Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 10, 1963, p. 1

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jvjttjtfit mttt tt etohfynllrrh yeermo 15 acton ontabio thursoav octoftcr 10th 1963 autww m n clm twelve poi seven ceoli okay 280 v uh rw umtt thi tamty kao befjan flying from tie fligpolei at tne robert lihle and m z ben nett tchooli monday mamberi of the acton safety council tpurred the program which hat been tpontored by the acton uoni club two young girltet the m z bennett tchool obtarve the flag at mayor let duby and conttable ron rupert of the acton o p p detachment are bout to holtt ii left it francet marie gorjup and on the right it maria pataky aabaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaiobn recreation program kvtmmvuukt high school board policy changes gymnasium will be open to public acton district high school trus tees monduv evening lifted the bun on use ot the school gvm numlum hv others thun school personnel and grunted the gvm lo tic tccicallon committee two nights week tot phvsical fitness cjumscs boa id polity prim to the nice i ing pmhihltcd use ol sehool building h anvntu but sehool perxonm i a delegation consisting ot rec tvmii4uuinxiur jim cuabum am jack bullotmh reprcnuntlnu the recreation cnrhmltiec told the board tt was hoped n senior phy sical fitness proymm muld he mlniied ii u sultlcicnt number re glittered at anglican church mr cusburn outlined the pro- grum consisting of bodmlnton vullcvbnll basketball nnd other sports und sold he would like to bey in etrlv in november nnd con tinue lot u period of ib week he told the board the program would he proper iv super icd boih wednesday and thursday nights liwnk program tht recreation director staled l he recreation committee would aftsume full responsibility for the building when it ws in use bv them and agreed to work out a suitable arrangement regarding tantaking pioblems he explain- id there would have to be u mini mum of 40 interested people to bey in with trustee chester anderson won dered what would happen in the evlnt u hthool progiam occurred on one of the nights nnd board members agtccd an arrangement with the let real if m commit lev could be made principal b a hnnftcn gave his uppmval lo the proyrum and said the gymnasium is free on the two nights re que vied board member duncan molt at expressed his approval of any proyrum at the school involving education the program is to be linunccd strictly thiouyh fees col lee ted we realize the position we at in as to debenture debt and the effect of even a half or three- quarter mill increase on all tax payer will mean particularly to those with limited income em- phuuled councillor bert wood ai he prevented the council edu cation tommiltee report on the negotiations with the district high school board weve got as much information an we can possibly st the high school board is aware of tt towns fin ancial situation the are not asking for an claboiate building lust the facilities necessary for the increased enrolment of the next few years they have coop erated with us to the nth degree not atone we are not alone in our edu cational problem it ii mount with every municipality ontario in the last 13 year we have replaced or rebuilt every school in acton with new build ings this is the reason it is a pellicular problem with us mr wood pointed out the school approved at tues days meeting would have an area of is 060 square feet de partment of education estimate eost at 16 per square foot in cluded in the school would be sis stundard classrooms one lib rary one laboratory storage space and additional washroom accommodation architects esti mated cost of the addition is 280000 including architects fees soil tests and other related con 1 1 ruction costs in july thu board sought ap proval on an 11room i gymmvd urn addition at 330 000 an al t emotive plan for a vruom ad dition submitted later wus cmi mated at i is 000 these costs did not include fees and expenses which muvur dubv suggested would have pushed the cost of the original proposal lo over 1400000 start next april with councils approval the board wil huve the architect pit pure detailed plans the cat lust construction could slait would ik april 1964 tualtcmpl to hue the building completed or use in september lw4 jx henimi s would be issued ami the fit si pi men would he mude m 16s councillor wood migglsltd tin mcifase ot approximate iv of a tllltt in qea would be ollstl in othei debentures whu ti in itim in 1s tberelore the ml in ciease in ehnigts toi capital costs would be mimmicd h s addition steel work rising at thermord urvrsion i to grade cemetery the tender ot muivin i hump son nl kk i moffat was antpl eil toi the grading nl the leme i i luv it is estimated h00o tubk aids ol eaith will be nwiuil in ihc pro tec l to enlitige the eeuu ler topsoil will lie rcmowd and i l hi subsoil levelled then the top soil will he replaced the aiea to lie iciilkd is south ot cham street i in ilu prinvtiv lornuilvl owned by david cults 1 milton it is expeilcd this ptotett will lie tlu itast i xpi nsive to pit iv utt i additional vimcterv land rttjun icd nest veal i ciituallv aniss to the cemetcrv will lu piovidcd oil ouecn stiet l in less than a month aflci f round was broken for the new hermoid division budding at the h k porter canada plant in acton steel work is almost com plcled as workmen finish the roof decking the new 1 1 120squarc loot building will house equipment to manufacture brake linings und clutch lacings tor the automo tive trade presently only clutch fachings are being mumifactuicd at the thermoid division in the former wool combing building when the new building is ready for occupancv equipment hum tht wool oinbiny building will lu moved in and mote tqmpim nl addt d iv is mm i wdl ih- nioil ihm doubuil ami pro- diitlion will hietn as soon as maclumiv is set up flu new hiuldiny uuasirns h0x 140 teet and is 16 kit lnjjh al tin side walls it will lu cuinpkttls separate imhii tin disshin dm siou ami will hie sipaiite stiv lets suth as lietiiny tml plumb mg tom shu ids jfe m i tl nim ager tin tin ai ton division ot disstnn ami dkk lee wdl lu in e harge ol the tik i moid divismn lcttjldsulv fctfci choir member 48 years mrs sam snow honored a membei ol tlu patish nl st alban tht mailvt loi a lull indl ccntiiiv and a nunibe t ot the cihiii loi tlu past w stars mis sam stmw was pusntteel with a bcaulitullv entiiaveel silvn it is sumlav moimiil- duiing tlu mi lee is she nh utl 1mm thiihoii vvhk h she tie m 1 ith tl as i hit lo iiu all iluougti tin veais llu kiv donaltl wist edli i mis snow iii llu tmni ot i ik ehutii in maii lex lhttn n be hull ol he elion uluk ttle pieseiitatton insciibed on the mav is litis iats ot liilhlul seivue anet the aceoinpanving eaitl it uls we tlu numbers of tht eholl wish to expiess oill ap ple eiai ton uh the inspuattoii help ami tiumlship vein haw etin iul lo us on tin ininv eais vi hie shuetl ni i tit m il worship lolelllel utll ixeolel as 1 e boll iikihihi is outstanding ami most tkselvlllc ot litis l insult ion 1 hi i uit was siyiuil bv oil mist mi s 1 tank oakcs ihoir piesi dent mrs r j anderson trca surer miss pat rie ta move s ami the 18 olhc i nieulbels wt the choir came from taigland mis snow was bom al slow on the wokl i nyland and eanu as a util to canada with tut pu onts mi and mrs atiusius i chtloid stu wis euiiluuud it si a thau s at thai time tlu u win iilv ilkil and tuivs in llu i hoi i tml iconumieel on vj llitu queries method of payment for high school equipment finance chairman chester and erson queried payment ol ac counts before approval was given during the high school board meeting mondav evening and suggestoxl a method ai control be adopted to prevent purchase of equipment and mupfute oatil approval had been given thu action was sparked dur ing the piesentation of the monlhtv account when the finance chairman noted several cistl items listed he suggest ed the hoard should have uimc control over cspenditurc other than approving account after pavment had been made mi andcrmin tiscommendcd that purchase orders for items efistiuti ttver si00 should he made out in ad v anet and submitted lo tlu hoard at the regular meet ing toi us ipproval he told the principal it anvthing urgent i topped up approval fur this e on id ih iteeived irom the linance committee in advance tt the leyulai uue ling c ti ui man jaek kent mlormcet i the 1 1 ii i ik e chairman the sec let us ikuj etiniacted other ho nits u imd out wdfeit method ihev itloputl toi expenditures uml w ts mluimetl by mr and ers4n the at ton board should st l its own pwlus trustee duncan moffat agreed a resolution spousoied hv mr with ihe finance chairman and anderson and mi moltat to slated approval should he given before equipment wus purchus cd principal e a hansen told the board he wan employed in supervisory capacity and wond trta if tic was expected lo take lime out from his regular dutic and make out requisiiictm for everything needed al the school mr anderson suggested a list ol supplies could he mude nut and submitted bv the principal once a month tor approval mr anderson was asked lo work out some method with the principal lor ordering sup plies in order to have the boards j approval extra bus trip i the i inane e chad man also wondered w h transput laiion costs seeuutt to have iistn nu was uild there had been seveid extra bus trips lor iduialiornl purposes tlalispot l llioll torn rnittee e tuiuman mottul enquir ed il ihe students jvod the n wi uri the hus vshen ituv vsnit on srxeuil on lot town hips met thon lokl ttuv p iv a portion was ot tlu opinion it tlu it ips wx ii lot cdiieil tonal put pos the rvood should pav tlu iiitiie luive this done was del cute d when cluiirman re id and trustees d tngil and w swackhamcr opposed u a request hv t branklewu to j exchange propeilv on the south side of iliiibith drive lor a pur tion of thrrnnd nllmvunctrnnthr luotlh side nl uinhclh diive was was icceimtl mi llrankitwu i won lit like ttie land liauslt t made to increase tht of his prop rtv on llu noiih side ol i ii ahtlh dint so that tlu alia u iiiiienunls ot tht oning by law would tie tin i and he would hi a mow id to hut id two houst s on tlu land lu owns ttansdi ot tlu piojh i iv would noi i ttanere the pi est nl tiivi ikd pot lion ol lu ni id ihe eltik and mi i 1 tath i humltluil i xuintnid tlu ptopei iv in mi st ion at llu loutittl iiu el my itu elerk was instniiltd to have the documents prepaml atict mr hrmklewu has ttdtill cd tcrtain cnndilions nominal inn mei ting this eai will lu held at llu robert i ink selii mil on thursdav novemh t 21 at 7 v p in i ki tion it iuu s suv wilt be tu id on tiusdav di ii nihil t support resolution ouiiijxupwi it d a it solution it itu low n o oruillji villi pe ii honing tlu piovnuial yove in mkiiis oil eompauiis ami utotoi assik litions lo altiinpt in elt in up iias slut inns aittt wri e king vuds alonu ptiiviiietal highwuvs i hi it solution points out how ditnnitulil hesi cvesores are to fj jiimiairsnt niirtusn i hi aitisiu senses and tourist in diisli v hit tt uses weie granted lo d swukhamcr und m iohmtone lire tall tree planting program w is approved 32 trees ure available toi planting anywhere in town dtputv rttve ck nny and at ting turk jir hoist itpoittd on the countv i xlilhil at tlu world plowing malih mi hurst ts a iiu lulu t n the i mil in 1 1 tee ilile- nuiid to pupate and opt rate ihc dupl iv llu paving ami suhwalk in 1 1 mii t ol ihe mw itdciul building aii eoiupkiiil sheet sign buuk its tie ill tin process of iitanu i at i in t a diimaut pioblem in liunt ol the miptlsi litiuh was npoitiil kikj medeachle will bt on hohilavs m l wetk the dtafh or riuk t mcceii t hit s fuiht r on tutsttav was iv- wiilnl lo iiiiimit membtts ex pitssrtl iuu tomlokuits to mf midi u hit intl his i tmily mr hills at ltd isiklklot lilt utpcl inn in tin i iiiiili ii s hv nit mhrrs poilioti ot itu milling luated ex t hauge tihik plan ihlwttn mem btrs ot toiiihil 1 lu mavor tilled the dlselissioll out ot milil power failure powe t tailuri this mottling thtitstlav aiound 10 20 a ut was i iiisid hv hinh lensinii wues tuir7img lluough on a pole at frank imh moiots t iiislng a hie uk in powt i tommy limn cuelph at ton hvdto svviu in d over to allow powt i lo m ltd i nun ti initio iiuhl ii pans welt made by ontai io tdio ai ton piotiti ssiv i onsrrva- ttvi assik i iiioo is planning a ih ink von tt tm t hi tlu itylon tu xt i tun si i i siuit sslul eunil dilt e oltli kelt mil his wife will he thin i hi si i raultts now six in numb t tin i on monday i hey an pi inning to tolkil ud as a c luimmas pron i kruacauhw hjtl4 sttuctutal sttll womc is almost cofnoltd at the new itel siding and kovs equifmnt to manufacturv brak lintncn thrmod division plant of h k portr cenede and only the and clutch facings for th automonvv trad at proaant clutch roof structure remains to be instelwd dvwcon structure ltd facings are be mo produced m porrion of the former wool is the general contractor for the 60x40 foot onestorey bodd- combng buildirva this will be transferred to the new building ing when completed the ellsteel building wdl have cokd when it in completed os vlr amkison inuiht llu i money eollrcted lor tlu tups should be i u meet ove i lo itu secrviarv and upfilud to han spj ctisi three accidents in dozen hours tveej act uk nis in wtmh thin ix i sons vtiti iiiiiikj uiul a ttuiil ei ash htamcel on a lire b ow u t veti iiieluiuil iii i hi illslllets u idell i lrotls loi ih pis i woe all i lire i oeeuiied sulil is with l m a 1 2 houi peuod at 1027 am suiulav moi iiin on ihe stlvil t stiutsinn town lane iust viuiti ol 2j si u i u i two wu hint wtun eais 1 iwt hs grvkmi j riuinpm ot kr i aelirtl aintl 1 41 tt ii m i tt hiihliul pajju miehifc in j yd ill fj tbolllpseml s will vemt siitritl j hrnsil kit a 111 and shihlklel while th ittivti t he i s eat rest is til a hiuisit ko ihe ptopems d ulla eajal larlur ttw sinn m iiun ji j0am mrs j r ktli i cafoi grtttsen rrejuirxil n iitum al goetph hospital in ta i vuts and bruiscv ireeivtl i a ixxvjr aitvnl ot flihw t iuxl fiiur teatm vf a mile we si ol the fifth lane her hukant was the dnsrr ot the ear whieh rrceised itcfi damage ixellv 1c bthirv bur a- m pm north yiestlin o rp wrrr ealtcxi out to the third vim dis trict accident this tinvt a tirr ju out on a car driven h james r quinn of aeton the ear went out of conmj and cntemj osc dtlch skidded i9q feet and hit a culvert damage va 1300 and no injuncs were reported iiivei ttay f t iy veeri o vorve el st atbsn i church v ver i i- tiy thr brv doirl writ t ft nd mpr let dutv to mv t v uw- txn a i nntw u t oi ir o 50 years iid sang in th ct r f 4ri f ti i ikj rfte orqt o n ve i needed seven surprise fire drills three potential lives lost i i p di i in ihn uil s wsdii ti t kit i iv svii s i iiu rii i iii pn veflhn ik ai ai iis i i l shnil i u urk r t i t l ihe rxtikiin mil at lisal svtrixl w pupin nisi v t i i t hall j ihttiniwo aiant mhid 1 firr thief mnk iltrm- tor fighters phil mel nlall bjh knight nd iiahn krap k visit srcvsik hriaokvilte kprngi and caieeriijek rural uhils in the morning and a un dtst rn t high stxui jnd the rwheri little and m 7 bennett pubiu mheul in the aticrriooo ttnmd ttie vrknnl ptipil ui ir uiuv4ir it tm f 1 tt r wit m tking th- xit in 1 as ttv alaiiit htvrt wjuniird i jih plu khlkhef tlkd imji it lu i las-mejm- in itftkrty fa vhwrfi and wall i for the alle war mnal io etnifkl i usrf ighu rs tonjat i a h tkorwjs arnt nrrvesl k puptls as thr- va4sttl ihr stulng j atter the saipiu rvlurnrd to j- lirettajhlers uaired cab jjleliny e hx king tin firr haxard and ineprxiing riiingijthcrs arut oiher firtf ighnng equipment 1 1- tcrature un the fire ptcvrnimm pitsier cuniest was handed nut to gtetde fivr pupil and at some lire v h mlpl rfjm sains ttk th- w ert ttit m llrrrml v a p lot wi ijft 1 in a eimifaumf ajul t i ef ft i hp mttthf rt plan d ttw iir i i vp il tire iin i lotiv pupil wrir i 1 iii n ik au i in ifv rsrnt ol a fia in- ai wrr ebosn lu w tht tut atubfd wttr tevaicr wa put ott l ftrfihirt rhl mettnuu then ivriltantf at t llw pin whrn be rxtingtiihcd the hlxm with da itkl roni tltiursdav firefight ers still hokl ioen buuc fur 9uy waauu

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