Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 17, 1963, p. 3

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iu i v nliey to halton stym hawsv hauiy u tity toft column we tnrtw men the blockade of legls- utfcsn by trarcaooette credlllstes come and o at the latter part of laat weak the oilly speaker were rbe rtrtxtlllous soda credltlste who roae one after one to speattrthey srjoke of many things none very relevant to whit waa going on intarllnment they were threatening to keep nilbtwiehng and prolong bust nets of the house and therefore hot allow he government tb pay ha milt civil servants and government bills would have gone unpaid and the government would have collapsed and an election fore ad they were threatening to force an election unless they re celved official recognition us un official purlv in the house ol commons thin matter had ol ready been referred to a commit tee of the house for its opinion the government in turn recom mended 24 hour sitting of the house of commons and ihe blockade collapsed debate drag the ok age pension increuse to 75 monthly dragged on in debate all day tuesday and sud denly wont through very quick ly in jhc last few minutes wc ure pleased to report thut this should be passed by ihe senate and receive royal assent in time for the increase to be present in the october old age pension chedues the ounodlun uihor congress ha admitted that thev have nothing to offer ns a substitute for trusteeship of the murlllmc union ami have ugreed lu o-np- erate with the government as much as the governmen is reluc lant to carry this out there is now no alternative and the icglt la i ion has been introduced even though all parties have agreed this is necessary it is expected that a great deal of talk and debotewui take place before this becomes law i was pleased to accompany the prime minister to the open ing of ihe world plowing match in caledon on tuesday i was pleased to see some of the hal ion representatives and hope they do well the caouetle half of the so- lal credit party put on a time consuming performance on wed nesday in ihe house they forced two votes which take a great deal of time trying to obtain of flclal recognition by the speaker of the house in order to speak on motions on which one speak er onlv is allowed from each recogntxed party the speaker hus not received an official report from ihe prl viliges and elections committee which in feu will recognize this group as 0 new party but scot them below ihe thompson half of ihe social credit party the ndp will move to third parly position which is impor tarn whan- ihaychooie to pro pose amendments or subamend menu on one of ihe votes ihe n d pi supported ihe credltlstes ulthough all other members voted against ihem i cannot see the reason for this support of irresponsible behavior the special committee on food and drugs has convened and the first topic to be dealt with l insecticides and pesticides and their usesi abuses and dangers this committee meets twice u week and in dcnllng with this problem will cull the depart rrtcnls of nntlonol health and welfiirc agriculture forestry fisheries and northern affairs nnd national resources as u source of background informa tlun i urn hiippv m report ihiil rurul mull delivery to limlls residing on the eighth line be tween upper middle rond an i ihe dundns highway has heer authorized by hit post ohicc depurlment ymmw mmwmwm jhalion council briefsj on wednesday llulion courtly i wiy 25 dim tlv south ol highway 5 is under unsidcrulioaby oil department or highways agreed to oiili ihe owner couneil appioved the holding ol u weed poster cuntesi within all mhools of ihe eountv including the oukville- public schools the weed inspector v mcarthur ud vised ihi agriculture and rotor estutlun committee he- had en countered illhlcully in arranging lhu corneal in ihe oukville schools wus advised by ihe county engineer ihnl the renovuilon pn- jeet at ihe old court house wus prugivssing luvonihly und ihe putmlng will be completed utter partitions have been ullcrcd in the- ureu assigned to ihe lill approved puvmcnl nl f0 in tope consimelliin in lltl us the linul puvmcnl on ihe admin islrullon building purchase signs accepted ihe hid ol pitmin co- hum limited tin supplvinu and installing signs unit letters tm the juvenile and i unii cmirl mugls halt s cihiiis unit jail set ihe ixuial ice lot tlu health unit tiuuruis til llu rule ol sf7s pr month itlomc june is including heal htfht ami taut lur sci vice set llu rxnl il in llu c lul dtens aul sihieln tot t lie use ul the luii limits in tlu pivnctti building at ihe t hi ulwtxxi pci uiinuni ellectnc alllltlst i ivvil appniicd ptsmcui ul ithiio in llu loxvtls ol milton mil oak villi in lliti with slalutimx yt tnts cirunts ccic 4 6447 to milton anil jj7 447j7 to oakvilk ailiisiil mllliin lliiniki ul commerce the tvmiiimi ol miyh 9 000 foi u properly in cump- hellvllle on the south east corner ol ihe guclph line und no 5 sideroad the properly is re quired for rouil improvemunt purposes accept road agreed to nave ihe munici pal road brunch of the dvpurl ment uf highways prepare u druli bylaw for the assumpiiun h ihe counlv roads sslem or ihe mud from milton heights lo the kelso conservation ureu wus advised in the board of health report the health unit miw litis 21 nurses tin the stufl appioved accounts fot pav litem lolulllnu 41 14 77 c muff photo blmino tm conskseattom of the new colors of ihe regiment saturday chaplains and the bishop of toronto dedicated the new flags ol ihe lome scots as they were piled across the dfums of the pipe band it governor ihe hon w earl rowe who presented ihe colors stands at the left while commanding officer li col e f conover is shown at the rtqht with the chaplains ttjmkhrmm 4 im sw1iw7- -j- halton manor swing your partner echoes thru manor nassagaweya contimuil i mm pipt one i tint w ii ml ii over 70 ir of i township growth 1 t iinitikiitiny on llu pm tiiuliu iv li i ui inert use in hsesmmnt ami populuion nasuijiiiwcx i reive john rubor t ton viul this is a piiitiul inthuitmn of the jciiovvih ol i in township mtl llu lountv hi miliyimiil lluit llu low cost ol ltud in l ik lowiiship nul lis iu iiikvs ti tlu 401 hi lib u t vine also icsuiilmhlc oi tlu itli ll ims dm my tlu e u niitisitn newest iveivtiimn il taiiliu mo- ll iwk r iccvvtlv l in cohstlultllt slltil opened i on pk tsuie birthday cake loutlmull lioni li melph iptsmil hi at bom piimni min r r fu kv i v xptwxiil ilk i luniks lo ill psviituirmtiny it ml pui tuulaiiv to mi nitnitvi luix pitmlll an inlitamuil ti iiuu ot tlu nuxliny w in llu prwiiui ol mam lot in t iih mix i uponc them u m minis ol itu kuu fumits mis brinks mis john muuix mi- j huvar1 mis ann vmutmlu oul mis thimipsoo ami itu uiun i toui inkt nunisteis a itthitotis lutuh w ik sitwtl hv in commitits assmiw cmmittm dissolution ol tlu miiltotx mi siiation commlttli ua af t piovnl h m illin timnt coun ill ii i mux ulu on uislusila llu milton lniclition iu law iiiiuluii nut r ion mat ion loininiiui will lonitnik tlu land um uul i nm ihiiui pulu as it is i ii ptxsnit uisiusssiuns had inxn luhl iar in i on llu uissihihfs il c mimi hum uthontus handhni th i nm hind nut i uul usi assist i ik i in ihsnsminx on tin ivfuits i iiion piytim it was noicil tlu ixunt has i w i iwns umkt ixloiit itton tik cihiiiu iijiwil to i lain i on i ml of ix toix station prttxis iimlit iyiviminl with tht iv part mvni ol la mis mil kirxiis by mlu murtel thompson since sunday september 29 was llu fitth sunday in tlu tnonlh the church icrvicc was conducted bv u group represent my the christian business mens committee oakvilk g browne was ihe leader nnd w lane ihe oryanisl j tuimer was the speaker and read verses 13 to 20 ol chapter 16 ol si mai thew s gospel as the scripture icshon quolinu many stale men is in scripture in which christ is npoken ol as a rock mr reimer described the similarity between christ and a rock that remains unmoved even under the boiling the sea and wind when fie eovers us with his hand and wi stand in his righteousness vvi manifest love lor all humanity this ver earnest sepmon was i ol lowed bv an equally earnest closing pravet by mr lane landscape tour the second annual bu trip to nee the beauty of the uulunttn landscape was provided for the residents bv the halton manor women s auxiliary on saturday ufternoun october 5 a bus provided lor ihe trip was a dona lion bv m poole and was com pletely tilled with a vtr happy gtoup of nsidenls alter tullou itiif a scenic route the bus reached its destination at the farm honu ol mi and mrs lrnic wilson where a treat ol diju cups ol ice cream was in loved mrs s allen mi s jean hallurlev representing tin auxi lin and mis rose walkn and john mcdonald ol the inlumai si lit supctvisid tills vil elio able alleinoon clamou coks si statnuh trie nd ol ifu lesitknts ol itu m moi bniughl two otlui st lumh iruiuls to llu chuixh sutice on siind i tlii nukin gviolxr fi tlu si iruiuls win mi ind mis norm in hiu mi nut mis hiu tnuk in inspu inj loiiii ihulion tu the siitici mrs hart b pla hie thi oig in md mi h ol b siiiiiini i wo l i nu stilus phi i1iinkd lhiisl and jesus rose il sh nun mi coks m i mon i is based in verses d and 10 ol chaplet 17 ol jeremi ih he began his million h saving that jirxmiah is speak inc not ol tlu natural he irt but ot the spiritual heart tlu ui untie ol oiii being i mi since ad nos transgression when sin cutucd out hcs oin spiutual hearts have deceived us md hivi become disperatitv veieked however ui know that although god sies our sins he docs not utterly condemn us lor he loves us the auditorium of tlu manor was the scene lor in entertaining paitv on tuesday night october 8 when about 20 members ol ihe rout corners squ ire d inec c lob ol poi t credit provided a progi im ot squ ire d ineing lur the re sidi nts tlu pn side nt ol ihe club c b ilis was among thosi who eimi music wis supplied by i ucoid plaver and thi e ilhng was done bv lour gentlemen b lvcrell letter from rudds is read at meeting ihi muion rudd mission cu ek met mond evening in the chutch hiseinenl lot then oi toher milling atlei i iimiiii out pi iwi i hi 42nd psalm w is u id in unison mis i i i l ul i hi mi noli s il tlu list meitinc uul lis us sion uniiitl iiouiul llu i ill 1 h inkollciine lo in lu id in llu chinch ociotui 21 miss momn lnmi iiuh i will he tile spclkil hill should hi iv hid 1 1 si i ml tlu biptist wonuns win m ii i pi ii i is nn llu hist mondav h nov i nihil wlikh is llu iieu i ir nice i inc nichi mis i indstioroiilh u ul i le itci hum mis j rudd ih ink int ilum lot thi i isl to d pirn i sent nul iilliiil i huh ol then ixpeturuis hi iiuh t pi ins mu in iik to si nd in llu i p mil in tinu hn c hi istm is bolton blues the old printing press it tlu loimil free pless building went groaning batik into servue vistir dav when the bolton f ntirprise was printed here fdilor werikn leavens hail i broken press and culled lor help driving up with the forms was bill whitbuxd a formei tree priss hnotv pc opera tot who s now with the bolton vvlcmv a six i tinadc lcn uilli i ih ll is in lhusiin is luiiu 1 1 llu hohv i in mission u u s new study book on south asia knox all 1 1 lvenuil auxili u he kl its icgulai nuetinc it ihe home ol mis robe 1 1 luitui mis j inghs wis coniemt hn lllc c venule old lolldtk tc el the wot ship si i let i ol low i ml ihe opciune hvuui mis r ad mis ix ul the scllplllli lesson iii iii john 14 mil mis l m isins kit in pllll mis r pnki1 ol ih siuuii w ms w in pilslilt uul iii 1 lllonl ink tistme ni iniu i iiiliddmi d llu new siudv book llu chits 1 1 m missi ii in southi i n si i mis iiiljin liu llu i iu i tins pt ivi t uul i li ulnil ml i s iks he his miss i mm i i li piisidnt 1 u tlu hllnlllvnn lllul dc loll ivmi1l llu see i e i u v s out lu imiui v k pot in pi ins w ii mull i it hie numhiistups u hi pusiiiiiil this vial iko uiineiiiunln uul maik to hold i h ikuit s di in oeleilhi riu llmim o m is i i 41 mc w ilk with riux uul itu mi p ih bvnediiiion ilossil tlu nu 1 1 a loil itivuh w in sin i h he committii in iluiei 1 i u eveliiue decorate church ll w is dn tdul in tit i ii ill tht ituuih wiih n idilioii il tiuil ind vitetabks hit i h inkseimiie sun ll iv sc l v ice s mis i mic iik lu hi u id se up luiis fintn i xihius uul pniiuin ind i pi iip peihkl lollowid min j chipmin nut minn a ajpilkineon n tnp i dtul open mv i vi s wlm h w is i niovitt h i j mis shi iii lim i itvilv de i i ilk l ike n horn ih ki vmit is m use ii hit thi fatoas afaves pauls exnrnds a mill st switch will result in eaton t order office requiring u larger store and fouls mens wear taking over eatons for a women k and children s wear section goal for busmesx in the new locations the fimt ol nov ember so both will lmvelhi ad vantage of more spate for the upcoming christmas ruajt the forme i edna mlue store is being re now ted this week hv contractor paul larson and catbrfs will move over as voon as possible their front lountet will be rimimier and there will be tluieh more space for tloragi behind mrs charter davlikon ind mrs doug i is price are ul ixadv planning the switch then piul nielsen will knotk down llu partition between his nun s weai store and eaton s ind open a new department there this will almost double ins prtsent spuce both buildings arc owned bv mi ind mrs b d raehlm at one turn thu- j4ijun had a clothing store in two sections is mr nielsens will be in tht s mit location our blessings reply to group roll call llu oiiolui nuiiini- ol the puigliurs ol knox vv is held in llu i hoii loom o itu e hiu eh mis w spiilvoecl mckoiiuel llu gllestn 1 hi lipuits wxie ix id ind llu uill i ill was answeted bv oiu ul mil blessing the i h mksliv mg vvoislup si ix ui w is conducted bv mis t a ii msiu isststeil bv mi s a lloluus mis ii cols ms b in ikei uul mis d clelaiut misses jlltlv hid jovic ul 111 clu iu ssiug two dm is pi tying rluit own iccompamniiiii on ilu i gun u uul lluv win vny much cniovid i lie lllc 1 1 lllc closed with mis i a ii uisin ix ulitil the be iu ilic lion the group adjourned to ihe ibisiiiunl uul mis i a 11 uisen issisinl hv mis a holmes mi ii oicn mis h in i lit i uul mis d c let lilel silled delicious pie ami a cup ol tea the acton fre press thursday october 17th 63 eatons s- hearing aid consultant mr m0rry diab will b in lh eaton order office at acton on wednesday october 23 mr dlsb will b happy la damonstrala ih vikino haarlng aid an af ilia hawaii masl cmprs4slva unas in canada dial new msltas ll passlbl hi virtually any parson who naads hssrlnn halp viking ixhind llieear tiicls embody the roiults ol advanced electronic rciearclt if you have nol yet lounc a behind the ear aid that is satisfactory for you invosttgals the latest viking models whatever your hearinq problem mr diab is expenenc ed fully trained and qualified to qtua- you his aspect advice he will give you an audiometry hearing test and an analysis at no charge or obligation wa invlle you lo make an appointment now lo tee him phone baton s at is33330 i how w 1 1 iuii h iiuk nut 1 tuil he pi i in hv s i kine in 1 hv liint stu s i vet iniisi nol uetltet itu missi m lie lit in otn oven iu ighh it hood mrs t in ish i inch th mki i th spi ik i t i h i im sn i at lei i hvinn mis lllskv slisttl lllc nlietllil u itli pi ivi i i uiu h ve is si i il hv ms h ilsion mis a imkiiicjun in i mis ii i uuki protect your kiddies teeth this halloween ivy trick or treat shell qut apples wan snciauv km tm occasion htm snow or wiaithv vamstty v stmlid carlen 135 tmlujl 215 ontario tree fruits itd kouno usuotn tlonf red brand steaks push pork shoulders lb 89c lb 43c dairy farmers msm smau un sausagt lb 4sc dart bstuvmv- lovell bros modem meat market t7mt aatsm maamtsmssw do you sad yoururl brtd and run dosm to heto restore nu body to norassl food lualth jurt usiaf wtmools s fhosfhouchmin ey phqmolcltnln til aarvt food sad ionic contemn vitamin bt and athar nstorttmi inerkhtnts wampole coopers dtuo stom 31 mmt u t33oi3l just an example of the savings youll enjoy by booking productiongeared dairy feeds now there is only a limited time left on this money saving offer whereby you can sook your winter feed supplies at a generous discount lot en of our qulrfiad salt rprtnt4livs ditcim your flood t your oorliost convonionco hell save a fistfull of money for you guftwma formula feeds a division of mtln hooo hout mjus umith milton tt s23ii ontario

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