Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 30, 1964, p. 1

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teh jvciei 0tt jjrcss eightyninth yr no 44 acton ontabto thursday april 30th 9o4 at m c1m uu twlv ptgnmn cants wukkrak hsahftho conatructioa of the eightroom tugh school addition bean moo- day morning fahowtng approval of me 25 percent fruit amount ing to 130000 by the municipal works department last week work had been wbruptly stopped until this approval had been re ccived a week ago j b mackenzie and son contractor for the pro ject moved in equipment arid dug the foundation at this point it waa reajlxed final approval for the gran had not been received and work um mopped in spite of a heady rain work men and continuing with the job in hope of meeting the septem ber deadline 22 km knox mktoof moiwittft sunday morning 22 joined knox church by profession of faith and transfer of certificate on behalf of the session a m mc fhermoti howard cole and jack walk in i extended the right hand of fellowship to 17 young people and five adults rev a ii mckeniic had held confirmation hastes thoe join ing by profession of faith were wayne all ken patricia beermat lorraine cleland jane cooper gerald okk sally dick shlrky greenwood william ilamten al an mckerule ronald moklghl allan mcnabb john mcnabb wlllum roger david watson wendy boweii margaret guthrie janet robinson mr and mrs harry robinson mr and mr robert a g n e w and kenneth oodds and by certificate robert feu discuss new lighting for queen st east improvement of 1hc street ugh ting levels on oocen street east occupied the attention of acton hydro electric commit ion at their meeting last thurs day at tbe conclusion of the dis cussion commissioners agreed no definite proposal could be made until the plans of the de partment of highways are made known one mercury vapor light vdtt have the glassware changed in an effort to improve the light ing level pallurc of this improve ment the light fixture itself will bo lowered floodlights at park lighting of the softball dla morul at ihc nark brought a re quest for commission nssisiincc the kup4rlnivruknt was tuld it would be in order to install the poles hydro lliumiun will atteiul a training school on atrial ikvk tn ttn 1 twoday course in mav the alleiulatke ul the supctin tendent uml one wotkman were authorised a cheque foi iwj i rum ontuiui hvdro lot service sup plied over acton inie to rural llhitoimi wis received the uv eal commission atlvised ontario hytlro the arrangement would be conlinuexl as long a the cap acity or the aelon linen would handle the renal customers approve accounts all incumbers were prevent ami approved the pas men of ac count totalling si 4x328 commissioner luattv rvpoited on his attendance at an omla meeting in georgetown 4km l forge t mot ik r evn ik r special cla may 10 its moth- era da swf frkda st allar anglican cburch was filled to capacity sunday evenirvg whn 27 candidates war confirmed the right rev w e bagnall lord bishop of the diocete of niagara was present lo receive the candidates from rev d h weil church rector left to right are tony hurst herbevt brasier mayor let duby who acted as biihops chaplain bishop baonall elizabeth hurst rev wait and elaine johnson tcitfttftfc4 1 irnrruiimm to increase water pressure all over town for summer omb judges dismisses appeal ruling upheld dtunutal of an assessment ap peal by the town of acton before the ontario municipal board last friday alarmed ac ion count il tuesday evening when they learn rd the oju b had upheld county judgij george elliot l ruling on the former pum office assess ment at 1 10000 originally the assessment on fonrur federal building had ben established at 25 475 during the county couri of appeal i hi amount was reduced to 16 600 coowners of ilu building ii d ruetdin and george robert ton made a furtlicr appeal before the county judge who leduted tlu it it j i asstssnunl on tlu build ing by a lurttur j 600 lollowing thlh ruling by judyt tluill the town appealed h iu bishop bogoell in traditional rite comfhm 27 st albans condkhtes water pressure throughout town will be increased for the summer month tuevday eve ning it was decided by council lo bypass the two prosuire re lief valves controlling the town pressure and allow water to flow at full capacity throughout town maim laet summer passu re was op ined full hut duiuiu tlu winter months was tut back in the iv eat breaks might occur and roit n the ground would ham per making repairs construction of bridges on brock and church sis ih held up pending final approval from the department of iliyhwavx it is hoped this approval will be received within two week so con xlruetion can begin immediately ils approval final upproval for the construe lion of the high school addition wax reeeived friday alter the munieipal worki department ap proved their 25 rur eebi yrunt thh grant amounts to a living of 30000 to taxpaerx couned inxtrucled no 2 eum mitlex 10 oh tain additional prieex on ijraxx exd for the newlvyrad exl ex me it rv land fronting on queen st i axt before furllnr tton ih itken tiuvdtv evening uiu pitet wax rcttlwd irom a uk d ilt nit r clerk jek meie tehie inlornud eounetl i ik tjitfiiktix prttpostil agixemettt lor widening of yihing nul queen streets wux completed and would be submitted to the depiiinient ol highw ivs for ap proval rsirklng probleni dumm enquiries b lueinbtts cehineillui ra aibie askexl what was he ing dotw regarding park ing arrange nunls at tlu high sehih since construction tin the new aeklitiun w is started lie w is told a h 1 iw prohibitum pai king on at ton route varel was in lit rex and polite h ul been in uxilhlt lo tlttorte it mayor les dtthv was ol iik opinion eounetl should help live high school board and staff tope with the parking dtumma und not leave theni with a had situ atiun on their hands mr arhte lluiught ihtit was plenty ol land around the sehool whkh eould be ulthed or temp orary parking while eonslretetion was p roe ceding councillor ham i hon peal slated the saletv ol ehildixn w liking up the road lo ami from sebool had to be ton sukrrd ul all luncs ti was agreed to review iik situation cloae school councillor alec johnson in formed members there was on epidemic of infectious hepatitis in robert little school and wond tred if this warranted the school t losing dow n cle rk mcgcacic said the decision was up lo the mcdieal on iter of health dr a bull set di dulls upoit else where in the fixe press this wxck new doctor m 1 johnson a no informed eenincil a new doctor is moving to town and will he practicing in ihc same building with dr brian moore he said the new doctor has pure ha wed a new hou in town and is expected to begin in june council also gave approval lor don swockhamcr to attend an inter mediate sewer and water course in toronto vetoed a revolution from the ciiv of windsor no com ment was given on the content of this revolution e cndorsed a resolution from the town of woodstock no comment regarding content was given e vetotcta resolution from the town of newmarket regarding additional use of vchoot faculties on the basis the revolution wasnh explained ullv approved attendance of count it members and clerk at the town and village section conference at simcoe may t0 agreed lo meet onlv twice a month in regular session dur ing summer months with meet ings on second and fourth tue- el is appioved na merit of ac counts totalling 7 45794 lo the ancient and tmprwstvc nic of the laying on of handi the lord bishop of lite diocese ol niagara on sunday confirmed 37 candidates 17 of whome were adults the candidates were pre sented to bishop w l bagnall by the rector of sa alban s church the rev d i west who a4so read two portions of scrip ture which reflect the mind of the early church regarding the place of confirmation in the life of the christian in hi 1 address to the candid ates filhhop bagnall reminded thorn that in confirmation they were ihc recipient of the now er and grace of god the holy spirit tills power vald the bishop is a gift that like all gifts must be put into use if its benefits arc tu become meaning fed and active in your lives racelve certiftcaiae following the service the con g regal ton ixtlrvd to the parish hum where the bishop presented to the newlv confirmed their certificates refreshments were served by the ladies of the par ish under the convene rship of mr c b ncltc those confirmed on sunday evening were john trrd crick courtney susan gall rri goal in sight the reception has been very good fur the solunieer cansassers for the cancer society almost all the town und dislnet has been cose red b now with a iw callbacks 10 come anyone misv rd is asked tu kavt a donation al the bank of montreal or ae ton home furnishings store ae ions quota is 1500 pnd execu live member are ver hopeful that with the donations still to come it will be reaehed x jrrkm bishop of kamloops confirms 30 at st josephs church saturday on satuidav night april 25 the head a gold cross supported st josephs church aelon was be a red ribbon hung fnmn the erowdeel with parents relatives neck ol each candidate they ind friends of 0 eandidates lor mtdc a colorful procession a the reception ol the sacrament thev mirtbed from the hall to ol confirmation udministereel b tluir reserved places in the his cxeelkncv most rexcrcntl church each escorted by a m a harrington bishop ot learn sponsor kups bc representing the ui guard of honor shop of hamilton bishop rsan lht ntn w orm6u tik childan receiving the sac a honor tor the pro- ranunt ol confirmation wore uvvun tl his excellency the speeiul conhrmaiiim gowns the bishop ind hlx attendants ted hoxx wxix attired in red with tie hy u w acohytc to match while the gitls wore from the rectorv to the while with a red beret covering tn entrance where the ps- iiiimi risminajorar tjtwmiimrhtiwa wanafliinafrm tj iaini1no on not farm boo near erin it shown by aar gordon harris rri gmlph to ratirfthrmackvw mehtrvcteaiijtutbiblllihe ccrfnrnity centnj saturday rovemarle harris w m w throe and wesley harris vlaht cme to thedlsl3a7wwlk03rlr reauaoilka- goejhv a au- n4p captain mrs fy prank- ymrofhall mwuwtntorv tlrtifrw and isilrrtad wetaiognbxrectb lor w tth an assistant priest met the blshop for his epkco- pal isilaiion rottoulng thnl cercnwnics all proceeded to the sanctuary where other liturgv of the church was par- formed an official welcome was ex tended to bishop i tarring toil by the pastor on behalf of mmaetf and the parishioners for his easa ing to administer the sacrunetvt of confirmation and beutow on the candidates through bis 6sb copal powers the seven gtftm and twvlvc fruits of the holy ghost well rmpmd the bishop then pertornsed the uual questionnaire of the candidate presented for confir mat ion und found them wdl pre pared by their answers for tu re ception he then administered the sacrament and addressed both the chlidrvn pd the attv on the necessity and imparl anev of the receptkp of the sac raments the evening i iiiiiwk t cloed with solemn bcmoscikm cele brated by the bishop with the very rev j j rmm bx rec tor of st fgnatkd ooocf guelph as deacon aadjtew smltk sj vrofesw itf- cker flirabeth deidre llursi antluony derek hurst elune my ra johnson wlhiam hrcderkk laing susan radford robert leslie radford joseph randolph ridley susan rohinson and bcu trice lynne roy adulls sharon smith keiv- neth amen bennett morris f rcd- crick court nev pxler harm liuuwman herbert albert bra sier john cossar brxnda lou iso lllis gary william lllis jam es frank funk margaret hoare marion june hunter jens chris tlan lauslon june lewli do- reen ruby lindsay dorulhv ma vis robinson and florlu tour nour library board regular bersiness of the library buatxl was all dealt with in less than an hour last thursdav and members adjourned to wulch hit hoekes game oj4 b and ut friday s hearing the ojtlii dismissed the appeal on the grounds the town hod not produced suitaknt evuleike to prove the judge had erred in the judgment ckik administrator jack me geaehie told council tuesday llut etluiisel fof the ekfendants joint weir lead asked for dismis sal ol ilk appeal by live corpora lion of at toil chi llw gjthind sulfieleiil evidence had twit hee n given that the judge lead erred counsel for lite town wus aldo bra ida would iacrws rate hinell is now ulanmd the dis n s 1 of itu appeal by the q m b nilyhl alfeet llu lount assesv mkiii in ihc itent future appeals nre kalt with on list same ha mx m ior ias dubv old eooiwil nuntturi tluv eouldn i ik eewi tliinned in iik esutl assessment appeals rcxult in a uwii assess uunl lor the town wukii in turn would nit iv act tlu mill rale we have alwavs died lo maintain a low mill rale he stressed uiu out of lhw tlu minor also agreed llu rul ing bv the judge on tlu foinur post ollite was a mile kii of iiik and undtr tluu eondlikms ihtaighl 11 would be diltkult for lite uxvcxsoi anil town ekrk tu know what ha si lluv were operating under mr duby said il was important lor council to make a re lew of yhc assessment program in town to rcalut what tlu future would luitd he agrved with a iveom mendatton to ivold a meeting with asvosvor william crxklnc in or sment der lo review the program deputy reeve j bert wood told eouneil mr lick live had not ar rived ui the present town assess- limit but was carrying on with the work done by his predes cor mi wood also pointed out the assessor lead htxn using an as sessing guide laid out in the dma manual lo arrm at each uescssiiunl bui thu gukle i not lehxtgniyd in eouit cimjiuillor ray arbie wonder ed ii llu post olliee uxwssment luhng was un isolated case or was itu town lu inu uced as a guinea pig rixe h h h in ion tiwik txtepititn lo remarks direct ed lowaid llu einintv lodge atvd said ludge i 1 1 lit it iukd on what w is ijw uiki eouldn t use he as- sexsoin guide ax low e has lo judge llu etidefke lu iveelves lu staled mi aihu jivud that the judge s lulkng tttohl easily upset tlu feononn of llu town but llu lecse said it only n iliij llir ussessnuni but lmi ascd ttu mill iait many appeal smineilloi aihk wonkicd if any oihei iudgc had giunted us many apkals as llu hallon couniy juilge and said he under stimul tlu pereeiitage uf appeals yrnnteil u hiifh clerk udmlnlstrator jack mo geaehk lold tihineil llu tact the omb dismissed tlu appeal didn t mean the boa id agreed with llu judge but only based a ikeislon on eudcrice heard it was agreed lo hold a meet ing with itu assessor lu review llu assessment progrum s i topsoil oil washed away rocks exposed at new park lor riv v j mam tlw rlhl rev monslunor f mcllutfh tvl hamillun uak pnmnl in itu sincluary church dcocimj snccul muklc waw prvparcd by ihc ortfamt mi mulhouand arul the choir or thu truila event the altan und ihc sane luarv ucn muhl beautifully tic coratcd with red and white car natiom and mums which com hlned with itu red mlting uf the buhofi throne and the ai- lar dnuei created an atmos phere ftvmbolu of pentecost sundav and the descent of the holy ghost the childan confirmed were josephine murray rela murray susan rody gloria rody mar ianne coles barbara frost judy dwver lorcne paul irene sever inski joanne wasowici dianne bonnette mary oe bartola le- nora dowllnj patricia hotmes beverlev howard ann marie oulnn kathlene ohourlcc mich ael marchment james peycju mark kowah peler uiru jo- weph pelric william muchlbuclv ed jamen slawn john newell and robert lindsay ranger rally n acton park about 100 lively young ranger are expected this saturday for the dayvmtg hajtori district rally inactonpark ttv full hays livitrc include caivoe race cook ing ooatcu tent pitching and sporta events will conclude with the irsdillonal canpftre the girls are the senior division of the brownie and guid raovement acton rangens under the lead- acton parks board iik mbers werv alarmed lo team their ef forts last full to grade and kel the cknlta park had been wash cd owo and itnd left cluttered with a mass of roeks as a result of erosion board number nino draul i said he had isited the urea and was surpiised lo sec the top- soil washed owav and the greal amount or lurge nek exposed it hud been itu plan of the board to seed the urea im mediately to prevent a dust pro blem and also keep topsoil from washing away to mant ryt as a je suit of the existing eon dltion il has becn detlded lo post ptne secdlng but member are hopeful the condition can be improved and rve can be plant ed to oflscl lurlher trouble thlx vuiunut it sas dccidet to in sneet ik aiea before any dxei stun would be made aelon lo i was granted per mission foi use uf the park july ii lor tlu distiiei tome niton and also received approval to lease ealing concessions to bid ders appntv d was granted tit ae ton ys mens club tu hold tlu annual rigatia ut tuirv lke june 20 with llt understanding trials wikikt not be held n sun dav s ltst year scseral tomplalnls wcrf received from citizen when hntlntplunc operators raced up and down the lake sundays during tlie meeting roy artvolt was ix- hi red as park caretaker fur another season at the rate of 15 per week he will com mence duties mav 4 it was also agreed to advertise for appll eunts for gale attendant a request from acton softball league for axslxtaiycc in erect ing flood lights at the park was studied and deculon vruireldor further information laagew of ficials asked the board to seek a government grant for the pro ject whkh is expected oncost user jjooo lor poles and mercury vapor lights it wai agreed to obtain further information from tlie league before giving a deci sion h tf i t t two cases confirmed infectious hepatitis in sprte of rumours acton schools were being plagued with infectious hepatitis dr archie bull hal ton medkal officer of health said wednesday after noon onlv two confirmed cases at the robert little school have been reported dr buh explained in early stag es symptoms of infeclious hepa- lliift arc similar id influenza hut patients should be watched carefully and the family doctor notified in ear by stages nausea headache and abdominal pains are symptoms the medkal officer of health advises everyone to lake precau tions at all times to nuke certain ha rul u are wiudvcd thoroughly ufur visiling the washroom he- lore eating meahv and proper health habits practiced at all time dr bull advises school child ren not to exchange food at lunch time ur place pencil in mouths dr bull stated that hepatitis seems to strike during the late fall winter and carry spring but appear lo he on the downward trend at present no other cases have been rvported elsewhere lu lfahon county school pupils have been in structed by a county health nurse mm chlsholm on proper health hatlt and warned by principal g w mckeniic over the perblie address system washrooms and drinking fountains are being dto mf ret eel rvw more ireqiienuy than usual msmor or kamloorl rc tns moat rtrvmrv ivta hrrlroten owkmu sq c al 1 joiophs roman cahsollc ckotch ahjfdv vnjno phw ol tw voono ceictwiam gr s left to rlom bvvswhw howard murlarsn cow wlllurrt amjaisfcocrw lnora ttattrflncr m jo mrifc r i

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