jrd prt upa td in tufting m inrr ls the former htfrt kenned v of st eqtttiinf tottnhip fravrafhjri ssuod tovnhip mr and t agriculture tnd the hllofi mr frrdcll tre pjicnts or count federation o agncu trim children lure he eried four er on the bord cnernort of thv ontario federation of agntul tare he j a director of the fiallon crop improicrnent av lodatton ml ttc a the 1 chairrrun of ht hilton farmer safety council ind i- j oifm r of the onurio farm sift it own cil elected a school tunic i j the eiqucting towmhip 6ihuot art frurd in rti i- acrvevai finance chairman this rar a mtmbrr of ihc rour tub of acton the pal rifht j car he ha tened at latter seal chairrrun fur t in hul i tin editor tteo tears nd club rector one cr ht is iikm lcr of trk a ton cfurnhei of commeri in politic ik in j prog retii tonscftdiiit j i ttr fr vice president trx ohijii noting pr igrtsmtt coritrjtn he i prrsidint rf tfv fcvqurmrv conterwtitc atoculion owe in 1957 and i9m he wmyht un ucceavfulf tht hahon promts at conseiitnt federal diul provincial stknirutiom an arnatruf pholjyripl r h 1954 1957 smith i gttfrn it nftin uj born n f r in lip t jt ii on cs tor i i ttil fifth i uk in 1921 h ji rjjd mdlt p h 1 i id tt- t nn n iih tn s rxxil a fjrmrr jll his hit mr ti ifl i i t jrlv 1 i v j rrlt jh j in i h u k a pi fintn r i lit f jr mr r whhr r ir ui i t j a pi sid r f tt i r n i ailip jut t i rn r m pj i pits dt nt lb willi jr i h hj jul lor i jrm r at if i i lu i n jf f i iu i ijfini jii r f wis j pi mikul dimi i i r millw j in loinl r ifu p i irn ml hurd of irw jun f i jiii ir asv utiop of i i jn mr jiifftn is prtmdrnl f lu ui inyion oxjnt r p imnrovi irnnl aswhijiijn hit ui ml is pdm pi mdmt of i ik ntlhrginn jfid k njf sfkith n brndifs i ih a ii mfki i i hunt ill t ittd hukh ik is jfi idi r jnd in f i nit i t us tk dn sion i on th- eighth line in 1919 he attended peacock public school in his outh in thevarlv crs he helped hi father on fie farm during the second world uar h scrcd m the caru dian arm after discharge he worked in ooelph itrt ihc lnitcd coopera uses of ortaru in i9m mr ml rner purchased a farm former l otncd b fred harding on tht suth lirv of enqueiing lot 2h concesmon 7 he s ciecvd prtsident of klx m fair in 199 jnd reelected in i960 coming jn tht boird in mm he mrnes s dsisur t uperintendcnl of i tu hall mr mtfncrs i a mem imtru j gri jl dtl pitfkini it tunqucls jikj rruxlirift the ful linc tji a ncfntvi ia kno prthlirun thurth at i m ik- it n eldo and hudgcl tri4urii ol the hui ii hi i- vml tit fa plimiknl ol iik f an in 4 jiiii pjii iv54 john mous i4in mok s his imnn i il iiiiuki in im jilt all ihi j umblic 4hool in cnlinguom and liit ktwiol in tifunln iu intri td the omjihj ajiiiulluul y collect in ourlph in h ul uikthf tji two tui avmlt in itn hjrii pi p nt ihi churih a ikiti hihlu vmkil i olun ttflud on i itunr rnt llns ik i ilnlril pfiildinl of a ion i in 9v jnd iciliilid n u sti hid linn in ivw i m um on hi hood in dm ht tm mii a stipi rlnlt nd nl l iii inn ii i ml cntlm i in l43 wltuam h thomkon milium thompson u i imhii imm ji knjulhull sj a tounhip mi rftkndid u kimiii puhlk vhl a i lnltl in iii jl tats lu ihc honr farm our il d u irld uji hi i niisijt a a 1 inn cot poul null thi linh riiniint ant hj minintk 1 a l ihc po kiur mar r mi llah ki lurninz liom ittivtat ik tti ricil with 0 h lmdval ok ir j a truik drnur in m hi slaitid mork ullh i ii bliillkt ka thompson couik- from 132 to lv he inlpid l a ociin cuurv rduainii k in ifu inni the ontarki ajikul lurai culkfr mr mihr mi rm pkd l the toronto fckwlun unlit 119 rnxn ft until lm5 tie icmd in the roul tiudun t km attn dihturyt my mous trfuciicd io hr toronto elew tun an asitnt salct mnjfxr in l25 he puutuwd lrn voun tjkknpson motors he is novs litm at uh cmkrssk on xtoad v ue piesuknt ol thomp tjvr fuurlhltnr esquesin tow n moiks in ljj he has cuil ttttp and lived ihcrf until mai d pnidnit t aiion fair um l54 mr molrt ta elexled presi m h bmij in 191 jn demitf aftoo fair in linuan o suits as tkiii supxrintm r but irard m arxil as he ml trumpson enter s the cold the larra and mtrtrd n 1 hunim in iw7 he returned to the totonlo n anud ihe loiwm usanot cnl fckruort ck a short lime but ln loon joined tht carudun srtuil culiof corpuialion as tcksukxi 195 i960 farm oimmrntator mr mote- uoto mcffrtly lprccntli manager foe int up lknj msfivrs m burn in tilio- farm sks rvnartmrnt rm timnship at lot lmvi lth onurk hidru he married the former mrtu staplctun km mr and mis moles arc the parents of a win and danjti fcr mr mules fluhris is rautin fcnd uiling a tarrsmct ol his i wfmtktr frikfstm 1954 1955 1 1 1 vkkas tas a lugisal iajt tvbocu ewrdcll m wn in lu iihoke lor a lar or tht lair fn i das nig ht program since he live la esrrdcll has nun in l ir sprs re attended actim publk scsuul ilc master of itrcmonies al v omttnuatioo school ur h khu w announce while laileodioj khuul in acton hc he trotted omtngs and satur f mtet tfart at the farm ui j j stewart wembr of the holnlat ranch mr eterdefl as emnkned with pfrtorro here art muan bam hrforr rawing curk mcfarunc who nu the rron acton a m membei and ijdic nvandolin and banfo arvf nranmem member of the acion xm the attrac luaauc farmers he serd as salm jaia mclean come rvnldent lo l0h he tool part dun bl nkiss who plm the in nuns inntucl and seed ian rl n luc jodfiaj oompetitiuos he plass n p uidic j hodes and wtball with the lpftr dun mcfarurv acton junior farmers in mum p jjk r d ha opal affairs he aened in fv w jnj wn nj uum shw chelslbikltilitiescum p p d mti io l4 tuccecdutg juhn w bcr ui the limcbouie prcsb tenan church in 1m6 he mar ned the former frma hatson mr and mrs mcfcjiers are the parcni of a son and da ugh tcr 1961 1962 nino ua10a sm braida uas born in bracebrtdge muskoka district in 122 in 1924 with his parent he vstrit o torinrj itak returning in 1925 on the famils s return tries hied in huntsville in 126 mr braida mosed lo acton where he attended acton public sihwl and acton continuation sihorjl he wai fcmploved at i blow press limited in 1941 and jis still with the companr for 1 12 rears he operated the 60 acre farm which is now the gfenlea subdivision eseenit interested in ih club work he has been a club leader for the past eight tcan mr braida is a member of the acton chamber of com merce sening on the agricul tural committee he is a member of the st joseph s church ac ton and is 1963 president of the hols same sooet in 1961 he was elected president of actoa fair and reelected in 1962 he came on the fair board tn 1954 mr braida is single 1963 calvin aitken calsin aitken was born n 1913 ai lot 8 con 3 the sec ond line in erin township ha continued on page elesenl congratulations acton fall fair board on your 50th anniversary fall fair what would grandpa say now partus memory or th poblid sov and the opn cracker banwl m th rara your dad wad to tat you to wfcen rh 20rh century wat young it dam wlwn acton fad fair began m 113 rfmo wr common m rho mcr- ckaakdomg a today rho owfahwntd pobckiod stain has boon iwp by niyruda of coanforni for mo cmmmorc eawiro some things haven i changed the atdfitiuoned fnendtmcm and courtesy that you will always find a aden tad and white stare watch for our handbill this week for your shopping convenience open all day mon open thurs till 9 pjvl amfte parking free delivery fresh produce daily redtv white food i acton red white store f queen st e on no 7 hwy phone 8534990 fifty years of progress in history of fall fair jnttnued from page two the first government grant for served as a faithful director ever ran from 1921 o 1953 a tot continued from pageti whole countryside turning out gate acton its most successful fair the exhibit of horses was magnificent the other stock exhibits were also fine the presence of the roval grena diers band of toronto was a feature which brought great prestige and satisfaction to all the hall was bnlliantls illum inated at night the most at tractue sections were natural is those displays executed bs the ladies in grain the qual its variets and quantitv was far abose average a very good displat of vegetables occupied a large section on the east side of the hall not up to toronto votes of the fair famils reunions and meeting of old friends was a prominent characteristic of the fair ac ton fair was not up to toron to fair in some respects of course but some of its features uere more attractive director anderson took the prii for selling the most num rxr of tickets real organizer john m warren toronto is ccrtamls an organizer worths of the name when he can sue cetd in bringing home a train load ol old boss and girls he ought to be successful in a pol itical campaign riiupts of 1913 fair 51547 8s operating expenses all purposes including the band 501 10 aggregate of cash pn rii awarded value special prizes cash balance in bank after all prizes were prouded for permanent basis the spring of 1914 steps were taken to organize the fair oty a permanent basis on the lines laid down by the statute gov total of 32 years at the 1921 fur a pen and ink sketch of the hon david header- son by little miss maty gib- boas wis considered the work of goeemnvftif grant the 1914 fair was a cheque to i since r i secretary treasurer hmds for 45 yean service jjooix t past president chirks mc- on the wednesday evening of keown became a cutsctor m isis the 1914 fall fair the hall was op- nd has been a director since ened to the public two hundred that year both mr jwaldie and took advantage to view the small- mr mckojwn have 6 tears ter er exhibits j2i0o was taken at rice lur the gate the gate receipts total- the 1918 fair had a new exh a total of j9tfll of rain insur- led s4k13 exceeding 1913 bv hi electrical display made bv ance was collected on this fair j6000 the electric light ctepartrxienj of an aeroplane dropped a lot of the municmalitv in charge of rl- literature square m the tiudce of ectnetan charles wifcon beauty contest i the fair grounds in 1922 the bof scouts knox mission band john moffat vic rtunley and harold the rear 1919 a bekutv con et wlies i ctmg booths at the was introduced with mrs jj a f witkxighby judged the hind- sorriest married lailv on the grounds while mis ricwence murray won the handsomest the 1923 fair had a 120 defi it mr e j pearen and mr r j kerr idvocated the entrance fee be iiised from 25c to 35c single ladv on the grounds in ti r ihr e tl a rather interesting- few sen the wnteup it stated it is hop- 1152 if tences are worth quoting about ed that prizes will be offered for atv 7 k the 1914 fair evenbodv was the handsomest man at the fair frs reased to there the old grev whiskered next vear and that lady judges j rl x men from the back concession will be found to decide the ton- i get whose chief interest was in the test and make the award- hvnd mcreai slock the voting swains whose the following vejr three riioa to i10o1m chief interest in many cases was voung ladies chose the finest f the blushing damsel accompans loofcing and best dressed bache- t w w the 4ath of inff him and the youths whose lor on the fair grounds between george bvnds who had i been sec principal attraction lav m the 25 and 40 vears of age mr jack reta treasurer since 1913 fakirs of the miniature midisav bell fees receipts up first baby show the gate receipts were up the first babv shcjw was hld ixow m 1924 mainly because at acton fair in 192l the win- of the ruse- in entrance fee ners were not listed but it staed the 1925 fall fair had two the member of parliament pr classes in the baby show praes anderson milton the hospital for best babies were won by 634 li 297 75 512v the admission of cars to the exhibition park was a new but very popular decision and up wards of 50 cars took advantage of the privilege during the dav through careful arrangement no accident of any kind resulted the first school children s par ade with hundreds of children waving flags paraded to the park behind the band and bov erning the agricultural and arts scouts in 1916 the bov scouts association of ontario the pres- did a physical drill the help idem secretary and director d for the wounded club the m henderson were appointed tj daughters of the empire and the present the necessary petitions lo forestry battalion booths did a the department president haul ihnving business in refreshments and secretary hvnds prepared and candies and circulated a petition praying prohibition certainlv worked thi legislature to take the action pari with satisfaction a the ntiissjr to place acton fall f not a man the worse for ii fair in the official list was on lne grounds dr a v nixon mpp pres during the two days i cnted it during the session bill record for president 167 which received its third in 1917 george havill was et- reading april 29 1914 and be ected the fifth straight time as came law upon the rising of the president of acton fair a record house said acton fall fair is for the president in the 50 years hereby declared to bean agn the root exhibit was excellent at cultural society under the pro- the 1917 fair it was significant visions of the agricultural soc that two local irishmen rev j leties act and to have all the c wilson ba and principal rights and privileges of an agn stewart were successful in de cultural society under the said feating farmer growers in enn act this satisfactory outcome township the year 1917 past meant a permanent fair for ac president d d waldiebecame a ton with annual government director for the first time with grants the exception of 1918 he has these parasites of the fall fairs the fakirs were in attendance in considerable number and as us ual did a thriving business cars admitted the 1915 fall fair was the first sear enrs were admitted to the nurse and the ladv of a county mrs fryer and mrs a e cnpps park the automobile was a official were not lorig scatter ng mr gordon beardmore sup- growing factor in attendance at after making their awards at ihe plied exhibition pens for this all fairs and scores of cars first baby show the baby show t fair brought visitors from a wide ar acton fair week specials free free free a beautiful set of free with every 6 3 drinking glasses gas purchase we wish to extend our congratimations to the acton fall fair board on the- occasion of their soltij anniversary queensway motors sales peter broefchoven prop 141 queen st e acma oat 1530041 since i 1 1913 1 the acton free press has been pleased to the growth and progress of acton fall fair ww iiiiw best wishes i to the directors and who make the annual 9 mail i cm integral part of the life the acton free your prize winning newsfaper

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