Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 23, 1964, p. 14

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i m th adon ft thurofay apr town of acton auditors report to the council mud ratepayer of the town of acum ontario deaf sin wj have made an eumlnatlofi of the book and accounli of the town of actoo and its associated boardt and conunu- tlofu or the year ended december 31 196j oar cxarolnalion ha bom xjoducirsd in accordancr with tht kudltln latructkwi of the depart men of municipal amr and then is attached compulcd questionnaire covering this the statement of fcvvcooe and expenditure d bow a surplus on lh years operations of s920292 a dctahed compari son of the gulns hnd looses from the budget figures i attached idvowtntf how the surplus occurred statetncn 13 tpcrations of the water departtnent thowt that department had a surplus of jjjlsu this uitpiu occurred because the levy of 101500 for water deficit was in cuai of actual operating cost of the water deftarttnont it should be confculered in any provision for 1964 water deficit statenttnl a show the debt to the ontario water re- sources commission at i173j5100 we have been unable at yet to obtain cunlirmation of thia amount or of the accumulated rekfrvtft auottor ottntom subject to the quallfkationt regarding the debt- to the onlario water resources commission we hereby report that in our opinion i the financial transactions which have come under our ivolkc have been within the powers of the municipality 2 the audit has been conducted in accordance with the instructions of the department of municipal affair 3 the financial statements present fairly the financial position of the municipality as at december 31 1963 and the re- soils uf iti upertions for the year ended on that djte slgruturv llver hosk1n chagnon it macgllllvray lkenve number 2373 town of acton capital and loan fund balance sheet 0ecem6w 31tt 1963 assets general flud us per schedule ii 43771105 due from schools for dehentureh rbllc uiki continuation 441912 13 colltiutc and high i237i549 spilling five pins at the acton bowling lanes by ken hulford hiqtl apciiool april i in kaocua off long- shots toe a triple vvfct ocoi look twar 4aa lap spot terry chnrdtth s ub jcaeina 300 sod john rio 2m tripled ahd slisstod far the winner mary grtscbow soloed 208 car ltngshnn despite 629 300 trips fiub mcrl harris and 2m single ram jim cooney untouchable were on the short nd of a 5 1 fo with golden ilwks and vacated tint place as a maul murray smith with 607 riew high for the hawks with lynn parsons matting out a to triple along with the tingles of 21921 front don price termit es won all games from moon shiners john dunn 2 14- km was moonshiners best league standing ocos 119 untouchables 117 longshots m termites 14 gulden hawks 10 moonshiner it soardmor april 1 red devil and hut shots emerged triumphant resin the semifinals and will meet in the finals to decide the bcurd- hsore championship red devils look on the while hopes and picked up a ijj pin lead in the ivrsl only to see it reduced to 71 pins when while lionet found lite range white lionet poured it on again in the third wlih a 1169 count but red devllt hung un with a 1 133 and survived bv 37 pins final pintail being red oevlls 3211 while hopes 3224 for rd- devils jim dullough 607 al roach 20 lylc crlppt 668 and dennis crook 6s had thejripie while bill howell 200 bob snyder 217 and john fabian 250 got the single while hopes tiipler wens don harris 615 ben baylls au john feobsoe 634 and arlle white 63 george wil liamson 270 and fred kenloer 243204 had the singles while the total pinfall between hot shots and rolling room was not as high as the other semi- finalists it was still close bat tle after the second game hoi shots were leading by the nar rowest of margins one pin came the third game and the best scores of the night rolling room came up with a 1003 but hot shots noted em out wilh 1041 and won the right to the liiv alt by 39 puu the 1161 shots toial pinfall was 2423 against rolling rooms 286 big al pavli waslhe mot shut hoi shot with 717 303 mlttlng ihe tripl et but gelling potent singlet were jclf mclaren 217 harry rogers 216 id parent 203 213 and don mckay 223 fur rolling room ll was hil lcsueur 637 triple and bert colic 1 1 259 how ie junk 201 and mike churchill 265 tingles legion latitat april 13 rombert nude no mistake ubout hanging onto first place they look twttiert lor live workt with helen jooquc 200 blanche mason 223 and ilcen grant 641 gelling singlet und a triple phyllis angcll tlngl ed a 247 for twitlcrt romarct wun the first two from jelt und due from ulililiet ami other municipal llnlcrprlscs for debentures waler supply system ji2j0100 electric light and power 3220000 due rum oliver municipalities 4lur dehenlurvt assumed sclvedulc 2 cash 66369762 36470100 10617200 625203 138053370 liabilities debenture debt issued and unmatured general olhcr 41310000 school t public and conllnualion 43540000 collegiate and high 12700000 public utilities und oliver municipal en terprises water supplv system i3h65000 electric light and power 5220000 41310000 56240000 i90j5000 total due in oliver municipalities for debentures assumed schedule 21 oliver long term debt tpcciy due lu ontario waler resources com mission other liabilities spccilv unctncndcd portion ol water and general dehenlutv debt lnvcslincnt in capital assets 116705000 20946962 i7jh5i00 625203 2391105 town of acton statemeni of revenue and expenditure for the year enoeo december 3 1 it 1963 revenue tola revenue from taxation schedule 1 long term debt charges rccovcrablc schcdule 121 contributions grams and subsidies governments onlario childrens protection direct relief highway improvement police und fire share ol liquor license pecs unconditional per capita grants actual 497715 12 budget 49632435 2493s07 2491807 977 94 8232 00 10259 98 408 66 105914 12846 40 olhcr municipalities county uf halton government enterprises canada lisu ul tax onlario lcbo in lieu ul tuxes 3897 j6 105402 licenses and permits iniliule dog tax interest tux penalties etc olhcr revenues rents concessions and fran chises 18100 fines 281440 service charges ambulance 12800 rccraalion and contmunilv servlces 481612 200 00 508 88 note guarantee or conlingent liabilities schedule 16 town of acton revenue fund balance sheet december 3 1 si 1963 assets cash on llaiul cash lu bank accounts receivable sundry due turn fixtviihc ol ontario due horn dominion ol canada due hxvm oliver municipalities due fiom schools due rum other local boards and commis sions specify hydro electric commission parks boaixl lihrury board recreation committee 158053370 1874 8u 4106 148013 taxes receivable schedule 5 lcvs allowance lor uiscollectable sclicdulc 8 32j6095 158634 67608 584691 349069 187540 125919 162826 proverty aciiuiivd lur taxes schedule 6 oliver assets deferred charges 71822 jotttaur 711 474m totil assets liabiuties accounts payable debentures and couisans due t prlikiiyiil interest due kv province of ontario due to other municipalities oe to olhcr local boards atvd conimis- slons specify hydro electric commission fvttlcsl oevartttwlh rliviiititimi 400000 27400 8w76 10 4745u4 529615 67400 5051 jl 2s4a5s miscellaivcous specily sewer rules esqucsing re standby time sundry poll tax 140000 34768 260 00 3378437 389736 349064 1054 02 255950 192533 815972 800 00 80060 6000 00 408 66 100000 1097245 phcd up enough pin to take totals mae curtis 2s5 and dot earle 23s soloed for bomarcs louise tosh singled 235 209 for jets league standing bombers 114 jets 106 bomarcs 102 twitters 84 blutt spring april 14 pantliii cans up with a big win against petunias they wsvn em all joan kennedy 503 213 irene dode 444 170 and cathy campbell 438 167 were pansies top trio arlene boyd 465 180 was petunias besl lilacs rung up a iwo and totals win against live weeping willows with cheryl phillips 542 247 belly wilton 494 196 lois walker 475 194 and jill mc laren 456 162 pacing live win shirley hunter 448 178 antvc norton 415 166 were live wil lows lopt orchids wou iwo from sweel peas bul the fiislj two gunvet weie clove uiul sweel peat got enough pint in llvcir winning third game lu take tot als by 16 audrey urviuhurt 317 203 and mae turns 518 196 headed up orchids loll mar gough 585 203233 und slsur muxine 419 131 tumid in sweet peas besl ellorls micro puttic la j y lie standing hut shots went or u iripw win ayjlnsl underdoes with nino cilto 7 f312 llarrv bnij 20s irvne diven 2ltxw inttiny tlu- in pies and tingles underdoys aikd to yet incniwjnjbk- puvlvovms made with u luo und totju win from scrcwhalu with j at it johnston 638 ami georyc gid- mun 663 naclnu the uin ilob cathcart 6s3 join kiilyhl 210 tripled und singled lor screw balls put dick 631 julius mol- nar 634 and lrcd curl ins 6s8 wete lop trio in hot day trtple win from xftmsnshincrs stniliv pletrarijcli 612 was a loner lur mouiislmwts arcjon frutidi apiil 16 in the lin1 lluxe yatne h lclt of a six tianic tollolf for leatnic luinors bonanjs took the lead with a total pinfall l 2s89 jntthicliables are crowding tliem s ill 2s78 ixienden me not lar off the pace with 2553 and whirlybird trail wilh 2416 with ihice jaties let t to bowl nj one team i concetti nu a ihinti until the last hall s tolled and score totalled up acton mbrd april 17 jokers with two and touu win from white caps clinched the league champion ship title- ivy martin 637 uae curtiw 224 and ada peal 205 headed up the win fred curtiws winited 219 for white caps hit pins blew their chances of the title when gogs iters won all same from them rottwhltham 616 fred landry 656 30l and ed browne 221 sparked the go- getters win terry mamies 234 tslancy jensen 207 and uill dolv hie 220 soloed lor hitpiiu- jump ers came up with a double win ayaimi koloods bul missed the sinulelon lor totals jumpe roll was rjded up bv jak llul lough 7233 und chris jensen 612 george mallby 623 and mai tin oehirtch 247 tripled and singled lor nogoods final league standing jokiiv 1131 hitpins 107 gmmiteis iuts while caps i02j noood 101 jumpers 100 apt 1 1 18 ltukv st i ikes made with a dootile win itom iviciul ei tp cats uid likewise to happy cany and ulaik cats line up wilh i one anil total win hom jelsonv making live hig ten ihls lime weie hob turkos7 wl 134 327 irian dunn i2hi6j 2w helen hanisj 1447 29m jim ue 1 2 1 7 1 i 2m hill labian 1 2- 1 52 2hi hob pike 172 107 27 kenn marshall 148 i u 278 gaiv pine i 1 0 1 170 2711 llrtue sagaskie 1 174 2a jaekte palmer 145 121 266 league siaiuling delemteis 88 top calv 82 iuikv strikes t jettons 61 happy gang 62 black cats 61 hadpiri mil coming up with the uiiici lo win weellv awards weie phil x sueur with a 37k single to uin lite mcgftgur skks from the rxqulic mens slup lltg al pavli tripled a 717 lo win the voutlver itom pauls mens and floss wear wilh tlu- ladies it was marion storev winning ihe ledgers iga loodslutk uith a 321 single lynn parsons rolled a luat 7ah triple in the hih vihmii ixague and ll siihki up to win iter i he gem liosiet v i mm nielwns clothing willi tevn- nuttdei s who ihjw led ik si ovet their average to win the bottled beverages of sevenup reinhaits mi coeacola it was lariv icnighl kenny owen jane fab- un and linda harris we are a little late with this bul it was nancy jenwenrgracc robertson orv cliapman cran- uon griese bob toms and ruth speilvogel who lopped the houe rol to advance to the finals in live players festival may rhey come up with the big vcor atvd win themselves one of those fabulouv trips thai winds it up once again anugos so adios and goodnight millbrae lrlrcourtry howling a ion april 18 aliods inlii- countv five pui team will take a 118pin lead to icot velown this sal ill da when i lies nutt ttve georgetown iu lxvsleis in ihe vcioild and hnal livegsinie hlkk ol the mini una ill as ion went with its slatting lineup thihjghool the tontest white the teoigelown team rnule sev etsil suhslllulwins fheie uas llltle lo ctuis4- ihtween the gam es u mil ihe it mii lb talilo uheti ailoii pued by humoughs mm picked up an even 100 pin on georgetown games acton 1093 1162 1258 12w rrf74 total 5796 georgetown 1060 1 172 1272 1109 1065 total 5678 acton j fryer 1119 50 b johnstone 1183 50 b shannon 1143 50 j- bullootfh 1240 304 50 0 gicin llll 50 total 5746 georgetown d- wilkes 1136 47 h urandford 584 27 g wasvlvk 535 31 t graham kt 44 g barber 1286 50 j timpon 65 28 g nurse 422 12jj total 5678 tuttaffbsbc citma in yaday and t our complete line 6f wallpapers sami day diiivmy tenpro dlttllkurohi iimitio mau st actan 1ss0u6 in appreciation for a job well done a l riemer equipment co wishes to thank the contbattobs and soihmm5 iiaoymix cement barber oias5 itd john b frank gooyer brothers howeu humbino suphy itd john krul fred kentner j b mackenzie t son ltd h occomore t sons ltd jack ridley cartage ruddy light fixtures tenpro distributors ltd pete turkosz t jack drysoaie wm varcoe fallowing suppliers oeoroetown ont oueiph ont acton ont rockwooo ont streitsviui ont acton ont acton ont acton ont guelptf ont acton ont toronto ont acton ont acton ont rockwooo ont j897j6 1048 515 2w0 0o 1750 00 cross tulil revenue suiplus irom prior year levy used to ivdlicc total revenue scclion expenditure general government executive and legislative adminislraltvc ollver prolcctiin lu persons properly fiie police street lighting olhcr specify tttdrant rental 5780 00 1071705 4508888 85jm5 l288 00 782 7 2800 00 puwic wurws slrsahs elc sanitation and waste removal roads highways ami other liabilities deferretl revenue schedule i cost of bridge qonstructlon ivposlls on town land reserves schedule 8 surplus form c veoooo w0o0 1847 je 5v5o0jw 6jioo 9j0292 tolvaxtllltleiljuid surplus u social wcllare schedule 10 relief assistant 1116471 cducatkvn includin debt clurvcs sche dule 9 recreation and community services debt charges lone term debt charges schedule ii 188s2jm less own share of school debt charges 7772850 m1i51j2j 59255004 1 15275 111275 actual 70585 91 llim7j 1000000 2jj08672 2j175i45 shorl term interest and other charges taxes written olf joint or special expenditures county riles inr-v- iio7954j 1 like what you see here believe it or not these luxury features belong to a low price car 13mj6 1131579 212225 4021677 miscellaneous specify adjustment of delerred ux- pense 256 aj rorerrt 2569j 188i56ji 77j608s 100000 350000 u34i4s cross total expenditure surplus for the year tolitfeeidjioseciotttt 59j46306 59368279 9j0292 6btm59p5nm779 and that not toll kvtry besumomt mode i packet with auto bsotiva sabje at youll diaeover when you get down to your sartttast acaruasi tkalera youll bad himjry peatbcjirseeaad ride you never thonait potaiblt in a low price car theres an exciting x of beajutifti beaumont to choose from take your pick of cbupes aedsyiu convertible and wagons each one jutt packed with luxuriout beaumont value- all of uiem ready for you to mven flee acadian beauiviomt driving brand new beaumont tomorrow or maybe aoonerl rtgif4jj i a p bl liaa m tmalrli tliirnn ami tinri rr irinn i tit-htln- rht in tth attaut pete masson motors limited 1 jsl qobwjt east- acton ont

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