Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 14, 1963, p. 2

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tha acton r pratt thcrraatay novmbf 14th 1963 wi insrihile party baptishns euchre reported in district mm bon brown wm hosius far ihe november meeting of the womens institute which opened with the president mr leo jn mleson prealdlng with thct noon- ihg ode and mary slewait cow ucl mm jamjeaor reed u poem written by u soldier one verne of o god our help in ages peal waa hung a abort alienee and ihe lords prayer in unison followed in memory of armistice duv roll call wa unswetred hv i t aaaennera and visitors somct- imng i bnjoywl hi the pull pali minute were read and business dealt wllh 9whhs visits in news new baby wi congratulations 10 mr und mra dick vockuitip on ihe aril vej of their second hi tlu duiigh tar all georgetown und illutiu i mcmorlul hospital on november s the vu i mel ul the home i mr a bunion on thursday nvu hlng we extend svmpntliv t itoughutya in ihi nuvulnp of his mother on prldnv mr riuiah ly left sjulurdiiv itr go lo ul miry lo utrnnd the liineml on tuesday happy birthday birthday greuilngs to knrrn van sltkler who cclchruitif her jxth hlrthiluv wllh n pnitv on friday lo uu ttinui her firth on saturday und i donna moon her ninth an mnmlnv mim helen dc vrus niirst in training in hnmllion spun tlu weekend wllh the junssms johnny und sum ponr or cheltenham hit spending this week wllh cousins hit newton ituddells mr alvfn knrn of i ondon und mr harold knrn motored to ormsby for n few dnvs last wick ml and mm alvln knrn spent the weekend with his hroihus here and on saturday ihev win gueata wllh mr nnd mt i km it and mr humid knrn ul thr vwd ding and reception uhen lluir nephew mr leslle millir nun tied mian iris lrvne in the s il vallon armv timpu in pi in borough mnt ernie mcerwry of canadian iwd aesati awr ihe meeting mm tom glbaon gave current evenla mono which waa prepared by mr norman sinclair waa read by mra robr mcfnerv be a lilssj wire and yon won i be stopped w mra i rnlr mcpncrv guve u wading thomas pdlson iho most un forgo table parson a chrlslmim puriv wan planned for w i inemhew tholi husbands und tnnilllos to he hold in ihe hull dcccmboi m pluna were hindu lo vlsll ihe wellington foiiuiv home on november 14 in ihe form of u wrlhdnv parly when those wllh hlrihdaya in no- vember will he remembered meeting closed wllh the queen und ihe insllluie grace soclul cirmmllleie waa mra leo jamie- son mr archie mcpnorv atslsi idhv the hosiesa u tmm a euchre wus held in ihe hull on ttirduv nlghl when i tables wert ptuvid high ludlea mrs rody und mrs com mchnervr ltd lor hist mrs rikiv winning in ihi clruw jrunts ivan morris und clarence kichurdson a v w wwriuihtii is araissaaiaimia rockwoob mr fleming waa iii on sunduv w me usm 8ml i h taking the soivlce lor him a baptismal aarvlce waa held on sunduv hlghl wllh twrv mr hill of hornby taklng the service whin caistn duilenu daughter of mr and mrs hansom david wayne bn by aon vif mi aiul mm duvld mcenery dauld warren baby son of mi ncl mrs luko lltm ann hahv daughter ol mr and miit duncan mioougull hoslc doreen hahv duiighlut of mr und mrs hnwkr hamilton weir hapilyd rwiy o athtlvenary a pleasant evening wua held in balllnared hell on saiurdnv night when a full house greeted mr and mrs roheit murshull ol actor on their imh wedding un nlvemarv they received many lovely gift after dancing to mu sic by mchnerys orcheaira nil retired lo ihe baaenvmi where a lovely lunch waa served includ log a ihraefctorav wadding cuke mrml mtsvajfhlmeiof tiv ronio attended church service on sunday morning and spent the day wllh friends in balllniifnd service for remembrance day fire in vacant hcrusejnniews wan follmyat hv the plutinp of urolh wmr j oukcu gem uc inulc uk alttc hill one in memory of john hllu ihe road i nil qk ntimc hv mr thos gel lullv lflkt pukt by b smiih fol lowou hv two mlnuicii hiichlc nd ihcn revel lie the llvmn nearer my giut in thtv mil liofmhiiclion hy rev a i cnk i ol lowed muu juml duy ivfl lum witk hv ii plane on u thivi weeks huliunv lo wiiikikt honolulu hiiwjiti tht fin hrifindr wnn en hod out lo nit und i fire in vutunl hoim mi limit miln si in it wednrn duv l vi tuny tlu mosl dnmniip ihnt resulted wn ehi riml on wvm huu or iht imtiht whdh wh in reernl venn muipird hv ml nnd mr c invntv und uiho hv mi nnd mis r n rtltuirdinn who mv td lo vliulnud onl thi wintei ol w2ft ri mi mhrim i dnv nerviti h iri wrll observed hundn mr nlny first at thr enoiiiph ul ii n m with ttu giu iph pipe bund in llu kitd fmm tin puhlk hhoil uhihii 1 1 slit u is marshal t i hi p mult ind jim milfu put llu liyion chaiirt hvinn i o kki our help in agcm pum this sundays church calendar acvom iaptist chutch fwiiallnat at oataho av qutawe cutor rev sranlev gammon km 144 tldev ave ph rm16is suhfday nowmbfr 17th 94j am church school for all age mu am morning worship let s i ucc it 700 p m evening service beuhaxxnr s i cun mondav deucotis meet ut s p m wedneada mission hand 4 is praver mctnng 7 to l hoti pritillcv w frld explorers nnd but 7 scripliirt the son ol oihi who loved me tnd givi minimlt for me al 2 20 acton mmtkosta1 tmwiacu u churchill road jioc rav s m thoman pastor gsvj7l sundan november pih l hub am sunday school hm ajn morning service too pan bvanhu service fawaamy pja wble study and flayer tfeuraday i p m christ ambaa- j ajatlnrg you axe cordially invited wm nukm of it auam hea rockavood immanuh iuli church associated gospel churches of canada main si rockwood pastor ray wiseman sljda november 17ih llol 1000 am sunday school ii h am morning service 700 pm evening service hwaavaattasck vtunmu eamt- wmu mhnmtus the hnd formed up with p u na up cuclpb m and nldnwnv 10 conn adc followlni hutk on around in from of the thuixh imjfore the conirciaiion wulkcd in for service pmcyinnni hvmn uis soldiers tit thrisi iinst with the national am hem fol lowinu the order ol sirvke w is by hie pnivcr book and strip- uiu icadinu hvmn o cud ol luvi o knitf ol pttul sinnon o god ol belhtl tollowlii hv ol fertnu and ixtissumil hvmn i yanisi was mis otil mrrvdith tht inmml haranr of the prrs bvurian churxh was hi id sum the annual all un tmd tin unintu ol il of pdtn mlllh pixkhyiliian limit h lv i luh nui moml tv wan held in tlu suiuhu sihtuil room weilmhilav alltinoon pun inn teu wt iv mis j f lowiu mr wm mino mn clm iii it k link mrs win olluitson in chuiue of the da tablt s wis mm t perrv upnins mrs k nlhtii son mis r rov whiu upliini mrs pi vi mitiu haktiim mis u gllbttlson mrs u ouhioii mrs r wityhi lamv woik mis m mel tan mis chas i sh iviiivmti it llu tltmir mis hi it wiluhl mis gitiipi aikm the iympath t llu oiminiim tv isixlindtd lo iht mm utmn ill family tn tlu loss ol i i iihtt iml itmmtrilht i mt tnd mis win m i m suni suiulu in ion i n uilh ihiii it uijihtt i ut i i uiiik mt mil mis hoh i t iik is hour der a m i noiiti nit n in m llu 1 1 lam mil tlisit u r h ni t wuk in llu ittml ot e i tki hnnliiiic tt luininii hoim sun tt u uilh li tit tk 1 1 i iu tin i in i hi puil utii noun in mush ill dqv uflornoon in sunduv whool munncll i own hill louiu hill nuitn and will iturujid jmlim kos unphill ii mikj mora work win done ar g mllv1k rmu imil rfc or the town hall inst weef cc men i blocks wlix built tip on pt iiiui aikm o i dt n the foundulion mil mihjnnu laiil mills pushminin c fun h un it i down went sinpti ijtuii mil kt i i tl ml wode of the crnnd vlllcv w ms conservation park oil th huh sl sl v m wm md a si h thr ctth tttti scnm mothtrs- the stltool was filled on mint duv i lining ivlih luighluiiiis ami rrlcnds ul mi mul mlvwlllnil avery und sons ului galhcitsl lo bid llkin liinull heloiv hull depailuii lo tiiulph pmgiesslve euchre was puived wllh prima for high scons going to mrs i hiiplli und normuii mukvnal mis ross milwm iwud in ad dicss uwl mis llurrv lluikr iiiiitv clui ke mul russ mi llwiiu ilwdf llu pitkintiivlon of two hiwluok chairs sind u pole lump uunv jr und roherl cjurue pivseiilud will mul moss uilh mil link scls all expressed ihtir slnnii ihunka and linltid nil to mii llu in in unit new honu ul t cllve avr rtlieshiuinls wnv served hv i hi ludlcs mil ii soclul thin tn loved huchns right lulilea of card wei in nlav in ihe hi inontlily eiuhii field tiiduv night ul ihe school siionsoud hv the women s in slllulc illres uciu utvuidid to miit ilcd llilnlntl und llmciv ii stin loi high scons inikc oiii pilrt wus iilso woo hv hiimv jeslln nil und 111 ian 1nllc i llivil mil lloh iliiiii indv isle v mul hoi rv hrtui ulieniteil i youth riillv in tonmio on suiiihiiiv mr wlllrcd wihli ol the i is mmillohii mid his hrotlu i wll ommiini jiitipiion on nmrmlhr v mil iii un or p ilslt nine i iiulpli v i to lilt pinioi iinm lilll mill d on llliiits iii llu vllluu thin nionihlv un e miej iii hill ihi h iminsim ill uniiiiul men itimilv his lucn 1 1 nl il loi i ueddinii mg on tfciimhii hum mudi mi ait c null s jndaiils mum aw ikuu out tvviati were honored sunday afternoon dunnri a tpacliil dinner in acton leolon audi torium following the remembrance day service from row left to right are andrew payne tom bannell ed perryman boer war vet wilfred coles f f berr willard brilton and pap kanney back row left to nrjht jtmei loutitl bob turner sam snow gib kingibury jim inrjlli cam lailhman bob algia and william middleton lis ui r tiu nr litr ff w annual fall tea bazaar held in church sunday school room oownof successful sale farewell marred by sons accident heen husv cleaning up pikv ol hrush bv lines hetoix winlei set in th rormet hi pol i o puk id jacciii to vullev rouil ansili ir nut in the ill in mil pi iniul to mi inn 1 soni i iu hi l hi s slllllll in li ill h 1 mint ivanou apttjt church slmday sfrvicrs novivthir 17th llet in y wcja ts im allvs bible school ii ihi i in 1- hill red 110 p in a discussion ol thi inhik hoilist lo ciisi b the bishop u woolunh xsii il tnusii pustor rev j h wilauq 85w20i6 1 uiu s he ar miss j rogers r n iiiisi returned trom africa il w davidson s r r 4 vivenibci 14 pm wukwud bower the valmd oherell l i mlnialer the rev dwajht 1 a vd j orgaiuat i mr george ellloti ma- phd tlk awe d u weal ba ust tm jamtsa av phone is30mm syt si n day noyembe 17th ll divine services a vi am earlv service ii is a m corporal wot ship i nurserv durtnfl ills am service lor teajdlera the church schopl 1 j am seniors grade and sunday novembfr lth trinuv will mo avm hol euchanst llljt am cnoial euehansi 7j0 pm t icnigij and in- alructlon youth meeting to sunday november 17th lat mt aaa church school mm avnv mbuslrr a bible class 1 1 00 am j gni1cc young people u4 la meet al rhe ehurvh jt j0 p m 1 yc shall know tikt trath aad ihe truth svill make aoafree notice of initial public hearings on briefs concerning medical services wswiance preliminary public hearing will be held a followi windtorcounal chamber city hall 1000 am december 3 and 4 toronto galbrailh bldg univenuty of toronto 35 sc george st room 202 202a 10 00 am december ii and 12 1000 am january 7 and h 10 00 am january hand is 1000 am january 21 and 22 10 00 am january 21 and 29 theae are initial not final hearings briefs vsill be pre sented by a reaponaible officer ol the organization con cerned or the individual wishing to make the submission or their legal counae participants may have eipcrt vvit- nesveitppear for them pamcipann snll be aaked to preaent only the aummanea aad cooduatoaaof bneft as wdl aa their reoommendationa they are iras te eiaboratr orally and offer argumenls p appealing before the enquiry may be riamined d aa ama ifilj e rojtrblrfc cf art pi iuryjafoi 1ub aju dadtcauon sundew servum scrmaii theme fut ml your mintstrv comiau- atoning of viatiurs lo homes of oingreajatxm j0 pjn y o u i h feuoavshtp asartmg pilm shbwfng pro- rvnoae iiihaavillun bneft art permitted to introduce at list hearuag aiulbbaeruryxjaformatiori and aaatenal in vantteaibraa tamato be kaoavn as eajubata vsdl be aled vaith use cotaaaiaiion and numbered ta order of jeer hope evei ivervorif most welcome acton oanarao suvday novembbk i7th 1000 ajn enahah sereka 2 jo pm dukh atnrtce ms pm bondajr scftpal everyone moat 1 kk iqi ooaata oo the proposed medical servwca in prograaune must ba tubnutted by t5lal a the secretary t c cuuaaay t aaaa4laa7 0alaail nab nulls of oiloii vlsliwl iv unllv wllh mr und mis ii it llowurd mis tuules bus iiiiiin id ii porl ttvslll tin live wllllii months vlsltois over ihe wiekeiul wllh mrs 1 humus cities were her brothers herman and wllllnm ii russell of fwlroll mich mi hliwuil mueilomild ol ho ehoului ny is vlvlilng wllh his imele mid mini ml und mi uu vld sli uiu i mr und mrs mm mini mckm rli- und liimllv ulleiulid llu writ ding ol thill nl it t mul wuks lo km snillli ul oi inn llnlld lhiirch on suiinxluv misfortune i igln awuv hud llu mlslortimii lo huvc his nosi hnikin tn linn plilies on widnisduv inoiiiliiu lie wus hinting u liiiiiiniu mill uioiiiiii ill pn pmillon lot ihii tin ill miic in ihi llllllliooll vvikii ihe ciunk tilt lilut on ttu mist llu veils tieulil ii dm iph llns plfstnhv 11 lolin sin i ind il lowed toii nun itonn mis diigli itoli iiviii und ihlldiiii uf nielpli visited on moml iv wllh ii ind k- koh irismi hue resafiil hula a siiiisslid li ninu sit wns hi id on wilii miiv loi mi mil mis willi il awitv who imvi sold ihiii tmin in mi ind mis upshltl ot l iiliosu who yrl po sisslun on iht lth ihi woiuins instinili hid i nits shninl luiih on th uioiinik mul iiuiii a husv iliei jioou wllh uood it huns its no secret iy many a santa gets a lift from acton free press want ads buy bicycus tricycles doll buggies doll houses electric troin sets furs dia monds sporting goods musical instruments typewriters infants fur niture household furniture and furnishings sell anything and we mean itl theres a market for anything you have to sell take an inventory of closets attic and basement and advertise without delay the quick satisfactory results will amaze you ttlepttone 8532010 tf 2030 iet0w 12 classifih advertising accounts may be placed and or paid at dills stationery store

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