Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 19, 1963, p. 3

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iv y a vyi ke twepf with flurry with oirlttmet spirit effecting everyone fhli lime of ye7 lionel hunt acton who 1 employed with schnurr electric guelph decided to play senta claut and climb the chimney at the robert little ichool actually he it atlachlno iha 6rlqht yellow lather tight which will warn caretalcert when the heating tyttem falif the batteryoperated warning lather klckt fnwhen the temperature of the circulating yifem drop to 100 degreet normal operation it 185 degreet the f lather it attached to the chimney and will catt a broad bright beacon of light in the event of a failure anyone teeing the light ftaihing it atked to contact caretaker ooug price immediately police will alio be on the alert when patrolling i mm jratatfataksi swer ckkrine polke on light coandl agenda in spile of mow flurrle out tide council chamber tuesday evening councillor thought pro jected to spring and outhuriza lion was given to have i hi street weeper overhauled at an ap proximate cunt of ijet m the aetinn wai taken followim a recommendation bv no 2 eom mince after it wit learned the machine could be entirely over hauled by slcnnl company at a emit of 7i 45 fur pnit with labor eot amounting tu jm2 v iriglnallv the sweeper was pur- ehiwcd from the cilv of toronto local police force al thl amounl of money increase pressure a request to investigate nos- ihililui of installing a larger main tu eunneet with an existing 12 inch main al the rear uf the h k purler pi in was received from plum oltteijlt and a meet ing lo diseeis the problem will be urrungcl at a later elate the request wan made following a plant offi bethel church continued froes laaebae preached a very apt sermon and concluded the service with pray er and the benedktion greeting were expressed by mavtfr lea dubyrev debouler of the church district and he rev a if mckeiuie represent ing he ministerial association of ac on oreaatiasd vaaircei a special nucirl was rev andr who at a home missionary in this area first organized the con gregation here in 153 he is now retired and live in grand rap id mich he and hr wife came especially for the service slaved the weekend with mr and mrs thv oost and he took the first i services in the new he i now tecre- recommendation to dais trum insurance underuril j two sunday er to hac litis done in urder 1 i sanctuary i i increase uiier pressure for ihe iurv fa american bible soc- ai a cost of 11 000 the original sprinkler sssieni rfv lost brand new imounud to 22 following ixeomnumlntion comee and cookie were served rnractnn ilanningboard cmtn- downstair by the ladle alrl 000 council wa of4heopinioi ihc expendilurc of si tl 9 would provide the luwn wilh o piece of equipment fur j good number of vears continue chlorine the ontario woter resources commission advised council tu continue using 0 2 parts of chlor ine in ihe churchill road n wai i jtj cil auretd lo piiked with an an- fienty of room plication lo ihc ontario munici i with church services upstairs pal board lo change the zoning there i now plenty of room trum coilsetvalion lo icsidcntial downstairs for the sunday school in the foimer paik aiva on mill und bible class st i- and hold public hearing new pew have been purdhat- u hear anv ohet nuns residents ed and teat 0o the balcony i alfccicd in ihe 1111 will be noli buili but is not in use the new er supply followingiveent tests it was agreed lo renew a con tract with ontario provincial po lice to police the town at an an nualst of 127 600 for five men aiul a eiouscr at the rale of nine cents per mile reeve h h hlnion lold council 0414 wirc n was impossible lo provide a payment approval was given to p iv on lurio hvdro jl 10511 for relocal ing hvdro poles in ihe area arid an account of j78 to j mcmullcn lor use ol his backhoe genet il accounts totalling 11 ilso apptoved lot gtia- board recommends zone change reviews new proposed bylaw aclin planning hoard approv lining the changes will he in ed changes in the proposed new corpoiaied in the hv law a pun- states willi mm zoning bv fiw whuh shoukl make i lie nieeiing will be iuui eiilv in il icailv loi presentation al a the mvv veai llu iximl will pulpit was specially built bv dork van stralen of acton one of the manv volunteer he t a fine cabinetmaker who work for kcates organ companv the green cornet for ihe centre aisle was domueil by the ladle aid the building conlruutur dick vandenburg georgetown at tended the dedication on saturday the presicher was student minister jerrv hoiiema who is vludving al calvin college seminarv grand rapids mich ignn and was the student pat or here in the summer his la ther is a preacher at dunn villi- his wile came irom the the achm free pre thursday december 10th 10o3 ewf armrfpeaaw ewsmbyet sdm ihmhkf t 95 still healthy 95 mrs wll- ham dredge of hahoitville held a cfulet mrhsday celebration on wednesday longevity teems lo run in her family one sister died a few year ago at 95 and all her close relative lived past m she ha su cmn dmw91 mm mt jl mmmrmj wi fmwar ejsww three accident in the acton duhrlct thu week caused ii im dwiksge lo the six cars involved the mihon o pp detachment re ported thursday on highway 7 just cttil of iie first line esquet- ing car driven bv gerald t ashley of ft bark ave acton ri rockwood for and ernest lewlnef of wesion over so vear and stay with j collided causing j4s0 damage her ton george mr dredge ha seven child ren including george and mr m mcdonnell of milton ami mr tlndajcof ashgrove a well at it grandchildren and six great grandchildren nrs drlixrjby john b anderson 71 bovmst ave acton ultti wil road accidents cost canada more than a quarter or a bill m dollar in l2 most of it neid leiy as a taxpaver practice wife- driving and safe walking cars j of ham h bultlev of guelph collid ed onhisjhwav 2j four mile south of town fridav and dam age was cstlmuted at w50 another accident on tuesday stow 1255 tutul damage when car driven bv w j wheeler of rfi i erin and duvul w gohn of 31 young si ac ion collidchi on lllglwav 7 at the ririh line esquasing t autr rtteto dmmcatiom twvtd at the chrittian reformed church friday evening wat attended by i lerge crowd ol the congregation memberi of other churchot and town council taking pari in ihe service left lo right were ihe rev jim jotte georgetown the rev jelle nutma former church patloi now in dundit rev garret andre of grand rapidt michigan and former tlu dent patlor here jerry hoytema alto from grand rapidt r i ajaaaaaatsaaaajsjatisasaaatssssssaass halton council briefs best house j ml til tin ol th he- lki urattst ijvitiilhii iiuxtnm il witfluorih i mlyt stun wuiiis ikhiu in a ion uill uki pla on cuunlv tiuikil iuui tt llu chilcjuns aid skkmus mnml ixninlhi jl uhtn tlu tuhuuiimitilht uitmlt imiio ol iihii childm in wtinurnl tlu ttiui will h pi- omaito tiaininy shoou indj wlh htqiii ihhii i miwii ii llu rtjivlr olliti tn thumbtr ol connmin ntil llu ixptiiw ums iniutitd whin kuuislrstl i i ci wat amux nl into hilton count wniuiiiih a ihilkl wtis hi b iiimitlm n unal nvbpxin ankinrii tin pub in at thi hulltin tuimlu in tlu buiultny milloi mcmlhr nuiiilht alt x ihil itph rhflr appoints to ttu kik yilk buarxt il uttuahon lot l4 hr icuvo tlu ouni i oun li tht veai rtllii iiil uiis httvkc ami oiu ou a- wuxlfu ih rvtiioiiknt iltik ot i onl j iu i wilt ik i rum toun man hoins arv trtw lrajtut out pivs public met i in u tarlv in january 1 i n n i n y cnulant m w dakc irtrnded the lal mtttmy ol ih httard and nkutl llu in law and suumvlld chanyts ulh tlu hoird aif uptidati mi r ditinilionv will bv used in tlu new n law tht new definitions irt rluniiiilidli b thi vonmilt anlh and appncd bv liu muniu pal board the old diihitnin lonlatiud nuulations a well as definitions thtn an nu basu dihiuntes hiri tlu n dtuni lions sti i mi i n i- iiul lakl out llu utnbiuuilils recommend h curing tlu bond niiiniiunded to nunil application lo the omh ih matu to amend the pusvnl unintf bv law to rionv tru land on mill st 1 aii to lunlorm to the official plm the hind t vit it tumnunik known as the lcish man p irk and would b chantfed imini pal k i tnd h residential untie t thi new pioposid nntntf b i iw tlu laiul would ik onctl te mid niial increase sue llu probum ot uuieasinu the nii llu iiimim in tl one on mill mini oeetipicd the boards iiiintitui llu lonsultant is to invi siil il the posvibihtv ol m stttittiiil a dual mnhiy on mill stiikl i il ol hein l pu pin idj pnevtbhtuiun expansmn l vik pns4iit miikiiiil jn i l tin pusiill liluthe piopos ed bv law is it tx nviseel bv llu lonstillant 1 hi eonstihant will invintieili tlu inmbililv ol elual ouni il tp rangers toys ippiov to go to needy present tlu bv law to council counul will submit llu bv he mtinietptl uoiitl loi appi al ttu municipal hoaul miv call a public hearing tlu mtinictpd board mav appiove llu hv law uj tiuk tfuests lo their in which c ise it will ieplsee the chiistmas partv monda evening piesent itniny b tiw so ii2s and imeiutnunts pi event at the meelinn ui e ne johnston w m isalt s d mlnes 11 ilinlihi a hi aula who ailed is thniiman in tlu ah senee ol k hal ilman seiietm jack mi gv te hie plaimmy trti sulrant m w dake aiul d hooj l 4l if itiifllttmt ivbikifti m the scout hall their repaired j tovs ineludmu dolls clothes t even a trkvelc in leulv lii distribution lo necdv ihihlicn in town in coope tat ion with the rotnrv club and lake suk chaplti i cd i tlu re was tftil chocolate and served the ministerial association of acton is pleased to have this opportunity of wishing our people all th sltbbingb of a ilnymtb culiribtiiiab we invite you to iom the millions of christians around the world who wilt celebrate the birthday of the christ- child by worshipping him m the church of their cho cr andrew h mckenie b a b d the tyeibytenan church in canada conintory of the beth el chnstian cetormcj churcfi dwigbt cngel b a b d ihc united chuich of can ul i stanley gammon acton baptut church d w west b a l s t the anglican church tn canada ahwhtil utlixl i ol lllmkv e ts i i ik liulusii ii 1 om l mill ssll vi ai 11 rutfeis lui oiu vi a len ik skin to inhiei tot wtn k htiv ankles louthtl le lllll ol tilt pin dulse oj au wmtt mu in iu a i 17l a vuuum els ilkl il n4 uihi a llovu mviui u w im she ma not a knyiln 1 imu w it ut oil vvtumhit en no i the jhison iu1 nwmmtui uiiiiiiniuitl i mods hm ic1 xtatt slktlks wuulvl be am pted aiul ttu it i omtiu lukt i ion w is i out ii u evlhehl on a iauivlo1 voti cuisicv ot the valat v list we n ml given le tlu ihvss maihii sulk i in ohliiil s a1u n u mfhot n cl u ixgin ujnv rhe uih ot a pbv ikilnviutvl on a tiial busts nimdtj km a lull ttiike phvsioihc rjpit he v not txvn ewxiekel vi lamvittero mcsnkhei kaiiwdlhe uvhk cunwnltiesv was pcmhusinit um vurth ej kind in i tw tlk li rued wtetvuin peiuxs a u t tjh tlvin a itllllet icstvwlu vim jjrlttng rh tnsrullaium el a lku ing hght in lows 1u was to tv ivrvvl with mlvtriieutumi il ttw intfuvvsiivnu in the vi hhlkl hikf ihe p4w htvnm uutlmku in it wncx f a exusi ut arm s pi-vuxes- tot tfw vutntv court txjewns aiiel rhiaatl ekvieksj lo avk the pio- vicv h jwi pv prt et hv eatnnateo at esswh tor two erf ibeu rav v nolil v airthtfth if susffiei nuiwiiunl uj hunters tn anv u ist ot llahon the actum loi dm x in in i ease el annum t ol die i rhmctunn welftsm luedlnjj vsvixival was yivii loi tin pemhast u inn utel untbili steviut pnetuteh aiul liattel lot inuivvikv we man tied my i 1 c huke one 2 i uld mtuii loi i mo was in ik asl d t h nv mice wwijld ttelp milion obtain a lull iu pain uik peilke vtkinliimtoi lo nxniit p ii 11 uk ohllelew ihe i ml uivilrats alica tone lolhiwtny a vu i v- tnm the hilton ma no i ihe siipcimun chin wax to be not hud the outn e d tvlv a pivhe v wie lehv n la lives oj sttkploaesis thtd ru he i nmiijcel in llu same clctxittuunl as a gift or a treat other gift suggestions bandsmen play to 100 in gym the audi lot mm at ttu hi x h s i i t annvel in jlvu c tvu ten ihe coiucit piestjtct bv vion viltfene haiul iat nun ilav vuiuii at let ihuivrv s r vtvvs athrui hw afieivekxl aiut thvutfhts cnhsd th pixitfi am tlhivl thv m mjuvl at suvau tab v lekfles iivel uiu w i ttaiutmasui h feinut mi- kxted ih v the kanftjsnkn in un ileum weie em he peaitonu vevhn m hiwb sini mimjn elfe mi 0 he sihl accenv btvant vktsv antpeiirtt panuxl h gcorc eniext on the cigars cigrhpft lighurt tobacco be wauets key cases and ladies purses mci bv mabby watfrhoysf cmeraft filmt m nous iswvki on mvnomno for christmas wi havf an ixciuint astoattmint 0 boxed chocolates au muciouuy mush ano oaut om wtapmdi moin jonny lind nilton rowntrmt ik toxis mcltllm j t u toxu ti oo il 2 u toxis uuitttm amcns to ho 00 j ed ttt eiunsas rifnwtmnc tiann v rtssjv hemjl juu s the bui hnsrrein beuisi m bju vmrtniesj bs nwrt htncs sarss wim amxari1ul chiistnms in kiltenwv and lnsuno srt kttsc meant busn rrportod tttc lru wrr rwth ann ui iwr m arbng fur a munklvssi land fwrratna bmucm judv aaiajslmnix arafnant fur ctmsima ssnevm msraravv dursv itbwklsj ehj wttli use rami man- thv thornsteoa aaat atari lin i r ktreacr be rron cnunctt anprutvit pevrnent hunlsvtlle iep came to vton 4tlum to the- cuurrtt ol vntt she tietbcanmltan uthcr tat kmlnurwtkv uf coralpanv al wllu cuodultce mm tyalttrtila trbe ausrsaui lav special in ice cream for christmas by neilsons taxi aovantaoi 0 ou take- out service ozas ftu and cmat euu coursi miau closed christmas and new yeats day watsons restaurant j mkm ann

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