Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 20, 1964, p. 5

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i i classified advertising rates qmms deaths marriac- es ettcacmfnts no ctttrse to satie for rent ttc- mln chsi fcw 15 words 3c pr word lrercrer subsequent insertions no copy ii lie mln ciuj lor is word sc per word ilu re sales- 24c- trhsrount uiumvcxj for eash payment coming pvbnts card or thanjcs tl tor first im tin m 10c for eei wltttllotui line in memoriam i plus 10c per tine of verse ctjassimkjf diwcay reai estvtte tijo per col incs box numbl lo this office 25c additional deadlines chnssfied advertising 12 noon wednesday classified display ti real rststc 5 pm tuesday phono 8532010 trs aclon ftm prtt thursday fb 20th 1064 births marriages deaths be born curts a4 toronto general hospital february 14 194 to air and un stanley curiv a on john trevor bbv pissed owav fedrunrv 16 molleqd mr and mrs mcrvvii macleod r r i acton om re pleated lo announce the ivlmh of a son norman donald on wednesday february 12 104 wclnbl lbs in milton district hoapllol a wee bre hcr for bomiv jetinnlc min lyn and nell engagements mr nnd mrs harvey palmer vliat lo announce the cnjraijc men of their daughter joan louise lo mr douglas murrov jackson bronte ont the mur riage to take place saturday april 4th al 2 o clock at st ai ban a anglican church acton died campbell on fchruaiv 12 im4 bcithu uimobcll w elgin st vancouver aged bl years survived by her loving fcuuhahd gordon mrcc sons gordon and raymond also llovd green of vancouver 1hrco grandchildren nd iwo grdat grandchildren auo two misters mrs edith hamlllun acton and mrs gertrude out jcwjtnv of sarnie funeral vssss held on fchmun i 14 interment ocean view cmc lerv vancouver icarstang at her hum in rockamood on sundae kbru ery 1 1964 frances pewnt widow of the late john t ganrtang and dear mother ol john robert garstang of sask too and sister of slunlcv peuftt of ltmwbitdge funeral aervice was hed at the jrumley shoemaker funeral home on wednesday ut 2 pan ilnlermewl rnckvvood cemetery in memoriam e in loving memory of a dear husband and father john bkhop ssso passed away feb- marv 21 1958 he i gone but not- forgo- ten as dawns another year hours ofthinkii thoughts of hhw are always near day of sadness stm come oer ut cards of thanks i wmi to express my sincere thanks to those who sent cards and vhed me during my stay in toronto genera hospital your kindness will ukvuys be iv- rrtemtsered umm mr r hiiisman we would ifvc to thank all of you who nude enquiries and sent cards and gifts following our daughter lothwes accident also all of vou who ptovided tiunspor tstlon for us to the hoepilil our sincere thanks to you all henry and helen harmsma o 54917 i wish to cxprcs my thanks and sincere appreciation to am friends neighbors etlow om ployee nd acton clergy for the nsany good wishes and kmd os- sisisince eirtended lo me and my family during my stay in si jouspft s hospital guelph u 14908 sid sam i wish lo express mv apprec ulion lo all mv friends relliv ts and neiglibor for rhe munv cards gifts visits and good wmtes 1 received while a pat it n l in si josenh hospital guelph also lo the fifth door nurses mrs i dun jennings hj47 r r 1 camphcllville tmy sincere thanks to all friends and neighbors for carets flowers gifts and visits while 1 was a pal lent in georgetown and district hounilal a speeial thanks lo ilu nurses ind slatf und to drs chamtierluin uul cowycr oj4j92j mrs rohcrl mcfners we wish to think all our frknek und neighbors lor the vssltn flowen and cards and nrans other acts of kindness dnr ing mrs grlrtin s vtav in the hopilu and during her eonval esccntx these kindnesse vsill owass he inrmulls remtiember rd jcmc and harold gi ii i in a t4w i wiwh to express mv opprcc iatlon to all fnenek and neigh bors who rcmembetxd mc vsnh gifts cards nnd their visits while i was a patient in guelph general hoiphul a special thanks to rc a h mcken7li father morgan and the salvat ion arms drs moore nnd hob- son and he luvsipiuil stall of ihc third floor duag limes jisstman coming events ilaxjblrtjhewoundjt supplied bestted but they ll uno i niat ilea within the hear con oealed ahvay romembered by colh acklo bill and gordy b41ij97 ys mcncttes giant rummage salo tredas march 6 at 7 p m in the ymca a vjq12 euchre and dance held at bit llmjrud hall erjetas winun 2h at 810 pm isrvemc uilcom lunel sersed avtll old time nnd mtklcm dane ing brookvilk hall saturdas rebrurarv 22 aelmission 50e cur ries orchevln b41 u12 dance brooke ille hall tritlas tebruars 21 i9m aclon junioi rarmers admission 7v anel 15 dincing 9 i everyone welcomi u3v28m spesside home and school bake sale 8 pm euchre 8 0 at the school friday february 28 admission 50c lunch door prue and lucky draw bv2 3859 anntvcrsarv dunce al ballinn fad community centre frieias march 6 dancing 9 1 to dae benham s orchestra good door prize refrekhmenl booth l ervone weilcome a 4vxv acton scottish dsince club rebrunrv 22 in the ymca children e7j0 25 cent younl adulu and teens 89 jo is cents adulls 9 to- 1 2 00 modern square und scottish 50 cents 349i6 mr and mrs alex pringle ore holding a tea february 22 2 6 lm at their home on the sinth ne nassagoweya to celebrate their golden annivenarv friends and neighbors welcome no gifts please ajj2sll attention the seoul apd guide mothers regular meeting will be hold tuesday february 25 al 1j0 pm in the scout hull members ore urgently need ed to assure continuance of the scout movement in town every one welcome u34 921 rmmbdw room 6 mill st ac ton teen dance every friday movies saturday 1 jo 7 jo p lemcutcevenmj t- roller skating tuesday and thursday 7 10 pan skates 1 halravaitable far rent wednesday phone 8532161 tps5- for sdle for saef 1959 fsioms station wagon low mileage 595 854- 1170 a 34904 for sale rursku vacuum cleaner like new 40 phone 853- 0195 a34907 for salf 2piece bedroom tune good condition also pfaff knitting machine phone 85323a4 a 34434 for sale town maps and lullon county mapa 25c plus ic isi available at dills stationery 5e mill st li a45447tf iok sa1 1 apples cpurt land dellckhis and spys bnng oontalnets win bousfield tr 8 6355 btla3315 for sai t child s large sue naturu wojui erih first elave ejondillon pluine 8532467 a 34 914 for sajj 193 falcon a lnn vsssgoii 6 000 original miles guaranteed make otter phone 85ji870 a 34903 ior sai r lurgc sue coal and vseiod space heftier will luxit 1 to 4 rooms good condition phone roe k wood 85a4249 c 34913 for sale sheaffer pens al was a useful gift for any occa sion a complete assortment at dills stationery 56 mill si ac ton a466351 tl for sale 195 meteor good mcctsanieul condition 8 cylinder sedan new ethaust svsum and btakes good tires phone 853- 2257 acton b34 por salr 30 cords dry hard maple apd bcevh locolcd on fn right farm kx 21 third line make offer wnle s enrlght si m m s onl a 34902 for salf large glossy prints of any staff photo appearing in the free press 5x7 si- 75c 8x10 sire si cash to accompanv order enquire now at the aclon free press willow street por sai t restaurant eoun lers and eupbuarov 4evoor i eez cr utainilc ulcssmcr 60 seats vsirh arnorlle lop tables booths i mrut block jdhn llofman 90 chisholm st ooksnie u 34918 for saf t approximalelv 20 ions ot scsond cut conditioned allalla quunlitv of haled oat straw i surge b b2 vacuum pomp complete with motor and lank converts to pressure pump 25 gat pitipanc glass lined vvaler he hi r wm laiwson 878629 bl 3392 jeans home furnishings ntw ts usrd spettl oueen wauurs aj drsers ruixkt elt incis polishers besirltv 4j restonic m litre sses si she sit rt iclds deep ireees iriss ai stove spe chrome kitchen suites j34 95 pe chrome kilchcn suited 69 95 large selection of ucc isiunal tiiwrs 9 95 trade vour present furnilure on new furniture neiw tj used rurmtuix in stock phone georgetown 8779219 68 delrex bhd georgelown wi will pav coih for good used furniture appliances a tvs a34tf help wanted nj and mi acton seix voim akriclka toy advertising in the acton free ipbasss help wanted part time help wanted for wiles bus depot apply in person a 34915 help wanted slvon cosme- lies need mature ambitious en ergetic women lo represent these top quality products in acton roclauood georgetown areas phone collect to mrs m stock 78 duchess ave kitche ner ajoeow5745 help wanted reliable man for general duties around gar age truck drivmg ability and mechanical knowledge required also truck drivers license with good drwirsg record and recom mendatton phone for inter view mrs breen cv fill son en- leiprises ltd 8789733 a349161 correspondent berrpsemt dun brapstreet oivlemtnded peronii reejulfs- ed to serve as local represents tree tkiriparlliriv rrrdit rtw woi porring work is on a fee bash write mr a k gordon drawer 423 terminal a toronto l oacarlo mssceliferreous go for a slified llalrcot to john t barber shop acton plaza 3419 houe maintenancetcits pciilry cement and block work odd job jim gibson 120 mill st w ph 85h528 at7al4tf ttpewritp rcnul under wood standard models available for rent at dills stationery plume 8532030 am4 reliable radio und tv servlee antenna installations used tv for sale call lltury slaehyra 8531057 evenings and weekends a4 127 kitchenfr upholstery fx pert reupholslering reflnlshlng and repalriisg of all kinds of fur nllure for free estimates call bert s groceteria 853 2830 acton atf fncomi tax computed typ ed average 1 00 complkthed pensions refunds etc 1 up lo 5 00 reasonable rales on all others john chapman rock wood 856421 a 34 901 floor rfftnisiiing we now have a modem sander and edger we will refinlsh your floors or rent you the equipment to do the job yourself j b frank phone 8532040 47 fred crick si s acton atf reimflfupholstery kitchener specialists in reupholstering best qualltyjnalerlals fine work manship prompt serviee turni lure refinishlng and rug cleaning phone 8s1o310 marks grocery we have moved please note our new location and phone number horace tomhnn r r 1 inglewuod no 10 highway at victoria phone 8382264 tor all surge dairy and milk house equipment barn ventilating equipment and rilehie vvalerrrs h3v4889 dead stock walnut ranch ltd crippled and dlubltd cow and llorceg 24 hour service lie nos u3rf 2c62 waterdown mu 91044 atf baynes deadstock service highest price paid or freth dead or dlvabled cows horses old healthy hore bought phone ouelph ta 24061 or fergus plant s4m791 licenced dealer 159ca2 atf wanted wantco ride to gutiph dully or 2 uwiks arriving tr guhh it i am pbonc alter 6 pjin uwaa a m005 wanted artkww for north iliilton rharded amoclatlon rumitiage salt arrangements for pickup will be mode by call lug any oi following numbirs ssloas 2406 1063 u 54910 legal notice to creditors and otiifrs in the rut of nrrnjcr ada dunn late of the town of acton in ih county of iui ton widow tuctbted al1 persons hjving djims ay jinn ihc afurcnuntiontd psi hi iw itorxntc ada dunn who dud un or uhoul live ninctcttuh div of december 1 963 urr itijuimj to f lie pruof t hen- u 1 1 h i lie underklgixd uilocliur for ilu ex dulnx ul her cstatt on r iw ftire tlwr twenty ninth duv tl icbmarv 194 auer whilh datt hie estate will be distributed having rtgnrd only to iiil claims tlwn i tied dati 1 ut acton onluno hits ritveiwh duv ot ubmarv i9m c i lljstiii riand oc acton onurio vdituor tor iht rxrtulrix a m notice to creditors and otiifrs in the i halt of mary tli7a ditii gamblp mat of the town of aclon tn that county of holton widow deceased all persons having lutms t nlnsa hit alortnitniiontd i st iii ot hir iliibtth g lmhk win died on or ihout ihc tcni stinth div ottotxr 196 ut required lo fflc prool thtiiol wilh ilit tindtrmgntd sohtitui or tht rxeciitors on or tut on ihl sivinlti di of m rtf 19m ojvcr which tun rht csmu uill be htributixtvaving rignd on iv to iht claims fhen liuu datfd it atton onturio his stvtrrtttnlh d i o4 i cbrini 19m c r irjstiiruinn oc atton onl irw solicitor for iht txccuuirs a 4 auaion sales paconi dead stock removal limited highest cash prices for dead or disabled cows and horses old horses 5c lb licence no 301c64 194rp64 phone zentth 97950 all gibson dead stock service highest prices paid for dead and disabled cows and horses 5c a lb for old healthy horas at our fergus plant we can let you know the cause of death call fergus collect 8432240 84m5i9 lie no 26 1 c 63 168rj43 o2hf lost lost girls glasses blue frames in blue case phone 853- 1635 a 34920 rxtfnsivr clearing auction sale of llousahold furnilure garden tools carpenter tools etc wiu he hekl il 18 miles si milton on saturday february 29 at 1 30 o clock terms cash ibv of sac no reserve home sold jack ruiott auctioneer tr 8 9233 george deforest proprietor a 34 2 sprcial auction sale of dairy cows lleueri and bulla wih be held at ihc brampton livestock lxchange 3 milcs north ol brampton at snilgrove on no 10 hlghwas friday february 28 1944 at i 30 pm pure hrexl or grade hoists in cows bred hellers open betters und bulls or ans other dairv cows heifers or bulls if voii have anv bnng them to this sale remember ihi div trkln tebruarv 28 1964 terms cash herb m reinhart auctioneer and proprietor b342 lost brown leather wallet containing money and important papers vsctnky of arthur and wullacc sts reward phone 85v 1317 a 34498 for rent for rent iroom apartment vithfanil i poieii a 90- maln st phone 8532j87 a vvottechcrrtenr- wanted to rerst farm 75 150 acres whh house and barn tr mlta b413419 real estate john r holmes real estate broker 84 church street east aeton office 8531650 sales representative call frank simioni osmumtm buy land for new school safe spot off highway buv land for new school safe spol son ol kilihencr aitd miss mol g roherlsun mended the woiut six acres on the second lint j llsun of guelph eollided al ilu uav of piuver selviee al mimosa including the community lot have llilerseelloli 4 highways 24 and united ebuieh oh fridav mis f i iv lot geon 8532784 a 33 reserve a date in the coming events column for your future- activities been purchased from george u 25 in ilu village un sundav alter fmimlv bv llie eouncil for a new noon miss henderson received a sehril in time the local school cut above iver eai while mils mnl ihc highway will be closed u i itson lecelved a severe gjth on ive lo get tlie ehlldren of ihi rttghw iv inr safety s sake us rirjviii by tvilvn llendei ikal itfati casmimcsmi 2 more properties sold on mls havr you 1 istrd your proplrty on m ls yet muhipu livilng system call vriur jeul mis realtor sydney k lamb realtur i mill street fast acton phone 8531030 sound investment 15 slmtr apartmtnt building s20 000 down payment for this line building in georgetown 3 minutes irom ihc business sec tion gross revenue of over 14 000 i and 2 bedroom suit cs no vaeancits tull price 82 000 bul open to all oilers four bedrooms with one mortgage 171 00 monthly jfloo down payment for this 4 bedroom home in acton mod cm kitchen large enough for ruling giuxl sized living room lt ts turn lee taxes si48 yearly lot 70 x 100 with a foiest in vour hiekvird lull prist 18 800 e a mitchell ltd bi realtor llrtmplon 4516232 new homes 625 pull down paymfnt one mortgage only 12500 full price 1 bedroom burtflolow or li sturxvs 4 piece both dining irca imnu room flood uie kitctun hardwood floora tile kitthitn full situ basement oil or iprs furnacet ohooie vour own txlor of brick tile arbor lit sydney k lamb realtor and insurance i mill si e acibn ontario corner of highways 25 and 7 phone 8531030 a34 new listings vroiim iistorcv home on larje lot lull hustmtrvt gas furruaci full iritt w00 with only 1500 diwn i rmtrtjuye caniet lor 170 monlh svroom pi storey home on quiet street 4 bedrooms kitting room lorye kitchen full- basement ffas furnace full prwre u800 with orjv woo down 1 mort pc carries for 74 month 34edroom brick bungalow onlv 5 ears old tull bawenent oil furnace completely redecortit ed to our choice of colon full tincc 10000 only 500 down 1 n ha mortgag cur rits for 62 month ohoowc ytmr new homi where the wuxtmn b tuk targeiil g alec johnson ft eila 8 mill strer east 8532086 r- m ilu forthtud nd vui lulcn hv iinhujaikt to si josephs hospi tal tmjiii tfiiu siifftrtd vui vho i fiwrhtv wlrtnti fit i ihles of imds wric pi iv id ut tlvt in monlhlv eimhr c hrld i ild iv 111911 ul ilu sttuutl pmis win won lv mrs ii irttul iheik cr i idv s tnyh km stubbinymin rots hlth c ult st jhisom t i miculthron lm iv thin mis 1 ioik i wilt won fltea 10 llollamd mis william klmvkr town lint it 1 malum a 11 port moiula t tinny 111 holland dm lo lh u 1 1 his illntss of lur inollui liu isloplu 1 4 nmnlholtt son f mi jind mm vtition sltuail is ihk 10 t iiiiu h ifiu n mini 1 is fit 111 cm iph h tspil il illei rttiiinu tnainunl for nn iltrux mis k kicmmtr is 1 piiunt 1 citulpl hospti d foi 1 ihitb up hhi in iimtnt day of praytr mts c siokv mis w hum mis h hiuo mis u mtktni lirun loiuiibuicd a otal solo tht hok cltv iiicompamtd h mis n mtktnii vnwiitliw hlrthdayi mr and mis willi un htndtr mxi of iklwijod i ulvn htrtdn son kill ht ik 1 mi and mis r i 1 it 1 1 wm uimi i tmilv sp 11i sun i iv with mis t inns uul dons t n ilu ki is on j iwo hiiltul i s on viunim s uj mrs fnu s nd yi uniltl myhu 1 1 ind 1 1 1 1 yit son cbhitmai tm hiwr iatl dtis 10 lilrii ss 11 c hilstm is imu 1 ik i ikd c hfistmavamik dinni uas h i i mi sunt iv 11 uh lumve 1 i i jnd mrs r nrisi n thfim ut nd ny iik lods d mr il mis ht y t nu r md k in n mi intl mi i vt in trli 1 of sir il i id mis iii mis i ht in ur cut iph mr uul mrs km milvtlson i sod 1 ind donn 1 of ukvilk mis rvitiylis rou 1 1 s n and ditttiu of nn iph vimi 1 tin sj i it ilu s urn hmih mrs i i 1 lson o gtu inh umi id rt t nt iv with mrs m jukson mr ind mis arnold suntt 1 of ni ij 11 1 i ills msitttl iluiiiiy th wttktnd wilh ih fntmers tn ilur tnd mnl mis f sntiti r nut mrs ctoiy cnindv uul mis d mis i ii i roller skating movies rainbow room innovation indoor rollir sk innu and mov ies on 1 pinorimk screen will he le iltiud il the r iinhow r torn tveuuininu llesl vseek fiupnelor jack me mullen in loiuliuliiivj his original pi ins for ihi unovated huiutinu wlmli loi nitilv hmiseil ihe rosv thcilri unnouneed this week killer sk il ina md uioviis would ihliii im mediated on tuestliv evening open h nisi for iiinnm will be held ind pilrons will don lndhr itil cars for sale 10 down 50 cars to choose from lw4 dodge sedin mlormlie uhitewsim tires 2 600 oriuin il miles j2sos lsv1 pontiac converlible 8 eel inder mlomalie powir hi ik es power sleelinu rulio while wiil nres 12 000 onirinal miles speilless condition jl i ms 1962 rambler custom seelan resclinmit seils whltcwall lires i4uu onuiivjl tnsles new e ir condition tlj5 1961 plymouth furv 2 dexir h i ret top 8 evlinder itilomitie ridio owners name on re qtsrst too good to be true si 795 i960 ramblfr custom siekin rwlio whitewall tires loe ills owned absolutely spotless 1959 volvo snort custom radio whtlswall tires sets se nee mi de1 onlv t895 1959 studebaker lark sedan 6 evlinder automatic 21000 ortsjliral miles brand new eon tfiiion j795 1959 vauxjiall station wation unusuallv line condition hurrv for this one m95 1959 volkswagen custom runs woll only j495 1958 volkswagen custom rj dlo fully equipped only t395 195s dodge sedan mechanic e special si75 195 plyjuouth runs well ji25 1955 dodge hurrv j50 1950 rover sedan t50 1954 pontiac t50 shaw sales service lokorfirrrowk up it i skirts nt of ihiryt lo t ik- i ttw whiils imund ilu tlooi miimi will ih suppli4d h tvtottl ihs n tutsdi uul thins tl is ivininy will ik si i utu li rollti sk hmn on stliinli btyinniny u i u p m in ifttintion natintt will ix shown on i puiorimit miimi with 16 in in dims if iht littst momfs n ul ihlc another show inyins stiutdiv iwninij il 7 11 pin ind lyun m nuti iiyht it ilu sunt limi at ton s littst t nit 1 1 11 mm nt itnm ilso oltt rs dininy ind tl in tiny throughout llw wtrk nnd on wiiktnk a tittilnu s is tontntrnt lor imoni wishinn lo hi id hincjiuis or wtddinj imp ii his umihoutl i holiday in japan for rca f officer to pikr sthol rcai st i i lion c iniiih fl c is pn st nth h ihtl iiny in j ipan wms mm i ing tlu wms nut il ilu homi of mrs milt ht ii on width sdi tvt rung i isi wit k vthtn tht iwoitd d i of piiir ptojjrim was ustd eiyhlllii litliss iitttitl td ilu uuitiny mis milthtlt pit suit nt kd in iht proyr un with mis kit kp ut itk u id inn strtpiutt ind mrs j is nohlt tht pi itr ind vlrs a w bin ion loinim nuny on iht in it my of tht di mrs gish mrs rouyhltv mrs s inlord ind mrs palitrs n ilso hid pirts m iht program mr o muldtrol ctorytiown pluvttl two lotl pi uui solos the hos u sctstd ttlrtshim tits ilu i tht mttimy wt ityui ilui ktnntih mi donald is m hospital but hopt ih il ht in i sthin unprovi in htalih mr ind mts hill mils md fatntk and miss htlti mtlk vis ittd ihtil partnis tin sundav tht lad its rem lining for a lonim visit your dodge chrysler vahantvdodge truck jmmedlote delivery 8776471 no 7 highway georgetown a34 churchill on 54th anniversary streetsville party mr arid mrs w j ml don id and gordon atttndtd u laimlv dinntr in honor of mr and mis f a williarmon s s4th wtddmy annivtrsar on sundav fcbruurv 16 ut their homt in sstrtjuvilli mrs jtin andtrson of gullph spent the weekend with mr and mrs emerson andtrson and bov mrs arnold sr and her on and family of newmarket spent sunday wtffi m strj mfs george stephens mra w j m ipenla weettwith htir daughterand mil- 4fr f mr and m ed storcv of orluu mr and mrs lloyd ollns and gleada and david of pram pi on vl sited on sunday wilh mi- and mrs- charles bin rile smwwww

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