Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 12, 1963, p. 4

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summer time is running out but anytime is classified ad time classified advertising rates births deaths marriag es engagements no charts for sale for rent etc- 8c jaln ehf for- is word sc per word thereafter s lrertlon nn copv changed 75c mln chg for is word 3c per word there fw u dlncount olirtwh for cash payment coming events cawtj or thankssi for fin five tin e 16c for each nddlilittiul line in memorlamfl plus 10c per line of vewe ctassified display rral estate 1 jo pef col inch box number 25c luldlllonal lo ihli offta- deadlinp clamlfled advenihlnu 12 noon wedruradav claulfled dliploy real untitle s pm tuesday pkbw853260 cmos of thanks cmm we wlh to ekprcm our appre elation for the many acta of kindnetm attd etcprrsslons of vm pa thy d loadolence extended bv our friends and neighbors durlnif the recent illness ami death of otir helitved husband and father the family of the intc wit ham bud fraser hm2l1 in memoriahn harris in loving memory of a dear brother thomas ajrtlur s harris who panted jwnvscpl r a cmbee121j tver remembered bv the harris fimllv a 1 1 26 ok mil taamaimni por sale 200 acre farrn 190 workable no i land loam slight slope to aotllh mile off hhjhwav room brick htftme bath and furnace tnryc bank barn this l an attractive well kept farm throughout i con slder this the best farm in th district dont overlook this one if vou are in the market lor i jood farm js7 000 other farms m 100 atrts rov mcconnell ri ultor ilillsbiiryh 5t44ll b ii 262 th aelpn free press thursday sapt 12lh 1063 births marriages deaths etc engagement mr and mrs cvoriii robert paul unnoume the engaiicmint or their voungesi clmiuritvr shuli pvelyn lo mr philip klissen r c n shearwater n s sun ol mr and mrs philip klassvn win nlpcg man thr marrlnpi will lake place ouolur t isfm at pm in ihe chunh or st alhnn the mnrivr anon oniaim mr and mrs hum criniilin wish in anntiunn tht cnuhe- ment of thalr daughter miirkm- ruscmarv to mr donald duaiil wilds son of mr and mrs i n il rick wilds of anon oni thi wedding to take pliue ottobir t lt at 4 p m all vnden park cummunilv chunh souihhtnil and faul lath strut llnmilion irnnings in loving memory ff a dear ftknd and godfather jim jennings who passed awav suddenly september 9 i9a2 wil little kniu vvhtswc uokc that morn tht sorrow tht tliv would bring tor the call was sudden the shock severe to pan with one ui loved so well sadly rtmemhercd bv bud dtll donna jud limmv ind david palmer ill ms coming events nuiii lakeside chapter io dt silurd i illtrnoon novem her 24 all 272 residents of acton area at lend an tdutalionil metlini prj or in the foimition ol acton comiminnv cretin union this tvininji sepiimlxi 12 in the ominimilv iiilu it k 10 pm iir2t4 anniversin si r lets 1 27th an nivitsiuv ul tin n is t f ivvtvi plishvltiiin chiueh nn septtm htr is il ii i m ind 7 vi p m rl w l slvvts yutsl spelktr spitlil lllllsli rviivolli vt i tumi t 18 2171 nissip mi vi township pro grtsslvt imstrv itivi assihiiiiim is holdine a dame in riool villi ii ill on we due sd is st pi embtr is hw pm time ant met i gooryt ki rr pi t indi dilt i utieh inti idnussitin lite fvtnoni vvikomi curiit s oreh cstrn bp22h2 wamtpd for genllemnn press and bnml box 164 tret a ii 201 wanted ride to guelph hv o a c student who lives on highway between acton and rockwood phone gsft462 n 9 1 98k4 wantrircllahle bihv siller to mind 2 vearold tn m honn tuesday wehlnesdas ind thins d iv e leh week phone tu 274 a 1 1 isa wantfd i room apartment or rtiiim uilh light houseltetpuil latiluies for gentleman abstain ir quiet vieinity m un and mill phone 8110718 bttwien 9 12 an s7 p a 27 help wanted help wanted waitress ap ply dominion hotel phone htt 1m i a ii 2711 lost i ost betutcn 4th line and mohawk rattuav red plastic u illtl initial a no identifica tion containing bills and silver saturday night between 9 and 9 vf tinder please phone camp- btllville 81498 10 b 182144 dead stock walnut ranch ltd crippled and disabled cows and horses lie 24 hour service nos 1urp 208ca2 waterdown mu 91044 atr wantrd reliable man as dealer in ae ion and milton esperltnet not nttcssarv fine opportunity to sitp into old profitable business where rawleigh products have been sokl for years big profits products furnished an credit write rawleigh s dept i til im 400s richelieu montre il all employment wanted fmpioymrmt wantrd re llihlt mothel vs ill ituik iftt i thildrtn s divs i week phont 8s10847 alter ft pm ill 27 baynes deadstockservice highest pners paid lor iresh deatl or disabled cows horses old healths horses bought phone flirlph ta 2 80fd or lergus plant 84vj791 licensed dealer is9cfi2 a tf paconi pead stock removal i imitfd ilitrlnsl c ish priets for tit ul or tlisihlttl coves ind hoists j old hi ists st ih lm nn no 227cm mrptl j phone zerflth 97950 i legal notice to creditors and others in ih eaiale of isabella bil- ton late of th town of ac- tort in tn county of halloo widow dacmuwsl all parties having claims ag alnst the aforemenliuned estate of isabella bilton who died un or about the second day of august 1963 are required to file proojrtfereor with the under signed ctllltltor for ihe executor on or before ihe twentieth dav or september 1963 after which dale the estate will be distrl billed having regard only to tlie claims then filed datfd at aelon ontario this 28th dav of august 1963 t t leathfrland oc aelon ontario solicitor lor ihe fxetulor a93 notice to creditors and others in the estate af joseph alex ander lasbv late of ihe town of acton in the county of halton ford employee d ceased for rent gfbsgn dead stock service p ml lot di ii ail pirtiis having chims ap an ihe j esiair ol joslp11 alcxandlr las by who tiled on or about the jjcvmih tliv ol jills 1961 in lectured to hie ptool theltot wilh ihe undtisiuncel solicitor lm ihe executrix un or before ihe ivvenlielh dav ol sepiembei pm alter which dale the estate will be distributed hiving re i ltd onlv lo i he eliuns ilun il eel dati ii it alton ontai it this 2itlh die ol auuiist 9it i i llathtrland oc t ion ont irio sohtiloi loi tin rsitilttix a91 notice to creditors avdotiir tor ri nt looms anil b ilh in r s applv bo in i prtss apii tint nl s iv id iblt oeto ii l hi st pi it illtl illsablttt tows mil si i lb loi old hi illhv i at our 1 1 1 lhis plant o iftt alton i wls 1 1122a ta ris toll i 4t ii let lit the estate of raciiaei storr late of ihe town of acton in ihe county of hallon widow deceased tor rlnt i lint 1 hi alt d location rmt ieisonibl list ir87 1 room si i e in ipirtnlint ctnlri phont i ii m i ii no 261 c fti 40 iftxrim t 47 tf for sale dm died bailey at his home in alton on monday september 9 06t harry bailey beloved husband of mllll orvlx and dear tmlur of william of georgetown mrs bertha kentner of acton mrs olive hood or dundalk mrs gertrude travis or port elgin mm beatrice schaldcmosc ol hanev bc funeral service was held ut the rumlev shoemaker funeral hume on wednesday at i pm interment shelhurne ccmettiv fraser at his home in moll u on wednesday september 4 1963 william andrew bud fruser beloved husband ol marlorlr penrose dear lathet or atherinr mis don mi mil un ol moffat loved grand a ther of wuvne and pennii and brother of hatrl mrs a it fisher of cult rested at thi rumlev sho m i ker runeral homr aelon win u fuiveral seivue was held i ut is september 3 at 2 p m inui mam nassagauisn preshvte i un cemetery i or sai r 2 vtk sows in 2 wnks phom 8st4k8 i 1 1 267 roitsi rfis u lirr in 1 17 vttv ffimid condition plitim 8si 1m7 i ii 264 for rent in ii mc o mil i untbiti iti ii cars for sale sr new thisllt babv it 8std847 illci i 1 1 274 ror sair c irrtit phi 6pm rorl sai i i hluk push i iamb and i sealskin itwl sit to 18 ri isonibk 8stlwis i i 1 1 2ft6 i i or rint 2 iioonitd apirl i me nts suitablt lor esiuplt 1 lur linshtil 8smv7ft allir ft a ii 271 tor sai i kill ssi w ih it mil i ill ivt iltanttl nut lnit id loi sd pimm xmiiotg i ii 2 ior sai f town mups anil hallon cthintv mips 2se plus ii tax availablt al pills sialioturv s6 mill si i i4ssss47ll i or sl i suit milking tiliiipmtnl dins i ii in supplus poll buns s ilt s nut stivui hoi ut i tiiilms in hi tuipi n 1 i i2s e 1 s18 it suit ihli loi llousi rt l ul imlltt i irt tiuik itctiving uiiss il is hi iletl lomplitt tuilili s call dave dhls 853 2010 miscellaneous ar i or sl i wsft bui k vui ctnluiv hiidlop powir tttuip- slll h d i uli i i ui ship moioi lti it mln tl j2s oi will uitpi ihtiinr hide phom 8st44l i 1 1 2ft hr sm i slu din kiu a iwivs a list lul kill lm anv ik i sion a sompli le assottmi ut al di s stallone r vi mitl st ai ton i4ftmm t cards of thanks i or sm i ml wub ill ml liuiiitt ih we would like to rxpiv ss gratltoda lo rversoiu i i kindness svmpathi me ilowtt ivtvivesj during otu iuhh is reavement the nwcei ol live liu mi gexvrge smuh oil hum i hi iliols to eonvt 1 1 oil will in ii ui in i sloll l iii n i ill ssitssorfs atui s i 1 i issm i wu to thank mi m inv irteada and patients who n me cards kiteis flowns i 1 trull during mv periods ol hos ptlalualhm auo the atunujinvj iloclors and nunrs tn lht in ik il hospital guelph out all5s w c kemvs md i wuum like to thank lb lid ia auaihats ot the c tnwjian lsion the catholic worn n s lamfue mv neighbors andlrunvts fur sards ajitts eamlv and tkw era mm during mv slav in st jeswpbs humnitaj allsjsj mrs 1 malheson c i wmh i thaak all haas who so kladr miemberad me in ui buaw vsmvi wmk i ssi a patient iat oualpb gasx ho 5 taaato jtaryaail dr gar- pnl acaw mlmb c akw tmt aaibhigma tlasaa kiai- haat hi annkjw a for sai i alliatliv ami it ison ibl ptoxitus loi il ii msiteii liveli ami s too in a i i sss1 v yjs s ppls i l ik ii nni lid st s ii moll mai 1 pi ps 10 veitks old i in ii i ioki honii phont 8sx ill homi maintfnancf e ir jxiiliv etment and blink voik odd tubs jim cnhstin 120 mill si v phont 8ss2a i49i4f rt ii ibu ki tio mil l sim vih un i nsi iii iii iiis i s i r lm s ilt ill lliuv st i in i ss iiis tilllis 11 1 wit k i i imi- wi rrn oin ri snows sirvois osn x toiiit tibli is bilp build up thousands ol nun woimn ill il at itnii sloll s lt 4tow kill hi si r i pliolstriv tv iv 1 1 it tipholsirrnifc rrl lushing ind rvpm ug ot all km is it tin iiiture for fiee estimates ill va ilthnx troerttrti sislo a ton alt tl v1r rl i 1ms1is i vie ii in i no 1 si 1 i u 1 i in r v 4 el n si mh i tumls lit i vtm 11 i i pm nl lo ih l voti 1 i h nk phone s ml 4 1 k si s ai ton j all pirtus haviti claims ay unsl ihe ilorenicntioncd eslalt ol ruiiul storm who dud ui or about tht snimd d iv ol august 161 in ntiiilrttt lo lilt pnmil ihtnof with tht nn tit isicnttl solu itor lor the cxci utois on or belore the tvemlv uiihh tliv ol stpltmbtr 96t illt i whuh cl he thi est ue velll hi ilisii ihuti d hivinc nuirtl on ii l i lht i liims lht n lllcet dm i 0 it itoti onl mo this titlth tl iv o a11c11si iksl i i iatlll rland oc a ton onl 1110 solnilor lot ihe fxttulors i 1 notice to creditors and othfr4 real estate listings wanted large volume of sale this sum tner has greatly reduced our listings on farms and bouses now is the time to list and sell vour prpoperlv cash buyer requires so to 100 acres with large stone home nillnhle lor restoration scenic seclusion is the main requisite buyers wanted for new homes soon to lie con i nu ted in likevlew heights tt jrmcleod brokfr 122 mill si f aelon si 2630 represented bv roy goodwin a ii income home 1 apirtmenis ill selfcontained brick bouse asklnilh stw lull price with 4000 down country home 4btdnom home fiirnue tloiibli itintrt on ts o m un ask nit s7so0 roll pi ue i buy or sfil throiicii yotr m i s rfaitou sydney k lamb ri aitor ad insurance i mill si i acton ont irio lornciof higliw ivs 2s and 7 ill 11 8st 1011 or call alec johnson 8s 12086 a ii full price down t 7 000 bruk imintrv c ish auxiliary lupoit given on birigos in summer the lesrion ladies auxiliary branch 197 held their fall meet nig on thursday september 5 with com mrs c shujlls in ihe held on september 27 the pro- chair plants were sent 10 com rades mrs w maddox mrs j malheson mrs h enrle mrs f gordon mrs j mcnabb and mrs b drlw flowers wvre seni 10 ihe lule com mrs e gibbons the thar iir was draped for ihe life mem her ol ihe auxiliary sympathy t jrds were sent to com mrs j llrudshaw and mr h dcdcjs bingo report the bingo convener mrs p turkosr was complimented on her erv sutscessful report over ihe kiiminei months there is a special bingo lo be ceeds will he used towards the baiaar the members are plan ning 11 cuthre lo be held october 10 an inv llalion to nltvmd a 1 hurt h parade in georgetown on stpletnhei 8 was issued to the numbers com mrs tf lligglns was ihe ulnirr of a vet of ash 1 lavs in a lurkv drnvv a sotlal time was spent nffer the meeting mrs i synolt mrs t moilon mrs d jurdun and mrs a gordon convened the lunch thtre were se wiiilasiompllti the fluoicscent fair bumper iiienls about the late news ml stakes are advertising the event the fret piess 1 1st thtiisd iv the i through the ilivtne i putiiii ol pivmici john rub 11 is a live ii iltnn iiiuniv miistum wis t ike 11 din noon nishttl rmclr to lht daikniom loi tie veliiping pinning anil iitliiuiug ihen si mnctl on u plastit pi itt l pi mlmgthid monnlr i ilv 111 1 bii luili u iitinit loi 11 on lilt tnml p igt the pipels wele ihtn pnivlitl loltltd ailthisstd loiintid mil dilivtiitl in hundlts lo shuts illtl lilt post ottlit bv llllit oilth auction sales clearing auction sale of iloitln cnw vt calvea form implstntsfnli new i umbr and furniture hi in hut t s iniliiillnu 1 mip t i ul ihk 11 thi hit pixhh of fke mil il tin stitfomfv niort dun l m the flr ittk m n ihr artt soiiu ol ik nuns 10 iv ii ivn toi it hr futr ate on 1k pi t in in 1111 tin t wlnduwx suu clnmtui ol conutu ni ls pliinmny to nrpir tht hcmhis 1 1 hi 0i1i post jilfin irnl uiltl 1 iru urn riut slirinl jiixiku ihinknth iimmi thtistmjs ny til mil iihi llu chiinlur if oinnuic will lim- 1 di oiitttt i 11 in thr i 111 pur itti i n tit 1 is tun to 11 1 1 i mil mums toi llu in him tin is voiiu i miilns split no wliii it styn is uiptiivil i theunderslgned hive tr instiui tions irom rorfrt drtdgr to sill hv puhlu me lion it ins fuin lot 12 ton t township ol i stjiu suit s milt s jii nj holjj i ton 6 inilis south ol alton on highvv iv 2s on saturday srittmbrr i4ih at i 10 otlikk llu lollowinu cattii 1 llolstein cow tresh 6 wttks i le 1 st v tow trtsll 6 weeks 1 veal talvcs 1 holstriti lows in lull mow brtd in ireah 111 in muth 1 llolsti in tow auction alls cotmhumi ci faring auction sale in till twp or 1ramosa of ijveslock menls grain traclor imple- llnusehnld fionda i 7 901 ikisrtl j sno s 8 400 s so t t ix i ono s i i 8 800 j ft2x doiiblt lot ap 11 ton nl homi 4 bttlrthims hilt k lint k lottiui ft 100ms litis bides its 7 iimiiiis 1 bt tit 00111 bttltthinis opinml i milking hull i holstt in mv opt 11 i hoist 111 julv s o in shen itt t 2 in sh 4 wt 1 ks in lull mow bit te the undersigned has reielvetl msinit lions fiom james talbot to sill bv un lion at ihe farm loi to on 7 twp ol i rainusa situ ilt d on the 7lh i me s miles south ol fttlwood tin in ihe estate of stvart mai j 110 s is colm sistlair late of ihe town of aelon in the county jlt8m vwii ivp of halton salesman deceased i iftt kiri i 1 1 p s 1 i ii isvtso voi ksw all ill 1 i81s osj mciwkl ii d il tie il 1 is 1 01 ns 4 1 si i 1 ims i 1ai p ill 111 ii it ii 111 ii 1 1 ims i vi 4 1 1 sum ham 1 i s 1 iii u hs 4 1 s i 111 jl ii i h imi i ssjt t iii iv i 11 tor sai 1 1 nils 111 1111 ii it till s ij lv il ll i ik il ill i 1 lilt llll tills ivai i me iii s7 tlni s eiv 1 it it ill uii ut 1 ml 1 u ph 11 1 s rsk 1 second lir 11 s a ii 2ss x ltl r i vikm si i r k i lie ihr ssr 1 ists 1 1 upb 1 r n si 1411 1 imiriij inn w 1 k nsh p p nip f 11 1 a nt 1 nil e full ul taiks s e a si vii p 11 lus liavine ill ins il 111 si ih lint nu ntiont d 1 si n i sll art mai ol u sis i air who di 1 1 h ul tl s it nl 1 nth il 1 j in i ft 11 1 11 i 1 ii t 1 x i il 1 i will ll 1 i 1 i i uitt 1 i n ii 11 v 1 1 bt 1 ll in iv 111 ti il iv ol s pi mini isift dltl which iii lb e si 11 ml he ilistrlbut t i 1 lie 1 u mt ints lei lht i 1 lht n i 1 1 d i ii 11 v i 11 onl irio this 1 ll i iv iv unsl i mm 1 1 1 aiiii ri asd ot 1 11 oi i 1110 si 11 11 i 1 thi r st t olris i ii t tenders tender arena booth concession sin isi tin xst iinsi tin sun in on til msi 111 ix vv h si lb bu a 1 il nil musi s ii it si but tt spin i v i soil liivrikh va mine i t v 111 olhi is 1 ind uirilt john r holmes riai tstati brokir m hurth slrtsrl fast office 853 1650 s ilcs ri prrsrnui r v ll frank simioni 853 2784 nw dairy ii pritr i ol ip 2 wkl i m suryi milkt r 2 uni pump uul piping i iri tnpatl tl m10 wo4il s oi in mmiiii milk ml isirjintr siirnr nil pntls liiiit in m r hiuvi t ind iso ll ol i it nk 2 hrtmxii r iioiim s 2 h i ih uul i tn 16 suit ihli lot iti un in s i hii kt n s h i i i i r 20 iimis l lli ihtikiti littki 2 i it i lm ijuhkii i s ii iii r limit i un rn impirmf ts tt mm ilirst i ir i ti so 44 in n lit nl j i iiiulilion 7 ii powir itmui i st vi lil t ahis it ilmt is i otu 4 soil him unli pn klip 6 ii i i i n inn m ii i vs i diss miius 1 p j hill i y un cl r ill n ilist mill i mm trmtni in inui sptt ut i s ii mil 2 lui row ii ui i pi m s i 7 i u in a ii n ind ii il ti r t k sn i ti r 4 h it sitl i ki will ii v il h n n vis 2t it halt i it i tor nit h p in i m ii it mim itis v pi iti i inniiti null s ton ill n iiilliiux il iiihh pull s rvnl ii su it tl 1 1 no tl i i u1 i i ii id pi hi ti on jr i 1 i mi 1 1 t m it v i n nis i f ll h i l tt it i vai r mtu i si i ion tr i ijiui t lli r va jlking pi arrrrjubfr 11 il 12 u oilcnk 11 tk sukk opi tt il vni imtn 2 nni si ssil wl dntapay nmmrnriny in tullovs inn ovvs- ht r ford um tliu ub onl lutk ol silt shotihutn he i ft i itui ihonl hint ol suli mire lout mivt dm n lore silt dav houti in iou milkinu ill hrril m n 4 huls inn um milking u ii hutl u 1 hoist in mere lottl iou milk ma ui 11 bred m i 22 avishin iuu milking ui ii hrtil mnv q mouicin u nulklliy ui ii hint lulu j osiiin mu milking uill brtd jiim p in id rforil nu milk my ut ii hrtd jom i moltrln cm ir- sh uilh ilf nl fool id n loitl mu uith lit i ill at suit hitd aiitfust i irftslinil ii it nl hull us m l s atti i 2 orim ind ht iliis hmmpt 2 nijis old ft voting i df s this t i rial i hi ik id ol honii turtl t ml i it ru s mi pin i thy hmi t ut su dm srpl 14 iirulrnu vou dor him 1 iv hvhnr st irlinu hrri mi lull ptimloi tion in imiii hih prx 1 1 iliy ra fok jihi impiimist missis lltrris no m jii i rop iiuiii in wood londiixm inter rtiilionil wuirourd liitur pk y tlaliu ittik i lbs i oft ii n f rnt e tirli ht t ih inii tl s jtrr it on pi iiin si id i i i p ir vu ml n i st k lipnt h ui s ivh t si v u i i mmi v ii mi k tt p h lo- ft n i b ft i vtl i u t t 10 it i ir k iii jtuntiu oj pipr light hs 1 i n k hill 1 p r 4 ui it nytr ft 14 i or sm i t uix ha 1 1 itutuimtin to nis t thiithi in i hid s hiih vu ii tb t mostaf a i 1 ttsh ithat txmitutn tsilkiit stuhhtismt ikisash ftr phim ivvai 24t mill m i allot- iok s s u thmh traih mm in hit vmhanitt s lb hi tut siuiiauuia 2 lbs rv 4 lb si i lbs 12 2 h k dudtja rixkhcn aptjiw 2 side russkl phoiw t2iv jiviu i pi rl mo rt pairs tm v ompi i tl pmsi umk i ill mill sri rtm hmv tf w bstttfr photo apprjutn in thr fw rnn 7 umc 7v tftki km tl ch to kxtmvn orim jbmquin now ml the acton ml 4 lkmtsisi itis im i tors giiatantrtd un ijisrina install oris wl atih as s v imhcv high oscr h diltnvnt drsign ft iking mi kcis nd rivja tims pnriskhi madv sljinlis ul john vandermeer r k i limlhoisc n4nsu imt i poik i st i n 1 1 i i 1 s trucks wvv istr rs triosti n v i i 1 hkn pm i ilt loht illt 111 1 iii si rl asp tk ol k i m ar 1 1 ar asn t ttrrtsn v ars tr pete masson motors limited oir trjrtthid u vwjur in pontiac buick vauxhall acadian gmc ki ourrn f as m trl ttttmto in txlpji st jsvarlhn tvh it i in it iti t i t iii km s minion 1 lb rv mil i ml i it t t 11 until t lit t to 1 s 774 ll mirr owen muuin ami lawral amima is prjmw ibctssaa r 1 pm to 5 pm uuial committii toom 73 mw this saturday sfpt 14 1963 camaa ww a urvw m ilt s mhhi wrlin tr u lor ultivahir hrl hjmmi r mill an ll t ndlmt iw ll inti rnatiorul timittirr spfr- drr ntrrniilmttijt ldr drllvrft itk im u- this rar mjsr f ns lu tn i ttltst lititirr atut y i oh id ill lur tut ft tut rmult i itm u iyon lljf h r it h ma m mtn- hindst r 7 fi tut surjr 1 unit milkiinf tiui hinr v i king irt in err jm srpjrutii jh1 mu at fjritt t mils iia on frais 2 fm bo iaf his niliril jff jin lifpti ii wps ul i ilrv mllmlrott ofins oimnf i m m suit lie ii purm tbiitm iii n uli- irifitljiiir rtfrlg i r f linf imnim- 4nirrwr rl ii rnr fit craiaing r i r i brttirf nf u uitr y hr xn uil drtarr ilrak eit rgy uhtr tkur mnv ihk jfl ists till i arm ar thr umr tlm rt pt i r thr frn will be mdd u sitn i4t mt on lh dim t rrt ft d jt urgv hnk hrn wit irtaait thlr mvjiftrrn fjrrn homi drir hrd drltbd wrll tint is tnms imrm in ourtar hestrr i iingttanr hih ttt 4 iultiatatan aftaf wilt sltiktrr i temple fr no if tar tut iuhkil r tnl i f i nptlh- mill tt i in o h ft ii p it 1 i trtl fsjlt fi h p in id ft ind 12 tt i rtpnt 2 h 14 m 12 1 ut i wt ft i h n ii ii r i rfthv 111 f i i 411 t i t in t u r 11 kmii rl f hstrrr a iitl 2 mil htr ttrstrrli ii h i it ij gnren uph i si is i kr iw ill ki ikjii ulrui ritrnifi fi jihi tnt hin ilimo r i hi u u ih a jhirtti jtv uifft i ix 4 null tjfut k biiflrt uilnu vhjil nol binjthn kk iriiru biiml suflrl full st b- 1 ipi ina sstivl tolri v h king jfwir m r bt hll quilu djiss churn butlrr bo i j oirf pfrtwsl told t qutimltv nl fhm pu rnret nd rral fti oh 4u of tw guti and u joo gvhl wm ggigggn thr ms cash uith t wr k ut tan i grm fealsukt nay twmmlm f sk om mmtmm wtlll tomrtm m th no rrimf t fa im t mj i term ch with cwrtl wit rrrrrihnwnv huolk auctlonami j eujorr d a houiu tl m2m uilhm vm444 artw aui gbv ol tw wli a grmom aumtamsgr phong gwlt4l ta 41l prd anhi ggid iii n ia tltn tftilvlllhrflmtmr4kwrfi

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