harleytohalton lym if am pleated that the reaohi i loo to set up the canada pen ilon han ha been introduced this hna been introduced at this lime to that the plan can he studied at the pederal provin cial conference on the lath- 27th julv ial it will then be introduced in the pall in bill form for legis lation in the meantime com ment and suggestion from im provement in the plan are en couraged and welcome the bill should nana the home of com mona and the senate sometime in the pall probably october or wovcttffeertr mamv hautv mp auft wmta hvt yhoumntt kanmow ttout donated by ray olan of campballville vt locked into kalte laka raeantly by kalto ceniarvatldn area luparlntendenti maurice readheadand y kattl tha flth ware taken to the lake in cant and ware emptied into the lake by the two uparlntandanh it will ba two yaari bafora the fith will be long enough to keep and it is ex- pactad that a dally catch llmltwlll be tat ij ll11 mtrnw mshtute speaker calls alcohol most serious problem of day ten member and six guest gathered at the home or mrs j roberthon for the august meet jng of the nassagnvvcya womens inttltute in the absence of mm prater mm fedwardt chaired the meeting which opened with the ode and mary stewart col lect- mr m mahon in explaining the motto the mind la like a parachute it works beat when opened pointed out that only the open mind functions and absorbs the ideas and facta which later are brought out when need ed following reports bv mra j r henry and mrs m r mullen mrs m mahon introduced the kicat tpcakeri f potts or cuclph irector of treatment services for the department of reform institutions mr potts chose- is his ohecl alcohol one or the tools of public relations affect victim in his introductory remarks the apcoker pointed out that alcohol la served at most busi ness meetings and some suchl gatherings the victim of l cnhollam is affected physically and mentally so that he becomes unrcuahle in his personal and he no longer feels worhv t business life his religious life suffers to such an extent tbnt intend church the clinic loit ed hillside toronto diinrii the last v days ol the prlsumr sentence has rented between 4000 and 5000 people since its founding in closing mr potts asked one pertinent question who wlirbe the one to offer a youth his first drink or offer a drink to an ulcoholle who is trying lo break the ruibil mrs f rdwards thanked mr potts for an enlightening and sympathetic discourse on one ol the most seriousproblems of the day- mr m mahon acted as courtesy convener the meeting closed with the oueen aspmait a shingle jl 21 lbs 695 ea all colors tonpro dittrlbutors umitto it main st acton umm bqufsing liberal association all hoidino a euchre ond dance stewarttown hall fri sept 13 cvwyoni wiicomi oooo ptlhs the exploding harpoon which revolutionized whaling was in venlcd in tonsberg norway a town more ihan ltttx years olil no tan inmth as was aald during the elec tion campaign the id increase in old age pension will come out of contributions to the canada pension han in this way no in crease in taxation will tvsullr either from the 110 increase in old age pension or from the pension plan itself while the pension plan will not become active for sum- lime while the regulations an i regis irulion are carried oui the lliljiiuii tr increase in old age pension will j dignity lake place earlv in l4 the regiilritliunjul jhc plan will be parried mil hv the lncni ptovment insurance commission offices ill may 10a4- when their new hooks are nssued in lliis kux the admlnisiriiilon contribution and benefits will le baaectuin the rirsl 14000 nr earning and this level will in create with unv increase in aver age earnings in thin way if pric es cotil ol living und nveruge earning go up so will the pen sion go up proportionately the cost of administration will come front the contribution togin at ii contributions lo the plan will begin at age 18 and carry on tin ill the pension is received pen slons will be uppmxiimtlcly vi ol whul a man has been earning asjiir nwliliwiimlvldov ers the pension available to surviving member would he min ol the benclll available to the couple k nslnn plans mnv still ivale- plans now in 1ltect will he udlusled to the caniula pension plan in enmpar json with the united slnles heme now in effecl i lie camuli pension plan will piv suiinilhti higher hemills we aiv pliiseil lo suppnrl a veiv wollhwhile furuvnl leiiisli ulltm reliunieiil ivilh mil cimiliiit i young girts report on glen mhor camp mr w splrlvogel presided at the keptcmtter meeting ol thf uuiighleis ol knox which was held in the choir room tr acton pra p tburaday atntambar itti m3 al acto st jklm jtijmh m jjfr bevetov mtknlgrll and wendy masters triiili the cmilt lull almuit he hiyhliuhls and how i lilv enroveil their stav at ilen mhor presbvtii ian camp ami they ulvo showeil several haiuli- crafts which t hey mode it vunip tlivv limn keel the diiuuhicr ol j knov for making il possible lm iheni lo iltcuil camp aud llie hope lliat some or the girls will want lo go next year tin- slinlv and worshlpwas lak el b mrs v ashlcss tmiiip whv the ilesbvterlan church in caiiuduiiliiliullawahhvsethd in skil lortn bv mis t aslitev lis c kiugsiiilllmrs w ittili ii li it s- iml mrs w j mi di uinn w2 was sung and oi- linn closed wild the mipah liineiliiiion mrs c asdlev assisted by mrs c klnpsmill mis w toth mrs ii piiie mil mis w i miknlglit eixeil iumikin pii- wild wtilp iit i icon anil lea nialii ii mi iii- mn scum- ol ellllll ii asi i ml isle i ol tv st john ambulance ri gltitl of acton win on duly all weekend ill the mntallo steam ueiinioii held irldnv to monday lnlior oav weekend at milton pair cirouudt kesplie a cisiwil of 7iw1 anil hiimlreds of pieces ol lienvv inn iilni iv niovlng iiroinul the rail inminils thtvnud only one seri ous at idem to ivportlon lanu- id filven rd fell while at tempting to climb mil i a hav hilon drpun by a sleiini engine hie iv wheels ol the wagon i iixer dim rdvk a mienvearol i liov i nun mlllon witnesses rusliiil the boy m the si lolin uiilii wdere siiperln iiiident ieoigi llargrave nml i ilonlev placed hljn in a wall- ingjiinliiilance and iusheltlm to mlllon lllstiiil llospllaltcinvs bowed no hepken konaa mirio- nlthl official kept htm in fat- a few day under obervatkm olherwlse they imd a few wee silugs infnor cm andaetamxwa to treat oddly amough tmty one man required treattnmt tot steam hurns arid theae ttore ttol serliius there were no catet of sunhiirn reported the st john brigade had a to tal attendance of ms adallttffl- clals anil 14 girl ratietsinti tfirlv dining thi- tdweriav xhbw the road to success it uphul so dont eynect lo break any suid iveord wltlmut the assistance of ma- oral capacity rule and precattt a i e ul no vfltcucy ottuiiluan anliipie a lugilive i rom itlnk aril wild a price on should be kepi lo a minimum we would expeel contributions lo be collccred as ul approsliu- atelv october 9m the pension will w related lo earnings and contributions and will take 10 years of contribu tions before a maximum pension will ne received the pension will lie available al age m il wished ut a smuller amouni the rate ol contribution will be 2ti of earnings per vear for wage or salary earners tde em- plover will be required to pay onedill of this contrlbiilion new 7ealalld was ilimivrivil in lh12 liv abe i tmtiin i oiiull naviualiir atlti wlinni lasmania was named we i whii mum kllllv lli-lil- i ill i ulllllllllll till- lies i having a storage problem cau f s moving storage oust hi and paliittizid storaoi in sprinkkrsystim warihousi5 packing shipping 4 crating jem drive- 1 m 1atri i dm i th thurmi 5at all tichnicoioh ihow mpt is 14 cimarron ford anne 1 one two three glfnn ford anne baxter in cintmakoh lamrs cagney ariene francis rommndd adult tvmartalawam dmictioni the jam i 13 mllat watt al attaa m nt 7 way half way batwaan rathwaatl anal outlaih ttm lft at ferbaa oaraga la arrlva at tba dhva4m tax notice 1963 t op acton 3rd instaimimt now due altentu is drawn to the pavment ol lsxj laxr whuh are now payable in four instalmems taxes are pavable lo iha municipal treasurer at the towt tf actm municipal office f tahsw4w ihmamrj 1nstalmiints ae due as poliows j mm mraimmt upt1mui lath mmmtm inttaumht ttovwu lstta acsordtng to the tax correction bvlaw a penatrv of t of i per cent per month will be added on the amount re maining unpaid alter the 15th day of ma v thu penalty applies to each instalment in a similar the attention of ratepayers it directed to the penalties aatt other clause a printed and explained in detail on every ta but mabb mvmsnt now am takb vol tax notice with you when making pay1knt j m o i hundreds of thousands of canadians can win vaka m cash tokens worth from under the details at carton displays cficpih- ror o thiti air ai f rinra pr y4o thlt amit i omi thi poccss o cvxacjta a tmvnrt mow vou may win hut or tthaandhr tvi ssic4 ctt at1 spit mtttad flfcrwmjtr imisai4tss pa is i irtil priivl stv cn tafevn stfth iptsi 1 oo to ihiv l1 1ta untmf th tori lrvtm to t ttm mt lnax matwl a ivhawp pom untlkm tk mfm inj ut w rxn vvxi ttrad tx t t aafjb c lobttm rmtaa fl you oo 1 ual ml ch man ath yow rxawm ijlj la tf i mi tlqch llitlhi on ftmln tfe mc tc cnr cfj lid rivi trsaxrls onljif pono v 21 mja yti c fwy a a a xii t ras3tn ttsta r 1ttmj tuallkin in fmti isi x 3 cikscot lid kan rnii ba imw t- gtaam km of mtajajamcmaj avtd getit a al toan bv tmmmm4 mixx w ftj on ctmh wasfu cn 4m awbfruttou l r wi gfuiral ruiis af iv49cr ataf t r ti a r- ol cfmd4n lvm t c ii1 i 1 it trtta i tmt rv tl arfl asi oajv1mm tqi3 ogaauat rni p- i if rt4ku4 tavtv z ltl4nll jfaaj to 4hda bv tpa rlajajgv lht ctavtwint tfrputrh agaj fanal trwmm twyl eotrnjant twtttof bhsm in fawiyat ptolmtv ckavcl ud tot mvf ntir i 4l cu c t taatiat aattlraitl wahi catawcalai utt the orangeville bottling works limited omismlfvltli ontajho mlm aaaaataai iiv nil jirfsssii nlrriftiinrl