Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 12, 1963, p. 7

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the good old days suft uu suce feymuimilev m yoktu3 mwrl if war parlormad far a larqa crowd at lha ukrainian youth camp watt of attort during lha virlad 15th annlvanary program member- were pretent from at lar eatt ai aaontraal and competition in the iporto avantl wai keen four erf the gailydretied younq dancart above ara front laft to right danny matwiw and jarry dudyrh both from bian ford back laft to right dona oparick and lucy baczyniky boll from aaonlruol over 5 000 handed the annlvertary v i who ploys smtto govs ono of the big q in the unran toward confederation that loami evident nor o the c hv- who will play santa claui with the tax- payari money the hon bona arxenauli provincial sec- ratary for the province of quebec went to conaicterabte langthi to outline the quebec and 1o weekly editor recently perhaps one itatement in the minuter i addreit sum marize the problem when he tayt thii province quebec wants to have a more satisfactory access to its taxation resources end use them according to its own plans and not according to plnns dictated to il by other powers the minister continues pointing out the frenchcanadians are hardly satis fied with their ownership of only 10 per cent of industrial and economic institutions in this province which effectively leaves very fewdoors open to talented french- canadians it would appear the present government in quebec is tackling a great many reform retofmstha t indicate a g rowmg-cou- sciousness of the times but no government can work miracles overnight and the grow ing unrest in the province is rising too quickly for the reforms to keep pace il it evident from the growth of quchm provincial budget thai tias grown froms600 jinllion in 1959 to 51200000000 in t96j tat new resources are vital v it appears to us that quebec it now looking to the remainder of canada if ihr province can successfully channel more funds from the federal to the provincial fietd it will have gained some help in it smuggle to catch up with the rest of the country just where all tbe hue and cry about hi- culturatism fits into the picture is beyond definition the problem ia not ust whether we peak one language or another it i not u a problem of historic background tno problem is basically how one province held for many year under the rule of one man to all intents mid purposes can suddenly catch up and where the money comes from for that spurt of growth t very politu tan wrtnl to pliiy smii i lius wit the taxpayer morn y ami i i payers seem willing lo continue in the u le of supplying the funds for whuh thf re leivt a portion in return qurluv is an on to ihannel innm of the now frder tl inn t into the proviruial purse in this they nny find growing suppom from he other nice 50 years ago tekea from the lata ea use vrmm t9m tfemfay p4 jl acton fall pair a week from next tueuduv arid wednes day cornel the iulr night con cert will be u yot enjoyable event the concert committee turn selected urtku of wide var iety und new to audiences here mini theresa sheehun humorous enlertiiiner who haw won the heart of people of the wewlern provinces and the untied j will prevent humomiu klurtcttet mr hurtwrll de mllle ijw of 4hemmtbhllinnttwirilones be tore the public today mr chml en rmeiv u hiflhlv clever and most veisulile entertainer will ippeti loi the tlrst time here in wmu siorv und recital mr liar old rich miio pianist and accnm nanir will preside- ut the piano the plan ot the hall wtyl be op- ened in binwns dititf store in a i w- la w thhuii i lu ndtauh icdl v be a uuh lor meils tin newlv amended luw for the ptoirtimn ot women and the uppicaion ol while s lively wi m uii el i eel on mondav much to thf satisfaction ol moial leloi uiii s otlntor llaivtx has kin de liverlnu tax notices this week lo h it-hh- dntc then indebtedness to the corporation were w a coleman llespelei miss mniuaitt russell tiironlo aiu jtueph mcclure 1 st ac inn in t tiil oulei in si ut l iv ai ion uui m vid tr kiiiitrliiun lo pluv oft theii last slhedukd hall ywne willi i hem lot this season the alton lns look quite a hunch of fans ilou ii u uh them and il is said lhr ai tf in ail ti ml a ik i was een i ai i it i thin hose who lurnetl t ii i ikhii cfioiyeiiiwn livulenuv iijiyi luwn duln t want lo wil ihx llwuau a h i ei a indeed tt- 20 years ago tejmm from ike laeue rf the fret rraea thurtmly bepl ims ihdicutlon are that uiven good weather at ion fair h will he me ol the finest there will likelv be an exceptionally line showing ol livestock and with uich an oittstiuulinu imiw man as r w uwrte us pust denl suih an atltacllon mmht well hi anticipated news ol the surrendei o italv vesleidav called lor no celebia lion here oi lensatlon ol work in aclun plants cit lens iealie ihal uiilv ii- 4inlv the mnllcr- part ol he axis pailnuis and hat geimanv and japan uie t t lo ik deall with wedrisdttv uai in ws was the besi in lotu vears dude i thtlstv wrote to the wu servke i eatfiu hoi inn llu loim ol iitv duties around ihe iamp i meel a uieal mam ol the boys 1 1 um ill ovei c an ula and 1ndhlt lveheaulliiortni yatton that xememtuis tin n bos is iiiiulailv aitnn hi t vtiiniu wu iini liinu when the hopli around at ton decide lo do tiiimlniiit no lull way nuasiuv will ilo the last lot ol mail umwd b the 1 eatfue hum oveisi i hi i ludeil lelli i s ol hanks lump r riuum i pali u k r ohara corie stmvaii a i milu a j lrwinxllenn hutiun i rankhn njenr w h hailui c allan w m caldwell luul nora kenirey jack llonevi m v dion p a hi oil i in lie i hank kellv j smalhuai r anderson p keiiuey i i i irnch gordon mikenwu r i vance uorie stringei r a johnson g w wtlhams j uimh van wvik c w rvmil las ioun midonalct i a c i ipps n i- mcnahh w h hi own raivllss g t par lul al are we itlw hi have a civil war in canada ymi may luuyh at the quexlon but a kit of people in thin country dont und it too hilurloiih la helle pnnimi- in nick und tiled ol hei clndeiella nile she has had emmuh of he- inu the hiiuht atu heautllul bill luitiayyled and hadlv iiey levied sister in the lumlly siiiie wicked godmothei oup kssis kit ked the bm kel and prime chaimlnu 1esuye itnle up wn his white ihaiuei a new l has dawned uh la re lie slu has u atied that lift uukid itiulmolhei was did ell nisi lu i oul ol hei inheiil ami lliai some ol hei sisieis ispiiialu i hat outaiio who was alwas u bit ot a snoh win looking ilown thrii novis al hit and lhit llu meek in in i il tin i ih on uh n iui imdvilsi ints lappet it s 1 ii mill shi llis lost hi i mil i ioi ii iitmplix sin hasdtop h d in t mlbtlltsmm obi dittn i slu hts lusl in i lul h in wlatds ik i i i s aii hlainu lists ate up slu has a ihip on tut shoultlii llu me ol a ilutiik ol itmlwood a nil site is wi v di llu t i in u si il oi not ill llu tamlh hkes assarted friend and find out their tfolf u lousy too seventh ufiar a week of dressing up und eating fabultmu meau and tipping everybody in unlit us wonder ful to xlt in the hack vuid like a bum unshaven lo eat that reul food which only the old girl can prepare und to get up from the luhle with out huvlnu in 1kb lor u hill 1 t t we eiijoveil oui trip tlmmuuh iv and even the kids ui rived home ut let iv exhausted mire stun ot a line convention it was tonipllnu lodevole ihu weeki lolumn to a cute iraveuujue rut i came home with a ileep leellny ol uneum con leinlmj the mixed tiiatituue whlih has tot ulnutsl one hundied eutb contounded the ixpeitu by belli u uppareiitlv happy on im afruid one of l he partneis wants a d ivor re nrll not tlrarrtireastithmi plelelv new deul has the lady umumk lot illvnixe vimi ask pet hups nut leizalk trttlny a divone in this citiintiv has always been utmost as tihiuh as ueltinu into heaven and like all ladies hei leal ovei the milk can ate ull mixed up with her emotion shes hick ol feed i uii a hlu family on her hiiitei utuleuu money while ihe old man iue it up with the pt meeds lioui the beef htf mlul slus led up with being com- pllineuted on hei home cooklnj when what she wants is a p4umvaitluiuleriilut undeham p i u tie dlnitei i lie the other ulrls once lu a while shes hnioiis at ihe patronl inu alt ol ihe ladies who piulse in i neidlework and then sweep oil in then mnk coals id ii as ihe ihtp said huth no lur hlu i uomun si ot lied little iti hellf pwivlih t all- be uimiiiied ihiil she is our only love uiilesh w iouit hei with siiunily i intensity she uuittu dj deseii het lumlly vet up hei nun i siiibhshmeut und lu al us with ihe luiuleut we llisii vi in ihe nu aniline i lor our am nolnn lo 1 tukjnq those nnvit satioual l h classes at myltl schikil rxhkis i j this lulnmn pr h ttilv ii mi i nilir how ini ky tins in in hii llu ihrrtr i ii mh aiiailiui levnlulioii tu tin si pii alist mowmenl i xplutu d in lheiii by in ex u 1 1 who pis spent a wet k imiuip l iu lie pi i iv line n oi limy on ln i nylisht in i d iiii shippm line and sli nil in ih i ullsh auadlaii iixiiii il hod i was ptailualu a shumiul mi michael oriien hasihaipe ul riinnik khui n sihool he has i u luil i yuud iipuialion as a li ai in i loioiito u ii lu li thi milhuti iisiluis in lul ihi imn jiti il i tul um uin 1ivhxmhi t lnut illulll mis si s hacihoi ne and mor ion haw ohned iu vv mi miner iimims in tin pieunses next to iimhis iiiriii stole mill st miss lata f hhiyi unl hi i shiiiliv scihhji class ptliiukid at rmkuood yei j c lamtuil i i amulwu ouuh m mcmillan j r i telds and wallet gibbons at ihe lakeside i oh i in 1 1 inu mis a orr a leienl htui sas pn sen led with 1 hi autitul lump neailv 44 i hildi en put m tin ir hist div ol sihihil in tlu piitn iivhmint tlu ymt a classts have an attendance ol about v just a eat and a mouth alni lalionini lommi mt d llu ync ernment is able lo iiise hi ji i lation oik third lealosirs will lejoiie at this happy tuin ul iv en is news distro it is obvious unci mr aronnuli aqrncs that the quebec force was t the bottom ot earning power in camida in i960 agricul ture continued- to go down hill tnc quebec rogislnred one of the highest unumploytncnt rales in canada il is also a well known fact ihdt te gov ernmctnl quebecen tonlmued to clnct until 1 vot was not rtlwrtys ni rtimoui to solve the problems of it woplr rts it w in keeping itself as distant from the federal government and heme the people of can adu us posiblu the eciomy in school the recent provim ial conference ot were inclined to think the p onoi 1 sihikl tviign ha produtod some interesting ktill have lo be irttrixjomd al the una it vi 1 diuuxiion of particular mierest to hix and icop toward ttie top payet- already ciioamnrj under ihr oi of tfir m miter of eduiahon ha nn um r i edikaiuhi thr rnnr of ruwuwiy whth tt i his departnwmii svllstihfy teems to jr thrcavlmtt its way ttninnjli mvn li of the dm utston ttus is tin lit t lonlrrnur cl ti tp k le held in te pnwirue idisaior ant tcttj boilihis iruitihs miin ipll rtutfiii i tw planiet nd ullwi rjroupi inter rstrd mi ttc prohle it prosuhnri ilairixni5 tasr iwen bi ought tinether dul it juit atknit time hk town in the provnuc is w thoul ore itguies to lodtvatr that te pfpvisun ot imi cetmvta1 lkihtir ti i me wth j gruvc rg pipiiiittqi i rlwimvf t uu rspors duii um i ptili i khmhi is ivm f t vs i th p vtkkhi ot edi ihmh ti 1 tir ikir tsi ellr ftxv ssill en fivinedr ijrttiuifr h is till ttvp vkt yourseff ie tusseve i ti orfif town the present municipal hinlilint is bi my ulluul tin sili mikv the tovsns bid lur lie old post olluc biiiminy wis u npuil and i slult is i nnieniplatid cimruit litis tht main si intiiii npil luiiktmi s sak will iovei llu uisi ol the post olfue punhiki hrampton piil memorial hospital ottkimk ienid il- hi ni 701mm iilditinn on tlu weekend hiinyiny the hospital s iapii it ti t- bids fruhiilid in tin new winy ire j niiinbn ot lusts lot llu hiispilil tint tlu totniu iik hilling i 21 bxtl pv hiali u ium i 11 ihii niiiiisiir i in uiin utluis ini tlu llialth unit mil v uul i to ik 1 p ji um uint slrit isviiii liinirt iiurnilloi u jilmson hi- hmn i n tin if in a tl tp oui i piii i nl pjopeitn lu- nuns tli it tlu imvu iisiu is put ol i iiiiduix mr johnson ttiunf oil his imhiioii ol tl ioj in iikiisi h il utnsil t mti ils olhi ol jtxi ilk iiiuihii ins i ki ii pi ik i i iliiis in ohiit li pro pioh i l mil ms k sidi nis joi souk t mi us i isi hi iv wh ii i inn the bible today mill siih hill l lluilll itli vl iii viiili tlu host oiils nio hoiu tt o i p iilte ui eoial rrserih lit hool i i vv mj tfsirjii at- i oost ut n it iho uii my i esmll had it i t hi- h im i th il it 111 ti sionv k ii imini l in 1 i v t nimily th ii 0 itvitltll n tl i it i i t oif t itptiyn i i aiway 1hmo d ft h t ml uw l ss v i i hlli il i if im t i trt i vti liattsi lha would ill k n t tr i t inn tlitvral fees rd tt dmr ot itie rvprirtirmt it loviatto ih grrtntfig its apposl pitlily to sutte f iilttis rts nu tl nl m i t tim at on ha t t n no ikjii u m if rt nui t t llw i npv i i il i il ttt trttir o mk r t v ilf oit n tn art t il t i i siie pnnl it the rrtiint o ii pal mrvnri ae rut to o j ui ii k ii w ii nn it x 1 1 k in uh i h um i im in i s wit jin in hi ltit mhis i k ml kl ll li iitu on llu huilmtiiin sku i in u s t t nioi tli in 4mfnl ihiulis lioui max tt jul w 2 iti llu sun ikiiol in i f i i lvpniiiuni ot llrthiis ruit i nu mini ttis l in- mi is um iiiiii llu skut it iiitim- this rihl th ikpiiiuuut notid tn tin lout months 2in shsi ihulis unssid the lmll ovkviiii ritti sinus nur i rbterdas hoh1 unl ud i i nth it t tli 1 st um st ii rlm siitistis mi ik oton r i n pi v ih i tk stmi i vski pui p uionx um iiimi n v t lunit uh i l lo ilus iisiiil ih pnk in i how lb hk1 ih t ih 1 tl lit ttll sn kll lh ptlk l i till iii 0 urge haton farmers to use fait alfalfa management 11 it tn in in ii un pi im t tu inn vi ii ul i i 1ii allalu in m t nu til m iiupenirnl ul li ill i iif h t j i win i lli i iip virtu iv iiiiiiiii ii x n i in nl ii- iit i ii ill sil nf i i i t i hi in ivi iiit ti li i ill- i i the acton free press rumum ii- tlma phaiax and pumtakfem cv i id kiikv in 11 anl rxiwi h rxrrv thiir-lj- at wilhiu si dhn diitari mcmhrr il lb nfchtbuiau inulalrni ihr s i iki thr orharnvlksr i1ii-km- f ihr i m s 1 tclrminj ric- itjii niiitipii rwlin aitaair lltn in cimita 1410 in i tmlaiul ami nhrr tmmonialth l-untnr- 1w in llw liilln1 malrl ant othr frhn chinmc- in oirur 7 aulnmrd a smxind cu mail inm ultur itrnartmrnl ollawa tmaly aarmraamwiai tm aetata a drib e1iirr hitih1 vh k tsiu manamg i ditnr usiniss and epitoiiai ofhct phone 8 5 3 t 0 i 0 ttia l p t t lltllll it t l mill hi it ipji 1 pin iivii i t timnni i ik ti iv i- i4c tmmtrlmc 1 mi i i t iljiinivl in ll iti in iv i t iiitn ii 1 tt lltr ll i vmirih1 alto cv-l-c- nllif s ki ti 1r rat nl1 atni nntiiti in he ipnt fc i ttiv vmi1 p irar tlw jvi ut ticl1 mill ha aivlv- it tflll ki llw vpumsriil fill lit ik rrclurij to ml statitl llkirlnn- it hi har irl ihir alfall tn vplrmlvi ai li rl i vmall itii ik- 11 m it nnn trial itrld lntrilsi living thai yww pa- iukiiii ncptrmhrr ir ut allrt native irvxj oui hav tn pantrr ixjda lahmh are jn ttiii tall in tlrxt irtti ill p il i- t jut uii siplttihai slut il tr 1 mi li i i t vl t t kn mil 111 piip nl vi lli 111 mu ilmu t 11 11 i ipnl rrrtlllrrr rrt 111 i i t in imtyli lu pi i il ill ln hi 1 il it ti i i- irtnliri sliaill l ppl t i ii i i ii i if un li in n tli ti v1 wiiiii ph piatr tul t tjli m 1 11 in p it i i tli i ii li 1 v t a i i nil s pl itihri a 11 1 r 111 wiitii in ilr up ititn iii 1 iv i p pit ii li a ll nl ifl in ph upti ui mi ihtniit iv ippli1 in tli s it mlv t n nl p t k tii vrt ini itkitu i 1u11i11 iila i ili im 1 v p it i i paitlli irii ti all at n pt i 1 viith 4 uh it- iiml ivtkl nc rifia ml vhn plartl al ratri il li 1 i iivci 4 dh iv l alnii i vatii pci a tr i nla suprrlitniui ihr ulh dim inrvr tfiiak tactlnev- d-i- srpiemhrr on tour iajcxv i ii iii 1 ill trial s wlllll llll 1 si 1 s in itlpli till lllllll ll 11 1 llllllll i it lit s up llll tlill llltltliill vmtlllll iii ii l i 1 1 1 u 11 i iii 1 l iii llillllllll 11 i nl imi ii llll hi ll lllllll ilk 11 i 1 lit llllu il hi i ll i i k ik- i ui t ii i a lit i i l tuk ami i 1 m l il i niiil uii i s i i i i ir iii t ll ilnili 1 i 11 i i ti i hi at in in iv 1 ut tl i ms niiililit 1 1 ll ll m if im lirpi t llll s i iilui i 111 ti hlu h iiitr1 hi 1 t wp nl iti in it hi ii i i ti n i i hll null i i i ii nil i ih it i s ill ii i iii itiim 1 v i n i i iillm 1 iii mi hi i i m m iii i un i tl ikin i in 1 in iiii i i i p imi mum 1 i li iiithut ihr h it till mil t hi i ii mill li j kil i i iv irptiii il j ihr lili lli il i in al ira i i i put j lnl vtilil si t ih i v iir ih ivik i i ii nl ihi ti main liirf in 1 in nl ih n 1 ihiili- r i ilnir i i aixll 11 1 in i in iri ui ilv- llu i nl i lil li n in rvi i l lifv i i i lint iv- i un rit jiii i iipi 1 kn taik lilv i hi 11 tin tfrmtti niilll il t m t 11 i kt pp tum i h at tn ti ral lh- lniii i 11 nil i i i h p ii i f tlw- spu i iv lit t ihr sj iair 1 u 11 1 iv 1 4 ii li i twlli itimc iuadris s i km l i in vt n li i ki i lo tucvlai km l witnamll i i 4n ihuiilai 1 km t i i ial i km- i i sailur lal i knif i i i in sfmtn ihr hrvlr is ahwii rrtain wil inr mriminf prrvn a hufir vuppk ail otlr n1 rv itlimi ihr iijnr ihi i daiuij h ihr hrkk irurr aunl lo m urr oud ul irurn uac new professional directory and travellers guide mnmcaia i ii si ii i im si 1 1 i llu un s in montttal still knink mhi still ilu haw a flan a stk that niakis iiki ntis like me slop drad in i h it iruks mil linn snul moiilh open until i villous pnki in thi nhs liom cili oi sintli tlniyliti i shallt is llu nioini nl st iniilk iti nitln in moyl iid is villi llu most 1 1 ihl n niij fbr i it dt ivinn ihe itinsl hui lusiiie hid till lilts tlu rnosi ii isonihli nl anv m v in i an ill i ilniilk tin itiiirsiu hulk of jik b i hiintdint uw i llu st laureme wiiliulhu knimi w hit im mur u s is still pnthablv tlu most un posing my in north am 1 1 iii 1 inn lhl tin pi lie nf boo in um hi i pio i tut is in n i 1 it tli i i in i sjit up all muht in nioii sixth it sis 2imht in unit old vvu kl tililuij nit i dr d a garrett phvsiuan und surgenn oinui n willow und uivcr sis hntuinic river si acton ont ihonc 8m0h1 dr rortrt d bucknfcr physhlun und ihiiitfcon j9 wellington si aliiih ont phone 8svi240 dr t b moorp physician and surjlnn i main street north turner main and mill street at ion ontario phone muik ollke ilnsed from auausi to seplcmber 15 plrase note new oil ne hours effect i ve septrmlxi is 2 lo s 7 to mod toes 7 hot s in dkntal dr h uib dental surgrin otlnr cornet mill and i redeik k streets olluc llnurs by appomlnunl trtephom rsuthjtl dr a j buchanan drntal surgetin mine w hurih st t oltit hours j at in lo ft p m chiserf wrdnesdiv alirrnoon trlephone um 17v df rroric diy ivuiji sut j2ehi ouunrn ing prtio- vtohrr i telephone llinfon 1147 or i24a i or appfmilrnrui i kfai t f if athep1 afid o c hrristrt aind vtli ur offne hniis 10 m m p m i prt p m miunut hv appoinimrnl my phone ninirai i1irictoi18 nocmaker waa waua phuiir imiiwi ntaht or flay hiii i i shiirninkri mgr oiromhthihth t i duchner od optimtirtilm illtait i illii llrutllb a idj i john si s atliin in a kill wriliiculayi only 2 10 pin coo pin im appninttirn iiimii mt 1041 11 im aiivwir plume waterloo 742467 thavumr ouidi gray coach unl5 loaciiih lravr atyon llavlllil smnu inn i aitliitltlil 6 a 111 fllailv ncrpl sun i llu i i hi i in i ik ri 1 si son a iii i ii i m i in llll ml iu i in tiini ll i in ih h ji in isu i uul wrxtlmunri 7 7 a in i hull ri rpl sal son iii i iii 7 a in i v7 i in 17 itn 7 pat a sbaida s a itr silkilor nllarv tuhlm oftir hniri in a iwi iamtisy fri rrninf aprn pm sahifilav i p in p m tanlrv si ime oh clnlam hnn ta hmj fft t minjrv in tijph saliircta 1 a in i a til daily aaa 5 p ra rn an l oon hairtlrr ami v4hitor s icaplaa arwt iiam d od or 11 tlraintiimr iiao s carrrtaj bujdinj gaurgctun tmm clawac-f- 0avio vv cohn d c ii youaf slrari crmar nf arthur youaf sta ohka heran by i in i i pm ii i pin iu atn sat iiill i canadian national railwafs llalhylit saving 7ini i aiihouml ft a m l tltinti daily ai i rpl sit af i sufi ai i in tn imrili lallv rtipt sun a in laill rtrpl similw ami manti iliri i i rfuw tiai fur lliili smiitrl 7 4 p in l liriail lallv ii rpl virulav iii pill li ful rili stinay oil k 10 s iii to homo ilajly lall al i itfrtiwri iiio vvrllvaint ii m i i sifatfor ilitv r i r it sun r p rn lt l j til riirpl sal ara sun 7 m pin itjlli rirpl siiimtal i f a in i slialfil ilallv fi sal i i f iii mi itii aft wot a vl 4l tmititim avn ism amo t wttini n vtitfmir st a rtjrvi p i nuti tritj i a- ia namca im tt tmn ta actoak abohtfct l 1 1 rv jai r i jt inni t h ai h ulltll 1 m i slirvf stnle aliwi irphtw tnaa wine llutiii m apruiataaent rif 30 sunthank bd port cmhl

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