Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 23, 1964, p. 3

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astfj j stamfy fomvr aitoctai agricultural rpwu v bi vmitrtoton county hi bn nmd agricultural b- iwmntfttlvv fof hahon county beginning may 1 h w uk aajttort fx dy mi wk and it thown hf vetw wording with j alln franot agriculiural rcpreientaiive lor 4tw pf tooy vr who it relinnq hmi hr hew library evident smref fmds recreation good certtktuad rnm puuje one fortunate in being the best equip- svhm and water the present dufmitl plant l operating at cfepfccuy and a new plant i ny gt5d the town ha good wsun tupfrly but there t a mvd of improving the distribution aytitrnt wniulal picture k yuml ha lance of industrial and residential a6ment but ihc per capita tlcbl i rather hiuh and council khould laic a luuk al ions ranpr budgeting cyuu report of i he 21 students who look mart in the initial urvsv the following 10 win called on i i brhrf comment their capsuled n port fallout icady mcdohttld ucmru i poluv hv0umi1 acton and lsqiiesmy oowvclu fchould wotk hand tn hand fur more efficient planning th town plan should be rcaeev ed every five vean 1 1 is not ekpaclod acton will he swallowed up bv metro growth mania cuthhcrt genenl ttind uac propow eeitaln annexation of land define halton as i counlv plinning ana lcftite krislol ih ijjilun h mils two social and business divisions m town divided bv llu cnr trtacks which khonld be dew i pe i into a central oriented unit re develop a central business k lion impmm rude si i m iuiil tuvn on no 2s h hum hud t on vacant lou m bluw sub- dlvulun purchase five iui l land in the vuinttv of llu ait on high school nut m7 u niu it rlkuoi for future school ixpin klon provide a ciossiny oei the cnr track fen pedevri ins allan walcrhuuse eential husi new district this section is in danger of decline lie pixiposeet i down t nun in ill uu nedesm ins and addition il n ukmy in the downtown area b alter my pre went hack lots hoiele i my mi church and howei st eels ik tthflgcllcs1 piyselviul the plesetll klylc ol tum move ll u e lule v till e hv prvacrvmg the old post oltiee and mated a dnwnteiwn squ n would k on iisset mdl si i vet is llu life of llu vomiminm bower imvervlon jack lloriu iikuls uul utilities bctewn i expect mtioi tlutiyes ui hltfhwavk lot iuxi 20 st us but propou ttltcxinji nei 7 lle let divert tlhxhitlll it ittle etoen bern cr avenue simyesled uiulcrpus at main st iruks piwuit sew km plant al lull capacity miutfcu ud a uujtuin ipc ss em bruce duncan eeoihimics rr ixmttuenuvd tec piny industrial land avauabu on main st n awd nroidln vcrtee il ionii ed sucsekted induwtria ule be eonsuevvd oa clunvhttl road s- and encouraehci clexlopmcu1 ol wmall tftdublrica lorha kuony eutcitum with in the next 20 eurs hih seltool mpulatlun u expected to he i 000 while clcmciiurv population is ekpeeted lo be i 700 recoin menution to pure ins an id dlttotval tc acyvn leu lutuu uhool exnanttuui rotia uocujiich tvcixation itecreatleinallv the umn is erv wu urnlfcl but lack propel libmry facilities her proposal were new librarx and ahpui pojtfc fcwi phi a shwf housini t xvt a twuuttoti of 9000 uttbin 20 veors in order lo accommodate the extra population he proposed a createi- number of nomeb be built to be coordinated with population and industrial iiv crease ami ujscted riyid ton trol be adopted linda argj lit 3- rae tcweuvzheavpex shthild lu iiuiiiui h llu hit mi eul eipaelln ol tlu i w p i aelons uljlhtk tu lie i j is inainlv doe to tlu e ustivie inui of seluud additions and setmenie iwu vuhdi i si mis al llu conclusion ol tlu pie sen la l ions bv the students mi mccain informed ih uidun luimim h id eti iil llu pro iect andenoed immense k dial my utc peeple in tteeii etui me l tun eiml alth htyh vc livoee thin tum an ofltctal plin sat iiopc mhl the peeipk it i ew have tiled t hetp lu sluti i specific qomtlona a question uul insvevl jv i mi lotlowid itu pi i si nt ill ut eh u iilepiveis had n eipjun lunitv lo in their vuws vmih i th quesliiiiis put lone tut uuluhd w mill ui jh i k su1u hi h i all purpose arena floor considered commission needs additional 5000 flow in the multiple recreation installation of community contre lt cou and would col in the neighbochood wayk nd meo of rauio more of j 10000 fundk ui kdditon to the v5 j00t i poth bodic agrd an allpur bodelod by town councd for poe lour was ctwentud if a the proect wa lujly ducuued yearixmiod recreation program by acton reertuuoo commute and mullipofpoe convmunity at iiru regular meeting ukl uu were encouraged leaving ap- night wcdfkrmiayt in the coot proximately 500 to rmiee iiielniiv centre the commit tee agreed to keep a deugalum eoius4d ol ag i be agrtctiltural society inform octrviuw i curung ice bccaui curling would likely remain in the centre for at leat anotlwir taon 2 adiuu the program 3 cut out the sunday night program attd lart to prepare for cuilmg ue at that time oolunm kvcrmnl recreation director j catburn outbned the playground program for hit vumnter tv me of the bralda coiifeiied uith tlw com mi tire and furnished infonna lion on tlu vtepc uve socuiv lcwu uvt war ulun iliev coo lemplatcd hiualluhg a floor in the community centre av part of anniversary fair ctlehraiims aiuoeltlo totrtvd the agiuulluul socuiy had treii ui touch with ofluialv ol llu light hois avuuiatiojt ului showed an interest in eoninthit uitf louaids the cost j a llooi 111 llu celllle 111 lelutll lor llu pi i vile ye of us use vcluil lluv bold llu ll annual eoiliu illuins mi alike tt ae kjloultdfccd tlu soculv bad futt lue n in contact veilh ilk light luuse olliclau lot siiiu time tujt it vcis liu upin ioji tluv could 11 the plujeel iroiliuial socurty piesidcit ca ed of furtlter developnunlh in tlie pruaram which will be conduct vui ajlkcn ami director nuvo pt whch uhatrnun jack bui lough eaul would be purvued john coy waw delegated to ee ulllcuk of the light horse as soc latum u ue if they were etlll ttlleiesjed in the project chan in datu tlve commit tee agreed lo ac eept llu iccominclldatkms of llu adminihti ition committee em piofwwed changes in ttu leered lion dneclois dutus mi miv oeithiud pioblems it tlu coinmunilv ecnlie dm my tlu last season and the steps tdkm h riiiudv llu ill he said il was linamiullv liupossibu for llu eonunun tv lo cinplov luilh a ueie tlion diieclot and aieua inaitay i so itu eumniit tix hid asle el mi casbuin lo ve i asieli his ucieatioii iclteilies dunny till lu interested community unlii i vcasori i and act as a uill imic arena nun reereatuni eoniililltee vice aye t tlu chairman john v inloitiud tlu tlu ycai delegation tluic veeic lines pesilo uk ree oj lloor iiulualed lor ttu benld i llu tee my minimum eosi vethild lu is000 lem a hour vclneb uxuld bhjs tlu plastic piptny on top and hindlc little li illie a pilce l s7vu had luin eslinttled lor i tuu uith pipiny emludtud vebl ll ve is mill ibk lol some usl all ulhiip4s loot vvhteh veoold illove lollti skinny eliiuiny aiul stiuelmui otlur sit months ol hjld ik eu voted lulu alioital pioyiaill atioo duecloi ayteed lo hv il loi a vear altbouyh lu didn i ayiee vcilh tlu lieixjsal ill pi i ik iple tlu eouunillee ml lltfee llunys uould have lo lu chanyed luloie tlu eoilimuuity celllle ope neel ru il season i biund up lo sum i ii in tn h tev to in ike received eotiispoiid i nun e i km uil ayrvciny lo a llu veii s budgtt me uul i ny petition for school coiiiinued lioni lac one h is expiessctt the opini m th il this tuiiminy mill ik umiuii id h a eooikil eliimtui 1 pri v lie illlees t mil hid i eell ei il otlui aiul netption in i t i eonserv hive hyine o j7 wo 00 lu lllext this cuildlluu llu cnleimid run not i km to ih 1 leenship vettuui on hint i i ippimimitih jooooo tlu i inauunl u 000 00 vmkl be tuken imm tile lemilshlp eletlll ha lallee k iviny 700000 still on hand this itun costn tlu 1 ix pivei iu ihiny in ihe lutuu other ih in h noinial inaiutcn nice uul ed in two local look again will be uu epaec aye tlu iw hunting pioyiam will be limited to be guv ncrs a discussion on tlu propowenj slouye section in tlu northeast eoirur ol tlu community centre ujs initialed bv building eliair man claude cool the commit tee agreed some lcating space ve hi id prohablv have to lu vac iilued but there wax an urgent mil tot unni ivpe ol xtoiaye hinklinu uectinuticudjlioiis wdt lu made after furtlier study the committee also ispoiideuce pi jvkx lot a lloor in tlw centre aulluhied tlu lecreallon dltevtoi lo attend an ontario kecleatiemal asseuiitlthi eemifcl eiue 111 windsor april 10 may 1 aiul 2 it a cost of s0 granieel the culling club clia lee lime lor bonspicls at a ci st ol 140 per dd auihoricd mr cashutn and seeietarv j hurst to contact tin ireni eiinniisston in i imua uuti i vievs lo collrctmy mlor in ition on ice making lot iuxi se as in i isseel ueeuints illuhiilling to jw4 21 illei questioning ex tensive tepiirs to ihc lee shiver vslueh cost h7h 12 discussed ui l uiyellk llts lol llu jillv l celebiall ins pi uuicel h llu or iiilc leutyc chunnan jack hullthiyh eh nr eel tlu mectuil which j gov h pitlnvm j h wikul i o oik es mis ii ollcrhejil c cemik and scciet irv j huisl also at leiukd hrmlkts mbs bmmtti bst fifty year agro the publishing of nimn of puplu who attained the honor koii following e- amiivaltorui wn a regular occur rence in the free pre apropot of the piwrnlalloti of the cituen of the year award last week to mm m z bennett here from the free press of ciueellv 50 year ago arc- tlw lop puplu in her class public tchool sr iv harold reed 24a george agnew 20 mar jueritc stewart 22j roy urown 17 george aivdcruui 210 mvrtle ctarrujye and phvllts clarke 19 total 3v jr iv harold kennedy w gehirgc sojier 192 stella mtljim 176 altec johns toivt i7a saiulv me isaac 160 jen hvmu iv to tal 300 number on toll 32 m luuruit teacher tveo of use maryuvritc ste wait and ruy brown iain mar tied aiul were present at ttu c of c ellmur for llu pieseiiulitu mr llmwn read a tctegmin imm llu elepulv minister ol ediualioii w ii sliwart sluse n inu ap neais in ttic list undt r si ii willie stewuil 44v lie i we ill these elissev in si iii is i uu stew ui with 2w points echo u is also lute till- 1st ipiuaienl iii ihe i he puss tin april 16 1914 acton council t giesi n lnm i i icon vsi m lir sevrw replv no what tvkr etl indiislrv ve d i lu proposed lor chutelull ri ui uea answei 1 lyht with pti- vismns for rrerejiiut m t puk iii in in inv ei k os h ml 1 e iiinl hv is answe i 1 iv mi mid llieri k inv e k it i 1 ix lie due 1 1 111 pi n 1 1 1 1 i ansve i on iii in tv b ms maveii dubv cxj 1 c sse j hi i i i ippie ut n 1 tlu l n ol i uepiveln p eul 11 1 i pp tunilv 1 k w el is i i m ps lispl iv i i u n t 1 ind v hit eith th v sir local constables on opp drill team thtec eonsl ihlcs i i li ii ton opp deiuhnunt h iv been eh ism to t ike p iri in th iu ve opp dull te uu about 40 pol lei nun h mi tlu sou tlu in on t in we i we l e e host n t pit lici pale uul the i inu p lu ui its tiisl inspection and eouiu ei iduiii m mond iv nsi ihi s i u huh i i m uul al i ilui ol m lion opp lie tiumtteis kiev we ll sp cold inn uds bilk hilhmds spexi ll uullehllil beklis ill adell tion t i ill uyul ii opp uui lonu md will ik e illvel ut toi sjuei il duiv uu v istti ij dimi ii les ui i olh i ulllclioiis lik police 1 uncials anniversary wishes from all community tlu churchill communitv vwsh lo extend their congratulations lo mr and mrs joshua thornp- s in on teaching outr gulden an niversarv tin april 18 sunelav vrsilois it llu home ot mi md mis john ne u were mr ind mis lless v ol hills lhith mi ind mis i a wiilnmson ol gill mr ind mrs l d l hammond mis w mcdoniltt 1 md mrss miteau i mcdonald ill 1 o sticelsvillc isiteel ein i li ei iv it i i imils il in mi in ben n t mi and mrs w j me don ds veidduic innivcrsirx it i lis it hi in e on the louith line i ttlle mimic lee meuil ll m iii i k met i1 nut 111 u ol ml i ul mis ud h million u celveel i bnme uu el ll lveiul wluu siiiiin it ihe musu d us tival in hi uuplon on mond iv sik celebrates lici thud birihdis apnl 21 upkee p we lie ill ov lie the n 3 sehimil is very cciltrillv i k ilvel within llu tern n snip ind ba uuqi ile i md litt cxp nisi ill 111 ih il m ml luliiix llns uu iisi iik building siuiddv built bv oui pioneer in eesliis tlinii ll uul eul n iss iya ve i ll lit stiiiu set iinilld stale iv tiexs is liulv i site wttthv ol pi e se i all hi ll b is s4 ie d this vomniumtv veilh pi uk in the p ist ml c in el sei aeain com num lining the emhiimg wk v depirtment eonviil md spud of the eirk settle in supplement try bylaw lulhlluil i punuselut need lor ucik rcportcil the plsellt uul yivill lo die yi ll e rati iris to come a li iditiem to k pioud ot in he tutuie vse i tilel like s hll siippol t ihis to the toun it ion uul centenni d pio icemiimucd trum pagl o l oi ic llu stynmy ed i coutrict loi llu constitution ol bridyes ion chuieh st inel brock ave ik slated ihc eonlt ulor has signed ihc cthitriel ind is re rid v lo luyiu but veidication ol dc pnrtment ed hjghwavs appixv d b is not bee n received anel will i not be reccised until ni idjune art exhibit on saturday salurelav in tlu eonuimnitv untie eanvasves p ilnleel duiiny the lily 111 school ail elisses will lu on display abeuil 70 pain inys ne eieteel uul i ill iu will ik m ule toi i punting bv geolye i low 111 l h ol a nil ill scene near slew irtlowu clisses in lu let press plant wne tnsttueleel by m ii h il new mm attendance ringed as hlyh us 23 1 isl tuybl ve is llu final session hid the cxlllhll coilelueics uk be i ve i v sue le s si ill c ll pie si 11 1 11 1 h th i i ipli in i uu to bi l i th in i d ih se mission lu lu v s ihis i w n thw ink elide ivoui y mhi ol ihe township hi vsi h i i be inioill upp i iin its idopti m iiousl plant hints house pi tuts growing in pi is lie pots do not iu eel lo k w lie i cd is ulti n is those ill si md ltd i i e i iv pots s iv lb i held tin isl s id with tlu onto iii ikpiitnuni ol ayruultuie ihe pi istie tvu eont units uie mil kith inel nil pomus eouseciuenlls witei el k s not e v ipoi lie llu u7ft 111 i vv ills the eoiutiti n ol ih mhi mil 1 ice usu ills uiellc ues ullen pposeil lu tlu cixellon i niw j4cl00n00 buildmy pic ise hi ihis pe til ion we lllc uneleisiytud pel it ion the council ol si iss lyaveev l i ul ip i th centennial preiieel t th t iwnship tlu ixsiorahon ol s i eh mil is ihc teiwnship conned uul a iminisii itiie uuild me the the town coold be sluek with ihe whole cost s2sikx if the dcpi tnuni did not ippmve the project in june uul the town hid iiiihurized the conti ict council loi arbic suycc steel it would be uxihsh lo jump into it i ml llu project is shelved until ippioval is received an attempt is to lu nude lo tr to speed up approv il a kile i from tom deviu s expresseel his ippiecl ition ten councils ellorls ih climinilint llu smoke inns nice hum llu municip il dump an invit ition tmm tlu m ivoi til sinuiu to utciul ihc town ind vlll iyc section conic mue on m iv 8 ind 9 w is u id iu 1 cyites to the conscience wilt be chosen al tju next council meet ing trucker injured loading freight keilh raniuv tiocker fur guv ti i ns port ltd was hokpit lined in guclph gcncrd hospital tucs- d iv dleiiwmiii vciih a haeluixd aw and vcvualjinili n ilcth liter siillenny a painful accident while load in y a cnr freight c ir the well known irick star md teiimer hiih scbtud student was r using i load ol liclyht with a hll iek when the handle sod etc nl v sptuny up sinking him on the jaw x kavs ellselosed a fiaclured law met he urulctwcnt surgery wednesday morning lo have pin inserleel in the jawbone ii ts expected he will also have den t il sui ye r th acton fn pvu thurtduy april 23rd 19o4 halton guide leaders meet in parish hail hear beatles girl guide leaden from halton county held their annual dinner tuesday evening at sl alban parish hall acton and heard mrs jame uckinlev while oaks are commluioner fcpeak georgetown guide elizabeth hay gave on illustrated talk on mexico in preparation for her uotd cord which was much en joyed by the 45 gulden present acton laud ranger naucv rugnvaldhotf kathv mckeiuie and nancy lauder dul k takeoff of 1 he fjmou re a l le s undt r llu si aye name of tlu meibt vous receiving xuesta at the door and chockuxg coats were guides barbara nlcouk cave lie marsh all anne walton and rada henry newly appomwd acton guide captain mrs j luwrte wan pre wjii u welcome tle vimicus nassagaweya girls work on blouses the elilh meeting of nawsaga weva nvmphh 4h hocnemakiug club wak held al the home of susan ward ah the members the girl changed tluir wuiked on their btooset with identity by uxlny assumed nanus yittid pxigiess being shown ol john lettuce ringo souaeh roll call was answeied with and georye llorseraelish dnfor plans for achu senunl uav noies lunalely vivian smith could not were taken on fitting the lu piveenl in lake tlu part of blouse pjui mccamit as slu had lour humiuss ve is lull and ll was used lo toronto lo gel hckelv dee id d i have a work nud lot llu- teal itealu lotlwmy j delicious duitu i seived by si alban s mild euiv i iu oliud in dancing a few nor wxylan elanciti aiul smyiny a few enmp songs under llu icaeleiship of mslilny guide re iny loi llutse wlui att haviny piohlt nis tnakiny llu ir blouse at llu it uu f tlu u uler mrs m ltal oim1 pn yiess wis uhiev eel hv all lhos wll i allrildiil a lines li was s ied after each uu e tiny you are cordially invited to attend display of work by acton art group at the acton nd district community cnlr tvi saturday april 25lti 19a4 1 i pm be capita dt iuture txpendii luret oks1 top quality meats top ouauty red brand beef um roast of beef 79 pork shoulders 45 wttks roast of beef wow hind ouahttts and sides of feeo mand uu cot and wuh or vour home mttzh atnobttmchatck dam baivwy- lovell bros modern meat market akb i fhe 5m40 ontario has all the bignnt all the variety for one orthe mott exciting vacations ot your me ontario covert 415000 your ontario i a ttirrinf exciiinc place tale this mnv rner to eiplorer- for more information write t m twcltetl nlitat owano oepartmeutot cinaung things to see like old travel room 2j0 parliament castles and cathedrals art gal leries and long sandy beaches redcoated mountiesand mag nirkeni wilderness cannons 1 andthmnni bldgs toronto ontario homoukxble jamu auld rfcipe 0fthf month black cherry whip uwkt it survlnii 1 1kups ev ip4iialed lililk i veu can canada ctione sweet limy cbel i les i lo puk iyc hi uk cluiiv tv hv powder cup tli sbciry en ot uiyc juice i i tablespoon lemon juice this iccipv picpirctl esxci i oihis 5ela frvee evaporated milk in freecr trav until crvstau form anuind eelyi of itav halvv nut pit ebaiiuel elunu rv- seimliy jliiec heat lliec lu bodiny poinl jdd jelly powel vt sin until dissokid stir in leinaining myiedunts tok shyhlh stir dl bill 10 eherrv h lives into cllv and chill until seilllv set i old slllt whipped i hilled catnaled milk illlo elitinc luietuie spoon inlo slurhuis yiinish with i main mg dkii halves chill until set about 3 uujrs hv loi this scitcs bv u dry ice uuieau ror less than 10 a day you can own a oilburner ion unu u tea n mouth mi m taytml un oji i jnimu i utmao mi wwiei wwcoiihmcuooiinhiiuaimsit muiuju km m j m wnl hew ell haoa cil1ll fluam hal makes it to eaiy for you to own the kind of equipment that aiiurea safety comfort and conven ience euo heating equipment m no dawn paymant vu hav 10 var ts pay etta hwtlno wiipmant it fully ouarantud by tautwlal oil easy budget terms ire alto available on other maket of healing equip ment through your etui heating equipment dealer of tkcul wliatjt kjniw mujiiw leuma hmnmpiwiii h tun ywi invtvlisal iw conb- ics vkmfully lof mnair a uy vu im mefl you iwtlina uipmni ttaj tt tn uu hlwuih ot tut lltimc iim stvwt smnupujjyl0ilm ulcty ud voauon at huo itabte llac sdvi lttwlrl call-now- john weldon acton 40 mowbray pl 8532580

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