i pjm ttwcwn ffh lwifcttwftdy mwwibf ly hw sports mat- omawa cttkn gaels haw heen named a lh cinderella leant of junior lacrone in canada gaels with nine rookies in ihe lineup deaiouihesi all lhotvwlllm in casum canariu and arf cur rently laklnj on victoria bc shamrocks in the mlnlo cup final the aerte a bel of seven which decide ihv canadian junior ucrott champion i ilctl at iwi gami aplecv at thin writing ottawa with aciont men murxholl pvrfnimliik lurohallis lii the neta look the llrsi luii james of i hi- series hy worn r 10t and 114 dopl lo mens fine nerformancv lit iho third name vic toria nudged the gael aiul got hack in ihe html tluv looked the butter team in the urieu fourth conlcst wlnnlnu capacity cruudt haw lammed the whllhy arena fj- the el attraned by tkhouji nideonen sislr of pluv anil the itemenclmi net mlndlftj of itvsearolil men marshall the aclun hov hopped m ihota in the second aame of the series using a fast glose hand thai had the western xharpshooiorx heluddled two wosl indian intpjdmulcrsonlitf sliamrockrranel ft dtmppe way gers win decisive game sko hrome un lot n cul and i explained dried proteat acalnil amhenil- him out in the ninth moore and heel for ii but four rlralithl mnlnguri the f trstnviv men up in the hll knocked bur came hack and won the de ciding biim on saturday after noon by a acorw of 70 the hallon champion trawl led the 290 mile in a determined- out the fire and nlrtnal dillon have been aiilne men the mini irouhlc includ ing ajhtwe goal neiformance by huniii in the final period of the fourth game fcamallia mnelar mnv caaburn who took in the fourth aaaw m of uetrva rlhr albert rwh vral aelm taaat wr m ute aland to a the local teenager perform in aaal they w i aam jim uerr an exception- ally fine nilaauir and baa been handling many more balla than me victoria counterpart v mow ammt y1hhf caupbeixviixf mcixhnnls thev arent eucllv the cinderella lemn ol ihe oba bul theyre vi ill settum ontario amateur havbiill circle on ihcir respective ear merchant haw got uw ahout esery pennant cup and ink- open to an intermediate hachall team in this province lucked nivay in their clubhouse oqe slill clinic them ihe senior a enmn len andrews has his night ci in ihil elusive yem this season cmphellille polishetl olf the lirsl ortacle in ihcir paih h taking amherthurg 21 in a hcstofihrcv the villapcrs easily took the first oane bw ucrc exliuulluijjicjrmajiiaili wick in the return contest the final cvvniew posiponed a week because of n merchant nftuetl over the eligibility ol several amhcrsllnim players siw lefty jack koltem blank the essex allstar 7flv merchants lost the protest the mm men to the aenlor crown i a aerie with call teerlere intereouniy aenlor repreaentatlve in the objk play- jwowe terrier will be a tougher nut to crack bat dont bet the vilusgere havent got the cracktn naaaagaweyai meiropolla may yet be the only village in ontario of iso inuli to have had ev baaeball laurel in lght under their roof at one time or another -a- nothing but boiioifts an- coming the wav of the 10 team softhall lournamcnl evccuiivc who sraiial what was pnihahlv the finest tournev eer held in this district saturday evenone intded from the umpires tu ihe visiting teams hail line words jor the organization of ihe tournament under chairman jim cashnrn crowds were larpe tor most games anil the final coniest ik- lwcen neuinarkeranil ailon allslars illraiteil the largest audience seen in the park for u decaik- ljnpirftabhv llipoinle a showman in his own right kept the throngs ol fans amused with his antics behind the plate trailing insults and repartee with vociferous fans it waa a team effort from everyone from the men who worked the gate icored landacaped the ground umpired and carried water aald the tournament chairman the fund for arc light wna welted accordingly for tim third straight yfar the ilmghtv fire brigade is in the town league soltbill linals fcncralissimo diule lintisas has his hoys in ihe peak of condition anil eager lo take on eilhet of the other two conlesianls the legion m tlnnys tanners thai scries isnt seilleil vel the tanners ran in lionl of the league all season hoi ihevre mveting mote lliui still opposition from jack flulloughs lcgiouuaits who plneil in fits anil starts all season the legion crcwis usl starting to mature thee gol quite a tew rookie in the lineup who lust needed settling down under ihe generalship ol rae west early in the season anil his successor juck bullough in the inttrr purl the raw- rookie are being tranv formed into a potent team with oodles ol zip and ilrive tanner a heavy batting crew at their beat mint win on sunday lo may in the hunt for ihe crown otherwtae it will be a leglonflreflghter final beat bits fergu and stivcisvillc ate lering llu- riliunlv hkkev league this season dcnlgers in the uotm scries mans fans wmilil like ti see it ihv vankees aud ianllnals anil it eoukl still happen georgetown new junioi h elui will eomivlc in i in- metro toiontojoop which has lhen divided into two seihous tie le ous in euh ivi beau mont is coaching ihe new cutis whkh will in- known as ihe reisers ueil asselltne is nianiget still no wrd troui thi- tanneis on a new coach bin we know lltcviv ssoiking haul imit ftrat mlmsr hockey icgisliuion is on salunlav september 28 loi all plavers frame of mind and hacked up jack roberts- treot pitching with rr clussy display of banehall face league star roberts opponent on the am hersibum mound was paul lang ol lunglnls the star pitcher jor river canard in ihe essex county senior league was the league must valuable player and was playing his lirsl game for amherstburg however he prowd little mystery to campbellvlllc wlio ivrlted him for seven runs olf 12 hits he walked two struck out five and was finally knocked mil in the ninth with jo beneieau finishing up twlri shulout meanwhile jack roberts was twirling a shulout as he allowed eight hits all in ihe last hair of ihegamevalked two and struck out 12 i ken moore singled off the pit chers foot in the first inning and scored irom first when the reft liclder failed to hold vyingmvcs long smash lo lericentre this turned out to he the winning run wingrove scored on an intield error then singles hv henderson anil king gave cainphellvillc a vo lead before amhcrsthurg had got to hat in the top of iheljljhljllfndcr- son singled over third and was driven around to third hv el liots single they then worked a double steal and when no one- covered second the catchers throw sailed into centre field and henderson romped home joyces single then drove in elliott to make the score read vo langlois then tightened up and kept cnmphcllville off the score tanners knot series sunday tinny tanncn knotted their town ksihiie soft ball semifinal in the fin flame of sundays doublehviider hy whipping juelc dulloutfhv legionnaires 52 the lesion crew upset upwa in the fir game of the series m und many fan were anxious to cc c youthful leffonnaires topple the highly touted tanners trom their rtiot sundays con- iiji proved however that the tinners could not he ughtlv re garded pitchvr fddie phillips who tail ed lo go the mute lr the liivi lime this season in the litst con test put the tanners ahead in the first frame with a tworun homer legionnaires tied it up in the fourth when dannv arbic and teirs waterhous scored arbic on walerhouves double and ter ry on ai havwards sacrifice and an error at third the bottom of the inning saw three tanners cross the plate on i consecutive singles hv fd phil- interested in en- j lips pole lawson ben bavlits vnk and and bob bruce lo wrap the game up j butch richmmd was ihe win- 1 ning pitihvr with a lourhii jxr ftirmance striking mit three anil walking none for ihe losers john salmon was nuked tor 10 sale ties he whilled live and issued no pisses wlngrove ingted cairns on- gle drove hi moore and mender ww vingle drove in wlngrove beneieau then came in ami put nrft ciutv rolxrts htid wiihil along will a perfect jpime for the first rour and twothirds innings hut luul to work otil of trouble all through ihe luht half of the game with two oiil in ihe fifth corchew dou bled and then dalpe singled to deep centre ai wlngrove then uncorked a great throw to take corches at the plate hv 10 feet ttlxth walked ark vingleti bul hu berts struck out two und fttrccd ant to pop to the infield again in the seven ill he ended the inning hy striking out the catcher with men on second ami third footnotes amhcrsthurgs right fielder bissonelie slur with the kssex learn of the lls- sex counlv leagued he was hat ting claui up hut roberts struck him out hit times camp- bell v llle were slum ol player us they wvnt down without flarrv fit hi jack price george chester larry mcphail llovd parlv and harrv zullcious firefighters oust iga in finals for third season hof rrefighrefs down iga 92 tlhe nlghtlnp uf jtumuyi own league hofihull stnti hnuu iuu luellghterw take ihe lltkl game ol their scnillhud with iga 2 itunk balev tics pile un ii in nthff muriithnn he limlcd ihe piv vlous day was in control all the wiv fioiii tlieinouiil il- sinnk out an even tloen bullets while issuing two bases on balls ul towing imlv live hits mis opponents liisi howie laiuler who was shelled ami then unite caigill gavv up a total ol nine hits to hie smoke ealeis bats tlu deluge came in the sixth when finfighters siotcd live inns off three hits and a pair of walks kias runs i nine in two spoils fiom the same tomhlnuifon car- gill doubling and singling home ikiiu illthous harold tounslcss time hits lopped the winners jut parade 1 1 included a double johnny kra pek ami will duval iappd out a pairtfl hils each mil k holnus one flame executive to first acton minor hockey ass n tlu iilinliiuiuhi of mimiht oiiiiiuxh- rill kiilalil keilh murllo nlmmlny win rculleil siimluv iurocl i doc i harklev jim cu- ttliiit iiiieiilliiislusllt ineelliiu iiftlmtnwiii ivivul ilern van pletl ihe touiifs snoris fi4ileriiilv form mill oil mulcolnt cl the acton minor mir lev a oclitlon a nine iiuihhci iinniniltii- uv itsintitiu ir mnloritv ol the oiymi iriillnns mill imlivltliiiilsiiiiiicsicil i wii ilii tcil to- foini iluli tivcii i cseillllve lonslitiilioii rule icoiulus anil fitavers uuneinciit luiciiil wen- 4-iiiu- mink- hun i t if rti f i h dodds fourth h truck roadeo uerb oiidds tmck drivei lo urn- tranvport racked- up o- total of 264 points saturday to place fourth in his class at the divisional truck roadc- held ai iga battling sofiball sipiad who puiil their wav into the town league softhall plavolls with hand tills of the oltl college iry are on the outside looking in as the teams head into the finals firefighter emiunv ijeii elimination tuesday night hv dtubhing the gnxery hovs 14s tor their second straight win of the bestofthree series as i re sull ihe inuik n ladder iew are in the town league finals for the third season in succession for two innings in the stuen inning contest being plaed simultaneihisk with the leginiv tanner game on the other dia mond it looked as if iga might lie the series up mel jordans prodigies slammed out lour hils in ihe lirsl inning thai scored them as many runs and gave fx7 swfs stalemate leclannalrea and tanner played to a m kale mate in ihe third game of their bt-ol- thrve town league soft ball ieml- mnau tueaday night and neces- ahatad a fourth conteal in what haa been a thrilling and crowd- pleaalng aerlea the aurpruing legion crew alma i unaet the tanners ap plecart tueaday and but for a tremendous ihrvcjun circuit clout by plteher butch rich mond in late innings might have turned the trick fourth and final game of the series it set for sunday after noon john salmon hurled the route for leglonrudres while the twiners nominated butch richmond lo win this one for them he needed help fromkd phillips in late innings of the seveninning contest them a ml lead thev coasted lor an iuuing then the loot ivii in anine hit onslaught thai net ted the firefighters nine inns pui theiiv wav in front and thev stav ed in ihe drivers seal lor the iesi ul the contest iga eountrtt one more in the bottom ot the third ami then failed to dcni ihe score sheel again firelighters meanwhile weni on anothei soiing pi me in ihe siih tluil stored ihem ui uhli ional five tuns and gave ihein the game and the series uome avvav liink iile luitled he ik iiiu e lor ihe v muei s giv ing up nine bus sinking out live wilk mtl none while lust howie lead el and i hen bnae taigdl thuvv lor iga ieadei beu tng ihe briini ot the 16 hit iss nth scoiiv mccnsiall an i dilev paeed the ftref ighters ii ihe plate wiih thiee hits ipie e mik holmes marold townslev im anhihald aiu hill spulvmel conlributing two knex ks ipute will duval and jim finds i up ped one each for the losers flill hawkins and howie leader weie the most ire tricounty meeting the seventh annual meeting of ihe tricounlv minor llockc as sikiaiion wits helil nn stmrinv in milton with 41 in attendance representatives attended troth acton ilrampion fieot gelovvn guelph mesuler milton oak villi otangeville piesion aud feigns he latter being ihe new est cntrv into the assfkialion ihtb pal lei son ot itiampton a supporlii and haul worker in ihe leagues almost since ihe in lcption in 17 ihik over the chair as president irom ficd hammond ol oikville arnold mcdulle ol mittuu lakes over the post ot first vice presi dent and is jorned hv jih- okraf ka ot hcspclcr is sttid viuj i president and don cadd ol oak i villc in the newlv formed posi tion ol third iee presidem wjn j itunell ol ilrampion remains is si i etar v stitislician a ob whu h i he has filled since s8 james j hroikie of oikville returns lui his second ear as treasurer l town within the assih ia tion appoints leprisenlntives to the eei ulive- as well those named so fat iiu hide les mihotk ol brampton don jar vis ol ciiorgelowu ai moore ol guelpb gus kti of mesjuier don mun mx ol oakvitle and karl while ol orangev ille ihe kitchener waterloo loritim total points lor were 277 second 27 and 7i this is the first year mi dulds has entered the contest he has been piacliiiug i urns slops stixl u anil hu ftij f touple ol weeks in pieparalion hir lu event me placed fmuth out of 1 entries in the single atle tiatioi tandem class prior lo en lering i he priil ii il phase ol t he i on lest he kissed his wi men tests iwo weeks igo with i kin cotiiis abihlv to iliive is not the oid means of winning siuh a ton test drivers must pass t licit inst aid and mielighling as well as have a neat appearance his new uniform put chased itimum hv his employer john gov stood him in good stead with the midges herb lias been a di iver willi govs fin the pa- 1 sei en u the newly lorniel nsukiiallon unitiipates etilertng five leumt in the trt counts in ihe novice pee wtv banlain tuldgei anil iuvertr tit classes arraugemenii have a so luen made wllb ac tint llrauiti 197 ol ihe cuiudlan gion im mm the town hot key lea gue long a hnvtltug githiud lor 111c ii-uji- hoke plaeis ihe legion will aci m alljliate of ihe i a m ii a wiihoni si uf u iug j own iilentliv i hi at ion ilei is tt mi was greet i ed with a heaiiv louud ol ap pi ins- when thiee ol the new ot leiiilive attended the tiicounty hiik4tihiiiighikmiltmrhttm1it afleinmin the lu k tit in assiu1- ttiori has long turn a mire point between tiitounlv oflicials and audi i iheli acton minor hm key i oun- f trsl in pji i 1rioinit officials writ i mil il nfletl loued lo deal with i due ot i lour sepu iie lubs m at ton when thev fell oin would hav- he n still k lent fujn no on the at ion assuct- afmltmuttsvt toipvuk with one voiie for mrhi lunkev ikilh hk kev legisluihon im all pi iv eis liiwn leiftir mil irilouniv will he h id m tin t omnium i cenlie satuuli septeiillkr 2 irom 10 till i h the a m ha mimim d this week as part ul lhm fnsl tffuial a i molc delails will iv av nlible next week at s a5hait shingles v 210 lbs 695 ah color tenpro distributor ismsm limited 12 main st acton r qilinl lliiuis ipitc rknu inn iiishiu n miiilciikill one riryfiphuis i c a tiuiipiiiii m hcilmiv townlcv ii vi lo blasts iihbims miliri ii i willi inl nil iininlmiiil i linikiv ii ii i hulil ss mill sp icia d ilibns 2h in 7ih k m1i1i k ii aw mis a- 14 i n 4111 ism i 5 v 11 r mcusiiii 1 i i i1is l ii hliril mi j v jlll 11s i lip1 it is ilv h rupil i hill iv vi kins 1 i tishinn ss i will- ih ih in 6 n firniu h p hi mii a willi 11ns rlv ii llusi ii u micai uiur ii 111 mh ii i ul 1 p apple growers ta sell your crop contact ontario tree fruits ltd hone 734si mutem bowl family hat fun to spara bowling on our lanasl wfro n favorilr- wilh fmiliet who enioy bowl ing for lun anil inla- liin in fjnf rlfrtn pli ami flmimlirfi ampl lanis foi alt ffilay ami saluta ivrninq member o p a xcton bowling lanes 10 main isj0170 aden bodanochwins opening game badcihmh liitrrinctlialis won tlu opcmiit yame ot then bcrt il thiw ors a inter nu ll umc series with oawmin u mondet uitfbt deteatint then uppomtion sa at iden mills stronuamed nyhthaiuler ix n auhin limited the viitois 10 thiw hits in oni the iiuitc fill thi win the winners smttia the divd iny rxmtt in he ninth inmny when r brvrwn btmieitd u u- the cihint and two emus and a inle protiuitm ihe utmunti tallv the lowr exiwsami cu nin reiiltid frtn errors hnders for oil for schools iealeel mnelen will be loealvejel until mi meneley sept 33 1m3 tt iupfrylfl ell t rhe fhvtiia etkewl f rha tewfitki ttkael area me i far m yea lep 34h i autwal 31 i44 speyside norval milton heights limehouse and hnfview a total of approximately 35000 qallont of no 7 fur- nre filoil seileti tendrm to b aridr4sd to mts c a otant uctv traaa fiqoeung tvarp school area no 1 ft r no 3 gsorgetown only firm bid accepter lowett or any tenovr not naceiiardy acxapieci open house sunday at mokawk raceway mahwt riuewjn vassaga tasnirsi elaim ti lame will i lte open siindas altemoihi toi publk inspevtumi the- nitiu jockey club imitcs 4iwok- m- nruxl to issit the trulv nuihli aftermon uituittent pm thi- will be the wmiui kvn house this mmi n june iut titrr the oiluiul opening jn ifirn htiusve u i sunvtas m eer ntopn attract est laryv auuil a vpecud taarurt uf the atvi noon will be tu exhibit kn taccs thirtyhrv yeariint will he on ihaouy and fuaao arill br alkiw d lo viall tit unbutic area and ulh to lb bortmft h thev wish i to ptctv tbiy mifbl trtn bi nnder for sau of schools tfwotts wu ii ticfivao it txttow or sounino school uu oajh n l kkini tail of thi tjouowwio schoou unnockbutn hocnby ouatte bias lk5ny pinegtove teivlert o be m ih- hands ol ike secv tieat o thi bvvt b monday 12 30 noon sepi 23 163 inveiovpes niui be marked tender hgrnji o ey tender not neceuarily accepted a certi- ed chequa m he jnxnjnt o ion ol btdihell accompany lender beunce due upon completion of ml mrs c a mant secreherv traaeurer school area no i townthip of etquevncj 11 no 3 goroniwn ontario come one come all celebrate with us get ready for fun and excitement the 50th anniversary 1913 1963 acton fall fair friday and saturday sept 20 21 in acton park saturday 1 00 pm gala parade mcooatfd ploats amo miss acton air- wlf contiftamts official opening j00 lm bv hitn couii wj n dt cam martin aaastfb of ctf monies vinci mountford big t5s show ff atuplnc cliff mckay and thi hoibay ranch oano old tyme fiddlers contest crowning of mbs acton fair hau exhibits and poultry bidq oftn tmhm uinui i w a j midway -j- kino twowf amuhauwt company m v matured exhibits leech peeee pee dlapley v ait lluahei frtae wlaalag qlliei canodianas squara dancart dane in arfta saturday night muttcal charu amttouf rrfnavf wild watt ponyroca caivin j aitkem preiser welcome t0 the acton fau fair mrs mknf swaochamkn iihmmhmilil ff-