Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 14, 1963, p. 1

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eightyninth yaarno 30 acton owaio thuhsoay november uth 1963 sttf jlttstfla 2 twalva pigaisavan canlt honor district war dead at remembrance services for the first lime hs tfmm h ranee day mrvlce uponwored hy he lnyton und town council wu held on ihe sunday neurom lo november ii lain i your remem hranci duy foil on u sunday but this year ll was nduallv hut muitduy the solemn service at hit cum luph which foi nuiny yours look place nn november i it was held rtilu vent on sundtiy morning november 10 unt prloi hi ha ll oclock church mm vice which wore postponed btleflv lo nl low eveivonv time lo come rmm lit- cenotaph there was u hi rye at tun live crowd int liitliim manv wulhbohaved children the parade which tame from lite juylon mall intended the hikxial service in lite united church afterwards flabi drop inliiwly potltei was fine thin vein and the hrluht mays dipped as llu i asl pusi sounded weie ruffled hy a mild hrcee flunk stmlnnl pounded hie liudllhmil mile s the red knstyn and die nvw te ulon poppy flay on the unurtuk were dnipiutl lm iwn minutes hllonce and hen mined uynln hv world war ii veternn lloh ohura boei win vet wilfred cotes who fen vents inwetcd hie flan wan not able this venr legion pirtldent mux mntev yuvc llie i eylnn t hniyc and bundwmnn john mclluyh read i hi names enyiifved uu the momi muni plucad wreath slmllin wicaths wild letlcnd ribbons weie plated hv mrs ikj porivinun whose son wus killed lor ihe piovlncc ol ontario miiv in i eslk ouhv lor the own ol auiuu john holnaycl loi the uiylnn mm tunics shiilfls tot ihe leylon ladles auxlllui miss mamie mainprise itu the duke of devonshire t oid e mrs w l kprnsinu loi ihc lakeside iodi mis charles cults for ac l on w i cicorve holmes lm ihe outline 1 utl uc jack pink loi tin lliemen will tot dubois lui ihe hand 1mex commtntdo tor ilu united pncktnuhnusc workers local 470 jim mcknight por the uiiucd rubber cork linoleum and plnslk wuikurs ut anieikti lucul mv puul nielsen lot the ctuimher ol commerce hill hansen tot the hon si mils mrs it lllnnes in memotv ot thomas lu i is and oeutyi i hleineh tn numtimv ol alht it j hattk i pit rude imhu the poule stundmy 11 aten tlon mi tlu road iikltided mem j bets ol luunul lliemen in uni lorm mcintxis ol ai ton wl ihe town i o d i ihaplei s the i ley ion 1 mum 1 4uhes aimhutv miss ksstv inks with till cllhs mis heil newton mis kuv hoss ami mi s li ma nessetl with tlu tliownu and neil mil lei with ihe smuts in theenku imu vtt two soml lays tvvn lodt itays tlu leyum mid ley tun attslhaiv llii- i hei i u la lei pluvtl tit tlu limit ol tlu itmtlh av 1mi itii nv mind plad tin llu pal nli and alui l ik out uom mivui atiuk with mi tlu rev a h mi keiuu i ittiuti will moimhiiu til tlu l iiixtii km 1 in i niu d huiill was 1 1 1 lid lui llu s i in tlu 1 1 al u i waul with tlu k ituilu n i iv lallnil that at tlu i nd ol llu u pttipu ihtuo a limiun lu unnpu u tu nium attn ilikaat jhturr 1iioin latt k1t and revulllo were founded by frink slmiortt or ihe remembrimc dny trfrvico t lh cenotaph in adon son dy ho it shown puylnfl the cornot n l0ionnir hirmllon pl talulnt in tribute to thou killed in iho wars a ltro crowd attended the oyfdoo- service toy lu i om ludid wi muisi ths i iplliii inn hi lu s and tiytit niuk i uitleis lui iiyhi in mil midst dale chang hatufartory the leylon memhers lell lhal holdlnu the seivln on ihc near est sundav peimllled many ol iheh mcmheis in lome who would not otherwise have been able lo and ihta were well satis lied with the ihanye lueven oclock on novembei ii tlu- tiadllinnal tttne ol remem biiirtte lound at ton stteets ul mott deseitel stores nre re yuliii iv closed nn mnmliiv anv wav ranks si honts and unui n ntent orlies were closed loi ue niembiaiue dav a lew school children at loosi emls were plavlny on llu streets when ihe annei whistle slum tied the beyinnlny ot the two ntimiluk silence jiut then u ultle girt uuintercd nil nlonc ovor to the wreaths lulil the duv bfftire and yenllv rinyered the poppies the whistle soundtfd mniirntullv uyuin and site skip ped iiwn illhtkkwimut koi kwikid nii lies ui 1 1 hi ul fcawai ii iii i pqpks e0rywher0 for remmkruc iky a tephia on a small scale ol llu tanud masses row on imv ayain this veai tucv imtcli alien turn to alton home iurnishmys window the beaulttul urtanye nient tot kcmemhruitic da wu ayain tindii ihe diuxtion ol e erans hilk middletou and lrn llaii with tlu assistaiui ul hn inylis mhi puppv ihoittiin halu liultnliil win i in wuaihs laid siiiuln at llu hast nt tlu letuttuph c ajiu o shop and lsquui mens weai also hud atlraclui windows with tlays ami uippies ctu red lnsiyns and ihiion j ac k s i lew oti llu niu n s i tve t s and almost evei noih wuix u 1wipp sulll h llu i i ultll llikh ttvitihit and on llu sim is last wevk silumil ihddien tinied uippusat sihmtl ami tuut special ilassukim pioei is at llu smu linn as ai ton s in suiuln willi i nil 1 1 aite i ones milne in i haryi llu parade loi m ed a i llu piihhi mjumii uht man hed t llu 1 1 imttiph ulna a hi itl si j 4ik wis lu id and w i eat lis plut d ti h mm m itu dead a i tun i h set u i was hi id ulterwatds m st luhn s anllian chilli h w ilh ri all m a uok ollklminy io rulu 1 1 lrslii was paiadi rnii shal tu mi milne ut llu lumu s u hit dead heiviceuu n itamlsinan riniet stnilti sniirulid tlu last post ami kevellli naaaagawaya service ihe luiyisl imwd in a mutt bei ot i s yutheud a i tlu lemilaph al haltum ille snnda atteinoon as kernembiiuue dav set v lies lu liunoi the dead wen i undue led jiielph pipe mnnd kd ihe procession into the enclosure suiruundiny ihe l4nuuiph and utlei ihe plticiny ot witmths and readlny ul names 1 imet smith hum ruled llu i isi pusi and ue vellk the hand u d llu pat ad tn itu nassayawiva piesbvtman thin i h whu i a hi u1 siiiici was lundiiiliil in rei i situ u i ui t ddd service early next year bifract malutc olallmg brd wilt- ha bttroduearf in acltm la tha fall of im4 u o danby hall talaphona i ii in hilk kraa aald today on tha knta data call kltelwnawal- trtoo ahhur ayr feraalau el- mlra klora firjua haapalar naw dundaa naw mamburf ptatltvtllarraalan ttttckwoad fit jafb badan iwrvad by he wllntot murtlhual yab phom comiiany and mulll- party lltta ciutotwr in cualtth will raeatva thin urvlit for tha unit lima initially dim will ba uaad only for alalkwlaatmllari eatl rafular ktatlonlnatatlari ralaa will apply on all ddd call truck total wreck two pajssengers hurt a liuck owned uv i tlktnl nei j i was u inu d n inmplete wieik when it milled mei neci- al tlnu s atiil landetl in a tllk h on i inuchill kd n saluiday evt mny oniei ul thi hliu sydney oitkkv k u i at ion was nul miiiid but passenyeis juhn itu iitiiuil hai k mu luik in minis and notyi julinstnii mm ot laie i ills and luoist s onsiahle t oitnsbv of ihe nut ih llnltoii opp iktiuhment iiij sliyati d itu dtuei icported hi sweiud lo miss i tiny whuh tan uu l in html ul llu tiitck umrt lost iiininil ol the thiile 1 lu nw nei ul llu li ui k is in llu iuili tt slatt s shuwlny piie i hukt ns steer maybe shot expect report later a tli id ittsiv slen lound l my in a lit id al llu t inn ol ait dun ii tli ihih k niissayawea tnwnshii is luluvttl in have hei n shut bill dath lias nni bet n llnallv den i mined tu tlalt mi llln tunc k and tits lousln henry wtdye wile abnul to wat 1 1 i hi i at i le w lien i ire jersi v slut taiutl in nsi imm ihe yiound on i inst estmnuillun itu lu as was bletidiny tmm the tuft but tin hoi lei hole could ru4uutut hv ihc men the dead animal was itimovod in a deadstock mrnpanv truck and tlu nn ii txpei i in he null itnt da bulk t link is louml r retirement brief for jack lambert reengaged as working instructor rtlnmuni lolluwinti 1 yen if town wrvlic wto hikl lm jnik 1 unilkrl thmvilhv klulwi ii lu lll dally iviliril un u jown unit man imi luihuuv fjtinu h uin ixullicl hv iiium ii tu ml in llu lupnillv ul wiiiklnu m1i11 anil lawci hihiniitiir mi 1 11111k 1 1 hiytin hcil ulili llu- iuimniinli aiiuuhi h i mil iin i miwil in llu- iiiiniiliv i uiuiunikv mhultll pilut iii llu kllllllli- in llu liiwn uciikniii i un vi inn all dnliv h1s ippillllllll ih illwii siinilir li mli iii mil ill llu- xvulklliu linn iii i1iit mail routi carriirs for 40 vn mi mid mr fred td- varnrdl roikwuoil worn inloti rncnnlly liy llm potlal ttulf ki tha vitiligo both iambii oul dnlivming rnml with hnrta nnl buggy nnd enn rocall mu lmg to rlrup thry hid lo walk on loot kaveral limes to rjilivtr ttmil in thn ruml atom mri frdwurdt carimd the mul lm 7 vbhis horiulf uiiilo hor huibflnd wu in tha trucking imjimom siihl loi deleyute noim ityer al fiiven and iuiv mcluddeti from local 4n7 ivieiced louticlls idesluir in make a hid foi ihe annual dltlfkl bun ye patade tn ailun tie m july ii sunkfstmm lm ihe li in mi 1 1 vet loltl cnuinll hallnti nuntv hint ihe oppm lunllv ol siuytny ihe nnmitil event ncsl vcai und the local indue inlemledn iv iirsl ll iwe he ft i in ai ion he nuld ihe memheis wanlitt in ivel0 peiuiusliai irom iniuutl thsl he also asktil hi mission in use the pmk tui llu yuht ilny and ihe tiont ot tin- umniilnitv enlie as a tiyulialion ixntrf mi t i 1 wih lold tlu pat k bouid ynviimil ust nlth park ami llu tetieallnn tnminlllet llu 1 ninmiinlly tenliv while tin ihe subtt i ul ihe paik luijiulllot i tit jottnsiun in loinud tils tulleiiyiies a nn ihtiei ul the sptetlhoai t tub whmirpie st un d a piuyiam at i all v i ke this suintm i was vety mm h tin pteisttt with llu turn and bin tlilh wat aminos lu leluin ayalll in hi summit mivu l dubv statu lu tiad lavniablt nniiiiiiiil hum st ft tit aim ion ait n si tkuls who llkaiyht llu stunt luial event hat lieeji one id ihe hi i at t i ake out iny the it put i ot no i cummllttt il was kuimd ti nut i iny wllti the tmltislilul loinmil lee hud beilt leiplisletl in tlu neai lolmv tin imluslilal t utn millee hutl tht n upuilnled tut a duet vein letm and iheli li mi oftamiti empires this yt at oiim ll 1 ndm si t a lesulutlun siitinillutl hv tin town ul inn inn in petition tlu uyislullve assembly in mli nut any nit m lu 1 nl nionti ipal t ninu ll tmm sin iny in ft dist ussluns 01 vol iny un 1 sublet t whith t utulls a innlhii ul inlttiftl mt mlhi s kaincd there bud luvn iv assessment appculs reyi ilfmaai fi mi ia 1 w att let laies man uh kt r p early christmas at tun opp dcluihinrnt le ielvol 4 wcltomi ydt liutn head qua 1 tern dm my llu wu ki nil a biand new ciiiim 1 llu nm lonl 1 1 111 vi 1 is punt til blai k and u11i 11lh k mai kinys on llu idi opp 1 tu 1 01 nut 1 1 ui st 1 hail tlu un i tvi tp i om urn pi nviih lal polu 1 mayor urges keen interest for nomination meeting miiini lis dubv utynl imum tutils tit yif si nuns tuusidera iiun in tommy nominations and mm ss j tin impoi itiui til a souml stiuliy and t uitst it lilimis 11111 il toi pim idill 111 i hai rlmhiii n 1 i nr chairman stresses close harmony vto increase education standards ihyh sihtul luiaul laik reid myid 1 iom luai helwt 1 ri inyli s puklu si huttl htmi in 1 bait man 1 1 ii ih 1 a i100i aiul lui hi 1 n 1 si hi numbers talked uvt r tu iwhuh llu ik nt tiailur ami uvercmwdiny j li im d si i piuhkms ai uu hiyh school mr tuui a i hi ul mini im d piitilu school 1 iu si 11 tli t dm iimu loi tlu 1 i iii si iv as n 1 lsil ti tlu pnhl nut liny last i lui mi riid wlu sihkll hi llu hiyh askul to 1 ban man niu h u luianl n lu situkil buii il uu inlu 1 thu iul tin luuiul lahli tndi nis tin dunny n st iuki bo ii i lav iviiim s tlu ptltill tl s u piesi ntalivi ui mhuol hoard had hi 1 1 alii mt tin iiiirliri h turn watson to pi uoin ih twi 1 n llu iw kl loi him lu inn 1 put dis ttustiis tluu h ul alwav been a ptuhum nl a liaihtt shortuyc aiul siai d manv ti achcrs trum nilkyt iain ektierki in small titisn sihotils and tlun look lor iiidii liuiativi positions in lamer untiis tlis suluium lu tbe pn- hliin was ninu timituts yruduai my hum ontatio culkyi tl hdu 1 ttion ml walstu askjd mi rcid futii si 1 umis tlu ovircnnsdiny ul llu hiyh stliki is and learned a st hool aikhiion is quite nete sun mi vsatsun also en qui red duitil tiaihtfs livmy tint nl town nul sod in bad tuaiil minn k4t t u k 111 unit 1 in kii inshhimji ttatliv in inmntu m ki ul tiphul nu 1 1 ait vers in iiituiitkiny t lass hours lu net hn k to llu tin ik was uim ikid it tlu in ik h piritmi at the u sihufl was pnarn uper vistd and upliitl llu teachers taki tui ns sup rv isiny mi wat sun 1 rdatitvd imi bo ilu stititd luhin htiuis arc att tilling m hiv sluiiintv aiul ttkld ilu bijb set 10i bard 1 bairman not oiilv siiutitits jre alt ev led bs in slioi 1 iinni luigi bttt tumds tdi is i no ilimitikid h tso askid it tlu mpcilim jwjil uil bcihud- it wiiuul rvport uyaiilmu ilu iitkr jrnl uarn- 1 it tu pi in ipal yavi hatd mrtn uis a 1 1 pui i hv ikrurtmrm mlv ami not nik o spcsjtlc t ut mi ki ul siuit tlu mspedurs anx in t s rrt i to naitu thi th d inli si hot i hiaid ol n suits lot puhlu a lui or h upli uu liitlmi m i undi isl irul thi w iv 1 hool sliuli nis ut yi ul pi in nlayt ol 1u 110 vu dstk k lot uu a piuyiiss ol sliuknts mi hi istuw wundi ti tl 1 as dipaitnunl polnv pin t vv stt m si 1 hv tlu llu umhi wllui h i ut stlac t vt mny at llu ion tit llu ay nda im ion iiiiu nt i olluwiny is th s sx 1 1 li m 1 nlin l h nt 1 mm to dial linn t at vvtit 11 w haw but at 1 1 unit d nu 1 liny pt toi nut uhiu liiyhl anil lilt h nn lhin l h il wt as in il nu inl 1 s shoitltl yn iiimii l ii 11 ii lo noni i 1 si i ii hwnt 1 i t i in an wl ml vic i ttammo meeting for wactian from elementary pub he ckoolt m mdion waterdown and acton ws held on tuadv varvno t tba j aa denyet tcnool ma hon with d l bomhold aitke guat tjpeaker mr bomhold brother of a formef halton county in- loector eoke on lolvicvg mtbmatt probam through algebra shown chatting with the guett tpeeker ar acton teechert keith allen and mr a gamble left and robert little ettool principal g w mclcentie right r spis-m- 1 1 av hers nd smi 1 1 a hi s union is uoe ut tmnyist labxir unions ir- 1 aus uailwrs arc prurxiunai p s r imtei am chairman ri ut ilisiiussj ihx prufekm ul dcalulf with ttanxlerrsrs tmtt- d n vi nh acaikiok diltkullai and mi ri id said termmai enurse had been wt up tor students in hope ut the prtablems paatt understand publtv whuul buard tnwter u brtuuw cxprcuad kia potntmeot in tbe sjeoae hurh llu until 11 1 sin my ll lu saitl il this of tlu n si hool mi ki1d aikuowlilyid lhal as i vaunt cs 1 1 it 1 tlauylitt 1 in hi si himtl hi was also inhttid in tlu pttiiiitayi in 1 iv til in xannnat nxis hi atynid ayai t- tbi pnhl nation ut 11ut1vutuil mai ks un llu basis it vitrtilit bi an ml t usiun ot pi ivti v ctvarvr ptctur c4wnlng mi hiisiti ilaiuutt must pi i i nts k inn 11 su d m lu j in uks uhlauud uid nmnl 1 aii ti ss tui tlu riilinh t ot l pa pi 1 s 1 1 ud 1 hair man tnni v tt j sn ayrnd in uptiih vs 1 1 1 pridv aufbiyoous mi ri ul lil til iruste dwiyhl nyi i is umk iny un a miklitud ri purl w in in till 1 to iii a ikarir puiim tat listllts hulh pcibhv shtkt niatd nu tn h 1 and mi hi ul imd 1 nfii h- ik id iu uti ilst hal t id as tai as huk ul ion il pnjtuis ati uhhiinul mr aaisn is 1 is a i4vat trrrra- ilu puhv m html hsiaut and ts it l tr mi thi n ul this uini iii an taiv jaimarv nuctiny lwiaaaaaai aaer sx reiarv ireaiurcr vvrhrwm vl i 1 1 ad a tlintsay k rt 1 r inifn an ujli busirtimmri ah hi mu r hcadol rumci i ariirw uhuh c barged ihc hoard with pkjviny sifvall tusn poll ik ni flinging its wctyht aiuund the wrrtii warmd tu tm ptinnck luukl yn a ltny v tl be tfot ipatxi and mail bik re cs ling ainv otter to hut n future school work he vimcd he would keep sharp fse on anv board ittrjularuics in cah- t iny lender and notify the on tano municipal board circumstance spark in the tcobabbued oa ffe sevea kmis lus imk ii iewr u i it s tl l 1u1 lip 11111 id i 1 11 t if 3 tin annual iiuiiiinalions it ts inv sirut m ih 1 mil ih a 411 1 ho st fa seal on council public school board and hydro cormnlslon tic lansc i tlo believe that rvrrv siuicssliit tauttidale tk serves ihc vole u mntkkmt ttial y- with wlmuuy n lonlcslrtt t let lion while at vane instant 1 s li mlisl tk uciepird ht uv iiiijal pat i ait tarnations ait tor the hnds ivliiivr tiny tlu iurv the sliyma ut uottndy t ice wanted ilu job so now vihj le ll naad dadlcatlon and fiiiiht 1 more sinn our ttu 11 is a t erlaln tit tu at ion fc pined lu till ill ibt ubhyahutis n a miinitipal olfuial nn one yih s alony fur tlu rnk i uryr itu iiopl ul ait in to ilu some si tinos 1 lii nk my dm iny ilu ru st ih tla and lo pallulpalr tn itic uptoininy 1 in lion as lomtintd 1 1 1 11 os vc tn 1 tppi 1 c m le 1 lyhi tt volt and lurtluimoti suuc a n h n ml ant iuiintdtif iktt is nn ninth lu utn teyrcl has an iiuuiuttl hiv mli niton in n hit this st11 hum tlu tikal wltiial st in i would ul hki to add that 1 am a firm txlitvii in 1 oui iny up ihiouyh iru ranks thin fort soffit irhiirnhtrif tiain 11m01 should lonsidcr tunlrhny ih ikpntyrcivt wal for pm4 leivd ihu year with tha majnrlty tleuliny with ivkldtfllllml piyiptfr lies teik udmlnlslnilur jack micleaihlc tnld mum 11 ihe court ol t vision wan siluuliilad for cembur 5 und 6 nu i ininniillve weie instruct ed lu lve bother study to ap- pnintmenls tiotii ihe lown to act uu ihe llullun tenieuntal cummli- lie ihe inmuilller wilt lihttttl- yale pioeils whkh full under the ttileyoty of t eiueimlal nrnln sin li piueils letflvtf ona ihlid utunl hout ihe pnivtiulll yovt inmenl one ihlid front tha dominion ynverntuent und m bird limn ihu imincliul tfoyarn- ineiil in ptnirahltttptitri mow siuiins iiiutull mitntwrs revet l ed lu sunny suimnei day and in m il a upon iiuaitllny a turf and it his unlet erne which i in hi held tn htiuiitn novembur 2 c mint tl was invited in uttand ti dt munsltallnn ul etpilpmeitf hv i munti v and sous and enjoy a smniyiishuitl dinner m the eve ntny ui die unattlaiia motel slme ihe th uiuiisliallun hrlod falls nu llu day nl u council imellnu mavm thibv didnt he- uvw ll in be lmtntlmit eunugh lo siibstantlalr iilllny off iihllt ill ami lown suinilnleudenl alf fluhy and mi mideachle weie 1 ft uyild m iimind wrkirh llaallng appiuval was ytven lo 1 loe tn nni buy ui the inun woikvhop nn main si s out lihlotl a ua luallny svsit in cosl for i ha rn nvattous in tu tninplrled by trn im dlshthiiims wus etllmatrd al fa7 vi mid llu hrullny y- lt in hum dulled oas co e i km lid in nul 1410 huyh paiicisnn wus upnnlntad in ihe rttieultun oimtrullea to lepluce uotiy widths who imived hum alton in icuih in fjuclph huiiny llu eiupdrlrs hy mm- hc 1 s oiiiu lllot albert irwin it in mil rmm the 1 lrrk the fawn water supply had nul ueircaaed dm iny the rttrnt dmughl hut miinthow or other had adwiwn e lue inrsiatlc witier tavel oiuiuillnr j attn wood aound- ed his fuinillur t lino rv girding tl iininy up 1 tn sjndhag area at ihe curiur uf iu stern end yinjng stt and wu tnld the lin miaifo men would hv chanulny itic and buys for a mure stable flu mar future oomil tuinrnended ihe acton opp iklaihintlil fnr thalr siht t supe of ihe town system in f rlday trm pi dolny a nu i nincrvli niyhts omiuclllnr llamll sloiett the police are yihml hb inmmitite wui initruct cd in tnvtsliyale u request hy the ualnrmiw unnrn nner to in- trate his dine and dunce hu4nm un sumtays for dancing rtiv h il hlnion informed mum ll tu fiat sris nl the after noon f i im wlav with other rnenv ba r uf a cuunlv cnoncil con miiht distussiny tlu high tchuol m a tmhindarits with deputy iluir mmcdi 1 w r slrwart of ha f pnirnt nl of lalocaotin a by law aimitvid lv griuwn al tun i mjut my arid county tuuimit ttu rnbf r bsit oppamcd by milion nhim it hintl a few ratc- pavt r s in thr ballinafud area was sipristwd by llu tupartnirnt 1 fi w vs t ks ayu tins h law was rrvirwed tuev dav thrriny live ialirvitv with the ik putv irutnsier and further tc- tuiti promisfd uu 1 tiny should iuir tutu n to in au ili rnoiiv and strsnyltun tlu so vuah mr mdmfi mt sawvlar itockwood tmad ar hw baaavy tka yaaf altar fhay wara marriad and ara uir prapartng dough owy in asair k wara rnarnad odobar is 1913 and toltoolng ya pur rhair rtait tiom tha lata harry siartvam thaw ton marto a parmar and an law ha l bakaiboo mr saundan n atill actnw in tka buunau and aarvda lu tha man cnacktrtj ovar a batch ol fancy bum lathar to 0m

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