Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 12, 1964, p. 10

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w adon ftin prsm thoraday mareh 15th 1964 j harley to halton r m- mamtv mmur atr at die pmenl lime in the home of common debate ia continuing in ihe columbia uwr treaty and protocol this u be ing referred for complete study to the committee on external affairs vual leaoe in this column i would like to 4svuu jhe canadian fvtujoo plan hfcb u of great mtere1 10 hal ion i know by the mail i receive the canadian pension plan l designed to provide can adians with pensions thai will give them a degree uf income sec urity during their retirement yar it u intended lo be ai un iversal fallible and will be rinanced through contributions o both the employers and employ ee the plan l expected lo build up substantial reterve and thete villi bt available for investment in both provincial and federal sec- uttllm which will in turn assist ragional and national economic development at first the rale of contrib ution will be 1 per cent of annual salarv up to a maximum salary level of j4j00 per year with ihe employer paying i per cen and the employee paying i per cent self employed people will have an opportunity to join ihe plan on a voluntary basis and will pay the full 3 per cent contributory rale the han hat a short matur- itv period of ten years so that thoae who are no middle age and without adequate pension coverage will have an opportun ity lo benefit from ihe plan two type of cum one of the greatest advantages of the canada pension man is that it enables the working force lo move from one job tu another or from one part of the country to anotlser ullhout losing their accumulated pension benefits only province which indicates its unwillingness to participate is quebec but it is hoped that some arrangement will be worked out with that province so that pen sion portability will also be pos sible between ihe province of ouebec and the rest of the country the canadian pension plan actually provides two types of pension coverage the present old age security payments o 75 per month which are made to everyone at age 70 will be con- this sundays tinued bui n additional prov- likn wuj be mad which will per mit any person to atari receiving hit ou aje security p w early as age 65 oct a reduced baa- is this lowednfl at the eligibil ity age for old a security will b pkalcd or a live year period people who choot to receive thu lowered pension prior to age will receive it ia that ttnw arrtoui1 throughout their lifetime 1m the second place there is ihe income related contributory pension whkh will provide bene fits lo participants up to a max- imum of 30 per cent of average earnings after the plan has reach ed maturity as is the cake with old age security payments the eligibility age for contributory pensions will be gradually re duced over the hans first five year after which it will be avail able to any participant at age 65 who has retired however this pension will not normally be re duced if it is taken prior to age w the income security which the canadian pension flan is design ed lo provide will be protected future years provision has been made for a gradual increase itbove the present maximum in come base of us00 to reflect the future rise in the average canad ian income moreover when pen sions are being calculated under the contributory prt of ihe rlan the relative value of ihe particip ants real income during his earl ier working years as compared with its value at the time of re tirement will be taken inlo ac count ail irwaeud for those who are now covered under a pension plan your in vestment will be protected so that you do not suffer by the canadian pension plan the can adian pension plan will be in tegrated with existing plans which although complicated will be carried out i am sure to ihe benefit of all that is dad the young lad was through the family album ing tti a handsome wavy chap he xnquirrd who is mother replied why your father junior yeah then that ha id headed old guy bevn living with us alt this going point- haired that thats whos ttht lime i oni poftwako st1p by a crippld child h very often th retultt of month i of treatment and training but that one slap makes it all worthwhile the treatment and rehabilita tion of crippled children is long term and it i cottly easier seal contributions have made it possible for the on tario society for crippled children to help thousands of crippled children towards independency the ontario objec tive for 1964 is 1000000 every easter seal gift is of some help to a crippled child our taster seal dollars help bring hope to crippled child church calendar acton auvptttt ctmmcm coavantloal f oalarlo qili8 pastor key stanley gammon ret 144 tidey ave ph bum 5 sunday march 15 h ix4 945 am sunday school for all ages 1100 am morning worship excepl you kenrnl 700 pm evening service the rarkness deepens series un the revelation illustrated chart all wcl- eomc wednesday 4 pm mission band 7j0 pm pravcr meet- ing 830 pm choir practice friday bhf and usplorers 710 pm text be ye kind one to an other tendcrhcarlcd furglviny one another even as god lor christs sake hath forgiven you thg chutcrl of st alftam trtt maktyi anouoam corner willow and bower rector the rev d h wt bju lst tits jeffrey ave phone 5mam sunday march i5h l4 passion sunday 900 ajn holy eucharist 10j0 am church school i0s0 am morning praver 710 pm holy eucharist sms pm mission study wednesday march ib 8 pm holy eucharist acton minhicostal tamtnaotf badc u churchill road rev s m ttsoman pastor 1553715 sunday mahcii i5h lej 1100 ajn worship service 1000 am sunday school 700 pmrevuvgellitlc tuesday prayer service with bible study 8 pm ttttimdayyuung peoples c a tervice15 pni friday crusaders 7 pan you are cordially invited th7 christian ufouaco church ae ontario tspwievan bijk phnni tfl llts- sunday- march i5hll64 1000 ajn englutt servsoe 3j0 pjnaengllth service jtajanday solu everyone mott welcome husarvttttlam church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckentia dx bd minister mr e a hansen bjs organist and choir matter sunday march is h 194 945 am church school ond i church membership class lor young people i 1 1 00 am joth national health i week service address by air james f casburn ac- tons director ol recreation on fitness t i 800 pm sectional meeting of preybytcrlan men come and worship with ik everyone cordially invited trinity church the ihshad cnureb oj canada mlnltter the rev dwlght i engel bx si organltt mr george elliott mjl phd sunday march 15 h i9m divine services 9j0 am early service 1100 am corporate worship nurserv during ii am service for toddler the church school 9j0 an seniors grade 9 and up 1100 ajn juniors pretchoo to grade 4 al welcome ye shall know use truth and the truth will make you tree vanoit isaptbt church sunday services sunday march 15th 1964 ymxjt 945 ua the family bible school h00 am cods -trlumph- ment traaedlet 700 pjngod cues mr alan g silvester preach- lng at both services in all thy ways acknowledge mmnitrt hfl shhll direct thy paths prov st- no one knocks at your door to i diaynosc hundreds or sell l sejls the enlite campaign the message ci hoic and fipportunily lor crippled children is put squared m n in a letter yon ate asled l- read il and it sou think lie cause is worthy chough trtun your contribution in ihe pink en yclope that has been supplictl by the rotary club o acton the one annual campaign con ducted by ihe ontario society lor crippled children and ils as socialed service club in 210 cum- 1 munities in ontariu i ol vila importance li more than 16000 crippled children every service and activity oi ihe socicly sncti as ils nursing program lrealiihnt centres camps clinics provision ol equipment transportation and so on is dependent upon ihe suc cess of this easter seal campaign no lesshan 1000000 will do the jb elficently lor onlatiosj crippled children in isvm during the lorty year history ol the ontario scurfy tor crip- i pled childrvn easter se om tribulions have paved the was tor a program which has no equal in the win id this efficient re habilitation program is u vital j importance in the lives ol crip pled children in all parts ol the province j fach year faster seal dollars help a rehabilitation learn made up of doctors therapists nurses bracemakers teachers and vol unteers lo study analyze and 1964 t 24333 second halton presbyterial annual ripplinj corulilicmv hue h case i ton iil- tml and ullowcd through ituli viduillv no that each child will rvitilitallv parlkipsitc to ihr rxst it hi or her ahilitv in a iruilful no 1 mr c a farmer burling lifv utitluuii ajulclli j ltmuil- ion vicepresident for area no 2 erwv hvcrv faster sil pifl is some help to a cnppkil child the second tsnnsul meeting of the hltoa tpmbyterial united churvh wumerf wai held in cooksvllle church on thursday jklmrch 3 assetnbltn fet 919 the deleute4 enjoyed m hymn sing led by mr e tonsbe mr il wilsort presided fend extended a brief word of swdconse following the opening hymn the vworthlp wbi conducted by llev ulrlm johnwofl who baud her thoughts on the pauukge ol scripture tak en from the t4ih chpier of luke reading from the uih verw christ henl hi dlutples out into the world to invite uli to the feast and likewise he commands us lo ffo out into the highways and invite ull to come in we must have eves to tec and hearts to care the business at the morning session included minutes of the past annual meeting correspon dence roll call which included some so local auxiliaries annuaj reports icsotiilions committee urus t rvasurei report showing the allocatmin und the hoduel for i4m which amounts to u4h3 the total allocation raised by the united church women across c nada for imi was 17760000 pdawtaallortid sul a most inleretinu presenta tion on tltc newciirrtculum wut enacted in lite form ol a three uct skit bv live ladurs from lynwood church and mrs chalnwrv it proved most liimorhit and ed ucalional rev norman bucliarv on convener ol the christian rducjlion committee of halton prcyhylerial was also present and followed up the play with a few hi iel remarks luihheon was served by the ladies ol cooksville church and during live noon ivour a literature presentation was made by mrs ijivlt wlten all were invited to look ill llu display ol reading material and program helps 1urs percy chalmers president of hamilton conlerence presided over ihe election ol officers ond rev georyc watt chairman of prvsbwerial look charge ol the installation service new officers the new slate tf officers for i1m are as folous president mrs karl sovereign burlington past president mrs ralph wil son port credit executive vice- president mrs f w hay ward milton vice president for area i mrs i w hayward milton vice- i people c to meel- ifpreulent for area no 3 mrs und u uc churvh slin cummin millmrovc vecpresl da but nthcr lhr nering churvh throughout the week il is easier to join the fellowship of saints but not so easy to join the fellowship of sinners he cony rat ulatcil the women on tlwir dar i ingness and staled thai what wasi acton fun fair at m z bennett school lucky music penny draws sales bake sales and lots more to coma watch trtli space fl i ki starts at 1100 am w 11 saturday may 9 1964 drni for ares no 4 mrs harold parker poh credit vicepresident for krr no s mr morlry kre- gan oakvmj hecordlng keceiiav mrs wai ing ibiocofinelle burtingion cor responding secretary mr- c h brock urbank streetsvllle lretv urer un h- p- jtobhjr cooks ville chrislun cltbendiip and social tsction mr phu spence streelsvuw cooperatloii in christian education and muilon- ary education jliru g w cuih nie omkvlue flnaisce uf e s leaker cooksville leadership de velopment mrs e r whjtfteld cooksville nomination mrs h pleuty cooksville community friendship and visiting mrs v w harboltie milton litaralure and communication mrs r il bonsteel oakvllle press and pub licity mrs j n black ualllniv fad program mrs icalth mcmil lan burlington assistants for prog mm mrs c c smith water down and mrs r a mercure cooksville stewardship and re cruiting mrs leonard shaw port credit supply and social assist ance mrs w o slalnton oak vllte archivist miss annie hall hurllnyton cue bklaut tlvr offering was received hv llu- hornby united church wo men and llsc guest soloist was mrs john gilmorc her selection lacing the stranger ol galilee ciwal spsmker tju guest speaker ol tlu- d was rev ralph howled who i the head of midden springs al paris which was established in lw7 for the help of emotionally disturbed people the theme of his address was marks of luve and for a test lie used ihe 13th chapter of corinthians which i known as the love chapter the lest he went on to say is where lie spirit of christ is there love he also referred lo llie hook the call of commitment by fli- abelh conner and further dealt with the sis marks of love the love that manifests itself in sec urity in hoslilitv and criticism in capacity to accept a person where lie is in capacity to sort little issues from big ones wil lingness to fail and let others fail noted bv the capacity of deep caring lor people praises daringnesa our relationship with people begins to change when we see the vision of liar church of christ at happening within ihe organisation o united church wonurrl was goatd we achieve the grealct1 success by recognuing our fail ures during the afternoon mrs wil son the retiring president was presented with gifts th annual meeting ol cooferanov was announced foe april 7 and s ut port nelson church in burling ton and mrs leslie white very graciously- thanked the speaker and everyone who had contribut ed in any small way in making ihe day so uplifting the closing hytmi wus no 4 und the hrne- diction was pronounced bv rev ceotiie watt in canada one birth in 00 w o f twins or triplets eacb week on from the the average there are born 1 00 prebyferial aitd bv her local wuwu of iwins and one vet of trip- llary st slephenson the- hill ivi carpkes flower garden shop say it with flowers cht all occasion flowers wired anywhere h40ni sssimd anvtimi oihn 7 day a wi1k am y 9m special offer new ba farm finalfilter eliminates water dirt and dust from gasoline and diesel fuel special price 595 with your spring booking ordr ot quality u k tfojucts introductory offer expires april m 1m4 order direct from thompson fuels ltd acton msen 1531370 aim hours 1535174 i- ias laadstuaaaalaasas li ftaaatf tp vahi aaawisabb extra 5 cssk aw carry bonus coupons kasy ttrms fl art gordon proprietor twmbht acton u fmonl tuiirmo it impnuible to hang a price tag on this imtile f lilinvtl furttiiiatrly in this country no one ever tlisett your cjtiailiati rcil irvs proviile uhnle blocstl ami blond prckltirls ahsnhttcly ircc iti almost sihiihi0 victims of illneu accident and disaster every cr all thats ever aslfd u your itippnrt the blood transfusion sri vice i one of the many wayi the red ck lerves thii coinmiinity this nation and the world through the red crou your help does to much for jo many your rep cross serves you bank ot moritrmi acton aeap lhlflnikm t rverylsxeeoilthewavl

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