Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 12, 1964, p. 8

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tu oqft f ptmu tkucdy wuwti lath l6i lome scots band salvation army kinsmen provide variety programs rrv l- gmham conducted the church rvice oa sunday afternoon february 25 having announced lhai w would conduct the kervke ft n appropriate one for the wcond sunday in ltnt he read pari o chapter 16 of st matthews gopet u the scrip ture iruoo mr grahani t icrmon kltvbwd the fact that it u the toork o the christian chute h to change the aoultt of men and wonted bring ing into thoe wool hew and comfort lo repuc fear and uf ferlng to lllutotrale how nnettout every hou u lo god he drv the alltnllort of the eonarvfatioo to three parable ihe urahle of the lotl kheep the pjirwhw of ihe loh coin and the parable of the prod 1 lga son j mr m mtfcc uab ike orun ul after the chunh kervlce an thu unu sundav a la nk audience atwmhud in the auditorium to hear a verv fine band concert plavd hv the lome scot milit arv band ullh cafvlaln cor wit i conducting there were clot lo 40 handtnwn in the band at ahta u the cake uhen ttm band uili the manor the band proved ilk verviillitx hv puing a program that dnplaed great var ictv several marches were nlaved the concert opened fciih the con cert booucr march and clowd uiih la roqulna a srunith march the american manh tl ie and a french tcleciiori fea lur ing the marviluike were alw rlaved euclumv from gilbert aiwj sullivan t comic operu tlu i mtlado and a rtuxlkv from the broadway khow curousel were familiar and luruful walizei were reprexrnlrd b waldteufel t hwnana wall and otcrturch b j the concord ovirturral in all there were twelve number on the program j a ver reverent und inspiring midweek pruvcr service wa con- dueled in the i hand un tuevduy night tcbruarv 25 h nine ladle v who urc memhers af the home league of the brampton corps of the salvation armv mrs cap tain nelson the uifc of the com mu ruling officer of the brampton corpi and mr g munro the tec rclory of the home leagc were in charge of the urvtcc mr munro was the leader and mn ml 1 won pluvid the organ and de livered the bible metsagc after a hvmn and prayer mm munro read an article on the comfort of the scripture this was followed by the singing of the hymn sweet hour of pruver by ihe nine members of the league one of the members of the league then read puilm 91 and two oilier numbers xang a duel jcu my lord will love me forever before delivering lur inspiring little uddrcss mrs captain net mm raad a poem crowing old she fcpok ttseth utt ihe lejpie the kev of praver kvglnlnj lth a practical tiki ration an tmeputv at ion of the like of ihe wcv on her rt levying j4r nimmi sid that piaver u a lev b which we may enter heaven me asked the qoetllort what l the time lor pvr and anhwetvd ll h waving that dvld said we khould pray morning noon and hlght and thai paul utyed hu follow- chrihluns to pray unceawinghr mm nelson wenlun todewrihe ihe lord pi aver as the mou cocrirehenktve piece of writing in all llteialure he uomsj her ad drvis bv saving that b using ih ltv of pravtr w can hmotttr the einbodinunt of what gui want us to be him twvnt garnet of bingo puwtl lot twentvfivc prlrtrt all divaatcd bs the kinunen club ol ml i on provided an entertaining evening when the kinsmen cotvducltd thiir mem i hi v bingo at thr manor on wednccdav night hc4ruar 3 lawrne robinson was the caller and sonny hall and g mggar aulktcd thtf handsapped and looked alter the ptimllay 1 several peron wre so fortun ate as to win more than uiw prw thvmf wvre mrit e rlafcman who won tour mr t vasak four mis a cummlttg two mis fohws two mm g butiwll iwe mi b haillert two and mis a col tier two otw of mrs hahleiw prixeii sas a bill doqaled for the last game of the wqum bv g blggar winners of uisk pi tie each wv mih a uneh mn h hill mr a agnew mm a hill missei u marcy and a held v hyosm uug i artir a ojhhimjr nulling of tlu hohbv clash on tlmivetav alui muwi rehruarv j7 tlu nundui accenvbled in the chapel wlure ihc were joiivcd by ollui ul tknu for a one4u3ur pixram ttl j hmns unj bv luu s lawku l the siitgikcgrf larve uunvlui i ol favorite kmiu nam ul them ol the reside til k uun choosing proved ery cnjoable and on other hour spent in thu w uthild hi eagehy antic ipalcd mrs lockle both plaved the p ano and led the singing personal notes ol atfgnkrt vwwrto oummbvl pvu fend ol vwhort to aam honwi puiiic ipiaktno comeitantft who took pan m the pobl c scbool i nu tuaihay each rceiv d boots from tl actc publ c school txiard cha imin douy mnn ng pfoienled th g ft left to t ght are joanotto nagel mark hu jar uulmor mr mai r i g ga i mr hugh bob ivn neita mary lou dogari ad barbara nicolak bo j bounote goek qm to county f nati friday ii ishiih it vill ih u yn i n iu l tin sday omtuay well known cattle breeder t c tommy amoa of moffat a well known shnrlhorn cattle breeder died ul mitlori dulrlel hotpltal thursday march s in hu 7ut yiat funeral seivlce wjt lie id from the george wall fuinral home guelph on monday uflerttoon with in leriiunl ul crown ceitu ury puklinth fjlltwjrt r uert runl cniibill murray stewart do in an mtljrljiu jot mcuan bob sivoil and audit w i rank campbell lodge no a03 camp- bellvllle held special service sunday evening at ihe funeral home ar amos had suffered i h irt ullaek only two dav belore his death survivor irulude his wilt marjory buchanan and a nepheut sandy buchanan llcsvas tlu win ol 11m lalt mr and mrs georuc aino ami hiollur ol tlu late roikii t amos mrs a r coulter resigns coop medical services sim i iiiiiu hu i hurnbv llu resignation ol mrs a f waitttiud piksldcnt of hal k jn0 dmlui ol owtilu inn coetnirallvis wkiilji s r vvlui lias mm uthuit lustinr vuis asvhialion ijsi utik vclun dinclors naiiuit al tlu mnual p 10 w irs advctlis iuiliiy iiul to clcel ilicirs mints ar in ik issmd iran platinum oi iimjrt dirnhir tlu giitup acuplid uilh nynl i i to ik iiainid lo the group mr bert dudds has been a pat unt in guilph gcniral hokpital mix lllahtlh junes is a pit lent in guelph genua hospitul wrs kurt hcflner is a patient in georgetown hipital mr joe lake ol powassan call cd on mr and mrs g a dills ias4 saturday mrs j a robinson liki ave was a recent pa i unt in guelph general hospital mr ind mrs rubert a1lk have been visiting vcilh their daughter and famils in philaikl phia pa mr bovd and miss robe na clark have heen having a delight lul hoi id iv to florida and other points enroute mr and mrs m ic sinclair of downs view spent saturduv al the home of mr und mn charles larulkborough lake ave miss imnu cole and mrs f anderson attended he guelph prcsbvlirtal meeting of the wm s ul westminster si pig1 church in guelph on saturdav thi group ic making plans to celebrate the anniversary at a dinner in st andrew s church kitchener the latter pait ol ma tuesdays blizzard climaxes week of bad march weather lieutenant commundii aniliew nicol was vi k ling his sister mrs i rank jones in town on the wee v ciul he is stationed at ixirl mouth nova scotia mr bob landsborough engi luer with the ibm co at tlu sagl sight in north ba ihe past two scars lias betn irans t erred to the ibm don mills plant at toronto a group ol giade 12 iiul yi ule 13 students i rum ihe high school went lo ihe matinee ol hamkt al the okcelc cenlix wcdnes d is they tiaecllcd b school bus a satelv seminar sponsoieel b ihe electrical utilities safelv association vsas held mondav it the skslinc hotel toronto the ihrcc ac ion npresentatives doug mason ken hodgson ind dorson triwelt reported ih it ihe sessions were very tnlorma live tlu stalls uf tlu rohcii little ind m z ftenhett schools then w ive s husbands and ine nds spent a pleasant evening tole- thcr mondav a smorgasbord din ncr at ihe m z bennett schikl was enjoved bv about 40 ind then thev went lo guelph to a show or bowling umehousc millon is to have a sw0o0 eutling link with fmit ijius lounge lex kc i s k l lelu iii lie i ic llltics on pu4eil north ol the hicuc rs ret ul slinc mi mint ship tm ik liuiiud to 200 sith i itisic ii v nun ition in it i is lucn iu uly coniplclilv subsuilv cd h a htoktit witii in un lisi ihuisdtv nilhl si nl s itc i pnii uig down m un si sulh h i ic it was shut oil j the chamber ol coninuui conllliues lo m ike pi ins lui the ciliiii ol the year dinnet 11k icoiuimtlec hid ble ikl isl loe llui s it hi el tv recre llion elllecloi jim hum will yic in iddiess in 1 tl lass il knuv chin li ihi sin d i din ing n iliun i ik tlth week nt i si much a silii ul sptuil u a fcilin ol i ill ailv uk i pni lists lot he i in h isc h c n pi ml cd ind disti itutcd new otliceis will ik nun 1 al ihe ys mens meeting tonight i the buy lit padilvglcell i is tcr veils hive been mukil al un this vi ir ihe out iriu govimmenl is sminsoiitig i c un pnn lo develop c in idi in sou venus an exhibit is plimud p irl ol ihe spoilsmen slim mis w n lloev ol moll it wlkse designs ui o xipill u 111 this ciistru1 vsheie she is well known w is t winner i isl c u some drivers and pedestrians declared tueselo s bhzjirxl dtlvcn bv u biting cast wind was tlu wunt they hud ewr been out in snow beg m lo lull in lh middle ol ihe mot rung und wild u is the wold to ele sci i be the vv ciilhc i t mm tlu n un lit even iiil tlun ihe wind duel ind the miovv yiutuilk ex i scd its vvluil lug und drlltuil sonic bnmelus toppled eluwil undct the cumbuutl weight ol tic und tlun snow but the recent trcvtimumiig protect hkelv got some uthc i di ul blanches down propel iv list he tore the stoi m lec wis ilutteiitil down oil the trees all itav wnliusdav many accldanta lluix were plentv ol accidents most ot them minor sohuduv cin comiiil into lovsii vmslud lhe h ul si ivvtl at vvoik whciwn thev vviix j about 10 1 isl mimilc subshtutes hul to lx ixuiiuteel up lo cuit in the pi ucs ot out of town plavein or nun having too much dilluult iv getting honu i rum work out ot town school out euhy as roads became btore and uuirt impassahlc high school btu iknls vviix disntivsed it 1w and some who had planned trips wlselv cuncctled them at least one meetiill 1 ikcsulc lode vc is e incellcd wind thursday 1 hi stiowsloim inline lieht oil tlu tuvls ol inolhci hid d iv ihiiisdav ot list week wlun slimril winds c luseel d image thruilhuui the dish id one plate glass vnnehnv in a showuwjm m town mosed thivc inches in and out duniie the dav knockiiil ai lutes em displav nght oil a shell limbs tell and shingles vvcrv loin oil some houses the hvdru posti llickcixd on nd oft sev el ll times pitching sloixs huilk uul i tctuiils into daikncss diimiil hum oakvillc wilh a likid ol pixalucc aubtxv gcrvuis ivs i live cristi down us buuuh is brushing the buk ol ins tnick as it tell pilwcl olt in the disliut ix suit cd in closed schools chills bouses ami cxild mippctv leil h united drivcis several cv cniiilo sunday monday suiul iv i v i mng dnvle tunic d tlu buses suited on tlu countrv to ux und thjs district was gilt run tailv tenng all duv mondav but south for sfioit while with vim ol luix pist below spcvudcthc bllitv vers poor in the snow a lairvl ind wbitcxiiul silver countrv large car transport truck vvatstdc reverted back to its gixv mulled right in the middle or tlu j and mud brown north ol millon mill m un corner other curswxrx there wa no snow and no ice snowed in where thev had bexn milton mountain was coaled with narked iu though lints 111 du officer cadets home for visit chfuvr c ulet junes s kcui hug ol kcmble out and his lei low student ultieer cadet pelct gjvnn of r m c kingston spent the weekend with the litlet s par cuts mr and mis john glvnn rv- centlv mr and mi alex i islic loi merlv at purdue universitv li i ivetie inch ma visited his sis lei m be nno spilei i nd lui husband and lamilv last vieck pcll mcdonald ind sus uuu ruddill have been hospitatied for the past two weeks tot tests wc hope for be 1 1 e r health i or both vciv soon tlu glvnns visited his mother ul st catharines a week alo little tncev lichtcr ot kiteh endr visited litr aunt mrs sim mons one it iv last week ami su sin arnold ol gcoiictown visit cd on tlu wexkend a lot of people who s iv wlut they think don i dienugh ihlllkllll two nine it polls ol itihuts i nil ill it is wn k one ii mi sil vcixieik ind oru liom tlu unlit i lown winn the i hi 1iess in si ii mw u d i lohin hlu hie 1st ihrit lee ks il t llu ll i in w is ic ul siuul iv in lining on llu nuchhoilv news i idi bniul e isl si like is wc ih il ill llu olhn weeklies wilh ihit n ulil ion il e ii iv spiuig in 1 ol iiihiin ulion 1 og t iim si l i l ill ind then i hhs nd i m ueh wuv lull ol wl ithil hill n d d h ill w is okii i jlist e ii i he ii w is ll uimviisiiv il nice in i i id iv st ted 1 o il not l ih cl s ilud iels wll h ip u tin is n hi ml hi illli vvee k m ueh s iu 14 llu shsiil k ekvs kkl s c ll 11 ill thi i lie ill s ll is ihc 11 well tciiived 111 ids uc ei lllloi ill hlvc ulil till hews mill uslinc robert r hamilton oftomtttlsy phone oeoioitown 8773971 116 mounfalnvlaw id s buying or selling artj you it nl i of lu q or letl ng a tome arm o buv evii if o r ay o iofjvt you uve it e ierv cei of and epr ence of halton peel trust and savings company real estate dept 11 oucen st tatt uamtton ontario phone 4513341 or 0r lacy 61 hwn crah 0rf4wn ont 177 0300 cancel iode al ih he iv hi ol the bh it ii i l 1 ih sd v ihe m linti i i the 1 ikesul chiplci ol the i odm w is c illed om ll will lc lievt murul iv insu id shop arama sale white meat department specials lean fresh picnic style pork shoulder 35 davern brand no 1 rindless breakfast bacon 57 lb lb 1 i lu iml i llllhlll 111 ik woili s i h lish iv h ik juftlue brand i lb lry link sausage j freshly sliced 45c pork liver 29c lb for our customers only full load half load any load our trucks are always running for complete service call tyler transport limited 8531550 i community auction sale every tuesday 200 pm georgetown sales arenx romion iivw 5rgto tofck mach mo o jmkmm9amajmbl j yw far thy cmwug jmirrimd habjtolji stu yuf ay mnrf will b mu ttlloa auc montmlv hocstfln consionmcnt sau imt mdaylatjymy month m i so pm bite 39tid ividay sle lo bo march 2b sit 1 30 p m i j now available we now stock a complete line of parts for all makes of outboard motors dont get caught with a faulty motor replace that worn part now powertawist mowers overhaul that power lawn a donwoitiispw partsjtrstock grants motors branded sides or quarters for your freezer lowest price cut and wrapped at no extra charge save 12c on 12ei tins frozen feature vegetable mix for stews 2 lb bag aql- kam luncheon meat 37 save 6c 15oi tins libby s spaghetti 2b3 save 4c 4soi tins libby s tom juice 31 ingersol ifrai jar cheese spread 55 sjv 9c rota brand margarine 4 for 93c sv 27c 15i tim chum dog food 10 for 1 sjv 9c flavollnr bag nabob coffee 79c lb rich crmy frcih no i mushrooms 49c lb gssrgian by ns 1 spy 3lb paly bg apples 35c atnltrt reg a0 34oi jtr peanut butter 4 urg er froicn corn on the cob 37c froxtn 9es ni0 french fries 2 for 37c uw outhn frth ho i cabbage 2for 33c ffsneo amhiuh 15z spaghetti 6 for 99c jaffa selected large size seeluem oranges 5q open h for your conve ortn au dav monday thursday and friday 111 fnl phone tjrders taken 853099o opei free deuvery

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