Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 3, 1963, p. 11

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ma status acton bridge club affiliates aaftth ajzal awards points the acton bridge club h rbeenlrjl become affiliated with 4m american contract bridge league acbl member ophe alton bridge club willreceive matter point at their weekly duplicate garnet theae numer points are exactly the name type of matter polnta awarded at large bridge tournament ay bridge instructor bui coat local member will alto be ble to participate in other ajcbij upanaored acllvltlea auch ua entry to other bridge tournament in the urea receipt ot a monthly bridge mugaxlne the contract bridge bulletin and the promotion qr bridge aa a competitive anurt and spectator game noniwlt croup the acbl la u nonprofit or ganlxatlon of more than 122000 member mainly in north am- erloln there are over sfloo af filiated cluba conducting dupli cate bridge activities in which a lolul or kiimc two million pluy era lake purl the acbx conduct or aunc- llona bridge championship at nil level- national regional tec- llonul tocul und club in all there ure anme jofl major lourna menta und about 300000 club tournuincnls every year the al ton bridge club will be hold ing an open pair club champion- hlp in the spring if la4 par all these tournumenta and local gumch the a cb l issues maaler points in the winners and high finishers the uwnrds are on u basis ihut provides commensurate awurds according to the importance ol the event the winner ot a nnllonul championship might receive aa manyaa 1m maaler polnta where as a local game provides one nuuterpolnt on a special night each month and fractional maaler points for the regular games charity pund the abcl maintains u charity fund in the laat ten year the fund haa provided well over 1000 to medical research and relief any canadian club which ralav money for the charily fund donates the money to the corresponding canadian charity the director of the ac ton bridge club mr coata had i he privilege of directing the first- canadian charily game ever held for the port credit bridge club in i9m of ull the major tournumenta held three are on u national level ton bridge pluycrs from all over america attended theae next summer for the flrai time u nutlonul tournament will be held in canadu bused at the boyul york holenri toronto aaatuiwratwa bridge haa become auch a spectator uport that mr coata feela many bridge enthusiasts from this areu will attend and watch top bridge prayer in ac tion the attendance at toron to will not reach the proportions that li did at the 1963 summer national though he thlnka at the laat summer national jual held in lot angeles the open pair game drew 772 table the total number of tablea over the ten day period was 1246 they even averaged 30 tablet a night in an after midnight gome the acton bridge club pro vide duplicate bridge every monday night from september through until june once each month mr coata holds a special club master point game the winner of this game receive u full master point this game la on the ihird monday of each month the win ner of the regului vweklv gume receive up to 30 muster points there are also decreased nwurds for the tunnertup atwiuaw-v-i- u mmzm bbeneier chunk anniversary draws huge crowds sept 22 additional aeullng had to be supplied on sunduy o nccommu- dute the crowds who flocked to ebcnewrs i4lsl unnlversury rev bill sherwin of paisley memorial the guest speukcr brought two inspiring message ills morning topic wus the oreut church victorious peo ple mnv scoff ul the church in these troubled times hut we huve jesus promise upon this ruck i will build mv church und the gales i hell slmll nut pre vull agulnst it mr sherwin spoke of his work as chuplaln nt hie ontario reformatory foi the pusi four wan in none ol ihe kindreds of ctises he hiul inter viewed hud ihe ciilprli intended church the sunduy befurc the cilme wus cntntniltctl the evening sermon was bused kings 7 111 good news fire facts for all firecrackers and picnic bonflr c are wonderlul attractions tui thcvoong oil heart but bulli enlail dangers ihul atund think ing uboul firecrackers lire no longer something lor small children to plnv wllh display shared then discovery history t should be slrlulv supervised i might have been dlflercnt mrs ken griffiths wus un gues soloist her luvelv voice brought a special message in o rest in tile lord und be thou nigh the choir untlei ihe dlivctmn of leader john kltchlng ivndered sandersons green pastures in the niornlng and sullivans sa vlour thv children keep at the evening service the congregation besides giret ing manv fotmei resulents had the opportunity to renew ncqtiiiiu lunce with two tomui pnstois rev bob hiidcock and rev ken griffiths and inch families mrs don hlrklikk picsldcd al ths organ autumn bazaar a number ol ibencu ladies spent a pleusanl aftcinchm at ihe firefighters busy plan fire prevention week haltont fire departments ure going all out to mark ihe un riual celebration of fire proven ion week in canada octohei r to 12 several projects have been arranged by the hatlon countv plrc prevention bureui to sup plement ihe planned programs of each individual fire brigade a counlvwidc pnstei loniesi church parude lire hall urs u houses home inspections movie ahowings dlwlrihullon ol iesiui runt placemals and other itteti ture and school fire drills are being combined to empliumi fire prevention not only dm ins pire prevention week imi throughout the vein according to erwln lewis of gcoigcinvn ehaumnn it the lire prevention bureau fnch vell ihe malum hull- ill npniisins u nusici eoniest im all nadc i ive students on ihe theme 1 iit plevilllliin in i lie huirii mil hiiv and gnl vvinmis me honored al a banquet lilei this tail vvbui ihev will mtivi pitsunil and mihi1 itfiphx c im tlien efluilst tlun povlils m ikii siihiullltd to tn onlain vvtdi ninleil spuiismitl hv tin onliilu iu i hlik sm i ilmn hcmiiii tills iii llll iit iii liiiilu en n lit pi hi uiill in ii hie llll pi l 111 it 111 nu i unl mil ihiimh ullu i piittsnl lilri inn mi p i kit im ii iii ii m llilluii umdi nls through tin in cal llu di pai i im tils close the ddor to fire open it t6 prevention clone vmir dmir hi hit hui vtntini m i jim w mi ih keep u oprn lot iin prvwniin hirtiulii i s ik il ii slum up thlu nviktlv ki ribes ihr pmlns mint sum i lktk imtiml im pus ophy of cumidus tunpiyn l i sihh hi ml sii m mi hrcattfciirc alrl in tlu lionil uiitidv ml mist un ihe nh and ciiuluri iiiiisi ipui im ol clone voi 1 1 dihi tu in in ii thtxii i lutli i ih plants oil in hiuliiny tin v fin m mini ol we i it lire doors niiisl ik kipi mum tlosed whv to shut oil hv air foxjtn fnim linliny t lir in the home loo a tlosel n ii lil i iiu au1 will slow down llu spread 1 in m n l open your dooi to let pic ill puhti t it ii hun mmihi m is ml ask farmers report finding meteorites amulus armeita oid ulhei niid rcvldentn nrv belntf aked to help clear up wwie of ihe invsleiles ol outer hpace valuable spate tluef nime i mm meteorites pieces ol inlei plimtim mateiial ihut plunue lo ii li siteidtsls uml till tn tu ip ihev tan ye i in ttndinji tin tern lies and ux wllliny lo pa utr i hem 1 1n leoloyua sin ol i tnult will pav upvvaids nl 100 im a nuleiiille mud ifcmtr jamb mituist ihi live lor tin most p it i in sjiii st iv settled areas md divoie iniiih ol tluit irne vm 1 1 klhlj on tl hunt x fs ili i n nuts in amony ihe inns lik k pt i sons lo i mm ai inss null ui he out t anuliun tnrm i i found a inelioi ile xitlualk in his nun hukud 1l had lu i n 11111i im m u s in pi op ojuil llu h n ii dotii i it lu lp ihe lti nil i iiiul his in ihhi id nt i uli li on 1 1 s llu s ititm il k seiuh t otuujl as mk i th onimitur on mi leoi ill s his hid pnhlislud ui eiyhl paye tllusiiih 1 itottklii disuihitiy the iiiin ul iniitttiihs mil hou lo ul tiiilv ih fn pipi i iv ih olunuil sin i ill in id t i in tin h nj llu p n inu ni ol mini s md ujiuijlsuivvvvjhi lujvl n pi nil il in holh i ii m h uid i uy hsh unl in uon s u nhlu 1 m r u i il m i ih s ih ippi n vlul mil i h n i i i iii s u nu li oi u lh mnjji iphs slum llu lln i e ih ul niiiiuiiis inl itul oi othi i uh is i itiuniniilv lilhl ik ii loi lilt it ol ii s ipk s ti i i nlihli li i i null llu th acton fr prett thurdy october 3rd 1963 m geoluuiciil survey of canada ottawa study span mv studying meteorites vcltn lists mnv determine fur examnle whether the rodlutlun level in putts n the solar svtlem is so mull us to nieun ceiluln ileith tu the space miveller pmin inetiuiiles cunte lurunnntion alvnut the upe nl the sulur sys tem meteuiile similes mav iilsn help stilve space vehicle reentry piiihlems persnns i itulinc vvhiit thev he lie vc ate nuteuiltes utv hetitti tuued in uei in inueh immediate iv with the associate committee in meleiuiies ol ihe national uesiiuh council oltavvu rhcl mens mav lie sent to ihe geoloul iil suiviv ot canada or the uiiiivst university loi lilenllftca hun fir strikes evtrrwttk every vwek fire strikes al more ihanljou canadian home in terms of dollars that mean n vearlv loss of below tm0000ou ahhimuli ihe lynleal house fire avetaues tinder ium in damage hut the truth is that ihive- quarteis ol all lire deaths ocuur in those homes and not onlv deaths for immlrrds of cana dlnns are luirrlhlv hurned and ol len permanently scarred in tltrse i lies plivs tuivlv just happen nine out of every ten fires an the result of carelessness and nciitect and i lie victims are of ten trapped hv their own ignoi nine tliev mlghi have ynltcii out il ihev hiul known how read the classifieds it pays bowl bovyl hr maatunt mfki it a taturdav nioht oati go bowling acton bowling ltmes mttym is101o mumut ompa 10 mla i ii kings 7 jit viikiil newsj churtn lt lot bud limes the four lepers then i special iiiiliniln meeting tea and i huutir mrs dills immcih ol i ihemsvlvcs in spite or pivudlce r the manv i ugiilnst them if they had nol hlll lmp1i lhllu mr sherwin spuke of the hymn on want christian soldiers he said if mvu in the aimv gave the ex ruses fin nut attending mutluug and in any case subject lu local ordinance ai for bonfires on the fiimllv outing let there he adult ulcus uboul i lie innnnci ol siiu i iiiul stun the bonfire mil oil dull i was there inst week 1 im expecting enmpanv etc ihny people give fot not attending chinch the sergeant woiittl throw thrm in the brig mr sherwin also inld of the little iit hiiv visiting ids uncle in ihe ciiuntrv anil being taken to chine h im ihe llrsl time lie lik ed ihe singing when the man talked lot a lung lime and ihen said amen it vvumii too bad but the best part was when ihev passed the ciilleclion plnte i got tv how much did van get uncle timi manv people arc like that little bov and lust gvi tu ihurch im what tllev can gel out of it hand can become u tragedy home sale home lie it evei so humble there s no place like home fire sale home a home which uses propei sire electrical fuses which has plenty ol large ush i rays around for smokers which keeps its healing equip men in good ordei and which is tree ot disorderly irush and rub hish its a good hnme lot cuii dians il huppcited in a mush like a boll irmn the blue nothing can ik- mine leirllvutg than u hash fire in the home especially since il usually strikes in the most innocent way hold an unlit match level wllh and an inch iwav iroin a candle llinu tlu match docsni light hut hold ihe amc match ton i ulches diiwllv abeive llu candle flume and ihe match le niles ileal l ises and so do ihe deadly coinbusltiin gases now sou know whv one ol tlu lire llghteis him lobs at a burning building is lo chop a hole in ihe toot it s to let the supci healed eases out is ilfl wiring in soul ihiuk dupable ol salelv taking ihe hwd ul appllaiuvs look il ii ttxini ihe standpoint ol up ptianccis available ihen aivd now li ll id lm to ii you cook willi cicclrrltv tlu blowing nl the lose i inii svtetv signal with gas vout myse gives vvuinmg ol a leak whether natuial oi inamilu un cil gas a distinctive ckioi is ele itheralelv inirihlucctl tor sun protcvlloo the iialiual gas mini is swcvl and sickly even suggest ive ot a skunk munolac leu ed jas mas sou ii to high heaven like mlu n eabkige ihi mas luvvi eotov such iii liagiuncc bui it smi do ope ihe windows k out and call aid ivmt stuu a nsaich oi switch a light mis mottiilt gave nu intcrcstlnu aeeoont ol hei visit lo hawaii lasi winter september 2 is missuin hand meeting the leadei mis su wall miller asks thi nuinheis liv remember then gift boxes i robert r hamilton optomitritt m main for appt tr 7 1971 office hoursldoilv except monday tvts ixaminid mmscanmions huio 8 nu m- uimtomno mmoswmo aluminum doors 2995 federal im lncbjdrd tnpo oklributan i huin st n acton out hmm i aw m m af few 4 uliltitl omr 3x000 1wiiliik tit tan nr ossw0wbnt sw ftm mitimbf ctatt fhw iswil ttmmr dwk t vfawr n9 a4s mvcf b bmmrk itin tovvwiw i call ksso nome heat service today john weldon actom imperial oil limited 64 acadian thrifts new dimensionjeautys new shape i m tyifurb tnntint ihtroducingthe completely new 64 acadian beaumont the most cxcitmrjcirof tho new jr year is liorol sft on i nuw 1 1 5 whoolbiiio iho acadut bpniimont is lent cloan anri uieint lo look ot t hulling ant thnlty to dnvo with v8 or 6 cyltndol power inside 6 adults cnoy an abundance o iclaxint space smooth lull i oil suspension adds to passeniis peace ol mind and iho low price is as weh omo as a windfall sou 10 models in 3 series al your acadian deolut b now i presenting the new invader and cans0 series r lj s i of tin m invade rtiidcsnsn series arr all r- m leit ilo aqan ncvly styhih l view they oiler you vio i i nes a ripv jo h p 4 a city 1 0 li l b or lor the very first lime an i in trsed optional 195 hp vb 7htr- s new ijieatcr safety with biqoef vos g new rotors and tnwor in plu superb family comfort 00 t a nde and even more way to mvt see tne t4 invadei and cno oonl m acadian ltiu hrrirt3r on disolay at your acadian pontiac bulck cteajars today pete mass0n motors limited ul quon st iast actotont

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