Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 16, 1964, p. 2

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the good old days sf d spit smrt the c f c what ii chamber of commerc a group of bualamtrvmn devotod to prove thai tfe tun thin all th lirw in out munkl- pjlly publtcipirlled cililni banded to gether to la that lbs community roy vh hlgrttlt poilrbl lltnelard ol livino siav pnrter of fre nlrprlt rvd our domocre tk way of iii buiinurn trying to bring n inoullry m una ttv ar tome 6f th root commonly hld ideal about tbe ctunur of commar whlv ii taid about th chamber of commarc thr li one thing lot it it or ihould b on of ah molt importtnt oroanlielioni in the lawn th work of th chamber of com rneft touch rtaarty vry elllaan u we hv ten wilt weak at lb community wlcia tflhner whan revered tltlten wat honorad fat bar work which effected 10 rh4ny th inbthml of hi chamber of com maee it net hewavar confined only 10 lotil merterl jul at ma citlian of a mumc pjllly it alio a cltuen of ia province and of hit tnunrry to ih chambar el commaro bat provincial and faekwal intertill in addi llri w lit local aetlvlliei in tba province there at provincial chamber and indaad many racjiant within a province bav their own atiocitlioni to advance tbe inleretti of tbalr particular radian at tbe provincial iavo in activity of tb chambar of com marc li eivordinahkl and praiantad to tbe provincial government through the provin cial chambar of commerce a provincial deration of boardt and chamber a 999m v999icmi th poulblllry of a bhr deal for wld owt under tb federal government 1 attar la aft wtl announced by federal minuter lordort in hit recant budget tpaech i waa rmpretiad ha told tba houta of commooi with tbe cat mad by women 1 organ laehona laying that mora recognition ibould be felvan to tb tpecial contribution that a wit make 10 tb accumulation of property by bar huaband tba women group have bean making a good argument tb tax lawt mil regard the wbom oltar ef i family at tba property of tb husband although woman nowaday generally participate to torn degree in tba accumulation of a family peuteiiloni working wivat of whom tbara ar about 900060 in canada uiually contribute direct ly to tb ecquititlon of a bom and itt fur nlthlng a tmtll bunnati a butbancft lit irtaurerjc program or other tormt of aavrngt and whtwqr no they era amployad out- ilde tb horn moat wive help to manage and preaerva tb famlryi pouetileni on that bealt h it not unreaaonabl to argue 20 years ago 50 years ago naltomf monmftf pn ttwlr uv- dmcvno m uo di cw vmgm p nd oted lha kimp m build tri i lt bntf imsd t h uh mock m t qtlmlna towmhlp hordw itov pvwn uhj k mttl robtt ftd kulti hm 10 m unt nt mry i uftd 6dv 4sd tfc tourtty bci roch t dolld with tirniur at k f4r vl lh clivity of lhi oftmbf o commrc n coordinth nd ptirtmd to th udfl oovrnmnt itrnugli ykj cndih chiwbr of commrc the rionl fdrtlon of mor than 850 botrdi ofrd ind chftmbri of commr tl policy of fhlt national qroop li dtrmihid by th maofity vole of thi munvfiar boaicu and chamber itafh of wind ha our voir of qual itranqlh th national chamber piomoie rt pre ifvahon and development of our tcooo tyitem of eomptttitive entarpme and worki towardi it ratar apprvctttion and undar itanding by all canadian similat work i earned on at local level by coownumty oardi and chambari tka community chambar a a itabilij no inflin on a community it brmqt about oreatar undentanding among various ieg mant of the community ard it mauei the community a batter place in which to live th chambar of commerce deserve the tupport and understanding of all the oiiiens in th community tha same applies 1o the national scene canada naadi a stronq natiorial grovip to speak on behalf of business generally and il has such a voice in the canadian chamber of commerce canada has a oroat future and th c it las and towns of cannda are qomq to shara m it in proportion to the effort they individually put forth th chambar of commerce i an import ant vahlcle for employing this effort for that reason it deserves your support that soma proportion of a dacensad husband s property should be entirely exempted from he eitata tax another point not mentioned by the fin ante minuter although he must be aware of its validity is that many a familyowned bun- nets passes to foreign ownership because of the estate tax accountants lawyers and trust company officials are on record with the opinion that the high rale of the tax and ttt peremptory demands or the prospect of these often result in the forced sales of small businesses and that very often the only cash offers art from foreign purchasers as it now stands the tax taw is unlikely to leave e widow who inherits e small business the money end the time to assume its operation or to erreno en advantageous sale also un mentioned by the minister was the grave injustice of double taxation if a husband leaves e pension or life insurance annuity to his wife there is en estate tax j fr ike least erf the fw ytvm vwmuv ail e 144 tit tilth hi uhwf ilink rlhluhcd ft w rettmi vhcm tea vuhinunnxj tu lv7 iruti bkaud to itu utti vumli ti ml talk tku vkatk itu tlttl i link when winrtrtt wih pln brttl ov7f kak lk twhoih were w mtfti di utwrt ti wfiwr itrtj or wkvr uir irt iht1 f tlw ttmidlullhv tmhtfi hfwht mmj hv ttu wimiwko ihhiulf ih hutkithl ivm hjill wim vttll el umkil vivukitl m i v j a unle hud itvv j h rimt v a latuit td u wfwlliin mmlth uith uib swiirr tti ihtic vviiti mbi j a iltiu tmk luilnll hajl j watlj ulw wiu lit hi flunk muo karl hum limit wiul mi mais uiwu ttu imiuil nu i iht htkeitl id dlivihub id llu vuu tut u tuikj imiiu tilt ufcbkm ij vw mtul tiilf tat hui 11111 thr till blalhllv mtumljl luttl lm mil katuvftl tall tltlu ltd vtutth 1 tu uiiullhy uu iluitiutl mi btiklt irrtl iivriuu in thultuil imrtl l htdu in lliatki ii uiklhli in ttttit mi itu n mt a aiiul mm lltllltlh ttlllll iuimtli t ml n la ha ti i ihiiu ll i ilillxuil pluln till ltl i tlllkhk ulttlktlllluiy i i vuu wuulull k winn lt ui mail tliac t un utki i hi u ill tu iiih id llu ui ihr unilil ut mluth u thr iu urt tut w mi in illun uu u onr t luro vu miuiii i it i yu til ii ill ni 1iiu nl llu lull iii ill j t a ifmi kt ttmtw 1 1 mr u nuw on itu i uirvl hill u kir vi ut imilll hi itllltltll tdl llu ihiultliill nl v thlulitn id oupiinyi biliihil mi ni4au tnu a 14111 1 1 mi vbhu h llu v lll m ii tt lift loi llu miul i tut tu huvi til i lupiktl llu nittpli v in iih v in ml van iihi itu iinl u ip tuny 1 ymul llnu ll np llu luil htm ti vli in ui s s 7 nitwit iwi j his vmii li il in 1 1 v iv utll mhi1 i 1 id i tnilioi invt 11 im utlition uih tu in ui s ii tint t lllsli iii i tiu miii nun ll 11 until l t ul yjimi vkiiiti iu t uiit i a i u n allutl itniftltii w i i 1 hi11 hi iah iu miillin iiii v v rvjm i nt ilviin si nk siuihi r wiimmi tiiili 1 t slu wiuv i unit w j milkiiiiul mikliiim st u w william st rbiltiit wilmti wji kin ituiiir whut takeo tam its uau ol ih fee rvm tbufawy april hu llu i ith firv hat kttl utluil lui mlh uui i tjviulit i willi hiiti4m of vkuwlunwruul fwi tw utiik rnlillid ttw oiiajih il itu luiiiuth ilttiunlh atrul ij i t ii i ll u twhiilj vtiltlllli pi 1 it lllkmlb 114 vj ut lllullil tlnk wtwmu ic 11 lilt uild tu vt itptiwhl uii htintlu ikltwt v v jmhiumi tvtl iu i m u hi itu ilkovilu uhtl u guilt pjimlhl vru u tu itt ylw itu- vti ml uin tat iht knuthttth- 1 nu thiych iimi makt up ihr pilitut vfcti h slk mowi lit lllil 11 u 1 tllwiiv ci u ait pitkml ttiiitti l itu k until it u 11fil iht pitwriil ttxi it pi itt thr dritvuittan ltutm ut t viiluiiitii ik ittii vn 1 lnniiuti tl tiiiiii rviti ti t nnttldn uttnit h uiiv ink lllyriil runu slu u j iitilivt tm ai tin ttjiiuhu 1 ir dtr luit urthitu i su lylit unit llu tl hill ml lilt t h ml i itl lllllt tl uiul wl1lu snu u u 1 1m 1 tut thpl itt aw ut 11 i ih ill i iii 1 ul itt v iny pi itiii k ihi h 1 v null v ill jn 1 lui in ui 1 llu v k a pitliv vt h 1 m un kii li inn 1 i ui 14 1 w v vliumi p 1 1 wihi 1 tii un v imlv itli in kn mjiiii s in llu ui t 11 1 i 1 li utm n i in ih immtit- tl lwlv ini 11m m mik- liin ms aluti il 1 iiu r l wilhuiii allan t i 1 it in 1 mi i nit v it jvi till tllllll wm pltlllu ulllltll iii ipi nh i 11 him liimiim it uilh k ik 1 1n1i i ml v 1 a i 111 til til ll i ollpli ul it hi ll 1 nl 1 mi nut mik iv it ii on llu 1 vi hint 11 1111 hit i immiln timl nlli 1 tiiiiu llu tu lit h 1 vt lllny in 1 hlu kiiyi kuii anil li il in uieiu tl on iu 11 it 1111 11 llu v uill u iii tin llu llllll nl itu lilt hon iltl mann in itu 1 hit lllii itl i otpit 111 n kin i h al li iu 1 1- uin lli in m h tmi iii 11 llu iny itv p ip 1 ptiliu j uilli malt 1 i il t un iht 1 ml ul itu t ar hi yum n lilt un llu mlltm 1 ipti hi lui is viii k uu 1 i ll ill 11 u 1 i it v iii tllllllv i i ll lilt im ns ilk il 11 tjiiv utiilil niu anil in i i mi ut ut ii k l k ul iu u l i lipi l lutil k mill 1 i 1 iisil 111 hlkirik in mutiiyin mi wniiit s on pt i ik 111 1 sun 1 un i ir i ilnt lithihli uul i 1 yiipju pusilivt uarinttt in inufu v it intuitu h iht tin mil yiw n lit i jtki ftiirvday wai ttne ui tho tuvk tllihv tmiulilc with mud itj lulll hlkl kklhll ilml ttl wlor vwltt fkfnfklv fwitrd tttttj t 1 hhv i mnoilutl iihulnd ifvt vhiht pvatmiitlv u ikllm llu fcotf ttaiiikf uak diy tit ttj inn uttkjtii irjun hun i lhfd itiiiikniy btuhil vtit bkimluv wiillv hu afhl vitfm fthan7ai itl nivwll mial tkrt sip imiul llaltllv an ktmu ult thrtatwihl in kill llufklul 1 1 wat itu iiuv slhdlll iu thil yiral tfrarufa llulk llu lutt u l u u ih 1 rtiiitlav wr iull m llu vvtk r ua itu au4th u iul tu cluu llaill uhytlt ll uui ik lfiritfllv jt wult luttv daiv ui our ukl tv nl llu wtik llkr ttu4l tw live laru iii ihr afuumi iuw itft khwfvuiur itl itu- swt tuih ui u tmnhtiiulum id trli uuut uiul t uhtimm miiwc uetii flu f ml hv i hiut u plav hi uhu li dit urrr plautk itu had ullh luvr id llur iwmi 1 i ik al kill ll a hint hu t llu up i nun i rnuu iiitikf a f u vr ttt dr irud im utiartf t iu- vti ul- r wi i u 1 ti tk taid ll u like huiullrui ilu upttuiuiiik a knlfr untt ufck in ilu in 11 tut hun nun llimau lit t lid plav ik iuiu mi fid ul mil tniiliatl hul tan ula hi iik 1 al liu liliinp hrii k ui t h imipli uhhh ihtlllltt 111 u nihil 1 hi ulyi malt h i w ik s null and d t latt 1 un lltik tiaiul ihr npptiitt nlk win ytcttl m i i mild 1 n i uk illu kuknh s i v ii o 10 k 4 i a a 2 a k j waal iftti s umj v o hi ii 7 2 ii aim u 10 m 7 l o y news hmsm abouns distria l ilukt inctltin anmlur vliopplnp irntrv i wo nion m hnuu untt 1 mill ul imi tluillini iimik uk luu huduurd fn ih nt w stint 111 n iht huililiny tuitt pi tniiiy atirtimittrr unanimtuikl tip- pnntl llu ihm klait ol itu jummwukw cm land i i at s iktilup mrnt a wtll t ihr puhlu stluuil iliiih m ilu plan lui litis 111 1 llu stpar lu mi1k1i wind is t imislnu tiny 1 sihrnil utiiih ik in u knoun us auiimiii sihuul ih 1 is inu lh pussihililn ul aiunlui tiiiiii siluml iu inn inilil il itu lutal vipultliun n lh new vuh illmmon iims in gmu ci oktrtown a siriti ritleun b u untlrr mstiik lion nut uill riiti no tuiilur uppomiuiu litun uiyi iinn iciuiull kttinilv tttiihil nviindrd 1 tuiildin vrmiit allrr hr triny 1 spukfnian lui 1 liip tk it yil uin u prouslinjj tilithlluii hlir tm 1 tinpv v it iu id wnli ik huildt ik uul t i ft 11 1 urir l iu itr ilu linldinp un tnnihvi slit ultlnui umiiu iht mun uus tun iidtirmrtl it it id mi ityhimnh yiuiiiuu loi tloluvlni ilu tnuldmy nramp1c itiisp it lui iidctpnti ntunkipal tiffkr sym c uul kirri 1 1 miik il t li initvt is hut tirihltiu d 1 unsidt tahl ni yt tiitlmis lot sput in 1 niiirslirt oltiti lunldiny tm lht silt ul thr juttns hutil out 1 11 st i utix ipprovtd t ctiuiuil thr tujikhnir si hi dult will ulli ts i itt autiusi ktupjiuv ul llu llisl hik flikir with lolltminp fuxirv tuniminii milnhli um iuu wn u mlllom- itu itk il h irnbt 1 iff l utnnu ui has hr 11 mirtkd tin mtit iu li 1111n 1 ol t iniiini n rffijsuv nl s auim 1m iht skill lui list ul hisitnlal ihiints in iu pnimoitiui ut itu mmmunu und distj u 1 tht u lij c h unth r uiv mtiykd uul lur lis ii iris in pn mutiny a vialokl risluomtl s in milton 11 llu huh nl ih su mi iiiitl vfwirpit umnron i tsl vumnifi the bruce trail hamilton club in charge here on the inheritance ef its capitalized value end then irrfom lex is applied to me later bne- second of e merle ol three article au the bruce trail itv this dlalrlct wtilteu by mra edith auaten lloyd u 1 urn 11 ton trail director tvf the llamll ton iroquole bruce trail club 1 hi dnut tiad is 1 iuaintl ind nnuktd itmjtnnth it niiuit mil aloni uk niupara i vcjrp- im tu llinunih uikkiuihis jnd n 1 tur tl iras iinilhinp is mm htau i spots and sunn uv ptitn s is piissihk pur the most pan ihr tiad is on pri iir i mils uialisls tiriuaht us mnu il inltlittii tu hamiliun saturday nioruin uul ifirimwin vssttins win tu ut al l tic koal cun nuihi hiu i h mull 111 and vk1 ilirvu disis hunt all cmr ontirtn illcntud tlu i lull m i bt ktntaitrcl thiouiih mriu gunh rr i milljitom st 42779 or robin smut r r 1 canlphxikilu wsvsw who in in ihnryi of ttu trul in ihi unut il m linn sirmu 0 0 0 necu a tiv ft in vtiv w vftl hi ilfhutkl ullklllutlilaal ittaltk in of 111 m it ik k4llni hbvur llu k a vi iiitlth cm lhiw77rt it smfatwlfc ui itw hmwril h4rkv arut th udv ut rrukilaiii ntan llu tlhhui llvd al hakllllall uk wtwit llu wattrfijlll tallu kloh all w ut if d ua iu iurui i ltd tmihl hu lu p iu duln i hav iii mil unn h kill d tvsj frltt ii luur twl imlav infill k i a in hi imtitwl living iu tfifl hi lamily uk hi ihtlivh uakli llu 1 al til ulih llkh ut plfcv ijtdl dilvr ert miu tti vuii umu iflepllvlk ii tllk ulf urul ifeii htmnr in ualth vu luu kt v hahli ii 11 arte mil ftit vtmdjv ilu haluldav flulil haiti vvmild iu fiutir idtwdi it ii ii w r iv h luf svuiuluy uiaiiv un n whi1d yu ihrthiyti htc uiituuit kttintny llu ir ktuu if ii writ lint iih kundtv hiaihv whii n wtudd tw vt t t i a iuu hat suiulnv ik firal itmiilnrl in lluiw lull nl on if limn hi iu j vert f iu v thdt wtlui falt aiiul pkmjk liiuli on kuiulav iltd ri illy on u uulav llu v u h k hi llu iuiiiil pauinu k u hvin keiaiiiddi in uiiimmi mm lal and llliaiuial iniliuiut twryi llu 1 ruklwd arul tiu tiling tuiduk kind tjhilk ut iluh fj low liilklurik ui un hi llu kiyelrdii llial ll llun i a lukh li wu fii ilw lueeitnl dv ilvv wmt lu wks pull unit um nijritwnt ktjiuuv uuatmj huuh clutiuh trr i w imii hrl of aw 11 puvl4 tmpuvmtnl for hihv uuib atiul impluvtiwhl uf uca d 11 i pivtlv littftiii a ttl ttsmi dav wladlv m t4ujw4 w ildv iltf imttv iumii tu tvwaswni mm utv utwi uuuf uhu mk lu klli wul kjhllul itk vtslu th vdl llujii iiuuuiwm ullh laijl viptutitf trlllfljf lli ill fcltut i if alirt tluiit it uhail j1uit iu tilling iiuiiiiulairlv iiiuiuh aatwdll ffitlyihii hlwll ullttlluaj aiil killing 111 a klujun uwkuig ul ivii vuudl what tduajt mmff olltkllatrt yaliu itl gull ullti itu kaijllnji wtun him khtik whal uimmu a lilllt walk in ihr ate wihfchte- plll llu uhulalllll uuild ul naliiri thai uji t falrtl till iwu and ll irin hapk iwd ul uwdl down aful ie 1 a luhh t tud in um k hand iiiir ktutultlnt uorty i ni ilitu ll alumil tl hi ttw intt 1 i vans llklk 11 klumll ltll untv hni llu llld ulatfe rav en tan make b professional directory and travellers guide imtcu rumnul mkct0m l 7 iii r mvulh s k r 4 1 ii k s i k j use m111i1 uhi ihr- ciialrr and rwl iht vnli va viilni ulili yihi 111 i uul aunt uilli ilw huldinu lull hrrc it u miirih keel souih weal io pjh int fa 2jt ph 1mt all r vmkl irtl thi puilr flvt jnd i tnatu mi plan ii ujmi i mm h t 1 plan in llu kluyi ihii i cimild i r v lot loin tluh irukh lour dl tikitid liak and iwart vi llir spjdi mm l mil d inim dummy lail 1 1 t ilu iu and dtilarir iliukk i ail pla ihr vpidtr out 1 11 und shilli diilko again nnu i ut vuiulu in a tint this 1- uuti in dunun and a dui iihhid k ud und linfbrd when ihu uoikid ihinjt wrn lihjklng tip 1 lrd ihc hrart klnr and thl uih ullnurd in utn f4ow 1 trlrd luo more had tit t lu hll llwv dui not nnrok btit onr thiny i knru ta- hitd itu lony tluh and padt d d a gaubftr hiyiuln and fvurgnwi imur of willow and rlvrr hit rnlranc blvrr hi artoti onl plmint hj014i or oobfbt 0 bucknrr hiyklan end surfron m walllrujloa 61 aclua ob i plum 1111210 or t b mooie miylcuui and ruraxa 1 ualn ureal north corner main and uill slrrtt acton ontario hlonr 111210 petwtal m h kib drnlal surjkon ofrr comer mill and prederurk sireei office hour by aprwilnlmrnl tktephon utoilo dr a j buchanan dental surgofl office 0 crturcb bl k i had to ct h k 11 my hand office hour a m lo p ind lian i ul vilh no card r ria ul ii pi in ails and a iluh i look hi diamond air und led lo tin diamond king diamond hrnkr wnl ml had u food tut f dia moiid in dumm this is ihr nmilion uith tht it ul in smith s hand north s ii o 10 d n c cloud wedneaday aflrrnoun telephone u1750 dc ctoric dtv denial surgeon vultr no 1 illnlon bldf i7a mill si c acton ont tor aptwlntmenu trlrphon tsumo irhone hmjv nlghf ar day inne i khurnknv marv ortomattkiajt fciaaabiibsahaaabbaibaababbbibaaaeat e l buchner o d opujmairiil con 1 ax 1 until hearlm ajd a jolin sr s aijet in at 1 on wadnaadayi only iu bw tjjo pw lor appolnimtnt phone hvimi ii no uruwer prume waiarloa 711417 arthur a johniion iu main st mltloa lloyd dayia jeweftvry huhie ttt lr47 lua tr 11471 tunday afurneona ihuriday evening friday mornlna l awataisimo amp iwbintamcat f i wkht 20 wilbur hi alton oatarto rhone mwwj0 appralur and li over m year la actaw abxtl ntrrect vi s a 7 117 i- i c rai a j acfon free press riifcmahl i by tfc bmh mi laag aeal tnilim 1 1 ca ud founded la is7s and pubttmhed every thuradav at w willow st aclon oatkrlo member of the audit bureau of circulation he cwxx and the onlariooocbrc btrtato a ik uwkjl anva rtliwtw subacmorjona payable la aahraaca 00 in canada woo bt brtejjand and other coaamoowealrh cbuntrlea km in the united sutet and other forelen countriea tingle corjlecttlblri6rbeatconcraisu oniee bepahmant ottavm tbe ajy paper aee- frathihi i id actoe nam 6 a diniedllor4nhtef fw david r dtlu managing editor titsn rrr5santrtt to r i a l office phone 853srmo hv rrtittsmin ul tlit ouncrx th i s hiking tr ul will follow the lijrvmtnt iiinn oucvniun itv m lining at uir fiuit tvf brink s munumnit j u tuhcrmorv in ihtr bnilo ptninuu in mant 1060 tht rcikratiun uf ontino maturalists dun milu tv- cunmzcd live alut uf the idea ant entouraccd and finalk pan wrvtl the brute trail ttw on pinal comma let ua a cumitiii l uf the fon now six club4 hi hnce t k nw a parutc uryanization with its uuti charter six independent trail chlw haw been amcantml one of which is the iroquuu bruce trail club box 183 hamilton each club u refkmukle for all matter in connect km with the trail in ll area lah weekend atxhi 11 and 12 minstrel continued from pagr onr oiiiih charlie thomson hartlev dc forrst john gmfrnrdcr john rol casper pauvs jake andcrkoov a neu feature or the shou uas accompaniment b a sprlghlk trio composed of glenn banks on the piano charlir perry on the drums and charlie rochcr nnthr bllllar l 10 south uls a h5 l c l i ltd the clun right and plavrd duniins heart eight eal l end plasid fat mutt lead a heart lo dummx and allow dummy lj slott ihe heart oueeyt und the yuod diamond ii would have done fatt no pood to take the heart ace earlier for then east would have to lead into dummy i queen 10 of hearti this week t winners tlrtt mike lo dick arvdenon ie lond urfkl ll detnt- banks third mr g reed bill coats imcxl c f leathorland o c barruter and sollcllor notary public office hour 10 am 12 pm i pm i pm saturday by appointment only phone office u1j ft hm71 acton a maioa ba aurriiur sollcllor hotvy public office hour la acton monday friday evenlne pja 1 pin saturday i pjd s pm h palaley st cuelbh ontario phone ta tiki ohirc llanra k fiuelnb oonaio i kinnu uarch umx1c i7a mill street suit i acloa teupbnn hji740 ml ire hour by apfwlnlmenl or 20 btavrbanlr ltd port credit 274mm xaset tkavatuw tmnm gtay coach unb ooactnti ulktu avian standard tv riirlmuae jl a bally aacant kbh and hoi 154 aaa dejjy aneanl ul sun a hat eanraaui lit amltjlant 2m pnt t pm ijjaa tm pn m4 pm sun aavd hol 7j7 aja dally aananl hal sun 4v hol ust ajeu u3t pnt- ut ptn- sm pjau 1x1 pmtllbjau hja djbu i at jjiulst anl lion vic bmtovs was chair man of this vear minurel ahovr nnd his mmmmw crititedof vicehairman al lauden cos tumet john grelfeneder adver using hartley colrt tlckett herb bnuler propt murrav harrison lights rav arblc 400 loss as youths crash two isyearold drnxn racked up a total of fetm darnanrt wben their cart were involved be a collision at the corner of guelph stre and mounlairrvlew road mge auo rlvdoeli x saturday night i david shannon at at i acton saturday f u 11 i dally aa- s pj kahan oto tekntntwaara sidney cajslawam matiomal tajtvaiav staaiiy tlaaa 1 raalni and d deal oc im bin aalahnlia fcaad s catrecal nvntaaaaaj c attmtt and henry vvaknu of glen wu- uams waa nrooeeduag norrb on mouhtalnvlew the left front fen- den or both car were da tfw orttmi sh w alrc makemp bobparker uoneltel anesuniated 250 lo ntttfcc- 31 young street corner of arthur yon snx otno boor by atnlilaaaal car an i50 to wabm am jbl la toraan an a ceol sat and snavl ut a ut tuinala dahy aa tbanj3 ry eacen anbak and direot cnaaaacalna avaag x1 n kt tnranas avannnyan- rtf gs- aoanl at oaaegi jjialrid tiialfiii lawlaav rent snst aj9 auautd faraiaanl dnby cnotnt ant and bnau tjm 1 i it 1 1 1- 1 j sat aft- ttw

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