Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 12, 1963, p. 14

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the aoon free press fifty years of progress in history of fall fair coatiaucd iron pafr three tbr m 1929 past president l o johnston became a director aad hat new aencd 33 ion the arir arena was completed ki mm tar rrarjdslaad and hoota were awrad across to the aailliwtll aide of the par the car stoat park ales wrrt er acted the firu offiaa opening acta ulr had sacrirs laceptwo veas mt bjr his haaour lieut enact gcweroor ross receipts ol the 1930 fair were jjjml 92 expenses we s33075t new cattle bee were built and aoulrrr shown la the anil ha presjatnl chnllat of the ontario afncatmra cifleer opened the fair lor il i the war 192 past presidem k i dandaoa became a dirw lor and has served 31 vrars th hon j b fairborai drputv mm bier of ajtvvruiturr opened the lair arena performance drev 1400 people r ken be m the first field superintendent a new feature uf the 133 lair was the amplifier ssstem on the frooads fwhb its four large horns the wood chopping con test was won d mr wilhain rndth jboss race under 16 was won b i norman asdeiion georar rjddeu jam in robert i itarhtl smart lana th hon duncan marshall ontario minuter of airkulturc opened the mj4 lair firs tear prize to a person attending the greatest distance was to mis liars cumming 1 braemore place aberdeen scotland i past president arthur swaci jnmer became a director n 1935 nd has 21 years servic the first fall fair dance was held wednessby night in the acton town hall the 1936 and 1937 fair were down in attendance because of the prevalence lof uifanviie para jsis in 1931 the societv named as tociale directors for the first hme r j kerr honored the soc lety b becoming president of ontario fairs the hon p n idewon ontario minister of ag ricuhurr opened the fair forts two babies competed m the baby i ehow a large historical exhibit was on display fireworks were held the second night of the fan- in 1939 large photos of th 1 royal visit on displa were made available by the toronto daily ttar president waller linham became an associate director with 24 years service fred wright after righ years as secretarytreasurer resigned in 1940 acton girls led bv miss helen oslrander and vest ind yalca gare a fine presen- dav and lattinesdav each sear cctore thesr three past prcn aclon branch of the legion had dents fuse served 10 mars entire charge of the nudwar suaejehamcr hi there was a parade of arrm and cnse secrcian treasurer rav school children lvcrdeh at the age- ol 22 be the 1941 fair showed a balance came the vouriesi prcs dent in ol jw2 andi the directors toted the histurv ol acton tair in i9s4 tvsu vears terms tor prcs dents was stalled tlu san vcar nevi hot pens vecrc built mr stanlcv hall mpp opened lss lair past president sid braida became an associate dir cctor in i91 and ha nj served lor nine ears aixijcne i 4s that unanimcxislv thai m00 00 of ibis amount be unseated in the sec und curv loan and the secre tars was instructed to make ar plication for the tikt bonds to be issued in acton i b swack hamcr tmearoe the new secretan treasurej flcr sen ot 12 the w l3 if pins veere glen to j a suable hamer d d a j e lharks mekcown robert kerr b t crillm g a dills a b mclean vi j l hainoshife s e rittin robert kerr sr and the tale j e peaten all t rnn township vsere ehibnor tor ilnu t so ears as cee i telle baec our the past soscirs ue realle tlut vee oeee a tremendous debt ol ulitinj to oil eels and membcls ot i uils lairs it seas a pioneer er lute and onls through their ua- seflish devuhon to the cause has the splendid organisation of to- eli besrn madr possrble in eoiktusion it is realized this is tai tioni being a cumpletc re cord ot the histors of acton fair the agricultural sextets knows that sou will appreciate the dlf- iteiillies ciicexintered vehen pre paring a so sear histore aeton fair nas e irned ob through eartune j pression and i aim ian das ft is the hope of the atrleiiltur il sixiele that this hist ir eeill he of interest to all eel read it i ing one half sinels contestants entered the arena seas central atiada junior pumpk n not aiajable the slww went on championship in f dance dance set a laxen in at gate reeeipts in front of the grand eshihiuon ferrn wheel wns at the 1w lair soo to 6m peoetle at lendcsd ihc saturday the 1h fall fair record 52325 wa- the door senile the were jl03i0 past robinson bee ime director and has nev sencd 19 sears the first peace sii ears the 143 f people there were held mr j e wi some stand a war tucd from the i 5 beth mc eren 16searold queen was named ml d hlaek agrie ultural representative from w 1 hnglon counts opened the ar j jhn pickett torn hurnhe eor the junior pumpkin champi n president ab ship in lt7 mr sands best m in assexiate p opened the fair 195 was the lust caf that a separate ladies division was ui lime fair in ganied gmng the ladies a spc nr had 5uxi eial identits first president wis tsso dances mrs r l mchnen and the see tdock agri rctan treasurer was mrs ralpn cutural represental lc opened fxrtnv ihc fair a major ejjcndilure of 530000 for levelling ihc park and erecting new cattle ie and lav fi nau i btrt ing ot water pi i cattle took ol lhe v o vi place before the 196 fatr the hl ruum tlub of arena show featurrd bos b a galekcxpeis crvsse tjx vear 191 his honour there was an 85 pound pump- judge george e elliott opened kin grown bv r j chandler mr the fair a new feature seas in j e whitelixk agn rultural rep traduced aji the 12 fair a resenlatnv opened he fair for si0000 cn draw the second sear in i row 8to0 tw for people attended the atendance fr imu a broihir and s was down 100 people in 194 tonlblnalon as pri5ldenl and mainlv because lhe fur was held consistent winner the fatr mrs ncrman rcbsrron cf bak no d e contests i s she vr w r- tqr aeon fall 952 eh b r at fairs the 19s 199 ailct i960 the soeietv had the senrices in october in 1948 past presi dent mac sprowl beame an as sociale director he has served 15 years a feature oi the 1949 fair was the george own girls president secretan treasurer call in ait ken and mrs irene svsackham er during the past 25 vears ag ncultura diplomas have been prpe band cd graham dep- pr darectors of the soc utv mmister of agnsilture opi f mentonous services for ened this fair agncullure the folloveing men in 1950 a pie eating contest f he ne eenn he 1 3js over nine w r j kerr 1940 d d wal gar thelford was appointed sec lelarytreasurer with the saiarr kicrcakd froni s125 to j150 in 94l the fair laid the largest midsrar ilmpirt shows and for e brit ttaac nacriliil on tues- y ereaiag coonri a 0 1 for the finj time in actons matory the fair was helcpoo fn y and saturday in t942 lhe acason being that orangeriue i a baring a lair the same tues- was won b joe jam over nine bovs in one minute ald 24 sec onds the heanest ram since 1913 practically made it impossible lo cany out the 1951 acton fair the attendance was only 2300 people a new feat are donkcv baseball was lntrocuced when the town pbved ugamst the country in 1952 j a camb assxttanl deputy minister of agriculture opened the fair president cahinf aitken became an associate dir ector and has now served 11 years in 1953 the gran island was rebuilt and painted white with green tmn the caue tics were moved and put up a the west end of the pari a square danc ing competition was held for die first time friday evening re ceipts cere j650jj0 dance cetpls 117140 mr j i wmhdcxd al reprcsentatite ipened lhe fair past president smith grif fin dord mcenery imd william itboisbscb became asoaate dir- die 1948 charles mckeown 1959 wesles murrav 1952 arthur swackhamer 1957 r l davidson 1958 j a robinson i9j9 dr frank oakes 1960 g a dills 1961 j a mann 1962 the year 1962 life membership congratulations and best wishes to thf acton fall fair board on their 50th anniversary from jack mccallum s texaco service station comer mm st i and young aetna ol t531500 i sincerest 0h6mtuiat0ns mjbestwbhes u hm of icon and diration of th acton f fk board en hm ocusion tkir 5h1 aiqnvllsaty j mil ims from acton bowling lan biographies of fair presidents secretaries continued from page eichl ate ard the ontario veterinars parents of two daughters mr e e leec t ir hu he simon veas elected president o immediatclv went into gcreral a on fair in 1941 and has rv praet ce at mihcrtin ontar o cc i r manv vears on the field later m ving to aetim in 9j co nmitlee taking up residenec n kiv ed since 129 he ha born en pi led with the et inc rca lie rs in 149 he wjs eketed pres dent o vlon fker aid has sets eel a i umvr if leais je assn art 1942 gtotct somrtvmjj born 1m3 died 19s4 george somerville veas born m 1893 m the somerville home ste j at lhe town line of sas s fc and esqucsinc t mi st- i he spenl his enure lilt i tic tiim followiree his minu i h lo miss olla b arm si ic he farmed 2t veais on vciial is kneivvn as the be udm re lai n adjoining aclon in 94o i p n tiased the archie t m inn i in e ist of acton on so 7 high was ml somerville was e 1 e t d pi i ill o aetun fair in hi ar 1 c a direct tr t t nui v v r he ec is prcm km i ll a i n mi k produce i ansjci i i n he served as r dirceuir o r ontario milk producers a s nan for se nie ve u he v i eel is a nie inlie r lie e q i n tovenclnp p b o i he vi is i nie ml u l v ik r lodcc af l am mi simemille veas a member ot ki presbvtenanchurch a n ail i sliced on the bo in i mil c mr am mi s in i ill vi ic tile pirelll i ue s i 1 i three dallcluel 1943 robert w iowjii bom lm died im2 r belt lownc w is b- i u insfi it cadaton ne ir caulill silllh wales he attended seh i ui sales and england in the eaile vears mr lovvrie lam ed al 1 ot 12 esquesing and lot i etui townships for 15 vears he uvcct in acton 24 vears and the tisl seien vearswilh his daughter in slreetsville he was keeiilv interested in sports particular hoekev mr lowne was noted as a lodge of horses especiallv heavv horses chdeseiales both in canada and wales in 1943 he was elected president of acton fair hi was active in the work of st alban 5 church aeon and during the second world war was closely connected witfi lhe salvage drive in 1194 he married the former elizabeth yoraih and thev came to canada in 1912 mr and mrs lowne were the parents of three children a son and two daughters 1944 r l davidson avenue where be ptcsenuv i c iec fl 11 w- i sis h eeas ja n ntxi i the a i n p ihl i s h b aid se rung f ki e t ihiumar it ssi h e v 1 he aeton coune i n i jpaeilv t mn 1 ir n 19 i t i he veas a member 1 the aclon puhue elllllue tun illlsel n ni hijn i 11 1 icling as chairman three vu s ur oikes ve is lhe tir i pics dent il the ac i n chjiihe e mnic rce he viae t irl t member inj a du clot lb kelirs club 1 a 11 i it e pisl 20 lc ii he h 1 ihl 1 i llvi i ii all e it- i si i 1 aie t h s ei st r i v 1 f 11 1 i 14 ii i aid in 1940 ll lhe aim acriculturjlssilianid d him a ceitil at f r m 11 i sen 1 v it o k 11 11 i ll 1 11 1 nufnrucndinl i ihc h 1 i in r 4 k 1 n v kultlll jl v l au jrjvi hiii j kltitheju j a i 11 1 v difk n j 1 t mil s v r i t t u hi in 1 m 1 k 1 1 kn pri hitiun t hutk h a mctnn r 1 1 hi k v ir in ih a k t ir t ha- sid n ihi bv r 1 l mmv mi w i i t i i rrn n s r i lu m i n i il o jjlev 1 h 11 if f k ih l r c uji krr w i i mr f i fi 1950 waith ltnham ill i i it i t m ok r ui kl l i9j6 j arthur swackhamer ll in sw i khilt il u i i rr im it l i 2 fsquf k 1 ui t mil lnl n il sik k i iiir larm until l mi ukh nn r iriil un tlu fnr 1 uni p i kirii it l ir t i i i i 1 pui r v j iii i 40 f vk v til lul l t t i il yj i n i h lu h i in i m- h jkillj is i fh lit i dl iii i i i ikiii t ii m i ir a 1 ti i i l nurnrxr t th lltuahill i n iid church hi u s nibv vhul supxrinltiidint ujrs nd is it thi niiumni an h nutji ildii in 1907 ik marritd ihc i rint r lna lxnnv mr and mrs suaik ha nit r art i hi patents of fivi childan in i97 iht act in agri culiural socri auaruvd him a tcrlilnale for mcrilonous scr wl lo agriculture 1947 howatd j switzn howard switrer was born at nurval in 1913 he attended lorne and acton public school alvj acton continuation school for quite a number of vais he was a member of theaclon junior farmers and served as president in 1943 when mr sviitzcr farmed at acton he was lei 1 p hj i s s it ecu i i i v m i i ihm n i ill i i t n i s i lit i ll i i it 1 i i ill i i i i i i ml i i i i e si ii i 111 t p i j i i ile llllh lie 1 ol 1 i s i iii iii i i i i i ii a m i ii k p i i ill s k i i p i an calls i i if i n 1 ml it ii i ee pi idnl m ii i i hi c t ui ii 1 in i ll h ii n i mi i f i n t i up ml i lief 111 vic i p s i i tn el 1 li bl i si i i lui s i s i i ai t i ll let eel e r il i s i i ala ii is loun 1 1 i m mi ip i al lairs lit h is sell i i hie 1 eu s mg township i in i ii w4 1 as couneill r ik pi ti h i u 1 was reeve in i9v he le is i i l til president of a i tn fair ill l0 and has serwel i i lirttor 24 vtarehe marrutl ih i imer ruth longslrea in i9w f jn mrs linham are th pun is if ihrtt children 1951 i i pafxb robert parker was horn in stirling ontario in 1901 he al tended public sehoo in sluing high school in bowmanville an j the universitv of toronto grad uattnf in 1922 mr parker in s ue ss irked as a escni a rfinerr tne musk him i tonllo ham lie ptloro nainevr si caibannes and sit ik 1 194 mr pak r air i a a veas e pi led vtth se fie j i i mpanv 1 r lc e exne lal sup i de plan a i is v ec pi it i on ccl littfie se ba i la ks h aid and ll a 11 sel al i is he ee j n nis r j hte ml a i l i h se iid in ihc ii i 1 se i k i kn mps e e is 1 i lv k i aia rpi i 1 a n th i i v he t i l h i ii ii si l ttul aid p s i iv h1 i a n i i is v p j ii is i s i a iii ir i r i i i m r l i i s m m a 1 m p i 1 i n f a t i p gtoict c wauaci i w iii i w h i in s iiii i eenhiplit ii aii i i 1 jmhi v i i p ri ss s s s h to i i i ihi i p u i i wo i j h n s ii i e e v i m ih hi i n in m 11 ml i r ii 1141 mi a 11 t m ld ll best to acton fail on thi 50th i t 1 3 thi 71 aui st 1 r l davidson was born in a member of the acton milk 18 at lot 31 con 3 second producers association in 194 he line north of acton esquesing purchased the c r mckimton township he attended lorne 150 acre farm ijji 23 concession school ss no 12 as a vouth 4 erln township howard s a mr davidson farmed on lhe sec m iht acon rl club ond line until 1939 moving lo and jp lai lhc the present farm on the third hillsburgh curling club a mem i line where he lues in carls r of lhe hillsburgh lrrltid years he was leader of the aclon church he is a member of the jr farmers he was a member b uf s h m of the ideal united farmers or donalda mcphail in faniration at acton mr david mr and mrs stwitrer are son is a past president serving parents of two bovs in 1947 twti vear terms with both the he was clecled president of acton esquesing township and halton p couniv federation of agncul lure since 1956 he has been a 1948 member of the esquesing town bwood johnston ship planning board in the earlj ehvood johnston was bom in years he was trustee and secre 1918 at lot 2 concession 2 ihc tars treasurer of lorne school second line enn township in ss so 12 and from 1948 to his south- he attended lome 1956 a trustee in school area no public school and acton con 1 esquesing township mr david nnuation school in his earls life son is a rnerrrber of the acton be attended the acton short milk shippers association in courses for manv vears mr 1944 he was elected president of johnston belonged lo the ac aclon fair and the past 18 vears ion junior farmers and served has bceh superintendent of the iwo vears as president he is a hall he is a member of knoi past president of lhe aclon miu presblenan church and served producers association at the pre on the board oi managers he sent lime he is eroploved at the biarneu the former margaret mc ford plant at oakville he i a arthur in 1915 mr and mrs mcrnber of tnnitv inilcd churct davidson are the parents of one acton he is married lo ih fo son nur moliv cults mr and mi johnston arc the parenis of i ir 1 1945 childrin in 1948 he v-a- eicited j fi riawga j president of aclon fair dr frank g oakes was born i in 1912 in johnnlle province ol 1949 ouebec in the eastern town j a toajnson ships he attended pubbc school albert robinson was born near hi that pronrmce before moving milton in trafalgar township in id lot 14 second line of eramos 1899 he lived in drumquin and township at the are of 11 sears homb in his earf life mr br oakes rarnplfled public robineoo attended coyne and school at ss no 2 eraroosa homb public schools before be aitcaded iht gaelah couea cosuiaj u ac n 1929 be ana- oil the occosioi of hie 50th of the acton fall 1913 1963 mayor leslie a duby acton town i join in offering sincerest and best wishes to the officers directors of hie acton fair past and present on this happy occasion

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