Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 24, 1963, p. 8

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jfc acton fraa 9mm wwmd ow u lft scarce plowing rain badly needed on farms ham at badly needed oulle a ntaaangr are acarce of waier and k to wryttlfkull lu plough jjcaw iwwtfctg th afternoon meeting of the ucw- uia held ill ihe home ol- mr cnuir mr tom clbsun presiding mrs lovd hurt gave tac ibuluo a still small voice minute were read bv mrs coin mcboery tr bushiest was droit lh tw rtadmrfaiial rallv l lo he hvd ill mllkvfc united chmvh tfcuwdy ry la africa lunch mm aerved hv mr tom olven and or ttev akd metean nmsl by lh an cougrvlulallons lo mr and mm warning an lb safe ttr- rival of a baby dauaalar the srvkvi tut sunday morning in balllnabut united chun waa taken hv lavmen mr norman sinclair mr ala kler and smith griffon tw lurkay winner was held on tanv4ayohcr hcgiunitig lwv lhl d wan will ma in ta morning with poi luvl ceyalul tencst roll call was nnswered mr and mr robi mcleiv ava lcnksglvlng wis vwwfl wllh mrs asklit and miss the tank bv mrs gibson was helen on sunday mm aklll has in iks form ol n leiler wiitlen hv been quil iii but it well nil th law lames klrfcwood a mission lyvavio recovery 100000 visit halton plow match display the tremendous wrmi of hahmis display ul the interna tlonal wowing match at caledon ihaf attracted i00mw visitor lo nve county lent was outlined to memhers of halton ciwnlv coon ell al thvlr meeting fa wcdncs day v official host jack apmsuwig qaorgbinwn reported many la- vorahle cnmmcnii on ihe county eusplay and one call indicating ihe tnierest ol an industry in lo cating in halton he reported the inquiry was speedily dealt with through ihe e mo communica tion art up to the countv build- ins lo milton through this the 1 blood saves lives ie i kllmi nioi rrrai la i required information iwnl i fn the firm the day the request was received i weve got a selling iob lo do this was nn important effort he suggested udvising the county to i participate with display in ony i other similar types of event i mr armstrong praised the qualiiv of ihe exhibits stressed lie need tor action in displays und noted packages of matches distributed had gone to south africa united suites and aus tralia to name a few of the places the county approved a mntion sponsored ty deputy reeve a phillips oakviltc praising the ct forts of the industrial committee in organizing ihe display and those who manned ihe displavs during the event large flocks of geete lying nv- ir the district on monday indi cated a change in the weather thats an old indian lgn appar ently one country resident saw four flocks in quick succession monday morning and the temper atures started dropping right af terwards warm weather return ed wdnesduy though this sundays church calendar acton tartst chimch convention of ontario at quebec potior rev stanley gammon- ret 11 tldey ave ph 8svi6i5 sunday october 27th iai 945 am church school or all ages 1100 muming worship in view ol his return 700 pm evening worship ader thcev wednesday 7 10 pm prayer meeting and uihlc sludv 8w pm choir practice friday 7u pm bill the bible suvs while tile eirth remaineth seedtime aiul harvest cold and heal summer ami winter and day und night shall not cease cen 8 22 rockwooo immamuu ubu chict iauocialed gospel churches of canada s rockwood pastor ray wiseman sunday october 27th im 1000 am sunday school 11 15 am morning service 700 pm evening service olwiua mw mab a mcttmino rxeenlly a larrje narth mover levelled off a taction of iha ground at acton parks hoard made a start at mnking a playground area for the children thara yh parkland it locatsd off mowbray place and the y- mens club offered to attitl in a recreatibn program by supplying somi eqinisment patus board memljers are hoping the ievllin0 program can continue in the spring unit thi- entire atia i mnlabln for aplayground itsilttaxskemtv- glorious record of lome scots tku u the eighth in a aerie of article dealing wllh ihe his tory of ihe lome scot shemrxb park training camp the lome scot training baila lion under command o li col t e snow royal canadian rcgi ment and major w r lcnr 2 jc assembled at sheffield park east surrey england and form ed into six companies of lour platoons uach numbered 1 lo m n june a o2 over 00 from all ranks march ed into camp but with addition al reinforcements over 1250 ol all ranks were on slrenyili at the lnd ol ihe concentration a company was formed trom 1st armv defence cuv under capl v 0 h phillips oflicer capi j w drcnnan li t and erson lt r b cole 11 j rohb lt d h andrews and lt r r kellv b coy was formed from 1st can corp defence cov commanded bv maj f h cliis holm wllh capt m t mcalpine lt c w darling lt j m con over li d a reid lt s r charters yl w burden and lt e j lawrence c coy was formed from the tour platoons or 1st canadian division commanded bv mnj i g pollen with ma w o slockdale lt c f richardson lt s t strathv li s bcattv lt c d beutiy and lt k c campkin d coy was command- ed by major h g pcacok with cnpt j m burgess i l- e w dodd li p b barber lt e j norris lt r c richards f cflv was rnmmsnril bi jvisleil n avanoo baptttt church and toronto bible college students present 3 special sunday services october 27lh 19s ms 11 am 7 pm acton mntkostal tararnacu jj churchill road paoc rev s m thoman pastor 852715 sunday october 27ih ixil 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning service 00 pm evening service ueadav 8 pan bible study and prajrar thursday 8 pm christ ambav tadorv great services are in progress wtth dr a j toivev mid week services toesdav thru fruaav and sundays you arc cordially invited ymca wilson trjnity church the utulad church of canada minister the rev dwight i engal fl bd organist mr george elliott ma phd sunday ottober 27th lst divine ser kes 9j0 am masonic thuich pu ade 1100 am curtxiialc worstiip nursery vluring ii osluik icrvice loi toddicil the chlrch schocu 9j0 a tu seniors gtudc si and p- 1 loo oiu juniors ptschuol to grade a youag adults 17 and older natel at the chuivh at 7 w v shall know the- truth and i ta irulh will make you tree m special music words ol witness biblical messages nursery facilities all sunday services in pastor rev james h 4532016 come and bring the family tht church of st altam thi martyr amoijoan corner willow and bower i rector i the rev d h weit bjl lst 185 jeffrey ava phone 1532694 slnday october 27th ift3 trinity xx laymens sunday 900 am holy eucharist 10 u a in church schotil 10u a ui morning prawr address b mi geo lee 7 tti pm evening service wednesday october jo 8 pm ciingtvgational meeting avthjjr christian riw church acton ontario si nday october 27th utt 1000 am english service 230 pm dutch service 3 45 pm sunday school everyone moat watcoate presrmrun church mai c t sharpe with caru w brett lr c w barclay lt i- a tiltson li v k harshaw and li k c cross major i r barber ll w e ward lt j p plowman lt e j lawjencc and ii m i grav companies i also alleildini were ii 1 r black ii i l tixideiliam 11 e vv ward lt r i coddid ii c w armstiiiiie aclin capt land adhllanl ii m itiil iikk 11 w linr and i i w leach rsm hrown ol ihe scuts guards was allaihed as rsm the training consisled ul iliill roiile iiiiiilus truss cnunliv running rinc piuliits and ijiiaril luniiiilinl 7he lriilnni was insrkcled hv various person alilies ins liului h 1 gen b i milileoliktv rirual hlkei ciiiiiiiiaiulinc sun iii iaslcrn ciinimand the nnil jispi eil inlv m im2 canada supplied a division lor ihe allied imves ul otvltpa- linll in fierniaiu alter ihe arm istice the third division was chosen anil ihe lorne scots wte authorized lo lorni the defence plalkmis lir ihe 2 7lh 2lli and 21h htigades- on june ih im the remainder of ihe canadian army was deninhilied personnel were moved iriim miil lo mill in ordir thai ihe older cadres might he retnrrrrd home tirvtas lranskirl became available cn tulas arms was viradiialk htoven up iranspiirlcd home anl llu- 1 personnel discharceit the defence platoons were j disbanded ihe 7lh plaloiin on i april 4 l4f 2lli on mav 14 imo and fiiialh ihe 28lh on june ll 194h lorne siots personnl had vervetl vvilll distinction in j north alrica sicily ha and 1 eliithw europe inim dinne rockvvoqp iornf scots peel duffcrln i halton regiment canadian army mllllla 1946 li 11 cnl n i powell assumed command ol ihe second reserve battalion oii lehriiirv 21 i94a the unit was disbanded and the i lirsl ralliliun the lome scuts c a reserve was reaclivalcd wilh ll ul c t sharp- pd iotiiniiiuhiiii as ul niivenihei 15 iuft j the entire ollicer slrenclh ol j the second reserve battalion i haviiii resiciieil new ofluerj slieifllh was ohlained ironi ulli leers who hatl servevl wilh the i active anm these were maim l e ii clusholui as 2 ic capt s r thai lers ailiulanl capl at- unit- kenip k inv oakvlle and hiiilinilon capl rolxi i lulv tm inv genelowii land mill mi and rsm wm palmer leliiedand was replaced hv rsm ted ching seeking water on valley road in lite continuance ot dry mm i her water sunply u gelling scarce in ihe dltirkl vyotd is uolun uiiaind ol well galling low home people fimi other ileal hv plaies are coining down the vulliv road lo gel sonic nun- ply ui ihe old spring al the mod slile the rmkwvml hnvftcoiiis luid their apple dav naluttlay anil hv siitunlav rukhi ud disposed of their lot ul the town hall on account ul thi i0sl ami versaiv setvlces at lite hiojtc chiiixh cenllc inn there was tioseivlce lu llic lltiiled ihuiji- heiv rev paitc leslie ol lluinlt lop was guest minister for the day jotlhe evening setvice tin guelph masiinlc choir was pres ent to assist in the anniversary occadon turkey supper motidiiv evening in the absence ol mrs john freeman organist for ihe pres byterian church mr wllberl freeman supplied for ihe morn ing service a group of bov scouts and leadeis from onl ol the village were present iluriim ihe seivue al ihe presbyterian church sunday alrcniooii n large tium her of minor vehicles of former years were nul iced in parade on main si their presence was quite a contrast in aulos of pres cnl dav use whins the mailer wllh nconk usin tfllie sabbath day lo indulge tiy woitclly wavs tar loo much eonlormlng to ways of tbe world ol canadas 4592100 occupied dwellings as ol may i9m 3053 000 were sinyje detached houses and l2fvfifmk were apartments or hals robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optomftrists formerly e p head hon ouelph ta 43071 sr si oaorpa squara i seethe tournament of international jumping ilu kxupsitin ol giniinv a lu if iuinibtr il i ik i s senrni in tirmus st ill tpptiiminiis anil tunning csiablishiiuihs in canada fiil1hh1 atitl cmil rruruil furopc ah0n curling club getacquainted dance friday october 25th 1963 legion auditorium 9 00 pm johnny tochers orchestra iiomt 1unch rar facuitif s tickets 125 royal 10 show november 15th to 23rd the finest horim nd horsemen from argentina germany ireland united stales and canada compete for ihe only inttrnational champion- ship contested annually in canada il the uouunti am backi the famed musical rid of th afi roval canadian mounted police is another ol the manylhrilli t youllvexpenence at ih royal horse show the irtil uf tie wiles of men lug in iihiihi hon wllh i hi pun narahlp in the iospel plan hvv rmgiiii ihree ilitmhes the pres hylarlan unlivd ami aiigllthti are lulng ilu plan ttttlb hv tlttlk piho a poco hill hv little the italians sv its ginhl phrase lu retiuinlmi where phv lol kselllon conceined vniir heart imindalloir savs ii vim lead a scdeiiiuiv hie ge lulu tondlllon hi a poio liefnre allentpllng slreriiious poil since ii47 canndlam have do naled sit million hollies ol hlxxl lo the cunudlan red c lire blood transfusion setvlcu victory dance held at legion the rihwrwiilv vkttiiv ibiuv ul hk iv hull ijhi iihiiviiuv wu u ilvttnani uffulr ulundtit hv utwmlt 100 llirvlimm iktu wflv iht tltll iltlldklilli iiiuf kiii uml mi kfir ami mi uiul mi iutvd tlmniimjjii1 tcjl ilu fvlab iay iwfvti liiitv ymiumi lkt ahuh lallmi artnn primdini itiiv kvitius wrlitimittl hh yiuup nul mi is 1 1 iun hrilw hi k flv ivifulnn vvii jn itu- mu sli ol lilt ik imiuaitit atlifi i ilu itt- i il imm lui inn mi ril iatiil wit hs usb this form to ordir vouft tiokiti nowi hoyal aomcultural w1nti r paik royal colttwum toronto 2s can aluifrioon nurrsban of totil ltuilv nov 10 ri 11 50 satndjy nov 3 ii iim numtmf ol imtt wm u i3m is i knrvo t vdrtrnly nuy 20 triufxuy nov 1 frotv nov 22 satcirouy n 23 nov 1 rxlsti lrsd ct4si tn i namt addnf i cty i i0ti aflammmt i i lf iv firiniml j all mioal caol mhu trt j mumjfwt7il i all irts v j la i j httaaa lr i cktm all irmfn ivi aartl i ll latl j vfir j a4tm1 fai ia j tid iiu i l i alkat ar 050 for just itt down you cam but a as l3t f knox okakaa avcton rev andrew u mckcnaie bjs bj auruuar mr e a hansen ba oramntat and caoar uaalar slnday octotirk jtl 1s s 4 am church school i0d0 am minister tn ar bible chua 1100 jn laymen service junior congregation meets during sertnoot saturday oetokct 16 a45 pm youth fcuosstaip bukaling party everyone meal wtkontt monday ihroufh friday th- hright ww tly fraturis four lihghl sthtions in ivirv dition w lirls hiilrtainmn nd a lirifht new mftmn de- voi i lh- wonderful world of omn inmsi saturday he lnv in new tvivnlllihrii with nn srirl and worntrs faiuris fm ls wikrnl maca7in- a ui- uiiur onm mvlinti 11jsih1u1 i ii v itir aliloid ssliin showcask iirrr jr li-i- i- riinanlic vrli f entemunm r and rulure movies television thare ik dnin and dancing 1 1 s di your u re aikenil tely every day i brighter when oj rj- the bright neu telegram se for youratif the telegram tbrontnn bright newpapm lejifeao jiiml itexjlnjk

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