Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 23, 1964, p. 1

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i ht jvdfcm 0fu ftfess bnynlnth vi- no 43 acton owtaftlo thursday ajrlt 23rd 1964 fouri pei4vn cnt po repairs begin oat olice patron wir ur prttad and pkaed to kee workmen nuking repair lo broken door mod other equipment at the new lsadoral building on bower aven ue wednesday morning for wu over a year one of the burin outer door hu been out of umj beoeukt of faulty mechiuikm no altempt to make repair ha bedn made until how some weekb ago inkpeucvr iron the public work depart fnent made an lnhectlutt of the pre m ik to lul ail replr hec enary wednesday workmen ar rtved from wllchar conkiruuton co contractor fur the- building lo tidy up repair depreeve puzzled over county salaries the wlailortkhlp of the counly talary bylaw tukularltk paid left ac ion licpuiv reeve bert wood puiilcd ht uld ui iht mimlhlv meeting ol llullun couniv coun- tll till tuekdav the acton reprckcmlallvc rckr red lu a committee recommend atlun approving talary increakck lo home nwmtsr of thi llalton manor ataff klnce ilu increace art within ilu mux i mum auiled in the county kulurv bv law he wuiulercd whv u tdmllut kuggesilon from anoihui cummlt teeltad been rejected lur another counly department not to miudmum reeve john ulllutt georgetown explained the umouni placed in the hv law wak the maximum allowed u ihc employee being rained allliough ikv hud mil ut the llmt the bv4aw wuk putted reached the maximum idepulv reeve wood kuggcklcd before uny lurthcr uilury nego tiation ure underlaken there ahould be miiiu cleat gukie llnck botudblv i iiuhllluxl by u capable personnel officer reeve luiml kuggmled thi wuk receiving consideration he ad vlked deputy recvc wood lu ul ttmd u personnel eummlttet meeting and have the priunl procedure explained ii he wuh contused on the kuhjuct change clocks dont foree to advajsee your cloeka one hour auaaday eve ing before wldnlght thats when bayllghl saving tlrtt be gins in the amai you may worry about lha loaa ol ana hour sleep chaar unl clocka go back owe hour again ck lo bar m at 1 ftju aujf rti fottmh rllavywlloht koximo champion jack damptey vimed ilia acton district h school tuesday morning and stressed lha importance of an education 10 ilia students mr demptey it praiantly vliitinq da vry instnuie in toronto and wlnla in canada will visit sev eral schools lo talk lo iludantl pictured left lo rinlit and receiving hit autograph are mariana brliion rata murray jack dempsey paulerte belaud and marian wild while principal e a hanien walchai ia m ia in r urn n ex prizefighter kos students at tuesday visit to high school ittmu1 lieuvvueluhl iwixiny i limtkltiy quilt hi chumpion jack dempkcv uured u vouktilul tn hpme ol umiiu and wtih hit fcy viutk tnit ulntli lu floorvd oppcuv technical knockout ovli ulnm 400 at ion high ehmil hlmknu liaulav morning durtng iihmiii bl when lu tlhimd ilu impm laiin ul ohuiining u thorough rduculinn tlaf gvmnuhlum umlihirunii wu nikij in lupitltv with kin ttcnu tiiul htall hut lot itu ex h4xd s volet not ii nun mut was lieurd timing hu mkliws a qui i ion and answer ruiiotl i thx cuneluilun proved inlcrcutlng but nowhe enwannaiimlng foi the fight tan idol when lu v if avked leading qucxttnn mr ivmpsl wlui is puhlu il lullons officlr with ikvr tt1i nleul insttluli in the usa is prentl visiting a brunch nehiuil in tuionio whlk in canntla u is qui v i nu vistl in sicral likhiis in order lit mitss the impttriuiili o a gthul idulnion hoimwluii battlcsearreil but four fires in four days keep firefighters busy acton i ireltghten upcni busv weekend trom thurda until memduv lighting uun ituhluirn grus luxs rirl call eanu thurkdu eve nlng when liixlightent were eal led tit live ltquesmg dump at dolu varden wluic gurbage was blowing uiuuiki atul burning out ot control 1 rlduv tilietiuhtn ttu mixn xoumted ugum and luxlighteis laceil to the latin lionu ul ulll cu nasaigiwvvu ut extinguish u gruv lire nit sooner hud thev rutunwd to the luilt when an other call eanu in regarding the lkqueiag dump ugam i irellgltlers spent lit tlu sceiu in tlu luwuship truck uihi on ar rival loumt lire roelng lhmuh several tie uk and ihtxaientni i barn in the jik mcdun del prop ert a call vmis pluecd lo ccirgc- lown tvpu tment and a iruck and men wi elispalclwd to the scilk to help batik he tire lie title i he llunus could lu brought untie i cunltol both ae ion and ocuigclown trucks had to re lot n to black crock to txtdl booster links wilb water monda evening tirehghleis wei culled to the ctxkcoilt to light a gtavs ln at ilu end ol foplai siroei at tlu time the call uas rweitcsd lux lighters we ix h ting ltddei piaeltex al tlu pirk and haul ilk luhiiul hi in tlu i unm r tumi atktixssid itu vlu dints in both i huntomus anil si i lolis mill hot mi miie itttktt til on ilu sub jn t ut tils coin puny s business ural fought at nine oiu ol i tanulv l ii ihildun lu kil i iniaged ink hie aiul ikimil hiul tunes wis loteed o lulu sthooj in gi ide thiei and begin woik mi stalled his itox tng euiuel al tlu age ot nine when he imighl burekaiukil wilb an opponent in ilu ring his opponent tnnt in ilu fourth muiut biuimil and bkxiling i mm this nun on bis e neti was mi out loi him in spilt ol obtetioits ironi his 1 inulv hi v is ikstiiuil to btennu a fighur anil ilu piiilvssiun led lo u worlds ehampionship aiul m uh him un idol ol tight tans it wis 4 eais igo on juk 4 iw hi list won itu hi ivwetighl title and ill it- 1 losing it nut pu k iiil il up il on hi touiiht bis list light in 107 ag rinsi h m 1 omit ht lost his nth lot tlu tin il tinu ilun he i oh ejui t tine thi ruil h juk tkmpviv st ti is i h nllh in nu vt i nkt i ins ill i mi tlu woihl know llll itn will ilu in huh i in wliuh lu t m due led himsell uul tlu atnliu during his address lo he felt dents tu it uwid his pawl 111 uul iiigut tirinit to obium th mihigh tihuuiion in omki li iope vmiii tonung uuitmnuiiem in oiiki to in ike mimelhlng ttl l til iuhlims i was loekv but il 1 had m lib to live over again i would h i u tollege eilueahon he sin siil at pie welt i ml demp s owns a laige ixklauranl in ntw yoik ha a rcid estate com- panv in calirornlu and u a dliot lor vettli devrv well aa uaue utions with otlvcr flrmk in miessing iht importance ot having ihhui tu illb mr damp siv siul he would never have be- touu thnmpiitn it he wawn i in uimki luullh nuilding a bodv is like hullding i hoim vki musi hivi i gtuiel lihinduiiun he kald hi oiittl iht hiudentk lo live i ilitin hit nut work bard and lu tirm tulievits in giki and tooiitia we in the us can ih ink ciotl wt b ive a eoonirv as l mki is c in ul i to itu north of us uul t i the imttential ol mis n ition his haiellv heen kcrutelv id hi s mt ik mill his inttiesleil audience il u is in nnk th opoitls trom si h h wbti l it into tairkuis tnat kli uul suit il his talk prevented evtn oiu pei son i rum dropping citnitnued on page four j a 20year man need for new library evident survey finds recreation good ac tun k cueuhdk plantuug botfrdk uvd other elected hodd for wark to came will have then handh full if they follow sug mluf and puen coatlabwil in a picvbktt bound jepoi t of a kurv7y conducted ul ottober by 21 unlvendlv of tonmlo ptst b actuate atudenu the repoil wav given in epuu form thuivetjv ol lkt wek in the high kehool atulltoheim when hul w eltt aum had an opfmrtunltv of leant ing tlrm haiul what tluu uru toiunlly iihitd lu like 20 w fjon now otie of ttu mum points iis eel during llv uuitiny hhimh cd bv tlu m 7 ik mull himih iiiul fchool akuktialton was thai ae l was wt llorgaiiiii it ruitj luuiaillv tompaiirtl with mini litwns in ofttuiio ol umilji ii but luetkd a iuw lihiarv bal k further ftludy tluse iwo pimnlk ul ug veilh er viral irfhcn lalsed bv lb 21 ptut graduate student lu adt it bv pnji sstit a j dukin lu ail ol lu town and rtuionut planninu dnlvtmi ol u ol 1 will be hand rd over to emnuil aiul otlui tuihixlh or fllltlut tallldv havlli tlulr remniks on the t tensive kurviv lukm lust k lo in r itu kludtnik oullliud what the town of ac ion khould look like in iw3 ftiul ratepayers al tending ilu nutting bad the uul que tupeiktut ol tvraitng first luml holore even munbi n ol emnull oi planning luiitil tlu limllnys id ilu vinxxv tlu rrport tonus lompk it with hltalorkiil data punniny maps eomnttnls and ixeom mrndjllons i ovt nog be mam phisi ul own planning unuial polio m ighborluauu gtiuiul tund uu etittrul buwlius roads unit utilities te on nnk til urn lion ix ire at ton luiusing and eapiiul tosts taking purl in ttu mm d sut vrv vi tie post guduati in etoiumtiles urcblteelurr t nirlne- cring wtcktkigy and geography from britain south alrica fat i stun trinidad oylon haiti und suiteriand chalr uamlug muvnr lxk duby chnhtd ilu nulling inlnuluced pnife ssor dakin and lhanktfl him and his 21 students or the tontisc and mkixsllng report on be hall of t mint ii anil ruhpavxn and said the i own will gain imm vmir ptmuvlng efforts and i boru konu ol vout findings will bear fruit tlu mayor also told tlu auduiut ilu youthful huivcyoik had sunt toiuideiahk time and eltmi m tiaiklng doun tbeli tnlonnaiion tulore compiling thi ntasivt u pott hiaihnu tlu vost ytaikiau w is it rk mi au und itnue duiu an its uhlllllllj oik ol till pi lix i ml ml ulu ilait tut i llll iliuu ol tlu siiiviv ml uniind ttl likkiuis tlu 1 1 poii was uu nil 4ls i iii it i i lohiu l 1 llki i iii hi sjmiu thinu w4in h sit uild lu id opli il imnuiuuti lv ilu spoki sin ui sol ih h hut lu 1 1 21 it v 1 1 s ha tnit 1 1 in wm h in nun hit km nkusd into ilu tin il uiik i il plan uh lutl hill mips i k in on puiivts ol ilu shivl u is o pi l i h i pi in i h tlu luliiu 1 mi wh it ilu loun oltoul i ipiai liki in 2i m iik on i i n i in t uul i hon he sliisv i itiuiy lulurc mi mil ik p itiuil i i s pn tnu i i iht inline ot ailon ii is u ilnl in nt mviihli tuisiilon in hilton eoiuilv nut h ul amst lo in i h tl lllli loilli s otluc pom is in his sum in n v nu link d tin loll itiuy inyhliytiu lllsti i it il slink ai ton was loiintlid luituisi ot wini powr lo opiiali i l i ist null v hull is still in iptiili u thi nuilu skrikd onskill lion willi id w pin u is is im i i ipi i ilklls sll 1 his ii ill ihk ilililu in id ui whnh w llll poi i llll ilusliv sluliitid hmiilht ol ilu i i urban ik i aim iu in it 1 1 un m uld pi vi uiiitahon i ii till lot luliiu in uul gnw ih ai lou i on ilu pi r i ilu i i i mil mt tin loioul i on ill si rowing uul on imii liin ul ilu m milt mint ilu ludtikk n ilni il ik on igv i issil tlu town s pout mil v lo tlu tsearpintnl also plivs for centennial lreparatlon of a prmuuan for council from the library board u ttlu underway the group will aak new quarter for the library as a centennial project being auembted art figure on circulation and tn formation on government grant an impoitant iuu far a ietptllkm ftom neighboring plecea 1 aiul us a high per eentage ol tund u being uaed for industry hou4ncood hitucing lu very good eoiull hon wfib imu half id new dwell iuj lu lug built kiiue iwo with s addiltonal lwmu siiuo ims fvtluwtu at ion ha a very large miutbii of ehlldiiii per poputa ikon tompaiid whi the piuvlnclaj iv t lugt vbihil luurdk and tourt- i il uuisi always lu working to pauti s hl fitiliilek iaiks and ireieaiuw the towtt u will mganlied and la wry couiinutd on faaw three gkutul planning and ixkieatum ait uhutnuhl i timvomk tiau anulvhik a laige per eeulage of nurehaiulli manuaeiuivd in nwn u wild mil stk d town latlur than jnir- lit lud locally whkh leiuls to nuikt things ntoie cconomk ally sound fbeii welt lliite woiktia loi tir in iiuuilm u itu h is a uood llt ilu town tin lu k lorwurd to liuitiseil lumolalloii and hulusli id oulk is lluu appeals to lu lion in tlu it i ul se ii i as luisliu sh klilfi r i j limit i ol town council increases high school loan application to 169000 a ptxmituii mart on tlu eon strtielion til ilu high setuutl ad diliun repoi ted lo couiuil bv deputv kexve j bert wood cans ed councillor some e oncer n t tlu it luesd tv evtiune nuxiin when woik suited monday tlu high sol un i 11oii it had iven not tlu chairman ol kiupurdcr on jai4l- itwhtttgii i it s in mvci mkt1no o7nct1ehertnillltoiackn and wahidoin wat halt wa neadav evening in lha acton robert lrtllo school f j ciihtodtselanca master at stratford jaachara colleoa was guatt speaker for th avanlng followlno oenarel remarks on taach- uhi malhodslaaciari want into g discussions which mr clifford instructad pictured laft to rght are malt h art m r tmnnrwafunl mlllin i m nnyt ahoolimravjtetikbastwatgrdown mr clifford and miss n stoenb acton m z bennett school as they view teaching equipment brought 6ythe guee apeaker7mredwards and uredy i ikci and lioiil nut lltl piiilcii 111 jconuldy by tlw itiilv ntait uas tlw muolcipal il applilaliun lur u loan on ilu lapitul cost ol collbt ruction lliulit ilu condiihhim or ibe loan ipplil iiiun ii is certified the pmiivi utll not be brocaetlcd with unless the loan in approved tik ulpuiv iveve nepottd e viit tn the idcnartmcnt aachcated llie loan could posmbly be opprovod this uixk a ttirbtter ixsuluttun wufc pu cd urnch uicreaiahl the loan ap plication truqi the orisanal iso 000 to itwooo the detiuty reeve litplutncsd it 4h oorraetins an ucror made tn the original restitution it doesnt change it at all no parkins ivniilim anotlie problem to be faced wttlttlkpusabli tlte addition ca parlunfl a re quest tor the removal of no parking aiyti on acteia boule vard met with vttff otiaoaltion lium council councillor rval ob served the no parlung on ac ton boulevard is doing sood job and uvoukl be left then tlvcv eliminate the poakibluty of a child runruns out from behind a parked cur into the path cil a nvuvitvs vehicle suggestions for nretncnm rauged from jravlsum nfji park itig area uv lite scbooj roundi through ruling and l the lurk awa cm mill sttojaariung naivd wajidng toacbool left tt to the high school board to aolaw igehjlam bieaav clclk jack mcgeacwempoh ttl a bylaw haa been peaparad i praskknl of the public school teachers association and was chairman for the night i coulhuied i ooldin wi0din0 annivtllarv was calabrttad saturday by mr and mrs joshua thorrvpion s 0 2 about 500 attend ed open houto they are taking an anniversary trip back to england m may where both ware born i urn amr i i t ta a n t s for school restoration nassagaweya centennial project nasvaguweva rule pave n will lv asked to sign a pe lltion l be prevented lu township euuneil may 4 rvquchting eon wide ration lu given tu renovating no shihi1 to aceomnuhlale at emtn ellehandui three ptivile oil lies a vault and a geiuial olliee aiul reeeplietn rtwnn ul an estimated tot ul 17 000 at ptevious tneselings nassigi weva council hud discuskcd the erection ol a new township ol ilex building and has cnguged an arehllcvl to prepare plank lor a proposed 40000 budding tuesday evening a group of ii mlcivkted women ralepavers wlui fonn tlu nuxkagavvevu centinmal pmieei commiitcv held u kpexial mexmmg and agreed lo a proposal uhteh will be submitted to all rule pa vers lor tluu signature in order to prckctit the proposal in petition lurm mav 4 laid us unending the tuisdav evening meeting included mrs maunce newton mr uovd craulurd mrs reginald austin mm louik ketne mn buie frank mr wa n lloev mr bui black mr ken rob in won mn j robertson mrs j wluelihin und- mr vclma nor n tltc following ik u copv of the tetter which wtll be dislrtbulcd to rat t hh t cil k and tlu committee j pro- pukilk to ike tampayer oi naaaajpweya tor uunc time pt the neeev klty for new towmdup office tor nakkocaweya hiu been grow ing the reeve and council pluk the township clerk hu okkutanl tlu road superintendent and tlw towiultip auattkjaor haee had to khatv the room at the rear of bruokvule hall a a combined township office council chamb er and kitchen mirrectidr lu uw-ug-the- uibjdct of the aw council of heck ha been raided several times and it hk now reached the point where an architect has hr to prepare pbum for a hew adminiiilrauve bvrikifai -to- uiciuda a 17011 nh i tbxee chamber four priytve offk viott toi ist nils and 1 inmial likpatr v lillk lime inn ollltt hill publu iilloiiu it mill piess ihii itellllgs iimiiii stull aitxa itu estinialtd tost lo i hi inapit ekpiiullluie and ta hik township lui this builuing has ku 111 oitkr to pav oft this 11 tund ipioinl is m tlu luighluiui vx iltbt the tax 1 hood ol t4lkhki i township would he 111 oiikr to uiiel tins txpentl lute wt unili l si uul it it ill count 1 1 is pmpusing to 1 floiiim sih000 imiiii tlu muiik ip it 1 o 111 i uiul 2 kalsi jiukh lnm ll s ik ol dtlunluies takt tvotin irom ilu loun ship s lleillt bulante keqoisls oi to ills it ml tlu munitip it k m i und utiist lu in ide bv m tv lnl ijm whuh uu ins that tl touiud is to pin vivil with tlu si pints ttuv tmisi appmvr irglslition loi this ix pxnilltuix ulmost miuudiaulv this theielote leaver us the 1 aajvji e r wislud lis ilu ivccl of luek for tin sneiess ol oor venlurr lie auv vised itk lo ton lac i mr v boa j tr seeielaiy centennial ad vivny loimniiiee for ontario i who also his said llul ueh an uli a lultv vtprtkeek the whole eonetpl of ilu canadian centen nial cekhration and that h uihild he happy 10 recommend i sin it a pmitcl lor approval tha i sehimtl hoaid weie very recep- llv to ilu idea and were pre pared lo apptoaeli the board of i i tint a i ton for llulr reaction we hive illseusstnl tlu pn iket wllh tlu rievt mr w coulter p wlui was piepared to give it hl kiiisiilt latlon luit asked for fur tlu 1 ik 1 ills i tost and adapt ahilitv mission 1 loi c inada in oil mi i wr luvr hern fan baa it with a ml lu his lonmatuljtrd us iit l i htidding iatiitlor who our inltialive and enterpiicc and cmlinued on page three urfeu j fc vataav kmi hi lewxva jk ijltjv samanaiajl s ewstbajawhaaaimabat 1 ilu iaietd null lor the next 20 years we tlu wonun ol n issag 1 uivj centennial pioieet comnul lee belie vt wl have 11 more real 1st it eeoitoinie il anil histoitcallv imaginative uka loi our town slop building vve pittpose to use nu 1 school on ilu eonur ol tlu 2nd i ine and no l side road and convert it to ilu nass igtiwt va townsldp olliei as the centennial tie 1 lor this township wt hoi put ilu uk 1 btfoi mi john i islu r rntrnui d com k i rfcl iwstqfadua stumnts from the unlvertlfy of toronto presented results of their itvdy of aclon la october at a nieetlna in the high school thursday left to right are mayor l art5urffiiftegvtllacpaaaldfe tnibart andbob mav cabe as they presem

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