Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 31, 1963, p. 5

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t sports biat rixy rr t hi i i lain i th acton fr pf it thuraday octobar 3 lit 1 963 new uniforms i iliktiilnii k 11 in i nut ouch uf llu uiiiii 1 c vyll s l ii i slllip mil luuspapil td hf ror voii6yddll t llnrli s hnil uluv dkid hill vl in llu ii iu u iimlni ms jusi nun i pi lid tluh liiliaininul mllri ll i y uu s unit ipadt t a i hawlllaatin or georgajftwn raider inlothit woaah dhdrlvl intermediate loop would algjtal one of the rituml tuuiwtnii in hockey here aliic ih duyn immediately followlnu ihc lum win liiiumown rtvalriea are urc in incrttaac eapeclullv imiwmii the loumu re pnttenllnu ihe nnrih malum irlunulr of oorutiowii aiion uml mlllim it wtmnl loo lotiji ago when u uuiiw huiween thou lumn win u urenrc utlruilkut ii rlllud ihe rink m llu- nificri in ihiv nwd to uy in the palmy 40 when n uiiht uiffiis were filial tn met flowlna with iitliutyi from the patron today when vouvt ull in ell loud hotkey in iiimrwilhnn with varjoua other enijrlulnmeni nvxlii few twinm tire utile to ufliiul the luxury or plnving leant with poor ilruwlnu power and fiirliinuie ly forumtip nu of the wo a a heres mil n pout trnm in llu- urmm rfuiidud hv ornniievllle duffeilns wlui iiiill iiifulnuie likely in fmhtrmi thr hend orfhe ilinmthrotiarrtotntrmnfl perhmt plvcm fam cheltenham hiirvfulitrx nnluni atlnn tanners much improved millon chbrtin vnnny ilnru ruki uml ihe nuw guoriiutown entry whleh ahmildnl haw loo rmuli irouhle rounding up u uinlendliiu taunt the leaiiue l probably oih of ihu hem inlet mediate irmip in ihe provlnu im aeluet viummm beaded hy new coaoh mull junior mmmmmi ll going la he doubly imtmirlenl the leant ha better uum wrtrt hm executive and cnaeh at working on ihe pnthlum attd mm umimr htri on nwmihr und ihould mm how wall thty iuinrirl lor 11m tww coach lii also ntn lo h u bnalbhh lo kaal hl old ulnh and lorn nwlaa of 17 ym lhoaa morifalown halrfara bay bit any hockuv plnvit inluruulud in pluvlnu fm ihe tcinnors iiiih uuuin nrr unkiil in phnni cimut fil fnniiii in ihv07 in huh mnnihlill ill hivhm vruill w niiiirinl whin ih rimi prnulic will lllkr pluco rluht now ii iikius ilk ii will hi- tmlv item wiok hvfnrv ihe lie in rundv in lit cnnmiiinliv cmiin mtiton chariaa hud ihulr linn wnrkmil siindnv ami icwml ncu fucen well in iinllnrtn railalratlon fm llir alton inilusyiinl hockiv liiiiiiii is thl- siiiiiiiiv nliilil i tout 7 111 m ik put in llu inmmllnllv iiiilrc all pluvii4 in llu men whhlnu in pluv liidiihituil hockxv hhniild raululti lhi sundav lilt liiigur hnpi m pliv ilk find tiiitnis hi fnllnwliiu wivk 1 liitr will lit linm lour in liiam in ilw leaiiuu ililn uvimin depumllnu mi how nninv iiiilsim ico llmt cuiilil ht iliiutiitd litis stiihim in nllow itmsl nf sundav ivdiiinu fur the himheni trlcounly liiimi jii f on plm anil nomllta wiiltinu for llu no in no iii tin inmtnnnitv iiiiln tin wurr whtdiiltil in pluv mil tiusduv in aiintt hv liitim- tlutiint hul li phnni mil in millon his pnstpoiuil llu dull iinill tin iiitns iould huvr n linst uni pi ui i in 11 cam k au cammaiuaal dead stock 107 down 50 cars to choose from walnut ranch ltd thi yfcwountv hockiv auocution ixkuttvi mt mlh tscoid row left to right art town rprienialve v wl the luqton hill milton on sunt my shown in the front row iir i of orenoevih bill kmrjhl of alton h stefenyk of guelph treaiurer jim brockie of oiltvillo firtt vice pretidenl arnoldain pflrton ol milton tom mif t ittmm tm kimiti qf mcduffft of milton anrrrtriry bill liiirrfll of oiflfiipton prlint meiphr d jfvr of goro don munio ai otlviwn bop pnllarton of hrnnipttin eroncl vice prntidont jot o krnfvn i vorn ujwuki of prrbtnn mid l- mih ai hrtinf ton and tfnrd of hespslnr and put pic itlent rrd hrtmmond of 0kvill in vur- pnv ufcfit don caifdim of oakvilln georgetown raiders accepted into seven team woaa i r i4 ii dm iillli ol llu in 1 nl ihu lit t piiiini is mult ol ih si i nt i iu kit r 1 til s unit utuli f a nuti i t it nnpions iltti tlltuinu tjinl iua lisl i lldit dm inii ui tshihiiion uinn in slit lull i ai loll 1 i 11 ll i i iii lltl u iii l it si iii liti y nil i stlilllllnii i u s nut i itlll mi in ol 111 ttt k ilottllttt llu millon lints 1 i in i in si ull ol iii vtlli iliitnllf i ihtlill loin ninl nl silliilil il loiit lint ii llu a j i in n k tti i 1i11i mil ol ih wiissa nun n t 111 1 iim 11 mi si iittl i ilnsl 1 11 yi lottn itso 1 oiu s lo 1111 til 1 tl i 1i11111 mil imi i 1111 vs il iiiki osloil i inn 1 1 nut il slim i ii 1 lotto tt ill 1 pi s 111 iii ilisii 1 1 111 lli 1 wossa 1 oil 11 1111 111 ii liulpli dai 111 ii tt llllllnl ills lllt ii 11 ill i ll iii i iii kl ll itt it i pi pn illou 1 11 iii 11 si intl 1 nun il l 1111 s ill 11 nil i hi k 1 111 i il iii i1111111 1 01 nl s mini it in 1 1 1 i 11 lllll ii kl lllllllll i nll i 111 llilisi 111 ii m m 1 don 11 hull ann i iii 11 k it l lush lin hl i ii hhisiioioiiiiii i ois ki l i viti hi smilh m ol i ii t i ii in hi i i hunk koto lit ns mm i in m ih i on in i nl i it i iii i i ils ii a in inil 1 hi ml i sonih i ii i ilni l in k in ii mini il i mo i outs imiiooh ttlio it i mi iht to pi it o l ohio i ni o in i inlio t mi s i oins m nl i pin i il ciolyi lottn m nli is inn nlti ho pi iillt u pi il nilo 1ioiip tiiii- ol in ul iii v d a a s mi i in ii il ho hiiiiiii kit si 1 1 s ii i in imi oft ii ii i til in miltilni tsoiill t nihil ltl f mil it niihl so 1 lo ih in ils i h il tliih i ul t ii i t i no i llh il 1 isiui iii i linn i i i n o a 1 until s iiti il ill kip hi hi i nil 1 i to lotu fontiac tonviillhlr lull rmfwir riidln wliiifiiull liris hclti low mlliitat j1 3 was pontiac 2 ilmir itihloni rudiu t nwnii nrliiintil si hh iwj austin 4ilmir stntion wiv ipin iiisliun radio dilinnul i6j000 niilea lw crlppliil and dlnuhlrd cnwi und hnrua 24 hour service lie nik i1rp 2nhcm waterdown mu 91014 alf ol n lih i il i iii ih i ii il tl 11 iii ill lis i ilut i in il on il thil ih i ih i p i tt im in hi ih i i los i i iii i ii ml il llu in i 1 p i p 102 vauxhaxl deluxe mdln whllowulls vtrv lott mllaiii tt l ll voiivo spun whllcwuin vorv siaiie nuulil l 4ss ida rambler clniiii sun ion wiiyiin spituil ilus mk tl iw h itptis nlillt s ol tin ii iiiu s tin sluniih ol ih h nui il mil mil i i i i ns sum ii mis hi ttou siiiii it s t i is mi iiiiiii i nitm i loi i s h in oiiii i nllllil out ni mil mnshill till millon liis hlinhon p loo 1 null jh n pifmdid ii v i mn isiuli i piisiiltul iiii si a iiipi si liom ih vt o a a ii il m ni il iinl llu i lult ii iskini iii in iii lo lik mill lilt tt it isknl iii ii iti llu hpshoii nilo ih ii01ip ttt lonlll mliili ih liiiii tll on mini iloitu hi ui i llu il ttllttllil lo i i ih in jhis s i uh hi o i nut nil hill ii tt is i iimlliss p ih shlul ill ilt ill mn i itit lull ui ll i op ml iuln ii mil i y r t a ml i lit iii k i i ml ll ill 1 t olnl lo lipl 111 i i p i ill i i 1 1 l v si rim ii t i mi iiii i lum i pi 1 1 i si ih ttik tit k ttlill noup ll i ii i j mush ill ii i uttill ii i it pi i si nil d lit cm pi suit iii nvur pi s dpi mill- tl lit s i il ill i ill itm i stilt in hi woaa hi i i n 1 ll m m deadstock service t cr mue s hlhel prices pulll lor freh a pnultis in ih oil a in i i i nu ih iwpl arr interrl dead or dlnablitd inwi 4i hursei that plains h i i i sll old hcullhv homo bnuaht phone 1 ouplph ta 2wmi or teraui plant mj37ji sflowmslfpr mmi ruir nix insiaii jnovt rviaker figure skaters licenaed dealer hvlia f inrn opritb al at inn tills l s ll l llll i t 111 ln lit tl iiii ii m t s iti mhi i isih mil i lottn pi its h i 0w pontiac siiiuin uiiton nihilliwa condition humiiutui null s ilimn j 18 m full ptli im i af glen eden kelso paconi nihil dead stock remova n 1 1 i inn it fsd u flsiirr akallna tint ulll rd a ritfirr akallni tluh ulll fng tnratlai nlrintrr lll 7 ml p ni in lltr iimmiinlli trnlrr amtnr inlrrrslad in itrrpluii ihr flylrr akulrra jrtlvr in ai inn la invllrd in atlrntl industrial hockey league registration night to i mud sunday november 3rd 1 from 7 3d lo 900 pm at acton community centre all players in area welcome icerl greenwood old woodbine ociebar 31 ii navamtkm m express buses oirict to te track leave acton 1055 am saturpav on1v iandapo timf rrllirn i arv 325 turn after led race imltuua ailntlaklui v t rind liittntnltfin at wiles confectionery phoni 113 3a00 h wiiis au4nt big christmas k i i imitid ihllhst cnsh 1rltis fin drutl tn iw morhis oxlud sidan real i disahkd nws and hoists i olit montis st mi liirmc no 227cm u2kp61 phone zenith 9 7950 nicv uhoiui tar special ilso ram hi i it kissis llhhtianualk w hint llillhtst piitts pant im dtul t tu hoists gibson dead stock service iw lacillah 14 stlan vllilnm it k iathti ishiliiiiills in ii nal und thsahlttt tows anil iinidllhiu si ims si u lb loi ultt heulthi hot rs i at our lelyns plant lit tan lit i mill kttult lilt tlllst ul clc it ii maw i lml m rltis lilll w240 sjl invy i no l i m lshjtl sales and service i l47 lilohll town i i to valiant dodge chrysler tv f j 3 j on salutdni 2t molt i mil and dodge trucks muih iuuinuitin n hu luh allthniiittl ivsilt r sihtmil until i llu tliltltion nl i q77 47 lull soisitt i tiiiunission to bcmsl n tondiitlid tins al stttiutl viai lo kc p thi luiihl llsl i ii 10sl tltllt si lit up lo extra ihmr loi saimniils tht vst ollut mti loial m chains ktfp hi lollhl unit ohns al stt n ih m ttllnls tl stlln itlll illoiinnv alhi lliun t i i si inumn uoniin hutititihnil hu niisui ciortt mt kit tin thm toai vt tin u ailsfi usui in ttw huuls last wimlk illls lltlsspitiht oltul ils nl ih it ii i il n sk lllll kl istl liumlluttl this ttik ds dlil- that i nth mtniiii snott n k domie dlllz uil miihin uill msl 11 i u lilt t llll illls ttuil i ll is hi i t til lo l lilt liisl luuiiilt it lis lipt i ii uisiillnl n this a s mill i iniit nut hln hi u illls tt inli i s piosp i lilt ll i kl s ll is iipitlil lhit ski is lllll plains m mill so 111 lilt i illrs hit iii ii lnsi i it k il ill hat simiil s ot miniiis til ln i dt ii slous ih ts kt iiii un iiiiiiiii ii mi jinn i vim hi loli ihllslmis is il ins un tillni mil li lt ni in il i h m tt ii k ii i i il ui l 1 s i i 1 slok s on ii ml s i i i i i s k s ll iu m iii i i o hu p i 1 nut l i it 14 ui 1 1 s 1 unit ttill in i ml mil ih tl tt ih uiiiuil s 111 t ol hl i sn il it t it lliult hit ii instill i i i s h l i last saturday official opening i m i mm i ii 11 i ki p i ii ill i n i s imp k h i i i ih i 1 1 i sll ilt i it ui i i ills i i k h m i ni i wsi dun l 1 i in hi t i l ttllh ts 1 i 1 tl- il hold s il ll slplt tt knn n tt ih it i i ttii it tl 11 1 in ih ii fi ii ol ii pi k i up i n i liml es skate exchange ttakin your old tuosrtsnpoir- new gordon hardware limited rauonable tradein allowance ah daw a -specials- our special for the week grade a medium 49 s grade a snail 2h dz 89c vok iav 17c 70mt pork and beans 6 for 100 avimk a waostam li lc jams or jellies 4 for 89c 14ei good morning marmalade 51c shwmw sm acton creamery limited mat ft n assivie 0 every tvmdary save auduce clow cwt save war a poppy on reaaeaamance day mr wrmcfp r fsquesing township tounril pxtend arj irjvitatiorj i a r t mj mr official opening f tur tl township offices on saturday november 9th 1963 at 3 jo pm smith cononm sterling only j mow cw jceep fit classes undar trmfpontovtliip of aclon racroation commrha weekly at acton district high school auditorium wednesday and thursday from 7 10 pm registrations are now king rechveot by recreation director jim casburn phone 8534020 to keep yourself in condition enroll now for calisthenics volleyball badminton basketball rythmics exercises to amure a program thara muaf ba a m plan to attend now ehvoifviofff7 or alo c c ailri hi 1 1 1 taki advantaoi op oui lavaway plan chistmas shopping other medel tyewriert 79 50 to 199 50 oaota you personalized christmas cards now for m feieclim sheaffer ball pan and pan wtd pancil sat 100 to 2500 lavaal chnaw m orfn taw owr oipiniaiai par artists suppues f o tt j r to r dills stationery a aui u ssmm laia a poer or vamamcwanca day

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