Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 14, 1964, p. 13

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2ttmsis 8 hcws and shopwn6 gihm oath of office administered to new clerk lloyd hindley fcocfcwdod all member of ac twm township couwd dntf prwcnl at the vcyuwr taccflag held reoenity la th tomtn tall reev cuh provided d the mlaulc of ike prcviuu njofltlaa w read and adopted ii we raowdby men co aad vovsytlm utaj by4aw to appoint clerti lremjpcr ux collector and welfare officer for lh township 0 eramota from y 4 oaca 51 it4 and unlu hu accessor u appointed bo given tbf naovaaary reading paaed and numbered eim4 tv oath of ojffcv was then admlrv tejered to ihc hew clerk uoyd t hindley a letter from corg day of the cramoaa township school board w raad by the tteeve eaprewing hi appreciation for the cooperation and public rela lion with royce retiring lowaship clerk over the pan year robert hamilton road tuner latendent gave hi road report he wa given permution bv council to hire help if required for operating township equip ment council owidod that cal ciurri co for the road remain approitimalely the tame a lau ymf clifford wtctougatl township naaekfcor reported that an olfic uj from the department of murv uovd hlhtouy nwl v pojntd lownthip clerk for eramou atiumed hit duii rly in aaay we took ovw from s s boyce who recently retired after tervirvq the town ihip m thii capacity for the pait is year iclpal affair aiwismcni branch was to sec him and sug geted differ nt rates for com merual tax purpowfc a the assessor hah much of hi tux roll completed the council decided he should continue as before uit- til hi roll for this year is com plete and make the iwtcury change nent year it ua moved by councillor hindley and smith thai the treasurer budget be accepted when the township general rate both for he residential and comm tx tat te adjusted to llur kaiw iu 1 94 j thu and all lol lowing mottom were crrud b coumil duaaping the clerk was instructed on a motion by hindley and ronvihc to infonn certain person re riardmg dumping contrary to bv aw iv2 and il tame is not re moved within 10 days of no tin legal ait kin mav be taken ttu ilerk wji also to notilv a a kingseoie that our mad vupit interwlent ha been instructed to ivncc tlie toad whie mirkji tail robinson munliipal and ilor presented the auditors re port for i hi vear ending ilecem her m lm1 the clerk uj in si me ted to have u ittpv puhhvh rd in i hi aiilph uiiu mtrxutv movtd l mow i 01 v the and cov tluf auminlh amount ing to jii6js he pismd for pav mint alo accounts imotinitny lo 4201 v hi puvetl or pi mcnl count 1 1 udmiiniil to mm june i ut i p in r it llu 1 ill of the uii marhcmatlcal ptoaums are moaaiina for ichool lachiut at well at pupil and a rw tytim wat icntly inlrodocd the lyttvm it bin nplairwd to principal grant fvuoa ss 9 rock wood by mkpctor c whilfiald of wellington no 2 tchoou dunnq a f scent honw and scliool attociahon miirva at rock wood our childrens world will be very different- h and s speaker ucw sees slides from tour of india itockwood the ftucu pra vr ai 1 he uav meeting of unii one rockwood united church women was mita sinclair il ouelph former teafhrr uf latin al gcvi miw sim lair had buen on a luur u india and govt n mot interekiing talk unite showing cokircd lulea i many way of life and cumomv i oi thai country were thown and enplalned from their tyne of i ttut to their meant of trampor tatlon the url it the main lad jmt wear being one long often w vard piaoa of material worn er mod wat at the city alreela kre uarrou and blcyolea donkev crta mul motor tcoot or are moh uvvalent than can flacku of attsep being driven al ong the atreet often tie up traf tic and an occasional cow or coll mtlnf in the road dne not alwavs help motor travel tne speaker showed mam pu lures ol uth and imh centur bstlldinfs thete are often gre marble hcaullfullv designed and intrlcklelv carved much of llu land appeared verv barren said the speaker ulth caelum tr olenlirul miw sinclair v as introduced by mrs f honking and thanked oil behalf of all present for her qmmi informative talk tn mrs f tavlor the business period uat in charae uf mrs vv guild unit one leader who opened her ptr lion with the readings spring u one lime that man has never had a hand in and convincing confidence after the roll call and minutes an invitation was read from the stone church lad- lea inviting kockwood ii cw lo ihelr church for an annual tea and baiaar on ma i at 1 pin the ucw members were re minded of the containers fur uaed clothing in the church lob by and rtu nest unit one roll call v111 he answered b dona lag an article for a habvt la elte lu he sent in the bate fatuity m the devotional on famll life vss given b mrs guild who tasked the members lo come be fore god with a praver of con fession famllv life said mr qulld plavs a central part in i he bible and w christians are of tan called the famllv of cod we often hear ihe ta ing the famik last prava together slavs lage- iber and we thank god for the possibilities of ike christian famllv attd prav they will su together througb life the spea- acrtoncluded rvayer otfer t4 to close the devotional pauoulag miss sinclairs talk r benediction was pronounced ajad lunch was served bv ihe committee 0m readers write b i cade sffjcs itfij u omllc rd alton mi ii i0m editor acton tni press acton ont dear sir tlinmgh ihi nnnatfl ol iur puprr i wh lo maki the tutu ins ol alton anil khhi iiu ol a siiuation ihil hjs dii p d ami rcaihui ljngcnhi n i pi r fionv hor some linu a liithful group of iiimnv havi hixrn ser ing ihiv lommuniu at nuu funclinn the members or div hjon 332 ihe st john ambu lance brigade have checrfullv dona llu a their rontmhutton in public tcrvice to the area our in this pawl few months our momhenship has droppeil to woven the minimum allowed loi olviilonal strength is 1ft oiu welkin in georgetovn is ir active ami tnng there is n ili uiun tn brampton re id m tx chartered and a vigorous m vi mcnl is pushing tor organir i on in milton on ihi strength ol this activik a short uhile ago 1 as removed from command ol acton and promo til to corps staff u nh supervision os r north hallon and brnmpton naw dlvuiona the intini1 that has devilop- in these other centcis tan be credited in a large dtgrvc to the serice proidcd over tlu pist slj4- tvu uajmur x t a tact th ottuaal knovm aytm of uwt formad about ltoo bc by hammurahl king ot ahy ion was a coda a compub llai 1 law nanlng paraonal hghta prftpaety hghta con tieu tc during th uth eanlmry aa body f law tallad tha eonunos law kw up from tho dadtioni oflh toujuh king court tbam ttoflijnni wtf bamd oa cus tom r- th ppllctlttif h- ntm to euatom our p amrtn uw bm baaad u toaat in part on thia i t m common law eight veors b thi mt mru rs ol j tht acton division vuh this ix pansuin llu mtirans in srni will iv i ilint upon lo hilp i hi mv limin ihkhiu nc ativt and uhiu this tin new diviv inns uill hntl plmlv to tl i in ihcir iaii lommumtiis i d v nl sivi the pnhlim i t aslon in tlu coursi il t i ii on i ind distiki w vii uiivi i it up an loo uvs in numlvr iotr ihi uiiiniilv md vui i ol tint lis i hiih l his an a pm v tiles and still uavi lime for lie numbers lo havt tlu hili uuk end or hnhdav ikc irom dutv in a town ol this sm 11 hoivfd he p o s i h u foi divisional strength to he 2 to v octivt it sponsible people with this number there uotild not b thi demand on anvom s 1 1 mi for it 1 1 he duties cthild he slnred hv a larger l it hip lux iusc wi havi teen a unall group thi full pot ential of communitv m r n i is lar a our uoik is cnmumil his nev l r bet n t ippcd could be reduced although i have no fi ir at tn uill lost the venm provul it bv the bngadt uhal ould tin- xcn ts thai the ormition as it stand nou could tu rulinitl t i iectkn slrtngth ind hi ulqu ir tcr moved lo a tixun when t ltrger memberkhin wxmld tot j the mother division all tlu equipment ind supplus that ui hive worked so hard to uaimii lite huilil anil miinlnn would then be movixl to thit hi ulqu u te rs what ts most revolting is ihe theuight tint is corp sill oil iter in ehirgc i would hive lo execute this ordi r i appeol le all eommunitv minded einin to ii our probli m se nous i hough t i n e ifcht tars the st john ambu i ine brigade has heionu a pirt of this e omnium iv ind its em bkm a sign ut laithlul r n jl vou hold an in foree etrlii cale or better if our tvne of scr vice appeals lo uu ami smi luin with us in this loins ot hob- b mav j avsun vou th u a heart welcome awaits mui inturmation will ladlv be pnv idid bv mi georgi h iigrave div isional hup rtntt nde nt m wallace sr 8svsn or mrx cdthtrtnc j man dnuionil sec returv 341 orvule rd ci1vs7 i in appreciation toi nasi favors and thanking vou lor vmir help it this lime i am robert s hart staff otlu r roekwood mi whilluld pohlu seliool ulsptiloi lot wei hnglon no 2 was inliiuluetel tiv ss no 9 pnmipal mi mehtae is live guisl sn atit it llu mav floini nut setiool imnlk a laigrr altitulmie wemlel havi tuin ippittiatid e bueiallv mtut mi whilluld was sh iking on the new matluni nil al methods ii he tntighl llu iu w ciiisen nte mi thud th u lovd hv d itlino is lo lugin in giiath iiu or k i itili rj ii le n il availab nut llu new si i ttutnv staileel m pi uu uun uul thnhiuli in o hi itli tyht th world in uhuh mn ill d nil will live will lu oiiiie dilln inl loouis said ttu sk alert ind lluv will set ininv e h inye s one iritiiism in llu pinl has luin hit we do not tt uli the ihlldien to think so we must inspire iui iosiiv in the e hi idie n u make llu in want to think i ihun selves rotkwoad notes uoikwood the svmpathv ol l hi eommunitv is e ti udul lo llu wdt and re latlvi s ol llu 1 ill pelev pe ivuv nl 1 virion viho pissitt iu iv it th ctiiilph genet il llospii il list week mr ieavov was well known in koek ehl having spent most of his hie in the 1 virion distr u i the ni inv fiuiuu ol vlis flora maltbv will be plcntcd lu know that she is mm h improved nfu i tuirni enluallv ill in guelph gnut hospital i iis iw l vet is is lu ii 111ls in wiulus ilites baik tti stratton dupuis ltd km mkao mts 14 wqfcway mortk t yom mmoquatrbs km imhekulqit i soj k mooucts orodtub and meats a smc1alty ohm 1 oats a ww f pm mi whilfitld demonstialed llu i ihiojiian imiiimki ij mullip in it ion and i the ainujtinrnl ot all it workid the new mittu injliial melluul is based on see iiil lu iring anel feeling nul the ihild ivcit onlv uattis mini guuklv hut let nils ii minyi r i vi iv i hi id sluuilel enov tlu el enu nl ol diseotiiv saiel mr whilluld mrs drill th inked mr whilluld loi his most inter esling i ilk and most paienls lell tin neid to still gi ille oiu ig nil lo hillv uiuuistand thi mw nu th hi juat 0w tvad alter the minute met tnasui us u nut the atleiulaiiu was liken and mrs nellu loom re teivid the banner when ait the i tlheis llu te w is onlv one pre sent it ihe meeting and t veiv uuh ovttall atttiulanet eoninar nt to tlu nu m he i ol bonus re piesenled in llu sehool would i lu pjre nts t rv to irmeiivber ihit in ordir to retain a ttutvc nliiioiuhip tu twit n iu school i ml t hi home i lu v must met i llu letielurs nnd ive ir llu new piol1 ims and idv inteinents loi th ir ihlldien an opp sale tv eluik on the ihlldnn s hit ties will be uld on monday mav 2 md saletv usis written with pnes dona l il hv the council mr mottae announced th m is lime musuale lo he held in llu town hall miv 29 thu will lu m evening of music provided hv llu scimhii and asked ihe par i nts support in promoting this i vint situc conngious diseases ire verv prevalent in the school and severil parents hid telephoned eoncerning isolition pe noils mr meru told those prtmnl he had found on aulhoritv ihit in the e ist ol mumps the chili mav return to school when the swell ing has disappeared in ttu ease of me axles and c hicke n pox it must be nun divs ilia the r ish disappears alter a short quctiun and in- swer period dim led it mr whit field kinch was served bv the gndi ceven mother and a social time followed iu sun and kexp in mind the june i ii n lair the cewipcr hum ol eve rvone is needed lo make this i big success if vou hivint he irel nhtuil it ul and go one step further oiler vour help il veill he appreciated meadows s569584r0kw00d join now discounts on records avahaiu yo mimuu 0n1v we also stock comic books magazines sundries ice cream candy tobaccos ricks confectionery ano main si record bar rckicwcmmj 85m227 lucky dollar main st food store rock wood 8564940 last weeks winners 10 ma gkocebies mr harvey uverty itoclivmasi i vr mlbsciimlon to thi acton tt muss mrs tvtva7koii stst 4 rodkwoocr a t li p xxf week for lha aajnanaaaaaaaasaaaaaassiaaasssstianaaaaaahacsaaaaaaaaieaajasasiaai timely advice on gardening ftoefcttood good gardening methods vas i be theme o the may maetinx of the roc lu long women institute held recently ai ihe ttoma oi mn harry butv tier the bonner familv being rkpert grdraeri mrs wii able to give many hc4pjul uigyesiion lo ihe members in her mot interesilng and helpful talk rust kaid mrs bontwr vou nuiwl buhlkood seedk fruni a re pu liable tirfavaivd plant tlun in vermiculile a uver ul compost hi ihe boltom of the seed bed h luxetvary taid thi speaker and you must rwver ul lle wetdb drv uul tiuiulo sevdi iuud to be vljrt rd by match i and petunuis in jamuiv or early rcbruary pun iici und sweet william are best plitnltfd in the fall and when puking pansy bloom t alwjvw pu k unv dead flowers and stjd pods lo insure a on ate r quantity of till who trunsplanting is tutkr dona on a dull dav or in live evening said mis ilonner und lu suit lo water often until llu seeds uit suited lie cuielul not lu transplant loo soon manv people make litis mistake and tio not wail until tlu secofu leaves ap peal tlu toll call wis answered with each immlur givinu a gar cleiung hint ttu iuuii pner ilrive lultl bv ihe memlvrrt gave a rut lolat of ji7 v the uuin tuts appointed mrs w guild us insilliitt curator and mrs ii shullls give llu lurrelll events i uiuh was veived hv the mm mitlii uul u umil urn was in uved th acton ffm fw thunday may urn 19a4 pi aim iaim rchuhllllulion administraliun upt ruled coir muniiv naslunc giaml iso100 lattle owned by 7 uo lornurs in 1961 rockwood stable lime oukk iimi naw stock 1700 par ton fob roekwood 80lb polyathalena i mad baq i rockwood lime co ltd an 44 hat wa imwu b5 miition at bella bella told at thankoffertng a former mumaonurv at bella at his own he showed clore4 uvlu bc the rrv hugh uckir vijl addxevacd about 10 women kt itv- united church women ttiankoffering wednesday eve nlng of last week in th chuich lie wa four years in llu mission field there and u ihe author of ihe book ekarby uf bell hellu of george durbv whose par rlils lived in this dlstrui was a docmr at helta bella irom 1914 to 1990 and mr mckervitl told uf dr darhv s ekpenencet as well knox boptisms baptised ut knox church on sundav by uk rv a it mi km u wilt john irmard aelarus uit j mr ami mis uotuil i adanu kit i aeton thcrvl mail ague w il my hit r tf mi i iui mrw rihrt r ayiuuv vi church st marv janet llrilton tlaugbter of mr uml mrs rots w million r r 4 brian krimeih dodels und gregory allen dodds soru of mr and miskeunetli a tknldv is mam st s paul tho uias moore son ol t und mis t blian moon i24 1muv avimu damul ross sihoiiivttp urul mai len helen s lumnop ehildren of mr arul mt ciald i v honnop k milt st w coniiii mini suuller tluighlir of mi md mis j i wa iu snuliir r u 2 k irv il md ix roi iti j an ihoinhill d nights i ot mi in i mr jimes i tfiornhih 17 hnnk street slides yak pmrt mrs p ldkra ucw pre dtm led the arhct wektaming iruruls from other cburchc and uutof town guesik mix d i en- ge1 look tlu devotion and mr llot bruce read the scripture mrs b veldhuis atui mist dur oihv simmons saiw a duet mrs s reed gave the offertory prayer uslur were un h ktlcrhoji and mrs j mcwachie mr a iituuside inlioduced the toeajiai rifnsiwiuiitsi were served d iwusi ins ufltnaurd tlui splwr ia now aiuavtbt nuuiwter ai kmclwiwjr uuim1 c imiuii tkific listen friends pieast uno an bar for wtvtjj txrrlticf v jmiatumoil canadian llvistiuk ind p ul irv outsieu llu pitbu prwviru i use 85 million luisluls of ued grain annually in albert maltby stove and fuel oil latkwaad rlsiuutl fireworks on sale root hardware main u ftactiwaatf ssassi electric heating la tat mute heating tywai that akava yu al thm important advaataaan tlameleag clean sat quiet m therm to e room more living space etetrk heating te one of the many eomfoh feature of the famoua medallion aoeleetrie hotnee for full infamatkatt eomuuaqmtlifiedeletbieheatihgeonbvuororyourhy your hydro 4m ej jf

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