Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 13, 1964, p. 2

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v be my vqmn g the good old pays g sf 4 stt eisff pkta vssmk 1 hjhts at the robert littla school are prepared or valentine day fr day this year puplli have individual anvelopas attached lo thair desks m which valeni no have been placid pointing out valniina 10 lo right ara keith opts in kim krestlar and onejy thornhlll the dead ham of death duties r witd on dviiing wy to votd death duliat whtch could b bltr ipwtnt on work mg up productive endavon that plans in themutlvsi frequently rennet th com pany t propr development and ekpannon may add to production coit some cana dtant are leaving th t country for tax havens abroad and canada lotet not only the r tal enit but alto the r income taxes it s the man in the middle who qet hurt th most by death duties th man who has bu it his business up from scratch and wants only 10 nsu that it can be carried on by h s fam ly or by his employees even if dftath taxes wiped out all inner tance of wealth btwn generations men would st ii nevair really start life with equal endowments or equal opportunities th world ust doesn t work that way the death tax should be abolished or at least radically reshaped so that it can no longer wreak the damage tt does iter govfrtmntt in canada death ukm r not an important source of revenu they mk op only 1 5v of the total tak but cttrtvrwtri the financial pott th economic um0 they can do is staggering tk latent indiclmnt coms from the shoe manufacturers association of canada irt ih brief lo th carter commission on tax lion th unreasonably high level of succes tion dutt has been the largest single factor both in encouraging the sellout of canadian tonteprish to foreign interests and in elimm ling from ih economic scene contmu ng in dependent family businesses th 4ilt of hundreds of small family owned business enterprises have been sold 10 foreign interests in recent years a trend mat has profound implications for canada many of the s i lours have been triggered by tu to avdid forced sale et death to rait cash for estate taxes death usually force sal at sacrifice prices time and talent ike need to knew thee it one point on which worker in tha fold of alcohol problems are generally aftrild uyt mr tom knott founder of alcohol education week in ontario and that ii the need for alcohol education whether on abstains or dnnles whethar one thinks that liquor laws should be tightened or re laved and whether one looks upon alcohol- itm at a disease or a weakness there it con tantua regarding the need for an informed public on the matter of alcohol mr knott it the youth director of the ontario temperance federation whote pro gram of alcohol education for youth contittt of health clatt lecturet and youth conferencet through the toe alpha organization which during the pait tix yeart hat reached teverat thouiand leenagert with tcienlific informa tion on the nature of alcohol and lit potential effect but we have only tcratched the tur face tayt mr knolt hence the need for alcohol education week it n hoped that very community acrott the province will carry on tome alcohol education program during the weeklecluret ditcutnont ttudy oroupt film thowings or tome other educe tional activity nlmttwrrtt- so far the chief interest displayed by meat canadian communities in 1967 celebre- tiara marking the centennial of confedera tion appears to be debating utt how much cash they can get out of the federal treatury for local protects they teem to have forgotten the primary purpose was to have been to educate the people of this country bn the conditions that brought about confederation and the suffer- 20 years ago tea tress the teats of the free pmt twady fee a m44 palms feme caua lilies and pink and white snapdragons graced kau tyesby church lor the wedding of doris gee trude blow daughter of mr and mrs f blow of alton aul trooper colin james graham k ol mr and mrs colin gra imi of aciroeu rev r f thorn ton oflielitcd with mr f sail at the organ the brick wore while lame and carried a bou quel of orchids whh maiden hair fern miss margaret blow wan her ikurk maid of honor ami miu thelma graham was bruin maid link merle overboil ol toronto cousin ol the brnle seas flower girl jack mow wi groomsman and the ushers wire charles hcaid and kenneih blow ttu reception was held al the home ol the hrlele s parents another successlul red cniu blood donor clinic wa held last wednesday when tl men res ponded l the call lor voluntary donors dentins n charye veir ilr w lullen 11 w g c kcnnrv and or waller tlu huns in ailrrulance were made leim cnhns prjrl c bell plh el undue halheilnc mcphcdiin a r anderson a black i lllwn thorn i mulul tarjutll vera van norman marv jlenlon mu nc gordon mil h smilhunl marie clamon tlie cuiiial nail under mrv ii o riak secretary ui re mn t cook mn c i 1ralhri land and mr llelle mrt w j realty had charfic ol the n frrvhment commlmce and thi scout mimlur avsulid a i group the ivciplton eommlilcc were mn w clapton mrs a ii mcuan urul mr a momin born al guilpll gmcril llovpllal to mr and ml koheil ptll a urn james robert guelph general llospilal to mi and mn william walerhouvc a son tcruncc bruce al knox church a large ealh crmu allcnded the suppc r in honor ol kohhic burns sponsoi ed bs ihc undies aid soclcls tipci joe rmdlcs o toronli piped llu llanuis and rev i ele ir i 01 man ol toronto yae the aildicss 10 llu l iggit oth e rs ukinu pail in ine proejnm were mrs jessie reed mrs cal i inele r mis uns kline ol guclpli mrs c irishman r spulio miss kathleen tinellas mrs riv bcrlson william scolts bur ion mrs c coles t salt inj e ii leeson ii wffrw s this sundays 50 years ago tejaea rota the leatx ef ihe free freaa thursday feb j 114 pleasant aarprttet were the lot of the occupania of the mante ui ballimrtml last week on wednes day evening away lo ihe north wu ween the glimmering of ian urns when ihev emerge 1 from the mitt lo they belonged to itw members and adherents of mel ville church caledon who in large number had come in loaded sleighs and cullers u cheer iheir pastor rev kl wad vull and his ramily and lu rs- pknith their purse punlrv eel lar and oat bin al ihe manse the new evcnlng ih sound of sleigh hell vas hearj ugsln lo futfll the old adage it never ralnt but ll pours and this time il was ihe uallllifcfad cun urcfatlon in greater numbers lo pretenl their organist and clioli leader miss mlnu waeldell with an address and pttrse ol moiuv and to show their goodwill lor ihclr paator the chair was filled by mr akin and recital ions were given hv mr mel iuiv and miss rosiell music was rin dried and speeches iiiven hv messrs d mclean wm mcdon uld and david russell during january list i ies lib rory was more largely paimnied than any previeuis month and tef volumes were issued burlington now aspire lo he incorporated as a town teaming ocross tairs 1 ake fnm ihe first llnr lo aclon is quite common these davs on sunday morning willnm algic ol alton died very sudden lv since imi he had been a wool len manufaelwer ol promlnrne vsilh mills al alton lattcrl he was executor of tlie dale cslnli brampton he was well known throughout the province and seas generous in ills hrnejacllons lu ihose in need only 4ast chrlsl mas lu sent a hale ol wiuillen good to triends in acton lo he distributed lo children here he is survived hv his wile md sis children including mrs am s mason aclon checker players went lo brampton lor a return match they were defcmlcd by lice gain c s morgan crcvsion siill his lulh in the milton oil lurlds he his moved his drilling ng to h crccnlees larm adjoining ihc town the hliraardy snow saved llu sleighing wsmtmmv si c- v j teenagers today are entering into an en tirely different world from that of their grandparents in any age of tm planes high powered motor cars and manned rockets en circling th earth in minutes the question of the use or non use of alcoholic beverages has taken on rvw dimensions from the era of the horse and buggy then too the guide posts of life are less clearly set out for young people today than lhy were a o or 0 morf standards and proprieties are less firmly fixed so th individual s judgment assumes tncnaatad importance if one is navigating one of our uncharted waterways he must depend on his own resources intelligence and ingenuity life it not as clearly charted for youth now much depends on their men tal acuity and discernment the potential danger of using torn selfadmmntered nar cottc whtch hat the effect of anaesthetizing th brain the teat of intelligence is greatly increased w knowledge was power in the days of socrates the truth hat even greater potency today and lack of knowledge irr the area of alcohol usage can be disastrous church calendar ac on suftkt chukh cssiveailoa of ontario li quebec pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave ph mj1615 sunday rcbruary imh 194 9 4s om sunday school for all ages 1 1 00 a m morning worship s destination in his pace 7 00 pm evening service scrvrt on ihe revelation wednesday mission band 4 praver meeting 7j0 choir practice 8 30 friday but 7v explorers 7w meditation as we enter the lenten season mav it serve to enrich our lives as we consider the path christ took that ended wt calvary tvauoa baftbr chinch sunday services sunday february i6lh ik4 ymjca 9 4s am the family bible school 1 0 am ingt endured by the foundert of the natign whether they be the fatpert of confederetion or the farmers and merchants who laid the ground work for the canada of today ttvtrmory of cenada is made up of the accomplisbnvants of human beings end bv its proper filing many of the causes of friction end discord might be removed sherbrooke record 7 00 p m evening service wednesday evenitvg cottage prayer meeting commit riiv wev unto ihe lord trust also in flim and he than bring m lo pass paalm 37 s suethjh chtbtun rbottmto vthlmch acton ontario the acton free press rhsbttmlsed by the dttb imstthtg tusd fulsualaltvai cdl lttl founded in 1875 and published every thursday at 59 willow st acton ontario member ot jhe audit bureau of circulations the cwnjl and the ontarlcsouebec dlvliuon of the cwui adveruclng rates on request subscriptions pavabfe la advance tm in canada wjm in england and olher cossttnonweajtb countries ssjdo in the united state and other foreign countries tingle- ctdel 7c authorised ear secon class mall poeet o ft ptttwec ttse ssaly laiater tteef f fat g a bims edltorjtvchlef devld dilltjylajsa5ng editor au 5 i n s 5 and editobial offfcfl phomf 532t5ro sunday february 16th 1000 am english service 2j0 pjn dutch service 145 pan sunday school everyone moat welcdtsm 1964 acton httncottal tamtaacu baoc 3x churchill road rev s m thomaa faitor sm715 sunday februakyiolh l64 1ijm aon worthip service 1000 am sunday school 700 pan special missionary service- with rev earley vaj ittjsu oercnliiaii i south africa tuesday pan prayer service and bible ttudy friday crttstvder 7 pail iliurauayr february 20 young feotdet serrloe 7j1 nteuythlan church in canada knox church acton rev andrew 1 mckenzle ba bd minister mr a a hansen bjl organist and chair master sunday pebruary 16th 1964 9 45 am church school 9 45- a m church membership class for young people 1 1 00 n m morning worship 7 jo pm daughters of knox world dav of prayer service guest preacher rev dr hugh macmillan retired mit- stonarv to formosa evervonc cordially invited trinity church the united church ol canada minister the rev dwiiht i engel ba bd organist mr george elliott mjt phd sunday pebruary i6lh 194 divine services 9 jo am early service 1 1 00 a m corp worship nursrrc during 11 am serelce fur toddlers the church school 9 jo a m seniors grade 9 and up 1100 am juniors pretchool to grade 4 7 jo p m young adults all welcome ye shall know the truth and ihe truth will make you free tim church of st altun thc marttr amoucam comer willow and bower rector the rev d h west 8jl ust is5 jeffrey ave rboae j6tsl friday february 14 2j0 wo mens world day of frayer service 4 15 junior conflrm- frtkjhhmlng ll is to discover llu ucas seijne kids are pie kins up in school lbn dav i t some inslaht into the sheer wild ncss of r when i wa helpliitl yeung kim with her history ihe olher day she is 1 years uld an aver ate kid by most standards a vnv bright one by ibowi of her parents she lit grade i i was reading from her history note tsuok and asking her ciuesllons liased on ihe notes slwr lead made ih si i asked what did ihe early pioneers build their homes ool of i the answer tame smartly the earliest homes were little more than shanilet but smiii the pioneers hein building with luiitiier slucco brick alid slone i aikrd her where they oi these materials in live fields was ihe answer baffled i liuikeel in her iuiiis tlu iv il was hcumi llu selllers lie ll in til ihuiii iviiuses out ill tunitier hiiek stiueu and si hit by bill coiu i one of ihr nrawrk for ptamny j huml in a tmmp wuii utlui lhan m no irumn is o that vi ma rufj voui lowrt with dum m ifiimp tlie diffnu vhmilij kctp onv in mind anv time tl uppears that declarer wants to t uf in dummy ilun iru deli ni lxhild lead trump a bkvd ttanipk of thi occur rxtl tam ucclt at he at ton hrullji clith ikrt tx tlu hand uilh powlttonh ihantfld mj that dtcl3txr is south ocakr lai nlilhijrr wutr vulnerable nonh s9 8 h fl 6 do 9 a c a 9 8 7 4 wsl tu sawj 10 7 4 s 6 3 114 3 117 5 l j 8 7 i k 10 4 2 i 10 2 c k 0 6 j south s o s 4 h a koj 10 8 2 da cj 3 the biddinu rut south pan 1 h patt 1 ii piss pass south jump to ihrrv hearts indicate a hand that ts just vhori of an opcrtinji two bid if north has a sure trick ami a little citrn he should hid four when ihe board playd cery south sot to four honrts from thcrr on the results uerc difcr cnt one made five one made four and one went down one west leads the padc king and cast should not irj fail must not ijmal with the si a hiyh low signal is used only when you want a suit continued since east cannot overruff dum my he should not signal for a vnadc continuation when west tees dummv he should realize that declarer may want to ruff a spade loser therefore he should lead a trump al ihe second trick u south wins and lead a spade wxsl can wtn and kod a second rump now there arc no more hearts in dummv as south ends up with three spade losers in all since he must lose a club as well the contract would be set one trick if you are wondering how one declarer made five hearts so was i it appears that west led two rounds of spades and con tinued spades m reply lo pari ners high low signal the third spade was ruffed with dumm s trump nine and the trumps were led after seven rounds of trump east decided to guard diamonds inttead of clubs thus wlniyr lost o t spade tricks here ih another defensive tip when declarer run a long suit trying to make your part ner discard incorrectly vou should help your partner by discarding all you have m one side on this hind if west d it- car da the second 10 of clubs then emi can count on declarer having two clubs east thould then guard cjubs rather than diamonds bridge winners first mike u rut to earl emond second jack hooper gloria ccerts third tom wamec dick aisderson fnni their lirkin i had jullcr it ugiiliwnl itesfmti 44mvlmlnii w uutl lumwt tut mi uud brukdi itll glow 11 i uld nil i whol hvr a qtlrlu on itw harvimlrig of gietirt in ttw tatlv iuy itvr noli bojok staled thai iluf gruln w4111 ihiough htahv painful hncaw ll wtrtt tt to wv iheil thv gruin wan thrvulud and wlnruwd and trwii wet ukitl4 u grhilul ttt uju milu arid gtt mill hrefvjahlv yiul hitlnful lrulrrd pulling giuln thiikigh a kjwtniu a ikllte later i erfine iurm ihe suilltny informaium hut duiing iim- h tlu 1 1 ion of 1117 hi upper canada wlltlam 1 von maekenu t nlwl had win defeated by v nun ui map leiif feirdeiu frankly i um urvnalkd und slightly delighted what un illic it ling way lo uain iiloi i th n mi i4ilng lu t imjiu i ujt inluitiuil lllal liinl vlklik in n vlng m elahllsh his eoin inunlllis til uhai is mw wjnl liaha got into a stiiiahhu wllh llu fsorlhuilt rn i ear 1 lading om pjnv and i tiikshlv luplund i til william ii w di son tip ton a plai i i in li to afu i ih irnii i wiuhu u i off ll tkiurrcd lo me thai my dauglilii didn t k w ihiu hmu lioin luuklmu thai ttu ujiiv had no idea when briiki an i umio lanti fiont thai vlu dldn t rsen in w what a saumill ujs tlui ou iluln i it ilii lhat whilt llu nhi i waal north is puss pass 4 11 pass ad pi ut irukhlng rvbeu it was mil in trtuum in 187 ami that biw haj jut thmsvft lhat udicetlvf tartllv in through shivjr gjhk ipiit und a loin picie rgiuaraiut u wlm ijjui selkirk ua nul whete i oil wllham is i mi tut trying to blaitie lu r uaetm heusen foih4d tlur kld uik lo hlanu thv thv sluff down fiom liter itxt heuik leave ool u woid or add ihu and llu u suits ui lillj hhjs thev un overawed und ovti wlulmrd 1 fat i und ufi imu h nnui ini uud in what than in uhv sitoiullv i hlaiiti llu ir pi tnl ivopk liwi un uhi m too hu i i find i mi i uk il lluv lit kjflhfi mil in ii tttl suth gtilikd nuiimiiu htt k hu iin h un a i w and vrti ii ld hini vhilllny lli it i lit ng lwll ills if h i ifui io i ii t ni it ills ik kn pt koxhiuh lltu v i hi nn k nig lo 4 1 i ml i th i j hast a in li al niir tlauyh i i x iillluiw lu toll l tin itul xlu ha iuu s4ild iwilsr rmhiiuh i i tuiiuihtr 111 m4 md think n ilhing of il in whoit i u h ii will sluke mi tigid 1- l it professional direaory and travellers guide aebeimwaaamaabbssssaahahem medical wintjui diaecroiu dr d a garrett physician and surgeon comer of willow ami river sis entrance river si on vacation 111 i el 20 acton onl phone tsjomi tv or robert d buckner physician and surgeon j9 wellington si aclon onl phone ssj1244 or t b moose physician and surgeoa 2 main street north comer main and mill street acton ontario phone euj2110 phone itjolso night or day bru 11 shoemaker mgr owombtturr e l buchner o d optometrlil contact unset heating aid 6 john si s acton in aclon wednesdays only 100 pan 6u0 pm for appointment phone uj1041 ii no answer phone waterloo 741117 dental or h ieib denial surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office iloura by appointment telephone 1514610 or a j buchanan dental surgeon office m church st e office hours 9am to 6pm closed wednesday aflernoun telephone 1511750 dr cedric dey dental surgeon suite no 1 llinton bldg i7a mill si c aclon onl for appointments telephone 151100 legal ation sunday february i6th lent i 900 aan holy eucharist j mju- lojfl pan aasorjl pa t 7 jo pari bwrrttong 1 15 pm study awl discussion wednesday february 19js pm heeuchariit no jnusleor address new uetan at si alhant church sunday morning a leclem was dedicated to heused mllvrhiirrh tnil 194 parish h was made by cyril till and presented by him to st albant in memory of the veterans of two world wars c f ieatheriand q c barrlsier and solicitur notary public office hours 10 a m 12 pm 1pm 5pm saturdays by appointment only phone office ajmjo res hvi745 acton a braida ba barrister solicitor notary public office hours in aclon monday friday evenings 6pm 9 pan saturday 1pm 5 pm 21 paisley si guelph ontario phone ta 42241 office hours in guelph saturday 9 am 12 am daily 9 sua s pm kaplan ord barrister ami solicitors sidney kaplan and joha d ord qc lie mosmtautytew hoed s carrelal building ceorieiown vnmh arthur a johnson 184 main st milton lloyd davis jewell rv phone tr hw72 res ttt 97 tuesday alternoons thursday fvenings 1 riday mornings apnuming and insuranctt i f i wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone i5w720 appraiser and insuranea over so years to acto amciiitect donald e skinner 11 arch m ra i l 17a mi street suite 2 aclon telephone elj2740 office hours by appointment or 20 siotehank rd port credit cr hvjm a ttcavatljxtsy outct gray coach lines coachu lltav acirom standard time eastbound tllim dally esteept stm and hoi imim dally except sal sun a hoi espress 4v1 a m 1 11 a m 2jm p m 01 pm 6 2 pm j pm loiel p m sun and llol westbound 7j7 am dally except sat sun f llol 1027 am i25t pas 257 pm 527 pan 727 pm 912 pan hj2pm 101 a m sal only canadian national railways standard time eattbound eje ajn to toronto dally ex cept sat and sun 7j1 a m lo toronto daily- except sun i 912 a m dairy eicep sunday and monday direct conneeilon from owen sound etc 742 pm lo vmeflin ully buf tunday to to on utfvlse if there are two kinds of people who shouldnt do things impul sively its prime mi and yo ladie oavidwtgo f t si young street corner ol arthur a young sts office hour by appolotnseni 7 47 pm to toresn to sunday on- ly 9j5 pm to toronto daily board at georgetown only westbound inl am fnaavlt j i sun us pna to stntlbnl f sbccpg sat and sun 7jm pan dally except sunday imf ajn to stratftjrd dall excctx ggtrr kiieaa

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