Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 28, 1963, p. 1

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uiiiajisml t iwpfpwwwr t- j gall free press tuesday night for latest areaelection results eightyninth yr no 22 acton ontario thursday november 28lh 1963 atxfctriam m i cum ub fourteen pegetsevan canti contest office of reevef m m hinvon contest office of deputyreeve return paul nielsen as c of c president paul nielxcu was chosen to j mented b receipts of j7 l lead aclun chamber il commcixc peiulnures were 17740 which through l4 in the election til icaus a balance at present of officer lit wednesdav s mctiinu lm 7 in aetopling reelection aspicstd- i fred gordon rcpoiiedon i ik a ont mr nielsen promised in tit minis ot the rvinl section ami hi vej kxt o execute the ilu u accomplishments in the t tti p m iu t fcinr tii 11 if s ln by thut lpe chaniki lemaiiis ac am the christmas liljhling live and honoiabk in cwrv i pittgram or the knelil ot all piisuknt nukn leviewed the hackmi up lln piisukut m i a activities and etumutalid is i he iitliie is phil ungei inst vm suttessliil hi i u ell in nighi pre si iu nl oival chapman second hum inn ol c hiislmas trees thi vice piistiu nt sn telai mimiv itten til the wai iiiiuki hi han 1st in ami tnimiiu chestt i divoialion o thi town tm ni election results template uctlon kaaulte win be available mxt ttteaowy eve nts from tha acton freeryeae emealahwt acton return will be given and computed rkam fromnlaeeacatwya aaateaauee- in where eukrlenaa m mod day aaanilnae of tha free etaff wul ba on hand during tha evenm two telephone knee win ba open to va call- an tha raaulbi of tha jactlo aa thy an received caltara nre aaked not to tla up tha ghaae unaa unuacaaaari- ly ai only reeulte to data can ba given tma will nuke it aaa- lar to accommodate tha many calla expected cttbene may keep tebreaet with atectlon raaulta by call- in ummi council refutes reeves charges on beardmore water contract acton council tuesday evening approved an ayreement to supply beardmore and co with water from the main street soulh spring reeve h h hlnlon voi ced against signing tu igreemcnt according lo ihe turns of the agreement already approved hy ihe company ihe own will in stall vnilcrmalns and provide equipment from the south spring on completion ol this work benidmores agreed to pav the tost ol the sunk up to a maxi mum tost of 122 000 council ac npled ihe lender of kleenway constructkin toronto at an ev nuk erfirfj tlmaled bid or si0992js0 according to the agreement the town is not responsible for ihe type or condition of water sup plied to the company at the rale of nine cents per 1 000 gallons beardmore and co guarantees payment of 1540 per year for the water within 30 davs after the first annivirsarv ol signing the agrci ment beardmore agrees to pa 000 lor maintenance purposes this payment ol 1 000 per sear continues until the original credit cost of initial installation of ihe equipment expires 21 candidates seek 13 seats voters go to polls tuesday r onlv the nat ln niavm not he lontcmnl ihis mu ing immmaiions last thuisda tiveniny maor i es dub was n turned bv atuamalinn voters will maik iheir ballots lo cleet a rct deput reeve six ificmbep i count il three for ichool btiattl anil tvso lor hydro commifcmon for reeve coniovttnp ihe ollue ol tecve are inctimnent ii h hmton anil newcomer to municipal politics r r purket h jl hinton businessman hus luetl in acon suite 124 he and mrs hmlon hat two how and tine mil and live at 24 paik ave he his had previous expert once on acltin council count ltnincil and ihe credit vjllev conservation aulhuhlv he u vkcvhaitman ol the tricounlv tail committee tr hulton peel and dulurtn counties he has been activx in numt mus cnmmu nitv oryinialinns and is a second world war veteran he has u par titular interest in wtlfare work will would appu ciale our supfkirl dm at the polls for deputyreeve councillor j bert wood anil candidate i dward mai donald arc both contesting the seat of depu tv reevi edward macdonald is a wi dowei who lives with his dauph ter at v movvhrav place he has been 1 resident ot town tor the past six tars is a veteran and a mimbci ol acton chamber of commerce acton lmns club and past member of acton planning board and is selfemploed mr macdonald savs i will stand tor county representation thai is a credit lo ihe town i pcisnnallv feel we lack belter in terpretation between process of development and pruccfth of un idea i propose a combined de velopment with a plan of achieve ment lied to ihf countv develop- memii ol out area ii elected i will strive lo be worthy of public oltic ami m work worthy of me j bert wood insurance ug ik sas 1 am tompleulv mile- ml who lives al 124 churchill rd pendent and unbiased in mv an- s has bein in aclun seven md proach to anv munuipal pron a hall mais he is married with tern i will ns mv i in wii it cl a h w p munuipal altaiis faithtullv ami living al home he has been two sensiblv wtn the ixiufit ot all vtais on loutud as chairman or the communitv ol ac ion uul will ilu tinancc ami education com seivt mv home town to ilu k st mikis and ehaiunan of the sew one cai he is a luctiihct ol tin legion mrs doris fryer has lived in acton for the past 42 ears with her husband and six child ren she is a thai ter member til ac inn parks board and has ser cdfor the past six vears she is also a member ol the acton wo men s institute and was presi denl lor six wars she is a mem bcr ol st albans e hutch and sas i tcs1 thcie should be a woman repiesenlative on eoumil as it is a guotl thing lo have a woman s viewpoint on civic mat ten albert irwin who with his wife and lhir children lives al 212 macdohadd boukvaid is a member ol the canadian ligtou and served on council from 192 lo 1955 anclagain last eai ii ejected 1 urilf try to uphold the food kound government durinp the pal lew vears and attempt to deal with mumcipd issues as ihtv arise to the best til mv abih tv he savs c aikc johnioisj 12 i lia belh dnve is a local real tsiati agent who has hcd in alton lot ihe past eilihi mars mi and mis johnsttn haw two lirls anil two i btivs he his serve tl two wars ho ird is t hai lei piesi continued on page three the company also agrees to continue to pav foi a minimum of two and one half million gal loyi ot iresh watci troin the reservoir nupplv on churchill ronl which is ihe plantspres cnl conhiimption at the icgulai industtial rutei reeve hmton took exception to the nine cenis cr 1 000 gallon figure anil stale tl he h id nivei heaid ihe liguie nunliomd ih fore councillor alee johnson claimed ihe original leims ol the agreement had ken discussed at council when the ixeve was pics ent clcik jack mcci hiik altti review ol prvv ions umnul nun ules old immlh is on oe ioiht 28 a complete iwicw ol ihe a glee nun i had bet tr inattt iluti hv hem uul ilu neve was muk e d pt c sell t the hue e laimed the basis on w hu h no 2 com nut tee st wt i and watt i h id re a e heil ilu nint uul iiluk hut iievti hten given lo no i eitnt mitlec election pitch couticilloi johnson sattl kit vt hin ion h id aln adv in aid tti sons at tin oclohci imthniiwhin ihe oiilinil altikintiii hid kin sludiid ik asktt vth lln ttew- elitjii i ohtei at 111 h iinu and waited until the pie m nt he wtinthied laltt il il wis at i let lion i unpawn piiih on lull ill ol ihe recm c mini illoi h nn iv al added that mi minimi h ul mi peal s own commilln topv t the agree nu nl tin tin it vwt ks to studv pnui lo i lie st i i llll i fug a iitnui deal loiintilloi j heii shhi u minded the iecw th teinis ol ihe aimitimnl had ken ksojn minded in ilu onlano v iti i rtsoliivts oininisiiin ami il w is tin opinion t tin owkl ilu town is ei it inn a youd detil 1 1 ont the sale ol walel altvr a petiikl of two mats we veill k deitvtng suitit revtniit trent the south spunej which up until now his been rnsttng us motiev lo uiamlain aiul no um can be made ol ilu waiti sii ed mr wood mi llm on suitttl hi was of the opinion ttu low n would dt nvi mint riii nut ll iu ndmm and t o had kt n arssi d lln i apii d t osis itir tin pto i mil the thousand gatlonx rather than the town underwriting ihe cupllal etisij immedialelv ah noted prv- vittunly theo costs will ik paid hv the emnpanv upn comple turn til jhe program mots revenue clerk mccicachie disputed the teeve statement u told lulu ihe town would net 1200 met live vears under the agreement bin il ihe iviwh proposal wax accepted the town would onlv stand to gain v wo which would mean a nel loss lo the town ol 6000 over the fiveveai pcriml mayor by acclamation mayor les duby where to vote ac ion voters liicsdav will vole al tin following polling stations waul i polling sukliv iston om m a eomprlwng all the pen i ot own east ot john street and south ot mill street to queen st reel ouul wait 2 council thamherr vot ciiiiviig imiih ot mill suce1nicml ami tist ol john street son n ward i uxttin mt mortal ha albert i irwin com- iivve hud jut conv the clerkvsaid no 2 committee emild himsjtanttate jtw figure of nine cenul mavoi i es duhy told council it was lie reeve progative to- elisugive il he wished but remind cd hem guidance trom the ow rc hatl ken uhtuined flrul m agretmtient has not been ruibed it is tvei two eant xince it wti first disused and ihe ratepayer have net u etinslelcnrd at every turn the mnvor said count illo plained ihe pleled a 5 minute dtxcuxiilon on the suhiect ullhough he had had i pie vioiis oppotiunitv to ntudy the figures and dispute anything coune illoj jdlinsiui repealed hlfc stale menl it u onlv a bit of clcciionvenng to get hli name in the paper count illoi wood climaxed the argument when he point blank asked tin letve il he had receiv ed otitic illo peals copy of the otiyinil agreement previously the reeve pioducisj a pltotottat cn and said he had received ihe tepoi l onnt illoi wimki informed membk t s i h high st hool hoard is tutd with a difficult llua- lion us appitival foi the pitiruin ed addition could not be given hv tin otitano municipal beiard unlil minoi kitindtirv thangf have bun cleared lip the coun- cilloi said tl imnitdiate progrrit is not m ttle on the proputcd hmldinu il will noi k teady for in xi sepitinki s occupancy he askttl count lis approval to have a lommiltre meet with the omh in otdcr to gain approval have the aichilect for the dditton diaw up working planx so consiiiii lion will not be held up it was ay 1 1 ed lo have a n pu s nialion metl with the fi m ii for thix purpose the ckik wis inntuicled to itoflfy nabacaaawtpva and ttaqtimlng lownshtp rlvrk4 ol i it in action approval ve as given for pav iiiiui ol 60h turiinjnionifv intiaeior for eurth removal il the 1 1 tiic it r exlenxion for rati dticd t of w itt t hatl th ivco oi iht i tits pi i vxiieis living west ol john slice t iddilioiid woik done nl the xlte and north f mill street jovli and a how the contract ward 4 ymca wmers living pniial pivnunl amounling to stkilh u mill street ami west ol 2 mm was upprowd foi work at jhn street ilu imtutnv completed bv mr hours lor voting are from 10 lhoinpsn llilanie of ihe con m tm lt m until 7 u ot pt i xw k- nultl whrn the in ihe evening tncriutis tompklc ihtir record andeison on ilu huaid ol hit eslt is ai v ttui 1 ellgc i ktv hhk win win maekav win caimv ejwm he ni v dtveau lohn km nino hi aula and law dills installed b uavor lnsallini ilu lm illucis maivti lul tuhd nn nibs i s vtoilld in ik irn esiia illoil in kevp ihe lhantki teliw cham kl woik is m iivocn ageuit nt to coilllill iul nolmkh is minn toilet i lltd llun ooiuil ilu ih pi ait well await of ttu tll the l hanik t is k m 1 iv asm i t iutk i son in 1 1 pot tlnu on l t itttlt d tw c tpls nu i tloiial hollelus and the excellent i lit isiutis likhiing piogt am which is second to none ol the eommutirtics ol ihe disti u i a niihlt si y t out ihe wie cam p itgn was oilranicxl a mniiit s siknct wis thvittl in tinnittiv ot pusideiii kiniutk i lit it in tn i nu i line in ilu ikiin nnnn hotel was spais aiu ud kd eiuhinit intm 12 al iik tusi u 1 1 dtiwn tiiu h ot bal met til m l ilu ve al v is iu oilnmtmt i lu n in ting e lasse s tic eontimoni up on the thiicl hoot in ihe lux ptess huildiuy k h wvehusdav v venmg anvoiu inu 1 1 vu d nuv si ill contae t mis uuia dun ich wwos ol mv arulitv r r parker cann lo cton in 112 as net ptisidcni o heaidttuin and co and livswiih his miu md luhilv al 4 p u k ave ik was a chatlir iiuinki ol ae ion paiks lutaid and m iw d foi six t jis anil is itini s upumii tat iv l on ilu c i celit a he v c on sin hum lllholltv ik is i ilkiii ki tiul i ku i tt kn iushv tct iiii shuivh mt pnki svs with i imv llllu ot lvuiki 111 tltyilksl uic and indusiiial ttihtalion md nuin lye nie nt in utduion to mv hiuu on paiks lutalkl and t cin servatlttu lolimiitlee i siiutlelv kllcvi ih it i irn will cepjlpped lo siu ilu tlltfttsls of thi ae ion taltpaviis ni ktlh town aiul ituiniv toiuuils ll uu tee ih u i am ilu tn in lot ilu task 1 ei uul watci committee he has hatl one wai on planning hoard uul st i ved is see ic tarv of ihe acton chamhei l commttce for lout vi it 1k s ivs i tect mv pcist cxpetieikc on lown vounol w ill enahle tm to represent tk town of acton al kth local and lounlv itvii in a sane and sen hie in innt i toi ilu ioki o e t twiitt ii ekeletl i will vekllv snpiil st iuh tor nt w industry nul m mil on mv k lit is lor as low i t ix t itt as is cconomicallv sound for council situ nun and one woman are niiinin toi six tumuli seals rax i bu boh dt mkw the r arthur licld mis viis fraet albert it w m au e johnson trie lohnsum lolm i ast hamilton p d uul i ink simioni acclaim reeve deputy council monday esquesing voters to elect school board i scjuesing volers will lo fo the polls monctav dtcrmht t 2 lu choose three sthimil kutl t r its slate of six eaudi wai itown w ly n aluot 21 m t pavt 1 atte tided rv arbtl h i ill ins iii ml i wilt uul thn ltinglkld kd he ul tine i ol ilu at t n i pit sldvtlt ol till w lleel ill acton sides with his hi kin n at 17 is a rnunufttc t harter member ions c tub a pasi ae ion branch of the dill ii i c atu i i sctrtx aind is a nutukr ol iht ontario shoe 1 sup inleiukft s vssi tatllul hi has siuvt n tk hvdn t ommis sion lui two jtitl a half mats rom drimcwal ter lives with h s wilt and i urthikirrn t ln chin thill kd s i is emptrnrre as a nualilx mnlpil inspector jt itmijciimn hi has snxxxl on k ligkui m joins awnmii 1st lot wo if he sjx slmcv vintiin v oiv i hivr been led tivmg with a t iv kern interrpst loal iiminitivtl ifinis if elect d lo t hhkii on pnrpurcxl to tlevoii ik teound link isrers niiv i i issih ik peikpk l a lhl 1vj uiili t aptt ihf m si ol hi lovkn etthild k upheld v ll lilt ijk s ukji inipio tt srvjtcr o nl ii tir i will work toss and t iiuiiit jik mhvs untvistrial drvrlop wn i vwoukl rrc tees tiom a dates lsv icwc tit put tetvt mm touiu ll mudiihis urn 1 1 tin iu d bv aeclamatioit dui uil iioiuhu t itni nueliiig mood iv nielli in i s que sinn commumtv hall in su w lu n elide el lossinf iht ii hats in tlu i mt lor anothtt i ling al sehool kkiui oe iiuiunknis k j i iiiiihiii h mi willi tin law son aittl mn spiowl n s taitdutalts this nvii ate ckslit latlv allttd spent i anil 1 low i i islui two nun who were rwnimiled hoi tie i lined vet 1 1 t i a nk k k i t son ami i t tnk mtketi returned bv jtdiiminn wi u ks vt owge t t st iv puis rfi wllred lu tui cooiud lots wahlr lmham kmui cur i it uul rokit 1tvsstn aaotlwr eosa tvinng tk i ale pave rs inning whuh lollttwetl notntniti ns vci i i tn ttuinedloi aix nritt v ole t el i k t e- i ng l e v t t v i 1 1 1 en vkn k tniirktd vtv ihotihv 1 ha k hi a vi o ag al this nne t ht n vvt all itwrnin ttl ik lss ot hii i itt re ti and wuttn wdliul bi 1 tnd kwttl stir iinteruk n v dham tuttn cm ttmtght wi iihiio b loss f mv ot tlw puattsi uaturs m tk hiu john k ntvrdx bo h his faiwilv aivt tk ttitiit woik cu serve dtepesi mpjthv tn tk kxs o4 this uat wader and hus kind toscnship cleik k c i iusav wk eais avpriointrl thuniin tt rhe meeting t nrtjraitulted txu til oo their at um4iiui to ortur p ivt i s w lll ills li biph ssthttol u is alh ettstd hie ktlld ol is ik quoted ficjut tt opt rvition st hool kuiid- ihu t uul i h ill inn td do hoi i ws know ttl tk c xi i oi i win on ih lu u i ilu ll nl iikllli l j ii i 11 iii i 1 in i4ni imoiiiilil i lhi h id in i siv 1 ml in 1m ii i- imi n lisimi lii lv lnt 1 11 lull iii iu 1 lis lnli town is 111 i jsimi in till i- r i iii 1 111 ii i 1 1 null i 111 stall llandad hattla i mifun ulisl tcttrfieurwn hi 1 i vijih mny 1 him ms lutl hrn 111111 ki i iv t2wimo tll kt up illtlins i iik stlmwll i iv unit ipp imii this and lll mill tl ll illh i lllllll it 1141 1 in i 11 i71lio lu i i wo k nntinuril tm pic tw i uisnrly atfrrsann in hrtnimit rlinrsf tn ir caftsq a i i scout hall eight ot its voung otrlt tcivd thai geld bart ter complatusg tetn front os ktt to tight an oay r4nit gold bar darlana baarman joanna ankar diane de vnct satty dunn tvwaniaa and lynn oynn gold bar back row cheryl hackanbrook and joan nvll raa carol wadawtku gold bar calharma athlay and branda brown twaaniat rniin ixj 1 hi a vsmnftts sr jr phll ivpirrntina m cisar tnvii of hit prontr to imvmlrjah iivl sugprl suitable nrstpat in ant inlorrruro thr rjrrrsjsvr thr xhkh ttin van parturpatr in members had encrminterril 4 h- vimimuirkmation ul the mdlh taufh vsrar hut had dime an n annisvrsars nt on federation cetleni ioh mi dealing with jtme field in tsttm hv the past ia voar m vsith his vstfc and tarailv al a lunlkm ril ta tecveoaakqwd 1 and ban served on coudcu for oeunrrlosvn hlh school hoard rcenrmntathce tor ihejownihip i col g o brown pouaed the rate- 1 f chosen wednesday avsmng nving the annual election mealing tha acton nambar ol cotnen f iow l w ata tatond vretmtant oval chapman pndent paul nlier and lu vice pretidani phil ungar back rowattt to right murray harnton aecretery h m hmton pat prandant and chatter andarion traaturer mayor ua oubv admmitd tha oath of ah to tha ohcam and oiroctora

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