Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 17, 1963, p. 1

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vht frtim jfctt ftx elghryninth yeafno 16 acton ontario thursday octobeb 17th 1963 wiwsc85i2k wail of siren marks end of fire prevention week ten pages savan cent svttaytoy mavf are discerned by three of the offensive squad from the acton high tchool football team at they taker a breather on the bench during the ftidlev col lege acton game wednesday ridley won 2112 left to right mre garry masalet doug garrett and jan rlddall highlighting the game wai a 105 yard runback of an attempted field goal by danny arbic of acton for a touchdown jan rlddall alio ran a punt back for acton to notch another t d tma4ft4imr s lmuiaom srwiimaaaaraimnsai i i which should come first hydro manager or truck which ihoold be dorte first i thought of ihu predicament we need it our own ladder truck hire a hydro munuacr or buy u new ptocc of equipment hydro cammlmtjon member ulftcunted the prow and cons uuutn at their meeting innt thurs day and finally adjourned deter mined to reach a decision at their next meet ins commiftnlonuru gordon beatty and ruv arblc were or the opin ion hlrino of a mnnnger ihould precede the new equipment and than the new employee could recommend the proper type of equipment t h e commualon ehould buy uembeni have neen demonmirutkinh of both aerial ladder and bucket type equip ment in oil ion and have diacu- ed the matter at ureal length for ome months mnvorles dubv nuimcstcd hlr tng u munuacr uhcad of buy inn equipment wa tike putt inn the uii t before the horse and luted new equipment wtts need ed ahead or a munafler mr bent ty disagreed wo dont know mr ouby wondered what the is obsolete muff could mv and what is the job to do commission going to dtp no thing who should act chuirmun ted tvler believed the oommfoston should assume the responsibility of telling the staff wmit they were to do his viewpoint was opposite to mr beattvh who suggested the stuff should make basic recommenda lions regarding equipment i havent heard one useful rccom mendutiun trum our staff during mv four years on the commis sion hi stated the chairman reminded him phi original re commeildution to buv equipment hud been made by the super in tendent mr bent tv wondered bow the commission could mukc an inlel ligent move without a rccom mendutiun on what tvpc of equip ment to buv outside of the safety fntftor i havent heard m wt had a big we would beout of luck mr arhic said ttu trouble is wt dun l know what wl want chairman tvler told the mem bers theie was one obvious fact facing them and ihnt was to re plate un obsolete piece of equip ment who savs it is chidcd com missioncr beatty the chairman look full respon nihility for the condition of the old udder truck as he replied that old udder is not safe it has a swing a block wide i wouldnt go op in it lor all the leu in china it wi took u out uf town highwa pot in would cull the lirst wrnkir after their first look at the old truck commissioner gordon mc culcheon admitted he still had not decided what was the best piece ol equipment to buv after seeing several demonstrations of both aerinl ladder and bucket i type equipment purchase of a 15000 piece of j arbll tuninkd thc dec bucket equipment he suid sum ujs up tu tomm truck obaotete and srated nothing would be mtivor dubv was of thc opin i gained by further dela ion the commission should have al the nuistum ol the mavor cnouyh common sense lo market members agreed to attempt a who qulpmnl l-idl- llejtt muvor pointed uut i lie hydro slaff was in prcttv bad shupc with one line man dorxon fru lull off with a broken arm unil i he ladder truck off the road commissioner benttv wonder ed what the department stuff la piett of equipment we know suluuon it tlu nut mixiini i r asa fire prevention week in acton ended up with a rash of four hrcs when the wall of the siren alerted fireflghtets during thanksgiving weekend fumes from a tin of contact cement which were ignited from thc pilot light from a gas itove arc believed to have cauied a fire at c home of mr and mn jowph povll mill s- saturday afternoon and again on sunday evening at thc home of mr and mrs al green 6 eustern ave a grass fire and straw frc follow- id monday and a fifth fire in n car tuesday thl salurdav afternoon bla2e in tlie kitchen apartment oc cupied by thc pavlis which la rented trom tonv seynuck oc curred whin two friends of the nndlord were installing a sheet ol nrnorilc behind a gas itove according lo the puvlls the phet light on thc srovc was on at thc time and as tfie two work ers noticed thc fumes from the cement a sheet of flames burnt throughout the kitchen down the cellar stairs first thought of 10yearold joanne pavil was tu rescue her kitlen sleeping in the kitchen mrs pavli escaped through a window while her husband took time to tovs out a few items of clothing rircfightcrs were pouring water on thc braze within three min utes of rhe siren sounding and uaale- iv had the fire tinder control soon they found a blew at the foot otahe cehar steim damage was caused by water and amoke as wall to several articles of cloth- ins footwear and household con tents wiring services were also mil lied firefighters donned scot air packs to hght the flash fire and chief mick holmes had to re strain tenants from entering thc building filled with dense smoke no wanda sunday evening another flash fini occurred at the home or mr- and mrs al green on east era ave when fumes from con tact cement being used for re decorating exploded when the go heater clicked on the couple had finished their work and had replaced ute lid on the can when the lames erupted without warning mr green threw pails of water on the maze and before fire fighters arrived the fire was under control both he and his wke suffered burns to their hands and arms graee fire monday ofternoofi the iuril ruck was called to extinguish a grass fire burning out of con trol near the farm property of ken murray rjt i nassaga weya while firefighters were suil at this fire the siren sound ed again and hie town truck leaded with firefighters raced tu extinguish a straw and tractor fire on property owned by a toronto man which is used by oscur broughton r r i esque ing a farm tractor owned by wil lard brit ton and operated hv i his son row caught fire when i it is believed straw which was being baled became lodged in the hot muffler seconds after i thc operator imped irom tie burning vehicle the gas tank exploded showering ntxirhv bales of straw with flames within minutes the rrrrire rnlcwnscn gulicd in flames one ol mr brotighton s sons was standing on itu baler he hind the tractor uhen the fire occurred hut uas uninjured the owner of llu ii lelor is holiday ine in british columbia with his wile and two friends rirefighltrn spent hmirs at the fire tisinu watci irom the hikinter lines portable extinguishers brooms and stiovils lo head oil the roaring blaze heading to ward a nearby bush car fire tuesday evening t niliiihtcis ni ide a quick run lo tlu eorntr of elgin ami thunli striets after the akirm had het n sounded when a oar mined b noah row i sell s7 mill si backfired causing flames to shool out throueli the earhuivlor b llu tune the fire truck arrived everything was under control mall rnoia dr cidric dey acton s new dentist beqan his practice in acton on thursday of last woek in the hinton butldinq on mill st he is shown above with his nurto mist gloria henry both are natives of british guiana havinq his treth checked over is peter taylor of acton a few alterations rnmnin to be done in his new office but equipment has ixan installed and patients are waiting their turns for appointments ui jajqfrctttiuntc- h m hire solicitor for hs addition buy dehumidifier for reservoir large attendance birthday cake ceremony highlight at knox wms 75th anniversary acton council tuesday evening agreed to engage c f leather- kind oc as solicitor to handle the business fur the pronoeed new high school addition tws action was recommended by councillor j bert wood chair man of the education committee of council mr wood told naaten v jfutsxajue committee agreed the solicitor should be engaged to prepare fcr- ikrws and resolutions pertain ing to the high school addition in order to relieve the town clerk ol thc extra work avoid condeaaatlon the control house at actons nevv reservoir on churchill road is due lo have a demimldi liir installed to keep caadeiunv 11011 trom rusting and deteriorat inj ol piping and valves and to protect the hooi cooneil agreed to follow the i nginct i s recommendation and havl rhe equip inst at angle purking signs will he in stalled un the north side of river 9t for high school stu dents und teachers at the stone school this action was taken following a suggestion b reeve h h hinton who told council ike had visited the area and the destroy sheep after incident with stray dogs three dogs mangled a heep to l he point it had lo he destroy ed at thc farm home of orwell and rov johnston r r i ac ton tuesday morning thc dofpt were first sightitl ilkr ormill johnston htirtl constant barking in a field back l rhe farm honu whin ht ar dk 7sth anmlisai ol llu wms iiktk ptas1 ixioiki 10 m knot lnsh u i tan huivh with u 1 1 1 iii lllvlulhkc pilmlll th hovir in tlu lhinvh n illvmllkil iii mkminii iiii in mis 1 lislu and mi ruh t lai k mis i aiutiimin pusulut ovi i llu movon nut llu luvution is takxii h miss kutn clark and mis o mm an a spktulnl hislorx ul tlu wms was giviii h miss i audits st l t l th v tiu 1 ifnt pixsuli nt iii isss is mrs j w rat wiu ol ri j v rat iiiiiusiti ol knu luitill at lull sttl tlla mis tainplh ii siiiitii lit imiivi j ll iuk 1 hixt mission tvv liiv huh 1 1 tint this vhuuli ri 1 a i rtuiin pasioi t munio 1iss mm i ikn andtison and oiu ik koltiss miss mixiu tlu 1 oul is mv slupluul was ikatilttnlk rviukiid h min hi imp i d llu 4in h mis mi t nlloiilh alsi inuulolm soo si luttn its st t nadv hv mis aljii attomp mitd un tlu pi mo h mis o moiui ncett compel i u jiksl slh iki mis s i ut i touiu 1 1 puuliiit w ms wt sltt ii ll isioii c 111 ul i wis 111 tiotlontl hv mts ii htiintt oik niimitt siltutt t is obstimd ml s coil stitsstd ill it it tn detds not itmds th it tounl alsti it t had snt nioii iiiisioiiai it s lo chin i vt might not ix mm ironud with llu txnl whith ihualtiix us iki it ii lh imh linn st ut i muti oiik oik in tin has hud tlu fcox i hirthdmv cuke hniha iv v tk 1 iiin t ttiuilv i k plus vtllll mis ttut h man ii i v mj mil tlu wtdnil- ind mi k m ivtiuiltl tiillin tlu takt rv h m kuij htttllv tiitl kit i titxs riuuio contimtttt on p igt thrx v i pu m v spok 1 cost not eieeeumg 100 clerk h h jck mcgeacijle told cuvdl en- 1 h d v iginecr ken hvde had inspected f hcrd hv the building and was concern hjl mulllalcd t uls ed txmt the condition caused deslrul1 on jltxu ul hv dampncns t pohln doubt stnous n a bv law ngulalinu times and mr johnston nportid hi sight pl uis loi i hi anmral numinu id what hl heluvid to lx a ti us md iliiiion was held over police dog and lwrt eollu dojs uniil rfu tit xl meeting alter n runnino ugiltur hut whin lu w is uaimd ihtn might be po approached thc laid ihi dos sihihts tin i mud church would k oft mt bt ivailibk lor a polling area nsuunis art bungwnn snuou uirk mcckachu was in lt on r dgs stiutttd to find out if the church running at laig mdangtrmi was ivailabli and attempt to tarm anutla i md another localton tn the t vt nt it wasn t mux tllor hamilton peal vrr b itlv tomnitiidiil mn vera hur us tin hit titan nunrur in which stu it 1 1 llu tinnuil chamber mis huns hid btxn aked to u in rlu t nurtil thamhvrs hall tiv ouf itditt oil in iwu weeks to io ittitvt thc town wurk iik n lot ouvr nccrxairv job c oitihit tttgatd htr xrmanciitlv at tttv iiu m si pi hour to do tlu tktnuiif pit sun p ir dk i p o king svstt m didn i dlow tiioiigh i us to tx parki d tlu projx i iv tommtiilt uis gitn tin itmn to dttidi il at ton cilitiis bind could install tt n ttst or sonu m tin 1 1 1 to i ir ttu windows to iul down the diafl in ihi upstuiis area ol the town hull councillor trie john ston iouiuii upit st nt ilne on iht b nut t mini 1 1 u i i orw at did iht ivgutst and st iln tlu binds nn n wt n tomplaimng ot iht told in tluii pt utitt looifl cottiuilloi pt tl who is also i ifinr mm l iht i tgion popp itonmiiiui kuiutl ippni il to i ti t i toiuit 1 1 loltow i lu 1 1 annual ipatttin of pivnu lot rtintin ni nut ixiv sttxitt projr utts and i sponsoi iiiij i ptixl imi4ion in iht i new spa pi i diiitn llu tiuiiiiv bv nu m k i s iollllllljoi mix i t liwm tfoiuliiid win wiitls vvtit ihu mg tlnouh tlu iuw iiim i on v it ion i st ik t is lold bv llu i it i k unils wtti towiill ihtoiijli ins it n ilnvvttiv wluth b id iitsi txiil pavid md itutt wt n oilii t spois in town tlu sum iiiiik ill it vvmki tiiippttl wi i yn i tutji m i v its un iu ii ki i rhiinon uuiitl i ml it ni i il would it immiiiu nd 10 tlu 1nks loud to tuvt i slump pulling ihi dut ing ttu l vt w iki tahli ptiittv in u iv lold tn tin ni iv m i il hi i hunk vm sh uld t t involve d n th it 11 th v vt tsh lo tlo il ok iv with llkhu il 3000 salary delay upping county pays tlu h illon count v coum il widrusdav dilnitl consideration ot 4 hv law to pav an annual sd arv of hooo lo the waidm ot halton in llu lopnntltic upoit mom mtjullng itlopliou ol the b law il misnolld llu wirtkn would be ixpntid to pusint a tniaiiii iv uxit ol his at li huston hi hill fit thc tounly at a rtgulit touiuit nut ling count 1 1 ippiovt d tlu holding or the w itdi n s diniu i on no vtiubti is al llu il ixv tub oakvilk riu suggtsiton hit tin n it ikn be him ltd lo 12 invitalions lor hist pcisonal guisls ran into stiff opposition fnmi u mtmhei of nu mlxrs depot v reeve j mi hell milton asktd d it w is i lounl dmiin 01 1 wirtkiis dm mr wardens pay banquet tab i ihpuiv rvi vks pliilhps re- vuwid ih ii uniil list viat the w iidtn s diniu i wis p ud from i llu honoi it mm m i iv i d bv the iwudtii in vt2 llu cotintv pdd loi llu vvudiiis dintur fhlx vi ii llu diniu i is v idt nllv being piovukd in tin oiinlv couiutl md 1 loininiitii is living the pl nis in i dit t ituik hi iiitmtv r thtt m iv tx mviltd ht ohstrv id flppetl tn 24 mi mbi rs comuinid in uu re is lug ili ii tii ii s illoiiiu nt of in v it itions to 24 it w is iimi vn i d tlu list win u nmpliiid would tonsitt i ol appioximitilv 200 giu srs staff nn iurn und ihtir mimhnis or witts liom tin tltik utmlnutra i lot s itijinris md tssissnunt md id isiiui s ili p u m ut v air to ih in v 1 1 il uwz nassqgaweya assessment jumps vj population up nasstgiwiv i fow nsh ip s iss s md tndiisii i it m ssim ni ai sun ut sk nuki ltd hv u x i ulil lounl i i i to p i n i jthl suit i i tst vi ii mil iht 1 1 h is ixi n k mi bo in nu nt of t loin xi niil nu ii i si hi popti flnliiki ul i i v h iiii m u oi ding to tin mini it toil assssiihiii uut populiiion hj h pil hi p i t t four lids suhinitliil llu- wtk in il t n hln j usidtllts vm mtlitvt tin hwiiships as ppulikn slsm hpm t i b k 1 mi 1 iis i m s ississimill fhi s il il i til 1 i i t shiwd mill iss tn nt hilh i un i i fl v ii t is ihjsn ibis vi it s hi111 i m h4 i hi v ii m in ii 24 0s oi hi iiui is ol jium i iii x i u ls 4s i o imii is siill tn ii i n ml nt i t rts 1 1 n it vt n tin township i stunning 1 o 4k i j i i s i i j s ix t it nt of llu assi ssnit nt i iii l t in i ii ii j2usn u usilniiil ss it c hit iu i ilktlt ihls vl ii is smjkhs 1 x ee f loiintuik loi 21 i tt nt i iii i rta f ij h iss ssiml 111 h i i i fjl i lllllll ii i it issi smiu til i c4 f l i ii t s loutlls t 2 hi lllll ll i pi mil ii i i i itll i unsuccessful bidders ask reasons nixed tenders r 4 big part of any hgh school football gam and actoi waj raprentatbv thia four ptry taus aoamtf ridlay comeoc wednesday lt to rgt arc paula biland suan robertton mary cntchow and jantoa tatar thay ytlad thmaalva hoaria urgmg ba acfon rm to 1 sguvsin st null itoud bid then hands tum tvit sda cvt nut wlnn hii tiiukitts imi otlt ixmull schools ifv ol vlk ivgncmv tl in t xpl m umn a whs thttt buis h itl mn ixi n mtpi td hi si t i ipxai was atihui mslihxl vtlto pitvioislv itiutttttt tr tht bantuxkbutn s hooi and had nti t ul thv txiid detishm was wi htud toi two wnks ttksdav ouiuiv he was told all undcrs wihtld b reiurrxil and hi askttl whv this jtiton hal been taken bin tailed to ictrtv a rrptx mt mtleod jilso avkrd d he toukl submit aixther tender in the event the huard decided tu ak tor tender again no deohm uas made regarding re tciulenntf hir the whoul tii down next on the hkt to meet the suid uas garnet howden who aktud wh w4acm his had been ibe only tender for the hornby st in m i tht hoard had rurnrd it tumn iu slated member hod iu tiht lo do this mi h tthden explained he in- tiintitt iiim ttu shhl propertv i i p oid his present huibe jihi statttt ht had been tneated unlairlv uhi the hoard va not uptv s4nuiifc tht intrrcu of the tispavtis pnifxik board chair ni in k j c mining ham tuid the t lutvtt tht btiard had deuded iku to el the mjiooi at pre- s ni trustee mrs shirley arm- mjm lold mi mowdcti thc bond did not havr iq accept one or nv at the tender if they so wistted in teams mr uottv den remarked hornby ild not forget th- reford gaxdhoube on uo- sikievsiul htdder was present to question the sale off tne onatrc braa school to mr and ur frank lendvav me told mneaabera thc school pr ty ata nal um coniinued obi ntb 41 i tmi loant scots amlmtmt went on qrde intull dras soldier huring tha mipection a crowd of nsouaand linh hsa durtno colorful enrnmony at the world wowing match nar parade feld io wine the ceremony wuny lorl rtviden took caledon saturday whan ugoverrtor earl howe preaanted fh i aarf either at members of th fiaejiment the band or fho paar duffartn xi halton ftagimani with new cojort above variout legion veteran groups that ernnded ragirnarit orfiaau laad tha ugov m top hat patt a row of 1 j

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