1a ousts hotelers ers beat legion tbaiatki of om ifna- came w jy aftarooon for dominion hev leierii when the were oust tram hm ptoopm by the iga quad in a midden death game thay warn narlaad 107 in the frr game of a doubleheader ida draw blooat flmt when thav mated up there in the flrl inning a shannon mallhy and wlfllias flkka mm scaelaa ala lia holelcra rame back strong w frue hfhm bflt pat tnw acwwt ww peycha williamson and jordan romped home before the inning wa retired fromi here on in it appeared a fhouih the holder were in for a win when they counted two more in chi third and again in the fifth with a couple to make the ncore 7j the foodllner camr btaklnlht bnh with one taunted two in the seventh teriv- fall the wllfcln reachnt tftat- ance of the dominion team bruce carglll keavbtg the- leather for the iaa team held the ho- lelen acoreleu from the fourth inning on and his mates came throat like veteran with a four run rally in the eighth to clinch aataisaaasawainksisaktiaiaassaaaiissrnsia tnv game ny a ihraeron margin in use atoaad game of the dotit- heheader a ra s wetwews uwa and the uglon- natras the atatherworkera won a so battle by adgmg out the veteran- bt intra innings 54 when ahigger ben baylus belled in the first and second innfngst hurlers ed phillip for the upwa und john salmon for legion kept the score sheet clean hut a twobugger hv phillip drove in the first lallv for up wa in the third as wallers whis tled home on a long drive to centre o phillips weakened in the fourth as three runs crossed the plate for the veterans when fred thompson belled a threeran sin gle legionnaires added another run in the sixth to coring spree tanners came back in the ninth with a three- run rally to tie the score with lawson bnice and panulon br ing the marksmen with ihe game going into extra innings baylls baggel his homer to end the game mlmlt ptimiv drtabintdjrhurler badenocft in finals b i slrmuj p u don attbia the bedenoeh soft- ball aquad steps up laio the semu finals or the ontario rural sort- ball associations intermediate c playdowni tonight they face the winner of the parrys basin- dawson city duel that was being played this week uadenoch just emerged from rounds with innerkip and pred ion and won their last four games without a run being sc ed against them thcv whim freclton 10 and 70 then blank ed innerkip 230 and 70 to enter ihe semifinals the tepm wbn the c title in both 1957 and 190 all home- games are played at eden mills the coming events col umn which has had slim pick ings the last two months should pick up spvedlly now villace juveniles campbttllville juveniles and coach edward grlaoldwilljoiir jcuifl cairns bill elliot stanhenderson and tarry mcphail in ihe hyk row aragaorr chnr al w pliirr t- f ney to little britain on da jo u 1 saltir t p a 2 p i rmr semifinal then utile britain will return the visit on sunday to ploy at 2 pm the entire community backs the local ball teams in all their efforts hl adage all work and no play not for the rotnrtaatt tueliv they diligently wrole receipts lor donntlons to ihe easier seal campaign next tuesday ihcy will attend the mohawk raceway lo- gcther low issue masagaweya to ran 1 1 issue of nuildinu permits during august one lor a im0 garage and three additions loial liag 13450 for a monthly tutul of j41s0 halyon county iiaouk champions the campbellville merchants are prnnllyi in- volvad in a tough tariat with amharttburg shown in the front are bai boys johnwheelihan and stephen henderson in the first row are elmer dredgw harry hamilton don joyro man ager tan andrews john nicholson tloyd early and terry feller in the second row are slo spotlight on softball tourney 10 teams register for saturday r hotkey moot minor hockey official ar re- mlnded about tbs meeting sun- ilh inaiioaig ai ii aust tntr poa of the meeting is to gel he minor hockey aaaaeialion fanned hisd rolling eat behalf of ike youngster its have a good lumool roberts to start decisive game veteran lefthander lack robert will face amhertlburg saturday when the campbell ville merchant travel in the windsor area town for the third and deciding game in their best of three- oba first round senior series i the series i lied ybl one game apiece wlihfcntphell- vllle winning the ttrstgante in amherstburg lis and drop- ping u aj decision in the sec- niul game al campbellville the aerie was delayed one week so that a protest lodged by campbellville could be oct- edonrthe executive uf the tyba met sunday in milton und refused the protest cumphetlvllle manager len andrews was reluctant to pre dict the nutcome of saturdays game staling when it gets down to one game anything cun happen im quite sure that were hie belter club he continued but you can never tell with u suddendeath game in- mrflrsttame of tfftnir les roberts was ihehvliinlng pitcher going the distance ugulnst llie powerful amherst burg contingent thsyactcn ere praaa thsaradayaa 13th wm legionracks upi win in ssemifinal series vein an tiiuler fddhr pjiillj liilcd hi go the whole route in hit llrt giune ihis ear when he icingpltvof tuchillin crew cor i lie wiimef wus mnsalex wb crossed home pluir twice in the i fii l inning phillips was replaced have up lvr lyslnlhe firsl nv bv bullh who tiinu ami allowed line winning to keep the legionnaire ff leiiion leameimhl runs to cop ihe scoring list for thtfkolamv ihe liisl ol a ihreeoui if flu- lie uame game series in ihesemi linals the leums rurw all came in ike sisih inning when mountuiuan 1 1 john salmon or ihe legutn was uhkluif lor three single and u triple hi itiiv up si run tonight fire fighters and ioa incei in iihii llrsl room of the series and sunday spectator will see a ilonhlc iteailer with irfc luui leiois taking so the field in ihe second game of the series swim test later at indoor pool tlu siimnuis vuinnnin irs- mnis uill cnlminiit in the piv sentjtitin it huiinru bidiils iml crliliiiu il 1 brkl cfilnunv which uill he arrinutl tsitfr cimji wijihii lultl tip l in vkist tt in aitljiisi lim tislnnn irarn ct i itum lu tnends iu st ir horniiiyh uhik lit uoi kitl in if 1 ilttitin ionrmi hrltiis- xnn nil luii 1i11i iliiiultmv wsiv tltiun even il iluit luititl pikik tin in 11 it h n htri uvrvni ahu h him rhrir trsts ahtl in uill iikr thini in an nultkii jmi hi si athtntiiitli tin ihfsf the putlipht will he on soft- ncwmarkei tannic on ihe mc- ball saturday as ihe 10ieain nnd at i pmglen williams ami itmrncv 4 underway at acton hiluburgh meet as well as ac park diamonds ire shipshape ion and mi lion parkland and prijes readv and schedules corn- omauh plav he linal iiamv in in ecnl ul pleted tur the ii jo am ben in ning tor the daylung tournament if ihe tournament proceeds are gratifying hpeclalort at next sea- ton games will enjoy watch- 1 audligbx r umpires will don their near and call plav the morning oucen agincourl leyion meet on one diamond and ilornbv and the first round at 2 30 p m in the firni round or eliminations serich lames arc scheduled tor seven innings winners ihe firit round will play nine innings trffhe finals rules of play i sharp at ii 10 in tn ihe event mv team is i as guelph diirv j ing bv six runs or mirc it ihe end l i in lull innings the game is called and the icadinyt uain f countys financial outlook bright 92 of debenture issue sold in week halton county financial pic ture looks rosy and a report from a bond house read at a special meeting ol the count council lost thursday proved ihe point from the utter it ap peared investor were ready to snap up any county debenture nesblllthoropaeai bond house wrote council informing them ihev had placed m per cent of a lasiooh bond issue during ihe first week of offering de- pile ihe fact the bond market ha been under serve pressurc durlnu ihe past month seven canadian insurance companies grabbed up the issue and fou ol therri halton debentures before we feel our success is due to j he sound and credit won lw nature of halton countv the letter said to which warden c a martin replied this certain ly speaks well lor ihe cminlys financral position the debentures are to finance a iivkd acldilmn to oakville trafqlgar memorial hospital had never purchased j thev ire lor 20 years at 17s per cent per annum s- halton elktion roundup giant coffe parly cunlinurd from page i this saturday afternoon from one to live mr and mrs owen mullin will be in ac ion at a cot fee session busted by the local liberal association in the conv milter rooms 7 mill st van gils store the group in charge are preparing fur plenty uf peo ple wholl lake thts splendid op purtunllv of meeting the candi dale pcrsunallv mr mullin wa viiiiug on tuesday m escuuesing with a rep- tvsenlatlve f the fsqtiesing litv eral asaoclailon and chatted with plenty uf voters there actons liberal president roy goodwin hasnt iusl decided what to do about posters the cun mine had planned lo comply with a davialua lo restrict them to private piopertv such as lawns but the sight ol upiss j lam pustrrs on lives i u- iding i hem to lbs cunjusi iisfl haw tu cchiuvic theic iiak er pointed out therr are trees and posts in ihe lown or acton i commerce bearing signs of all three candi dales ml ft casdidatis ilaltons provincial elertinn catupaitm tvu lus i ilitnix ncsl o wxvk when all three tiiululalcs aiv slated tt appeal on the same sialic in asitjc locsilas scv tcmher 17 oakville jonior chamber of ihe sminsor legion ladles mystery trip a lour of unique storvbook dardrns al l onthm ami enlcr liunmenl at branch two o ihe rival cinadiin i ion il i m- ilon hiiihliyihcil a iinskrv u hip lur iiumluts t the a tm i citin ladies an i liir sihir dav nuirnin the trip was planned as a inw special terv lour and until eirtne admisstou bfaritid the bus all bin commit afternoon tee members ueie in the tlai k as advised i hi their ttesiiniiitin sure ol a breavlasi uas eiiited at ivnis iter wlmh ihe ladies eline h 1 oiuton lo imir places theie in the excnint the weie liiiesi s tit hiarnh two iiumbeiv aiul were imicd b nlbei visiiinn auxrtiaries melotlin some imni vw oi k ami windsoi awarded ihe ganu a lie at ihe enil ol a liame ii- winner will he dcfei mined bv the learn haine lhe most runners i on bases it a tie still exists one lildiiional inn inn will he plascd iames are e pec led to he finish cir h 5 pm nam commltlre i rtiintnitee members have been hu- plaiinini the bitf evntanit hie let t no stone i in i in tied in oi tier i make salnnlav an ex cilinji ami mleieslin da both lor speelaluts tnd plavrrs the lollowiiil are in charee t the lournimcul hairman jim t asbiirn tournament committee lord james chester anderson and ivan harris chairman fur umpires dave stamp in charge ol gale rae west m charge t hooth ivan kilbv anil diane spiel vogel grotindskerprr ken papillon learn entries and pi ies iml bridge starts the first meeting ol ihe hridye i loh was hehl moiutav anil the uiimeis ttiii mi out mis w ccialscoitc saiivanl dick aiuleison mis k cnnthcll imcj mis tlliws i onin alter on miiji itu- nitimsli i liiiiilc situnliv siiiiitki 2 lull r h till- p il k till the lwst nl iii- iin siifstoiino ntthuno aluminum doors 2995 rilcral tis included tenpro ditlribulor limited l mi si a i ii hvtdmo pollock and cantpooll manufacturer ol high opade mrmohials mfmorial engtavino 43 watae mamh 0a1v tctopheata altmh you can relax about your family your home your car even your boat- when your insurance agent displays this sign i harrv law son announcmn scoring llamltl tow nsle lack pink atueriisine piihlk it dave manes ml md us ate temmded one entitles them lo the s eifjomnenl atul ate art he eat 1 lo be xhki seit huge corn roast a cavalcade through north hal ion and- 1 coin rousi at a lake hon park were emoveil h hun dreds ot pnmivsmxe onset a tie tixnn halton 1 ictin- last myht wednesclu l the party wus ip honor ol can tiictute listurfv kir ol builumton and was one ot the lamitjaiul oidmaie a lanlcit falbmrnjs of the tlclumi meetuitc campaign to dale cavalcadei v4 tan band nd clowns came frnnt acton goiye town nassagawrva and esqurs inn picked up ithmv car at mil uht ttwn halrt tor ivkvtue wlwri- ihe outdoor toin huttwus held in cornutton park fihica km minister wnuiam dsiis ot pvj4 cjsvwifv- was anion the ul klmsu ami soke a te uottu sn k at fcrfculf til the halton candidate e am u letl b the imisic c low 11 haiul av ton tans bat k then v uttains atul s to the street to see the ti pass shoi il altei een at ions share ot the event is a clown band up m the bask ot one of lohn mi urn ks lln pisl uiuler m uirv suptoi lei s ot rhe pulleit akade vlikk appeals granted switches school due t aiiothci loinple u dhhauis ihuv klih 1 the lesults hiyh schtmil il jtrade m learned la w il l 0 joint mfftivg it ipivais the i liuiihcr of cimmerce sill mil he able to m niccl the aihlutats alton die to in fllcls 111 jatei tiles- iihcimis ars slated lor gooiyetoun moil das ouloavv 1 1 is- on rucstto aclonians uill hae in tx- ion irnt sith nusnn the iinliuales ill collee sesxioiis and hionil call it industries ifluev ihim lusscs out tiniiin i 10 illc 1 i had i had sch mptls hcis suit in llle kiih111 le sill- i aprk-il- tiulcnl mir k week ii hi lilted kii11 ir hcic sh i lkrsll1 1 ill ollci h ln v 1 ii look at thi ooodwill usio cais wr sill theyie backed v sirvki trade now at milton motor sales ltd ml main si milton 1 tf0 intlor s5s xfwk for the sfct s with itt protrctiv roof and youll find an affvnt who sallt hr finrt mit eomftlfts protection at tht lowttt poulbu mtt stop in tom your safco arvnt aaon or call him now ilri juit a phonai unfth away 24 hour a day i danny insurant agency ftlll nfi hapoto 39 brock st acton ss94i50 n090dv stttles claims faster and more fairly woodbine splmbk 2 to october 19th express buses direct to thi track leave act6n 1155 am each racino dav drtyiqhl tima rrlnm iarv 255 raturn affar law rat fnckuu admluhm ikit nrl information at wiles conficnonely tauphan tssuoo nasty teller halton liheral party campaign manaavr hob mali fins oft a nastv truer aimed at gcsiraj kerr the rlsunas pc cafsdicuie munslas acvutna him uf hrssst tasj faith in a prnlwian s afrss- ownl tu arep ewactton psvsktrs off tnr and tossn prutstrt hasina feme to raat laaarlhs id nsiblisijr as sour idea our utfunfaal aajraaaami aoi o dr- tac siravsa ar halloa vhus signs i esaasaavr tl a hrssssh uf faith that vsxi nn the first to do u wrule luaae he nuinsasl out kmt aagaaaat mn j gstaapb linn and hlnhtiay 3 aar acton- ttaj raudratsiof hahoasaw spar saau ka yo owtatt mm retrain yoursau a coot of the lantr sva sent lo all halton bsbjcsrv mr katr waa ot tiraiaaklp tor n a pc pany aftit tnf faift visit the rainbow room for a delicious dinner acton fall fair specials hg toil mnnor doop ftimd oikko insludinp lihliistnitf t1a comi hi 139 tea cofvff pit v rsm 4 cm col slow for only 59c wtarcmnnmi dance fri sept 20th 9 pm tea aa th unihaa sbajla fl so casaau ft so itary parkins r of 1ga srora eujncu- of action to tako to kaap inaurad ontario if you aluaf wlow carrfkillv ikf imrriktuai an iha hock ot th i nitvl nl pamrnt i m 1u tajcak ymm yoay m raqmrrsj to giw ou hospital wfcc you rca na tff mriktor vn art o tor par u i ii try your mnrt crtitwot ralcr sriuratelv tljlm thirty tiay to kaap tnurrd lwmi rr 4jtursi at hoasiuit baak aaal c oamnauoa ortkrv insurance the telegram on ortober 15 pvarythlno sbout tha talpgram will b nw we have a big new building gleaming new prptapsj to bring you an eiitmg new nmpapa aritn moit color nev atufej and a long lsf of new svrlari wafch for torontos brjghletf newspapar it coming oi lobar ij the bright ones read the bright onesrcad the telegram a aatfty taa pas atsash sum kt ai sosar aaakaadr and pluftrr dtpaadunm itll your raap os if au pay dtract mu th cohuums h