tn acton ft rvwa thursday mari iww 1o4 tub nsf voumo mam to anroll in rv nw ooliw provin cial polk cadt corp last yaar wai cadet jim radpafh of brampton and h wai trantfarred lo tha milton o p p da- lachmanl rhli vonth sot c wilklnton who li in charo of milton o p p li ihown with cadat padpath m tha radio room first opp cadet here joins area detachment mjiton detachment of the o p r welcomed ther flrl cadet hi month h it cadet jim redpath 20 fortnerlv of bramplon lie joined th nw opp cadet corpt last vear ond ha hern working from lh toronto headquartc n and dcuchmeflt offices prior 10 being tninfenl 10 the mlllon office cadt kdpth ii the non of cpl jim redpath of the bramp ton ojp detachment and he hat the tumor of being the first cadet cv enrolud cadel are accepted lnu tha opj if ihev are bctwtmn 1 and 21 and work cwmcmiu a cadet until thev reach 21 and tan he iwora in a regular con 1 tobies they need grade 12 edu cation 10 join a cadet i and wear the regular opp uniform uith a cadet insignia above the shoulder identification in hi work with milton opp cadet redpath will handle radio dufie and regular or flee duties as uill as training fur criminal investigation and traffic work he iv looking forcward to next november when hell be 21 and can be iworn in a a regular con mable utih the opp catmmvw daughter of ff6rmer pastor husband to speak on japan the churchill uw thankof feriitg meeting ik to he held in the church on wednesday eve ning april 1 at eight o clock we are indeed honond and plcavtd to have the promise of pictures and descriptive talk on their own experience in japan as mission aries of mr and mr len keigh lev nee isobciie slephenion daughter of our old pastor rev george stephenson now of tor onto thli is especially for men and women and all are welcome the march meeting of the churchill ucw was held on wednesda afternoon march 4 at the home of mr and mrs dave williamson skcrvrcck thertv sident mrs w swakhamer opened the meeting and called on mn w thompson uho had devotions opening u 1th the hmn what a frund we have in jeans the topie when do von live was given and the tcrlplurx was read from st john chapter j verses 12 18 she closed with praur mrs a datum road u chapter of the studs book and held a vtr good discussion in the abence of the sec re- tan mn b leitch mrs r denny took the minutes and also accepted the offering and mrs w swack ha me r dedicated it the roll call was answered b each telling what thev da when thev do as thev please uhtch was quite varied several plan and business were dealt with the meeting closed with the mupah benedic tion a dainty lunch was served b the hostess mm williamson and mr demm mrs w swack hmer and mrs f macarthur mrs l swackhamer thanked mr williamson for her hosplt ahtv and the use of her home sympathy the svmpathv of the commun 1 is extended to the lamilv in the death of their mother mrs george somen itle friends and neighbors wel come mr and mrs robert mar shal and familv to the commun ity thev have just moved last week into their new home on churchill road mr and mrs charles bmnle visited friends in iihtsburgh on seyturdav mr and mrs james lawn paul and bobbie or scarborough visited on saturday with their aunt and uncle mr and mrs fted mcarthur mr and mrs harry krocker ol st catharines spent sundav with mr f mrs leslie swack hamcr hare bloottta mrs w thompson has a rare plant a pin cushion cactus that has three blooms and four more buds these arc small red flow crs with yellow centres jennifer andrews best speaker accidents injure district men mix jennifer andrew of grade t brookvtlle public school tu dent of l dultield won the public apeeking coffltit hew in georgetown on friday night with her uibjeci ancient archlmedet great creek usentui she v ill compete in oakfille on friday march 13 friend 0 dougul freeman a canadian pacific hallway em pfcayae will be torry to hear while working during the wlndilmiu ol latl thiiraday on the track a tree fell in front of the jigger on which ha and donald ferrler were riding and hla knee i had ly twilled and cruahed he in re celving attention in the jouph brant hospital burlington jamea early sr attended the on the john flw colleaiale hockey team fisttjuelph ut allla- lon on the paajjtwekrnd friday and saturday received a broken hand while competing for the ontario champlonthlp he wa treated at the alllaton lloknllul and a caat wan put on tnatltuu ftlerte mr rutaell hurrert wai ho- leaa to the march meeting of the campbellvllle women hull liue and opened with a poctn maple syrup time after the mury stewart collect and hull tute ode were repealed in uniton mlaa katharine mcfhedran read die minute and letter of bual neat and mra george ingll gave the cheer report an encouraging teller wa rejd from mra triver from theata boy scout father and son ban 0nl mrl w quel inorillla with hla aim jam named aa dlatrlct ilre wrbh wai director tn at jr on saturday a pkaaant event hr oac tonltr mov a murray inglli who waa playing jand 1 air john wneellhan reported for reaohjikma mr omar van- skku and mr ruaaell llurren lor home economic and health with plan lor the summary day to be held april i irk 51 paul a united church milton a demon- uratlon nlghl will be heu in the maaonic hall lor all young glrll of the community lo attend march 2a the topic la iv a aerta nmmm committee dominating committee for el ectloti of onkeia in april in clude mr omar van sick mr robert pi ho and mn ceorge black all annual report muit he handed in at the april meeting for every committee and luggei- tiona for the centennial in im7 at the home of mr jamea wat aon mr robert plllot gave the motto a laugh i worth a hund red groan on anv market which wa enjoyed by all the roll call wa amwered by ueaalng the weigh of the pre- itient and lecrelary after the cloalng uf the meet ing the odeen and trace a toe lulcup of lea wa enjoyed by all mr and mr reginald aulert returned from anllgua lalandon saturday alter an enjoyable holi day mr and mr jamea hohlnwn and wllllum and nell wet dinner tueli on sunday ol mr flmer chlaholm and douglat at the whit hone inn at parlt mr and mr howard hiiiu from monllcellu mlaa dorvll jeanerte uf fotioefali halll weal indlei mln diana duncan ol mlllon mr and mra hoy don- avert of alderahol and robert inglli r camnbellvllle were din ner aueala ol mr and mr inglla and murray on sunday aujmawab anniversary dance in hall commiftee eating at debt a large crowd attended thr an nivrrsarv dinu in llallinafod hall on t rldav night congratulation air in mder to live financi torn miller of ihc hall av ihev ire doing ucll in paving off tht debt wl mllrtg min robe it melneiy wis hos less or the maih nhxting ol the w i the president mts i efi jamleson open el the me ling bv reading a poem and the w i oele tine marv siewari cotleii roll eall uas answered hv 1 mini mtvwar hers demonstrating a slimiping ei rviu whiei proved to be guile hunuuuui and ull takinp pail sverulitem of lisinct viaen dealt with mrs william mi 1 1 an ctiitcni events convener took ovei the nneilng bv reading a pek m and utking lor two mm ule rrpoits from conveners mis a ix hie mel m iv gave uimn events mm nonnan sinclair sang a sulo mrs don dixiwn gave u reading the motto was given by mis chilly homes and cold meals no power for several hours robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formerly e p head pmomi eutlhi f a 4stwt m it o i annual meeting election of officers o tmi cnricftr sadtty actoi branch wedimsday mavcfitl 8 of 8 pan in mt ctub rooms at the a owamaoa utdaaa aiad puaw arm b shown evervone is cordially invited f 1 thuida i wind storm put the hvdro off for fccvenl hemirs e lov ing the school several hpmei vveu eeioled elf inel there were exlel lunehes cater to convontlon the tvgulur monthly meeting of the w ms and ladies aid wus held on thuritdav altcrnooo aj thr home of mn m mulhn the prugram in the glad tidingn wbi uwd for the w m s meeting sex crul let ten were read one of thm from miss ckie lawerv a misitienar who u ill be returning io her work in may and suggest ed seveial articles that would be helpful for her work such as rem mints for children s clothing bible bags games picture books and many either umall items it uas decided in bring donations to the april meeting and mrs mor nit will see that hc gets thcm the ladies aid devotion were read bv mrs v norm and she occupied the chair forthebusin ess meetmg the iravs that were purchased were on ditplav and uic pi ins were miele for the tnnunl in to be held in june also to vir i the diabetu cttnven lion whieh in being held in tor into in julv they are to imir this pint of the country and itop it the church for luneh thl it the first time thin convention it to be held in canada sevcra quilts have been quilt eel and few more to be done miss tthel simpson and mr piv id henik rvn attended the preshvterial meeting tn wettmin ster st pauls church guelph on saturdav iftemoon t c amm the eommunit was shocked on thursday to leirn eif the siitf den death of t c amox he wa well known a he lived all his life in this district and was a prom inent caltk breeder anel raised fancy poultry the sympathy of 1he iflsinct is en tended to his widow and his nephew mr sandv buchanan who lived with mr intl mrs amos sinee he was a boy jesse mepmrv for mr william kirkwood who had pnpaid fl but who wat unable to be pi ent w the heart of a bulb is a promise of spring the y we n favored lo have uilh the in the prtsiileni ol ifalinn timniv wo men institute mis chatlotle turner who spokt taking as hei iheme i uli step yoi i elimb you ale neiutr helping iaimeone else ficchr tn yog despite the ftig on tuesd nlghl ii i ihle if riiehre wen ptaved high wcrs weir mrs robot mel mr mrs wilson leonard tlvompwn mr watson hottor nwlywds a pleasant eveiilhg was spent in billlnilad when a piisenlilion ve is helel lo honot ml ami mis lit ian tvant on their ieenl mat iiage fiuhrr was ptaved mr jesse melnery askeef the bhile anel gniom to eome lo the platform tnielv spears read in address and they were presented with i washing machine and wringer the groom thanked all lhelr frkndh and neighbors for everything all olnd in kinging rtir thev rv jollv goo fcllosfn lunch wa wrved ami all en lov ed dancing to music bv the mc tncrv orchestra llemm from florltla mr and mm alger cnpp call eel on mr and mrs roller t me i nvry on thursday on their wav home from florida mrs donald mclean and mm william kirk wood are both pa t tents in guelph general hospital their manv fnends wish for a quick recovery mr harry smith is in george town llocpiial undergoing treat ment for a few day tacts do not cease to exist be cause they are ignored shop in acton and play acton shop at any of the following locations and get your free acton card thompson motors acton ltd tenpro distributors ltd bensons shoe store nielsens clothing store formerly pauls iga food store over 4000 in cash xno prizes every week heres how it worksl heres what you can win dial 1444 kadi cjoy bally fro 3 m to s30 p m to fa ha hw ada carat m ivary taam yrw b tlagfe uaw bamaa aaal riaaratl b u tnrary waal trmm march litta to aaarll 1im lath wliaaar 4a 10 00 i ojl pa4 vattdiar a 5 oovmktatvfwa auaawaa a skhah atf c44 ctttotm stiu ptul from ttmfro a tsoo woocur i play acto on cjq monday thursday friday at 3 pm dial x460 otflmom maple syrup to maple leaf canadian theme for institute llrnehoose women institute- syrup content were kerrved bv mrt at the horn of mr s gisby mrs frank mioum ukiui convcm on monday afternoon muili 2 er and mr gubv there were the meeting folututel a dessert nine meiitbers and fmir vmtom pft scut the presldrttl mm htmlfh- ley pie hid ing the meeting oietveel with sing itiu bird- are unglng the roll call was my fuvohlt maple fcyru p tecipe mrs ted brown wctvlury irviisuter gave her reports jcv trul i k ni of btisiiiesit were dls- eucsee uirungemtiits mile for u tuctire a l the iwme of mn kaixn on marxh 13 convener re port followed tilleiiship and cdueution mr harry urown nitviidu made in pen and ink iftuihlcil ueseaieh min kiik tlve old wevid boit lunch at i ucloe k mrw gtsbv convtivrr of agn cullinv chose maple tynip foi ok theme ol tlu imetlng and different deterti with maple i auxiliary plans draw rummage the acton auniiiuiv for north hallom aaalmia l ion for ilu men lumy ke luitlsel nie i on match 1 at lite home ol mi kov knuiitoti pjirick with ilu pivsuknl mm turku ihc mono wu given ami well lit live chulr lor he bunlness sec piipund bv mi llaitv urown sion lime new people wire wel tlu stugguid who doet not corned lo ilu group sale of plough in iiiiiumn will trek ut moo tlekels wu diyetissetl itaivest and htive luilhlng mem ik is liutiuel fuiw tlu mrwse at 1 pin a group of sltidcm grunt makes lumping poslhle i r imhii i lim house uluujl enterluin ehildicn who ure less it mrs w kloosfer home from holland mife william klooslrr arrived h ime on saturday from hollund following i three week luv she s called home due to the crl ous illness of he r motlui whove death oeeuind ihe dav after the arrived there mrs chflotd slotev had the uiisfortiim to fall in tlu cellar ivcrnllv injuring fur knee and is pitscnllv confined to bed miss naney ihilloch guetph spent the weekend with hir pur cuts mr and mrs j a bulloch the regular monthly meeting of the women s institute wa dispensed with this month in ad the members attended the f union show at the coltegei royal in guelph mi and mrs fuller of hornby visited on siiiul iv wilh the for mer s father mr tuller third line pollock and campbell manufacturer of high gaade memorials memorial engraving 43 wtr st nrttt oaly tuphoti 421 tim these iiinaii plan uie limit iw iv for a rum inuge ule in aptil at tin puiuh lull acton the unrmul i palgn with paul amistruny ut hotyvluwn in e barge il tills ireu eurnmrtucs muv i the ae ton aimlllaty will einlnbiile t tm lime unl rflorl lo ma let this a sttcee sslul pnjit t mr jim c i tun tihirmd tlu travelling upton on killing ilu pale h s fii e and eotinlinu the l nation immlxrs fihirul it w m eleiful sluiivt to eonelude ilu nutilng mrs chester a ruin son lead an iiium sting ur tie u from ilu monihlv ruwsu tti r wh i is in lllanu lumh eis served li l he hos liss women would ik easli r lo live wllh it their sense of hunioi was as kien us their sens of rum i by singing the maple uaf uliu li wis miuli enjoyed mrs fjuhv trad a paperonrlie tn iking of ruali syrup and the v tiious vcavk it t in lie use tl mrs ctivby ceivrd another cup ol i a arul ilui loruluded a qui on on i alio s drive i li s most of ilu laille showtd tin v hud quite a knovcu 1 i yooel dllvlng inks w stikk nd orcur simplicity mccall butterick pdturni hintons 5c to 100 store annual meeting the childrens aid society of the county of halton thurt march 19th 1964 8 pm auditorium halfon canunntil miner milton ontario audio color sude presfntation your childrens aid society 1914 fifty yiajii op uftvici 1m4 evtrythino in office equipment i itjai m note books and pads assorted itlectlon and styles of book memo pad loose leaf boumxrcfilli available desk pids pen and pencils note ind ball and ink sticks in choice point pent of color refill to fit any ball point run sheaf fer ink pen ink or cartridge paper male the pen that postlvrlv won i tklp all type and varieties of lead pencil ledgi 8 t accounts books ledger outfilfc ledger sheets columnar ptd in all l typewriter paper copy paper carbon paper recti form hooks ete ring books and refills post and ring binder wasteiaskets rubbermaid wlltttot mar floor or furnl lure unbreakable alo melnl color grey and tan files a riuno systems for offl or horn uae bo flit favorite fll horn secrvtarie file fl ckra and ojfonl and prndafla hanilni folder and julde for filing cabinet leak drawer detk lop and dek aide filing metal cash boxes for petty caah account a compartment for amall change three ue color grey rubbbt st amk made to ojideb is your office in ster with ur business ua ahoaa you how tha hi kltad of funtllur eaa i up ih abj iuiil itteuiaey of your efrlee rrfuei your tpaad phgraaa sve our calalooua dltplay or metal and wkmi office ritluna deaka chain i ihng cabinrta etl drrp in tmlm ifs time to rememmr n huhand wifa i i mothw rathar 1 slttar brother i i son oaughlar i i lovadona i j ramlly friend gae aur eaaiglata ulaetlaa looking for somarrhlng for eeilr hot htcrhakramll wi navi many out kxa suoomttom taraltl saieial ahaary dji sah nu am iir to dat r m lhone i c ba wtrw a mj anal dlilayirr al sumuib csbgflgflk