Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 31, 1963, p. 7

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the good old days syw w spite 0 vwawuicv 1 buh mwln ihjctino a cottumi creafei a problam for mott youngttert at they preparo for thnr annual halloween outing three youngiterft are teen looking over merrhandite at hinion ttore after ichool hourt left to right are kim mclntyre five year old daughiur of aai nnd mr don mclniyre evanvearold mary walton daughter of mr and mrs tom watson and cathy lawtpn tut yearold daughter of mr and mrt harry lawton with saleslady mi- jack hargrava dont foraat tonight thursday it halloween and the maiquuradcr will be looking forward to thelloutt both for themtelvet and for unlctf the time is mow the federal government hat earmarked certain fundi for the provision of suitable proocti of a laiting nature to mark the cenlenniat of canada i formation in ib67 while the requirements to qualify for thcie funds have not been fully explained or any pjrtlcipuhon by the provincial governments ciltalled we feel it would be wise for acton v initiate action to tab advantage of poten- al0fal which ma be available appr- ntly grant will be made available to the rovincet by the federal government equiva lent lo 1 00 per capita we are not aware of the contribution which the provincial gov ernment will make available or on what fcjmi the federal largessr will be dispemed howevor n would be wisr for acton d to t s to shup in th bounty lr may be assumed that the better living through exports federal and provincial gram will r present only a small portion ol thr lost of apprnwi h projects we would suggest a c omntittcr f outside council bo established to investigate the procedure for having a proott approved the committee should also study projrets which would be beneficial lo artun mid mt able as memorials of omadti or ouwidu centeinak local ptoiects which could be considered could be a library building to alloviatr the crowded and small facilitiei of the public library a full development of park land m glenlea subdivision construction of rjrand stand and band shell or a swtminmr pool uul sports field in prospect pirk if action i undertaken no the prnti t lould he completed and i ycu 9o7 20 years ago jtka from lh leave of u free vtveea of tburwuy o m ims the hilly bomb marking half way mark in acton and ilklrltt quota went olf ul fj3 the etl- males were immediately tubulul- ed m hc jtulyc and the winner are tinnotinil a wilfred trvfr ivllhin wtimate ridht on the dot who win a 2 s war suvinym certituiit and donna andervun ftr a flo cerlitali gnulnn ikullv lias touted i he ruvl canadian atlhierv llu victory loan qui v unlet tor alton and uislim wan hi lit at llu muooi lavt luday idler- nikin mil winners were declined ihe tudylh uvrv mus m ik n mil re a w loostiiv utid res loifhh thoinmin wfitm s si re palsy i hew teddy rjilihu iiki clirivhk li m h the million tomi iv omits will he hell tilday au uuidi i r mann h2 a vc i li in ul i it in tv i mist i in lion in anuli ilu tt at ins hmm in van itiiivii suiuliv ik hitf lutn a si mi imalul lor m vent vtars hoi n in a tun in i knl son nt iluyti irul llkn maim hi wiv i llu at i in ai tun si iikik nul unit h wniuipiu in ih7 op iuii a luinhi i httsnii ss anil luytn in hi n id lailuass lit u tired as pu suit ni ol niiiiluin irisinu thin to i imiid a i j tm i vn diliiiu t as volt inn ii d ii kiiu uiansi k itilx i ift whin fluus mm ul mtullin u is limit i in tnamayt to all tiillsman laihlan rururl mi sit ol rthkutuiil llii hiithltiiu iu ltd lot m john n ii wherr tin jjroom is it pit sinl ntaliomil natil ot ailon and one of its i hii ns uhu spinl most of jus lilt in tin hiiiiii lumrmimlv no hl p ipi i mi umi passi i awnv cmuihi im al the home o his il mehiii airs j ii ailamson ihi insi mi ml all ana kdi- inr 27 htlsluiis piii is loi llu lwi irinsi hi in t i fii v ui t k in tutu t ii aih llu rn wafaiil oh in ludunk iiuiitt spiifiu inlni mimiuuuh r d an i nin iw i m s ha i inissiuiit tl is a imni ot om i imkt hmittid lu iiuuwi mis siippu at knox c hurt h mm william miailliur and llu unlit anl uiaiikid tin mippn and llu liioii aiiantid il im pluyiaip 50 years ago tmkw from the umm ot ihe ivee t ttsurwlay oeiober m itis arruntfemenu ore rnliitf made with the bell tek- phone co to tflvc wcallier fotvcauu lo tuitv wriben of rurul vxihanu lor ihe benefit o lurmert the me leorokiglcul depurinvenu in tt- mnlo will furnish the lorvtums lp the iclephunc company which will wire i hem hv 10 am lo ull aitcnu mi thai ihev will then he available lor rural subscribers there uill he no liuhk umhlw- o4ratoni wit he ulven inwlrm lions to uinish ihe inloimalion the givmun pilson ciinmiic sum touring amenta visited the prison i arm ul guelph on mon dav thev expivssed hlitfi ailnuia lion for ihe svsicm of dealinu with pnsonrrs iiinied out iheiv chief luwuip u apptxhensiiv ol iniuhle on halloween ntyhl mi is pre pii injx to luul oil un dulv iwnstt i oils ptanksti in mi lit i his h a warmny lo all won id 4k otltiukih ol ihe law the c auidlan tianspnrlaiioii lompanies uotifiid inn aniiiis at ailmis pom is to nfnsc ml fuiuhl in tihivhoaul pulplxiaitt ot ilouhle liiitl mmiualtd stiavi lioaid pai kifes unli ss llu puk il s an t ul j v si i ony i notiith h i at iv llu ci mil nts c mil plum is haw ht t ii im iv id ihit llu m paikaiji s ate it ailnuu llu it ill s 1 1 nation in a hail londilion cm ik nit i hat shipments an ih i njz jm nl to iallwas in patkauis ih ii ai not ol suf in n ni sin nyih lo salt iv iiaiispoi t i lu ii ttaitviils i totn now on smh pat kayt s niusi in u lust tl al poil i itfin i aljiaii tin hit lirloi v i ll i it d thru pi ii tin the hist pifs aptl slimyt l i notiyh the ihict ui n unit in iinmairuil lad lis now citpuls a plillv stow t hap if lit was not lurkinii around sonuufuri in llu paslrv ktitiiin mi john williams is i ivalm loi a ihw tuosiou hiiik i iiniitl itsidititi on a ml lo tin no i th tast ol his pi i si ni 1 1 si t tenet on mill si 1 hi inundations will ht pul m this all mil llu lunliluiu iwmpliliil in xt spnrie mi sliphiu oidtiui h is ilu lounilihon in foi a iu w muiii mock dwiltuiit ol itikki sii on his lot al ihe lotnn ol mill in i wilhui sis tht blkks will lit i ml and the buildinc tnclosttl tliu fall news im district use in centet lit riismosmtons i tlu pimiiull fm unniiii rt1 km ihiloiiind im hrsi ihiial liiiitljin inn i si y i nt pvtnrntnt al ihi ptninu iimiiii1 fiihlu vhmuihi muist ldi ii n m whi mhi mi kill fwtstnlid a llaj llu uniiiijuk recoil 1 1 v 1 have allmded two lutwral this u about two mortf than my uuat 10year quota i tloni know why i huve avoided lurverau ull my lift it hhn i been u conucloua thing hul more u mutter of inerliu and l alwuvi uvmed loutish making a fuss ovei llm ituy when the spirit hail fled well i e ehanued my mind i tlutn t know uliui i wv missinii 71ku is somelhinu inlensely mi lisiny in ihe human diaiua in volvett in a hineial service mid i lieivhv promise all mv irteiuu thai i will attend iheti lunerals il humanly possible dial is il i dun i heal thttu lo the punch llolh of ihest kernel i win al uiiv loi people i uilmiivtl ami lespce led but there tlie siinlluiiiv ended one was tor an tlderlv lailv a simple i u lluiaii service in a small thuitli llu nllui was tin a oinp nalivi is ounit nvui n i lahoiili jjtoiliail alholli ni t v in in a i t tie i luiiili i ath had il tlieuilv ami al linns luautv in nlitiiallv i kainttl sonn llinii al hoih llu i ulht talis slny si i liny doven uul piav staiutmy up ami iluit isii i inuili ol mv hiyh ht hool i aim htt mi thai i wiltonu llu iuts fioiu ronit l hil r c si iv in s mill hi ton din ltd in llu naiivt ionian hul tlu i s i lot in mi lo a him i il ih in ilu i hint h si i i t llu it in tin slow hlluitt up h llu i hint h uilh vt i on lakiuy i ii dl lihik iiotind to st who llmnuhl i lsll lo llu linn i d homi would in i notih oftltuahy h w chamberlain buried at fairview ihnrv william haiutu ilain of alton dud it llallon mtrnnia mauoi on oi lolu r 1 1 alter a slioil illtu ss ii tht aci ol 87 me tid an u uvt hit al llu manoi lit ipiu nihil ayeif hsuns and t uot d woi kiiii in llu hohhv shop ih w is aluavs uulv l till in lot a c urn ol t aids mt himhtiliin was hoin in i niulon i nulaiid in 17 and t nut lo mad i in ihhh when lu arrtvitl inn ht worked hrsl on j hum for j shield and thin had a urettihoust al wnuxcv itr from ihiu lu wmt to wlnu him and tin n to llu wool comh in pi ml in ai ton lit sp nl si i i 1 1 sum nn i s is i miny man hi tpnil with i lu hirvisi in wtsi im m id i hi was at live in iluiiil voik uul was i sunday vlioil it at htt tot si viral t ars 4lwrrs i mtiiilvri ol llu orange ttwtr la the lucubrloua organ music hat put you in th righl mood thow ii ihtf quickening or itintw as the minister or priest ruslle in tnore u the awkward touching procession of tsjlalives ul the deceased wtme weepinu some whllefutod wllh struln wnw td futed with the uiue customed uttentlon and then thcie is he en trutite of ihe cull in gilding soundlessly on iu wheeled i mine sururindetl hy sis good men and true i his u ihe nuv- mini ul truth lor ihe ssectu tors as they rvulle with u jolt dial this is ihe end of unit pet son uud lhu ihis is the uul to which we all shall totnc spulls lilt slighllv wllh ihe iwauty ul ihe ehunu and plunge y i lose lo ihr maudlin when we mv askod lo ioln in ahide with me und tcun spurt heynnd reu min throats develop luuipft as laige as golf hull when ii is all ovet i ihluk eveivonc leels cleansed and up lilted lather than denivssed tluvvjis an imperceptlhleawuk tnlny nl lift an cayei tuiniiiu lo ihsctntklon if the wvathet though we nluin tot a dutni iuleisal out niuuinlul looks i vervnne leels tike a tup ot it a ot a gimul still think llu ir is a lot to he said loi giving a i el low human hrlng who t nli rid l in wot id lu a lalhci sitamhlv fashion and did the hi si ot whii h he was tupahle llu diynllv ol a ttettnl stiidoff ivisiinallv i would rather go to a gimumttthftiltmyiuy than lo a wedding whlih often de getieiates into giggling unit gen- iial silliness then is u greul deal ul tilil tlsm ovti ilujtott ol a itinera loduv ami iindt i takeis utv fre quenllv laked otr ihe eouls for cum tug lo ihe txcesslve demunds ami hnd taste of mime of their i units i ilon i think thk is qujle tali tlitdet htkt is uie jusl ihut tatitvis if ou want ihe hi in plait spttial ou tan ejt i 11 and it vou waul ihe xiviuiuure de- luu ihev ii give vuti hul i used in ih otu of these ut pul me in a pun ho ami ihinw souie dli t ovei ma ii mows hot not any longer when f uo i want the wtirkt row upnn low o weeping fiirnds nnd itlalivis louof witalhs a full thou ahiih wllh mi and t vi ivlxith hit aking down hotr ksslv aunil llu utlddte of the set out i iist and a iiitit hlg isnpllon hat k al llu lnuit alluvautsl fiif molt it tirt st i know ii would k dillitull lo u i any hut id ilki lo lu hiiitnl silting up so 1 iiiiild t nov ii all professional directory and travellers guide medical funeral dinrctoat did a garrett phyklan and fiurgron ciirncr ol willow and river slv fnlrsncc river si acton ont phone gsjomi 1 or robert d ruckner phfilun andsursfin 1 wcllinglnn kl ac inn on i phone im0w nlghi or day hinr i shorniaklt mgr optombtrimtn phnne isvi240 dr t b moore pliyillian and surgeon 2 main slreel worlh corner main and mill slreel acton ontario phone 5j2iio e i buchner o d oplometrlal luniiii1 lrne llrkrlng alda 6 john st s acirm in ailon wedneulay only 2 00 p in 6 u0 p in 742 hm7 i ir uppoinlrncnt phone iviotl ii no otibwcr phnne waterloo you miy not realize tt say the fitidit ctal pent hut onr rrflo you dtp living s well as you tiir tlmsr cliyj t ttr rntrrpnm and highly uccclul jilns littttpikin cmi diait mrtiiulu lurrr tl- svqinti m totlmon markel vdtur ol rnyji s exports of vnd product itmptd h 101 inillun in uitlly txilwti n lou mil ivn i n in il iosi f t nidlci ul ivoj exports lilird on mvrn hatha helps the death taut of ameiuan i li id in hum one to 1 j sears ot atje lias twen re duccd iv a thud in tht past ttn v ti codoi tii ioioi mat on rt etvrd hy hu hoallh ltmiue ol canada hi s nlmmilon was loolaiud in a rehiit ot a timdin lit llllirincfi tompanv wtiu h amuxiot ed iti tl itw nunlaliv ui 1 ft a t oop i lal ion lioni o ptn 100 000 i 1s0 lo 4 in l6 i anaut t ol lh trrn i hy a j sluwi 1iaf til qcmml rtlii vt dit ft sts i i i hootl mottatity vvtirr yfcatest ot one to lour yrs and smallest at ages t v io mnr ttr rrduition m ukfrt v at rah ot the thildhotnl aors is dt t puma to th ilo crvascs i thr death iatrs tio irtfrttioos diseases ad inuvnti the nkir t ot ut d markwrt rrdintiot hor ocrurrrrt n ttio nsoftallty from hhh st i ontnui in rtblf tl ftr4s of thildhihxi lotrrt i iomi pol oniyc litis and appx mliui i lav of ihrst i auses month figures mhiarc a nl i i iiiinl jtu milliol mcrease thi yt o ii th fort i ist proves lorrect canult i i uud u torri vv i havi m rt ased then anno tl t rr kjo in m h mtirr than j600 million n ist tl rt years this would almost lout le- thr r i m d import salt m 160 anl w u 11 tnil t v iliu ot uu j int riissm l i i il ad li i i nd tht imarjinatiin d ivi l in i i r ii v nk i d ath i it t i n lr 100 000 piuuimooia anl t n a shi vxn s aide dci e ct n i a tuj i i idn n jlttiouqh llu m a i im t t m t ir iduiib it lit i at or ai i av fvfry i tn n i ii vi il t oih n tatil ac iui h im t i it i v uiil tin all tnst t i i y at it ni cum tine to it tlu i i j ol death among children par tut la y bov s jn t in primret i i n atthuartiitig the me ami h aitfi t n refletfmg the advafie m hiratt s en e ss dcitprcad irrnunuation agann i m t table dleases m tijilfti a i c tuo and in die geimr tl sta- li oi i ttm report urjrt maio et t si t f lowi d thr prpveot ii t t tfi k l s f i xtb ll ol i r 4- i nat more lie door i tt a n- o ii imotioiml problems o i i h mil h uu fmm u mis ualei nnttts land ionu1 his t t inj hi mi tin tm uill run aronnl 4p utt sanl tpui km hm htm hit i mn munltl itld ahonl i nmi lt it rs ks i u m iht loun tilthralid unmed nations i n and htm w k ls ihuliv uth a srxul pul m iii 1 muwlanim uul indian mnsn hiyhhhit d a uiusn 1 mm 1 t rriidum hon j l iiuntu p k i tin plru ol llu mamnn indian puiik bauinafad presentation for newlyweds bad mishapsunday reported imistniaiion lo m ami vmioluiih hn wiusin laihtmt l kws m simian mn iht uttkml the acton free press pumuhrd bo ih duw prllln awl pkllnf lo- lid i oundvd m 17 and ttixrkxt cwrv thurxj i at willow si atoo vntjiin iwmnrr ot the audit bun jti ol cirmtkmi the i t and the llnuriourhix ttoon til tne cmma adenixtn ratrx on irtjticsl stihmnpthinx raxahle in adancr linn in canatla 100 tn knsland and other commoawaalth countries i in the i nlted mar and other fonripi countnex ink onriex 7t aulhonjtd u second clau mail rvwl ullkt imvartmenl otuwa- ttat mty aaaatr aar ytlliliii acta a dtlu edttcruvchirt oavid r iwri maiucuis editor i us i ness and editorial office phone 8 5 31010 miti in ii i vi i lu i i in ii li ii imi i ml i nik111 piujuimi i ii in is pi ivnl m al v mm ik ii uul mi kiiihii m i n t v ii llu imiiii rs ml howl mi mil skl 1iir uul i i i il i llu plilliiui m diii s i ul in iililii vs mr i in ul si m i mi ij m i ii n on l h 11 nl 111 im t ih mittill pi s in j i m with i siulio i mull md hw i i i m mi ii h hi ul n lt mi ilirnkil uul on tot th ml l iiil in miint lot mi i i s 1 ull il ll s ul thr 1iinl iii iii l th lo 1 th c n rv i is shiil m itaiu nik i mo in llu ml n n oulvsmt i bal luldenl l il kiilnl h ipprtirt ii s hiiuiwil lust sinuuv vluu ivii j i ii l o k ion mirol l s u i h i i lti llu sistrt i o i s ith l u ll l ill iisu imi t unit j skull ii i 1 m o k i ii il th n n ii i u n iih i sh still is pi u n noli iu t hiv in trjin i i sll ss is t id i ln ipli ii s il ii h h s v i i p us 11 1 s i i i lli k teen tcavtt in i vn lu 11 ii ont u sjnmtjv in hi in th im vmnavr lor im th- i l v servvd a turkev mis kil milfiitri msiii with mi mil mis roihh m 1 it t mi sundi yoinn popls nut in th inns li nt sum iv tiiht blvcn uft pi is ml ill rm kin v is sp nt vvirh mrs ushi i itiiurul il in i lioiiu tn kirietimri vsitli th numb is rf the on hdnittalul i tllllll lllllil wlllluns aim i i lmn nl uhuli mis rdmund vvji j in mint a lnvilv lavin thiu h i i k h hi ik i lu im li un tlu i itll s a instil lllikh wjs kcrvtd ln the lawn ami a tonal tun uas tiiicd ll ills ml ih itirmi r i isir allu hi yo ptiiliiiasril hmi h m iiiiiiij in i liuiut r mis willi nn m hv ii on tn i i in nun hi i lmn 11 nut htltlri 11 his hrn lints uul sisl is ill pittlcrts l him his sisilis viirc i lia rij mil ann 111 i nylatul and ills 111 il 11 i s 1 ii i i till s i j imi ink alluit allu it 111 1 alt 1 1 il m llni 1110 i inn r il s 1 v 1 11 th ktunlrl mihiuikii tun 11i hum uis lu t1 in llu hi slauliv 111uim11 111 iii ills iu 1 ot th hi v i ni i mil ml ttiu tit u iv 111 i 111 v 1 vi 1 in i 1 v lilllu uits viin lout iiipliivv ii it iv i h iinlb 1 1 1111 ortiui il ii ll s f i ii lllllu i ull f 1 lyus willi i ii ii i v orion llattv ii 11 i v 1011 uilh iruui i ml a ion uul mik ulhon millon dental pillow puffers elect officers hanno khinn iii luh lirll tin 11 lust iiitiiv iitut1 iv 1 i 1 iii tn 111 i mis m ii 11 m ifcmall th 1 air i 111 111 lis and llvr 11 line ttu s h s t 1 th 11 luh is th liaiulos khiu 11 r ium riitits rii pi it t i tlun luh is toil 11 lssoiis 1 1 tlu btiril v liuliis a mis v laaili ami mis il0ks i is i 1 georgetown man loses left eye fiirliilii tnafl lost iii sijli ol his ltt ri is thr 1 still of 1 hunting 1 nl nl list m in sl iv willi un m li 11 ts t a i i iii stl i i t s 1 iv 1 11 1 1 i 1011 a ii 1 1 llosptl v s 1 1 i 11 ik hot vshilr hunt pin is ml on op nm on hi siljui1 luu lail iiurlh ul s v mi i nt ii ii iii llliplol lli 11 iii mpain 111 vi f 1 ikiv 111 ttimi1 lotiiiation snrf v v ils sail vsticil on i iii tils 1 itrnt ills rlis hi 1 iv llrls 11 1 k km haul 11 111 i 1 h i li i bt us 1 i i it s i inpl rl ill tlu oatinc d ill 11 1 iv vi lal parw f i i i m h hn is s martul vs mi 01 1 jauivti 1 dc h ieib denial surneun olliir corner mill and j redecnk street ofliie lluurt by appointment telephone ijoaio dr a j buchanan denial surgeon klur m church l v ofluc houri 9 a in to li p in cluwcil wednesday afternoon telephone hi- 17v dr ccdrlc dir denial sutbeon suit nio 1 llintnn hlilt i7a mill st i ailon oil i lot app un tint ills mephonc hm iuu ifxai t f ifathfbiand qc flartlsler and villnlnr nolaiv piihli dllue ii mis 10 am lpm i p m 3pm saturdait by appointment only phone hint usaiiui hri s174s atton arthur a johnson im m1111 st milton i lovil dal 11 jiii ii 11 i phou tm h72 k 1 ik bi7 im sl iv afti tmwiiis lliiustl iv i vrtilti i inlay monniitfi apfflaihini and inhibancb aa f i wright 2u wilbur st ai ton ontario r plume mutfjfl appraiiar and loaurinea oirr v year in attn abiiiitict donaid i skinnfr ii an li mkaif i a mill sum sun a ton ii ph n ii7l olll t llollll by appollltllirtll or m ktavrlittik mi poit iii cm mi tvtuli tiavtuim oukw i ltti n ot it is us pi s inn i ill s 1 i mr prrsul nt mariin k k wwui srurtjn susan mrll r prrss rrportrr mount hnmiks on satunlai ii luhri l the suptxr to 100 ixts irom t vnund mrrttng was held at live ninto on saturdai night in the honvr i un a bronkn m iliunh basement linxitn rhe home eiimomul euchra trasher attended the meeting tinhre uas held in ballina- the gtrk rrr lati ld halt on tneiirtav night when hcinititihing and ihmin hw m 1 1 t hu s plaird thev are beuig iimaure ihetr dreuer for the ma held even rwo week renal required for uieir drear alia bula suvlair of guajja atairta- curlers dance in legion hall plfjinf rrnmj in lh if mn hjll i rwiain intitaduk cd ihf vurhn vcivn ahotit iv vin- nl to th- ithimi johnn t mhr v oivdoirj and rninrfi nhkht prmidcd bv the laid ir a ilv cluh rrirnt c hrirr ndrrwn ai cktwiwl kjofcmfi for uaird to another utir rir rrvtruhn urrr tken righl on th no bv lornr yqunf hlur 0tvc lunct nd bui tuth 1 a 8paida a brruirr so k hoc hint try fuhln oftue hotir in atwm mondaiv hlftiy rvrningt siiiiriliv i p wi s pm 1 2t pijv si faurlph onurto phn ta 12247 otfnr mrur in cnklph sattiirdjv m li j m dily us 5 pj api an i qffd iaurntrn sutteriitirv sidney kauuain wi hhn d ord oc ii uauntaunvirw rta s cauretatj building georgetown i774i95 p olimpftactfmi i i ii davi w go p c h youfif ftfrael corner o arthur a young ftta cxflot hourt bjr apfokimemk pbobfttsuiau gray coach linis coac xkaw a tow suruliril rirrw- lititvfunil tt u rp ijly cat rpt sun jam hoi 1 i m 4 in mullv rurpt sail sun tt ml i rrt n ii m 4 111 mil pm m p in r 2 p in u in 10 4 p in l sun aintt hul i wrtt hound 7 17 am fillv vp saf sj11 4i hoi 1 10 t ai ffi i 7 p ol 2 7 p in 21 p in 7 77 pm 9 12 pm ii 2 pm i 01 a m 1 sat unfy canadian natofjal rallways sfairklatrtl finw ff bound av m 10 tuxunui amitf irpp sail atnd sun 7l rn r tfrtnm 1a11y caarp4 n j ai rn dail ripl stirulat ainal m mj ifirri1 ixiixi in hi irtaffi ihtn samnd fi 7 42 p m to ttrtnm flatilv rrri sirwtv 7 47 p m in ttfnto stnviuv on- iull iv 9 2s pm boaud all aorgtow11 oftl wethoun4 01 4 m lo stratford duhr r- trpi son t21 pm to strjifotd tutty extrp f it sg 7fka- reptiqy 24 m io stratford daily rxnpa sal for furibrr lafonmiioa cao lwour lutmj

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