m th aeran ftm praia thuritjay oclebf g4hs 1963 on 30day african safari a daylong flight brought alf long buck from africa and dan- gerotu encounter with a hooded cobrtvu maddened lloncm and marauding elephonln back lo hit home on no 25 highway jual iiouth of aclon und no nnlmul more fierce ihun the playful fuml- ly dog wltichehter lam thuraduy mr long turned home from his hccond ui- fah in africa ufler n 25hour flume trip from nnirobl to fnl- ow later are irophluxof thin big game hunt he hint hl pictures nlrendv 2300 feel of movie him 500 blnck and while allele and well over 300 color slide ah ufler hid lost trip he will likely hiiow thew publicly then he hud nn eve ning progrum ul the urfllcd church and appeared on jolevl- ion same white hunter he wenl on milan uyuin will a friend charles meheit n lawyer from toronlci the while- hun ter they hud on their last snfai i had ilnce bought a liirm on the rniial of kenya anil was raising rittle and mungoew hul he re membered the fine trip ihe cann in hod berorc and narccd to a back homing with them for taut lime with them in a 1and rover hev had 10 shnrneveil cxnerl enced natives whoiilled us beat en and one of them was their cook this mnn concocted deli nlnu dellcnties mils from gleam ing cllv kilihuns he produced rrepes ttrctle one dav and the food wn ho good the men finnllv linked for tinned bully beef one day an renplie m day jo tyna thcv were to duvs on the trail nnd hhoi 10 kinds of plains rime n lion which mr lonn i lines leaping off the back of the hid hoped partlmlnrlv lo get land rover and a hooded cobra two leupardn 7rbia thompson nisi inches awnv so big he was imnnlu springbok hush buck i looking ihcm in ihe eve thcv had umihouh david roughley given gift presentation made at ss topi wlldebeoat oryx ami other of the antelope type mr lonff wtld hltt dwlre to both mboot hu rifle nnd hit pic tures forced norne quick dec i a ion h on him an animal would be spot ted by the natives wllh their mar vellous eyesight und he would have to reach for either hi rifle mucked in a rack on the land rover or one of h came run the choice was often hard i he thinks if he went again he ni luhr u take pictureu elephfthli ctn celling of course the croup uw plenty of wild flame they did noi shoot tfhev didnt have an elephant li- ccnc but by luck aw downs one night clephanu walked rip hi throiiflh their camp the an i mo k were not friflhtcned and wouldnt have dellberatelv couited damage unless thcv were there wa the good chance one of thoc big leet might have e might on a tent rope hough and brought the whole thing down matt enraged arici ihe men shot their hon a male the female and tun circled threateningly round and round thru camp in the open t while ihe men waited an xiously with rifles ready the fe male lion is protected by law finally the nnlmak left and vlgi lance was relaxed mr long ha komi movies of this episode the men were attacked by in mills in a wide variety of sizes smallest were the snfan ants mr 1 ong stepped on a nest and ihcv had swarmed over him in seconds it took hautv stripping off of clothes and help to gel rid of them onto white driving slowlv the canadians turned lo sec their na a pleasant evening was spent in linielutuhc mciuonal hull on frlduv evening when pavid roughlev was presented with a leather brief case on behalf ol ihe community mrs santnrd mad the presentation and david made n sullnhte tvplv ut i hunks a few names ol euchre wete en loved first and lunch alturwnrds happy birthday little david moore celehrntrd his fifth birthdnv wllh a pnrtv ul home and calhv ruddell het sixth with a pailv at her home we urc pleased to see mrs wnloslivn out ay tin following in opetatlon m guelph it couple ol weeks ago kuten mttorr has been in ihe doctoi s tue and had x kins on riidux at oeorgctowu and tils irtv i memorial hospital visitors mrs arthiit bird mi aiul mis houtilas hint antf tauulv uid mi robert coi mac l of ti- roiuo uith mis a hun- j the campbell sim 1 nrs on sun dav ss award attendance aw a ids wen pie sen ted in a mimtu i ol sundav st hoot pumls 11 i imehoiim pu- hvterian chinch leicnllv eu uuatik wen liven dav id rough its tor 12 sears i red iishv tor lhtuv ann tlrowi toi 10 rob bie rjmnhli- and marv i tui humn loi mm i imli i inham teddv hi own and stanlcv ml 1 ne loi etght jackie ciithton elnia i inham uul lieivl mi lnei loi hf donna mmiu tor tout dan and ktten mttuiv toi two and ruk uul ronnie apple aul ieiel4tl then ntil pins from formosa mis moit- loulnn tl doglptl foimeik a nnmono with hei luisbtiul in i uinuivi w is unest sihtikei at tlu i inn houst pivs bxieilan chuuh s thunk meruit mvtinj u tin honn ol mrs appknl on lhursda ee nine last uk she tottl ot hei eicht tais ol woii ibielh intoit the ihoiiimius nut illus muted hei talk with wis tnttvst mu shdes shv saul tha tai priivsx has n n nuuit tod l trn usi thes sinipl ptmniiw utietvtl pvoptv and the now nihitt het i own i uu tnouniain help ms ikeud its tht pew lr aiv pmr and nothing is wust 1 ten dutluts jxt numihwill educate a vouth she was iniro- dutcd by mrs a benton and thanked hy mrs sanford president mrs mitchell was in the chalt nnd led in rhe glad tid inps thank offering proflrum mrs bert benton onlipcd with nitotdion numbers as well is opoiaiinn ihe lantern for slides mrs patieison and mr mills read scripture and mr gisbv led in praver it was decided to order pres huenun calendars for 10m mis f kurn sany thanks be to citkl titcompanred at the piano b mrs ruutfhlcv i unth was strved after the meeting run over hu nest and be wa re turning icare for scare there was not time to he guns the driver junt hepped on the gas snulce inalde tent a black mnmbu a dangerous snake came right into theten one night they encountered a pack of be iween 50 to 100 vihcious wild dogs animuls wholl harrv and nip nt their prev until it falls of exhaustion then thev attack in earnest and thcv attack almost anything jackals andvenos came lured byheir leopard bait never loel they picked up native hunters in each district who astonished the men by knowing exact v where they were at all times ttt turned out these natives had bee hives throughout ihe entire dis trict where ihev regularly ualb crcd honey to sell the natives eyesight whs in credible too and thcv could tcp the hunters all about an animals location tvnc sie and sex be fore t he canadians c on i d v e n spot it change in africa but mr long fell that tn the months since he had been in afn ca there had been a change in thr attitude ol the alliums there- kenya doesnt ci have its inde pendence but the general african trend is making itself felt in un pleasant wavs thev thought the ntftives were growing insolent and sometimes even obnoxious while thcv were excellent in the hush ihev wte obvmus lickinp in abilities thtt we allv with civiti 7ulion and democracv thev were several davs in nair ibi on a hohdav weekend before coming dircctlv home the tro phies are processed in i nndon tngland attcr the last safari the linn skins were accidentallv des rayed b fire and that was uh the men were so anxious to bag another this time rockwooo rev stuart a cohs speaker at presbyterim mans darner mutt niirto pootinds were pouftfco this week for two new hornet under construction by cetto perlntsofceyo conitruction co m lekeview tubdivmon mcleod reapfitate n handling the sale of the buildingt being erected under thje lupervmon of mr penni and local carpenters jack orysdele and pete tur- kosz the contractor hopes to build 1 2 homes in the area churchill laymens sun observed here raw mb mtvtm mr and mis h g turner of isloi th biv are spending a tew davs with mi anil mis norm in turuci and dav ul and ixnew injj old fiiendships in l lie huicbilt disti itt mi and mis r i davidson visited with miss ann mcdonald home with them n waterloo on sundav altcinoon the fifth annual dinner meet ing of presbvleilan men- in he guelph piesbvlerv was hugely j uuded al knox chuivhrauoh moiulav owning alter registration was pivilv well completvml all adiourned to sundav school room where ill assembled to well laden tables prepared bv the lathes aid ol the church giace vis ald bv rev j schiiel of njassagaweva si davids churches lollowcd bv toast to the ouve n roltovsiny ihe dinner tlieie was ihe introduction ot hcul table glksts all adjourned lo the auditoiium when the main pan of the meet ing was held rev a mckenzte of aclon officiated lor insialla tion oi officers tom livingstone of st andrews church kilch ener was chairman for progiam vocal selection was given bv mr harrv boyle of kitchener and devotion bv mr nmmenton toga i of klmim mr olivei rldsdule ol st andrews church gait intro tliiccd i he speakei rev stitai i sundav being lavutens sundav mi sandv klii mi norman sin clnr and mi smith grill in weievvhn has itinned honu aftei in r chosen liom the three charges i illness ballinalad mtlville and cnui i ml don and misses i inda and chill lo lake the sen ices which carol swukhamei also miss bai weic much enioved mi rieming bara koilon visiietl vuth mi ami opened the seivae and inlro mis chules sascis and lamilv duccd the speakei s i of ottawa ovei the weekend mts ouitv a numbii from the vicim- tlliuled ihe towt suppei at i c hnton sv titkhainei returned t let a v isii wtlh hei dauphler and son in law mi and mis lied giev ami lamilv spent sundav with mi ami mis biuct i tilth ami bev ei it v mis albeit brooks visiietl hei sistt i mis mtmullin ol weston on sundav ballinalad united c inn t h last tritias evemnu mr and mrs clatente dennv tlended ihe 101st anniveisar ol the stone church on suiul tv ew ning dctobci 20 when mrs den n s biot her rtv i at it i eslu ol hamilton was guest sprakei conyralnlilions ir mi and mis duncan i tenting ol biltinilatl on the gillpl a bab uul al genge town hospital last week ti rends ale pleasetl to heal min a damm is dome verv well al let her operation in geoige town hospital ibiibiiiiiibabbs92s take notice j th period ol j daylight saving time for th town of acton g will end on jh sunday october 27th at 508 pm in conformity with the surroundmq muntcipahties which revert lo standard time at fhu time i a duby myr ibiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 4sb watch this space foaj announcement from actpn lions club how to look lovely feel luxurious and enjoy wonderful values too in simulated fur coats by irving posiuns and othr leading firm rom 49 98 cameo specials nylons 59c i gloves a wide st lev turn ot lengths and etilcrs us shown on sale tahk sptctal ihhcr sweaters many sf and colon at shown on sal srand sole price 20 discount colorful gay double knits slkd for all siex ntou 16 98 at vow qamea stapfte vo a of boumci johnson optometrists tues afternoon theirs evening friday morning for appointment phone tr 89972 184 main st milton in llavd davit jeweltery iho0 b ciile tfmril r christian ldti enlioii who gave an inspiiiug and itisiiueiive addivss lsptession ol appicc htlion was hv aixhle scott st andivw s i icspelei the chairman mi t living drive benefits fiverirrarec wllh tome return nil out- laiulinii well ovir j400 hn been uiicn 111 help with mil work ut hit tliikiilim niillnmil itxiluile loi ihe llliml ciniiilimi return vmii he nvuii leil inlet hv mr tom shiekk tlieix were t miliinteei can- vussers ulu dotirlodoor anv stone ailed on kuhinl lliiii i who ueie misetl nmv leave it to mine loiwiul mil iiulttliietl 111 doimilon il the hank ol muni lomplinmrnifv reninik uul ieil ulmh is also hearfnuarvi uskeil linn ins ite whkh is m4 ihe camnsseis keturn itoiu anolhim mhii seliitlon h ml ii nine laiuissus ue still mil- bovle lolloueil mi die ai thin siitulntv ol st anheus chunli uelph thk ls eampiiun taw oui innouiuements al lwrv hxi wr at the itiiiiliimoii of the pio kons in ihe iiiiimiliau- ilm uhu ttrim all ioiiuii in sinuiuii hless he the tie that hiiuls llelleilu linn was in rev c human i 11 ns ill the annual haau hponsotvil h the catholic women s i eapue ol kikkwootl anil otivtu cluuli was well attended in the palish hull ol st johns cluirih last wednesdav eeniny hold mini hat anil take i tleip hivath ol unit line fall air its exailk eiuhl uilks to cluislinas oulik unik tutons has mux ed into its new lihilon next dooi ahvadv specials- eggs our katlrm of the wltk gtadr a medium 21 dozen 129 habitant 3ix vegetable or pea soup 2 for 37c cypratt oariun toi grapefruit juice 2 for 85c blu and oeld isi fancy peas 2 for 35c acton creamery limited main st n 531910 1very tueiuliiy momkig la a apeclal j ca lfl momlnii at acton crranwry mew nn 1ave fnfl piwluc uiiow cost fw1 si shptp m the grazing season is over fall having arrived you have had to return your cows to the barn and feed hem hay and silage on this diet they won t eceive as much energy protein minerals and vitamins as they were getting from grass and sun they will produce less milk because their feed mg will be poorer in essential nutrients this should be the time to give them a balanced ration to prevent any de ficiencyand to promote maximum milk production jlfimieeif dairy feed 16 is what you need it is a feed nrh in energy protein minerals and vitamins a and d necessary for better milk production mfmbmhh dairy feed 16o is an ideal supplement to hay and silage 32 and 24 dairy concentrates also avaiuiu for mixing with your own farm grain uftmut formula feeds a ofvtuom ofmnm milton hoott how mauj umittd tl 12311 ontatto 1j i is