Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 19, 1963, p. 7

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l i pervaded thclfitiron museum it kahto monday whan thf muaaurri towtf said a party far board rttstwbat eoortty councillor and eohsarvatlon authority mamberi nd trktflcla nettaoawaya reaw jack and mrs robarhjon mn b field mrt john milne and mr wilfrid iesll an shown anloylnji a cup of laa at one of th tee tables th museum hi holdlrlej chrlatmas avary afternoon from today until monday and wliltort wll be tarvad in artaulhantic pioneer aatthio surrounded with halton antiques museum board christmas party post of debt honors duff bill alexander a combined birthday party jon duff and pill alexander a ohriatmae marty for the muxeum board ana county councillor and their wives ami families and n oiftolal openlnv or the flnrt chrlesmes tea at the halton moaeum brought over 0 county official to ihc muwtlltl hirikl imj trl kelso conservation area monday afternoon the dale of the christmas y ml right between duft and bill afexumleru blrthduvs to there was a present and a blfwuluv cuke fur euch of them the alexanders ore cousins and descendant of the acjnm alex ander who willed an the farm in the early iwms duff received tmttcrvopcruted irouhlc lliiht while bill wn presented with u new pipe pi wus hie iiecond christmas 57 party fnr the hoard officials und tea wax served fnim antique urn on nn untlque table while- hie flames ol the neurby fire place lit the yuilvdecoruted room mrs c a martin of mil ton wife of llallun warden dr c a martin and museum board member mm k barber of georgetown poured ten at a beailtlfullvdeioroled table and modern xundwiilics und cake were served midst a pioneer net tln in ti room xiirrnunileil b antique ankle imm halton storied pail the evenl uxis also 111 ad vstncr preview of un original idea christmas in at the museum which begun wed nemlus of this week and lasts through to momlov ol next week during the ixdu period cuni mulnr halnewrmmtirlll wrl come visitor to view the nearly 4000 exhibits that are on illspkis i and gladiv pour n cup of after noon tea ftn- the juextx muscumi board cbalrmouflcrh mcrr who introduced the alex anders moled they came trom one ol hiilttins lint and finest families as the crowdjnna happy birthday the cousin cut their decorated cake and open ed their presents the ceremony wax also a ucxiure of opprecia lion from he board for their services since the muxeum has opened both have been willing helpers and food promoters ol the muxeum since it first open ed and they still octupv the orlglnul alexander homestead neurby inter in the nflcrnoon the museum board officials und dufl alexander signed a contract with dr munln chairman or the ia mile creek conservation an thoritv to lease the museum pro perty from the uuthnrilv land owners the ceremony marked the conclusion of auonlhs ol negotiations between ihc two boards proud of miwum dr martin stud the museum was the start of one of tin findl proctis in the county ol rfcilton and one we will all he proud ol the next day during county councils december meeting reeve tr hvckmnn of bttrling ion rosi to lonunmiluc the museum board on the party anil on lis wxirk in devekiping the muscurn the hoard has dom forum topic the program the coxt of tjebl which wax ren lured on no flonnl eiirm rodio porum on december 2 proved oni of i ne mos popular topics in years in general the groups agreed that interest rales charged bv bankx credit unions and govern ment agencies were very fair some questioned whether higher irrtercst rules might not be in order stele help over threequarters of the farmer in the groups turn to their hank manager for sound credit advice the agricultural representative is next on ihe list followed by the tirm credit corporation credit advisor and the local credit union manager two percent turn lo their ugricul tural college most groups feel thai credit is readilv available fur most pur poses a few believe thai voung larmcrs require more flexibility in tlielr loan programs many e annul hue ihe nccessary vol lateral ai ihe ugi when llicv uishio begin fjrming atari hua cmktmas man i pxuulno into lha pott office and clarka are keeping abraaof wah xtvery thing t data sunday- afternoon a tpeoal ihift tortad mail which had piled up t xiti hlp bai bean added to ihe staff for the ruth end the night ihift increaiad laft to right at mrt h colas pottmaiter gord mckeown mrs j chapman assistant postmaster mrt chris brllton and mitt alice pilliinrjton if symgrivox vjfcvh i at county council final meeting honors warden got it late afllcr being out very late the head ol ihe fumilv was stunted and more than a little uncom forluhle as he looked in the hath room mirror he dreaded ihe nn excellent ob ol preparing the hrtsikrit tahle encounter hut exwblts nnd everv display is rherr was nothing he could do well tagged iu ls wmipli ahii it differences of opinion thai were evident throughout the year were missing from ihe proceed nigs tuiselav us halton county council held its final meeting for 1 4a3 councillors held a jutle party and made a presentation to re tiring warden dr c a martin rccvc or milton at the end of ihc duv s business he has scrv ed us warden for the pail ia months taking over the unexpir ed 12 lerm or ihe late wihrld bird of esqucsing ai his tteath a vcur ugu august no speculation there eyas no snccufalion at the meeting about who mighl be chosen as ihc 19m warden how ever according to ihc old custom of shining the honor i rum u norrheen member one year lo a southern member the next it would appear ihal either oak yille or burlington will have a lirack at the oh or thi next i 12 months if so both reeye herb merry or oakvillc and i reeve- gordon gallagher of burl mgton will be in the running for the position both men have siviral years of county council experience municipal elections thev in- chide deputyreeve jim bell mihon reeve john robertson naxxagawcva deputy reeve bill dennv acton reeve alex phil lips oakvillc and reeie irv ryekman burlington mr dennv had resigned- his scat mr bell had loxi a race for the reeve- ship while mr phillips lost out in oakvilles mayoralty race and mr robertson and mr rvckmnn had both been defeated by then present deputvreeves at ihe elec lions returnees to next vears conn ell include reeve c r martin milton reeve george leslie and desputy reeve wilfrid leslie esqucsing reeve bfll coulter nasagaieeva reeve john elliott and depulv reeve bill hunter georgetown reeve merrv oak- ville reee gallagher burling ton and reeve ii h hinton ae j ron i al the conclusion of tucsdovs meeting members expressed thanks to ihe warden lor his leadership and in a message of thanks the warden hinted the i next county wide undertaking i should be a hohon police force i i believe we are making pro gress in halton he said noting mcnted ihe curator on his knoss ledge uml descriptions ol thi historical articles tlu musi um eontnlns in reply mi- merrv lliinkiel when nothing ysus said in his will he decided lo lone ihe issue and gel it over with 1cr suppose he said rather slu epi shy vtm ie putty angrv i hs both lire presently deputy reeve i the retent accomplishments in of thtir nspcctiyc municipality growth and assessment we are merry stepped up to eontest making progress also in ihe ser the reiyeship when oakyilli vices wi are giving lo ihe people reeve alex phillips decided tojol the county inn lot mavoi and gallaghir him tin ills lomplinienls and with me lot coming home yvirh tht cuiine lllors lor attending he i hluck ivi last nigtit nddect a woid ol praise fin his angiy wliv no dont vou board start and ihe curator for umtmlx r when vou got home then help and cooperation sunt last night vou tlidn i have that the building opened bluk tie lodge elections christmas draw likiuuhip imlttc no im7 ol th jlltllk ollmjlv rtk illloll hsfkl i aniiiki ilcxihtn ot nlft vr h mtuuuv vvuuii ivitiu her 9 tht- rw simci hiutvlanil nrrtutlny sistnutl hs v suiiij kfclailiv hhi his mvumnv til cutclph the uillowiny m iliol pfxtafeftrmt csiuktuu vtlliniisn vkptvmitlcnt l ukct n cunimtl uxtv nik smkiv kakmttr v hap la in mtr hill fin wcll ttfvrvir john littnbv itvaaurvi gain sw u kkanwr rirtl mumlanl hearer knnv ith erv cvutul ttamlarct hcarrr vrrxx mnoponju rri kxtu v kk macixuuiui tnnoi w aw rtnor cminbrn hiici inian marl ounjiui mxsmj lc tytvi ahm mowsfen finh eirt futmh mcomtvll xxnj hor suva ti oik the uiiltf htcul ii l hrttima mrlv nml dav m atutj 1 ivrnoun ocvxmfrm 14 trke tn the orav vti to min csvtviti ot unm mi fnihcr tlor oj acum rlvku- twkrkwi ot tuf tiudauta elliot i itl v tim murrvv 6uihcrliiimt erin ami ohkkcn xpmm lo lvnn thornpvw r r 2 acmh oolfvn m donltl coavlph ndjawk jantinc kitshinrr h4 orders assoc president k stewarttowb mmi mmoger suart mall manur ot mastir i rieih at siowwriiown wu n- irntl namol pirsulcnt ol thr onluto kit ul i iil ik tins as skiation 4 th yrotip intlmk 4w lertl ikiuts in ontario antl wislnii ouotvi nul this nn uis i lot ot tiiuiik ulun tin pr hukiii sits xillt to ullslhi thi niou uionil nuitins oiki a sitr achvw in community mi mah has ik en in the vnill m rniiiuns toi it iais atul i uji an i m iiimm nuhiirh r ot o r i da t tin past mm mmp iu is also an i uut at st john s umtitl thutxh ctcorvitimn 3 memfh t it cnycttnvn lkni iciuh lluroal tarradmn 1 cgion ami th masonil 1 odyc j mr hall s nameij prcmtlrnt il the umup at iru iu ni an mial ctvvfithn in thi king i itu in hott tannt dixityi ivi 4 uas sikillul wtuni hi advani td up the tounul ltckur to dr linn incumbent reeve lr rk rmin loi the post next iat the warden will hi elected b memhtrs ol rht imimil at jan uar s nilctinft tu be held un thi i4ih thrit ol mxt i u s neutrom in to toimtv cikincil deputv- rceeelect frank rotfcr ol burlington dr b d young ol massajmweva ami j bert wood ol acton sal tn on tuesda s meeting to learn the ropes hr me rhr ptunjie into thi cxxints work liter the first ol the ear i all three expressed thrtr sur j prixe at the difference between i local municipal cmimils and the uork the ount council is call id on in do othtrs uho vs ill h nis mcm hers ol count il next rai includi depiitsrncs anstan lixlwith ot millon atml i i vti r whiriny ot oakmlli neitht r was prtscnt tiu sd i s was thi last muling fui i ar at lrattor hve couikttlors uiki wen defeat el or wicxited thi ir sears in this month s aru marg norinvthrtncrier of the 12 nnd 1 mile crock conservation arras had been compacted jotn- ing 100 000 people and four creeks into fine rnunlcipal body hi suniested tlu mrt move was toward a countv police force a sesxmtnt and plunning tfre slill needing conmdenition in the fu lure he added dr martin suiryesled halton solidification of ser ice xurh as planning welfare pohce fire ligtrttng and fire prevent ion health and axxciment would make the countv strong enough to prevent an othtr muni cipalitv nmi encroaching on halton s borders rievi hinton at ton moved a vote of thanks tu the live cotin cillors w4io will not be reiiirmng wxt vear the acton m prn thor4y daeembfcr 19fh 1963 want more short term credit radio survey farmers say in tie cost of debrwas dlacuxsed bv perm forums across canada on december 2 and allhough most of hose reporting admitted there is plenty of long term cre dit available lo farmers there is not enough xhelrl term credit av nibble with a reaxonuhle inleresl rale they all agreed that interest rates from finance companies tm much loo high and stuted i hey ete sallxfled with bank interest rates and those charged by federal and provlnelul cieilli agencies when considering uxhere farm era uhould go lor sound inilll advice ihe forums recommended in order of preference the fnl lowing the local bank manager agricultural representative parm credit corporal ion rcpresenlu live or an experienced farmer to aid yauac a number of reports staled ihelr forum was comprised of well established farmers who did big daddy here but quarries sold where- are thev now the globe and mall maeafine seciion writer ralph hyman ask ed the question an saturday about leslie froil jjalhnn phil lip and fred gardiner and he should have asked a few more questions he wrote about mr gardiner gardiner s absorbing business inieresi todav is in aclon lime stone quarries a giant develop mcnl lotated 14 miles west ol toronto a moose pasture onl n feu years ago it is a going eoneern todav with a capitallxa lion ol ttsooooo gardiner ar ranged lor linuneing did the legal work and is now presi denl the ounrncs was sold a short lime ago hut mr gardiner re mains is president and moose pasture mibe- he meant mouse farmers wives would me job nearly half the group of farm women recently involved in tarm tomm ore interested in entering destinations outside ihe home roporls from iv groups in volvlng some 4 000 jarm women indkale that ikisc lo one half ihe tarm wives hae considered taking work to augment ineoine or would consider it if i lie v had the necessary skills not nevel credit hosvever ihev did snv more credit slwmiid he available to voung farmers who did hot always have ihe neces sary collateral a few forums suggvsled more education on fiirm credit is needed this applied not only lo fanners hut to rural hunk mana gers as well a number of agile ullural representatives eante in fur a bit ol praue as having been able lo assist in giving erctlll ail vice to loeul farmers always had money a notable tomineni etmie in from the members of shetland tarm forum in ijunblon countv miuiluts ol dim group have null hod inuth experlenee wltji enilll as we an- in the middle uge group ami slnie in the early 4ws ue have never bought anything unless we had ihe man ev first we feel that people who need credit need education re- gartllng ii we think teiuhing critlll in high sehmil would he u good idea uur gioup would ra ihei ie nil money lo ihe govern ment at viw than lend in a farmer at commissions n noi paid on arguments won bm on sates made hilt li ulmvtmtno wuhumo aluminum doors 2995 tidrnl tax fnvlhiled txtnpro dlttrlbutart limited 126 main m n 19 ai ion tint siiiitxssaitvxniiititiiviitxiiiicriexnffficxstiixiicsyixncwieithwiccsrxithi carotin nurseries cordon centre and flower shop weit of acton on hiqhwiy 7 somli r d- meft owjic the smeen mile creek con sersuiion aulhonu mel with k k semons assistant director ot thi onianp water resources b commision last week to debate i the conmiissinns polieies on wattr ejjntrol menssires poltu lion and the granting of per mit lo industrialcommercial hrms for rcrnovtng water from ihe creek were among the topics diseussi d iikh cut flowiif large variety of plants k christmas giving ottio ointlttiat axauas cvclamin mumf christmas wtlathf door swaos and cintripiicis and mimoria1 wriaths hfjird in amil handel messiah often hi aril at the christmas season was begun in august finished in september and first perform- 1 ed in april christmas nurtery grown firm shapr trees rom 75c up i fresh cut flowers 49c bunch up oroir iar1v to avoid disappointmint opaav ivary nlajht fram new until christmas pram 130am lasoopm miaum op upc wiri wrvici a phone 8532980 anytime iiiiaisimisniiiisiafciifciiiaiiiiiaiiiiii humy it up yes there are onlv lour shop ping das fridos sjturdav miinehis and tuesday before christmas next wedneski lo cal stores will be open every night till 9 except chrtstmax ee when they close at pm make shopping easy shop at paul nielsens clothing where the value is the best and a wide variety of gifts for both sexes and all ages are available thank reeve la a brief vearefid meeting un pttlv naxxaasmivxxi tavnv councimors expresses ap- aulataiiti she retiring reeve jatsb r and th anuni- ataif par their work atsd aasar ttjt bam aa a ssp ajarrexw m e sm tor gat ih7 eaniesv at sb to the oasmi par its arvscet attwa ii iiiajlrihi hap the m0ley cartage team of the 4mtfrssss bowling ugu wish their sponsor jock ridley a merry christmas and a hapwand prosperous msw year martm bom undsat fie roach- sst9 aafsupj msssssssmi christmas specials give yourself and family the best gift of all a new car for valtjc and performance this one cant be beat 1964 chevrolet belair automatic radio only 3995 also available 1964 chevrolet impala 2door hardtop v8 automatic radio 1959 ford galaxre 2dooc hardtop 1959 ford 1957 ford 4doof saxlan v8 coach stick shift 24 hour towing service frank toth motors jjifgmjirmjaejpl jftjsaj special reversible ski jackets rio tum 1198 nomrfvuflxui mens 1098 boys b98 ladies fancy 1x98 i uajhmtaw propit cardigans nattomauy ttkfl 14 for only emindu on dsc tttti tip top tailors madelev measure sale heaiia this once a war sale whs sssa gri a free pair of pauls or pav onls 0 for a 1pwee suit take advanta aaki axaha aa aasaniiiii to fce measured p

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