Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 24, 1963, p. 7

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sjwassromr iv cloudy skies photo by w mori ounby hhmrcfmv mfopprng vqfs it eomai ai i bit of turprlw but thr it only about ona more month of shopping dayi foe municipal government com mldnovember officials give an ac counting of their stewardship at gatherings celled nomination meetings sometimes we feel that citizens give more attention to thoir christmas shopping than they do their muni cipal government shopping the positions of municipal leadership that go on the block in anticipation of the year or years ahead are important to the communities they represent in the hands of the chosen leaders are tho responsibilities for municipal direction it is not enough to spend 1 2 months in complaining about an administration it fakes little imagination to be a grumbler and it takes a lot less initiative it doe take mitia live to feel opinion strongly enough to do something about them the purpose of these words is to urge citizens in every municipality within read ng distance to take time to mentally review the pastyear of municipal life in your muni clpality whether it be school board council of utilities commission consider the direc tion it has taken its aggressiveness in meet ing and solving problems then look at the work of the individuals ntruitntl with the responsibility of giving thai administration direction after completing ihr- review ninidiu your own position are you nitufuhp can you offer to take a part in nnxl yrnt s ah mimitration have you quetions you ferl should be answered by the officials ol the past year can you invent a couplr ol hou in hearing the report and participating in the democratic selection of the of in ml of the future it is a time of ynm wlirn each holtl be giving serious thought to his or her own community grumbling next year will not be sufficient to make an effective contnbu- ion to your town or township now while there is still time hetore nomination mooting givr thought to those who should he charged with positions of responsibility in the year ahead encouraqr capable citizens to seek or retain positions of leadership but don t iqnore the situation and let someone else write the figures on your tax bill without hiving plnyi d 1 irl 1 ihis and that the blood donor clinic at the legion tin october jl needs the support of many moie contributors a critical shortage of blood has developed in toronto and supplies have reached a dangerously low point news re ports indicate that blood supplies had reach ed a ipvr where scheduled operations have been cancelled to bring the level ot supply back to a normal point ninny additional donors are needed with dime previously arranged by the legion and indies auxiliary in cooperation with the canadian red doss acton dooi at the dime nent week on thursday october 31 at the legion audtoi um may help to tuinj trust supplies up to normal aim v6t tnrt prevention week hi pa sed into history wo think the prevention pto gt am organized by the hi iq ide has once again proved sikiesstui ll is to te hoped that wijh the week now history tbrre will bo no relaxing o cifiri concern tor tire the almost critical drought we hive expen need make it moot a vt that every pre cent ion is eou sed levpn vent t re in a- ton the wale supply d rsirve ir be 1 maintained mo we vrr 1 the rmal auras wells arc drying tip and f n tiiditios iu potential are alarming lane cllat ion ol a dec r season hi flu county apt tr i it a distiiut posihihty anyoni who hi ni business in the woods 01 on llu t um in 1 i i not adii to trie ha aid a mi this yi tr ehil it i i 1 1 j t 1 it meet pennies or unk hh ii br t all n i n you at halloween the unlctf huh wll le as 1 lalile triroeh the pumk s h i jhe y mens cu b is anaignuj 1 pr jr 1 1 similar to last yeir thi worihwh t r e 1 c tn eclnftnut o be scucejs w h u ie did ire havr be n e ill n j t it unk iff mimbe ot v is tl 1 ii 11 hi si w if to with the olht 1 tie its t the i t ikci sste i br s k f m m who holds en to the ol 1 1 isf is i c 1 ii s good and gr ihs the nw 1 f n it is tertti pilmt i v m ii i nt vv citcem anylii ig 1 if nivrtfit jr k ihec that shall make fec bre k h vs i vh lose 1 1 v selt respect atrt v a t j h 1 ik 1 ifi t ss g 1 i o treats mc in n t i i alcael cr hi w i i i uk lew it p f on the a ct on free press z rumuiwd hv ih nuu fhkim i rwinhin ca 1 ia 1 ihirutti tn l7s amt cmhhvhrd ewrv thuixlav t witlou st avion vitim member ol tbr autlit burru w urtuuiionv thr i v n and th oiurxvqufhn duixton of the ctt jcdvcrtimns rtr o request obnplkn vimr in whance 00 in canada ww in iniiund and oihrx commnnwralih countrm t5 00 in rtie imied staler and oihcr fornn couninc vmijk- ifr 7v auihnnmi a second clau mall ivat tmfkt drnartmrnt otuwa tk fit ptfr mr pomtakml ka acta jb c a tk editormoiitl b ttavid r dllb uanafins edilnr business and editorial of f 1 c e p hon e s 3 3 p 1 0 s the good old days supi mt sjutc 20 years ago teken tromn the i lie of iim prae tbtkrmuy october it j94s ihc masalen daliy lout it good delivery wagon und a quantity of tin- imid lust thunulttv mornlntj when the wheel ol the wuyoi hliilk on chutvh st nnd tlie wu- yun mil lond ol mi iv wn iifitel lome ma wile wu in the wagon ut he lime unit il was loruinuic that jih wochih wuu delivenng 1n the same veiium at thut time utul wait able to exltlcule him iniin the linnet vehicle lite wagon was smashed ivvnmi nnair and i oin was lileiullv cleluuetl in milk miss llael wilsim u n dau lit ul mr and mis thai lis wil mmi main si has htvn appoint ed ttkdkid siiuils4ii at the western hospital in tniuiim one ol the h u linuihk ichhi rlluk l the ecu has bun tin mnnillheiiintf nl the ties lxtucen t anaila aiul llu bi itish isles i i mil llu tiiclitionil ikuuis ol units ti the ha id sulid liund shii l one in in ini anulhei our mimiiin sailms and aliniin liyhlinu in lie i iiioptihi llualii ut upcl at inns ate sole i v 1 1 spoil sihli i hi lams the past ti c eiavs lie licit thi husli litts i dublin ihllii lliai all the il is anil niyllts eit uil k ul all tltt lite it 1 111 u ut ul liclliu le iii i on i iniav exeiunn the nuni ihis ul knux chtnch imii ami llu n 1 1 it ruts nn i at llu manse i ik hnspitahle home of krv und mrs thomson miss isabel an eh i sun tead iwq beautiful nrtic addle sees to lun re e e 111 hlleus mis hues at el swilc i unci mis nn man hi tyhl i lie cc ie pie siui culi iitis h mi w 41a ii sun mm mi ules miss h i ul vi i nad an aildiess ul milceit ippire la tl in in mi i j salt who has hvt n uiyanist am ehon it ulelui mans miis mi ada n ii piisiniltl mi sail with a ill mis ules also presented mi sill eilha lviiiiil nl hah nniiii llu tunings aitanc nn nts wile in ihiiti ul mis i auikisttn issislitl h misses mutant me ill ill ami jute es m rmlt annuiiik i nit nl iv iiiiik iuihiii ii nils llusceiik iii i he aiiadiall h imphiii mildm and he at tun i tie lu ss ol in puiliase ut i hi inuliaii c hampiuii h a hills nl aelmi uhn will assume junl htoilup ami nwnaishlp ul tin iwn p ipt i s altei nov tin ik i i wrun du canadian hospital ship iak nlelstin disked a l hah i ix last thnrsilas ciitniut j h 1 jla loi was one ul the plsselleis 50 years ago taktm fron tha imam of th ivm km tburwlay octob is itlb the firs real mid weulhrr ol the teethon tame wilh the present week the low temperature ami the hrwiwriurnefc were a ntmlndei that winter is coming the usual period of indian summer is still looked for howewt an interesting incident ol land ly hrslorv was the baptism sn suiidwv inornincj hv re 1 0 dianei in the milhodisl lumli ul the in vf hum nuns ol wllhim mcnahh und nell mc nahh ho wer ae the giwul old fashioned nimes tjlven un aichlhald 1 ho mas tameion and colin mc ki n le mrjuhn i itluiei luis tuspuktd ul his espicss ami eattaye btisi nets in ml nelson i muuie whn u 1 1 ai inn last up inu ami c ho ins ken lui scetal niuuihs uilh messis hiattn hi us 1 1 lyiis mi muurv uill look will ill i llu in teicsls til ins piimns mi ul mis moult will k inidlalb ui i corned hack in tin old honii mr lluoll wilts is aildliil i si uk and isi th pai umnl lulus store u nil the usual assni iiihiii ul nnil mil list ltd 11 tit lis llu op niug will take plait on s thu u mi a m miriictmin ai lun mil with unilnini mil ytaiilsnie mleiiss with his twiivt noli pi i illltu 111 the ilillelllllltil i i iss ai ik ai inus iikii i an s this i all online m iny al ail on in won lot pi les hi i a i mil loll eortft town ami kiukwimit all ol the points win ie hi mmpi u d he has tcin ullind a ii it nip ling pitce lot tins line t ii m mi mal reimilh a man iilmh d and paid lot t nutm in tin ainph ii vilcl holt i lot a lest in tin alt t nimii tile ll mit tkid awav wilh two mills ul tlnlhis iniin huaitl us rounis i in man was t mifhl al hestrunln im an old tin nun milted thiu it num i nut i had alsu hruken tulu t tilw i siiiitinns al i impthlbilli fun whin and mollat id was sintcii ml lo t iiiiil leini in llu pi nili n tinv lla sttlli n lioiihs wete i pit ssi d torn kingston link to ampbelhilli tin soil has hui i ithi i ih tot fall plowing hul a iolii in i ihau usu il lias hw pb is i cl ihc deer ininlinli si imhi uptns i ui i k i mm iu m n nl i 1 hi i u tm i s aie now husv with ilun put ilo inip tli minimum silu loi itnal fistniisteis is in be lueliasid iniin to vt a e il st m i il ttuiusaml ptupk will n alleiled kyuaimujav news akwno district miiios miki lidwilhnl miltmirolai- luh has u in n until hi in i miuiihii iml will piesnu ui tin vt hih kotii disli it 1 i i i c ii hiinmnl iul stiiniihi mik is i iihiiui 1 im ihtol iiusn hospitil ihiuim m ison ehuih ddu and sunl hil mip i ml mlt nl mil ha mimi on uiuis im ml- and loinuutl is in lumtil hi scmiiuinin ptnil loinuutice whuh iu pusiiiih h ids 111 ki lil cuuihillor line si iiuusmc iosmii his ii nti iu m iu ills i i i in iu t iki i mhe i nuinu ip il t ii tiiuis i ist m k w tun m u mis i id i lohiistom in i mis i mi iv uu m 1 1 mix iliiliinl tins uoulil mik louniil si its ill th eiutuu cote tlohll itms l m iih in ami vm u ui um d lui s v in i illiiils i tin oipulmtiit ol iviitkv piodinlkiii miiisv i iu bill i n i ml lllit di uioiisliilii t tin iieolutiiinux w vim lsu ciiipluu i iv wnk ituu upinions will iik tn i iilu i ui is i i iilui ti th pi iili t mpl t t s i hi i nuilhmn ll mil i iltsiiu n uh i si ilui ihswh n llu iiii ill pi nil sil iium it m t w h i i ii im il i niisi dm iniip iiiv to pt j t i mil iu mil i ii i it met i i i hkwiimus iwmivkiv ttl iiimiii nh lh i i i in vt t n ii i i mi k i iu ii ih out o i i nihil i ntie it hi impt 1 h i i ti ii h us ln hi xh hilioii nl kith nil in i link piuiiiis llu hih is i m i iiiuhnio piiiuin i uli i iihiili hiuklidi h hh i ilu m i si mk 1 siiiu umiiis uiiludiut rdnrm i iiuui ns mmisi mi ml m nssriin whit s tv ui jn in tin im i h 1 i i n lt ml kltl ki h diiili 1 tu l n irtiitins lh t i t i i in 1 tuji n h mi oktill uil 14 m- ins i i is i ul r mi n i siiini h 1 it fi t t in i i pi i i i m hi ii 1 i in moil in st ws tijuis pnviril it n n n ilt s m n nun i itiui is nttxsux lor lv hit pns h 1 w n i s t t sn pupiu iiiimsi iimui jsopimn whut it diheiriue a lew wjln can make in thin country it js no wonder ihul canadian i at iv on i deep lintfermg tongue- 1iicl love ullaii with their nn live land and llu v do ikdieie me lhi do idlhouuh vchid never know il horn casual ohservu ftun 1 huv miv rally to mm idj mcxieo and lurone hill most nl them would he wulbrvond imluiaijcr it lliey wereiihudilen l told thev utie to he hininh ed foiivti hum canada about i iliiii witks itjo we diow oiil iu visit hiends it llu- 1 1 loitili it was llu lush ixisomv i ml ot sumnu i and the eve lilllli an was 1 iiisk i wi slowed lot hiss i in hi uilii ami tlu evu piistiit tvti inttnl atililtis ivei tit with piliniti at the black huh nm and i hi buds thnii k il mt hit hoys ki iimphul alou i in hi at h lfoleli ll ljllls w tiki d mil hi own uicllins pjiddliil anil lal indus slump i d in tit l k t haii s and it t n ilt i lonkiil soplnsiii alt d and tlotfs i in ovei sletpinu old li nth nu u and x op if waved i ml wait i lapptd ami mutui s niiiid anil hoi i toys stiulkd r win n wt a i i hi d mil 1 1 it mis i hi ait i tloi n ol tin in spiawl nl iimli i a ist siuhinu pint in i dt inkiiili i liillt d sunt 1 1 m ami limy i p k t ihililun and nun tiom iihiiiiiin iu haul i lit di llliepit ills pnwle 1 and stpiabhltd ami be lijed bites ol pickh ami di mandi el one last sccim ami liulthnl and 1 1 led mil m i linn dial i s and lxthe i i il llu it 1 1 nuns out oi i tin like llu sun tluiosi loiu hail a motm nt ol hvsie na slashing mini caioss tin sk with tin iciiuity nl a van miyh and ihc watt i ask comet address o drivers u is vniu toiled aildiess nil uui ill nets llu iu i u lull i now llu lh pai inn nl ul liauspoil is pit paling in sunt in oti l in ill tin applui lion in m tul ntli in xi dllil s hiiiiti ll is a in w tvpt- nl hum willi oiii ii inn pi in itll nn it uhdei fins uvw system it i mule impoi lanl titan e vei thai llu depai l nun i have tlu unlit address lor t t r ilnwi said hon itwui ilsk ll oniuin mm isle i ol i anspui i am dl iv t i who has ihanyiil his additss and tlis ituliotliu lo advise tilt dt p ii um nt should ilo so minit di ili h to i iisuu thai in ii it im s lus ippln iiuui lotin im his m xi jin tu its iiw i ilitvii is iiipiutd tn notrtv tin l p it i nu nl o a c li inn iddiiss within six i i s sp id i it uis i this put post ut n nl ihu al all hi liki isiuiic ulhi s i in in utiiil l ipp n iliou hunis will i turn h oulaiius in w v 1111 ll iltmis liullui this m ill hi in tlu li iiiiiioii to h i his h nn s th il will h v ilut ll t till i iis hid w ill ih m i w ihl 11 i h lilt i s h lh i iii sign up be a furrow queen plowing championship on tap for sat little international iluv v ill it 11 ill iii- liltu 1 uiltljllulal i ku nt s w t inn n in ssi in 4 i nvju s1 7 ssn up wiu hr tn vii if tvisttn tin mini il ii tit in l t pli w ng nik h i i iv tiiimtx r ot tntfus iti- cxpeitid to plus in thi t iht ivailihu viinms vhiv h uk iciek loinur plows n s si open in ill it ktois tn ys ipen to aft ipni umiinktl pi iss rei lummi or min mmin j pl tr is tor numnud pkss uo oi moix ttu rivs lldlon tinn tractors m vt n the i nri it vine hiimr i lihtx c iss tun or thri futeosss mjlton tn and ihx itthtor utilmx ilass oprn u all i ash pucs plus trophies tll n prrsvntril in the winners o jh lss t a banquet in the monk hall milton i ol rowing the mutih mxrxial teatnrc it thix vrr s mrh wdl be ihr srljrctina ot hahon tountvs okxxi nf the furrow tor i9m mi iaantc finttw ol jul 1 hornby wma this vr ir s ki n i r the mints 1 hi winner ui the umlol will ils h inn hitk ed at th h m ili iitd sptakei it in sin ijuei nil he voi gr s ikns ri tin um bttmckast ivpat tnwnt tt uk c b st nles max of r r iiimtisx is prrsnk nt ot tbi h 4 1 ton t hrntx putupriin s sstk latton his vcit hi r rviuiivi m m si rs irkhnli lirvt i nt 1 love mj mond x iec pre suit nt i i unmnyhatm nxteun fr mint j mien i ran is lwn ours prriievnt lebrrt miimrll ojki past pnrsidrnl j h tax kr the dirv tors are r stsin john rrarww cljitnnl s rtf gie strth jthn fcdscm ntikrh prddir odixilte camrron mar shall thus howden jack mreh mrnt frank hall burhngiutv rov knenton bmck ham rrutn gunhx and nmvobxsxj rorvr svxahrt sam finnic sr robert hurrm and rou gordon the amjcialc dirvcton are keith lttlwr william ravner ed seg- worth and uoyd stoax ii lh in lixuu ill k i vfml i iv 1 1 ilnri tot s arc hugh i i i i i km n j i villi tt f mot m ir i pi k t h in m rr mr i ihrm m ss rh sirn rr wlltl i i stri on bits urtir mom x innmnt rg to j7l vicn mill n prrmiilrd in tlw cmiiimts s vst 11 as vestril aluahn t tirphu s in itu imi i th furrox iiniol im s mis must he at nasi lr t i nlel atj ml have r i i i 2ih hirttidix sv s ixrmhrr i lv married or single an1 rrstdnij n a farm n 1 1 aj un c on n r the vs i n nc r 1 1 1 si rlvhle to rrprrsent hallon jt the in4 intt rnalmnal rksitr- vti h to sr held m rvtertxcr ih runr contestant ur thr till xp prxt a three minute addrtrsx on thetr knowlrdfr o plowing ed xsill also he rrquired to display thetr plcrxns ahdrtv the wihnrr vxill receive many prun ard voucher from merchant in ihc county darkening ll hke looked up tonftlntfty and i ho urn flung u utrtisi it disdainfully a lew matlei and gold- xivameri and we loonafd in xhtnln and hart feet shlrttcsii and word lens too iujv ami content to gel i und go in even wium the tun ook u deep hrxath nnd went down like a homh itwuy mil al live end id llu wulei i ike tpvod cunudiuns we ui it pled the splendor ol ihe eve nlng wjth decent lestralnl no- ixodv sang u ronnel to he set ting sun nohodv wai impelled to slnu u dhfle lo dying mm uitt it wiis admitted upon thi uiginji ot a nhiple ol ihe t i no if llumlvnyunt types thai it sine was u xwell nluhl he ime we gullurxhl llu kids und unit home lust tin ntlut nnjhl we hi ul hie k to the sutne neach jor din ju i with some ti lends ut llu ti ullage the uit was atrly cm tiling the car heilei tell ljikmi when we remind tlie little hntltli there une no tuhertnen hut ui slopped lo look at the lite gold sun on ihe utile lilac k tlvii and high itvviv up went mil i uiveiy v ot geese i lovilv siht alnnu tlu luaih iheie was no stun ol tile steely wjici tnnmd irecni lumped islunds sikii sand hlaik und hlue sky collages hoaided up und hlunkliued ll wm imvely and hleak and heatitllul whin we came lo the milage avvav dmvn ihe shotv ttmcl and saw ihe yellow llglttx shining it wrttogondf ruling iiuldo theiv was a cjient glowing tlie n warm ueknme liietullv laivv utul the good licit smells ol mtfee an j iinkiv und jui tinned women and uudn like t lee nil cana dims nivlvutk made any mide tematks ahmil wlml u hemitl lnl evtuing ll was hikv lucky wt win tu live tn this demi ptiaitlsi or amthlnu ns tntxlgn mil senltiuiutal us that we insji stulted mirsi ives wild hhi mil dunk and weill home ma v h wi ill had ton milih llllss aimin william wiltivd amplu it ami aichlhald lamp man win n we vven lit se hoot miivhxe we ie list unttemoitfttta is no na this erth ihul lovi s its eiiuntty u tuihlt ami sinus uimuii il so little tlial s why im iiolng to tng out unce in u while however 1 1 at kid the voice or corny lite tune ui inn nt he audience muvhe i can incite inniilih hnptt in inim ul leait a epiai tet llhlll will tl l i v miivhxi- we ie list un vtije hul suiily thert ffiin on the luce ot professional direaory and travellers guide mroicai rtlnfjial dirrctmi dt da gabretu phylilnn and ndrgnin outer ul willow anil river si inlrancr river si aclon onl phorw 113 0mi dp robert 0 buckner pliylllan antl surneon l wclllntflon si at ion onl nmnr 153 1240 dr t b moore phylclan and surgaoa 2 main slrwl worth coriirr main and mill slreel allan ontario plmne is12ii0 ductal dc h if ib denial surgeon lllne torwr mill and i irtleru k slrrcl omkc hour hy aprmtlnlmenl tolephonc so6l0 d a j buchanan denial siirneon iflue w church si p oiiilc hotir 9am lo a p in closed wednesday afternoon telephone l 17v dc cedric dtv dental surgeon sun so 1 llihlon lllilii 17 mill si i anon out i or appoinlmrnl itlplmhk imivn lktal c f ieatheri and q c- rjrnter and soluiior noljiv piihlu ollae lloui iu a m i p m i p m 5pm sliucuv by aprinlment only phonr jilkr isvhw1 hr hsji74s acton a brai0a ba rjrnoer solkilor molary puhlic ofricc httun in acton undy friday ewninji p m p m saturday i pm i p m n paile st rirlph ontario ptionc ta 42241 office heur in ulph saturday 9am 12 am daily ajs s pm kaplan t oro barrtstrra and suliciton sidney kaplan and ioha d cm dc ii manttaomrw unad s carrctal tvuldmc gaorsctmva t77m cmmmwi da wo w gomn 0 c yoat strcl comer ot arthur yota sta offlea hour bj bm17i phon mifllv nlihl or day llrtkc i miormakrr algr ortomhtwigtit e lbuchner od oplntrlat contact tiikei hearing alda n john st s acton in a ion wednrtdnyi only 2 ik pm a 00 pin 742 ma 7 lor appoinimeni phone 11v 1041 if no anhwer phone waterloo arthur a johnson im milll si mill hi ii iomi dms 1- ijn 1iimi ik vl72 m 1h h7 i 111 vlljx al ll i iiijiiik i inirvi i vi mnim i mtiv moi iiincjs apfhiiiiiw and imubancb f t wright 211 wilbur si ai ion ontario phone a1ct720 apprur himi inauranca over v yrara in attoa aihiiitut donald f kinnp maiih mmii i a mill stir i snile j a ton li irptmum m274l illni- lloui hv appoiiilmiut in 11 mvrhiiik mt poll i til j u awh ttavtum ounw gray coafh unel loatnrj ijiavk arroai sllul oil flio rftii livi klotx i 2 i l i atthrjund a u am daily emept scjn ami llol l imim dally rtcrpt sat son ii hul lvprrk jl m rim ii u jm m p m sm pm ft t p m iii p m 10 4 p rn vm twl llol 1 wetnhind 7 17 a m dailv ruepi sf sun llol 10 77 am 127 pjd m7 pm 7pm 777 pm 1ij pm im pm 102 m st only canadian national pa ll ways vudou- ilunjri sun 0t 27 k hound v am to tnrnnto tlujf irri sat mnti sun m to turttrifn ian riarpf sun k2 a m liailv rotrpt sunda fd mwta direct cnnnrrftf fur fjstrrn sntmd ru 7 42 p m lo txnto dajk eicrp hundar 01 p m tn toronto sunday otv 1 i0a7 pm to tomnm daily board at gmrpttown oaty wihnurvl s 91 m to stratford duhj e or pt sun li pra to stratford itaity except sat and taa pjn daihr eacrpt soatday 1249 ajb to stratford daily sai

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