Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 12, 1963, p. 6

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t vsws5wb0ffsw mnmwmmfmmimm hm a pn hmn ltfi it 13 hm3 g rec of lome scots laa flmhng wtik llw t th um toil o wffu war ii lmlm prior to the declaration of war bv canada on september ichh l4 ii wan determined lo send line canadian division lo support great britain twelve permanent force and militia unit with ibc necessarv auxiliary forces were chosen lo orm the first canad utt division lt col keene com mantling officer the lorne scoti vsas given the authority o moblluc from unit personnel mo i infanlrv bate depot to fornix a part of the tint canadian dlvl aldn later the lorne scot vvis elected a the regiment lo form defence and employment pla loon lor the entire canadian armv the bae depot became a repatriation bepol with person- net in i nglatvl krantsit anil italy the reserse regiment muhili ed guards lur all armuurics col r v coroner v d assume command of the 2nd reserve battalion on 3rd sept i9w and an administrative und training half consisting ol the command inn officer adjutant a traminj officer a company vergcanl ma or lor each separate companv headquarters and an ordsflv room sergeant was taltid twit on mav mh l40 schools were hi id in the evinlnii for nc nul speiiatlsl training and annual training was tarricsil mil at sum category man and other return ed for various dutks in canada the unit was duoanded 1 feb it47 the first canadian army de fence company lome scot with major v g h phillip lo command and a strength of a of ficer and im other rank was formed on 7 jury 141 the com pany assumed guard dulte al armv headquarters and imme diately commenced training thi unit attended the lorne scots training camp al sheffield park in june 1942 and at clisbury park april 10 lo may ii imj ii was disbanded joth april iw4 as i he royal montreal regiment wus lo lake over the duties no i canadian corn protec live unit was organlied 9 dec 194 consistin of jlpfflcesjjo tjjt s organumplnlo three pla toons with eight vehicle under major matthew a oc on i pen 1941 it became a lorne scut unit lome scots olflcers u- l w dodilll0arelu lt c w darling ll j m con over were appointed on sept i 1041 major f ii chisholm as sumed command jan 1942 the unit was a pari of the lorne scuts training battalion at she held park from 6 june 1942 li ft jul on 2j dec 1942 ueul ailcupl s beat iv assumed lummand ion4trrjnnctl94jtl charles barclay assumed com mand the unit moved overseas and was attached lo j can dlv headquarters assumed duties and commenced training july 2 1943- li j d t stewart as- moved command on june 3rd 1944 the unit embarked for france wading ashore al 16j0 hours lh june arriving at dlv islonal headquarters at 2100 hours this defence platoon mov ed with the div ii 0 during the heavy fighting in july and au gust on 7lh september the pla loon was attached as reinforce ments to queen own rilles dur ing the boulogne operations ll d slewarl and two other ranks were killed und four others wounded lt w w lang as sumed command on 1 1th octo ber the division was cnguged inflghtlnglnhulland and der many and was in the vklnllv of leer when ihe cease fire sound ed at 000 hours may 5lh 1945 the unit was disbanded on 30th october 1941 jju 4 defence an fcrn platoon was uuthorucd 10 mi tinil embarked on ss alexander in gourock for slcilv disembark ing on nov sth off augusla trussed tu llalv on 19th of jan onilh lh 1944 thev relieved a tompanv of ihe seaforlh hlnli limit rs in battle positions 3 miles ninth ol orlona until the 27th thi companv nunetl with ihe canadian corps supplying guards niuuils prtivtisl anil prlsuntr ol war lagi guards major dren nan who hd lummandcd the tompiinv was seriously iniured and miur s bcuttv assumed lonunand on ird august 1944 mer tamps a number til olticirs transferred lo various units and lo staff in addition a dralt ol t-oflicer- a i mc hilliil tin the 4ih llijihlindirs and as ollicrrs and too ll for 1 nmc scots details personnel tui a und 4ih inl di dtfcnii pla lonns and 7 ii 9 id 1 1 12 in lunirv hnuuk did tut platoons cot timiiiti uts jiiwn cupi nvand of no 24 canadian arm huslc tnuninil mitre on ix mir 1942 and ll inl 1 ii belli uu assunietl toniitiand rcinulintf lor ihe active torn and lui llu restrvt mill vvis inlinsilint thi tiginiinl lumished most l thi pirsiimul lor thi mh 7th anil kill dlv del platoons and ii 14 is ik 17 i 19 20 21 bill di i plllimins lui seisin in m id i willi tin lltimt fxlimi linns tlu- plilimils ol 7lh li look piit in tlu kivka opt latum service abroad fin list ann ish it col 1 ihiis kit ik uas atlthni ltil lo mganii a thitluuit it fs anil tun tump nut s ol an inlmtiv hisi ikpol with tun ptuviist stilttins lo hs kiinisii as tin litiu vols no i i ill mils basi ikpolt in i ill in atlivi vivin loin whin si is llsth tlnl liailuil a ollitils and ah nun in itillinp t is slop kll ilu unit itlovitl in thi aul nuillli bullillii i xhlhilum paik itiltilllo on dii 2tth this unit iiiomhi iittistas lali in jaiuuns ilisi nihil king al niuiakk on sth ol fthiuais l44 this um lust ics ilnl al aklilshol ami lain cuii jinn lw u is thi lust lll is i ium iksl tlu unit iiinilnl liiini ss ihiss t i7ll miiti i mi ism t linn mil 14 ilm i i ks ii ii i llatiii in isiihlivh m inlintis kisi ik mt it c h iji mhi i in 1 i i aim llu ititaikt ihi iv illlllttl mi islh viith nilui iu nit ins nl tlu inst illusion ln mtull 12 limi tlu mill nints1 in valnith hai i u ks in liitsttil iviiin iht hi its hlit llu ltimits lllllklltl tits i ilu ihk slki in nil nl tlu s is il point mum l i hita- mull il oil i ills silt ltd iintitiiutt 11 iv is i mlis iht ibsh mnlal in ills vn in it mini ill llv us lit 1 iisillins 1 hi unit 111 il iiii i kmis plttis mil i is mis n i a iistiiili 1 1 1 is i vthsii hs tvilltkil ii lull i ss i thi in sninii i hi nil i i it ull i i cm ii ki sn iv is i i 11 i t l 11 1 wit ilsimm i in llllh ivs issll tllali sim i tin l i i stimuli is ih m m 11 itasta i i hi nun emhaiked lei i7ih7 1944 on hms esperann ba lur 1imii landing al marseilles ilrnlrjlrtl in vlrln sti it i i 11 1 i lllllt iv isii niinibt i i lux s it un nin i i i is 1 1 isiil i isif atltliti nal ulngs ui r i si thlish t s nvsls i anuih in s i i est thltsi lis s m i tullhtl lnslitiiis i mu lh il of antwerp on 12 march 1943 ihiv wuv on ihe outskirts of apckloom sihrn germans sur ttnik nil on mas 4th 1941 and in it dishandid 31st dec 1945 mobilised in aug 42 tin siiond canadian corps ds linn companv lome soils uas tiinhilirid 21st aug 1942 maim ii g piaimk sommund iiiit uith a stnngth ol 5 olluers mil l7 other ranks supplving 11 nits ami iltiliis lor nirps head iliiit lets tin unit atlindeil the inini suits tonisnlralion apr iii 141 al clsshurv park on i vn 1941 iht unit was dlshintl tl is iht prime lduaid island 1 is ii i ilnisi uas to assutni lhtii limits in un i nrnt- vol person n i ti insltrtinu lo ihi nut unit sn i mills mhi i lupins mini pi ilnnn trti llu hrst canaitian 1iisiim uas aultitirinl 1th 141 null i stimuli ol i ol lint nut rio ollut tanks lntkr it s strilhv ihi unit emhal kid 11 hms hllals it gntll kit nil ih sth lunt 1441 laiuliii- tin llu is ivh in sivilv tin juls mth tin lull cpl cost ami pli lluittt um k it isvsl h lliaihint kim tut tin unit nossid in lltli nn litl stpt anil assiininl itntiis nialtts piqiuls nn titatl iiuiiuis is utll is nliitlinu tow tins on llih ithiiiaiv l4s ih milt iinh is ll nil all i s i iiulnil in lltllit nil lslh mil piisittlnl h si ins tn it un ik innni nut iitii in ih 1 1 nnlt nl kiltiuiin nl on 1 h unit u is ilishantkirnii mh ii i4 ixltllst mil i llipltlmlltllt pl il s i i mi vnls i inl tntt i in inl ditismn u is ultllni i o 11 141 on u m it i k iii i k issuilhtt mill mil i i it nn vns ininnl t i i 1 iht p ii kin np in i h ii inni u li i l k k k il i i ilsuk 0 l juls 144 1 s fc i u ilstlmt n junn hi i ti nth litis issuuiui pin- l in jul s in th on sih ins in i uiii kilkt 9 uihuitlnl hi nins s nihtii llu i in pil itkil lllltmll du prs nil lit s anil i slh nit vstit in ihi tui us a siinuunn msiiil ik rl ik ii nlh manh and t s huililul il lkk nluii ll i i t t mas v iui alltl uas hsl oul 1 1 iv i l4s vsasktst ssassn 1 lsltiut anil irtsipliisnu tu im u s i litl caiustliaii lis it ii uilhimcit ill pill 1111 1 ti i nibilittt ll slan 1 i i ii i it k al haltullitu on i i us vnl ivisiullitl ll 1941 al standard barracks llu mllloni under lt j c bond consisting of i officer and ml other ranks and set up us a sep arate accounting unit moving to loin the 4th div headquarters ul debcrl on 1th oct ll mils n deslgnuted 4lli armoured dlvl he- s lieadquarters-setadrotv-cj- acton fir mqhyers entertained wives and families sunday afternoon durinrj their annual family picnic at the icout hall firefighter don van fleet is shown above as he serves no cream cones lo a qroup of eager kiddies prior lo llns n unknown quantity ol lianibuigurs and pop had been consumed following races and games a i i ii smv j itir i fall fair draw halton progress display nadlan armoured corps on 26 jan 1942 the 4lh dlv proceed ed overseas to england for fur ihcr training on 24th julv 1944 the squadron unloaded und ad vumed lo its lonientrution aria wlurc the 4lh div look over irom the 7th british armoured division in ihe cum sector the div headquurlers irossed llu sclni river on list august and thi rhine on w mar 145 the div was at bad 7vusiunahn uhin neus of ihe armistlie on muv 5th was received no i defence platoon for 1st for auxiliary at world plowing match cirtudlati h tan lev brltnde vv aulhorird 6lh feb 1041 anil disbanii4il lft ib l41 it ua rwhunirtg 34th fth n44 tlu acton ltdiln auitiar tui rciui ik d l lukli in hi id ihe n tlutr hist inlttinji since llu sunt na i ltlhin nn piinilu i s at llu lunm nl mrs p i oun luihi mis noiiiun pitti piisi dent innihitklii that iluri uimld ih i imitinti ol thi ninth mai lun kxnuiim mm jitauliil ihiut tin nn vptlinhi i ift xi tlu sun slum siihm hitinbv tlu iuiiiii s mm hi is tot tlu i ikl s 1i1 hi id in hint u ptirtid th m it is a lintniisil willi 1 builvji i n h so haltun an jimiuims mtasiius ill cutintv plans tu pusciil a pn pi will tuiiini 1111 in lonliit in ss displiv it the worlil mih ilu t nuni adminlstiiiittn 62589 pavilion at rockwood park const rue llunuuuuciv 162jiw recreation pavilion ul rockwood is espected lo begin as soon as uppiovsl is granted hv ihe de parlinenl uf laindv und ioivsu the hulldiiig is to he built ol vtthul utul stone nuuvu lo tin suirouiuling una und is espnitd uf he ifiinplelid hv nisi sumnui iinliiit lur fm ihi ciiiihtruilioii is lltviiugti llititlurs innsiiut hun lid ul sloiiev tui it hull hid vvas uiipuil hv tilt filiind vulliv tiinsi tvulluii aiilliniliv 11 iiiillv thanksgiving i ih second monday in october n a twqua of lowiyihi eyes examined gias3e rittto 34 ttk l imi ouilth wiosm tavumi im pliavtn match in calntun kti lui luculcd in a ul h su loot tint tin displa will unphimv h iltonns 1 hikh plm to iti lor ks ttiltutil and mmui hu hi t ils talhit than slnssmy its industiiil disjupnunt mil hk mttal italv und rclicvid a plahmin or the rovul rciiimint ol canada in i ho fitnt lints on 6th april l for ten das rvsummu liuard duties at dili hiadquu ten li tiny tlu ailolph hitler itm j in ma 144 tlu unii imbarkcd j at liplhrn 0th minlv 1944 and ix at hid the rckhswaul i oust in gtrntanv un ttl apt il on i ivth juh 144s tlu unit was dis hand id alter a hroki n uui the lorne scxits inuinii loundid this unit in mav 14 the pla tihin bttiimt part ul the saskat clteuan lltfht inlantrv muchint jjuni munv nl the lorne scot irunslimrcii to the saskalihcwan 1 itfhi inlantn there wire no otiiind lome scots tin hi stnnylh whm hostihtus n isnl onl oik niin pti ci was killed bv incinx action such ss mi s i i ti c k m 1 n tnasutii toi tlu utcni c un paitn lor uiit did ehildrcn held in ann i si ilul t llu lui in ruililntl it millon su lh it all 1 lupin u s in in hi sinsiai led si i ihk 1 illlti til ihe 1hiv wilt bi thi indosti nl dipl in 1 1 m i ntt 1 ihisin imiin mini slicks ol til ihi mi 111 mil induct 1 1 d shuts ind tin mutu it slid llu m iv k ml till illilk ii 1 iludisplin is luin tiianj d ihievolulkmi ol halton lou ln lltn tulllk hulusimil mull 1 fair fall s1ecials kv thi pilcl bologna lb 29c schniidhs madvtotat e lb ham pieces 59 watch for our handbill in your post office box this week i tjk i hm shmhi v tmhttl h garden hints the last tipphiit ion ol lawn ii 1 tilii r should be put 011 no i oct than jhe hih ol vptimlxi sin hortieulturisis nniiii thi on tu 10 dt pirttncnl ol at it 11 1 tun tills ullmis the t i iss lo dt lop a ifikkd timl snstitii in 1 h ti den ou be line w inter in appb 1 kojnpku luil i tilt u with a i i 1 iiio siuh is 1 10a4 it iik till ot l0 lbs pit 1 ww sgtitu lit i to ivoul hum iv appl n lu 11 i he is iv di oul w it 1 tn s pti 111k 1 is oik ol ilu k v month- i u neivit tinliul n livens f ill pitiiij his m uuh tiou il mmi uli ml 11 siiiu nuixt eulltx ilul pl mis in l iuuhn ml nn vti is in lov sttixitivt t i spi n th in in spi ujj 1 1 il 11 nits naihttl licnoml i xclaiions tapes mid ticket llu llllllll is it pilsillt ul let ml 1 ish lejmsui lipts itom thi two boi s ptiviil in llu mil 11 itul the ht sujh 1 tnaik ilu si tipts nniii put f h 1 si jihs toi tlu sunshuu ssihm1 ioi kitanud lhitilnti it w is die lilt it to ii ill lllese itom s all llu uu lound in tlu sujh i til it ki ts dot lo ihe 111 teles ol l the iiciu ihi public me mix is ol tlu uttihiin ah ibuv selling rallk liekils ioi the tuekv dt iw to tx held il pin siluidin at the all i 11 then an ten iomin pi ie s 10 be won which will tx ihspl iuil m 1 uh il ion window uul llu eilii n oi tlu ni 11 john jon will ollui iu it tlu dt iw i hi pi 11 in m 1 ii l 11 k tu il mi p ul ii uul nu 1 mil till id imi b uht b lu utli 1 x tiknili iltlll ilul blik llilll i ll t 11 c k in mi- k i miii mind h 1 n i10111 hi miln s m it m 11 kt t s 1 upon lu 111 i 01 o shoppi 1i1 ssid di 11 d 11 hid bn mis ron km ipti u i i su m tiom mis doniii iiimi iuk hoti sunpstin s uul li in i is ii m 1 dt n s llu lllll un w ii 1 1 1 lvni 1 itu i dl i 111 it nn el ui ll nix h iv sv ill tx kt ls i t i ll ll mill 1 mis j mu km in yp dance i i l ul pet pu d ui h t son vi is lu id ll llu lllll 1 isl iv u uu 1 lx 1 ships m ixiu s lil ttit ih 111 m in p ol oakvilti ivpuln uievi hi ilu 1 1 mi 1 1 n otlu t nn mix 1 tn hi 1 i hoi n i 1 slu and tjtpltit kivu w ttl i l h 1 hi hh v ttmtttti mtf 7 hifi 1 1 jsvoulllllill l i my in ism to 0m will be showyj lkx m exhibits at llu iiuiatui to tlu kill tlu mil 1 101 will be di itltd tiiltisimfljmivssmttlm uht s lions ioi mhkicis mil picuins nt fsi llu the homes lor llu autd husp lu t ills llu out hid sllllhll till lilt iv 1 1 mil tin halton lotint mitstiitn ihi ikilli hospit tl john ll will lui a model uu ludinu its iniml his own 1 lu w addition uul tlu dun li oil 1 his iloiu town distiul miuioiiil hospitd it 1 ih iu v ill h is ptouusid a dtspl i 1 mi ixpuu rilc u 011 loven m u list w ho l ilk in in it 1 1 1 1 i u n mm d ill 1 inn m i 1 k m 1 sou l ii 111 i siviills ou lllvc iis 1111 ll ml mlsll lh is p i m 11 mol ms i 1111 x it ll iii- d l kllwill p mil i hills k v i ll iii d ll i iii i ii 1 iii ll si i i m 11 ssluslmi t n i 1 until p m the carol wharton dance school tap tll it icj tlssst 1 ll f r 11 t 1 ia ll ix monday september uvlh 1963 st auani pailm mall bet i rt yi lo vi r itfviif 4 i i i tto ti i n a f j sr fswttsssr wfssfsssaltssn ta 4ijj harvey laverty heating numumo ano fxavtstskhmimmo repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil ano gasfurnace installations conversion burners salls ano f rvict main street n toocwooo u oil painting classes commincinc wednesday september 25th 1963 rogitltatton night winsciy sttptombor 18lh putw attoo community csntr tim 64 p m fsssti s700 for 10o r uksrs is ii tsr hll i iik lire i irii tn ti ij tjtstsl conscr w tlow i if vet s f smjsd ccursc ihaf a sufficissnt isumber siiotl inssuctc aaaj h j nlwnsan m fswimr usissnsmtsste ptswwi umw ar ixoo acton fall fair specials roys flannel shirts mens flannel shirts s s i h special 198 ea special 100 ea 100 ntion whit stretchy leotards flannelette v 3 4 a i a i i ii b special 37c yd special 99c pr wabasso mysmwftunid cotton shjot corduroy jeans fi j i a i i special 189 pr cmu flannelette pyjamas special 187 and 287 ea pwintto ant stupid flannelette a lr orr ft i special 179 pr special 47c yd hintons 5c to 100 store ts sbsj ttsat ofrmytst a sustsw a vllsomfll sw vmvms you can heat water electrically six times as fast as average use demands with the new electric water heating appliance cue 40 i fumlit clean ultnt and thtv is tan ysmf giwrantte on th tittic 1 apptizz it amh0v10 phoooct ilw tkntulh lh eemblntjtl mmml mi h fa i your hydro

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