Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 13, 1964, p. 1

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ht jvjdtow sttt fhss eightyninth yaa no 33 acton ontario thursoay february 1 3h 964 eight paget sevn cant iakimahovmo oulpmwit from acton llmtone quarria it widening tha third line ap proach to hse cntt tracks ml wk a crane li thown cutting back a bank of earth near he quarry ntrnoa at a sharp og in th road if ttratghianed out comtdarably besides thit work f g gardiner company president hat agreed to widen no 72 tide road between tha third line and no 25 highway and pay for moving back telephone pole continued safety program supported by school board acton public school board mem her will ek coumiii coopera lion iti auring continued us hutttnce from the alton o p p bdlachment in t re swing i he achool utfely program this action wa sparked yhuni day evenlrta of iivt week follow ing an accident involvlny acven yoimjd louise ilurmhmu who wit injured by a car 00 her way home from school principal g w mckenne re- ported the incident and how neat mottling constable ron rupert of the acton o p p who it ulso responsible for the formation of the acton safety council nmov ed i h elmer the safety flay from he school flagpole for u period f 30 day tit met flags wire ruived on flagpoles al both ttoberl 1 iltli ftnd m z bcajwttacnookin me ml stttt the umfaratamutm if any pupil ww involved in un accident the school has would he taken down for jo day board chuirmun doug manniny described the accident as grim set of c i rcums lancet uiul rccciv ed mem ben suppurl in seckiny continued cimiperation of nolle i in the tchuol safety pruyrum trustee louis bonncttc ilii thi safety program is ml as impoii ant as phvk a 1 education diss es it u hopcil l lull constable rupert will be able 10 in ike in quent vull to holh schools in order to si rei wufcty to he puplu wlnetpul miner smith of the m i bennett school told of u recent vltll lo his tchool bv donald cdwards of the accident prevention branch of the depart men i of transport he suited mr i tlwartl hud nuulc u tour of tlu lown und on his return in ihv school commended education ml minlilrutun lur choolny adult eroeslny yuard for children crossinu streets pupil in tlu hiylvcr yrudes at both schools will he handed litem lure explaining hazards ol smok iny board members approvvd marching mothers collect 56075 marching mothers blitzed the town last night wedncida dur ing the rotary club punuitxd murch of dimes und collected 1m0 7 toward helplny crippled and disabled penonv jim ledyer chairman ol the project expressed hb thanks to oer 60 kulies wlui knocked on doors and noted this eirs col leolion uus hiyhlr than fast e lr i olluwinu the door titdoor eun uu returns wire eminud at 1 hi donmihn motel uherc i hi ludurs wire served coliee anii sancbviehls dulrlbuluin ol litis liuiulun uftir vllwlny tlu eulmtul illustrul cd pamphlet there it ik impiinid liyhllny conditions at thlk viurs opcrttu k t aye d hv tlu m 7 lie nnc 1 1 cchiuil roan members atcented u hid of ia7 40 from curl van normun 10 tnviall thne uddukin ul cets ot uolond liubls on the sluyt at the hobent little sehcujl uiulliunum vtee principals waller dubois of lln m v betuiell school cuul dthju cope i iiul of tlu rotlei i lit iii sihonl wl ri tuith ptkse nl and discussed additional uiv mml with tlu hoard rqulpnwnl mi dubois suyycmiun l pe tin ini nl 1 1 viui i lo faskn huk yiound sextu 1 v lo uis utepuil by the bo nd a neonimend 1i1011 t mi coru land for wall bar and chmhiny rupxs in tlu aiulltonum yvnt naiium was ylven the bimrd eiinsltkr ilion and pioperl ihin man l donne lie was autboru cd tu unesltuatl the tveomtmndu lion fulk mi cope land told ihe boird tlu utili 1 1011 d qiupminl wituld be a txneti tor phvsual editention el issls it it would vn nbk bovs to bui hi 11m nuiseus coi for nx and leeessortes werv estimuud ul uw wluh slntrll double anel triple uall hirs were estim utd at j97 sus ind 1170 respective k 10 cent water rate increase could reduce taxes two mills a 10 cent per i 000 gallon iiv- e lease in present water rale eoclld reduce taalkoii by at leawt two in ik tuesday evening coun eil upp roved tlu 10 cent water rtc tnerease over the present js cenih pr 1 000 itallouv tlu in ereuse applies lo vutcr eon wuiiuia and uveans pay on the basis of wutei ton wunilel tlu inerease ainexints to 2 pel eenl on water fates tlte nun use in water rate s was i iul el bs lite uu ti ai ul wale 1 e 0111 nil i lei wluiu mctnbeis we ri of the opinion the ifveiease would u iwa with tlu uhteh lias amounted to tuxi 1111ik and has been eturyeel on lu lal nti lal mai s delicti w is i0 st we 1 j ml u tie l e halt in in a hi i4 1 1 wilt ilfd us an e ample the nlepati who u e 42 000 yallons ol water v 1 veai und ytme will annual water depailuuni ehluil who would under the increased souvenir crests from town for hockey tournament here youngsters particlpaling in the lour lown rwitkcv tournament in acton march 14 will each n eeive u uuvenir erevt from the town tixcdav e cning eourw ii decided lo ejonulc 2v lo the minor hoe lev asuiciuiuui which will tk used lo puielvaci crests and lulp ilcfra tlu etst of teed iny over 240 players go r ikm mcculcheon roprernl iny ac ion ixyion minor sport h ami william tcniyhl ol tlu actiwi mliuu hoe key asmiclution win present al llie meetiny to explain lie f inane tul situation involved m liuldiny lie tournament in ac ton laltmal hnpan the 1 ay ion dekyale told loun eil 11 would cost hi a ne it 197 close to 1 170 this yiiii to outfit and provide ice tune for 107 players in lis lown lcuyiies and said tlu a ml a would spinel 12 200 for 100 plae rs laktny part in in counts icayues mr mccutiluon tot el counctl rtu a m ii a bad received dona i lions front sponsors und uulsuleni i lot ilhny 1800 und hud taken in lo elite 112 in iialc receipts at home y lines ollur moncv huil ixtn mnele elunny draws ive slul eel the lcyiun spoke nmun kaid the legion wtuiltl underwrite all cxpenccs involved in it league bui weuuiind how crcstt -ftm- the ituirntmint and iiumi would be supplied bv tin amiia the deleyales kluiwed a cample elest h ineled out b the town ol i eryus iluitny u fount own tountamcnl last vear and told eouneil tt was customary for each 1 pliver lakiny part it reccie one the lust time acton had a tourna nunt was in ljw m ivoi ias oubv was of lie opinion the town should follow the e tmple of otlur towns and supply creel and suyycbled the towns coat ot arms imhl ik included tn tlu design i in d up procal tor the etc sly n u is le 1 1 to he ludlimnt ol eouncilloi llumillitn peal cihiru 1 1 wi told tlu le sis uould poslhl illlllkllll i 1 1i2 bill un lutllui assist iltei lov ud off v tuny cosl- ln the 1mm1 woulel tie appreiialetl a nsolu iton sponsored by kiev ii ii hirtton 10 don he i2s was dehat ed in lawn of inolhei sponsuml by cihineillot alee johnson to elo nitc 12s0 in suppeut ol his motion niuii eillor j oh ns mi saul vl it 1 alwivs luaiintt ol etuul ele 1 111 cpunev uul this is 1 eluhlieiis uclivilv with sliineiis eiirnin lo loctn 1 leel we should uo a hllh 1 111 the 1 ill hi tlu unotinl of ilu ciests dutine tin ktt i e iinmittit ie isktd eh ai fvirt it w is u 11 in el that noun in li ul hn m d 1 rruiel 1 ehairm in ol the at ion mj in 7s loi lndusinal commission hid been hill lie i hit emtai le l ill old llu lei ill h is 1 ipired cthtikiiloi johnson mui he eommittce suelesltd loin tvsi tkrils inlcristid in nulusliial d ml si ul ind llleliithis of s i eoimnilue i 11 111 llu n c liultist i i il c oniinissi n security bemeli lovcn ernplois md ntntis itoaiel meinluis an epxcied willi 1 jskm keeuilln lirul ind llu loun eu ik isuiuik hv 1 110 000 tmitl al 11 tost i the loxen ol 1441 104 loi 1 ulioel of thin e us ke til dine to tu ele r k s u poi i c ooiii il ant 11 1 pale s sp nehnu 12wio0 this vtai on llu m 1111 tenuiet or 10 ils mdhiilns ind u sk llu iv p milium ol itllh eis loi its poilion ot li nil up lo ihis iinoom dm mil llu crupinies h nunt it 1 s eomu hi i i ik johnston ate pay an addiiiojial 13 78 a rar providing he tewtk advantage ol llu 10 pci eenl prttntpl pav nient dedue lion he also siud umle r llu pre se nt nvste in il u ttonie was askocced leu m vx tlu annual ele lun of tlu water tie pariuieui which repuscnls tvet nulls woolil b fi ix 1 v it on taxi s a i pi cse ul mule 1 llu l 111 el hlmk rite kyslein ull water con suim is piv u tents iki 1 000 i illons lor tlu lim s00o0 ul ions useel 28 cenls u 1 1000 lot tlu tukt isoooo yullons iml un uldllltmtil 20 euls pel 1000 lot inv u moon l uu this liyuie tluse ratek apptv lo tuith wale 1 ind stvvii dcvailnwni when lates ate uurated an additional 10 cents per 1000 yal j ions wdl lu added to tlu water laics only audlltm aumted depuivuevvc j uem wikmi re tmiulttl cttuttctllors ihc auditor had cphsiioivcd llu iwo ittlll levy on ilu 1 i tate imiiim operating t u net s ol llu vvatel dtvart intent iu said tverv eonsunver slum id pav his usl slun and 1 hot hivt ltpiers slntulele rinit i costs tuiikil a is i upfwd tlw unto loi 1 1 iv hvilranl icnial torn the in c st nt im w 1 hvdrant lo iv i e teh annually il litili lii i thrtuimwi- plan 10000 campaign retarded operating fund 1 111 c ili us h ind t it llll m 1 1 nt d ol ihi con lac le el and asked to dish nut the commission so e uiu ll eould form a new one tlu piistni commission was ippomied n 1 was tolel i isl appioved lh tit hul tiul llu h utd 1 tv heel ti this ihltvt niiiint nil il not j ys menettes donate 10 for scholarships a don it ion ol 110 w llu paul willi 1111 alex inde 1 scholarship fund when the s menettes met ihutsdiv ol last wick at the home of mis c w mckcnic the mom will tu sent to he chaiimin ol the fund committee plans were tlisiusscd loi a runt maye sale it wis ilieulttl to nt iki luiu h lot ilu di- melts conletinec to be ac ion lit april calamity corner ikputv ktvt wmki tnndti tl u lit n so 1 in it tmn would ik 1 ike n lo i pan nunt ie al the toiriei i ol ouein and youny mm is ivclure the sandbags desiynatuiy a 1 one w iv stuel aic locaud he slated a sien hid luen ivrnovcd ind w is i omul tu at uu e nite 1 ol wilbur and chinch sis roid ehniniin hamilton pe tl kt 1 le el the dt p 11 tnte nt ot hielt veavs hul inlutmul llu chrkjhi veiehmne of tm 7 hlihw iv thioiilh loun had hcvti post pop eel toi ll tt isl anotht 1 thiti e us he salel the lown sup i in tie t s it lull nl hid lust n eonluted ind in id in up his it tlu eointi w uild ik mailed e uly in the sprinu noilh hallon itsidcnts will be asked to raise 110000 ot llu 117 010 lsv4 hodltt it lift noilh halton associilion fir rt dueled clultlien tl was aumuinecd this wtek a spec it fund raising earn paiyn will lu held dunny tlu vee k bt uinrdnu m iv 6 ki lard ih cluldieiik week in canada de spue llu lad halton tounlv coo tui i is look iny into the pos mhditv ol haviny all the one tat tnu costs of the three retudttl children s sthools in hallon p dil hv coun iv lev v eliseussions ale ink in the pilintmai staec ind iw pitmmses hive el iusit mute on tlu st yrounits the ssik ij hon felt llu ii onlv allern ilivt w is iti to aluad willy a funel 1 usittl c imp iieti in milton at ton eotyeowu md isqiusiny ind sassayawev 1 tovcnshiis crvnti to rlw fsil vear it is vnpee ittl in v it ised piov int 1 1 1 l 1 an is will eov ei the maor tosls like sitaites mil liunsptti lalion ot ixlarvud ehilehens scixmiis olficiat an nouiucruenl of ineicavd yrant was received bv the niurc at llu last executive meelmy 1 low c vc r a 1 t he mi meti t e peeled yiants loi i0m wilt onlv lake uwav 17 000 of llu 117 000 tipciilmy bud le iv iny 110000 to he laisesj in the eampaiyn r iv itanite 1 ol milton finance eh hint til ol i he assoeiatlon pointeel ool 10 llu executive that the 117 000 buellct was an in eirisc ol xsooo over last vear addition il costs wen incurred in i111 iny exlra staff to cope with llu r ipidtv meicasiny elul pop iiiamantuww csc 1 uj a- fcij ulahon prekiutly 21 tlu cehool wis dt stunt to inmlli a iiiimi mum of is popits ckalr campaign paul aimslmny a gvoryelown 1 halt mm ol the special fund mlh my committee will chair the march camp uyn tltt executive meetiny wax op v ncd hv i stele nt di tt cuu hv il cteoryciown with a kpeciul praver lot ilw suxdy recovery of pisl president fit 1 rv addivon mition who was stvculv in ju reel in a ear uecklcni a month uyo tht associalloo dcvideil to scn diaw tukeis in coopeialton with the ontario moos odyc thin di w his helped ilu financial til u 1 1 ion in p ist wars and last vear lulled the asvajatlon 1644 a cheque was nxticd hum tlu milton ladies auxihatv for 1200 at ion la donated several itamv lot llu use of llu pupil irulud iny a iwo wheel huvek with stab itii is and two tricycles the run lown aunthary announced llu ii thuxl annual dance would be held march m hs tandart tlu oalario uunlhpal board hut how ivm ftftal approval lor in llraam mth kchoel umlllan and lh ulnltlar o fjucillon ku attmwwl lb ludl batuidary by4aw tndn ut protitnlly cbd hi wk by tha hlh kbaal iuird and ar l ha ta ika landa of lha archllact by tl raday march 9 bluenose ii on treasure hunt filming trip wife waits for husbands return by don ttyttor to lave al j0 that allcrnoon sailing tailing over the bthind on us maiden vuvuyi un the 111 ing main lets go on a treasure sun hunt a minor dekt t tu llu hum and then come home uyain nttcondiiionmy svsiem held up who wouldn t yivc up this cold siilmy time for a couple ol ilivs winter walhvi ami heael un a ftrat bktppar 20th eenturv tnacun hunt to co mt dollcrx w ts ptvsent i u the ctu kland in the paclltc vcan lauiulilny but didn t boaid ship tntvelhny on noihmi less ihm an lot the vovayx until jamtnv 2ft ultseoiuhtioned salhny vessel un exact n plica ul the inmoijs m bonnet llliunose sttunds like whiwihiny ou we on tv and vou will soon making tv show one luekv paissciiyci iihmhi out iiled th tthlp k desmond ivtllcm hus uompetllton ol he lew to jamaica and nut ih crew and pusstnyci ihetc ab- uwinl the luxuruuis 1250jj00 repli ea ol the nova scotia schikimi w ihc 82vearthl origin d skip per captain aiyus walters who besi ante tiean the da r the band of the torrncr noma murr j ivelm was captain rilsvwtrth toj who is mm slaving hi acton with gins vvhet will handle tlu ships her parents mt and m s i tovd operation on the jllm m d nit murr 8s mill si audnvchieetoi treasure hunt captain cuyyins with tavlor tv lllminycctmptnv i u be txmembercd as tit lam tn toronto mi detlleiv win tu ous chuaetei who unruurcd at directing llu audio put tmn ol ihc uu helm ol the ship hmnitv in auotakina stilt hois ttbe notet tcttirc mutmv m the hourhuig him will tu shwn t t uountv by ihccbc when canada s lamed llluc- nose uiun t pack my her holds with cod luh tn the w20 s h hunted honors with laciuy anv kjdting ship hit daivd to ehal lengc hci as pnnl of the isi hoiwn ilu gjiiuhl take a peek al a ten cent piece anil sec the lam ott wsaal on the back the onytnal bluenose w s luikkhed at lunenburg nova sco tia tn 1921 and beat all compe tition tn schooner races m pio ahe attcuded the juhil- ul george v ami raced aroord tru uk ot wight she defended lur title tn ww m the list intcnial looal series for vchoorerv sauk b 44 in her dec li nine wars thlp uh cold in 1942 to atlvartulttg santunaat niiunose ii was built out ol sentimeni and tu adverttst schooicr beer bv a nov 1 scutia brvwern in the cargo are a lew cans ol scbocnut bevi muirice talor president ol tavlor productions chartered the xailiny ship for the trip md will make an hour- 1 any eatuiv rot the cbc tlu picture will 1 shetw not tutl action hots or the treasure hunt but un lrwalci shark ityhts ami othe marine action autng with mr tavlor produe ter w jivlin trent nnsihtant pro- 1 ducer mr dullerv ivlo eameru tlu men and a doctor who is also the an iniderwuter cameruman and rica 12 soldiers will tu puked up and ihev will am it 1 aboard their purpose is not to r u d llu vovaycrs hut lo protect govern ment riyhls over anv iicasim 1 011 ml the costa ric in jiovnn ment will receive v per cent of trc isurv luutul now litis ni ikes vou vtrulei il llu nip is vvoithwhde as vou visualuc jviv nit llu costa uuan yovernment a uittion ol tin ltut whits the dillcicnet it vitu stiv lieu and sufei lu cohl ihc can ultui yovetnnu 11 1 w ill lake a port lull eil vnui e t mints m nuomc tax flrtttea ptumur llu time h miiilhl allei tu 1 sure is cl timed to lu loot limn pxruvian caithediats th rough plunder and fouls b british pirates at a tun when peru was liyhnne lot us nul ruhmluuoiull wfv by l trading c he vvlu cboo ptcturo of shark who itrippetl olf her uls and j riyhu also on board arc writers apark now motorued the ship and piwitogruplkcrs irom the sal 1446 u w0t aground off haiti and ttank hci ueeci bluenoi tt identical in every detail except for her huturioo cabm accom nbodalkmui and ulrcondlt lotting the- new- vet was al lunenburg sonua january u ami was scheduled urdav bveninj post which exclusive story rtghu bhaty tn has jtut imagine your standing on the deck of thu fabuloiu hlp atpdouilv waiting to share part of the kxit when iream k eouolu well all b not m eoij at coitl ing exterminated in an clrav gana ot dcstrueliun coeos island 25 squaix utile ol uninhibited tingle is 0d miles oil tlu paeifie ctust til pan t ma no hustyind pets aw av i mm his wife ttttrclv cxn on a trip like this mrs dollcrv his talk cd to her husbtmd via ham ladm which is set up 111 the toronto studio and em it he w slits keep n ekwe lab back inwrch accxirdmg to the s stdule uiul chit lor tile bluenose ii the mup was to arrive at bermuda jang aiv ift aiul llwn leave jauuteu january letr isle de vaehe the grave ul the angina blue nose uherc 1 uriciun ceivmonv was held witrifta wreath pacetl tn the water in memor oj the ancient ship otlwr slopping points include colon paruima puma ri lias co4a rlcul and co cas hlaml pavungcrs and crew are scheduled to leave the cejcoc jeiama 21 awl flmve at kmg- dton jamaica march j camera men will flv back and annv toronto murch 3 ln case oaljiuipcclthe olue- nose 11 it not a vafe and com fortabk ship les take a look at some ol her statistics unlike her namesake she is lilted out to eari v so pasvc nyors under hail or 100 untie 1 motor thvci olh c rw ise the ship is identical in everv wav to live oriyuuil m hull dcsien masts und rigging ll is ml lect kiny beam of 37 lee dnnyht ol is led 10 incbo di pi icing 2s tons with 10000 sguue lex 1 of saiu tlu ma inmost towels 128 feet sue inches from dcck to masthead and ii made in iwo sections from b c douyla fu like llu original hip the stnulirilies continue right down to llu ss loot keel formed a he- lorc inmi 2 fool lengths ol minted nova scot 11 n oak fuh duplacad belitw deck the himtlarittes end on bluenose ii below docks isumosilv lur people where u on the otiyinil it nc mocllv lur 4ujw nt w ttlp uty tlw double staterooms 111 tlu sitern area alony with the captain ca hm and a chart room jua for want is the engine room for two 170 horsepowvr diesel bevontl that is a caryet i10ui then a sal oon bui net bar then a scrv my pantrv and galle the crew s quarters are in the how with stateroom loi the mate and engineer beutk alt this there is an aircutsditiamng s ste in shipiofchorc radkvtel ephonc electricul generating equipment navigational gear and tadar 11 bv now vchi are not nlreadv lechng seasick what suv ve get a yroup together and charter tlu boat for a tnp lis for hire or will be on its return to ft ova scotia pot kt wing a tour of xlartlime ports the biuenae 11 will preparefor theka fcea- setn which will make her awtit able for charter to conventions local urganuajkhts and private sallui parties- mcj as ax aid f in ihc cold lelv hope voth mtv ootter that the enpedilion oanv cs back with not only intercatinr tilm for tv viewers bu p ahare 01 the pirates treasure ll launchd janu ary 12 at lunenbufo n s it pratanlly on a traatura hunt and filming cum lo cocoa uland aaaurica taylo pratl- cwnt of taylor tv prodikliont chartered the thip for the months cruise aboard thlp it detmond oollay intat husband of the forrner norrna murr who it vlhirvg with he parantt mr and mrt llovd mur mhi st mr oollery u audio director with taylor pro- 1 bejeicr ing itill fltmt t1t blp i 41 exact r0tk of the original fcfuenose which w built at the tarn dock a lynen- vv traa wil sought on the luogle kund in m pacific the expedition wmi produce an hourlong wm for te r lyjy4iauti

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