Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 28, 1963, p. 3

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o ratepayers raise objections at annual nomination meeting selected to chair the annual ratepayer meeting after the nomination meeting last thurs- day was school trustee roy good win candidate edward micdonald objected lo the chairman re- quesl for the candidate to de- clare the office for which ihev would aland before the 9 m p m deadline the chairman pointed out that it would be necessary to have thht declaration the first item on the nifendu no all can didate would have an opportun ity to declare themselves by the 4j0 dmdjine candidate arl field uhlectcd to the nomination of syd lamb on the around he wan not at the meeting he alo challenged the wood nomination nn a conflict of intercut iih up to him to prove here tonight he hns nol mr maodonald reported hi had visited the municipal tioard on the subject mayor duny presented a report of colinclla mlivltics which is printed in ita entirety hydro report chairman ted tyler of the hydro commission reported 1963 wan a light year on repair and new line work the commission icul thla condition will remain the aame and sugresud under ground wiring might be consul cred in the tulurc for ncu or repair viorl the capacity nt no i hub lilt ion has been lncrnied rrom 1500 kva to 3100 kva he reported new mobile equip ment was undji cnnaiderallon a atudv or requirements for ca pflnslan uf the ahnp should he conaldered water healer insul lotions huvt whovvn a marked in crcuac pnifit on the vciu s ontrntiuns j mssitl ind in tulurc the nullmii reached 111 word wis re hooths could he isiihlislud in ccived inim onluno hvtliii thil pins arm meaaammuummtjcjkcatnmacaf4aizdiut mj n lo i sunshine purenttetkher night the rourlh parents ami leach tcnlion bv ihe toucher kuiutc era night was held ut the bun each child is doing a ihlfmnt ahine school bv the rducalion i type ol work and usually in n commutes- of ihe nharc on dllfcrenl room monduv evening queitlona period the coniniutcc and teacher turn was taken lor a qu snin weiv on hand in greet the par and answer period and pamph ratea would remain the aame in 1964 m board william benson in the abaence of chairman t walton reported for hie public school bo rd highlight of the year were an enrolment of 94b a ataff of it agreement with naaaagaweya for leaching of hop and home ec roof problem al both schools expectation of the uac of the tone school next september op eration within the budget park board cliff bradley reporting for the parka board reported expend lures had been within 110 of the ij600 budget the nitration plant at the wading pool ha been in stalled some land in the glen lea park- area has been reclaim ed and it is expected this work will continue in 1964 with possible rctlamajlon of park land at lakevlcw stalled recreation fragrant the increased recreational pro gram has been accomplished on less than a i mill cost in 1961 icported joe hurst for the rec reallon commission he review ed the operation of the commun ity centre the summer program to be expanded in 1964 the adult health training classes at the high school and the winter program at the arena and the art classes queallon period the question period followed ihe presentation of reports mr rieltl asked whv a polling booth couldn i have been estab lished in glenlea and lakes icw subdivisions he suggested it had been requested al other meelinus the chairman attvmplcd to answ er the question his answer was nol accepted and mivnr duh said the possibility had been ills edward pope asked why the ad mission to the park had been in creased to tl he pointed out fewer people had come to the park and suggested the parks board could make more by charging less mr bradley re plied the lee was set at si to out of town visitors to increase the revenue he aald ihe first vear at 1 the revenue was good but that last year the weekend weather had been bad and re venue was down nominee speak 21 candidates seek 13 seats voters go to polls tuesday thaacton freepress thursday november 28th 1963 3 continued from page one trcnl of the at ton limn club ami former preidcnt of acton lotion minor sports and wan on the community centre committee he luyn now that i tim in bus i nef in acini for mvwlf i am in a position to devote more lime lo town binim in the event of emergencies during the duv emc johnston with hts wife wo boys and two ylrk live at 32 mowbray place has been in the threemlmitl neriml al lotted to each nominee ray arbic announced he would ttnnd for council vic brwtow announced he would run for school board anil intends lo work as i best know how for the best interests of the children of acton wm benson said it hud been i m a pleasure lo be on the board hl j mpi i h and i will uke mv best thoughts vear in counci as a member of to the weill of the chddrcn of lir lcsdubv thanked rpavcv hn last or 112 wskoit for the privileue of an acclapi 5 hah livtd n aumi srkt employed in acton for the punt four years in an tnijineerititf con snltinu lipiiitv he qualifies as a member o the canadian ltuion having compllted twoloursof op- ciations ocrsias with ihe r at after the war hi atkiuliil the uninsit of tuninio tiikinji chemical fnninlrinn he is seeking reelection as a khinllim clam ofton october t iiio llwlm uul h is btcn in islti eketiieiin at biatdmnri and co loi i lu pisi 20 miis ik wis i iiu ehiel lii luo e its and pli en is us thtv uiiitd and signed ihe ljucm book the mcvilny was held in the iherupv num with mis j j kinnedi ehm man nl iht innmitlet enndiktin thi tnwliny she opened with thi c a r c privc i ami in 1 1 tulik ml mis 1 a me i rill sesutarv of the l tumult tec mr kenn utko teach era unci patents and told tlum lhc niult a mccssaiv leant the educattun til n retwilttl child is putuuxsjupttt in whuhmul ual inlet est and pnibttntraie in olcd the lad that vml ire he iv toniyht is pumf unit mi hie u v itiei to ih pu uf hat team shi- nutinl lets and hook helpful ii the pai cnts weie oflcred them lot read inu mis allan hottutd milton home caie cimxcnei and mrs w treahv icoryetown sseretai f ihe nharc nnd provincial dir eclorofoarc rrprewnted the executive al i his me c liny which pleased the etimmtitei o g mcdowell inspvetoi of publik chok a member ut the iducillon committee and or the ulnit tinu boaul tor ixmstiation injjw snnshiiu sch ol new was mi ible ii7b at the of the cm tnnt hut lion i accept lr as 1 vole of con loner iw is mainetl with 1 fldenec children is an ex r a feteuin bert hinton repot led he hul member ol fl ac assist ostsiip been concerned ut the rininciil ennlcrident id si aii1111 s chinch position or the town we hie school membci ol llonie ind not to uet the finances into rea school commitue member ol sonnble shupe 1 am all for new m c a eomiimiee sice pitsi industrv but we must look after dinl ii ac ton ndp unnip ex ihe ones wc- have lirsi h iive nuinbci ol acin comm said he hnd attended i0a towiijnitv credti union mcilniis and 112 foi the- chintn i e sivs i would pic d vioi its actons turn to no loi the 1 i v i ill do this 01 1 udl do iwirdcnshlp thai doesn i mintli il tleeud lo olluc hut th it acton will uet it but it is ac i the duty ol sin ion representatives duty to lr i e utmost the communils r i honcuto uprcscni t h it tints is r r paikcr hoped he would lu impose nn ss ill upon this cnlov the contest i hm- s reed communtls but to seek otil the acton for if vean in appointed needs of the people ol acton lobs six 01 scicn on the parks combine ihis with the lueessile board and since- i9s4 on ihe i 1 conllnuedt spansion nn- i ssill sue the 1 us i credit vallev consetvallon auth u- li 0111 toun mil th it then best of m ihilits orhs s ni pliltotin wi inusl nol rtsl on lunxls enned but quuinted with opcnillnu the commiuion incumbents william benson sociution and the american ted erullon of musicians mr simionl resides nt 117 wyn ford place glenlea subdieisiun is married and rither of two child ten lvnne and allen who attend the m 7 bennett kciooi mh v b ure h xet the iccdnt c led pi mr simiom is kienln inteusted as in ihe nnu again this year i brian moore and local i irefujh in the town where he is emplovtd as well as a lormtr member mur ers mon ihe lame crowd eeheh and makes ins home and eels j rt smi 1m sv ereil helped nnc ihe intur that it is his pnxileuc and dutvy lamb j 11 accept his portion ol re sponst i w uenson who ie- 1 bihty in municipal ifairs ii su a 2n m s e w ms wdi and two children has lieed in atlon sou e 199 h was see uur of ihe y mc a lor a while worked with baxter luboralories lot is ears und is now in the tclail liotl business he seieed on council for one xai and on knocked to road by car w maddox in hospital william maddox park ave er ed man into ihe lobby of the celveda hmken nocleuund armlncarbv dominion hotel mr mud dox was crossing thi 1011i from the problems or r lc s hvaeardnv hvdru electric i cn v remand gunshv acton 1 while crossing the street on main st n sulurdnv eeenitiai around for school board constable ron rupert wlur he west to the east side al the tunc lie- was sttiick his eoiull ion is repot lid as salistactoiv he was taken to guctph ceiui tl hospital bv laxi lighting the wav of nun thtteriiu nt is i hi linest prole mom known elected i will do mv utmost for progress anil prosper it tor iiil town and its eitiens he sas for hydro commission runnmir lor hdn commission himil board fur foui vear are inctirnbent gotdnn mccutch con and two iuwcoineis doug dawkins and willied mel achern doug dawkins luis lived in aclon since w29 is mauled with fmn children thice of whom ai matricd he lives al 19 frcdeiiek st and plaved on ihe chamnton ship inlertncdtale hoekev tt im in llu imv hi lias winked with on the vic bristow who tesuks at 128 t habcih drive with his wile and wo daughters is 1 postal clerk he his lived in acton for aboui 20 tars and is eompttimy his second veir on school boaut a fonnei member o the acton s mens club lu xl m is to i urns club k 1 numhi ot si alb in s h at and w is foi treason 10 i in ehuidi veai s i tin mtci cstt d in ob tmiiny llu bt st cdiu ill m posi tile it tin most it isiin ible tost for llu p 1st ih vt its nut sivs h tv ilwiss bein intiicsliil iihltlll lp ill iii s hill it i it 1 t mis i iii s l s sydni y k iamb is teal est lie bloke who litis willi bis wik and iwo ililubleis it 12 i ll tbelll dns iii his htd hue loi tlu pisl mv mil 1 ti ill ve its mil is 1 meinhi f o 1 be ac ion 1 inns t lull i wilt mi isc tot tlu ik his been bssi eeltieition possibu is i 1111 dcpiiimcilt keclilv micicslid ml ptopi edu id with ac inn citims n mil to the t ip i 1 when 11 won thtie competitions wiliri d melachlrn lives wild his wile and i wink al n rlxit si mil ills hull 1 1 e slilcllt ol alton toi llu p isl m whs he is tinploveelai tlu aeion i m picss and is it nte nihil of knox pushv u n in e lllltel on the ae ion i in township of nassogaweycf vote to reelect wm j bill mahon your support will be sincerely appreciated foils open 10 am to 7 fm mow dig 9 i e ition it ll 1- 1 iwo childn n 1 school hi s n iinblt nisi hav me iiu mlini oubliv hdward mac donald ohst rv d wc all want to do somelhinu lu m mh lorw ird thci is no present oa pupils flist pait joined the sikial pail laid twir school i seven i ahwnl roll call laksti bv mis mcttitt showed onlv otu thud ol iht pu cuts pu sen i su kiu ss u counted lot most ot those sihsittl mis koilv i ihott millon who acts as pi inisl duuny llu wicklv inusual the 1 ipv ihimkis it tlu school was plmisl tut be veil iny i viivoiu sani hs ittilv lo he 1 sucoinp imnu nt ot 1 be muiv ul it loyelllcl llu llipplll will ih ml s lite 1 e v in 1 nu mix i ol i hi t iliim omtiiumi- nidi 1 ss ed tin uhclntc on subinis 1 iki n ttnm the ttutn is nut ulm ition eoulilcuce ot the oar it 1 on don in liii v lobs i wlu u sb with teaelui mis loin mitchell implh ik illi uiel 1is tohn hill hoinbv dlliuki hiihhuhis wen i miwid lioni how to suui khiumii pnih urns taken lom i h f otln t inuh nn s uhhss lanun tee etr xllopount liul she ll hvl piohltpts luan miss ti in vs nd ile vjlopnu nt ot nuims ind i be thin ihmii miss iiik i 01 iieiuu in uuhini ami pnipi onmuii toi tiamablt uluiliu iivm mi me laittuv uki lieiiu 111 s j kk yu t aeletll ss mis i win w is ihtnkvl bv ill toi lu i spkiutnl iiit itom tlu ontii ut immtpal mhtrib tm oj tlu hibhbis ol thrr- ivilents iiul te uheis nixlins lus k vi luo m n idl mv ol t ainplx hvilk pi iiu ipsil ol sun shute sehsmtt in in i viikiu aiul ihcmlnl w i sh vkx i them l ih i fhpds util liivittellts ol ius das shel u h h i ii sutisbnu at this nu et mw ms istluvs explaunxt whv sh htmihl th i o iitsuhiih within tbi telaistvil vihmis uninioi lam sin vv ti ititlnw ol i d is ii istmt it ih mhcod hs udl ue m- itlt hi txvullu a4uttlvkl- kanuvl mis hilt hul iwo hliml chiuhvu m he i el ls mi s mn ehsll biiullvl tlx llloic ktlve iot tknumdihi himtn ol s d lltntf wmis the tcml e os iul ovi all iui puds wfiv hsr own thavttc in the imrutu mf mttelvll makes itx sfvonvl iwvessu r leoehcr tor the alte thhmt euss thcm all das peinils are tavlght duties ml txsponsibil- tlics ucil ml tverdcel urihithl the auvt tn ttv emmuimt dm intkc nerihwrt ivhihr ttw r manv icv8s allotted ut ihee child rtnvkhen ncdv for thxir nartisuh r imioin rquin coobuuii i- ltn mchttnu elosul wuh i ihoti plaviny i ik oucm soeial hilt bout talks with th pniuipal and tiachns and honu i n ind 1 loin ol tht ilissuxinis in id tnieixsl lor sutoihet houi llu committee and attinumn iiisn pupils ptepateet sandwiilns hull bieul ml ivhsh vi t i iuvhlon mis h itiee and mis rusk milton mis ihcsl v ariel 1 son and mi tin kos ae ion ladn ol millon and ac ion i a pn pared and sinul linuh mil collie thanks w is extended o tin 111 h the eomniltlee fmthi town nob id knows the difference between deveionmeni i pinhums and planning thev ate all over lippmii each olhcr it el cli i vou will yet action and pkntv ot it j bert wood said ml the fuss und furoi iihui a possible conflict of mli 1 1st was 1 iclled up a vear ayo at which poitu he was interrupted- tiom tlu moor and his ttm limit cspircd mrs gvoiye frvci s ml she would nol make onv promise s except that if elected 1 will ttv to do mv best file johnston said he had enjovet the vear s work and said the planning board was working on a new oninu bv law he suiisted wc shihtld inulel tot a new ofltcisil plan loi tlu town tot future expulsion tlnu aw uilv ihicc ui bnn ae us 11 tillable 01 induslrv alee johnson said council felt sotnithiny hail to be done abtjul uw i sr v aiu eonditions afiei the pass mi bv law exempting llu town tiom eollieiivi biiuunine john last thanked tin p 1 pli who h id noimn tied turn flob dnnkvvallii s ml lu woidil 1 tide ivoiii lo dn his best lo liptiselll thi peopu ot itnn all i icllt soil in look ex upturn lo alii johnson s 10 marks md ohucte d lo tin- in clc isi ml eolllull melllbeis s is not tin town woikmeifs id dul nol ipprove ot t e mpuiii tin men itoni eollceiivv bukiainuil solution lot if ihe fuuil as each anscs it must ih de ilt wuh to tin be si ol out ahitnv hamilton pfal nuik dm er lives at so churchill rd s is man n d wuh ihicc cltildtsn otn ol tlum mat 1 leil he se 1 ved loi thin vi its on louncil and two cu s oh plinmne ho ml he ts a p is picsidenl md nnmhei otlsind but not the catuuhati iclioii he his m o s iiiimiu ihcii a resident ol aelon lot tin quiii nintiiiuitv past 2 veais and is hnisbinii lus tcim tin uiikii ibis eat is tin chairman ol the sewn mil watei committee frank simioni v seirs of auc div isional supe 1 v tsot at be udmon and l 1 imiiul lunn anil cduealcd it huntsvilk on taiio was on the still ot anylo c in nil m i ilhet c o tor 1 vi us i be tori heme tl uislcl tee to bemiihimri m to 1 tnuutl in sinn tesidmn in eton mi sjiimintii in imiiii nn ordon mccutciifon who wis bom uul 1 a 1 seil nt avion lives with bis wile md loin childun al iv mclson coint lie is ui insuiance aetii with lout vi us epsllcllci oil hvdio ind oik veil on i lu plannitil boa id hi is tu isiiin ol vton liuion ind on llu exeeullvi ol thi mllioi spoils coinnuilic he siivid on the oiniiiunlv luilu c onimit tu uul s is 1 tul then 111 in mv piiiucts which hiw bein mpu u el in this flu ol pn llu murray smith 1 hmiiuiihi i inn niiix 1 ot his lite bis two e blldietl ulli 111 it i lid he b is selved seell liul 1 hilt ve lis tin llu ptiftlil si hool ixiatil is 1 nu tube 1 ol llu commit in ot ad itistirnni is 1 iiieinbcr o kturx ihuich md stivid on tin bond ol in 111 lye i s foi six veai s lie wis tlso 1 tmmbei ol ihe vi t a boild loi l while he sis pllssllli tlillll llllilislsil elll tils ptnmpled me lo 1 1 e onsidi 1 ll it i dee limn at noinm it it in nuetint i tie lie v e ll i hill elevnl id siillunnl inn lo the bond bill ill view ol the piessuii de il tl e idi d lo ittillipl illotlui tettll will ll 0111 cim his be 1 n ashikiittil wuh the aclmi citiens biind nu iph musie skieiv h uul and v m us olhe 1 niilsii 1 1 01 u nil ll it ill- he is l iminhvi ol si josephs rom in itholu hiiuh tin honn nut se ho i ss llu anieiii m ie iihei inniisk s vote as you like tuesday december 3rd 1963 but vote sponsoiid iy voim acton chamu of commmct coming soon christmas concert ratanted by acton citizens band sunday dec 15 admission free vote e macdon ald for ihhhjty reeve for sincere concern lo public office your vote will be appreciated s iha feature value on sale dec 567 only iff sabt s v apothecary styla room frashanars in tssortacl utntt makas indoor air fraah a all outdoors 293225 room freshene 162 cash and carry only no phone order pleate gordon iha hardware limited 71 mill st e acton s43 7730 voters of nassagaweya robertson deserves another term un0m thi uaomumr of mlvt jack otmmofl iv tsa tawasklpt firsl davalaansant naaal svs taaspla tma yaar 1tna saw rata trail aaawad rtut yaar jtna tasvnsttiais tsihuiam imraaaaa by 33 par can 4vtk awamlaoais taw lb btatl xraata m yaar iivi jack toutrson has uuvto tm ftofll of nassaoawtya fot m viam jtm att tmu vtau n has iun voo ttwu- slntativt on hjuton county counca tm past two viam on tm county hkftty comjwttw whhj tm niw county iimumno was rktid and ofwclauy chmmo goo0 leadirship means ptotakrity for nassagaweya look for our value special dollar days handbills in your post office box vote to reelect jack robertson reeve ous ohn 10 am to ma jaoniuy you coulcj win a trip for 2 to r how its easy enter now at ledgers i g a an entry blank is yours with each 1000 food purchase enter often v tememberrtt could b vo

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