Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 2, 1964, p. 13

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afcaaaaaaaawwaaaakw rockwood news and shopping guide teams standings reported district bowling leagues y ptem aw thtae atandinga may be aiigbafy changed bui li gla an im at ahe icwni and aiaamtnga dt hv hovkwood and oiatricl bowting league there cn few lied fccorek and a ww leader with hortap fc dull era having sspolnls nurholfcpuu wore acoofwi wlh s4 and pearl 1 variety dropped to third plat having so points a clomt fourth an whd cat with their 44 town and country with 48 healing who have alarb rung and 47 point a tie for aeventh saunder firebalk and komer pin eaoh with 4 point milne k ouolh mil hold eolith place with 40 point tied in ninth kpol are slral ton eio and mawtw alley cat each with m barlow w bunm are a cloae tenth with 37 schneider sweeh are all oon i frigid locker had a hard week gaining nti points to add to their jj and dropping to the bruce trail the actori rw rwti twlday apclf nd 1964 lesson in good citizenship imtttt i2ih place kens novelties ore rtrtl with m in 15lh spot with heffenun s ham lav with 27 prfnts mens high sgk- ttw mt pbcdran 2 mctts hijjh triple dune mophrdrah twi mn hhjh average jim mooney 217 cadkr high virtgtc georgma kelso 26j ladies wgh inpk fvtv nightingale fclj ladk high average janet hictwun 179 on of sarins of three art ids oh tn brttc trail hi this district written by mrs fcdlrn austen lloyd of haralt- turt trad dlrnctoe- of lb ire quota bruce trmtl club a ureal proyxt is oonilly tak inn shape in south rn ontario tlie bruce trail will cross the province from qoeension in lb niagara ftiinutj to tuber iruirv at the northern lip of the brute peninsula tht hiking trail ftiuowing tlu niagara j curpment will be tome 4t mile long when completed manv people ut rd recovering ihc jo o walking tn fact it might be laid that canadians are yetting on their feet the trail itself create a strong in centive to enjoy the pleasures of the country side by walking leis ure ly through u the recreational and ediulional value are high ahd the opportunities to obrvt nature at first hand are bourul- ltfs flfih and another one point dv j alone this week n mth with their laton lor cfcfneyi wumbing and js points ajutavoft etdon brethour former munc supervisor for me city of toronto reviews the ha i ton aautic resttvel with mutic supervisors frorn tchoolt which took part latt walt front row lff to noht are mr auitan ledwith mi iron mr brarhour and mi mainat standing on p at top lefi to right ar aart mary kwkvay and glenn ttanut i isnatuki auw rockvrooj notes of brterest ulit jean given had the mis- ytbriune or braaklng and fraclur- uitl her hand and wriut this week all wlkh for her a kpeedv wcovery mm n h wuuon or guelph was a weekend visitor at the home of mr and mr frank tov lor mrs gordon smeltter rr 1 ttackwood and mrs james hill 9lxt 2 rook wood upent last tuesday in toronto and were present when the ontario farm era presented the annual bnef to the ontario cabinet and op- position parties the snow flurries we are e plan april 18 limehouse hike a funfilled nature hike along be bruce trail in the llmehouiae area will be hold on april 18 of fleers of the national campers ajkl hikers association annoinv ced todav provincial director bill robb of weston who issued the tn- vita t kin la anyone interested asks hikers to meet on highway 25 just north oc hthwav 401 near mitt on at 10 odock that ntorniftg the omlna will penencing foe into eclipse when we hear of what others arc sub ject to in their district richard tlarriv thiw week received a card from a friend tn virgimatown ontario which u close to the ooebec border at the present tim they have 44 inchev of snow and nav have more if their weather k like ours a visitor at the home of alan pasmore rjt 2 rock wood uill be sliawn kirfev of kitchener vhwn uho formcrk made ht r home in rock wood will he nc ruling vome of in eavicr holi days ut the pasmore home mr robb wud this hike ma be iht hrgct group hikt ccr held in canndn following the excellent rekponwc to the booth ncha mm up at the sports men show camntrs and hik cri from all over ontario oue- bec and vsa vivltcd ncjia w booth there for free literature on the association and its aims and object v the llmehoue hike is one of we vera i being or guniied thtv vcar b mr robb and his wife there ore more than one and aixatf hfe gathering of hikers trek along i v ilh nutd kb and tht largeu fow miks of tlu trail near group of uumen uurktrv is tn umehoukc nranufutiurmg ricks confectionery comic books magazines recotbs sundries royal dairy ice cream sort drinks candy tobaccos open daily til 1 1 p m main st rockwood 8564227 pearls variety store attckwood s4m4t greeting cards for au occasions -ftuv-weaa-bv-thf-box-and-save-monev- wtuos sunomis h1ms prompt film devaopng service showhlandbabyl gifts 150 at annual meeting wth tf rjwa launch 50th year for childrens aid soc hal ion children s aid sottety launched ils vlh year of suices- ful operation recently with about iso interested menbers and cili- zen attending live society soth an null meetmg at hal ion manor judiionum highlights of the annual in eluded u lupe reconiett mrwagc of greetings fixmi a miltonian who had insin a numkr of the years to come of automation and eletlronlts lnreateil living standard and growth of lekurr time burgeoning uburbs and thr pofmjiatumi eupuvion at wet a fireal odvantv in kiujv ledge in hhammiral u it rue as an organiiation ue will stow aiul adapt ptihap ceu af our name u we merge irii tuiuun for ihildicn inlo a ru jlrtl ctslwrd nfdiralors in nd nartut tilarlv for families fur wr krww 1414 report of tit offuer election of a life nemher retl eciion of doug ijitimer ol fnorge town as pntdent of the lm iwurd and the lirm at fu ial oow ing of a iafl pnulikcd wnm of ouirtd ikk imi lb vml itf the s4kk t helurm show woht the picture pnrrovetl the f fite ihc nff of 18 and the work of the vkiiiv tint ins nixd for 2000 ihildnn in tlu past half century it showed a puiure of knox preshvlcrian churth mil ton where the organiialional meeting was held in february 1913 uhm the theme u s tt is betitr and les exptnslie to nase children than to punish crimin als in the vcond half cf the pres entation the staff ind olunteer at tors ptrtried ihc enure story of a tvpkal adoption proccs from the moment the unwed mo ther comes to the ioitetv for help until the tovful day whrn her illegitimate baby is formalh adopted bv another familv so ciety executive director j paul jol i if ft taperecorded the com mentary with the slides haaw hamtrs enthusiasm was a keynote of the meeting president d v latl mers message paid tribute to the foneen uho bjijt the foundation or th modem organisation that functions todav thev served us well as thev established clearly denned principles concerning the needs and welfare of children as our children aid societv has grown to meet the ever ex panding need of a growing sub urban population our staff has increased from one to ii social workers child care facilities have shltled from fnstitulional care tn foster home care protection work has focus sed on familv cen tered treatment rather than child centered treatment our service has increased its effectiveness as we hae drawn on he knowledge of the piedialntian nd the psv- chntnst finalh ind of ital 1m portince county pirticipalion has hetft expanded from simple finantnl assistance to the policy making level wbere a pirtner ship of county councillors and lav board membtrs his been es labhshed he concluded dtracttwa report the executive director suggest ed that with timcnly yve dare lo speak or the next v years it seems inei table these years will be filled with change already we know something of ted of milton who was one of live first officers named at the 1914 meeting that founded the halton children s aid 1 send nv tongratulalion for the wk vmi hati done and heal w kites or tlu work you will do in ihe lutuie he said piesident latl iner mted tlutl in 1914 the toun ty populallon uiti only 21 000 ujmpjixj in lodav wlun il ivears ivuttuo th sikittv has moved aluad wilh llu growth ilu cihiniy ivt irnundtd live audi tlu wxll bring ol tciyme affett tlu- wclfart if ihjldiun ami tin erue wvlt btina vf ihildrxn uflttts tlvr sydney child mayor of milton vwlfan of all l ihietior ih- 10 vtai and a for nnr vhalnuan was htmvord bv tht presentation of an honniurt dignity fawluf in this difftitnl wtuui alvrad ue may be mnfuk nt that tlu n j1 villus of n spelling the dignity of the human ptpumalny alonii wllh iwlief in ptrsonil gmuth and ihe importance of human fit lings will survive the fjmity will vurvive as it alwiys has and will hove ewn gnater meaning and values ot ils members because its key role in human affairs will be even murt mxignutd and supported by sen ices geared to the enrich monl ond fulfilment of familv life can we ask more for our or ganiialion under its present form or some other thin to play its part he asked a report on service showed i9m began with w children in the care of cas 6a were admitted nlo care 49 of the society s chll drvn were placed in adoption plus 41 from other societies 22 children relumed to their par ents adoptions completed for 72 children 4s from halton cas ami the year ended with 91 child ren in their care kvporl on servlc staffers reported on 45 private and parent adoptions assisted 106 unmarried mothers in plana for infants gave 45 other mis cellaneous services and helped 915 children in their own homes through services to 315 families a surptus of 15 148 94 was shown at the end of the year the society operated on total revenue of 1162 719 of which ihe county of hilton contributed jims2 child care jcrviccs cost s6 44fi administration was vwhfls and special accounted for 12 9w taped cvlnt during the meeting a tape re cording brought the personil mrs oalt jarlmtd mrs mrv f illmour mis phyllis oodwin c llrvan harrik mrs iktly lil ami miss hannah mlfuivo orrkfi staff mis tlulma john is in chargr o ijvrcul adoptions mn he 1 1 n c ac inn is staiiliclan mrs bea tritt ftrd on4mraa muc murphv irv setrfan and mrs mary wheeler is reivitiunut vet rtiais or murray mi coy in lalf put ill j ti it ian ami dr p ml d sielnh mer is psychiatric con suliant ihe knox church ihoir servetl itfixshmtiils folltnving ihe inert mg i it membership in iht imielv in moliiilion of his in inv i ih ol tnill inthng service now nirw lit loins a unmp of t igtit olh i rs who liottl tioimirary lift mem hershlpt i 0 m ihon j m ma hon dr h v cranfirld ftjjnur direilur g i thompson mis m i nixon mrs w a wt ivtr w c m ukenir rohiutnn and judge george t i llioll judge rilloll ixrukictcd ihe el ettiun of directors for 1964 and mrs l wills presented tlu nom mating committees report at a meeting of directors after tlu id lournrmnl ol the regular nutiing all ofhcers were n elected d v 1 a timer georgetown n turns as president vice president k rev c m mitchell or hurhnu ton albert walsom of oiltv illc is sec relary and jtihn chi iu y t oakville is trrisiirer lui dtrectori diresttirs include h irold c biggai and robert f uoinhold oakville b h breckenndgic ot georgeiuwn mrs d j gtnth man warren harding and mrs paul lanx burlington vwlllatn ii denny acton and mrs leslie wills fsquesing county council represent ittvis are reeves george lesltv tsqius ing c a martin milton and hci bert c merry oakville ind de puty reeves frank rogtrs bui lington j bert woki acton uul b d young nassagaweyi the cas staff includvacxic utive director j paul jollutt ts ccutivc issistant william g jims adopt itn supeimsr mrs joyce page anil office manager mrs ruth powell social workers in miss ingrida dibolins mrs jtn fact mo ot the ftutr in tha muky way tr to fir tway that they cannot b teen ai a pa rata itart without u scope alpha cenuurl th bright alar naarsst the mrih is so far away thai anyone traveling at the speed of light 116 000 mil ascend or 0 000 000 000000 wllm yaar would take man than taut yart to reach it at tha kans apeed it would tk itwooo yssrt to go from est dlg of the uuky way td th othr on new ti when possible thr trail gws through uoodlands and ru jural areas fxktihg paths are some times used but frequently the trail lias to be built where no path existed before bridges stiles and steps are constructed where neteisarv this is a voluntary project and it seems to pleasantly astonish folk that no government fund are involved people from au walk of life are working lo- geilver lu build tlu trail for the must part the trail is on private land and the permission of land owners is solicited at their vol untarv contribution in ihe dun das valley where live trail is at ready often lo the public ihe response of properly owners was magnificent their interest was encouraging and their cooper alion was prompt and utvole hearted local commercial firms donaled lumlver painl und nails but the workt is ihemsehes motk the greatest contribution tlvev hrthighl their own ltuls axe s iws stledgts hammers as ptonerx shovels afl ibis and ihey buhl the trail too seen in tku ugkf the evnce trail is a civic proicci lesson in good ciluenship the irocjoou awuce trail club r o box 113 hamilton is re sponsible for budding the trail in this divlrtcf iroquoiv u the name given lo the tourist region from grimsby through to bur kngton and the club ehoe this name because lu 60 lo fto mnes or the trail will be buih in thw region the trad will run from grimwbv through hamilton along ihe escarpment near ancastee and crosses t he dutadas valley to pass through aiwbuer s falls ravine and then follows the es carpment lo flock chapel water dow n and through burunglort lo mount memo ralllesnake point and k4so conservation area the club may be cantacied through merle gunbv r r i millgrove ml 42779 or robin losue rr 3 canpbellviue 6445509 who are in charge of the trail in the vieiniiv of mount nemo tht earliest religion in india wis a forvn of animalism ih ancient hwulus believing in av mulgodt and ireeguli for tasty food come to barlows restaurant full courss meals ob uoht snacks mo highway kocicwooo rockwood mill end store main st rockwdd 8564301 the store with bargains galore childrens wear ladybird tom sawyer wyndham broncho jn oua uaktton o mens and boys dress and work shoes ct6a ah day thunday op dauy htptt 0h fruay nlgm illf im ffrwllngt of 94warold jilin max ntftr fimn mivs sitvan rrlncr saunders bakery rockwood bread cakes pastries donuts wedding and birthday cakes a specialty al s grocefey main srtirr rockwood honk 1344351 cello aci maple leaf wieners 45 aylnur tomato juice 29c mafco uaf cheddar spread 14a c 55 cytwata ouamw 4i bunded juice 55c jaha jumlw siu tlm oranges 65 white sugar 5 lb 69 4wt facial tissues 4 for 99c 14a pop foods 3 for 27c aiamabaaaaamawaaaaaaai stt baa xawkts 2o749e cakte 29c eg its so easy to place a classified in the free press looking to iuxselu r hire just dial 8532010 no tou ehatal mdm koctcwoob and a courteousvad taker will assist you in mhuaring your free mess classified for 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