Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 12, 1964, p. 9

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the good old days s 20 years ago tafcwi from uw iiib ol iw free pr4 tburtday umrh 1 144 one uf the worst irditb in alton s history was the fire early hist indav monrtfnj when mr and mrs george mills and luo children who lived with lhm patsy couist gilliam aged two and u halt vcar and carry oavv aytd lour vears lo their lisis uhtn itulr hous on hilltrtst st adjomlny llcnk tracks was yutltd bv itri rotu 1 1 mtitid a hojit f ssa ih on is kiuuiii ol tin build lily in ivuru sufttiiuy buin and tut in ylass ttu ala in was turrud in hv slant y mi liny h uiul sttonds lattd hv hints ar m wlkii llu hnyidc arrived this n ulii nol sijiui within q to l ot tin sliikliih mi mills and uic txiaidu uik t mplosti v ol ik jfilin m s llu lamil iiik i ii it iroin ch in town hi mull ittolo imti tpaktumd with coating of ice following monday t brief ice storm some older rvildwntt culm n ice ilorm it mother nature i way of trimming out dead limbi in tries nd who it lo rgue thit pkolo was taken on lh outtlurtt of town on milt st wett where tpnngt ed fairy lake sloik ul hum i jt uidin m cis nt i hurt mkii immiii s hut in i oi vii out in out lop iii llil ol iht tooi mondis it l ul kumks ii w t uiplus s it ltd intuit in t turn i i d in ad beyond the radicalism i m fed up with b and b bilingualitm and bkulturalum rene leveique quebec t natural retourcet minuter laid in a recent debate and you know we re inclined to ucho thote tenhmentt too we ve heard l about quebtf pout ion we were the subect of n hour end e half brain beating on thai very ftubjecf latl lummer in ouobec by another member of the quebec cabinet but clanh cf ton on exactly what quebec wants ihfc lude ui there it talk on one band that quubec wantt control of all tocial and economic ac llvlly while on the other there is criticism that they are always under someone else t thumb it ii virtually impossible for a province or any political entity that has been under the thumb of a combination of church and ui ei quebec hat to suddenly unshackle ifeejf end bndfift ihe economic gap that hat cuslopd between itiolf and its neighbors to the forefront of all this b and b talk come the radicals thote who seek publicity by warning the queen away from part of canada and those who develop hunger strikes have been grabbing the headlines their radicalism does more to develop the rift between the english and the irene h than ny other single action thote who have something intelligent to a sease of values a proper and valid tot of values for young people is an urgent necessity dr r w b jackson director of educational re search for the ontario colkrji of tcluidhon said recently it it interesting to note tht ibis comment it from an educationist rather than a pannl although dr jackson m ly br thai too the comment does however underline one of the basic yet often overlooked points that sem lost in this ago of gregarious every ones doing it style of living conformity is built m to our youth s ar litude from earliest association with others at school and throughout school the non conformist may be politely termed an m dtvidualist or loss politoly m odd ball tlu great majority become conformists howovtr and if the set of values or stand uds to which they confoim is progrt ssivily iowli d the fujure is in grave danger the neod for establishment of a sound sol of standards is under ikilh by a fur ther wdrning from dr jackson who says lr the first time in history parents are completely unable to foresee and advise their children in regard to the shape of the world thoy must face it is small com fori lo admit that all we can bo certain of is uncertainty and drastic change the only lasting jhmgs that poronts are in a position to past on are moral and spiritual values and the pressure on moral values is constantly forcing change in per- contribute lo thi caun ol 11 u d 11 i nl t yet only in whispers drowned out by i host who shout their warnings and uli maiums ll would be quile simplt to turn tlw at tontion of frustrated canadians who find it impossible to fathom the quebec thu i mg into a counter force ol dsl oi ivm hut and herein lies lh danger it important that the radical of quelec and ol jtu fi mainder of canada are not ollowr d to dr vi an unnecessary and unwanted split through the country s nationhood were fod up with all tlu fi v d b till as mr levesque is but bring led up docsn i provide the answer we re led up w th dl the little wars that get ign tt d mo nh ihi globe too but thai doesn t pi mmnti tht in wc re all in need of somi good common sense on the issue and it won i be prov ded by the radicals of e ther side there is much we do not understand about our neighboring quebec hut it is equally certain thore is much they ml to understand about ontario or canada when we both acknowledge ihis defic nncy we will be further along the path of mutual undi r standing it requires that everyont ex rcise ome personal effort to understand to some thi miy be too much to lsk but to most u is a small price for the strengthening not just preserving of our sea to 5 a domin on tonal evaluations social drinking has be come more acceptable under pressure pre m mtal sex relations are losing their he td line appeal as they apparently become mon common cheating on income tax and en pensc accounts lias become an accepted thing the white lie has become more ac ci ptable in business gambling ha adm ved a pos lion of stature from its relations willi tlu horse race or the charity draw as w seek to conform to those declm ng moral standards we are not exemplifying pit sonal strength lor his or future genera tions 1 1 is under sfttnclablt why we have lost or st incl a good risk of losing oui seim ol valuts man now ins sulficunt knowlt dge to destroy himself physically psycholog cally incl morally through such techmciuts as brainwashing such knowledge has never before in history been available to man un fortunately it could lead to absolute power it is possible wc are told to break any man and turn him into a brute animal through manipulation of his fears and emotions such knowledge is hot rostneted to the few who might be trusted with it unless the youth of 4oda can lc equip ped with a strong sense of moral and sp nt ual values they may approach the future ill equipped to deal with the changing limes that will remove previously familiar land morks from ones personal life v it inns john luritiul in ol pulltuar at ion ua i uilh four iruri tftuvi s t ti itu tt i all vt intd imini m turn chit i liar i t i thoiiuih ini s itiom in w 1- m otd ii utddmt ml it llltld in i i d iml ol lu 1- s oui i i i t im all ii w i mtlon i nis ind ii u i its md tihs h int ihursdiv i i s tiopln l il utiit in lht mi i iidsor ds ol at ion d i spl ndid lht stmit i lht best cony us un 1 ik wojf iwl ol ul hovs is undti disltitl tininissi iiu i ttsoilt ma von sn nl iiih p is mult i votitmis u t ih iinpsnti hill i mon was 111 ills to piodlkt lilt l tilt i ml 111 i oiiih tit ions i joins ol 111 stout tioup touinulltt sptikt i i it mk in u it oitt uilh llu i imiu lo ii ii n ih it pit john dm sildt itpoiltd stnoiislv wouiultil in ll ik is mm npott t tl out ol tl inn i jhsi ntsitrdiv tht vs ii via in lx itfiu luid a ullti o thinks uiiiun b him lui vtuks inloit ik mas vtound tti ktd cioss ippt ll ai ion md disli it i hvflo onl tht r- htlp inn pnsontis this tti s ouota d cioss i ul vui 50 years ago takvi rvotn taw taaue ei the iw ivmii of thurmomy umn s iu the month of march was rwer bwore ushered in nsore vhm ently the gjturs were fierce and ol cvelomc velostty part ol oa ol the plate gluts show uiruiows in a t brown s drug hon uas blown in and oru ut the uatkd wirulous of the baptist churth was blown in sihs win duun uiul whinylts fclown oft inanv roots the north wall ol mr w w btajdmort s rtsidtntt laltlv burnt d dinvn was blown in dur my iik heiyht ol llu yalt lht smoke slaek of thr canadi in glove works took i in t indi i s uir b1uun all ovtr own ihii lot tunattu did nit lymtt anv nutl hydro tiirrtnl wa oil tot tkhii s and rains wirt lali a svit 1 old lads vastid iujn in her vnd vt ir alttr a ttw das illness unite on a i it to ik i dauyhtir mrs willi un main pmyt ovt i 60 vtais ayo ht and htr husband vailtd from rnyland lo canada to make tor thitnsil vn u home in this newt r land if r husjhund oiyt diuon died at hrotiuidyi huir mats ayu saturday moinlny mi main prit and his von harrs atiom pan ird he n mains to hi an bndyc vvlurc thev vttit tmdtilv laid to itst lota it amsli i s ol hi us v i ids have adopud lht vwlut is i un an oiulorkal tonltsl was ion hmd to ihi pupils ol lht lowii st hoo thosi takiny p ii i wt it misvet clara brown lai n i km ik il aliee odiun ji in wilson i nd vero llarvtv tht udyis mis c s smith dr anil and mr loknim currtnl tvmts it this muling ol lht i hi i u s h utv wilt yism h iiit ailt harold mow it and tlt n wias thi lei i it nth tonit viyoiol for lht mm or womtn who do not itst i is bi iyit and sliouy as nalurt inltndttl who w iwi in lht nioiuin with a bid i islt in the mouth hi iditht no imhiimn lo work no dtsin to t i lht world his no pit isuu im i ik in that pt i son should l tki viyoitl nd at tt i i ikuii it loi i itw d is will ht bnhl mmihis inil ambitious dt it iks md pains will bt lont tht slum it h will hi swim llu ipntliti will ik nilui at diytstion pthttt blmul in r it hid m i ts slrt ny thttitd ami sound lu ihh tslabhshid khn malism t tnnot irv t with it kit nts and f itr irhjoiin will in ish all phvsital lottts nstoud vloiut is deadly opposed to dis c ie j nil kinds at a t diown s drul store bybubmut news hou abound district k i uh ah ii i i luliitsud in saxnij histoiit i uuhnai ks in old ilk tht o ik ilk hisloi it d sotu t is 1 hi sikkis is tiiiliai i toiuiiintl mlh llu possihlt kstiuttion ol i oui ol lht tovtns i huildiiies it niw mil uobinson stints 1 hi huilduils in ih it i in supp svil to ix ul pt ii hisio it d and aithilttlur d mint si hkamit i wu iikii uuinstis phinttd ht ins uxeiitls in lo un sitppht il h thtir mot ik i irotu htr ininl pului now litis sonit tun siuiih linn ito pi nils tht rx ui pi inline proittt w is i i pisipissiiil pni un and thtii inotht i siss th it tin hos i 1 ih ih ins mil lluu lht shoots wuh ji it tin t ik ii tulv i i sud ill it sht s iw iht tutu itn pi ints anil tould set no si ol ih m husks 1 iri mr st nits in u ill ih ik sitv ol i hi sttuntt stpuatt ipl l s ill 111 l v is tltsl illst ll ll ss sjih i 11 nil al prist nt onls ion ul luil til h iksinid lo txpind to i uiul ui am md own ko ul nhool if tht im inning ito ud iintu nut liny tlu m its itmiins ut pi innttl hut tin lot il ol ih nmims whin ihi lhllll nt ll4lii slltis tt uh at the lit w sthool is lui u illi jmis tvplud hi kiimii tin i iwns tititii ol llu i ii is in in who hioutjit tht 1i ol into iht tis ol luinditds nt ik il tlnld t uh hiistiu is i oi t in p ist inhl us who is ht s ml i c j tus hut sou 1 1 li l tun t lost its cm ni it j oil 1 1 son hui h u tun rot i p skipp i win his pin up his i ill mil wink t iininjs i u i it iipnuiij loss lot disliihutmn ainou thi towns kss joi ut i unsliis mil ion oilstiut lion will lkin simiii mi i fit w m siuli pi l t ipiilniiut huililui on out ii io st oppisiii mount miu m 4 m i uiionin ol i unoiun onstaiiliou lid milton innoiintitt nsiuutiin will slut within two wtxks on lht xm01xhi huiltliuv h will ih mil ion s si i mil i ui mw apu inunl huildint and will tx i k iiv vt nisi i hi k k iw is luuii tht milton coutt apaituunts 24stnit bud luij n out ii in si tht ntw apntnttnts n tsxetttl to ht rxnds t ii i i up in h aiiliisi i i jennifer andrews top speaker e acton free press publuhed hy the thiu printing hhd ksibluhlnf co ltd luuiukd in i87s and publnhod cvf thursdas m 9 willow st attou ontario mi m iht of the audit buix ui ol cirtulauons the cwna und the ontaruvqtiihee divjkkinolliu qvnjsailvoi tiniity 1atcaeutivquuu subsertruioiis pjahk tit ailvanct sux1 ht catuul ww in lnfilanu unit olhct coimnnnwealth cmmtnes 55 wl mjicjuliitedstatcaiul olltei ftrvbn conntner cophit 7c amhtnu as iktuu mail fusl otlktfdepahmenl ottawa the only pnpr ever publuhd in aclou g a dun edilorincbief lkiid r dilk mamiiiiny hthtor uj i n e ss- andedirtrijk lo fwc ep hone 8533010 iss ij iwt i township stu ih nt won lust pi ui i ndav in t fit 11 ilion no i inspectorate ruhtit sjx ikmv competition a wi iiili swotih school ccorye town t nut sit und jninilti vntlnws yt nit 7 stu ih ni at unktkwtli stlukil look top honors with a talk un an hi nittks i jitar mm of scienci runnel up w is rokrt mebrvdt h uk 7 pupils at reipe street ipublu sehoot his topic wa win i ljkj lo r i squisiny tntianlv were lo nn mekeown tfrade 7 gkn williams speaking on otiun tsttul is toda tnd tothor- row p imela norton jurad 6t ctl the haltoil no i inspeetoiate pi uuip lis plaque hs h uoul catliny piuieipal ul jii k sthool gcoryetoun pnhhe s i ixl trustee w l wilson presented both winners with cups to knp nassayawtsa public school sthool boird chaintun k ii gibson c jsx t he in cadi a i sv4 siber dollar euinmemoi jimy the chat lot tetown conlerence on ch- itikialmn in 1864 judges of the contest ury doiujlas latimer chairman of the gvurociown dtsinct hiyh sihou board mrs j eric blaiwv ol the gtsuryclown hick fioo staff arfh rt lctmantf lhciu united trnlrth rh i camphell ille there are some people in life whom i just tsatu rally admire among thcs4 an twrous beau titul wonwn who are modest old mn who don t yive a dany and htlk kids who are shy annihcr sp4xies i alwass fell i should admire was the ails kurr suret i ovouyht llurie is sonu thing ckan and jifw and wlkowbouw in a ruaii wlio ytlv up rariv winlir or suninu i and fact s hie w uh a ilaint taslt in his mouth and a youl appt lilt it lais aiiiistoimd to w ik my w 1 1 ii slut r inn ioi shi inking from l hi uioiiuut ol irulh ami i malls swinyiny ins b id it y lo iik llooi wilt twlh h mils yiom my is luniud to llu huh kuiin i h ll md i ioi in tin pit s tint ol tin i atls hist i ii k ii sow win i do inuth mhii it isttpl pub litis atluiil tliil i hji alw is sttnlk hitnl llu i ails kisti i itain thai lu s j hiy phons th it il s ill i m ilttt ol im i i t ohs m lit t ins owii spx u s lht 1 ale slailt i is pisl n noi mal wlult sojik mil dittlll it lutt mon so hit ss us by bui cou f inn totitiiits in ininoi suits ait ru s i loo iupul ii litis is tsptxiillv hut il duphi id bridyt wlun lu but md m tki ttvi tluhs oi list h unoiuls sto s m points hut lo hid thm ni hump ind in ik dun stuns m pom is thus oik ii ss niik iii livi sou v unnts mon ml i liwmi lumid i vol tt itibtui hi id i inn bills in i in in i not s m 1 1 s ind tu ixhmtn h stuns dillniill tnihikh lo li i r points lulwetn iwo h inds 1 i jioik iik 2x o points th il sou shixild h m lot i tiiuioi still v lu i was nuisl suipiistd to i ml lht lollowm hind pi d i i th i m mils livt 1 inn soul ol in i si wvk il iht alton hntki lull iv ih i nuith ntillui mill vtilnti dik north s 7 2 li j 10 s i a in 7 i i c a o tt west lail s10 h 1 s- ojh h k 4 2 ii a ft i ro i i s cl 4 1 2 7 s snulh s k h 11 o 18 7 i k j 8 1 t k 10 111 hlddini nliirfh ijil sihjiii weil p piss 1 i piss x i p is- ul uhlm uu o it th it si il tmi souths p ssul mil tluis ik ll ioi lop tun i souths si nl on lo 1 im ill lino ills llll ol thi si ihln m is ss t iiih iikk soulh ins i viia ininiitiiini op inn hul 12 poll is o ih i ul loii t loivi 1 1 o ll iluit oih point tin no- ins 1 ninth it is 1 tlllllll lit lot ill imonils mil huinj pissiil niin ilk mils tiki di isiit at i ion to show lht ilmost optninj hid ipi i his ol tin hmd soith tumps to lluu ill imoiuls ihis hul is nit loitmi- sintt noilh ptssid oi iin ilk soulh i m idil up points h his 12 mil putnii t ituiot h w mon ih m n llus iuts i un bund tot il ol 2s oi oik li ik snotl ol iiik in dnunomls i sutiisi th tt tin onk t ill h south is thin no liiiinp s ulli h is stunih in ill suits in t m pnhlls in iki as m itis tiitks iii no tiump is ik t in ui di unonds with lht in ol sp uh s on siik south his no titiiihli with t hits no trump ll tin oppni tuts tlo not it id sp idt s south tin wink on htails lot tlu ninth ititk tht onls othti e ill i would ritoinintnd h south is piss ttxii is no itason tu think thit t 12 point hand opposite a h md thai could not open tht bidding is yood ttuhih lor an ii tntk eonttael tlu clc is earrsinp i short preiyram on toniratt btidyt m the radio all bridyt plavtis who are inti rested should tune ii cbl on satuidass at pin lot lets pi is bridge witti nut lcros this weeks winnrrv fust tail i nioud mue lonisso se cuisd gunn banks mars hook u third bruce west wood duke wilson tmm gkn williams school andv altkek nt the stewart own sehonl pi ised an iccordion olo jackkd fplnclj4t some pcojile they tell me are at their lowest eb in the morn my thcs can scarcely cjlmb out ol the sack and don t yet warnv- ed up until noon by midmyht there s no holdiny them aivd at i a m thtv are just yet tiny into tluir stride these are lht latt starters lk in the uppositi imluhoht nitst sit thou who cant skip in lht a m tins busllt aluiut y iryhny i at t liny pots ind yt nt i ally lu my sitktmny 71ns st done a lull d n s woi k hs noon hv a p in iiks ii yi tlini a hit yias aiourul llu yills alltr ihniut tins diow si oui lht p ip i x awn until ihi it us spoil lioin lluu i vis ui r is tilt t s and i llu ott i i lud il 10 lull ol hoi milk md snlui n miitiiyi is ipnli is li i ti stpit is oik tu iwt 1 11 in i ills uisu md i 1 dt si ul i i sid put ol it is that it d k mi i show up unlit ll s i ht liu ixi iiist wlun ptoplt tit t mi iuil tins n kit n thus bt ion llu it urn ns lht 1 tils uisti dtsxtatt to win his ynl will liyhl oil slttp until still p isi miduiyhl tun thouyh his i st s li i st his his ynn a hit lisid and ills ynl wh iminul is shuns thi sun until it is osi i llu s ml urn dr ils hitsill out it lht pad ssilh i siipitllle 1 1 1 til 1 lo nut i i r lor lunch but wluil lives ve had a eoupk ol scars of thai holy old wtdlotk it s a hoise ol a dif tthnl hue lit uouldnt trade the anm of moiphtus lor lliosc ol i abeth lav lot slu snails that he s jet liny otd wails you don t love nit ans mofi wlun lu stalls to ladi iiyht alltr tht dishes ure doili ll s pisi i imii wlu u tin nitis in nsusid atur minjj i st is ihiny tml dsnainitt in yet him out ol llu pil und oil lu stoik stu itsoils lo conn on pi im i c ha i uiliiy kt s set a hill ih il y iv sn wllv we s iss il 2 u in wlun vou weir dun my wilh all tht wuinrn at tin puts ul s lu ji u i mr i i th it 1st till ml must tsatio i sou win pn in itiny it time wlun tsirslwuls ssilh ins mm litis hid yoiu lioin so our hosts toul i lu to txd so ht y nlv unit vivailously litis his w is i i llu bj l broom md wlun hi liiuk il lonvfitct bnllimlk wilh ihi ihiny whith tuts him in tht inn tor thus uyyyhhh ll s imiiu not llltt llhlht its llll professional directory and travellers guide medical itjnrhm dibpxtom did a garrett physician and sunkon turner of willow anil river su i nlranie river si acton on phone s5j0w1 dr robert d buckner phyklelan and surgeon il wollhictu si acton ont phone 851120 dr t b moore phylcun and surgeon 2 main street north corner main and mill strati acton ontario phone g5j21io phune 5m1m nlsht or da uruce l shoemaker mgr oftomiltlubta e l buchner od opiotnetrui cunijci lcniet hearing aid 6 john st s actoa in acton wedneutayi only 2 00 pm 600 pm i or appointment phune 133104 if no answer phone waterloo 742187 dental dr h leib denial surueon olfue comer mill and frederick strecli olltcc llourk hy appointment telephone 8550410 dr a j buchanan dental surgeon ofticc 90 church si ii ollicc lloun 9am lo 6 p in closed wednesday allcrnoon telephone iuj17v dr ccdric dey dental surgeon suite no huilon dldg i7a mill st i acton ont i or appointments telephone 853 1300 ligal of ihe gleivviiraiiitripeakrngoncsn iir and dunne- webb grade while the judges made tjiur noral public school uai chair i miehuuse sneaking on j s dccimun niinlril nuinwr vwre jt in fnr ihf mmmitlecartjrcii walt o the uf a mp th nnsi menff c f leatherland qc llairisler and solicitor notary public ollicc lloun 10 am 12 pm i p m 5pm saturdays by appointment only phone oil ice 8513w res 8531745 aclon a braida ba barrister solicitor notary public olltce hours in aclon monday friday evenings 6pm 9pm saturday i pm 5 pm 21 pauley st huelph ontario phone ta 42241 office hours in uelph saturday 9 am 12 am daily 9 am 5 pan e kapian ord hammers and solicitors sidney kaplan and john d ord oc 116 mountalnvlew road s carreul building georgetown 87to9s arthur a johnson ir4 mon st milton v llovd davln jewclliry mionc tr 8 9972 re tr 9671 iticuliv at li moons 1 hursday i venings i rulay mornings appraising and insukancb f i wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 8330720 appiaiser and insurance over 50 yean in actoe architect donald e skinner iiaicli mhall i7a mill sunt suite 2 acton tile phune 8512740 omlce houl by appointment or 20 btivchink kd port credit cr 80605 t1aviiiw ouid1 gray coach lines coachkl utavk actoh standard time laslbound 6 31 am daily eacept sun and llol 8 54 u in dally eicenl sal sun il hul prcii 858 a ni lluam 2 08 p m 508 pm 6 21pm ul pin 10l8 p in sun and hoi westbound 7 37 am dally except sat sun b llol 1027 am i25t pan 257 pan 527 pan 727 pm 9 12 pm 1ij2 pica- ijj2 u m sal only canadian national railways standard time eulbound 6216 aan lo toronto daily eg cept sat and sun 7js aan to toronto doily except sun 9s2 am dolly except sunday and munday direct connection from owen sou eld im pro to toronto dally except sunday 7 47 jim to toronto sunday on- i 9 25 p lntfibnhj jcnnitir aiulivivi the slrst pnc winner as the onh ent- lain frani nassiumeva town slup slie received the brunch 120 kinil canadian ijeglon tro- crowding the auditorium groupi entertaining included the gride7 claiss from ilarrlkon school the grade 8 class from chanel street smhool triple trio fromr brook- jphv irpm preidentrahhhlnfe vlje school the choir fnm no ei robert mdbryde was award- vul school ancf the triple trio leon dutlleld of the brooke i school john todd of the ken nedy school and john snoddv of the glen williams school the two winner will compete friday in county finals at oak- villc chikowtactoa david w gohn dt ji young street corner of arthur young sis office hourf by appointment phone 153117 board al georrfelowa only we ihftiml sunday on to dally- kjbl a m to stratford daily es rrpt sun 62j p tn to stratford daily except sat and sun 704 p in dally except sunday 1249 urn to stralfard daily ntccnl sat m

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