jbt trar aoqn fraa praaa thuraday april 3fh 1964 fh calf grain clubs organized rural members meet new ag rep ami young people al um c cen- april 21 to orftati their avh aaa ajar m lt i ml lb atat cad club wlla is la aslr dactaa atoaetl wur- m axaalowl frank juuhony al piaalrvnt janel all km aec ntvy aod robert lcalie mrn ito cunblncd cucutivnhax opcofku u their credit caat aa cajf dub taaalacn air owl aal as tw hat thail- la inail april twill seplrrober wubaalulaa mmfwy rawta omv amphllli aad ral of jta our- lata tmr aawral mrellaa thev acoalw aaalrvmiufia and um lam jlaar w i tof and aroomlita ihcli calf fuf tm aawwfalg a u a ait trxtnv aaw tsarw in caltae lutaau tataat mfcty to complek the m jjcl ad aacrobar will answer an satt eaaalalai and eahibil natr calf at the lucal athleve- aaapl day to be wtu la ionium taa vailh aikort fair craaa cfc itaal ailun h bmla club with laraafacra elected to ikir x camta praaldeai frank anibuay imrtaucnl janet allka arc laaii avuw cole andpreu r paatar wayne aitvefl fur their jaaavct each member wih wd gai ack of herta kulev and ei fclhh a onebuihel umple at act lawaaraaam day fw ural ttxulrerwl of each iaanlnr u to lake a toll watnle of thalr plot whkh thev will tend to the 0x solla depl for toil aiaalyala and feniliier rxtomrtwn dtlon other alllvlilm of iru obib wlu intitule wed and uil adah zehak fryer burwcj at faiiview ada zeluh fryer whose line riiia hie wa evidenced ev ca tairlai bar ulneu paued way l ber home r it 4 ac ion on april u alter five wkt of alllhghealth mlle of the lute waller tvyar who prede- oratrd her tin year ago he urn lovwj by all who knew her mar aula inlereua were her family and her home which wit tfcvajt brbjhtewd by her flow- era which abe loved to ahare vrui cabrr i vpenl all her life on fannt i bora 1 oclober urt qt major samper and h aaar uttd was married lav lu al bvertod she had lived u the arm on r 4 for the pail 44 year surviving are una and daufh- lara wunwr and waller h ilack and wdft all at home ira loaeph heveran ida al ualon and urt wallace gordon edna acion a brother georav bnper guelph three brolbers aaw oata ulr prodeouaiod her she bad live grandchildren she attended acton baptist church and vui a member of the marlon rudd wiaalon circle rev stanlay cammoa the ulnlaler of her church conduct ad the funeral tervice at the rumwy shoemaker funeral ujoam on salurday april 23 and latanstaul ww ralrview cemc try aflou hearers were jamea morri ton menry kellv bert rennick rjordon ronvaklaon lval mo culcheon and jeaie mcenerv all 0 acton honorary phbearer vatra hugh raid and charlea 4oad bolh of guelph h b cvirltholder of freeman lome a j u steuie and john of acton bajra were harold fefgua algax crlppa tlnir each uoyd iiue tblallii mil mac mcliaac robert h ud nuratan fryer of ac- a kind friend and neighbor aby wai held in alfeciion and ev team by all who knew her jjlrtg cooapelllioaa tbe faced coal la aubiddued to membcia by lw halton toll and crop im piunamnl auodalion mcrioiux wilqhv acton agricultural society pir ident calvin ail ten welcomed the member on behalf of the ipun- horiag organization und urggd ihefa to maintain the high aund- anla arl by fumur axlon 4h liaw j a fianti miring aiukul tuial rtprtvliiulu luuiuicd be cteciioo uf ufiun and inlio duced hi vuiievuir horry slan ly who 1ondiklcd the remtdttd- t of the meeting and diklilhuted proieel malcrljl mr stanuv in hddmvlng the rminbera and thiir parvnlt paid iribule to the work dune by mr iriintla in rallon m r r county and added thai it poacd a great challenge fiit hlui to irv to lill the vacancy lct by ibi resignation of a moal capable predeceaaor waleoaaa ag rap on behalf of the galhermg club prrvldem nino braida welcom rd ibe newly appointed agncul lural rcpfetcnlalive and alvo prevxd their regrett thai mr trouit ww uaving ibe exunuon uiut bul wivwd hull cirv mu- uk jn hit iww ititkavorv tht ax toil 4h ilf ilub aiul llu ackml 411 gialll ilub an biiug vumvortd by llu at loo ay rkultun bolel ulld arc organ md under the pohiv of ih on lurto ix ru of agnculluix iokui itub leadcrv are kllno bruida and tvfc somerllle kjm 4itw fcalumamd rm0 uwo mystery program bvea includes the bemtks a full huumt turucil uui to in y a wotulfrful invktrrv pro uram put un v llir uiilhnjiaj ten town bill mtii pitfvljinl hftiftt the program witn all uixu ifttf thj ouren aficr which he irv iruduced iha- mailer of trftnum it jim caiburn ul ax ton who helped ihrm orvaitir a yrjr ao nd quite ablv filled the role ol vic adding much to the pio- yram duel june and matu- givea scot t uh danct dc bhie hamlltian nl btian sinclair rcadins icaihrvn sinclair inim fwi uilo lewu i niman tlw davc clark hvc janice brown gml and cut u spear maiuie given jatlie ctmcr piano ujo ixivid watuu duct sharon hume and dora dixdge mjio tiiilc ptnnv sliortdl aihlw ami ndv alun jumkuin umj jim my sandervon rxachns and pi jiu tolo ann short ii the i vir lev brother bill and carotiiu- micihiy a duet voto djrl burt niaomnaiikd b yuitar pmks or billy goal and hi band bar hra ridkr and kalhrvn swait tiamer danced thr charutcn km tot her and hu ziy zog orchetra wi tan i forvet th beatl s bill simih bot mccnciv gordon ha mil ton and moilev shoitill aut wr lt41 vuic if ld sullivan had un and heard ihrm h would want them on hi pioyram in all it wa a line pioiam and tttn town of ballirufad dcuia cndil in their first attempt pnpaiinjj and prentint u nluhi of mieriainrntnt all tn tainlv in loved it bill smith ihanktd llene mc tncry his mother and mr woud- for the help ihv navt them and invlitnl all to lunch in i he lavement the nl ol the tvemny wii npent in dancinit tu tlu mumc of ken tosher and his 7uifk pramlatlgh lar1y a nixwentalion pirlv for mis iii ivan and gordon uas held in balllnafad lull on wcdiuda niuhi hv the ir iu itthhors w he n llvev nxeivtd vonu lovely yifts an clexlrie lei led lie a vollee peieutatoi and eolkt tahle and to goixlan a wallet they have moved into aeton anniviijr ve rv i is in b illina fad ehuteh ibis sundav qfamiajnr ka1ton htcuvtvaux ucw veutiv rrwieiing wa held moodav t ballmafad uaiid church with rvari e- sovrkn prwtbyierial pritdanf in chfq lft to r qhi r mi d imiiaad prln cwrtt of rvaalvilt u c w mrt r spnc cookiw lie chnvt an and cili2ovhip tcrtarv mrt sovrk witt b hiht ballmafad oldett acltve mem bar in th preibytvrial mrt f w hay wajd lowvilla area vtce prencjant and mrt l b k ng geofqatown wetidant of st jolin t ucw 60 ahend executive of halton ucw guests at ballinafad church umftttouif sausageshaped egg found two institutes visit manor mrt fourvd cby gathrhnff one raid bv large about 60 member and rtprr jluneheon ivtritl hv venlalivek dull locals atlrnded fad ladir ihe executive meeting of halton prevbylenal united church wo men in bauinafad church on mun day mrv don smith the local president weleomed llu laduv wk tame from burlinu tun tookhvivk milton port credit bronte cur lisle hornby georye town i- reel tun oakville and strvelsvilk mrs tarl sovrre ijjn pn sided with mrs k mcmillan opening ihe morning vession with a tuau tiful devotion the hvmn of praise all erealufts of our god and kmy lilt up sour voice ind with us sing as suny and lor ihe sciiplure she chose sever il passages slatting with in the beginning god created the hcav ens and ihe earth and end tug with riv 21 eisr behold i make all things new as a closing pravcr the hvmn o jes us grow i him in mc was sung oftl reports were heard from fin a nee suppk nominations ami kondertlupj training ttaicjclarvciv before irbe noon ikhii when all llu llillina rcw ppexbyierian church vml prtsent tn a pot luck speckled tien which vva tauuigo thaucd about one inch in diam eler and two inches long with bluntiih end officer cadel peter glynn was home trom rmc kingston uv er the weekend david rough lev wan home from rveruut lntiitutc over the weekend land on apnl 2s and the rccept ion following al cropland pres bvierivn church vull limcshousc and women inttiiuus combirved to vitil hallon centennial manor woo madal congr iiulations to doroth anne and karen orourkc in w inning the brume medal for violin duel in peel muvie fcstiv toriin- a on rr am io k a gold medal in violin solo class on thursdav lo provide a program lunch and birthday pariv for rhe clderlv folkh there mondav evening air and mr a c patterson tul mut joy patterson were i mr and mrs ola berg of tor 5j onto visited wlh his pirenls mr and mrs h berg prior to i heir moving to mnnire il latt nuett at the wedding uf a niece mus carol ann sinclair and mr wrhlant frank hick in si and wedding in the familv get a form lo fill in detail and ar range with the photographer for a picture lo be sent lo the frex press dick voskamp new proprjelor service station on highway 7 a new canadian of dutch un gin dkk vovkamp it the new pruprlelur of ihe former balkn tuu servkc station on no 7 highway two miles east of avion mr vokkamp who came to canada in 19u biouy h i with him a vat kiuae ledge ul ihe motor mechanic track having worked in his native land and in the armv at this trade i mm lime house- vvhe i h md his wife and two ehildixn rvsid eet he worked in gkn williams in his own business in the mot or nuxhanie irade he took ovei the former bal kntine gatage apnl 1 and being a lieensed inevhanie is familiar with 11 makes and models and is looking furwirei lo greeting manv aeiomans as well as form before coming to acton dlilrktjer cuttumcr at hit new localion i bonpgd hlaniwseo dealer vfeum ctrrc flgor pohthrt new management vjifa rwaakanvja- tr rwariagallhwi olttfomaawtajtajnlarmmoionomna 7 hwy two mlam mut of acton am smctauzf im avm lagana mad tramumusiott rakahr lajaat ammj tafw fapalrt oaa mxt oil suppfa 344aoak towlaag saxvic ohn 7 aj4 io v0 w laaily cxcvt ujmtay richs cities service mo 7 kry acaati 5r40 dick voalurap fyop the ontario government his passed the bill in the legisliluu esi ibltvhing the universitv ol guelph lis cstimiud b i970 there ii be 6000 students mioll ed ihcrc s g bennett has been nitvud u the board th univer sitv will lx within e is com muting dist ince for aelon mu dents pnnmmiii pampturi mitaik l nit nti iihtl apn iud eharyc if mis p speiuc thair man of c hi isli in t ilii nship ind soeiil aliioii whj spoki hnellv on ininuit jiuin ami the imu eum ir anil uuininuiulul llu lkok hie iking live bank is which is tlu rxrujit ol the pieshvlerv on i vangelisni and soeial stiviu assisting mis sjkiut vein mis sanystii utui iut tlu innuat he lad npoil of ihe vletor home mrs tiibuti thuiskin ului luld a utile oj the woik dime im inirsi c tn ut i s 200 00 indians and mis r itph wil son who spoki ihoul llu work 01 the sin and the i vi hank sh tteomnu ndid iht e rtllv puhlishid a siyhl ind ih al two slonrs thai had e e e ill l in ttu pi john nicoi funeral salurciay in acton funeral service for john scut iv nkol 7 f 100 woolwich si guelph toriiur acloiite incuiuiiwiil engiavir was luld chi saturday al ruiuuv mukiiijur rune rul home he duil in guelph general hompilal rrv cruwford smith officiated al the funeral and burial ws in fairvicw cemeierv pallbeaivrs were rudolph sptekotiel rav ay new came ton luhnuu luil- ert price howard graskv and arthur gaiuhk n recent years mr fslieol work d as a grounds keeper ai guelph faiiural ttmpllal dudiig 1 v ars in acion lie owraied his own bueimss of nuuiuiiuni tayia ing ik had lived in gu iph swu ui mr nuol was ikjiii hi kitek uklv scoilaml u wwi of thoma knox nieol and chttslliw hoci he wit a member of ihe scottish masonic order afier eoming t canada tit iwxj he j uned knee church ac ion mr hlieol s first wik manaii lluwt died v ve us ago he liui lutl tlu oiiiui i loieiuc fhlli lull ml 1vu ik u vuimved bv his wik ihiet miiis ihttmasuf bianipton j jin moon i i oust urvd lieu idianlcointnaiider andiew nuol hariuuiulli nova volia and daughters chrislint liank joiuv aelon ma th mas sinilh wtsi n m 1 hi of atll iptl i ms it i l mi at rum gu h in t yt iiuk hildu n firemen get down in pumps alton flreflghtcra jpt down in the dump asain mday tiwit when thev vwre called 4o ine aul ttawii dump to eilintuifch a amdr den hlte- which eaurd unol lo btlrw thtuughout the glen- ka scthdlvulon sunday evening the urrn mwadv cd again hod ltreflhlcr rcd iu a ifraw fire near acton line- wtouc oeiajtwk only to find tlu blaze out when thev arrived imng people who had giv luir ivts so ihil ollurs tmtld st mis sve uign ihanktd all 111 m who h id assisted in llu pio yt nti lor the dav aiul tspeeiallv jor llu it hospit tills she p ud it llu h illinafad giiuip miss beatrice hilts llu ithksi iinmlhr present who s ihlv isstsltd ihi loe il pn si iknl in leitivnig ihe guests of ihe d iv in the ihurch where she his selvid so f llltll til t for m mv m inv iar smkd m mi aiul wis motmfrs day cards to allmotu baxw to you mohur doooklar wif grortdnvohtar aunl siilar spatial mortwr and morty sjr s aivhii 4 000 000 npii ol can udu ixpji hiiliil il ayi iiiilluli puhla iikiiu uu linlribtiuil im in llu iim il lur lm21 tlu cuiutlu ixrurliiuiil ol ay iktilluri ctotril litiruv in ol liun was loumliil in i 10 jml im- 2 00 vilumrv dills stationery red fare one way t0vanc0uver the smart ay to save and trawol extra coach car conveniences to mako your trip more comfortable for other ooonomy red white a bluo faros call 8532450 cti optomitiists timuutay affmtioon thurttuy evrtlng frltuy morning how ta ya 114 main st miuon vaav4avaavaav4atvnaavaavnav4av av 4av aa aav4avaavaavaavaavavaavavaavav canadian national see all thats new in the new kelvinator electric range it has only 11 moathly wtth tm down i i i 1 i i i i i full width stora drawer f extra dep roomy will ttore a comstre g tet of pots and pant slidi tmoothty lifts 1 nqhi out for cleanmq automatic oven timer easy to ine automatic control turni oven oft and on at times tet all automatically minute reminder 160 mini easy cleaning oven door if la oil trielf and raclci lift out bat and broil elemanii are hmoad botisserie bringt ooidoor cooking right chen barbecue roam rib time of the year into your kit or fowl any 3eint this weekfcr gordon ima hardware ltd 4 mothers day is nearj dont forget mother she never forgets you florist dem cutlowrs a mo potted plants roe mother we have trie best gifts for motfter lady beth full fathioned nylon mote pyiama or nqhtgowni ladiet slipt and half slipi ladiet bloutet ladies cardigan sweatrt ladie pantiet and blocwvftrt lad et house dresses lad s aprons ladies boxed handkerchiefs s ik kerchiefs chamoisetle gloves lades handbags lades slippers costume jewellery boned coat or dress flowers bomed towels dresser sets luqgege boed stat onery boed toiletries fancy china and guitwar bone ch n cop end sauce table lamps boned chocolates mother s day cards pct department budoiat java yampla birdj bird caoat pal supplla wntows 5c to 100 store