Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 23, 1964, p. 8

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h acton kg fwt thurvtay afrit 33rd iw4 good service record wins couple trip a record of continued good ser vice lo bit community and the sustained support of his custom er have earned acton iga dealer dave maines and hi wife mar- iarie an expensepaid trip to nmviihj in the ftttfiwg mr and un mane attended a wixday iga canurcnce on hu man yclakiurtk and community service the conference is kport- ured by me okhawa wholesale limited toronto iga supply de pot in central ontario- mr und mrs maines were among wveral hundivd iga deal- rn and lhir wives who were flown to nasats for ihe confer ence on two chartered panam erican jeu the conference isnt all hmin- vss of course the iga dealers and their wives had plenty of lime to enjoy the caribbean sun and the many forms of tecrea- tion according lo iga officials the conference was an advutc study for- iga food mahcet fcwuprictor who are being recognized for con tinued exemplary wwvice to their ruonct and dedicatioci to the highest yca prifwiples mr lbnes however prefers to attribute nse success of his busi ness and this special recognition from ouiawa wholesale to the neople back home they made thifc trip possible forus through ileadfat1 wuppo anj loyally we are very grateful to our custom ers and hope to bring back many idea on how to serve them even better than before he said large family there golden wedding open house for mr mrs joshua thompson ujl and ftftfts dave makes ninnitirntmrirttriarrr iy greenock wi installs slate mrs tryssenaar new president mr wm butler was hostess fwio president mrv trivet loi the april meeting of green- wiu addir those uhc attend uck wi prrstdenl mr t hem- fcjey opened the mceung with a guoie on health and wealth tfoj- ioutny the opening ode and the man stewart collect mr c binnic read the resurrection viur and the lurii prayer was icncated ten member and one ivitur responded lo the roll call name a tcpuiuibiuly ol a wi member plans were completed lor the hluut course chousing and ls- mg tabrivs excellent report weie pivwented b all standing commit tee conveners mrs chester allan was chair man lor tihe unnilii nice ting i lowing tlu- minutes ol last meet- 114 painent ol lees and tinan- unciut i eioi l mis c ai l ken pre wined the lunninatin com mit lee ient install officer tik ttillowing officer wore in mulled tor the coming year past ptesident mis h hemsle pivvitlent mis l trxssemmr tirsl mceiieskient mr g wal lace second viccpivsidcnl mis c leslie secretary tixtsuivr mi s e patterson assistant mrs j mcculktch district dir ector mis c allan alternate mass v peaivn branch direct ors mr mcculuich mik c ailken mis t hemslex auuil- uis mrs u johnston mis a gale fruit ilowctv and cards mrs l johnston mrs c allan mr g leslie courtesy mr c biw- ie staiuling ciunmittee cunwiv eis arc as lolkms agriculture md carudiuiruuitriek mr g leslie cititensh sln lion mrjiclertchr historical re- scalstttmu current events mrs c allan home economics and lumtth mr g wallace temper ance mr win butler public rcutton mr c ailken reso lutions mrs e patterson sate- ty mr j mcculloch tweeds- mutr curator mis e poaren twoedsmuir committee mrs e johnston mr c allan mrs e patterson the 60th wellington district on may 6 at bel wood the anniversary cake will be made by green k branch members budget com mittee appointed are the presi dent first vicepresident secre tary and the pasi president winners of the baking contest were rolls miss e pearen and blueheny pie mr t hcmslcy and ttiey will make entries at the distiu i annual the meeting closed by repealing the mizpah benediction the hostess assisted by mr ailken and mr hamilton serv ed a salad pkite with the rolls and blueberry pie and a cup of lea mis hcmslcy extended thanks tu the hostess on bclull ol those present the wi district animal is he inn held in acton this spring quite a lew were out pall ing on lite weekend those who staved home uok down storm windows and raked all cncmrag- ed bv the mid70 temperatures ol friday can you use 10000 for uu th a days wdtfct atk your locai ytnun golden wedding anniversary celebrations for mr and mrs jothua thompson rr 2 acton will culminate with a trip back to the land of their birth next month the lkiion district couple who were congratulated saturday by 200 friends neigh bors and relative at a pleasant open houe leave by ship on may 22 for england mr thomp son was back five years ago but mrs thompson has not been in great britain since she left ben- auwick as a young girt her hut band hails from utile smaton they have written over the years lo coukinh and are looking for ward to seeing litem theyll be back early wi july both mr and mrs thompson are stilt in good health and help on llic farm they farmed for many years in erin township on the fotii imd a few vears ago sold the farm to move hack lo sheir own farm on the third line with their son leonard alway fairnad tliev weie married in gcoryc- lown apiil ik 1914 in the met ho- dwt man mt bv rev roadlutusr at first they fanned near norval and then in naagawcya they attend chuivhitl church and mrs tboftipmjn belong to gruenock wi celebrating 50 years of marri ae saiurday tbu thompou re ceived about 2o0 visitors and had many cards flowers and gifts highly prixed are congra tulation from prime minister lester pearson prvmier jhn robarti opposition leader john dtefenbaker mp p john root and a wall plague fnm the pix vince of ontario the wrviny table was ten i red with a cake decorated in while and gold by a friend mr wil ham butter tar fntly the couple have our duuh lei and sis sms all llviny near by llw farthest ai llomby and cuetph 16 ifiandchildien and wvcn yieliiiiiiuuluidien wlto nuuhl haw tllutl llw luuisc bv tlveinselves saluixtav even with hil all tlie others wlio tame to ulind tluir hesi uioua in ihe afletmum those who poured lea were mi john thmipmtn p r i clullenham mrs amlv hunler glen williams tislirs in law neighhor mrs halton council britfs on tuesdav mvmhets ol hal- ton county council 9 approved nvoiiinienitalliuis 4 llw cnr for installation ol ivmectoriad crossing signs and manual lagging lor trains ai tlu- bavc line ciossing noiih ol mil ton declined to supiviil a tvso lullon htmi the credit vallev conscrsation auilhiriiv ivgardinu ivlief in jhe municipal assess ments and las le ie on swamp lands m agreed lo participation ol llw- emergency measures oryani ration in tlu viltayc of campliell- illes jubilee celebiation in june received tentative approval iiimii hie uiink ol noa svotia to credit of tlq00000 lor linancinu ihe extension lo ltallon centen nial manor in iew ol amend ed cost estimates application was to be made to increase ihe tiv- dit to j 1 400 000 referred back to a commit tee a suggestion that no lees or espenses be paid to member of council attending outside the j ounlv on count v business with out prior authorization f coun cil members receive a fee tl 2q daily for meetings plus mile age costs authorietl the clerkadmini strator to attend a seminar at oueens university in mav and pamenl of the lepniralion fev j27s i apived to dcxelopment ol an additional paiking lot at llic county administnition huiktinp at the south east corner an amount ol j400 was pto ided and the lot is to be nttmetl j were atlxised a meeting was being planned to study the earlier upgcstion ol family court jtidpe k linijdtin that a luitlway house be established i received a quarterly report i mm the warden outlining his mitics and the functions at- ivnded during the lirsl thiw months ol the year agiwd to toniinuc 4lu pre- mnl farm pond polity ibis year and siudv ivxislon ol lite xpecifi- taiions on building ol aim ponds agrecil to ivwtilc a sett ion of i he indiisinil coninimttv re pot t that provided ui jivm or piinliny anil hvw lor opera lion of tlu commit ice wtien reeve hinlon atlon pointed tul only sis00 could he provided to tlu- committee under enisling legi slation tik jis00 for printing lud already hvn int hidetl in another commiitte huduet al though il was applitahlc lor use of promotional literature chriie usok nd mr maggie thompson xcton receiving at the door and in charge of the gucl book wcre twci son and two son4n4aw leonard thompson feisd charlie thompson afoch ccsse all of rr 2 and harold robon horn by two daughters assisting with coats were mrs harold hob son and mrs albert coxe serving wetv mrs john ughlle mr frank thompson a daugh terinlaw granddaugbler mivn linda plouffe ot ballinafad mrs a paltcrsimt km j mrs ches ter allan rr 2 and mrs ralph mckcown glen william lulp bi evdiig pouring in the evening weie iwo sisters of mrs thompson mrs neil jones detroit and mrs hugh dunn uwuloo with mr william butler rk 2 ami mrs hugh reld guelph serving wetv mis mildred walum ami miss ltmla swack hanur rk 2 giamldaughrs miss carol tltompson mr ai ihur mtuod mi jean mt li hinnev milion with mis nor man turner and mil calvin all ken welcoming and in charge of live goes hook weie live oltut siuis ami sons in law rvd tfvompson ray tlwsmpson liank tlwmpson william thom pson and chailie plotilfe assis ting weiv ilaughlers mr goirge i hunt ol guelph and mi plm le son in law ieorye elliot i daughleis in law mrs ray tltomp son mis william thomps4n and niece mr lul simpson chclien- ham iiusls lame inxn iwlioit 1 in dmi tomnlo si cathaiiius teeswaler clullenham noival iliampion fiuelph milion horn bs glen williams geirgetown inn limehihise hilkburgh bal linafad orton osptingc acton ijiul rural ilistiict among them were m pp john root and mis root ol orton erin reeve mel borden and mr borden fred a hoffman optometrist ta 42071 si st ccoacrs so cueifh r pollock and campbu tlutufcluirs of fel- hush grade memorials i memorlal engraving uwmkh nwtk oalt pi tillnn mltsm feij- the town of acton dayhfiht klmim time proclamation all citisent -of- ihe town of acton r requeued lo obsorve the period between the following dales for daylight saving time april 26th 1201 am uma october 2sth 200 am t mayor lesue a duby od savft miouor icl pctr mjsmiii pntv tul it mvv pontile iluitk iir akittian hcltnv ymi huv tutk iuasson uotors ltd eatons invites you to listen with viking hearing aids ifvcarpertliftg mdrn rbivmhu in cutlfln nd ik ruk of tk moil dvancd ftuctranlc r- mbkhl value for value feature for feature viking hearing aids re unsur pasted in the field theres a viking behindlheear model for al- mot every lyp of hearing problem if you have difficulty using me telephone or following a conversation or find that your present hear- ing aid distort lound or is too weak to be of help to you inquire about the latest viking models viking is avditable only a eatons and ty backed by the wlknown eaion guarantee goods satisfactory or money refunded eatons hearing aid consultant mr john ford will b in ht acton r on tuesday april 28th w invit you tophon eatohts t 8532330 km a mivatc consultation at no o bit gat ion i grant cut draws deputys ire meals jor sailors no program a ox in requested grant to sullnc dumplooahlpe the grant the oekville yedit squdroo tram s730 to s4h drew ihe ire ol oak- vtlle deputy reeve tetter whit ing l the reguur meeting ol hj- ton county council on tueadey toe reduced grant wi propos ed in the report of the finance and welfre conlmiltee uld the deputy reeve ulixl why it had been reduced oakvilles reeve herb merry ohelmuui of the finance commit tee admitted he win on the kpol but uiggeated ihe rouel had not been received until considerably after the tixinly budel had been bet i would like lo have teen ihem get the ws hue i wai glad lo gel ihe ww he concluded nil program tlu grant lo the squadron wai lad the coat of dinner or 60 peraoiu fo three day al 40 together whh m0 lor awlt in printing programa the counly approved the coal of dinner but declined lo contribute lo the pto- gram deputy kecvc whiting recitiud ihal earlier ihlt year js00 hid been approved for ihe llahon agricultural society and other farm group biiuflled from granlk thu j7w uould be u cimnlribullon tu tike good lunw of llw irtunuliulllv k argued deputy kevvc f utigir bur lington noted ihi iwo oullierll munkinalllki paid 10 lo is per cent ol couiltycokth and hi wj ujre burllnglon would he willing lo iiwivaw llw gidnt in tlu tutud on s motion lo increaae ahe grant however only burlington and oakvmie uipported me move and ihe grant remained al fin later deputy reeve whiting observed he tied reported lo oak- ville council on counly activities and he undertook lo apeak on the manor he wu aurprlted to learn that only u resident were from oakvllle depl le oakvlllea iconlrmullon lo counly coal all walooawl i wluivvir in llalton pupk- come liom theyte wetccime 1 hivi e llkol l ol cworgclown jb- verved it iul tlw welcome im uuev- ikinliig ixnuty uj whiting obkerved a he noted no one norlli of 10 sidciuad lioj kvii iii ui support his niotum for iht- hlglier gram lo tlu- oakvllle yinht jvqudron to avhil in financing icgaltj ion lie suggetud uu- cihuily being held in oakvllle in august i uiuild twelve lome good udver- for wktcin hemisphere snipe using from the event a 1 1 lend is won led uimki his wiles iiou- slvli- wlun lie uiiiw in ul j u m liiently slve used irlirlil nihiiis uiul 2i adjec- lives pel veib qun st acton phone 8530990 choic branded gurnld tndr round sirloin tbon steaks 79 lb boneless rolled rump roast lean iomuii cob styl stfwino beef 59c lb for rwalt isavat or tursan mesh mound minced beef 2lbfor79c iuyliav joclloe h cklntlam ch ei jar maxweu house 109 la4hm tuyl sav i7cl jm hgi jell0 powders 10 for 1 bonua uyl save 9t fancy quality craim jlyu isni tint stokelys corn 5 for 89c bsmsm iuyl sav 7cl lugutar or ftuftor malt quaker muffets 2 for 43c bonua iuyl sav 10 whit or colerad 3c all roll pack ballet tissues 4 rolls 39c bonus buyl sava 4l ui site javex liquid bleach 23c bono buyl sav 10c i 1 601 all glide spray starch 59c 83c lb fiw liuvck er smjultt bv thi piici bologna 29c java 31c york frash it chickin uif tuftkty meat au9k pies 4 tor 8c 3lb icwmwuy fto suiarw french fries 4vc idaal for mult 111 a 1 sauce 33c atk our butcher for th cut of your choice sunthin freth fruits and vegalablst callo wrapped snowball cauliflower 29c i i ramou palm cardan no 1 tomatoes 25c ravoraa flavor no 1 onions 3lb 19c csurawfl dallghl no 1 mushrooms 49c latrhhuvg california lemons 6 for 29c save on these features 12ei tin 51c lsat tuu 3 for 49c sava acl cornad baaf fray bent0s sv 4cl dr ftlurdt wuu fuh chicban ftf and liv- cat food sav tcl pur black 4l caa supreme pepper 29c sav 1 bel scoff is-oi- 44c 10c off pack 1m lest0il pine scent 69c sav 4c swom mixed sweat rauih broad n buhor 14oit supreme pickles jar 29c bonus buy of the year with ts 00 hltchasi aluminum lawn chair health and beauty aidsi si 09 veluol tub super size pepsodent 89c 4st vlul l pepsodent tooth powder 55c 4s vallml l lifebuoy shave cream 39c hhh kuktxj w wm4ka f sumbfum ft 49 chelsea bun pkgof8 45c suiimhin pt auni mary mccnrmlcka lb lu crum i7 wtead 3x lalttats s every m tu a pm thurs ft ww night nl 9 pm a parking racj lrkne orders taken 8534990 j

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