ashvui ocxittf ava bred by aihvlu farmi milton and now ownad by william a htytun elkhart uk wik hi bn ulatfad in allcanadian twoyaarold hollin hatur lor th 19o3 ahow tation au wat liril pri iwayaarold in milk al ih royal wmlir fair and cne toronto and wai iond prii millinq two yearold a ihe us national hoi- atin how at waterloo iowa halton breeding assoc members hear reports on past years work william kilmer research nut- present to produce pood rouuh htlonut with canada packers age ltd wat gurvt speaker at the annual meeting of halton county members of central ontario cul- tle bnrsedjng association held thursday ol liyny halt he com pared the averuae production or the shur gain lioulein herd laid year with in production tlx yeurs ago tilling hat it had increased by 4000 tbi the credit for this he uld goes to the ai sirvs and good feeding practices me encouraged the breeders protein it expensive to buy he wid and so i cneruv several yjp embers of the cociia siatf nnd directorate reported to lite jueetlng about 40 were present 11416 hervlcee a p snider secretarytreasurer reported that 10ej had been a very successful year for the as sociation with m4is77 first ner vier hred in the nine counties the years opr beef sire and northern arcis served by ouxlulldiv dr c r reeds association nunayer stimmaried the 1j61 ppciulions including the proving program and the pooling ol site with the wa lei loo hreedlng association ciuig rcid of milton was re eled led lo i he cociia hoard years operations including he were appointed to attend the gen- etal annual meeting of the as- offer 10 safety rule flor tractor on highway ociatlnn mi ill 19 lu ik- hclil miplc he hfar w drimk 100- year fight for purification brings world its cool clear water leahe roberta fever was publicly regarded at epidemic repeater from it if a basic characteristic of the human hpccuh that we oc- little if any hope lu release cc4 the familiar things around proved watar cauee- ua m if we obtained them by s declared thai the cause or divine right giving o cholera lav in fouled drink- shoiuht lo how they ore pro- water the wav to check it vided only when the mean of hc jd wgt fc filtrotion he aupphy fallen or fails utt 0 o prove first lhat of consider the water we drink the hundreds of deaths in a 111 the urban communities where single wave which struck lon- tnoflt at us live its pot ah i e purity dons overcrowded soho district la u much taken lor granletl as in 1854 the victims without ex its availability but how did welception had partaken of water achieve this happv condition i from the broad slroct pubhc how was the risk of fatal illness pump its water had been pullut- removed from the water we led bv seepages of human wastes ink j rixm the surrounding urea u we think of them at all mom leaning do lt u valid assumption thot we i mcstlc sanitation facilities exist- reard the vreat cholera rpl- in olhcr whcrc demies that which ravaged the i pope had consumed only filter city of quebec in mm lor soorti 1063 rtsrcsort in the spring of in nil toronto wus the ample as having occurred be fore the age of enlightenment dawned yet little more than a century ago on erglif4muman mrs susanna moodv wrote a book about canada entitled rougbing it in the bush in which ahc siptike of her fears on arriving in montreal at the tteloh of one of the citys per iodic epidemics death everywhere the uddcn toll of the death- bell mrs moody wrote the exposure of readymade coffins in the undertakers windows and the oftrecurring notices placard cvd on walls of funerals furnish ed at suchandsuch a place at cheapest price and shortest notice painfully reminded us at each turning of the street thai death was everywhere mr moodys ulann was not the result ot her contact with either the unknown or the un- cxcted howewr at that time cholera was a disease which re curred in epidemic form so fre quently it was regarded ax a part of the human cvle about which little u anything coukl be done people attributed its origins to a variety of myths the eating of apple to name one other myths accepted a pre ventatives included such acti vities at burning pot of sulphur none of theve contained so much as the proverbial ounce-ofpre- vent ion until a british physician named john snow announced that he had tracked cholera to us source the deathdealing which crowded population had victim of an epidemic which took more than im lives long after the bacteriologists had succeed ed in isolating the invisible diseaseearner in urban water supply i water treatment was revealed as the reason be hind the appearance of typhoid in that canadian city man who first put his finger on wutcr supply as the carrier of tvphoid was william budd like snow an english doctor in builds day science had made possible the isolation of harmful impurities by chemical testing and it was by this means lhat he identified the source of typhoid filtration in a wide variety of forms and refinements was in general use by the 1s70i but the introduction of sterilants into the whole of a citys supply a measure that eventually would almovt eliminate the disease was still to take place soon after this experiments began in the use of mineral raits at the filtration point the ft s houen optometitlst lsexamlrjeo i fitawi nnrn 34 cork st last wjilmt jphone taytor 2tl ed water snow found evidence that the incidence of cholera had been neizlitflblc the disease hc concluded was wnierbomc snows discovery was greeted with considerable skepticism by the public nevertheless the data which he adduced coupled with a number ot other discoveries in the same general period mark the general beginning of filtra- tton of communal water supplies ni first doing little more than to remove visible solids the new science of bacteriology un veiled bv such geniuses as pas teur and koch was still un known toronto typhoid it is surprising to realise thai u recently as 50 years ago whole communities were prey to 4hc ravages of that other water- borne killer typhoid the threat still exists in places where water supply is insufficiently treated as witness tha outbreak which occurred in u popular european without untala your ludttrr nowaday nesfy all farmer from lime to time have occa sion to travel on farm tractors either across or alone the pro vincial highways the following arfsotskr hints to ontario farmers tfanqi the hjgtv wavt tr they wldi to i on the right side of the law while en route 1 a farm tractor is not das m lied so a motor whto bul jl u subktt to any requirement ap plicable lu vehiciev 2 farm wagons are not ciastl- fled as trailer when drawn hy rami tractor tbev are ctmlder- ed trailer whati drawn hy a truck or other motor vehicle- uul be u s it u an offence lo allow anyone under the age f 16 lo operate a farm tractor on the highway 4 a farmer doe not require a provincial drivers license in operate his tractor on the high wav however if for any reason he has a driver license which i under suspension for unv per iod he mav nol ope rule a true lor along or across the highway dm inn that suspension v liiritkr platrs oiv nol re quired for fann iraclpr license plate otv nol requir ed for fann implement license plate ore not requir ed for fann wagon when drawn hy a form tract or but plate are neceisaiv v hen such wagon is hniiktl bv other motor whiiles smh as automobile or melt can lsse polnla a dement points may he sed o diiver of a lann inutor tor infraction of highway traffit act 7 when single load hauled hy a fui m irucioi on a hlghwav ex- teed m ke i long s fevt wide und ivi feel high u hciut pvitnlt must lu in possesum of the oporator pennli is ohluined from i he deportment of transport parliament bldgs toronto mo charge is made lor issuance ap plication forms are ovallahle from agency oflltvi 8 exceptions to item 7 oie threshing machines which mav ik- up lo 9 feel 2 inches wide also there is no limit to slcs of loads of loose fi holnff transported bacteriologists were beginning to reveal their discoveries as well rut the final satisfactory an swers stilt remained to be found when they were thev contain ed tbe clement of accident born of desperation outi at dora 9 farm tractor drivers operat ing under above special permit are subject lo fallowing restric tions tiomoifmenl after dark no motemenl when traffic u heavy iw congesled no movement ongaumlay pentiil must always bearried hy drfefkb available for inspection bv police officer 10 all loads being hauled bv farm tractors cm hlghsvtfy mum bi attuched by i wo separate and lndpndenl lilkhe at all times such us luobar and thiiln when eillwrill set us a slerulbv in case of failure of tlw other for am ivuson guidance nighl in millon hs actons giude ii 12 und u viudenu will he invited to part icipate in a vocational guidamr p toy ruin at mllion dlsiriit hluh kchikil likely on april 22 the nlyhls piogrum is being plunnrd hy ilse imiversiiv womens club ill millon which has three aclun memtwrs lelirrs are being distributed lu students here and in millon lisllng a wide variety of vocations und profession and i he student wilt check those which intrust them most it is hoped lo narrow the held to 24 and obtain ripte sentatlves most of litem local in each sub jet i to spvuk to the interested students iach advisor will speak and ihen answer ques tions methnitg sunday al si alhans milbeiin sun day provided a break n the len ten season rinuers on the uliar made an appeurance lite lust un til tasiei sunilav bob bohnttt5 continued from pge qnsk lin hod been thetlrsi to donate a trophy for pubue speaklnf and he urged all pupil interested in public speaking uf take up the challenge th troceiy reprrited he res iewvd frw nanie n m ritd on ih trophy and said tltese winners had completed high schiwd arid cmtllnoed their tduco- tion he nveniuwird university gra- iluale klla juny university lu iknl havmontl brslda nunteln i raining kaihryn klrktws stu- iujii taclser mary kay fjlbbom leslev anne ihibv a leattut ai ilu- uobiri lille c4i4 and others ului arc silll ailending ac ion high school the achvi ft pvaht thlifsday marh 1th 1a4 esqu6sing supports new law for frivolous annexations was georgetowns recent ol- table georgetown lol us an- lerapl lo annes some productive i nexalion hid brcanse the mimic industrial lrul fmm fsqtaeslng i pal bourd fell the town wanted township frlvoloiis psqoiting cxminclllort ihink so lasi week thev were asked lo comment on a resolution from peel coon i v council requesting legidalton making any munici pality which initiates ilueomviv- ed or frivolous applications for aniwvylum respthisible for uk llnham j total twt for such application the council also approved pav- support it iluy chortisid menl of live fox bounties lotal- llearlilv said vonu-om- ul llu- ling 11 lo unruu like high usteiaiment properly for its assessment only izsquesings legal fares were iumj0 if this were law this wuld apply lo geiiryclowrt and thev mmiu havtj had lu pav our cotls commented cmincillor willi triat piles tks meca y iu m uuu ni kmui k i wm uwrfl m tmtt uhh iawt mua mu mmamli ma 1 la ihykhhal flu na i lor ktmhll i auaion sales special auction sale of dairy cowt lukera bulla will hr hrlil ol ihr rramimon llvaalotk exchana i miks north ol uromplun ut snclprovc on no 10 lliuliwuy friday march mlh al 130 pm pure hncd and gradr ilolmrin cows bred helfcro open iwlterx and bulls and any olhcr dairv cows heifers or hulls if you have any bring ihcm lo this sale remember the dav friday march m terms cash herd m reinhart aucliuncer proprietor b37j toitsr m top quality meats choice rump roast toued prime rib roast beef 85 ib chtmcf wing roast 79 ib freezer specials wont and hind quarters sides of red brand beef cut nrj wrappad for your hom friier fre of eharga ballv diuvflv lovell bros modern meat market tf mill k atkrn whm u34940 bell lines by l g denby your telephone manager pricing the telephone how much doe your horn tlphow coat you a day ik ise jc laaa than llw prtc of sot magaijnai ut fkau l hi pric of fancy ada in fact whti yu coaaltur all lhat lh uurptwsme avs for you you rallxar thai lha tmall monthly charge cannot fairly he laid to rtent the valuk of your wrvlcv thai cannot he nuaiund unill mhumu can pul a prie on rail lhat uy lli a girl tha job u youri or com quickly doc i or and thai cannot h doise until nor hearti are maile of itnn roomtoroom travel almfisl any bunieinikcr i of llu- must tiring puls ul itfkii room l iik nn ko4nri toroom lulv umiirxil it the ckikt ili inius hut sis ihlf lo tvll hi ldilionil lelephoncs inslilted vshi like llu- kilt hen ixdnaoin ami den mil it i lklil jlui lolllls uotllil bkllil ti llive needed hi uilh lur iusi wiii so in i it- fur inloi oiirnl millon s i 1 1 um vou one ling t home is running from 1 1 i vl is l he vs iv one good im no ulvistt on home cion i i good siv lo sive steps v thev ore most i pointed out bow htsi or harmonize n i i ho olo oil ine ihm i lv instillali ii you and pi hi is a dav need addil oiir otili plus a om onil phom i thev limv t hi v l samt a algnallera haa grounds ham but the lait of th apparently crocaad into the hnnahiu tmoka happy huh t big an advertising man dlaeovartd thli after being hired in find an indian lo aend smoke signals lo promote a new product he loured reservation after reservation but couldnt locate a smoke alfptaller fsasperutatl he finally approached an old indian sit tine before a campflre tell m he said what do you do when you want to send a message lo someone on the net i reservation the indian regarded him coldly what do you do i uae the telephone al scljf way to have all the hot water you want when you want it buy now and save for as little as 00 00 water heater f m tax irttlalud with low monthly lnttalmht 12 monthly instalments of or 24 monthly instalments of 875 462 you can now iuy the above tanki may b pur chased for ue on either for cash or on eaty credit terms normal installation end free service ere included in the rates under this enlarged program the acton hydro electric commission will in addition service all flat rate water heaters presently installed in the town of acton this free service to include miscellaneous parts to a value of 500 but does not include replacement of heater band unless under warranty ip you metrcr to itenf these units you can be completely free of all maintenance problems and charges a new 40 gallon glass lined electric water heater tank built to ontario hydro specifications by knight industries ltd will be installed for only larger tanks are available where required 1 t75 per month flat rate energy charges 750 watt heaters 3000 watt heaters -looo- 4500 watt heaters -1500- 272 per month 358 per month 523 par month frfkhewrai seetyoui euctmcjir hemsitigp hydraelectric oomrvl wii- v jmv- jyr ifelil ft iiljj