Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 23, 1964, p. 13

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larleyrohalton h ml majvy hatuy mf intended for ul week am hire that moil of ihe jbpamtliaaiiti arc iwvt of the re- tbma prob and difference ojlthv houasof commocu and the aaae tae problem actually t bar to march a 1964 when kaupplefnehlary eum- fcs fonivm wens introduced li ihe house of commons i ft uwil tor thee tu pass in r law hour a they represent in lal apeisdlng w which fdd ilml march l4 the only far they look umger was in 162 i and they took eight day but at thu lime no budget had bean produced and thu ui the only method of discussing these mailers thu u not necessary at pnrient for the reoo that we are discussing the budget ow- having two more days to go in this debile nd already having dlscukscd the budget for four prcvlou day oar easter kit tins ucrt lo process the final supplementary estimates we are stut dicus- ving them we are now in the twelfth day on dlscuaalon on this money that ha already been ftpet all ihe discussion is bring done by the opposition mainly the conservatives and the ndp object fart of these estimate were parsed and sent as two separate bill to the senate for approval and royal assent one senator that u senator oxearv of ol- awa a conservative and former editor of the ottawa journal re linked to give third reading by the senate on friday and there by deprived some estimated 55- 000 unemployed of hcir unem ployment benefitb for monday ftrtuntely other money was found and the unemployment cheques were delayed over the weekend and the bfu passed on monday it was said this was done as a matter of principle but i would point out thai one of the we bilk was allowed to pass and the other stopped the one stopped was the one aliccting ihe unemployed the one patted did not akecl the unemployed and their payment iflt was a matter of principle then why was the pasvage of the other buj not stopped instead so that tfte un employed would not suffer as a result of this the dill to uholkh the senate was intro duced into the house of com mom there was en attempt to block the introduction ol thiv hill by the leader of the oppos- it km mr dlcfcnbakcr usually the introduction of a uill i a routine matter there wm vole on this the conurvativea trying to block it and everyone else voted for the introduction of the bill we do not necessarily agree with the bill but in a democracy we feci every member has a right lu introduce a private bill in ihe house of commons it was virv surprising to wee the originator of the bill of rights oppose thiv fundamental right of a member of the house of com mons unanimous conaent the vole wav won and the bill introduced uy unanimous con- wnl it uas debated the next day i debute in a gctwrouh description lor what v cut on in a privaif members hour between 500 pm and 6 00 pm the hour expired alert auxiliary studies india the april meeting of the alert evening auxiliary was held in knox church cteatroom- in the it heme for misakm atudy entitled tvriteels for jungle path they and the bill now goes to the hot turn uf a long un probably never tu he seen again this ses sion of parliament i mtrtt sy the unanswerable argument for the abolition of ihe senate is the senate is not answerable for their actions to the electors of canada a a member of farlla- ment tv acton vr pr thursday aprlt ma 1964 wre taken on an imaginary trip wrth the nurse evangelists and bible women as they jour ney in india there are two medical units operating ui part of ibe work of the wms of the preabyterian ctuirch in canada- sometimes a canadian nurse goes along but the rest of ihe group are ind ian there in a mission hospi tal of ihe presbyterian church in canada in johat often there are 100 patients for 85 beds with 25 tb patients as well thu study was presented in the form of a radio broadcast with mr j inylu convener and miss mjrioric hull mrs c aabley and mrs w- ifevmapn taking part w mrs inglla raad th acrtptuf teswnt from corinthian i and mrs w davldaoo d u pomr where cross the ovdd ways of life wm v etaalqt trfmn for the worship avrvlc when the buxines bad baan complet ed mass- u hail exjoducted a content on familiar hymns with miss emma cole as winner fev- ryone adjourned to ibe base ment kitchen wbere a usulduus lunch wa entoyed afiyrians stretched nets in the forest and drove game into them 700 years before christ was born another lobl aw first loilaws new proten mtthod of preparation makes available hue 10meless huks amd i0asts mie viinrnr w ovekmoasts n01e 110hjmg amd balbecue cots guaranteed tenderness ihi fhiut biif anywhire nia0ara broil steaks boneless niagara oven roast boneless key club steaks blade roast shoulder scotch oven roast someless short rib roast brisket point prime rib wing club l steak porter house t bone steak sirloin steak beep plate flank steak top round rump bottom eyeo round round sirloin tip manhattan oven roast boneless liaii9basttaiu bcumnt oven roast aoimtss denver oven roasts boneless aaiaagawaaaba m -i-vkvv- twiafaa m s m3i tse miami roll boneless canadian pot roast boneless sfeiwj boston bmil steaks t wray ii tifoj boneless penthouse oven roasts boneless r-

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