Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 19, 1963, p. 1

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rd crowd expected for anniversary fall fair friday saturday factor op tm hudtont bay pbet at round lake 350 mllet north of sioux lookout colin maecoll it back horn in acton for- month holiday ho ii pictured below with hit wife ff ld the it holding seotr two who hr a indian mukluka in mi hand and mr maecoll it holdlncj ihalr adopted daughter ingrid four who holdt en elaborately workad indian porta mr maccollt pott it pictured above it it utt ilka a modern ttora in the touth only tuppliat ul eorna in one a yaar except for perlthable goodt whlcl are flown in there- are no roadt out everyone fliet mr maecoll it ttore- manacyer radio operalor pottmatter and doctor for the vllleae of 300 there are two churchet and a mall school tie it the ton of mr and mrt colin maecoll sr cameron ave ightyninlh yaarno 12 acton ontario thursday september 19th 10 fl fourteen pecje seven ci acton ontario thursday september 19th 10 fourteen paget seven centt berth hews free tyeae electlm eumraae la geared 16 be quick and thorough hoy down of the allied ullton itew atalf will he at returning oftlcnf kcrra office in oakvllle m wednaaday evening and trende will tie haailly phoned back to milton and acton newapeper office thate will he relayed by the free pren te anylhwa after nine oclock when the llrat retulta should be re leased call usmi i complete figures will be pub lished in this paper which will be on the streets about three oclock the afternoon altar the election hudsons bay factor wife and family are happy to return to isolated village in the winter llt comforting to have vour home 15 degree warmer than the oumlde but how about when the thcrmornctrr in vour house reads 10 degrees heluw zero anil the temporb- ture oumlde is 65 degrees below thats what happened in mr und mrs colin muccnll and their children when tticir wood fire went out one night lnl winter back south lor a months holiday with his parents mr und mm colin maecoll sr cumeron st they remember the cold with laughter now anil there per fectlv happv to he going hack the acton man is liuuir or manugcr l ihc huclon bav store ul round luke ontario 250 miles north ol sioux look out the onlv wuv in is hv plunq with one exception the iniet ordruwn ennvm ol wagons that hrlngx tons ol supplies uieth store onte u u ffiv- n v head to polls wednesday the town on the shore ul the inkc i populated hv 100 mohl ol them croc indians there is an antfliuin chinch un cvnnyculwil church and u schuul with two wchcr owud hr m maronll was the lac lor ut cumhlrlund house in sas luitohewun lycvkiihtlv mc and his wife whom he met there were married in acton three venrs airo he wus translcired to round lake two years nyo and will be moved ayutn nccorrt inn to lompinv policy mil sum me i their vming son scott two yearn old was horn tn ouelph they have in udupted daujib tet ingrid who is lout and the children apeak 1 lew words ol crcc with their 01m11 pli mates mrs maecoll speaks the lanffuagie hut mr macc oil limn he can mumiyr well withoul it he knows cceiynne in the vil 1 1 ye in lul lit s llu siihsiiiule tim i hi 11 dot tut and hi hindk s dl he tninnuiimil urn 111 his nirtrti room the neires dnctm js at stuns lookout the mietoln dispense medud supplu s whit h hne been provided 1 1 n h tin iv pan men i ol natmntil lltallh and we ha re radio for help unless news ol ihu iyi m a s is tulio rd thil and a din lot 1 an ll i up rhnl is unless the ninth ern lights hair put ttu 1 ulio un the hummer oi unless 11 s hreikup tinu on tin laki which happens toi 1 month iyi i nit and n uuirrlh un spimu mil ttu plain tml land on 1 the lakt linn th scitknunl i simple has 10 hi st it sustaining and lhe manage u uil j the noi tht 1 n lights at i ik 11 c tinliinied on payi iwn velvet cape crown ready to the iraluxv ol prtoe on display loi the winner or the miss ac i on tan ton test on wed nesdiv cummtlleeman jack holmes added a brilliant scarlet tape and hiyh ctnwn the tape ol uhi velvet lined with white satin was fspctialh made lor the contest and will he used each eu the hrsl crown ord eied was sent hack loi larger one and its here on display now ihc ouen will also weai a let itietl sash which has been in t he lm nut i tlna min store window tin simu time with the cloth inn and othct uu for 1hc queen vviruui is announced friday midway opens tonight fair ready directors tv appearance boosts event i irsl cvnt of excitement hei uinter the diecton of held hup aldtny the weekend vllh atini niniindini hitl riminpson verxarv lah comes tmm llu paikt lo ptevenl connestion at the wikti the btiyht aiul noisv titles iiihhs tin staye is at the lai t ntl and ixhiths he 1 1 siiuo tircsdav ol ihr nrrm yoinii into tiuialion lotln 1 ihlo ln all urn 11 1 auiitd llhiiisdu while oiiiithiiis oule the nut r pomund the lair dinttois arc workinj toethei in the veai s biuuesl iwe lo prepaie everv ihinu lot the most impivssive foil in hie 50year histoiy ot the toi the tllspis in tin toiiuuunt tv 1 1 ni it si t lion dounstait s llu it is 1 limhn displa mil 11 ttio siaimn l ly iiielph will hniadtasi lixpititluu as jivell is irom milsttle on the urouiuu the ladlu hrtuidcaftt is hciitluled from i to in ihe altemtum snturtlav ivisnns lnieiieved will likel inrtnttrwrtrtlcnoi tu maitln w 1 lumnshiie lati pixsldeuls mis ivii matlluws and calvin ail ken and mi acton iuit full lnvgim tin weekend ienls oulline u iseiies of stellar utttuciloiin iiiitri1iehtlhnlf rit winr ewiulia shyd the nvwa nes ol ihc i in was spttnl in 1 gueljvh and kitehcnei vstei i da at flfl pivsidtnt oalio an ken and queen toiiuntilet men jatk musludl jatk ifolniis ant mac spiovcl t invent d mih illy al on his altt 1 no hi u ii isiou how titim kittheiiti miy al was niu ul tin illdlii s in lilt miss i at urn ian tonitst last siluidav 1lu lui s boosts is in 1 tit 11 hlat k tnppits lot ilt up tti hull a h lit 1 mm one ol his i his unnin mi knight and pu suited hip al with orn til lu tlisiiutlt hals t in v appeared pcrfecllv t east as lhc dialled over various hiuh hiihts of ihv lali an inlet tew with jatk holmes and mac spmwl was taped tuts dav and pined on ouctph tnlni ftlituin cjoy wetlnestuv al 7 10 p m sections ol this hihistiny j the fair will be replaed al 1111 tins times tvfoie ssitut clis bem al arena the platform uii the lit pjn iny was built monday niyht titu snnw leme was t tec ted in 1 wot k bee wednesday afternoon friday the 13th si bad weekend for police i autivmir- 4um u jwir choose from three candidates tidy thieves unlock 3 50 a i omul m1 was taken satur ili niyht at the home ol john toell and his son toidon i red iiuk st polite believe the thief rnteicii llu htick tltr using u skeleton kt v as no sipns of loitible entrv could he found the thelt was tcported to con stable rod rupert ol the acton opp detachment who invest i iit d at ttiidiny to gordon lovtll it appeared the intruders i were nllcm only monev au two aluuhlt watches and an ocpen siie moite tinura were not louthttl on lop ot the dressers whnh hatl bttn si u cited appiu nih tht thiel wasn t il ik two u unn ssu m in itnitlim t it lit t as two lartfe steit h ut 1 1 v t ii 1 uninnh limn ictnkolili bat s tut lortttm s dicss nutithtt nl tiiitils in i um r wtuni lakin llu mont was i hi siius mi tl s tn m h ul in ltkt n i mm a lot kt tt desk on stnulul i in j ik m hl nn di i hi 1 1 tun pnith which is usd ink ni ult d in in vnl i nin t in mi lnvtll st ul msihii n a topi lu in ilinl i tidy thieve 1 m mii tujht 1 1 i k idmtnisii i iln tnliudtis siaittutl tin i juk ucsiln ituw t t in him tmm top to bolltim in a mpx ul llu iniiniup il ul i- i id in imn i iisitt t ot tit i inn 1 l in aliiplion i lit it was mil niatlt until a ttu w u t i m inl l tmui s ilui tht two men atlixttl ittt tun in llnxu in imnie is in hold hit tun d a i in i pt ml t xpt 1 1 i mm tin uliu h tin uis tin nun liulas in mlh stalled a hectic vw t ktiul loi at ion polite when ilnv iiiadt two trusts tluttny ti hukin at ai ion rttl and white sinn invt stipated tin 11 ol a i ii jm sum ol monev at the hnme nl lolin 1 s i u i ledtiuk si two luliioi attldillls ami iwo si tfil hi mis nnnhiity at inn oulhs i he saliudac lltylll httakllt al alton red and whitt t nded ahiuptk when two totolilo men wen tapluied it liunoini hv unstable unit i kieslei as hey weu about in u at tin slote 1 lit sarin niyhi i nnsiable ron kup il was talltd to the home ol john lovtll lo liutstiyate the thelt ol a lut jjimt tit money i mm alinkiil tit sk on i hi sun hlttll i nd in infill a waiold at inn man was i hat yi tl w lib oh sttmttny the polite and dulurto injt the peate when he interven etl on hchall ol allot hei loeul voulh iinobetl in a sniffle in iikitk vatd neat the town hntl niislable luice mcailhui in vt siiyalt tl and laid chaises arreal mad satuitln nly hi constable mel vin harness investigated a slieel f iliht whith ttulid in ttu arrest ol a 20 veamild aittin voulh for assault oecaslonintt himllly harm against another liunl vnuth who lost two ttc ih in ihe scuffle ihe traffic accidents occurred saturday alternoon and evening tht first look plate near the paik yiitcs when two curs wete in collision and dam aye was est nut rd under 100 ttu second was in the evenintl when a bkvcle slunk the side ol a cai no in hi it s wcre sustained cllfr mtkuv mus acton 1tiir and the old lyme ii d tilers con test liiday eenlntf the hly pur ade fair opening vitue mount- fmd canmliium sq dancem tonuvtitions pivsentatlom of liopiiles and hhnk parades sa tin da nml he dame saturday v finny i nltles ii in lken touhng 111 all week lot a new high of ta000 tn prie money- indefatigable mis c w swuckhamer the senelarv livautvi has taken mi recivallon ditetlor jim cut hums offite lot ihe wvekehd cay parad a ittatly espandetl pat ade will lu- a uteal attraction to ell lien satiudav alieniuou iheiv niv 3d mi la is enitud by set lie clubs llu 1 hiinlhi o i ommeixtv wo men s insiliulivs ul the district tin i onll tit a doru hoi st h with coslutnrd ildtis will iv pu sen i tin weslem llntse assolliiioii ol lliucedale in tin ii stnl i n kt is the ti ileiis hand will st i ihe step tor citivojie rarv cars a novel eilinii wilt hit hide oht tais iind hcuias and huutfiet specific i nti les hit lude a very ian 1xw adtllai owned by ktith aelts nt ittyiu which il spnnsiiivd bv laientt s ivniiy ibis is the mifv mi n iu kind in anada ami llu if ate onlv llin lu llu inltttl stules lis woilh sh000 and tin dllftuiltv and expense for purls is easy lo i maul m its owner has even continued on paje two iivv ijtcrj turn down two- year council term reeve challenges councillor wood acton eouncil lutsday iwninu bv uc pi km m snumhn lsvsttin for t haiiymy trims nl of j mimktel louiulllot lliiyc liiwe limed down a suiuesled twi- antt llu oiuu il ek led diet the lit counihlor iutfh low crt j us hr obceted to ihc ptnpnwd 4sat iciin ttu count tl ineinlvis passing nt tin hv lace wnultl hold tpili etl how ihe iwnyeai term syslepi he wnndeied ll ttieiv mavor lis oubv inld tonne il otln i ini itn tais tht its ill would be inun luiifhclol lhoniuylil ih a lendnn v for louiu ii thai inllnwiut an t ill t in it in tht nl u i tuts is nni u quiiid hi in i the nnc vtit tt nn cleik mc f lm in lakt ii easy the fut year atlon i in puss a itvt wttks miinii tin hit nnial svstem itatlin inld bun tnniinuilv ol omkt and mm n p nd tnomy ten mijn sinic i in i onstdt t il mn i ire lorn t tmirn t i n i mn nut pmn t ts ccniild in llkt mail tin st t nfiil veil if i in lul jj nd ll i i in utt i le tl ssttm ii quiit s on nl thi main reasons for c hail twnveir dim was adnpltd lm l iln iluinis tuil as vtt ii is iiiunt il lu intr ihk i mi liwt wondind what iliin 1 1 nn is i appmvt in lunlut i im t apilal t sh ndi wnuld lipi ii in tin vt nl i tic mn n not in in i 1 mn s tin iln s pmn 1 1 ik n iwwn t k i u d iiim mum mors in iln s i tit tin sia pi uintl thai pintdnii itunny a not vttjtlh a int undi t ihe li vi in t i ipiuiivnl tin iiuiinil iat tt is tin tnoinil iittposttl sstiin vttu n undi i llu n i i vi 1 1 id tit put u i 1 1 nit iiiih i s in a si l mi h pn pt t nl i an vt mi term tin t kt 11 hold old loi i p no i i mills lovcaid llu i nd iln v it toi s i an iul a y man htic k n l niiiii ii i lit hist hi tnnilili iiiftimif litimin ss n aain it iln s uinl hifti i i in ci nl in u t i n hxl iln kt lions si ni dm hi i hii ol llu iln kik nad oill a lny lll nl plaits in onlann whltli hat al i i in- sail n s tin h i if kih adnpud iln lm vt ai it tin un ill is iiiivnv tin liidi ini count il iinh i ol volts ii tht ihxi lkpil im willi un lnn ki vi h ii llinlnii at uiud anusi in ivttmu l nn and t i hi d a inn s k hi iluatloil rnl ul in i piohli nn vtiihrd lynrist ii ih t i thmys arc mtillm d noin ut tht next mtdnesdav i mm y a in to h pm a laiye peueiitaue ot closv to mj0oo halton luuntv volets will luad lot ihe mills to pu k halton s m t piuvuuial mpp llnu an ihitt in ttu tatt toi u s al that was hi id h tht kilt slanlw i hall i tuisei vaitvt mpp who xtas hallun s oihmis pit k it pi i sv ntahw ini ueai l 2 wais tnlnit his dtalh las tall william l ttlllns nl oakvilk is llu si ami ml lu atv l m itn nt w iknukiun puv whdt itoitiv a kvii nl huilinetnn tit iks tht plotflismxi iuiistlta tivts hat uttl duii i ul mm ini mn is tin i il lite s thvc- mail htk mulhn is a rxliulit tampain wais ik iih ueains man flail tn sso aiul inst nut bs 0p ntts moth thv ntltet tamh dates an iivwmnms m thx pro viiuiat i tion tiekt all hut im mhitii nut al no t a iski th tint ol ionium int tht hik i luiltiui itu venial n in ha imn has had in ttu pasi stan hall was a nn mhi loi l wus mi won u mai horn thtial ihniuas hlakelik k tit uiktilk who inld il int n uiix aiul m p p hlikt kk n lutn im l i toni i lu u lm ttiaiiiu tti ut heuit hiluit tit itikvilk hiuiwi n uuins v itsnkiii nl halton loi the ivisi hvv uus nop landivtatt hilt t lilies is tiupinvvtl with iht maikeuu ami meuluinlisiite d snn tl vires vtsiee ti con ivtin at hntiiu aiul loulis in hitmti ih kksi ih dues eantll ditrs ii 4 tn sn ni ibt sv ttmt wttiul vsai and the ktuvan etnpaiu in be wi he ss with the oniaiio tank ixytmcnt and latei tutrted the rov cano- didn eux trkal and mcijianicml engineers lor the korean evm- flkl bcturrn these tours ywr teets he was a ixilhxman in nt agaia tallja his home town he moved to toronto- to wort w ill cities stiikf and was laur i elections as a nun tianstwrvd to bronte he tinned ton txetutivt ik the new oemocratic partv at its i svtielun treason i iouihiuil aiul winked hard lii uil xhciiiieat ami tin paitv duiinu the last two coniimied on tn i 1 tin ii 1 ll ts s iv 1 ol d ssl yiimn wik pln iwn muilinein p p issisud wilji tin ik taeliinetit siivil imliidin l in 1 un i th w k ian im s t lilt spit il nl i in pus mhhshid lisa- v itdl ih vadahk at lilt iklu ii i h iit in i ii i i i i ii i 11 111 olh i is it in w in it p ii i ol ltd t uh v u iln ki nni tl wui ahhq on im wall who rke uyst ci mvm ii thi the tfuvtltpn to b niwrd friday night wren aaim acton fair u crowrsad at the first moht perormance ot ns fair at the commytiity centre theee iodo wbo irter vewd the qirl saturday at the high school ind thet6 coo- h are ihown above left to right the contestants- aartha van ooaten rr 2 acton ege 1 7 ben schut 8 8 3 hillsburgh 16 aaunel mccutcheon r r 3 acton 16 sandra fvs br j acon 18 jnc cslak r accv 8 patr i tcj r c 4 socswocd 1 karhy aaolnar 83 mm s aron 18 jan morof 88 3 ftockvwood 17 janet ttver rr 4 acton 15 nete tvssenr 88 3 acton 16 mea set tckll r8 3 acton 17 lmda ferquson 8 r 3 atoo l lillian phillip 88 4 acton 21 thelma phillips lo3 longfeld 8d acton 19 kamn hamlton 8 8 2 acton 17 mtvrwn lnbv s8 rosa ford terrace 16 aaarv gns- uii il liilinti inllovtirn tin pjssm o vtittd if vt bad a imm ouin ll now ll pt opli dun 1 hkt ill way 1 pu ilu hv j nt would holdnltn im iln ssltin wuild in ynnd im wt x ril un nji llio can tw wo its un i tin nni lining hall toittinuilv and planning hui il itutn vhnkmi i- t otru ttu si lot on it alltt ih it ci h wi h ul a ir nn i veuuld hair tit xt ilk did mi tl huvtiver oun nn ruh i would tx i kt it d im a lu think w hat unit lit happ n ikal mi d imjil r tout tiler iwomir unn rang dralh knrll tin snhi ii lt r dii when k i i ions whati itoiirflu i wo ir h i in vtoultt i in t ik i man t d pn i ni i liatutt s ih t i tk ivmliund tli j iln dtalh ktxtl ini iiiidmii t c rrau ullvrvsl tambua jm mom ls ouhv womhrtd if tin tn iinitl liliinv iniilil fur k ih i ind i st in tin mitinnipal i t lions tht ii ui instil tr noi in i isi i in oin kir a p i o tvto v ji iiik i lliali in tht in i voi uyyi xtt d ik pu h it v u ni v klil d ii al liiiilii at not i una mn mo linyt is anv inli ttion o inditi inttf 1 ii it 1 hih fu t lumi af l tn wuld inn tl j thy c otil l i if lotlllst 11 l iiitud touoll in iiiltrv wttrkrd im ll it ih v wt i tt jviui i uliuii i v ti k min hit t mil it run d lb set und sr i h t kt n om r in s i k t it had het ii tn ll illl ll v him ll he adirilluit i v rvmrr vt4 prtfll to th i- h nt iudu fun if challefige unrlllur am ill i j iku vs a 41 ire a t in fn ni lot ilw i onuf it r 1 it wtxl s- w k- i rt i m llu i tii twrs ho nl t in rtu iktirnluir d ot bd tins llim in d with llat lwttjr lum mi hinttffi fniorrikd fiirv ul st bit fuiufcd mr wl in run ejeiinvt him lor 4inr nf ho ll it 04x1 itlhftl t m nont omiriiiif mr tin tfi itn h- tin tumi m w fl n iwt hit 4 ru r on ui ifiuruls ho julitu t iu i had tren icamttd tit j im luteren rf 1 lk- kafmnitt ne- 1 1 n in the ijajkui lbs until liam eind iso jtt j puhik mrritnf tiltpfcuata call fhinn i kuptvfk ial lo lbr t ir pit i vai ilkhkv altt rtwafelt mitr llmtto jtrd iw bd sol rd tn ofsfmupn to ihr budget t ihr titmrnitfoc meviin mad titt rsren erttu lrtl by tairuikr vail lir not gt elnx witrt tltr rest ol uutktl mrmhrn mr 1 hmlnrt cfjumed iu hu tc cphw meafr a ssnill tarvmej on ihe 1 ta rmccfhtld haxe hern cffd 1 if certain limn ufficr rqutpanrnl had not born purihaaed ctvo ji ilso court k5 donna bcrmck r 4 acsois 17 jane mt pviejof an 8 8 1 acon 21 jaf pobinson 9 9 acton 1 diae wutheson 13 church f i 1 7 annette jrr 66 cot 17 gay white 50 joh s 15 jeke dive 8 r 3 muton 20 loda swackbme 8 8 acton 10 and barbara hicnon 50 churc v 8 mayor let duby ll crown aaisi acton fair atter her name is announced by cdf aackay t 1

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