Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 14, 1964, p. 1

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ps board principals irked ty blame for hs failures t flared thordy night principal smith described any u going to he fur hying around complied with the reqoett tk fun fair attracts crowd of lawi week when public achoal trustee and principal look ob jections to statement made the previous week during econdv awy school board meeting by vioeprinclpaj michael evn the viceprincipal had put the blame for the high rate of failure in the easier tutnt on wrong h also reported he had robert utile principal alto que hansen al saying thai attempt to blame elementary i here teacher a a colotud nerve phoned high tchool principal v ed m he pointed out the registration a hansen who tatd he person- form for grade eight pupil are ally didn i attach any blame to issued by the high school and the public ichool stall for the are tent to the pupil parent to streaming or failure be filled out j mr mckcruie aid lu was of mr smilh cruirged the highly rohjru hool way not carrying out the ulu a course but tremlng and urged clcner halt- kobart plan and should have a unud before this could on between public and high school u a corrective measure a full length ducufcslon follow ed reading of a leller from dwlght engcl chairman oi the high school board tnanagemenl committee requesting a frame of reference for i reaming lu- denu by teachers and uiggeting a meeting be held with the high achool board u include represent atives from alton fcoeiing fend naagavweya public school board thla meeting u planned fo wednesday may 20 principal elmer smith of the i z bennett school remarked i am very disturbed by tome twoyear course a well a four and five year course he cited an example in 19o3 when he had pent two hour persuading a pupil to rn a r the four ycsr course instead of the five what happened he related the high fcchool v y principal recom mended a witch into llu five- year wlream on tlie basis the public school tiaff had under rti the pupil s suiuumic bil ilies mr smith thought the hlud4n1 would be lucky to tnd up with 21 per cent waau autrmmlaa principal g w mokcrvic of iht ake place llu re had to be student population of at least 1000 he lead miwj thought acton would ht able to enroll umi students at ihe raw georgetown vocation d sdvool a acton tan payer win tulptng to foot tlu hill when lu enquired ik learn td tlun vtasn t tiny niom about so per cent of tin pupil tluhild be in special trudts but there ln i anv plat or tfu in lu crilicicd wa very little difference be tween the four and five year course at the high school i have no quarrel with mr hansen he ha attempted to cooperate fully he dated 04hr fct n trustee murray smith said it veem air bevan had to find a scapegoat for the failure and picked no t reaming if he want to anatyre failure there aie mok ajuim lhaat rhi to pick trustix bill be nuin taltd ihc kiln liom mr i ngcl wa out of udtr and slvoulcl never have bn to culph mr moktnie said lu had tun wlwn llu fvtuird agtecd to have liusttct vic bitilow and louis bonne tic attend tlu- meeting with built principals mr mtkenzu gevtunng with hi liandt re taclcd principal i ox ol iht john inaikcd i will mul ihcm at i lie robert little chool said mr i koss school in gtu iph recpu ling same level not with u away of mr bevan re ma rk aiul be van u going to have lo retract i ptfmiiun to urul wmiu pupik duun luu and ukiii away up would be glad to meet with him vmim of hi btatermnl or tlu re to lu chool ujul mi lux had tlun motwfg aomifkl cakks whla duohter janet en a tucker hor q the m i bannatt horn and school aitooatton tun far satutdav wi jetty- jeiume kw a box of tml cakfth lo aart john row a lare crowd attended the avent ind many booth wttfe oki out arly ht jvittojt sftt ptfjess ehty ninth yr no 46 acton ontario thubsday may i4lli 1964 sixteen pagot savon centi council lowers red ensign rejects support for flag aa far aa canada national ftug ia concunwd alioii councilor are ailll doubtful tucvdav r ve iling a resolution to support the red cnaign went down to de feat with three voting in favor of th motion four voting against and one member undecided the resolution wponuirvd bv councillor hamilton peal und mrs ceorw frvcr asked council tupaort of ihe red enign with a notice td rhi effect to he aanl to i tall on member of parliament hurry hurley voting in favor were the two sponsor along with mayor l a duhv undecided wan duputvrcevi j bert wtuut whiu oppcwlng wen ciuinclllor albert irwin lric juhntun alex johnon and ray arbic naad mora time councillor arbic htutcd he was not againtl the ensign but iclt council hud not hud enough lime lo consider tlu pmpouil coun eiluir alec johnson wus of tlu cilmc opinion und councihor uric johnnlon aid he favored the inion jack dcpulvreeve j bert wood withheld his otc on the buxis inmifficknt notice h td bexn given lor discussion havorad by ltfglon ctminetiloi hiniilton pcul told members tlu legion was sup porting tlu red ensiyn and to hi knowledge most pticcs were ctumcillim alhtit in in rximiik eel i in oik sttciun wht will vule ugainst his motion i m not in fa voi of the red ltisign in giinu itk ixasous lu s luted can- ad is nuitlt up ol sxnit a liimulitics and lu believed then alum id hi a distuut canadian flag he ohlccteil t a ftut with tlu fleiu dc lis on il mi peal informed cttuiuil a ivceni artieu in tlu trvx pivss ruul lutleel llu legion brtuuh was mil ihing a ii ig on the build ing he viul ilk cenotaph on mill slreet u cnmfdctvcl lcyinn tm pert und u red lnsign is living there i during no i committee rxrmirt ll wa faurnad engineer ken hyde hod presented u drali plan ol uihdlvikion at tlu hufnagel pro perty and he hud taki the land wa kultabtc for future industrial ex pan ion the committee wus instructed lo proceed with soil boring teat before daemton to purchase the property was made by council maw man no 2 committee chairman h ami i tun pcul reported nine op- plica i ions for u position on the town work furc hud been t lulled at u rcscn i commktec mttmnp and two npplicunt intcrvieweu a a ix mil l clarence shepherd was hired mr pcul noted the other person intorvitwed wusn t certuin al llu lime if he wished lo leuvc his present employment ch not hut lutcr decided ag linsl leaving industrial commit ton c uinelt uppointed neil bowles john gov and aldo braidu to serve wilh llu industrial commit lee of couneil on the industihil commlssum newtv uppointed members will he asked tu name a fourth member to the eommis sion 1 1 was ku luitnl i illsign pre pared bv tlu tnginccr lor queen and young street rcnovuiiotr had been dncussed al committee level during u discussion on u bvlaw to sign an ainveimni with the cnr tcgurdtng dmtn ige canvass total during ha paat wek 1101 haa baau addad to the total raiaad fa the vry auccaaful canvaaa of the acton branch of the cancar society making a graad total of s2j4tf3 ac- toua goal waa usa and cartvaa- aa wy twilghtad with the nihualaatlc tsmponaa to thia vary worthwbile cauae ductus to iliuvv rlhhhnt on llu ttt ic rn i nj l bow t a v i niu eleikutlniinislrulor juk mcgea chit outliiuil the prxievl to be undertaken it was ugived to run drainage pipes to the crvek from bower avenue rale rutting mi mtgeaehic alvsu poinled out the bud condition ol some of the heel hydro pole and warned council repairs would have to he made immrdiatcry r neciou trouble would develop the clerk staled council i presently paying n muintmmct charge on the pole but still has lu pay the com of having tlum painted council tgrctd lo cheek llu situation with ihc hydro depart nicnt and it tempi to irrangc to hove rust lemovtd md the poles painted couikiiioi ra aibic in formed nu nrfu rs lu h id frequint lv slopped e4nldnn fnim thnnv ing sioncs at iht ptile md chip ping paint a i conference mi mcgc ichic repotted on the recent town and vih tgc conler- enec in hi at simcoc 1 isl week cnil and pointed out a few ol the resolutions which hid been pro posed induct inc taising ot coun tv hvics or municip ililtcs usk ing tlu proline id government lo insuttu inponmbilii lor imbu lance scimecs prohibrtmg nuinii i pit einplovccs tnm loing on strike nul uuiusiin llu covin i nunt to est thlish ubiti iimn bo ircls 111 dell will tluse miul lions j alsn continutl in tlu icpoit of llu coitientlon wis i thtee p ilt ix puil which de ill with c ttiu i turn mil ttdueitiond flints cmtnctflors each requesteil i nipi ot this ixptui tni tin the i sludv la last iin lund dunne incuiiius 1 uicinlxis loutuilloi i ik juhnsion iskeil i vvh it was happening le irihnj tlu leishinin puk s ik lie wis told llu applicalion tor a public cuittnukxt on p ige live queens crotf donald claude cook 22 will icccive hi liacrulor of scutvce degree in clumical engineering irom outvn univenity king ston al convocation on satur tl iv may 16 he ix the son of mi and mis claude cook who will be attending convocation wilh his lister mis carolyn took and aunt mrs vcllch of ottawa hi will begin employ ment with dow chemical com pany sarnia may 25 don cook school fun fair nets 562 most successful event held lvlii more siieitssfiil than list year wsjs tlu fun i tu ai llu m 7 bennett school s iluid iv sponumxd bv the iforfu irul school askociilion which gross cd u2 un a elt u piofu l 12 promptly at ii when tlu diors opened the corridors anil elasv rooms wcie ainnutl with eflltr culomen ware wife especially artanged to suit both adult slup- pen and the joungmcrs with police warn corporal hay maaon of the acton ojj datachnant thla waak uauad a warning regard ing letting off firework in town a by law prohibiting the uaa of firework in town will b frictly enforced and offend era charged police have al ready invaatlgated soma in stance and will be on the look out for more especially thla weakend six new teachers next term at two acton publk schools lloih aeion public school will luu three new teacher on their stall next liiin this wus learn nl bv the bond thursday eve nini ol i ist week piiiuipal g w mckenzic of llu robert i rule wesuiol uild he wthild b ive ross ram ii y mars gnli m uul kothit goventock ut ins school as replacement and pi i in i pa i llmcr smith of the m bennett sehoot reported ix um i i irullv stewart cowan uul i jk ii le itluiltnd would be li idling it his school tlu tai j ix ik s iu bnitlui und stslc r 1 tlu iuw ii ichits were engaged u siiatloid pfulav mav i and will ittcntl in unt ituin week mas 2t2i it the schouk all are gru duitis this srinng of stialford tcaeluis colli n board numbcis approved the appointment ol j a me brad sh in as he id caretaker of 4hc rotuii i ittlc school tu work undu the supervision of ctvlef eare taker colin maccoll caret a wluiam nntftv reoalvod life rrtemborshlp pin and a dozen red roses from the leo ion ladles auxiliary following her rehremenf zone commander mrs flnley has held the posi- hon for 13 year adiiachgrter jtftembftf of rrwacfonjaruftlonghlvjtjanai t aars plrtley and president mrs hta shutfis ker robert anderwm will uoik undci mr bradshaw pcimission was grmietl to mi mckenle to elttf ge mis 1 n i gibson to uach iwo full diss i week ut his school next teim in oixlcr lor him to provide more supervision for new ic ichers mi smith was granted rui mission lo engage mrs ailene unicc for ssi days tci term lor the nnn purruse mr mckenzie received pel mis sioti to take grade b students from his school tn a visit to the parliament buildings and museum tu toronto monday mav 2s 1 property chairman louis bon luttc reported a failure in the healing system which had bexn repaired by neil miller who work ed all one weekend fie huid a wader softener had heen reeoiii mended by mi miller and this had been purchased from riemer electric account totalling s 408 m were approved for payment tannery staff changes ihorter day same pay following u program aimed al increasing plant efficiency and producliun capocitc w j beatls president md general manager of bcardmore fl co limited has announced further uafl changes jim foenstra lui been appoint ed tore man in charge of specialty department mr fecnura i an ecpcriemcceinintvjrorfcocuhy leathers for the unull katlicr goods and luggage trade and he ha j begn in t tgrvi of the company for fl yearv charles kjngfimlll bat been up- pointed foreman ht charge of all night shirt operutlona mr kings- mill ha been with the company urvwlwa and unlilhisrecent uppolutoient was tuttejjjtnt of local 47s united packinghouse food alliance workers bob angd i under chief engirt eer guv ros wilt assume respon slbihlv for the control and lota lion of work performed by mach ine hop personnel harry rogen will assist boh angcll by taking over machine shop store with the responsible i ief or conl rololt toouociuip- meait and supplle used betlie machine shop department in its operations in januaryofthi year rhc company indicated it intention of reduclnjr the avork day from nine to eight hour without any reduction of tukxhome pay or increase in the unit cost of the product because of ihe complex cewtinued on page five limited llluu inns u id n dis pox ptnnus e mltl bov used lnks loss lewtlkia uul oilui labile tlithanls ok mmmiyi lbcie wile i wpikul quills lisli mum ital u lirshnunts muiikjs sh ijv peil i iritis for baking md caiuli intl llu booth was sottn sold t ut llu ft wis i toimtrv sine and plant booth plenty if dnws it liacud eveimine aim jus to l ike a chant hand placd ailon citiens llindsnum pluv id lot t rxm l in hou i in llu ikinih n tnd two ilmns hill 1 ivloi nut itb i ml ill ildijittd llu childic n who io mud llu i ills unwilling lo ii ivi tiiu vilun i tu i m ni v k is ill lihk p ijv i h tl uul bixtklils win 111 tn nv iv very successful llu lino it c mvinirs mis ouui c millitip nd min iltiuk ilslui ilc ddtdlud eith llu vm mleeissful pit lex tlu mom v will ix use tl to piiiehisc kuuirrmnls lor thi stlikil ptrhips sports tquipnunt ot nioit bmiks lot tlu hbi u llu intuitu is hut pltntn ol pi usi in ihc m m people who lulpid tlum irom ill the conveners lo ith st iff mil pi i ik ip il c hi t ike in nut oldi i studiiits who issisttd ill div with tlu g nuts cuiliktis mi uul mis lohn m ucoll pit putd tlu moms md weii issisttd in llu elt mini up hv suiiu ii ml s rutins md s mil t ilx i ik iici studints jum sonu intninin uul white dip h mis viiit kit uns ilil oum cotlltlllp uul pimuipil i intt i smith in idi the eh us whiih itmdodid the tvml dim tx iii months ol piepai il mil in charge ii h ih mm i iu is win lish point mis ninjt ut mis hhiv iiiskk g inus owen coul ttup pi ink i ishct luimnaut mis i iwuiuc mills nut mis jk sok i tan l mi s 1 iu i vtuh uul mis j uk niuudcll pottetl pi mis mrs ih ilu ih andiison miss bun ii t anderson mis dill j ml in dolls dolhis md ill lie mis mtn palakv mis j lui hut liwtllux mis ruih it i ti eounlis stoit mis 1 hum is diny el biking mis s jemhlli min kay m ison pennv de mis ccjrge llaggcll mr geoige v il lis cank mis d van slialtn cuokhook mj patrick i ulur mrs owen con i imp white clep- imnis mrs john buck man mrs moms couiliuv and mis g iry dchruvn hot dogs mi and mis cuiut ifilkliv mis studs issisttil bv mrs font perkins md mrs ken miiehuitnt serve tea in the kindeig il tell limtm dttl u kin iii wis stivtd undet tlu louielulshlp ol mis cutjji wll ii mis uul mis john luikos iv sisttil h mrs sun iliumllc uul m bemull te lihus miss gill ii ino1i md miss 1 1 rn sin dl theic w is ilsu i hot dog si ind m the hill draw winners mlsn millions di m u uiiurs in i pi mis mis john i isl ihocolilts birrs inseih bnde tkill k ithv w dhs si illel int mis joe hut si g inu i i hit g irv tuikos jiwellnv john hlunddl luv pi m is ko m un pue mrs ituy thompson tandv andv milk i i nn silt lymnns sus in pt thi two ipiotis mis john me geuhu iwo clips md smteis i sus in jerome l iblcdolh mis j ik i ixm cook pcilutnc mis ake minn a doll mis ai thin lull cutis mil willing papci m i low mtn iiupol mrs allan sdl t ihleelolu mis giiffm sptowl tfhppt rs mrs ii aid woilh w tie t loo dm ginu don ni mtcdv id in v ist mis john hui blinkit mis m polluti upper w ue mrs w p mecabe i 24 tpiails ol milk mix lhml i ihn tomp u i anni con ion to- ixmi i tut bditu jim steplun 1 coniinued on page live area farmer loses stock fire- one acton district farmer wil bur don net i rr 4 hope the aving bhlnlng never kirike twicv in the warn place ring true thursday afternoon he lost 61 farm animal and hi barn when lightning struck the bulld ing cauoing a flah fire mr donne it wa aowlng grain in a back field when lightning t truck the barn and before he could reach the building it wa a maw of flame lol in the fire were ii head of cattle 10 sow and 40 pigs hock wood fiie department wn eulud to ilc scene and bv the link they unived the building was tu vond caving water wa pouied fixmi portable lank onto ilu dm ing klud lo prevent hum e liom spteading lo nearby buddings mi and mis donne 1 1 und their ibil inn moitd lo tlu farm two m irs ilu afttr wtiidi lie ie- unhklktl tin bun it wa burned in llu fmuutailon alvo in the bl ii wtic sunt grain ttiaw hay an i a itw pint of equipment m h kw mki in i light t is wt iv re tdkd if tin s t ur aftir 6 pin utu n ii unt lu l m lo loar uguln ti m ik lolljpstd i ianuwork tjiid tonttntv of iht building lions present three cheques i i iiuh ol the tegulii dinner un t line ol at ton i i ins lob mon il iv mghl w is iht pu st nlallon i i in mil s to t ii h ol ihuc or i iiuatious whiih ut htlvt local iv li u hid pitt pipillon pre st nil d i lu ijuts to mis john lloi km m tnd mis norm price i llu ktl uded hikhin auxl huv lo siil ollkn r h hart md sujui ink ndeiil george liar li in itpie suiting the st john amtuilinec hngide and con si itik ron rupert u pie stilting tlu alton silt iv cotincit in his pulaet ilu lion chlaf ut inu d sonu ol ihc act ivi tie llu thin oig uiialions bponorcd md lu wished tlum suetesi in tlu it v limns vt nunc s riphmg biidly mi huek in m mi ii it and constable r until it kiiowltdgetl iht gift and issued ilu 1 i us tlu donation w li id ix pot to good use const ibk utiuil also ihjlhneel sniu ol ilu it iiurci of the sifctv ptult un which it being sponsored b ac tori lions in l lament oflletal grxcler lion al latwl ti w is in his dement a he ex undid llu band of friendship to i ions uul ilu ti guests but a fine imposed hv tnl twister dave lluniti piompitd linn to great ir t moris uul lu was last een cuatuig iiiusts it tlu hold en- it nut i irhei lu led u luly sing sony in his cipulty a prt- gr un tliitx lor i lu t lub li til i visii fiom norm iivti ii pit scnlml the orunge oidti tnd lu ixplaltud some of tlu tkt uls ol the jutv ii ectehru lion which is being held in acton his vt ir tlu 1 ions arc consider ing m uiiviiv io round out ihc big d iv oik suggistlon wui a sin t datiit liu tudcil in tlu round of in iiikiuh ins wtti prospextivc new numbers neil miller and gordon moi ton pi ins loi ilu lions spring car- nival welt oulluud by commit tic di ut in in 1 ion vic ilrittow and lu w is given the green light to plotted wilh ilu annual ewnt closed for holiday th acton prat ryaaa plant will b cloaad all day monday for lh holiday th eopar- atlon of advartuara and car respondanta in atibmjtthig copy by tuaaday te r4etalad tu conipattaala for tba uaaday cloatng llava m good holiday and drlva aafaly wa uka lo keep our population up r m u j- i 4 ju xtu 11 ito esr v- m wakdmom and co ltd oklclilt enlailtlned mmbrt of both likotldo tnd dole of 6ev- onshlre chapters ol the i od e toeidv alt noon nearly 40 ladlei took conducted toon of the plant and taw how leather wat manufactured irom raw hide to finlthed product look ing over shoes and handbaoi made from the n ew plggibuk process are left to right fart r spielvocjel lakeside chapter r r parker pla nt manacjeo mrs h r force regent of the doko of devonshire chapter and w j beattv preldenr and flenaral msnaoer a story on beirtf mores newest process is on the first page of the second section

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